The Good News Corner of North Northfield United Methodist Church Come to the Corner — Sanders and Dundee in Northbrook, Illinois July 2015 Thoughts on Prayer By Gary Greenwood, Chair, Evangelism Ministry Team Our church has a long tradition of practicing and requesting intercessory prayer, faithfully practiced each Sunday by sharing our “Joys and Concerns” followed by requests for prayers. For reasons not fully understood, I seldom request prayers from others. However, in May of this year I had occasion to be once again reminded of the value and power of prayers. My driver’s license is restricted by requiring corrective lenses. Thus, it is normal for me to be wearing glasses in almost everything I do. On a normal overcast Saturday, I “Where Is It?” by Henry Stacy Marks (1882). was working in my yard on a newly started but much In the collection of the Birmingham Museums Trust, England. delayed project to replace, retrench and stake lawn edging that had been migrating upward over the years. In some cases it no longer served its intended purpose of keeping grass from invading various planting areas. After working my fill, I called it enough for the day in spite of my self-imposed deadline to complete that portion of the project before leaving to meet my brother on a scheduled fishing trip in 10 days. I took a shower and reached for my glasses in the same place I always put them before showering. What…no glasses! I looked everywhere. I looked on top of everything, under everything, and behind everything. (Continued on next page.) In this issue… Thoughts on Prayer ................................................... 1 Fellowship .................................................................. 4 Outreach / Mission ..................................................... 5 Goods for the Soul Thrift Sale.................................... 6 Women in the Church ................................................ 7 It’s All Good ................................................................ 8 Member Spotlight ....................................................... 9 New Bible Study Starts After Labor Day................... 10 People, Places & Events .......................................... 10 Calendar ................................................................... 11 797 Sanders Road, Northbrook, IL 60062 847.272.2250 North Northfield United Methodist Church July 2015 Newsletter (Continued from previous page.) temporarily parted, leaving a narrow crease for the sun’s rays to penetrate. Turning to resume my work, I also notice the sun’s reflection off of what I assumed to be a scrap of cellophane that the wind had blown into some low growing, densely-branched junipers — a frequent occurrence on a corner lot that seemingly collects the majority of neighborhood trash deposited by any west wind. I even looked in junk drawers not opened in years and eventually removed and checked under blankets on the bed. Following some suggestions, I looked outside where I had been working — even though I was certain I would have noticed if my glasses had fallen off while working. I policed the whole area multiple times but they were not to be found. I walked over and reached down to pick up the piece of errant trash, but pulled back in shock because there before me were the glasses — folded up, top of the frames facing down with the bottom part of the lenses just barely visible below the branches. Without the sun’s reflection, they were only visible if looking directly over the glasses and knowing that they were down there somewhere if you could find them. The next day, after Sunday worship, I continued my search of by now the same places already checked. By the end of the day I’ve decided that I will need to buy new glasses. After all, I rationalize, the frames are outdated and I haven’t had my eyes checked in years. The ever present question in my mind is whether I can have new glasses in time for my fishing trip with the cabin previously reserved and paid for. Wearing a goofy grin I put on my glasses and walked into the house expecting to surprise my wife and receive a rousing reaction and celebration. The surprise, however, was on me. My wife didn’t notice and continued on about this and that. As the fog of words floated around me, I resolved to somehow make her notice without actually telling her. By continually adjusting my frames and repeatedly clearing my throat, she eventually took notice. Excitedly she called her aunt, and told her the good news. Her aunt was the only one among us that was not surprised. Monday morning I start calling for an appointment, and eventually find an opening at 2:00 that afternoon and possible new glasses available in 7 to 10 days — at least I’ll get the prescription and try to get a commitment on a quicker delivery. By now I’m resigned to the fact that the glasses have simply disappeared and spend no more time and effort looking for them. Once again the day is overcast and perfect for working outside so I head out to work on my project before my scheduled appointment. Before I leave my wife tells me that she will call her aunt and ask her to pray that I find my glasses. I acknowledge her offer with an unenthusiastic OK as I head out the door. I’ve made far too much of this story, yet for me it is more than a story of lost and found and continues to give me much to think about regarding prayer. After about an hour of working in the cool, overcast day, I feel the warm sun on my back and look up to see that the clouds have (Continued on next page.) 2 North Northfield United Methodist Church July 2015 Newsletter (Continued from previous page.) following up on any church business or talking to anyone within your close circle of friends. Welcome and invite our visitors to the after-worship fellowship and introduce them to friends. If there are no visitors or our visitors seem to be over-welcomed by greeters, greet and talk to someone that you seldom have occasion to talk with. Questions I’ve asked myself: What is a proper prayer? Why did I not think to pray on my own? Why did her aunt assume her