News from the Principal Dear Middle School Families, Apr. 2015 / May 2015 Newsletter Greg Gelineau, Interim Principal 507.663.0650 Ray Coudret Interim Assistant Principal 507.663.0650 Attendance Office 507.663.0655 Activities Line 507.645.3559 It is hard to believe that we are talking about the end of the school year, but what a great year it has been. Since this is the final newsletter for the year, I would like to personally thank all of you for the support that you have shown me during my time as Interim Principal. It has been a pleasure serving our students, families and staff as the leader of this amazing middle school community. Looking into next year I believe we have set sail on a wonderful journey that I am excited to continue into the 2015-16 school year. We wish our current eighth graders well in June as they start their high school career and welcome this year’s fifth grade to the Northfield Middle School family. Spring is an exciting time of year, and I am challenging our students to finish this terrific year with PRIDE. Please make sure you look through the newsletter for important end of the year information on registration, Eighth Grade Fun Fest, Cinco de Mayo, State Testing, Concerts and much more. Student Support Services Office 507.663.0664 Greg Gelineau Northfield Middle School Interim Principal Noticias del Director Queridas familias del Middle School, Es difícil creer que estamos hablando del final del año escolar, pero qué año más estupendo hemos tenido. Puesto que este es el último boletín de noticias del año, me gustaría personalmente agradecerles a todos el apoyo que me han mostrado durante mi tiempo como director temporal. Ha sido un placer servir a nuestros estudiantes, familias y empleados como líder de la increíble comunidad del middle school. Pensando en un nuevo año, creo que hemos iniciado un maravilloso viaje que me emociona saber va a continuar en el año escolar 2015-2016. Les deseamos que todo les vaya bien en junio a los estudiantes de octavo grado ya que empiezan sus años en el high school y les damos la bienvenida a la familia del Middle School de Northfield a los estudiantes de quinto grado. La primavera es un tiempo excitante para todos y les propongo el reto a nuestros estudiantes de terminar este magnífico año con ORGULLO. Por favor, consulten el boletín de noticias para informarse de asuntos importantes del final del año escolar como inscripción, el festival de diversiones para el octavo grado (Fun Fest), Cinco de Mayo, los exámenes del estado, conciertos y mucho más Visit us on the web Greg Gelineau Northfield Middle School Director temporal Ap ri l 2 01 5 / May 20 15 MCA Testing State Testing Season Is Here No matter what your feelings are about state MCA testing, we all know that it is a requirement for public schools. This year we have made some big changes in how we have students take the tests, and we believe students will both appreciate these changes and perform even better than last year. All students will take two days to complete each test, and all students will be required to wear headphones for the math test. Students are welcome to bring their own headphones, but we will have them available if they forget or want to borrow a pair. I have the basic schedule for each grade; students will receive more specific times and dates when we return from spring break. Testing Schedule April 6-10: April 13-17: April 20-24: April 27-May 1: May 4-5: May 6-8: 6th and 7th grade MCA Reading 7th and 8th grade MCA Reading 6th and 7th grade MCA Math 7th and 8th grade MCA Math 8th grade MCA Science Make-Ups All Grades and All Tests **Some students will not be following this schedule, but they will be notified individually. If you have questions, please contact me at or 507-663-0669. La época de los exámenes del estado ha llegado (nueva página) Con independencia de lo que piensen sobre los exámenes de MCA, todos sabemos que es algo obligatorio para las escuelas públicas. Este año hemos hecho algunos grandes cambios en cómo los estudiantes hacen los exámenes, y creemos que los estudiantes van a apreciar los cambios y hacerlo incluso mejor que el año pasado. Todos los estudiantes van a pasar dos días haciendo cada examen, y todos los estudiantes deben ponerse auriculares (headphones) para hacer el test de matemáticas. Los estudiantes pueden traer sus auriculares de casa, pero tendremos también en la escuela por si los olvidan en casa o por si quieren que se los prestemos. Tengo el horario básico para cada grado; los estudiantes recibirán los días y horas concretos cuando regresemos de las vacaciones de la primavera. Si tienen preguntas, por favor, pónganse en contacto con o al teléfono 507-6630669. Horario de los exámenes Abril, 6-10: 6o y 7o grado MCA Lectura Abril, 13-17: 7o y 8o grado MCA Lectura Abril, 20-24: 6o y 7o grado MCA Matemáticas Abril, 27-Mayo, 1 7o y 8o grado MCA Matemáticas Mayo, 4-5: 8o grado MCA Ciencia Mayo, 6-8: Días para hacer el examen si no se pudo hacer antes para todos los grados y todos los exámenes **Algunos estudiantes no tendrán que seguir este horario y se les informará de modo individual. 