April Work of Mercy College Scholarships and Scholarship Fund

April 2015
April 5
Church Anniversary
Grief Support Group
April Work of Piety
Endowment Funds
Adult Forums
Silent Meditation
Children and Family
Youth Ministry
April Calendar
April Birthdays
Joys and Concerns
EngAging Ministries
April 2
Maundy Thursday
of Communion
John 13-17
Later You Will Understand
Easter Celebration
of the Resurrection
8:45 and 10:45 Worship
Luke 24:1-32
“Were not our hearts
burning within us…?”
Celebration of Communion
Easter Breakfast
9:30-10:30 a.m.
April 3
Good Friday
Service of Darkness
Psalm 22,
Luke 22:39-23:56
The Darkness of the Cross
April 12
United Methodist Women’s Sunday
Ruth 1:1-18
April 19
“Do Good” Sunday
Come celebrate all the ways
we do good
wear your Do Good t-shirt!
John 21:1-15
Enrique’s Journey
Parish Nurse
Thank You’s
April 26
Super Wed Menu
Camp Kowakan
Worship and Praise
Acts 2:41-47
Worship Schedule
Worship 8:45 & 10:45
Nursery provided at
our worship services.
Fellowship and coffee on
Sundays in the
Fellowship Hall
following the
worship services.
April Work of Mercy
College Scholarships
and Scholarship Fund
Every year on Graduate Recognition Sunday our congregation
awards college scholarships to our graduating seniors. Some of
the monies for these scholarships come from our church’s Endowment Scholarship Fund
(see article inside about our church’s endowment funds), and the rest from monies raised
through our giving to an annual Work of Mercy. April’s Work of Mercy will be divided
equally between adding to the principle of our Scholarship Endowment Fund and to the
monies which will be used to award scholarships to our graduating seniors on Graduate
Recognition Sunday, May 31st.
Would You Like to Help
Plan an Anniversary!
This summer and fall we are
planning to celebrate the 50th
Anniversary of our being in our
current church building. If you
would like to be a part of a team
that will work together to plan
and organize some celebration
activities and events, please
contact Ron Sommers, Bruce Paulson, or Pastors
Donna and Marty.
To everyone who helped support the Pi
Day Pie Bake by donating pies, buying
pies, baking pies, and eating pies: A great
big THANK YOU from the
Senior High Youth!
Opportunity for Service
Sanctuary Team is looking for a few
more people who will help take
turns cleaning the sanctuary. Training is available. With a few more
people each person will only be responsible two months a year. If you
would be interested in helping with this, please talk
with Pastor Donna or Marty.
Card Making
with Margie
Thursday, April 9, 2015
from 6:30-9:00 p.m.
In the Fellowship Hall
Cost: $10 to cover supply costs
Join us for a fun evening of making greeting cards with
Margie Brockton, an exceptionally talented card-crafter
from our church. She will have all the supplies needed.
Contact Margie with questions at 507-649-2324.
New Locations
Tapes and CDs are now
located in the first section
for magazines, third shelf
down. You will find them
by lifting the retractable
shelf or “lid.” Magazines
are held for one calendar year. Recent issues are on display; past issues are found in the first periodical shelving
unit. See above explanation of how to locate. Duplicate
copies of a few books are in the second periodical shelving
For further help, see Barbara Brown or Diane Genova.
Grief Group
for Parents
(grieving the loss of a child)
Northfield United Methodist
will host this group, on Tuesday evenings: April
21 to May 26th from 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the
church library. Please call Sherri Bunch Quaas at
507-645-4300 to register or with questions. Wendy Russell will also be co-facilitating. Please pass
this information on to anyone you think could be
helped by this support group.
Available for check-out is Qiguang (“Q”) Zhao’s book, Do
Nothing & Do Everything, an illustrated NewTaoism. It is
on the display table in the Fellowship Hall.
April 4, 2015
Work of Piety for April
We Make the Road by Walking
This year our congregation is on a
year-long biblical journey guided by a
newly published book called, We Make
the Road by Walking: A Year-Long
Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation and Activation by author Brian McLaren.
