EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) EVALUATION PLAN Request for Expression of Interest (EOI): Project Name: EOI for Long Term Grazing Permits (LGP) on Northern Tablelands Local Land Services Travelling Stock Reserves (TSR) for the period 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2020 Chair of the EOI Evaluation Team: Name and position: Mobile: Email: EOI Evaluation Plan Page 1 of 12 Ross Fuller, Team Leader TSR and Projects 0429 909 827 Contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3 2. Scope of this document ................................................................................................... 3 3. Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 3 4. Composition of the EOI document .................................................................................. 3 5. Timetable for the RFT process ........................................................................................ 4 6. Roles and responsibilities ................................................................................................ 5 7. Evaluation process .......................................................................................................... 7 i. Evaluation criteria ............................................................................................................ 7 8. Evaluation method ........................................................................................................... 7 9. Recommendation and acceptance .................................................................................. 8 10. EOI submission ............................................................................................................... 9 11. Disclosure of EOI Information ......................................................................................... 9 12. EOI Opening Committee ................................................................................................. 9 13. Notification and LGP negotiations ................................................................................... 9 Attachment A – Evaluation Criteria and Weightings ................................................................ 11 Attachment B – Scoring Methodology for Evaluation Criteria ................................................. 12 EOI Evaluation Plan Page 2 of 12 1. Introduction The Northern Tablelands Local Land Services (LLS) manages Travelling Stock Reserves (TSR) within its region. Grazing permits for these reserves were previously issued through the New England, North Coast and North West Livestock Health and Pest Authorities, but with the formation of LLS all grazing permits will now be issued through LLS. As the LLS is a new organisation there is likely to be some further state-wide policy development of TSR grazing arrangements and these may need to be accommodated within the permit period. Expressions Of Interest (EOI) are being sought from eligible applicants for Long Term Grazing Permits (LGP) for the TSRs listed in Part E – Long Term Grazing Reserve List. The LLS wishes to enter into an LGP with the successful applicant. The successful applicant will enter into an LGP with LLS and provide a single point of contact for LLS in the management and administration of the proposed permit. The intention, by the issue of this EOI, is to assess the capability of the applicants in the marketplace and select the appropriate grazing permit holders that will maximise LLS return and ensure appropriate management of TSRs in line with the LLS Act 2013. 2. Scope of this document The purpose of this document is to detail the methodology that will be used to evaluate responses to the EOI. This plan identifies the: • • • • 3. Management arrangements which will apply to the evaluation Processes to be used to evaluate applications and to determine recommended applicants Processes to be applied to the execution of a LGP Timing and sequence of the evaluation tasks Objectives The primary objective of the plan is to provide a workable framework within which the EOI Evaluation Team (EET) may determine and recommend for approval the best value for money solution meeting the needs of the LLS. The objectives of the evaluation are to: • • 4. select the applicant which satisfies the requirement and represents best return for the LLS; and select the applicant in a rational and defensible manner which is fair, and seems to be fair, to all applicants. Composition of the EOI document The Request for EOI document comprises the following parts: EOI Evaluation Plan Page 3 of 12 EOI document name 1. Part A EOI_Information 2. Part B EOI_LGP Terms and Conditions 3. Part C EOI_Response Form 5. Format PDF PDF MSWord Timetable for the RFT process Event Target Completion Date 5.1 EOI issued 11 May 2015 5.2 EOI closes 29 May 2015 5.3 Evaluation Team reviews tender responses 1 June 2015 5.4 Completion of evaluation report 5 June 2015 5.5 Approval of recommendation sought 8 June 2015 5.6 Successful applicant notified 12 June 2015 5.7 Grazing Permits to be signed and returned 25 June 2015 5.8 Grazing Permits commence 1 July 2015 5.9 2nd Round EOI issued 27 July 2015 EOI Evaluation Plan Page 4 of 12 6. Roles and responsibilities EOI Evaluation Team (EET) The EET will be responsible for reviewing the responses to the RFE and applying the evaluation methodology