Sponsorship Information - NHP 2015

33rd Annual Symposium on
Nonhuman Primate Models for AIDS
October 13–16, 2015
Portola Hotel & Spa at Monterey Bay, Monterey, California
NHP AIDS 2015 brings together researchers from the United States
and other countries to exchange their most recent advances in AIDS
research. Together they continue to develop new methods of
treatment for HIV/AIDS patients through the development of novel
therapies to control and ultimately cure HIV infection.
Conference Sponsorship & Advertisement Opportunities
Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
• Three attendee spots for the conference ($1725 value)
and access to reduced conference hotel room rates
• Two attendee spots for the conference ($1,150 value) and
access to reduced conference hotel room rates
• Display of company name in meeting registration area
• Display of company name in meeting registration area
• Acknowledgement and link to your company on the
conference web site
• Acknowledgement and link to your company on the
conference web site
• Company one-page flyer included with attendee
registration materials
• Company one-page flyer included with attendee
registration materials
• Vendor information table set up (one table)
• Vendor information table set up (one table)
• Company ad included in abstract PDF
• Company ad included in abstract PDF
• Sponsorship of a morning or afternoon break.
Display of company name during break and during
• One attendee spot for the conference ($575 value)
and access to reduced conference hotel room rates
• Display of company name in meeting registration area
• Acknowledgement and link to your company on the
conference web site
• Company one-page flyer included with attendee
registration materials.
Hosted by the
California National Primate Research Center
University of California, Davis
Please see back page for
many more sponsorship and
advertisment opportunities.
Evening Welcome Reception –
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
The Welcome Reception will take place in the DeAnza Foyer. We
will serve wine, beer and hors d’oeuvres. Sponsor will receive all
the benefits of Platinum Level sponsorship as well as
acknowledgement at the event.
$10,000 (Two sponsorships available)
AM or PM coffee breaks –
Tuesday, October 13 to Friday, October 16
Reach all attendees in one place. During the four-day conference,
three AM and two PM coffee breaks will be held in the DeAnza
Foyer. outside the DeAnza Conference room. Light refreshment will
be served. Benefits include one attendee spot for name displayed at
the meeting, company ad included with the abstract PDF and one
exhibit table.
$6,500 (Five sponsorships available)
Keynote Speaker –
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
The Keynote Speaker kicks off the meeting by presenting the most
recent findings in HIV/AIDS research and encouraging all attendees
to remain focused on finding a cure and better preventions. Sponsor
will receive one attendee spot for the conference and
acknowledgement at the opening session and on the conference
Give graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and early
investigators the opportunity to attend the conference. Your
contribution will help defray the travel costs for the next
generation of scientists and allow them the opportunity to
networks amongst themselves and more senior scientists.
Awardees are acknowledged on the website and in the
program as “Sponsors Name Fellows”.
$1,000 per attendee
Exhibitor Booth
Increase your exposure at the event by exhibiting your booth
next to conference meeting room. One attendee spot for the
conference ($575 value) and access to reduced conference
hotel room rates.
Registration Tote Bags
Conference Banquet –
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
The Conference Banquet will be held at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
in Monterey, California. Guests will enjoy a short stroll to the
Aquarium. At the aquarium, they will be treated to a strolling dinner
at the Open Sea exhibit. Sponsor will receive all the benefits of
Platinum Level sponsorship as well as acknowledgement at the
event, and one table at the banquet.
$10,000 (Two sponsorships available)
Evening Poster Session Reception –
Thursday, October 15
Travel Grants
The Poster Session Reception will be held in the Bonsai Ballroom.
The reception will feature wine, beer and hors d’oeuvres. Sponsor
will receive all the benefits of Platinum Level sponsorship as well as
acknowledgement at the event.
Provide each attendee with a tote bag to use throughout the
conference. After the event, many attendees will continue to
use their bags, giving your company further visability. Your logo
will be printed on bags that will travel with our attendees
around the world! (One sponsorship available)
Lanyards for Badge Holders
Provide each attendee with a lanyard printed with your
organization/institution name and logo. Gain high visibility
with your branded lanyards at this event.
Program Advertisement
Quarter page ad in conference abstract.
Donations are tax deductible
Ready to become a sponsor?
Register as a sponsor by sending an email to:
or contact
Ms. Karryn D. Doyle
at: (530) 752-9401
Include the following details:
For more information, contact:
Name of Company
Ms. Karryn D. Doyle
Email Address
Sponsorship Level
Website (if applicable)
Payment Amount, check made payable to “UC Regents”