If you have not received your own
copy, check with Pastors Donna or
Marty. You are also welcome to purchase your own copy (or download) of the book from
your favorite book supplier.
In preparation for each Sunday we encourage you to
read the assigned chapter and related scripture texts, and
spend time, individually or in a small group, with the reflection questions provided. Even if you don’t have the
book, we encourage you to read the weekly scripture texts
which will be printed each month in the newsletter.
April 2, 2015
32A. A Table. A Basin. Some Food.
Some Friends. Maundy Thursday
John 13-17
April 3, 2015
32B. Everything Must Change
Good Friday
Psalm 22, Luke 22:39-23:56
Stewardship Notes
Our Church’s Endowment Funds
Thanks to a generous gift from Harold and Eleanor
Sather some years ago our church was able to establish
four permanent endowment funds. Under the direction of
our Gift and Investment Committee, these monies are
invested with the United Methodist Foundation. We are
able to use the income generated from these funds to support a variety of ministries, projects, and initiatives in the
life of our congregation.
Three of the funds are overseen by our Stewardship and
Finance Committee. The Scholarship Fund is used to
award college scholarships to our graduating seniors
each year. The Mission Fund is used to support service
projects and mission efforts by our children, youth, and
congregation. And the Undesignated Fund monies are
32.C Doubt. Darkness. Despair.
Holy Saturday
Psalm 77, Psalm 88, Ecclesiastes 1:1-11,
Job 10:1-22
Mar. 30-Apr. 5, 2015 33. The Uprising Begins
Easter Sunday
Ezekiel 37:1-14, Luke 24:1-32,
Colossians 1:9-29
April 6-12, 2015
34. The Uprising of Fellowship
Psalm 133, John 20:1-31,
Acts 8:26-40
April 13-19, 2015
35. The Uprising of Discipleship
Psalm 25, Luke 10:1-11,
17-20, John 21:1-15
April 20-26, 2015
36. The Uprising of Worship
Psalm 103, Acts 2:41-47,
1 Corinthians 14:26-31,
Col 3:12-17
Apr. 27-May 3, 2015
37. The Uprising of Partnership
Psalm 146, Matthew 10:16-20;
11:28-30; 28:16-20,
Acts 16:11-40
less restricted than the other funds and have been used to
help fund the Kid’s Club bus, to purchase a new TV and
DVD player, and to provide some seed money for our
Engaging Ministries Team.
The fourth fund, our Building Maintenance Fund, is
overseen by our Trustees, who use the monies to maintain and upgrade our church building and grounds.
If you would like to learn
more about our endowment
funds, feel free to talk with
Tim Hanson our Stewardship
and Finance chair, Jim
Finholt our Gifts and Investment chair, or Pastor Marty.
A World of Travel
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness. Mark Twain
Several members of our congregation have been doing some interesting travelling recently, and they are going to be sharing some of their experiences
with us. We will begin our forum series on A W orld of Travel by watching a
TEDx talk by travel guru Rick Steves entitled The V alue of Travel.
April 19 A W orld of Travel
Rick Steves
April 26 Travels in Ecuador
Kar yn Ludewig & Mar issa Thor nton
Karyn and Marissa are two high school youth in our congregation.
May 3 Travels in India, Oman, and Jordan
J im F inholt
Jim is a long-time member of our congregation and a retired chemistry professor from Carleton.
May 10 Travels in South Africa
Dave VanWylen
Dave is also a long-time member of our congregation and a biology professor at St. Olaf.
Be still and know that I am God.
~Psalm 46:10
Jesus would withdraw to deserted places and pray.
~Luke 5:16
Weekly Silent Meditation Practice
Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Each Thursday evening a group has been gathering in the
sanctuary around the Baptismal Font for a time of silent
meditation practice. We invite you to join us.
If you are interested or would like to know more please
speak with Pastors Donna or Marty, or simply show up on
any Thursday evening and join those of us.
We have been leaving the area around the Baptismal Font
set up for meditation throughout the week. Feel free to
make use of this space for your own quiet reflection any
time the church is open and the sanctuary is not in use.