and evaluation criteria. The EET will: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Endorse the EOI Evaluation Plan, including weightings given to the evaluation criteria listed in the Request For EOI document Conduct a detailed analysis of EOIs in accordance with this plan Consider rejection of any seriously non-conforming EOIs or acceptance in extenuating circumstances if appropriate Arrange for further technical appraisal, when necessary Consider any other matters relevant to EOI selection Prepare a formal recommendation for EOI acceptance, to be considered by Northern Tablelands LLS Executive, documenting the basis for its recommendations. Each member of the EET is required to endorse this EOI Evaluation Plan before they receive copies of the EOIs and commence the EOI evaluation process. No member of the EET is permitted to contact an applicant directly. All requests for clarification are to be made through and by the Contact Officer (Chair). Opening and registration of EOI’s will be overseen by an independent scrutineer as per the NSW Trade and Investment EOI Procedure. EET Chair The EET Chair, or his nominee, will have the following responsibilities: i. ii. iii. iv. Ensure full distribution of EOI responses to all EET members Review and approve the completeness and accuracy of the EET evaluations Schedule meetings of the EET, distribute agenda and relevant material beforehand and prepare minutes Prepare the EET's final recommendations for EET’s consideration and endorsement EOI Evaluation Plan Page 5 of 12 Approval of EOI Evaluation Team The EOI Evaluation Team will be comprised of suitably qualified professionals with experience and understanding of Travelling Stock Reserve management. EET Member 1. Ross Fuller - Chair Position Title and Organisation Team Leader TSR and Projects, Northern Tablelands LLS 2. 3. 4. Panel Approval: ------------------------------------------------------Liz Blair Manager, Land Services Dated …………………. ------------------------------------------------------Melissa McLeod, Manager Biosecurity and Emergency Services Dated ………………….. ------------------------------------------------------Paul Hutchings, General Manager Dated ………………….. EOI Evaluation Plan Page 6 of 12 7. Evaluation process In broad terms, the EOI evaluation process involves: i. ii. iii. iv. An assessment of compliance with the functional and technical requirements An assessment of compliance with the commercial and contractual requirements outlined in the EOI package An assessment of each applicants ability to meet all obligations under the proposed permit Consideration of the value for money of each EOI response This process will culminate in the selection of a preferred Respondent with whom a LGP may be negotiated. i. Evaluation criteria The evaluation criteria, and the criteria weightings to apply, are shown at Attachment A. The methodology for scoring EOIs against the evaluation criteria is shown at Attachment B. 8. Evaluation method The evaluation of EOIs shall be conducted in the stages outlined below. Stage 1: Initial review An initial review will be conducted by the EET to identify any seriously nonconforming EOIs. EOIs that fail to meet mandatory functional/technical requirements of the EOI will be eliminated from further consideration. Specifically, EOIs that fail to meet any of the following criteria may not be considered for further evaluation: i. The EOI response does not meet any mandatory/essential requirements stated in the EOI Package ii. Was not lodged by the EOI by the Closing Date The EET may also eliminate EOIs on the basis that the applicant price is very low or excessive, regardless of the make-up of the short-listed group of EOIs and the scores which may be allocated to these EOIs in terms of satisfying the technical and commercial criteria. EOIs that progress to this stage will be short-listed and go on to Stage 2. EOI Evaluation Plan Page 7 of 12 Stage 2: Detailed Evaluation of Remaining EOIs Tenders that progress through Stage 1 will undergo detailed examination by the EET. Each of these short-listed EOIs will be scored against the evaluation criteria, using the weightings shown at Attachment A, to determine their technical/commercial index i.e. their relative degree of compliance with a set of technical and commercial requirements. In order to determine an appropriate set of scores, the EET shall take into account the applicant’s ability to fully satisfy each criterion, using the methodology shown at Attachment B. Each EET member should independently record their preliminary scores for each of the short-listed EOIs. The EET shall then agree on a single score for each criterion for each short listed EOI. A single score for each EOI, against each criterion, will be reached using a collaborative, consensus-reaching approach amongst the EET members. Scores may not represent an average of each team member’s individual score. Each short listed tender shall also be evaluated for satisfactory compliance (or potential satisfactory compliance) with criteria (iii) Conditions of Grazing Permit. Short-listed tenderers may also be subject to a check of any outstanding financial obligations with the LLS. The EET shall ultimately determine a value for money index for each of the short-listed tenders. Stage 3: Establishment of Best Value for Money The purpose of this phase is to calculate the value-for-money index of all shortlisted EOIs. The applicants with the highest Value-for-Money Index shall be recommended for contract award, provided the EET is satisfied that the tender meets all mandatory functional and technical requirements. 