2 Ap ri l 2 01 5 / May 20 15 Speech Team The Northfield Middle School Speech Team, coached by Denise Halvorson and Marilynn Neuville, had a wonderful season participating in four tournaments in the south metro area, including hosting a tournament at the middle school on Saturday Feb 6, 2015. Hosting the tournament was a highlight of the season with many parent volunteers helping out with the day. The season ended with a celebration party, performances and awards for the students and parents. NMS speech team 2015 Roster Name last, first, grade 1. Asp, Madison 8 2. Brice, Martin 6 3. Chihade, Margo 6 4. Falcon Geist, Celine 7 5. Feltes, Lillian 8 6. Gunn, Erin 8 Category Serious Drama Humorous Prose Humorous Prose Serious Prose Extemp Prose Serious Drama Piece and author The Great Dictator by Charlie Chaplin The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain How Wonka vite was invented by Roald Dahl Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Ma xxxx The Diary of Anne Frank by Francis Goodrich and Albert Hackett 7. Horn, Amelie 6 8. Liebl, Emily 8 9. Meagher, Celia 8 10. Muth, Grace 7 11. Muth, James 7 12. Neeb, Peter 7 13. Nelson, Ali 8 14. Pagel, Audrey 7 15. Robinson-Coolidge, Julia 7 16. Ryden, Sam 8 17. Shuerman, Will 8 18. Simonet, Andre 19. Temple, Samuel 8 20. Vandergon, Jenna 8 21. Walser-Kuntz, Emily 8 Serious Prose Humorous Prose Humorous Prose Dramatic Duo Humorous Poetry Humorous Prose Humorous Prose Serious Prose Dramatic Duo Serious Prose Humorous Prose Humorous Poetry Serious Drama Serious Prose Serious Prose A tree grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith Hate that Cat by Sharon Creech Skunk Dog by Patrick McManus Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Waterson Poetry on teeth The Magic Pot by The three dolls by David Novak The Running Dream by Wendolyn VanDraanen Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Waterson True Height by David Nastor How Angel Peterson got his name by Gary Paulson Llama Llama by Anne Dewdney Dead Poets Society by Tom Schulman Divergent by Veronica Roth The Absolutely True Story of a Part-time Indian by Sherman Alexis 22. Watkins, Teagan 8 23. Welbaum, Carl 6 Serious Prose Humorous Poetry The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Parts and More Parts by Tedd Arnold 3 Ap ri l 2 01 5 / May 20 15 Cinco de Mayo Save the Date! The middle school will be holding its 5th annual Cinco de Mayo celebration at the Middle School, on Tuesday, May 5th from 5:00-7:30! The whole community is invited to participate in this exciting Mexican-American celebration through delicious food, incredible talent and loads of fun for all ages. Our goal is to raise money for a TORCH scholarship. So bring a favorite dish to share, and come celebrate with us! Apunte la Fecha! La escuela secundaria celebrará su quinta celebración anual del Cinco de Mayo en la Escuela Secundaria, el martes 5 de mayo a partir de 5:00-7:30! Se invita a toda la comunidad a participar en esta emocionante celebración mexicanoestadounidense a través de comida deliciosa, increíble talento y un montón de diversión para todas las edades. Nuestra meta es de recaudar fondos para una beca de TORCH. Traiga un plato favorito para compartir, y venga a celebrar con nosotros! Nurse Notes ATTENTION CURRENT 6TH GRADE STUDENTS An immunization letter was mailed to ALL 6th grade students in February 2015. If your students shots have not been updated for entry into 7th grade, you can start them now. Minnesota State Immunization Law requires the following updates of shots before entering 7th grade in the fall of 2015. For more information about immunizations, please go to: Updates may be mailed, faxed 507-6630660, or brought into the health office. Plan ahead, and get them early! Rice County Public Health has an immunization clinic for those who qualify… please call 507-645-9576 Physician appointment is necessary for a throat culture. Treatment is antibiotics until gone, may return to school after 24 hours of antibiotics and fever free. 1. Tdap, a new one needs to be given unless they had one after their 7th birthday 2. 