These weekly gatherings include a brief welcome, a reading, poem, or scripture, a time of silent meditation (25
minutes), and a closing blessing.
Those of us who have been attending regularly are
finding this to be a blessed gift of quiet and stillness in
the midst of our noisy and busy lives. This pr actice is
open to all ages, though participation will involve sitting
in silent stillness for 30 minutes.
Easter Breakfast
Sunday, April 5
Fellowship Hall
(No Sunday School)
Hosted by: Sunday School students
and families
Proceeds benefit: Raise The Roof
(2015 NUMC Sunday School Mission Focus)
Join us for a wonderful Easter morning with
your church family.
Please sign up at the Welcome Center to bring
an eggbake, muffins, rolls, or fruit
Spring Flower Sales
Hanging baskets, patio pots and individual plants galore!
Geraniums, Begonias, Petunias, and so much more!
Also available, many vegetable and herb plants
Orders will be taken throughout April
Plants will arrive at the church Mother’s Day weekend
Proceeds will support our Wednesday Kids Club bus
Contact Kathy Hupf with
Think Spring!
Kids Club
Overnight Retreat
May 1-2
For 2nd-5th graders
At Three Crosses Retreat Center
in Cannon Falls
Swimming, games, good food, friends and
a whole lot of fun! It’s always such a great time of
friendship and faith for the children. Please contact
Kathy Hupf if you plan to go and if your parent(s)
would like to chaperone or drive.
Cost: $20/person – scholarships available
RSVP to Kathy Hupf- kathyhupf@yahoo.com
Vacation Bible School
July 27-30
3 year olds- 4 graders
Join us for four fun and faith-filled days of
learning to put God’s Love in Action!
Games, Snacks, Bible stories, Great music,
Crafts, Friends and so much more!
Youth and adult leaders needed to serve as group and
activity leaders. Contact Kathy Hupf.
Summer Camping
Look for great camping opportunities for all ages at
Horse camps, family camps, canoeing,
water skiing, fishing camps,
and much more!
Booklets available in the
Gathering Space at church.
Check it out!
Put VBS on your family calendars and join the fun!
Bring your friends, too! Come Move with us!
Learning to Show God’s
love in action; Moving,
Acting, Caring, Following,
Kids Club Calendar
April 8 – Foodshelf tour
May 1-2 – Kids Club Overnight Retreat
May 6 – Last Wednesday for Kids Club
Middle School Youth
grades 6-8
Middle School Fellowship – April 1
7th & 8th Grade Confirmation Retreat – April 10-11
A retreat in the Twin Cities to learn about issues of urban poverty, and to have some big city fun! Friends are welcome!
Middle School Fellowship – Apr 15
7th/8th Grade Ushers – A-M: Sunday, April 19th
Those whose last names begin with A-M will meet in the Narthex at 10:35am before the service for instructions and
preparation. Ushers are expected to attend the entire service.
30-Hour Famine – April 24-25
Commit to going 30 hours without food to get a small taste of what life is like for the millions of people around the
globe who experience food insecurity. We will learn about various causes of world hunger and what we can do to help,
and play some simulation games and activities.
Sign-up Now! – 7th/8th Grade Summer Camp – June 14-20
"L.Y.F.E. Camp" (Live Your Faith Everyday!) at Camp Koronis. Cost is $389/person. Fundraising and Campership opportunities are available - see Matt for details.
Senior High Youth
Senior High Fellowship – April 8
grades 9-12
Northfield Area Churches Present: Romans & Christians! – April 17
This event will be held at St. John’s from 7:00pm – 10:00pm. Romans & Christians is a hide-and-seek-style game in
which the Christians have to meet secretly while avoiding getting captured by the Romans. We will serve pizza at the
halfway point. Friends are welcome!
Senior High Fellowship – April 22
30-Hour Famine – April 24-25
Go 30 hours without food to see what life is like for the millions of people around the globe who experience food insecurity. We will learn about various causes of world hunger and what we can do to help, and play some simulation games and
Sign-up Now! – Senior High Amnicon Canoe Trip – June 28-July 3
We will canoe the Brule River on a 4-day whitewater canoe trip. The cost is $454/person. Fundraising
opportunities and camperships are available now – See Matt for details.