9. Recommendation and acceptance Following completion of Stage 3, the EET will prepare and submit a recommendation. The best value for money solution shall be recommended, provided the EET is satisfied that: i. ii. iii. iv. the recommended EOI meets all essential requirements; and financial analysis is satisfactory for the recommended EOI; and an acceptable level of compliance with contract conditions is achieved for the recommended tender; and an acceptable balance is made between quality and economy. EOI Evaluation Plan Page 8 of 12 In making its recommendations the EET shall ensure that justification is provided for passing over any higher priced EOI and shall demonstrate how value for money has been achieved. LLS reserves the right to negotiate directly with applicants on price if the tendered amount is considered unreasonable / not acceptable. Historical value and a value assessment based on notional carrying capacity, size of the paddock and current market agistment rates will be used by the assessment panel to calculate a reasonable minimum price. Following completion of the evaluation process, the Chairperson of the EET will prepare the Evaluation Report for the EET’s signature. The EET’s signed recommendation will be submitted to Manager Land Services for approval and acceptance of the recommended EOIs. Other Administrative Matters 10. EOI submission These EOIs will be issued via email on request, available on the NTLLS website or in hard copy from local LLS offices. Tender submission boxes will be available via email and in local LLS offices. 11. Disclosure of EOI Information Within 45 calendar days or on request after LGPs have been entered into, it is the EET Chair’s responsibility to ensure that information about the LGPs is forwarded to the Strategic Procurement Unit in Orange for disclosure. Email the completed Contract Disclosure Notice form to No disclosure concerning successful or unsuccessful Respondents is to be made by EET members, other than by the Chairperson of the EET. 12. EOI Opening Committee The Public Sector Management (Goods & Services) Regulation 2010 requires the LLS to establish a Tender Opening Committee to open the tenders. The Tender Box will be opened by a minimum of two of the Tender Opening Committee and will be opened as soon as practicable after the closing of the tender period. The NTLLS will utilise an Independent Scrutineer during the opening and registration of EOI’s to ensure transparency and consistency with the abovementioned Act. 13. Notification and LGP negotiations LLS will notify all applicants of the outcome of the EOI process once negotiations have been completed with the recommended applicants for the arrangement of an LGP. EOI Evaluation Plan Page 9 of 12 Unsuccessful applicants may seek a formal debriefing, to discuss the evaluation of their EOIs. Such debriefings will be arranged by the Chairperson of the EET and will have at least 2 EET Members present. No EET member will provide comment to any successful or unsuccessful applicant outside the formal debriefing sessions. EOI Evaluation Plan Page 10 of 12 Attachment A – Evaluation Criteria and Weightings Multiplying factor Criteria 1. The nominated amount being the annual dollar value for a LGP over the TSR. A neighbour with a contiguous boundary to a reserve will receive a 25% weighting advantage over other Respondents ($400 from neighbour equates to $500 from non- 5 neighbour). Weighting given prior to multiplying factor. 2. Proposed approach to managing the TSR. (previous record of TSR management will be considered if respondent has previously held a grazing permit). 1.25 3. Relevant livestock production and land management experience. (Any records available to LLS on livestock or land/invasive species management will be considered). 1.25 4. Capacity of the Respondent to manage the TSR (i.e. location, time available and resources). TOTAL EOI Evaluation Plan Page 11 of 12 2.5 10 Attachment B – Scoring Methodology for Evaluation Criteria Criteria 1 10 Highest $ amount offered on TSR. 9-1 Based on the % of the highest $ offered on TSR. Criteria 2/3/4 0 Non-compliance or poor response. Well short of requirements and unsubstantiated claims - unacceptable. 1-2 Unsatisfactory response. Does not meet minimum requirements or is inadequately substantiated - poor. 3-4 Marginal compliance. The EOI contains certain material deficiencies that prevent full compliance with requirements – below average. 5 Satisfactory compliance. May contain minor deficiencies preventing full compliance - average. 6 Full compliance. Adequate to requirements and appropriately substantiated - good. 7-8 Exceeds compliance. Very satisfactory response; more than adequate to requirements and well substantiated – very good. 9 Significantly exceeds requirements. Excellent response; surpasses all requirements and is fully substantiated - excellent. 10 Superior or outstanding compliance. Far exceeds specified requirements, surpasses all requirements and is fully substantiated outstanding. EOI Evaluation Plan Page 12 of 12
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