prayer would be answered while I doubted? What is the proper response to answered prayer? I’ve concluded that all the answers to these questions are found within our own personal relationship with God. If we are in daily and continual communion with God, sharing our thoughts and weaknesses while seeking guidance through each struggle as well as joy in our lives, it is entirely natural that we come to God in all situations. Coming to God should be as safe and natural as taking a deep breath. If God is our constant companion we will pray expectantly, knowing that God is there for us. To whom can we bring any trial or issue if not to God? With God as our companion, we recognize and acknowledge his presence in our lives. We begin to understand that although we may suffer, God will ultimately help us through if we let him. God becomes not just an entity of last resort, but one that influences and affects every aspect and decision in our lives. More simply stated, put yourself in the position of a first time visitor to North Northfield and offer them the same genuine hospitality that you would hope to receive on a first time visit. Ice Cream Social This is a reminder to mark and reserve time on your calendar for Saturday, Aug. 15 from 2 to 4 p.m. Let us all come together for ice cream, sundaes and floats with fun games as well as music provided by the Joyful Noise Band. Weather permitting, we will meet on the church’s front lawn, or in Fellowship Hall if it rains. As we approach the end of summer, please use this informal event to invite a “FRAN” to North Northfield — Friend, Relative, Associate, Neighbor. We will need many volunteers to help out with registration / greeting, scooping, games and hopefully traffic control (this will be a no-charge event). Please let Gary or anyone from the Evangelism team know if you are able to help out. Flyer handouts on our event will be available to give to friends and distribute around your neighborhood. I pray that I adopt these thoughts into my own life and continue to expand my own relationship with God. By the way, I still intend to get new glasses someday. 5 Minute Rule This is another reminder to not forget the 5 Minute Rule. For five minutes immediately after worship, warmly welcome and introduce yourself to a newcomer before Your Evangelism Team, Laurie Geiger John Klein Jim Sanabria 3 David Schellenbach Sandy Spangenberger Gary Greenwood, Chair, Evangelism Ministry Team North Northfield United Methodist Church July 2015 Newsletter Fellowship Much of what we have been doing in church for fellowship includes activities like the coffee hour, small groups, different outings, game nights, etc.! As a fellowship team, we certainly encourage everyone to continue doing what you are doing to glorify the Lord! It also came to mind that instead of planning vacations all over the world, we can visit our own tourist spots! So I would like to let everyone know that I have A scene from the Shedd Aquarium. complimentary tickets to enjoy the arts Photograph by Fritz Geller-Grimm. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license. and culture programs we have at the Adler Planetarium, Chicago History Museum, Shedd Aquarium, Art Institute of Chicago, and the Museum of Science and Industry. Please let May Hammer know if you are interested! Lunch and Miniature Golf July 11 The Fellowship Ministry Team is planning a miniature golf outing on Saturday, July 11. We’ll have lunch at Go Roma, 3061 Dundee Road, at noon, followed by miniature golfing at Sportsman’s Country Club, 3535 Dundee Road, from about 1 go 2 p.m. Prizes will be awarded for the highest score and the most “holes in one.” Please plan to join us and invite a friend! May Hammer, Chair, Fellowship Ministry Team Timber-Lee Camping Trip Aug. 7 to 9 Our camping weekend at Timber-Lee in rural East Troy, Wis., has been set for Aug. 7 to 9. For more information, please contact Lynn Hallen at or (847) 7075861 (after 5 p.m.). A scene from last year’s miniature golf outing. 4 North Northfield United Methodist Church July 2015 Newsletter Outreach / Mission ‘Feed My Starving Children’ Sept. 26 Our next volunteer outing to Feed My Starving Children will be on Sept. 26 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Feed My Starving Children is a nonprofit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. Volunteers hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and the meals are then shipped to nearly 70 nations. A scene from last year’s volunteer outing to Feed My Starving Children in Schaumburg. Thank You for Cleaning Bucket Donations Many supplies were needed to fill the two “cleaning buckets” that our congregation donated for the benefit of the United Methodist Committee on Relief during the Annual Conference of the Northern Illinois Conference. Thank you to everyone who made donations! Special Collections Please Donate Macaroni for Food Pantries Children’s winter clothing collection Backpacks ministry to the homeless Operation Christmas Child During July, we’re asking people to donate macaroni and cheese, and soap and shampoo (but we will, of course, accept any dried goods you are willing to donate to our food collection). The food donations that you provide are dropped off at the Northbrook, Vernon and Wheeling township food pantries every month on a rotating basis. Thank you! Red Bird Christian School Donations Please continue to drop your “loose coins” in the “Hinkley” bottle in the narthex for the Red Bird Christian School in Beverly, Ky. The school is associated with the Red Bird Mission of the United Methodist Church. Touch a Life Fund Contributions to the “Touch a Life Fund” benefit members of the local congregation in need. Donations may be designated for “Touch a Life Fund” or you may drop your donation in the box in the narthex. Pastor Steve can provide more information if you have questions. Thank you! Geoffrey Graham, Chair, Outreach and Missions Ministry Team 5 Please check the narthex and help out if you can with these special ongoing collections: In addition, please deposit these items in Fellowship