9th Grade Confirmation
9th Grade Confirmation Service Rehearsal (students and par ents) Sunday, April 26, 3:00-5:00 p.m.
More information and regular updates are available at our website: www.nor thfieldumc.or g
Help Support Our Youth Ministry-Buy Kwik Trip Cards! Info at the Welcome Center
Palm Sunday
8:45 AM Worship
9:45 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Worship
9:00 AM Bible
Care Team
Super Wednesday
9:30 AM Mugs N'
7:00 PM Maundy
Thursday Worship
6:30 AM Men's Breakfast
7:00 PM Good Friday
Holy Communion
8:45 AM Worship
9:30 AM Easter Breakfast
10:45 AM Worship
9:00 AM Bible
1:00 PM Staff
7:00 PM Trustees
Care Team
Super Wednesday
7:00 PM Silent
7th & 8th Grade Retreat 7th & 8th Grade
6:30 AM Men's Break- Retreat
Blood Pressure Screen- 7:00 PM Esther
UMW Sunday
8:45 AM Worship
9:45 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Worship
9:00 AM Bible
Care Team
Super Wednesday
4:00 PM Newsletter
5:00 PM Staff Social
7:00 PM Silent
6:30 AM Men's Breakfast
7:00 PM Renewal
Do Good Sunday
8:45 AM Worship
9:45 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Worship
12:00 PM New Member
9:00 AM Bible
1:00 PM Staff
7:00 PM Gift &
Investment Committee Meeting
7:00 PM Silent
Care Team
Super Wednesday
9:00 AM Mission Sewing
30 Hour Famine
6:30 AM Men's Breakfast
3:00 PM EngAging
30 Hour Famine
7:00 PM Silent
6:30 AM Men's Breakfast
8:45 AM Worship
9:45 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Worship
3:00 PM Confirmation
3:30 Kid’s Club
5:30 Shared Meal
6:30 Middle School
1st & 3rd Wed.
9:00 AM Bible
Care Team
Super Wednesday
1:00 PM Staff
7:00 PM Staff Parish Relations Committee
6:30 High School
6:30 Adult Handbell
6:30 Knitting Group
7:00 Choir Rehearsal
7:30 Band Rehearsal
11 Cheryl Anderson
Maria Hegland
Peg Jennings
Mary Keen
Carver King
Marianne Neitzel
19 Ryland Updike
21 Hailey Seymour
22 Royce Farmer
Brent Feldhake
12 Andrew Nielsen
14 Jacob Erickson
15 Cully Trotman
Ian Bartlett
Walter Keane
Katie Franek
24 Karin Bartlett
Stan Ehlers
Jack Magnuson
Darrell Sawyer
16 Tana Kelly
Justin Kuyper
Brandon Enberg
Pam Sexton
Lauren Allin
Katie Roster
Cindy Jenson
Matt Larsen
Daniel Boudreau
Luann Copper
John Mortensen
Andy Smith
23 Sam Holman
17 Wayne Abdella
Donna Buell
Marlys Hudson
Betsy Lund
Jeb Sawyer
Bruce Paulson
Dawn Grench
Kris Huseth
Jim Burns
Gary Messer
Allison Oberto
Jenn Caskey
Arlene Gustafson
Ryan Marks
Gary Rock
Clare Roos
25 Jenna Dardis
Daniel Gill
Nathan Oglesbee
26 Perry Kruse
18 Amanda Buecksler
Elaine Dack
Bruce Gustafson
10 Janet Dale
19 Ryland Updike
Maria Estenson
Joys and
Prayers of Celebration with:
 Litao Zhang, and the late Qiguang Zhao, as they celebrate
National and World Concerns:
● Those studying and working internationally: Sam Estenson
(Germany), Chelsea Koenigs Lane (Tanzania), Nathan
Raths (China), Tommy VanWylen (Japan), Lila Weaver
(Brazil) , Aimee Mousel (Japan), Ruth Dolan (St. Olaf Student, Costa Rica
● Prayers for those serving in the military in Iraq, Afghanistan
and around the world.