2 Varicella vaccines OR proof of Chickenpox 3. Meningitis (meningococcal) OR, provide a legal exemption, please specify what shots are exempt and have it notarized. You may also provide a medical exemption signed by your physician. (for those with adverse reactions to certain immunizations) ***Provide a copy of updated shots or a legal exemption, to the Northfield Middle School Health Office. This information must be received before September 2015. Minnesota State Law requires that students who are not in compliance will not be able to attend Public School. Symptoms to watch for (may not have all of them): • Sudden onset of sore throat (some students do not have a sore throat) • Fever/nausea/occasional vomiting/ stomachache • Bad headache • Inflammation of throat/tonsils/ enlarged cervical lymph nodes May have skin rash Parents please update emergency phone numbers on your parent access and contact the Health Office with student health concerns while at school. When calling the attendance line to report your students absence, please give symptoms of their illness. Strep: Reports of strep begin when school starts and usually continues throughout the school year. N a n c y B e c k e r , R N Middle School Health Services 2200 Division St. South Northfield, MN 55057 Phone# 507-663-0656 4 Ap ri l / May 20 15 Attendance Please call the attendance line each day your child is absent. You may reach the 24-hour voice mail system by dialing 663-0655. E-mailing teachers DOES NOT count as official notification to the school. When calling, please leave your student’s name, grade, reason for absence and your relationship to the child. If calling in an illness, please leave information regarding symptoms. Students who are not called in will be considered unexcused until a parent/guardian notifies us. If you should forget to call in, your child may turn in a note to the attendance window outside the office when he/she returns to school. Students may not call in their own absences. If your child is absent for three consecutive days, you may leave a request for homework on the attendance line when you call in your child’s absence information on the third day. Requests should be made by 9:00 a.m., so teachers can use their prep time to gather work. Homework will be requested on your behalf and any available homework will can be picked up between 3:00-4:00 p.m. Students who are absent from school may be able to access many of their assignments through their Schoology account and avoid falling behind their classmates due to the illness. there will be concessions for sale in the cafeteria. All school rules apply throughout this event. Students should be picked up promptly at 5:00 pm. The proceeds for this dance will go towards the Seventh Grade Courage Retreat. This retreat will be held in the 2015-16 school year. A special thank you to the 2014-2015 Student Council members who have been dedicated to making NMS and the Northfield Community a better place. It has been a pleasure working with each of you. 8th Graders: James Bull, Elsa Hoff, Logan Ledman, Siri Lindell, A.J. Pahs, and Caroline Pritchard 7th Graders: Cavan Blandin, Marissa Gallardo, Kearic Gargrave, Rowen Jasnoch, Leah Kovach, and Grace McDonald 6th Graders: Levi Bergman, Jessica Boland, Peder Lindell, Kaylee Malecha, Annika Richardson, and Jose Vazquez Attendance Line 663-0655 Student Council Student Council will donate the proceeds of the February 13th dance to The American Cancer Society. The donation will be over $600! We have also sold lip lollipops at the February 13th dance, the Rock and Roll Revival, and will sell them at the dance on April 24th. All proceeds from the lip lollipop sales will also go to The American Cancer Society. We dedicated the week of March 16th to cancer awareness. We want to “kiss” cancer goodbye! The Student Council will donate money for the NMS staff appreciation breakfast in May and the Eighth Grade Farewell Fest. The last school dance will be held on April 24th. The dance is open to students who attend the Middle School at least halftime. The cost is $4.00, and Monika Burkhead and Heather Kuehl NMS Student Council Advisors Yearbook There’s nothing else like your school yearbook. Get your hands on the limited edition collection of our stories from the year. Share it with your friends today and hang on to it for years to come! You can order your Northfield Middle School Yearbook online on the middle school website or by following this link. Cost is $26.00 Order Nfld MS Yearbook The last day to pre-order a yearbook online is on Friday, May 15th. Students can still buy a yearbook on Thursday, June 4th (distribution day), however, it is a first come first serve basis. 