Since 2008, NODE – Forum for Digital Arts has attracted internationally renowned names in the areas of digital art, creative software, design, electronics, and the adjacent sciences to Frankfurt. NODE15 is the fourth edition of the festival. NODE15 – Forum for Digital Arts Mo. 27.04. – Sun. 03.05.2015 Wrapped in Code – The future of the informed body In its fourth rendition, the international NODE – Forum for Digital Arts is dedicated to the leitmotif „Wrapped in Code – The future of the informed body“. For one week, 27. April - 3. May 2015, the festival for digital art and culture will focus on the advancing melding of the human body with technology, will take up the current debate regarding its fundamental effect on our society and will take a look at the future. Designers and artists incessantly scour the market for niches for new ideas. Every day resourceful product developers put new devices on the shelves, with which the human body can more effectively, more beautifully, more casually and more intelligently communicate with digital machines. Everything is now measurable, every human motion can be filed and processed. The body can be digitally measured, directed, optimized and eliminated. This raises the question: how will the perception of our bodies change in the future and what does this mean for each one of us? The festival assembles international participants and speakers in the areas of design, art, culture and science, who newly define the borders between design and programming. During the day, the Naxoshalle, in over 50 programming workshops, will offer practitioners a forum in which to experiment with digital technologies and to exchange know-how and techniques. Parallel at the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm there will be lectures, concerts, performances and exhibitions, all to do with the keynote of NODE15. The Mousonturm will be the stage on which the artists, designers and developers present their drafts of the future, the interconnected body and their interpretation of digital interactive media. They will also invite the interested public to discuss the guiding theme with them. NODE15 – Program highlights Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Waldschmidtstr. 4, 60316 Frankfurt/Main For the full program: Monday – 27.4. Opening & Vernissage 6 p.m. Movement C 8 p.m. | 9:30 p.m. Foyer Saal Dance performance in an audio-visual environment Ulf Langheinrich (AT) with Yuebing Luo (CN) as performer Thursday – 30.4. Symposium 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saal Wrapped in Code – The future of the informed body Peter Kirn, Sebastian Oschatz, Robert Henke, Anna Biselli, Mark Farid, et al. Repetitive Beats and 9:30 p.m. Repetitive Conditionals Saal PANEL & CONCERT Sam Aaron (GB) & Gregor Schwellenbach (DE) 27.4. - 3.5. Exhibition »The Informed Body« Mousonturm & Naxoshalle Opening times: Mo - Wed 6 p.m.- 12 a.m. Thu10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fr – Sat 12 p.m. - 12 a.m. Sun12 p.m. - 4 p.m. Guided tours Guided tours with curator Tue - Sat Fr & Sat 7:30 p.m. 3 p.m. NODE15 – Program highlights Naxoshalle Entrance: Waldschmittstr. 19, 60316 Frankfurt/Main For the full program: 27.4. - 3.5. 50 programming workshops (Highlights) 3D Printing – vvvv and OpenSCAD Interacting with Choreographic Installations In the workshop, basic 3D printing processes will be introduced and conveyed. The participants will experiment with programs and tools such as OpenSCAD, an editable CAD modelling software, vvvv, a visual programming language and other programs used for 3D printing. In a hands-on approach advanced participants of this workshop will gain an impression of the program ‘Pathfinder’, which is interdisciplinarily applicable with ‘Motioncapturing’ – the digital capturing of motion. Generative Design Algorithms Connecting Things to the Internet of Things In the context of the workshop general methods and capabilities of generative design will be examined. The focus here will be on the underlying algorithms. The workshop shows how to work with hardware und software solutions, and how these can be connected on a web-based level. NODE – Verein zur Förderung Digitaler Kultur NODE – Verein zur Förderung Digitaler Kultur has been promoting since 2008 the creative use of technology, experimentation with and testing of engineering, and the interdisciplinary exchange on its connections with and effects on our society. A further goal of NODE is the critical reflection within the scene. The forum supports the innovative and responsible use of technology by promoting interdisciplinary cooperation and the discussion of digital transition, technologies, areas of applications and the resulting consequences. The non-commercial society is carried by a team of critical technology enthusiasts who – as media artists, designers, and scientists – grapple with subject matter on a professional level and discuss it with society in an open forum. Contact David Brüll Jörn Klein T. 0163 - 2897017 T. 0177 - 3845794 Festival Director Press coordination NODE – Verein zur Förderung Digitaler Kultur e.V. Gutleutstraße 96 / 60329 / Frankfurt am Main Aventis Foundation
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