the birth of a granddaughter Zoe Guang Zhao, on March
15, child of Ellie and Zhiming Zhao
 Ken and Reggie Fineran, as they celebrate the birth of
great grandson, Sawyer Bennett, on March 16, child of
Jenny and Tyler Finger
Prayers of Sympathy for:
 Litao Zhang, following the death of her husband, Qiguang
Zhao on March 13
 Phil Soltis and family, following the death of his brother,
Jack, on March 4
 The family of Irene Nelson, following her death on February
 The family of Roger Jenni who died on February 21
 The family of Alex Larsen who died on February 25
 The family of Bessie Skulborstadm following her death on
February 22, service was held here on February 27
Remembering Those in Military Service
Luke Erickson, Jay Pederson,
and Eric Nordine
If you have family deployed in military service,
please let us know so that we can include
them in our prayers.
Building resilience within our congregation and community
through opportunities for adults to meaningfully
Connect, Grow, and Serve
as we navigate the transitions of aging
Volunteer Visitor Program Update
This year our Care Ministry Team developed a Caring
EngAgement Workshop. This workshop has provided training
and information for those interested in being part of a Volunteer Visitor Program in our church. 13 people have participated in training sessions during October and January.
These folks have been deployed in one-on-one relationships with members of our congregation, many of whom
are homebound or residing in care facilities. We pray that
this new program will be a blessing not only to the people
being visited, but to our volunteers as well. If you would
be interested in being part of this ministry, either as a visitor or as one who receives a visitor, please contact Pastor
Donna or a member of the Care Ministry Team (Parish
Nurse Ruth Kruse, Reggie Fineran, June Hiza, Clare
Mather, and Marge Randolph).
We know there are others in the congregation who regularly and informally visit church friends. If you are making regular contact with a church member, we would appreciate it if you would let us know. It is helpful for our
Care Ministry Team to know that these connections exist.
And if, in the course of your visits, you learn of care
needs, please encourage the person to contact the pastors
or Care Ministry Team or ask for permission to let us
know. Thanks!
No peg on which to hang my week,
No base camp from which to venture out to
other days and activities, special or mundane.
What do I miss?
Perhaps a sermon, often a hymn, especially
the people,
but more a sense of being home with God.
O, I know, I know—
We can be with God any time and place:
A shimmery sunrise, the wonder of a flower, a child
or a cat quiet in the lap, a beloved voice or smile—
all remind me.
But I miss church.
written by Rev. Jeanne Martin, 2013
Thanks to Jeanne Martin, one of the retired UMC clergy
who are part of our congregation. Her poem reflects a
common experience of those who are no longer able to
attend worship and church activities regularly. It is one
of the reasons that we established the Volunteer Visitor
Program, to help people continue to feel meaningfully
connected to their church family.
Missed the Funeral Preparation Workshop?
Pastors Donna and Marty have created materials that may
be useful to you for sharing information, guidance and
instruction to those who will one day plan your funeral.
These materials include worksheets for recording biographical information and suggestions for planning the
funeral/memorial service, as well as lists of suggested
hymns and scriptures. These materials are now available
to download from the church website.
The Sunday Lunch Connection
This is a great opportunity to CONNECT over a meal
with those you may not know so well. Sign up at the
Sunday Lunch Connection table in Fellowship Hall following worship. We meet at the restaurant at
about 12:15 p.m. in order to accommodate those who
attend the 10:45 worship service.
W.O.W. (Widows Or Widowers) will meet on Wednesday
Here’s the April Sunday line-up:
April 8th 12:00 noon at Culvers. All widows and
widowers are invited to attend. This group is convened
by Orrin DeLong (645-7344) and Rev. Jeanne Martin.
Apr. 5: Invite someone to share Easter Dinner with
Apr. 12: Tokyo Grill, 1301 Bollenbacher Dr.