5 Ap ri l 2 01 5 / May 20 15 Middle School Athletics Registration forms for Boys’ Tennis and Boys’/Girls’ Track are currently available online and in the main office. All registration forms and fees must be turned into the main office before an athlete can begin practice. The last day to register and begin practice is Monday, April 6. Weather permitting, the first day of practice will be Tuesday, March 31. Athletes should come to practice prepared for chilly weather. Dressing in layers works best. Practices will be 3:00 pm – 4:45 pm, Monday - Friday, unless specified otherwise by the coach. In the event that we are not able to practice outside, Track/Field will practice in the gym on maroon days and Boys’ Tennis will practice in the gym on gold days. Spring athletic pictures are scheduled for Wednesday, April 22. Game/meet schedules are available online at Click on Northfield and then go to View Schedules on the right side of the page to find the sport you’re looking for. Please contact Mr. Coudret or Mrs. Weierke at 6630680 if you have questions. Ray Coudret Interim Assistant Principal 507-663-0680 Tina Weierke Office Specialist 507-663-0680 Activities Hotline: 507-645-3559 This line provides updated information regarding competitive events only. Information regarding practice schedules or changes to practice schedules ARE NOT announced on this line unless there is a cancellation due to weather. Academic Activities Each year we have many opportunities for students to participate in academic activities. The programs and co-curricular activities take place at various times during the school year and, in some cases, the exact dates have not been determined. Students should listen to the daily announcements, and parents can check announcements on our web page, for the specific dates when their activity begins. Regis- tration forms used for academic activities are the same forms used for athletics and are available in the main office and on the middle school website. We are pleased to offer the following academic activities: Spelling Bee: December Student Council: September – May (members were elected last fall) Yearbook: September – May Jazz Ensemble: October – May Honors Choir: September – May Chamber Orchestra: October – May Knowledge Masters: October – April Math League: October – February Geography Bee: December Speech Club: December – February If you have questions about these activities, contact Tina Weierke, Activities Secretary, at 663-0680 or Student Support Services We visited 6th and 7th grade classrooms to discuss registration options for next year. Students finished registering online the week of March 9th. Remind your students to stop down to the Student Support Office if they still need to complete registration. We also visited classrooms of 6th, 7th and 8th graders to explore careers through surveys, goal setting, and research on a program called Naviance. Ask your students to share what they learned about themselves and the beginning stages of their career path. courses, money machine, friends and much more. We are looking forward to seeing all of our 8th grade students that night! We are hosting an 8th Grade Fun Fest on April 10th from 5-8PM. Tickets ($10 in advance, $12 at the door) will go on sale the week of March 16th. Stay tuned for more details. The night will include a photo booth, food, inflatable obstacle Jenny Streefland, School Counselor (AL) Cori Oian, School Counselor (M-Z) 6 Ap ri l 2 01 5 / May 20 15 Band Congratulations to all 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Band members on a fantastic concert February 11th! All that hard work by students, parents, and teachers paid off. Good job! Congratulations to Linnea Larson and Anders Peterson on being chosen to be members of the Minnesota Band Director’s Association all stage 6-8 Band! Way to Go! Congratulations to Sam Ryden, Anna Weber, Nick Dempsey, Gabriel Sparby, and Danny Allin for their participation in the South Central Minnesota Band Director’s 7-8 and 9-10 honor jazz bands. They rehearsed and performed a concert on March 8th and all did a fantastic job. Attendance at lessons has been excellent for most students. Check with your son/daughter and see how their lessons are going. Parents should continue to initial practice records before each lesson. The practice records are stapled in the front of the lesson books. Upcoming concerts: April 11, 8th Grade Band Trip to MMEA band festival in Hastings. Check with your 8th Grade Band Member for a field trip form. May 12th: 6th,7th, and 8th Grade band Concert, 7:00 PM, NMS Auditorium. Mrs. Bothun Mr. Freier Orchestra Orchestra students have an opportunity to participate in a Solo Festival on April 9. Participation in this festival is open to students in grades 6-8. This optional event provides students with an opportunity to perform a solo for an adjudicator, work with another string teacher and receive constructive comments about their playing. More detailed information about this opportunity was made available to students in March. The last NMS Orchestra Concert for this year is Thursday, May 28 at 7:00 pm in the Middle School Auditorium. This concert will also feature the 4th and 5th grade orchestras. We will again be offering lessons during the first part of the summer. Students will receive summer lesson registration forms in early May. This is a great opportunity for your son or daughter to continue to build their string