Sunday 10th May 2015 Mother’s Day Church Ground Floor Plan Classrooms Kitchen Kids Church Foyer Main Auditorium Recepon Ladies Mums Toilets Room Toilets Toilets Room Crèche Gents Toilets Front Car Park LONG STORY SHORT: What am I? Andrew Neville “When Doing Good is Bad” Elliot Rice MISSIONS WEEKEND—SATURDAY 23RD – SUNDAY 24TH MAY CARL & KATHY MOST, our missionaries from Nicaragua, are coming home in May. A WOMEN’S BREAKFAST is to be held on Satur day M ornin g 23 M ay , star tin g at 9:00am , with Kathy. Then in the evening a MEN’S DI NNER , starting at 5:00pm, with Carl. With the building alterations happening, Jakes and Elsabe Jacobson, have kindly offered to host both in their home in Puhoi. Cost $10 and profit will be given to the Mosts to assist with the time they are in NZ. A great opportunity to bring friends. Numbers coming will be requested next week. Carl & Kathy will be speaking at all three services on Sunday 24th May. Northcross Missions Team PLEASE CONSIDER ATTENDING THE 2ND SERVICE We had people sitting and standing in the reduced foyer last week – we were unable to accommodate everyone. It would be exceedingly helpful if those with more flexibility considered moving to the 2nd service until we have more room, making space for those who can’t attend the 2nd service. MONTHLY CHURCH PRAYER NIGHT 2nd June (done in Life Groups) The prayer lists will be sent through to the LSS Life Groups and the in-church prayer meeting will be cancelled. Andrew Neville |P 478 9549 |E CONTACT US |E |A 826a East Coast Road, Oteha, 0630 |P (09) 478 9549 |W FINANCE UPDATE – April 2015 Monthly Giving – Excluding Earmarked Gi%s BUILDING FUND OFFERINGS January $ 7880 February $ 1412 March $ 63756 April $ 15327 $ 88375 YTD EARMARKED OFFERINGS Jan Missions/ Individuals $ 925 Ministry Gi5s $ 2538 Feb $ 1400 $ 3712 Mar $ 3509 $ 10162 April $ 1000 $ 1784 YTD $ 6834 $ 18196 CHOIR REHEARSAL - EVERYBODY IS WELCOME! - Mondays, 7:30pm Please contact Thomas for information or regarding cancellations at short notice Thomas Grube NEW LIFE GROUPS ARE FORMING NOW FOR LONG STORY SHORT—JUMP ON BOARD! SUNDAY 11 a.m. UPSTAIRS AT THE CHURCH. Hear th e ser mon at 9:00 a.m. Th en v iew the video and discuss. David Ward, host. THE YOUNG PROFESSIONALS GROUP INVITES THOSE IN THEIR 20s TO GLENFIELD: Now Wednesdays 7: 30 p.m. Natasha Por t, host. A “FAMILY-FRIENDLY” FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS GROUP: Th ursdays 7:00 p.m. for the Long Story Short study. Youngsters are welcome to come and relax. Marlene and Eddie Smith, hosts A FORREST HILLS GROUP FOR ASIANS AND OTHER NEWCOMERS AND FRIENDS: Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. Stephanie and Kim Van Nes, hosts. MANY OTHER GROUPS doin g Lon g Story Sh or t in clu de a y ou ng men ’s grou p, a ladies group, and mixed groups on various nights and in various locations. DON’T MISS OUT! FOR SPECIFICS, PLEASE CONTACT: Sue an d Peter Atk ins an d get on boar d for the THE LONG STORY SHORT May/June series. LSS EXPLORER’S JOURNALS ($7) AND BIBLES ($10) are available in the church office. LET US KNOW Please tick one or more of the following boxes I received Jesus as my Lord and Saviour today. I recommitted my life to Jesus today. I would like to join a Life Group. I would like to do a basic Christianity / Discipling course. I'm looking for a church and would like to find out more about Northcross. I would like a visit. I would like to be baptised. I have made Northcross my spiritual home. I would like to receive the weekly Thursday church emails. I would like to be prayed for —————————————————— —————————————————— I am interested in —————————————————— Long Story Short Session 2, Module # 4 WHO AM I? SUMMARY: We human beings have been made differently from every other living being—we have been made personally by God and in God’s image. Like our God, we create, design, and explore. We think and make moral choices. We may even choose sacrifice over selfishness and forgive the unforgiveable. If your unique significance is that you are God’s image-bearer, how are you living up to that image? LIFE GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Read Genesis 1:20-31 & Genesis 2, especially 4-24 1] How do the creation stories of animals, Adam, and Eve differ? Why do you think God created human beings? —————————————————— I would like to ask about / discuss —————————————————— —————————————————— Please fill in and place in an Offering Cone on your way out Name: ___________________________ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: __________________________ RESPONSE SLIP 2] What special role with authority was given to humans and why? Read also Psalm 8. 3] How do human communication and human reason show that we are made more like God than animals? How are the relationships of Adam, Eve and God personal? 4] How is Jesus a unique bridge between heaven and earth, the creator and creation? Reread Psalm 8 and compare Hebrews 2:5-9.
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