Apr. 19: George’s Vineyard, 1160 W. Highway 3
Apr. 26: Ole Store Restaurant, 1011 St. Olaf Ave.
April 25, 2015
UMW River Valley District
Spring Gathering—Chatfield UMC
Karen Edmonds Presents: Rochester’s
Homeless Youth
On March 23, 1869, eight women gathered at Tremont
Methodist Episcopal Church in Boston, Massachusetts,
and organized the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society,
what would become United Methodist Women. Those
women raised money to send a doctor, Clara Swain, and a
teacher, Isabella Thoburn, to India as missionaries to
nation." (unitedmethodistwomen.org)
There are over 2,500 Minnesota youth that do not
have a place to stay tonight. About 300 of them are
in t he Rochester area. We have our own in the
Northfield area too. Wilder Research defines homeless youth as 21 and younger. Minnesota’s Homeless
Youth Act tries to address needs with increased funding to improve programs, drop-in centers, street outreach and living spaces.
Some youth are in this situation because of difficul-
That was 144 years ago. Today, all women, eighteen
ties or abuse at home. Others were part of the foster
years old and older can take part in this courageous, forcare system and have aged out at 18 years old.
ward sighted group of 800,000 women.
"The entire program and organization of United Methodist
Women focuses on mission. Our mission initiatives include:
-Providing opportunities to grow spiritually
-Equipping women & girls to be leaders
-Providing transformative educational experiences
-Organizing for growth & flexibility
-Working for justice through service and advocacy " (unitedmethodistwomen.org)
Northfield UMC has a very active group of United Methodist Women. Our upcoming events are:
March 29
April 12
April 1-12
April 25
May 2
May 15-16
UMW/Baseball Joint Bake Sale
United Methodist Sunday
Emma Norton Supplies collected
River Valley District Spring Gathering
Northfield Ecumenical Women
Gathering (NEW) at Bethel Lutheran
Goods for Good Rummage Sale
What can one person do about homelessness?
What can we do in Northfield?
Karen Edmonds started Project Legacy 20 years ago. She
began with a few youth committed to change. She narrowed it even more to African-American youth. She had
a special affinity with them and their need was great.
Find out what we can do from someone who has taken on
a small part of this problem.
Project Legacy is a pr ogr am to meet the needs of
youth of color in the Rochester Community. The youth
have no stable housing, or caring adults to advocate for
them. The youth have demonstrated resiliency in the face
of extreme obstacles and are sincerely motivated to
change their current lifestyles. They meet with a group of
adults who genuinely care and are committed to advocate
for them.
If you are interested in going, contact Catherine Williams
at 507-301-5865 or cwilliamsteach3r@aol.com.
Emma Norton Supplies Collected
There is a box by the Welcome Center to deposit supplies needGoods for Good Rummage Sale
ed at Emma Norton Residence. The List can be found on the
May 15-16, 2015
Center counter and on Emma Norton's website.
(emmanorton.org) Paper products are always needed.
Spring Cleaning? Northfield UMW's Goods for Goods
sale is a great place to rid your homes of the clutter and
little used "stuff" being stored in all those "glory corners."
S.A.L.T. Shaker
This periodic email is sent out when we have specific
and immediate volunteer needs. If you have not received the S.A.L.T. Shaker and would like to, please
let us know in the church office. If you are receiving
the S.A.L.T. Shaker and would rather not, there is a
place on the email where you can “unsubscribe.”
needed with maintenance and upkeep of the facilities
and major cleaning of the apartments between residents. Contact Person: Mike Behr 645-6067
Thursday’s Table
This Thursday’s Tables’ 7th Anniversary. More volunteers may
be needed for this communitysupported endeavor which provides a meal to approxManger Inn
imately 200 people each Thursday of the month at
Owned by 25 community partners with several of the NCRC. April 2 is the next opportunity for our church
partners being members of our congregation, Manger to provide volunteer support. You may sign-up at the
Inn provides affordable housing for low income per- Welcome Center in the narthex.
sons, as well as emergency housing in collaboration
with our local Community Action Center. Help is
Northfield Reads: “Enrique’s Journey”
by Sonia Nazario
Community Program and Discussion
Monday, April 13th
Church of St. Dominic
7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Northfield Reads is a community initiative to br ing people together fr om
many segments of the community in a way that will encourage conversation and
understanding, especially regarding diversity among us. This year we will be
reading “Enrique’s Journey” to pr ovide insight and under standing r egar ding the immigrant situation.