playing skills. Lesson time slots are scheduled in the order in which the registrations are returned. The sooner the form is returned, the better the chance of having your 1st choice lesson time. I am proud of the progress the NMS orchestras have made this year! Thank you for supporting your child and the Northfield Orchestra Program. I look forward to more music in the fall! See you at the concert! Mrs. Olivier 7 Ap ri l 2 01 5 / May 20 15 Site Improvement Team Members meet approximately four times We have a unique opportunity at the during the year and present an annual re- middle school for parents to actively port to the school board. influence the direction of our academic program and school climate. The Site Improvement Team (SIT) is comprised of representative Site Improvement Team will which staff, parents, and community memmeet on Monday, May 18, bers. The SIT sets goals for how the 2015, at 3:15p.m. in room 116. school will direct its resources in order to fulfill our mission within the school district. Please contact Greg Gelineau if you would like to receive direct notification of upcoming Site Improvement Team meetings. Choir Thank you to all the parents that stopped by at Spring Conferences and also, for all the support you continue to give the Music Department at the Middle School! Your children are great to work with and are getting excited for all the spring choir events. The following are a list of the upcoming dates that are scheduled. Watch for updates of things scheduled for the spring on your child’s Schoology. • Choir Concert for all 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Choirs, NMS AuditoriumThursday, April 30, 7:30pm. Singers need to report by 7:00pm. • Concert Choir Tour for all 7th & 8th Grade Choirs Friday, May 15th • Friday, May 1st-Critique parties 6th grade Maroon Choir • Monday, May 4th-Critique parties 6, 7 & 8th grade Gold Choirs • Tuesday, May 5th-Critique parties 7 & 8th grade Maroon Choirs • May 7th to the end of the school year-small ensembles and or solos sign up for your voice lesson with your group if you haven’t yet. Singers get to pick their small group and the song they choose to sing/lyrics appropriate ☺ Groups will be filmed during class or by special arrangements. . 4-12 City wide Choral Festival, Friday May 22nd @ NMS Auditorium 11:30am-2:30pm • May 26th, 3pm Or May 28, 7:10am or 3pm, Honors Choir Tryouts Select 40 auditioned voice groups that performs at special events throughout the school year for this year’s 6th & 7th graders to be a part of next year. Choir Tour for all 7th & 8th Grade Singers – Friday, May 15, Field trip cost for all, $10.50 apiece Our 7th & 8th grade choirs will travel up to Minneapolis to perform a concert at a school in Robbinsdale. Singers will need to wear their concert dress to school that morning. Buses will leave at 7:55am. We will be sharing this concert with the their School Choirs. We will be back to catch the buses at the end of the school day. Students going on this tour may bring their own lunch or bring money for a lunch at the mall. I am still looking for more chaperones for this tour. If you haven’t seen a permission slip, ask your child or go on line to my website to get the form. These slips will also include information for sign-ups for chaperones. Anyone that wants to donate money for scholarships is always appreciated. Concert Dress for girls- PLAIN WHITE top, (no tank tops or spaghetti straps, top needs to cover to the shoulder) BLACK DRESS PANTS (NO YOGA STRETCH PANTS/ LEGGINGS) Concert Dress for boys -Plain white collared shirt and tie, black pants, and dark shoes. MIT Classes- We are working hard at producing our annual Lip Dubs. This year we are adding a new twist againusing a green screen to increase the use of technology and the ability to be able to make our videos appear to be other places than just in our school building. Students will be looking at home for fun innovative costumes to add to the fun. Any questions contact; Mrs. Cathy Penning, Vocal Music 663-0675, e-mail 8 Ap ri l 2 01 5 / May 20 15 WEB—Where Everybody Belongs WEB has been busy with lots of activities. The last week in February, WEB groups met together for a game hour. They played Spoons and leaders brought their favorite games from home to share with the group. In March, we celebrated the end of quarter three with a WEB movie, Big Hero 6. We plan to end our year with the annual WEB kickball tournament. Thank you to our 8th grade WEB leaders for all you do for NMS and the Class of 2021. It has been an outstanding group this year. A few WEB leader only events include snow tubing at Buck Hill in March, community service night in April and our final WEB leader celebration in May. WEB will also be hosting our incoming 5th graders on Parent Night, April 23rd at 6:00P.M. All 5th graders are invited to come during the parent meeting and participate in a fun WEB event. We will be leading large group activities along with building tours lead by our current 8th grade WEB leaders while parents find out all the information about 6th grade. Web Coordinators: Krista Betcher, Rhea Mehrkens, Cori Oian lend their time and talents to strengthen the Northfield Middle School community each day. NMS volunteers serve as chaperones, tutors, hearing & vision screeners, mentors, Pi day servers, small-group leaders, media center helpers, conference meal chefs, History Day researchers, greeters, track meet recordkeepers, Boxtop counters, “Lost & Found” sorters and so much more. We are grateful for their dedication to helping our students succeed! If you would like to learn more about volunteer opportunities at Northfield Middle School, please contact Anita Fisher Egge at 663-0696 or bined. Ms. Kuklok’s class received a cake, bowling passes and the Trash for Cash trophy. This year’s student winner was Anders Ripley, who received a $15.00 iTunes gift card, $10 in Tattered Pages coupons and 2 bowling passes. 7 Volunteer VOLUNTEERING AT NORTHFIELD MIDDLE SCHOOL “Volunteering can be an exciting, growing, enjoyable experience. It is truly gratifying to serve a cause, practice one's ideals, work with people, solve problems, see benefits, and know one had a hand in them”. --Harriet Naylor TRASH FOR CASH CLASSROOM CLASH results: During this contest we collected 16,504 pieces of trash. That is over 5000 more pieces than last year! Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week (April 12 - 18, 2015) to all of our volunteers! Thank you to the many volunteers who Thank you again to everyone who sent in items for the contest. It is fun for the students and the money raised is used to fund activities like The Courage Retreat, the WEB program and the 8th Grade Fun Fest. Please keep saving your “Trash” items. If you don’t want to wait until the next contest, items can be dropped off in the Middle School’s Main Office at anytime during the school year. A list of eligible items can be found at the end of the newsletter or at nms/about/volunteer/ Ms. Kuklok’s 1st hour class won the contest this year. This class stunned the competition by bringing in more Boxtops (2543!!!) than the next 5 classrooms com- 9 Ap ri l 2 01 5 / May 20 15 Northfield Middle School 2014-15 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Period Schedule 1 7:57-8:54 2 8:58-9:48 3 9:52-10:42 4A 10:46-11:11 4B 11:14-11:39 4C/5 11:42-12:07 *5D Students begin 5th hour 5D 12:10-12:35 5 12:38-1:03 6 1:07-1:57 7 2:01-2:51 Wednesday Late Start Schedule Period Schedule 1 8:57-9:42 2 9:46-10:24 3 10:28-11:06 4A 11:09-11:34 4B 11:37-12:02 4C/5 12:05-12:30 *5D Students begin 5th hour 5D 12:34-12:59 5 1:02-1:27 6 1:31-2:09 7 2:13-2:51 10 Ap ri l 2 01 5 / May 20 15 11 Ap ri l 2 01 5 / May 20 15 Community Services Division News Northfield Public Schools Community Services Division has openings in many great programs that start in April and May, 2015. For more information or to register for these great programs visit us online at (follow the Community Services link), call 507-664-3649, or visit our office on the first floor of the Northfield Community Resource Center at 1651 Jefferson Parkway, Northfield. Scholarships are available for all programs. Community Services Summer 2015 Brochure Start planning your summer schedule with Northfield Public Schools Community Services. Summer classes for students of all ages are currently available online for viewing as you begin planning your summer. The brochure will be mailed and summer registration opens on Friday, April 17. Visit (follow the Community Services link) or call 507.664.3649 to view all classes or get more information. Horseback Riding Ages 8 and older, $134; W, April 15 – May 20; 4 – 5 p.m. Winterhaven Stables, Class #:1276-W15A Gumdo Ages 10 and older, $49 (plus $15 sword); T & Th, April 7 – May 19 (no class April 9); 8 – 9 p.m., Sibley Cafeteria, Class #:4108-W15B Tae Kwon Do For Kids Grades 2 - 12, $74, T & Th, April 7 – May 19 (no class April 9); Beginner: 6 - 7 p.m., Sibley Cafeteria, Class #:4165-W15C Advanced: 7 – 8 p.m., Sibley Cafeteria, Class #:4165-W15D Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre – Snow White Performances: Friday, April 17 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, April 18 at 1 p.m. Adults - $5, Students & Seniors $3, Kids not yet in Kindergarten – Free American Red Cross Babysitting Certification Course Ages 11 - 17, $89; Saturday, May 16, Middle School FACS Lab 221, Class #:4350-W15A Essential Oil Gifts to Make or Take Ages 10 and older, $25; Monday, May 4; 6 – 8 p.m., Middle School FACS Lab 221, Class #: 4350-W15A 12 Ap ri l 2 01 5 / May 20 15 Announcements and News on the Web! Middle School students start each day with televised