How do you participate? First, read the book by yourself or with your book group, form your own group or
discuss with friends. There is a young reader’s edition that would be appropriate for older middle school and
high school youth. Then, attend the community gathering at Church of St. Dominic for a program and small
group discussion on Monday, April 13th from 7:00-8:30 p.m.
“Enrique’s Journey” by Pulitzer Prize winner Sonia Nazario tells the tr ue stor y of a 17 year old boy’s
attempt to leave Honduras on his own and find his mother in the U.S. This book touches on the influx of
young, illegal immigrants who travel unaccompanied from Central America and attempt to enter our country
to find parents or other relatives.
Copies of the book are available at the library or can be purchased locally at Content at a 10% discount.
Northfield Reads is sponsored by the Human Rights Commission, Nor thfield Public Libr ar y, Car leton
College, League of Women Voters, Content Bookstore, Northfield Schools.
Questions? Contact Corinne Smith (f.smith@gmail.com) or Leah Eby (leah@growinguphealthy.org)
A service of inspiration and renewal for caregivers will be held on
Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 4:00
P.M. at the Northfield Retirement
Community Chapel, 900 Cannon
Valley Drive, Northfield. Called
“Restore, Replenish, Renew,” this
service is designed for anyone
who is providing care to persons in
need. This includes family caregivers, nurses, physicians, neighbors, friends, healthcare workers,
therapists, clergy, and volunteers. The service will include a
litany for healing, hymn singing, and readings. Mary Keen, pastor and therapist, will offer the message. Local musicians Richard Collman and Jenny Pelletier will provide music and accompaniment. Kathleen Pender, local dancer and choreographer,
will perform and will lead a movement-based activity with the
attendees. Anointing of hands will also be included in the service. Anointing is an age-old tradition of the Christian church.
Historically oil or myrrh was used to make the sign of the cross
(or nowadays a heart or the Star of David) on the person’s forehead, hands, or both. Words of blessing and healing are spoken. Following the service there will be refreshments and a
time for fellowship. Hand or back massage and healing touch
will be offered free of charge by local practitioners. A limited
number of prayer shawls will be available for caregivers.
“Restore, Replenish, Renew” was initiated in 2000 by local parish nurses who recognized weariness in caregivers. They
joined local clergy to offer a service of healing and renewal to
caregivers. In 2003, “Restore, Replenish, Renew” and Lois
Schonning, parish nurse, were awarded the National Community Service Award by the American Association of Homes and
Services for Aging. Since that time there have been over 60
requests from 30 states for information to replicate this service.
Local sponsors of the service are Northfield Area Interfaith Association, Northfield Retirement Community, Northfield Hospital
& Clinics, and Three Links.
Southern Minnesota/Rice County
Dispute Resolution Program
RCDRP is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that has
been providing alternative dispute resolution to the community since 2001. This community conflict resolution
program trained neutrals to help you resolve your dispute
in a respectful, positive and constructive manner. By
participating in mediation you have control over the disBRIDGES OUT OF POVERTY
pute, which allows a win-win situation where a voluntary
Let’s get to work ENDING POVERTY in Northfield and un-coerced agreement is made.
First things first: Educate! Please join the Community For more information visit their website: www.rcdrp.org
Action Center for an enlightening workshop – Bridges
Out Of Poverty – to hear about the challenges our neighYom Hashoah/Holocaust Memorial Day
bors face in breaking the cycle of poverty and the small
at Carleton College Chapel
steps you can take to enact change. Featuring an educaSunday, April 19th at 5:00 p.m.
tional, entertaining presentation by Jodi Pfarr, this daylong event will transform the way you think about pov- This event will include special guest, author Peter Grose,
who has just published a new book on the amazing story
erty and the role you can have in ending it.
of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, "A Good Place to Hide:
Wednesday, May 13 8:30-3:30
How One French Community Saved Thousands of Lives
St. Olaf College
During WWII". Two women from that town live in St.