morning announcements. These announcements are also posted on our Middle School website during the school day. Parents can access the announcements by going to and clicking on Northfield Middle School and then announcements. Announcements usually remain posted by date for approximately two weeks. In the event our webmaster is absent, there may be a delay in posting. Our Morning News show is streamed live on our website...tune in! Our bi-monthly parent newsletter is also posted on the web. You can access this information by going to then clicking on News and Publications and select Newsletters. You will find newsletters for all buildings on this webpage. resources and then family access. You can apply for an access user name and password on line. You should receive this information back via e-mail within a couple of days. Parents are also invited to check out the Northfield School District web page at If parents have not already done so, you can sign up for access to student food service accounts, grades, attendance, etc., by going to the district web page and clicking on parent Early Childhood Special Education If you or anyone you know has developmental concerns regarding an infant, toddler, or preschooler, we can help. We are Help Me Grow, Early Intervention Services, & Special Education services for children birth to age 5. For more information about Early Childhood Special Education contact Ashley Patterson, Laurie Larson, Amy Dorey, Annie Kruse, Shannon Flegel, or John Schnorr. Or to make a referral call 507-333-6804 We are located at Longfellow School 201 Orchard Street South, Northfield, MN 55057 – (507) 645-1200 Si usted o alguien que usted conoce tiene preocupaciones de desarrollo con respecto a un infante, niño, o un niño en edad preescolar, nosotros podemos ayudarle Nosotros somos Ayudame a Crecer, Servicios de Intervención Temprana, y servicios de Educación Especial para niños desde que nacen hasta los 5 años de edad. Para más información acerca de la Educación Especial de niños pequeños contacte a Ashley Patterson, Laurie Larson, Amy Dorey, Annie Kruse, Shannon Flegel, o John Schnorr. O para hacer una llamada de referencia llame al 507-333-6804 13 Ap ri l 2 01 5 / May 20 15 Northfield Middle School ~ Upcoming Events (Calendar may be subject to change. Please check website for updates.) April 6 – May 8 April 9 April 10 April 13 April 13 April 13 April 16 April 21 April 23 April 30 April 30 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 -15 May 12 May 14 May 15 May 18 May 22 May 25 May 26 – 29 May 28 May 28 June 1 June 3 June 4 June 5 MCA Testing window MS Strings Solo and Ensemble Festival, 3:30 p.m., MS rm. 57 8th Grade Fun Fest, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Pavia Woodwind Quintet Performance, 12:10 p.m., MS Auditorium Gr. 6 Team 2 – Mill City Museum Field Trip School Board mtg., 7:00 p.m., HS Media Center Severe Weather Drill, Beginning of 7th hour TORCH/WILL program college field trip 5th Grade Parent Night, 6:00 p.m., MS Auditorium Teacher Appreciation Breakfast 7:15 a.m., St. Olaf / Carleton Education Dept. MS Choir Concert, 7:00 p.m., MS Auditorium Cinco de Mayo Event Staff Appreciation Lunch, 4A,B,C & 5D, staff lounge Grade 8 Minnesota Twins Field Trip Scholastic Book Fair, Media Center MS Spring Band Concert, 7:00 p.m., MS Auditorium 8th Grade Awards, 7:00 p.m., MS Auditorium 7th & 8th Grade Choir Tour / Field Trip Gr. 6 Team 2 – River Bend Nature Center Field Trip MS & Elementary Choral Festival, MS Auditorium No school / Memorial Day MS Choir Solos / Small Ensembles Grade 6 Team 1 – River Bend Nature Center Field Trip MS & Elementary Orchestra Concert, 7:00 p.m., MS Auditorium Gr. 6 Team 2 – Fort Snelling Field Trip WEB kickball tournament Gr. 6 Team 1 – Fort Snelling Field Trip Last day of school / Two hour early release 14 Antoine Receives Professional Leadership Award April 2015 Newsletter Main Office 507.663.0600 Chris Richardson, Superintendent of Schools 507.663.0629 Donita Delzer, Admin. Assistant to the Superintendent & School Board 507.663.0629 Buildings & Grounds 507.663.0610 Business Office 507.663.0626 Community Services Division & Community Relations 507.664.3650 Curriculum Office 507.663.0622 Child Nutrition Services 507.663.0618 Health Services 507.645.1205 Human Resources 507.663.0627 The Minnesota Elementary School Principals’ Association (MESPA) recognized Bridgewater Elementary School Principal Nancy Antoine with the 2015 MESPA Division Leadership Award, at its state convention on Feb. 5. With this award, the association honors principals whose exemplary leadership and sustained efforts have made noteworthy contributions to the operation of effective school learning programs — improving education, their communities and their profession. MESPA's 12 regional divisions each selected one of their peers to receive an award. “MESPA members that receive the Division Leadership Achievement Award are the heart and soul of their schools, their communities and our association,” said Jon Millerhagen, MESPA executive director. "They are true leaders who empower their schools to be successful." MESPA is the professional association of Minnesota’s elementary and middle level principals and is affiliated with the National Association of Elementary School Principals. Read more about Antoine's contributions and inspiration at Get your Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival DVD Performances of the Northfield High School’s 2015 Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival are available on DVD, for sale to the general public for $10. Contact Nancy, at 507.663.0631 or, to place an order. Cast members will receive a free copy, with additional copies made available for $5. Adults who were involved with the show can purchase DVDs for $5 each, the cost of DVD production. Have a Splendid Summer Northfield Public Schools Community Services will open registration for summer recreation & enrichment programs on April 17. Visit or call 507.664.3649 for details. Payroll Office 507.663.0628 Student Services 507.645.3410 Technology Services 507.645.1260 SUPER KIDS SPORTS & AQUATICS ADVENTURE MANIA Splash into summer and join SUPER Kids! You will play field games, run relays, work on arts and crafts, tie-dye and participate in SUPER theme days (beach party, super heroes, sports teams, animal safari, scavenger hunt and water day)! Get into the swing of things this summer! Zip away your sunny days this summer and challenge yourself to four great adventures! For individuals and families. M&W 9-11 am, Greenvale M&W 1-3 pm, Sibley T&Th 9-11 am, Tyler Park T&Th 1-3 pm, Way Park Fri. 9-11 am, Dundas Mem. Red Cross Swimming Lessons, Youth Baseball & Softball, Horseback Riding, Basketball, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Football, Fencing, Soccer, Track, Tennis Figure Skating, Cheerleading, Tae Kwon Do, Disc Golf, Ultimate Frisbee, Hockey, Fishing, Archery, Trap Shooting, Water Babies, Aqua Tots, Starfish Zip Lining Saturday, May 16 Horseback Riding Saturday, June 20 Paddleboarding Saturday, July 18 Overnight Mountain Biking August 13 - 14 District News Northfield Youth Organizations To update contact information, please call 507.645.3406 or email with changes. 5th Bridge Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowling Boy Scouts Cannon Valley Youth Orchestra Canterbury Pony Club Carleton College Center for Community and Civic Engagement Check it Out Singers Community Resource Bank Junior Board Dakota County Extension - 4-H Division Street Dance Girl Scouts Healthy Community Initiative Jr. Curator Program Just for Kix Leo Club Advisor Library Teen Advisory Board Making Waves Swim School Northfield Area Family YMCA Northfield Arts Guild Northfield Basketball Association Northfield Community Chinese School Northfield Dance Academy Northfield Fastpitch Softball Assoc. Northfield Gymnastics Club Northfield Hockey Association Northfield Karate Dojo Northfield Lacrosse Association Northfield Library Northfield Mentoring Northfield Police Dept Explorers Northfield Skating School Northfield Soccer Association Northfield Swim Club Northfield Tennis Association Northfield Union of Youth Northfield Volleyball Club Northfield Youth Baseball Assoc Northfield Youth Choir Northfield Youth Wrestling Pinnacle Performing Arts Project Friendship Rainbow Saddle Club Reaching Our Goals - St. Olaf College Rice County Extension - 4-H Candy Taylor Robyn Goldy Terry Heilman Adam Hough Deonne Gray Christine Sullivan Kelley Laura Riehle-Merrill 507.663.1505 507.414.0308 507.645.8322 651.254.9120 507.645.7189 507.664.9512 507.222.7020 Todd Thompson Christina Jerome Amber Shanahan Emily Boyd Carolyn Gates Zach Pruitt Nfld Historical Society Liz Rohach Alice Nasby Kathy Ness Cindy Varley Virginia Kaczmarek Laura Schenck Scott Sannes Gao Hong Daphne McCoy Mark Pritchard Zach Wareham Dean Kruger Bob Dobrow Natalie Marfleet Kathy Ness Zach Pruitt Sgt. Mark Murphy Carey Tinkelenberg Holly Scheuble Devon Barnes Andy Ringlien Rachel Woldum Beth Pascua Roger/Kim Thompson Liz Shepley Shaun Murphy Jana Hirsch Sarah VanSickle Nancy Becker Education Dept. Kelly Chadwick 507.645.5397 507.645.3125 651.480.7755 507.202.9256 507.645.6603 507.664.3524 507.645.9268 507.271.3316 507.645.7398 507.645.1804 507.645.4623 507.645.0088 507.645.8877 507.581.2197 612.385.3893 507.645.4068 507.645.1365 507.663.7772 651.270.9702 507.301.3544 507.645.4035 507.645.1804 507.664.3524 507.645.4475 508.887.2551 303.378.4797 507.403.3468 507.301.3581 507.663.0715 651-334-9241 507.301.9746 507.645.4194 507.645.2326 507.301.3337 507.301.7705 507.645.4336 507.786.3245 507.332.6163
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