Cost $40 Lunch $10.50 (optional)
Paul - Nelly Trocme Hewett, daughter of the minister
for information and registration:
who is the hero of this story, and Francine Lurie, a Jewcommunityactioncenter.org/bridges
ish child survivor of the town. They will be in attendance
as well. Watch for details.
Dear Habitat Supporter,
As we gear up for our 2015 Build, we look back with gratitude for 2014. Because
of YOUR support, we were able to build homes with four families! THANK YOU for
your total support of $2699.72 in 2014.
We look forward to our 2015 Build Season. Spring HAS to be right around the
corner, so check back to our website, habitatricecounty.org to see our Build
We’ll see you in 2015! Thanks for your support!
God’s Joy
Dayna Norwald, Executive Director
Dear NUMC Members,
Dear Members of United Methodist,
Thank you for United Methodist Church’s very generous contribution
of 30 pounds of food to the Community Action Center food shelf for
the month of February 2015. Your contribution included an assortment of food products for distribution to CAC clients.
Thank you for the contribution of $50 to the Community Action Center
of Northfield for the purposes of Christmas.
Your gift strengthens our work in the community—giving hope back
to people in poverty and giving voice and action to neighbors like you
who care about them. It does wonders!
On behalf of CAC clients, the CAC Board of Directors and food shelf
staff, we are grateful for the thoughtfulness and support of United
Methodist Church. Without partners like you, we would not be able to
keep up to meet these needs. So, please know how much we appreciate your assistance. Once again, thank you!
You may regard the contribution as tax deductible. The CAC Board
of Directors and I are grateful for your thoughtfulness and support.
Sincerely, Jim Blaha, Executive Director
Sincerely, Jim Blaha, Executive Director
Our Church Staff
Marty Raths
Donna Buell
Parish Nurse
Ruth Kruse
Office Administrator
Nancy Finnila
Children’s & Family Ministries
Kathy Hupf
Youth Ministries
Matt Stelter
Worship & Music
Wendy Smith
Organists /Accompanists
Bob Henstein
Cathy Rodland
Choir Director
Ron Rodman
Handbell Director
Marilyn Wing
Projection Coordinator
Molly Peterson
Margie Brockton
Adult Education Coordinator
Drew Weis
Sunday School Superintendent
Diana Huseth
John Stull
Web Site
Jesse Steed
Michelle Pritchard
Retired Clergy
Wayne Abdella
Carl Caskey
Richard Collman
Ken Fineran
Jeanne Martin
Mary Keen
Gordon Orde
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
1401 South Maple Street
Northfield, MN 55057
Phone: (507) 645-5689
Fax: (507) 645-3196
Email: northfieldumc@gmail.com
Website: www.northfieldumc.org
Northfield, Minn
PERMIT No. 122
"Offering Christ"
April 1: Italian chicken melt sandwich, Caesar salad,
green salad, chips, assorted bars
April 8: Ham mac & cheese, broccoli, fruit salad, green
salad, bread, assorted cookies
April 15: Breakfast for dinner, assorted frosted cakes
April 22: Spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, Caesar
salad, green salad, ice cream cone
April 29: Cook’s choice. Baker’s choice
May 6: Build your own Nachos, toppings, green salad,
Service Trip to
Camp Kowakan Near Ely
The Weekend of May 22-25
Our Service Ministries Team is exploring the
possibility of having a group from our church
spend a long weekend at Camp Kowakan
near Ely. Camp Kowakan is one of our United
Methodist Camps, and it is the launching point
for groups going into the boundary waters.
This service trip would be for all ages, and it
would involve helping to get the camp ready
for the summer season as well as taking
some time to enjoy hiking, canoeing, campfires, and the beauty of God’s creation.
If you are interested in being
a part of the group, speak
with Jim Dale,
Mary Lynn Oglesbee or
Pastors Donna and Marty.