hall if you have them: General Mills* cereal box tops, Campbell’s* soup labels, used eye glasses and cancelled postage stamps (preferably with a half-inch of paper around them). Marian Hacker will get them to organizations that can benefit from them. * We can use box tops and labels from any brand participating in the Box Tops for Education or Labels for Education programs. North Northfield United Methodist Church July 2015 Newsletter Goods for the Soul Thrift Sale Thanks to everyone who participated in our thrift and bake sales and who prayed for our success this year. We have made approximately $7,000 from the first two sales. In addition, we donated 800 pounds of merchandise that was in the Fellowship Hall to Savers Thrift Store and received $140 from Savers for that merchandise (at 20 cents per pound for “soft merchandise” and 5 cents for “hard merchandise”). We are registered with Savers, so in the future if you or anyone you know donates items to Savers, our church will receive a refund from those items. Some scenes from our June sale. Photographs by Jean Merz and Geoffrey Graham Our store is becoming more and more well-known and many of our customers are repeat customers who continually purchase items. In fact several of them shop with us multiple days during our sale weekend. In addition to our sales, we also enjoy fellowship with other church members and our customers. During the June sale, Jean Merz had a wonderful opportunity to witness to a woman who needed comfort and who came in asking about our red cross outside near the front of our church and whether we believed that Jesus lived. Jean spent some time with her and found her a large print Bible to take with her. Another customer mentioned that she was looking to purchase canes, walkers and crutches to donate to Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital (a not-for-profit facility) in Chicago. We gave her 2 pairs of crutches, 2 canes and a walker. Our main mission is to help others so we feel especially blessed when we are able to donate items (backpacks for the homeless, Schwab, etc.) and comfort those in need. Our next sale is scheduled for Sept. 17 to19. Even though that is 2 months away, there is much work to be done sorting, displaying and pricing all the new items that are coming in. Also, we want to create an Idea Center with bulletin boards showing renovation projects and craft projects (like a Pinterest room). We will have a table with magazines that people can review for inspiration. We also would like to renovate some of our chairs (paint and upholster) and side tables, so let Jean or Nancy Marsh know if you have some time to help us out this summer. Goods for the Soul Team 6 North Northfield United Methodist Church July 2015 Newsletter Women in the Church Why Are You In Church? The lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer seem like a perfect time to reassess and perhaps reset why you come to church each Sunday. If you come to church to advance your spiritual journey, you’ve got scripture, sermons, and prayers. If you’d like to dig deeper, you might consider our Adult Sunday School, our monthly book club, or our weekly Bible study. If you come to North Northfield for mission projects, you have a variety of choices. There are the annual Operation Shoebox and Angel Tree events which have enormous participation. There are also a number of projects sponsored by the Outreach and Mission Ministry Team which you may have overlooked: Feed My Starving Children, food donations for the Northbrook, Vernon, and Wheeling food pantries, Red Bird Pixabay image. Creative Commons 1.0 Public Domain Dedication. Christian School donations, and Touch a Life Fund. (See Geoff Graham or page 5 of this newsletter for information.) The Goods for the Soul Thrift Sale provides service opportunities, as well. National and international mission projects can be found on both the UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) and UMW (United Methodist Women) websites. A warm summer day may be just the time to spend a couple of hours browsing through these sites. If your main purpose for attending church is to worship God in fellowship with other Christians, you have dozens of people at North Northfield who hold similar beliefs. The Fellowship Ministry Team is an obvious choice for your interest. The committee sponsors traditional celebrations, but its members are always looking for new ideas. You might also consider signing up for a Facebook account and “liking” our church page. Many of our members have Facebook pages and we share fun and comfort everyday with our posts. Remember that no one person or group has a lock on how church participation should look. Bring your thoughts to the minister. A woman with an idea is a formidable creation! Joyfully, Kathy Jacobs, Chair, Commission on the Status and Role of Women 7 North Northfield United Methodist Church July 2015 Newsletter It’s All Good Yankee Doodle Love God gave us the ability to love. We can love each other; we can love things; we can love ideas; we can love places. If you love your country you’re in the Big Box area of love. You can join with approximately 320 million others who share your emotion. That’s a lot of friends! Of course, we know that not all 320 million love the United States. Some are angry with the country right now and some actually hate the country. Putting aside the haters for the moment, anger doesn’t necessarily mean that love is gone. Children have to be taught patriotism. It isn’t inherent. A trip down Memory Lane may rekindle feelings that have been in repose. Photograph by Carol M. Highsmith. Library of Congress image. July 4th fireworks remain the hallmark of the holiday. In an earlier time, we kids held sparklers and ran around the dark yards of our neighborhoods. We lit roman candles and sent them skyward. We set off those annoying little paper caps. Some years, the family piled into the car with blankets and traveled to a community park where a professional fireworks show was staged. Other years, the family stayed home and watched “Yankee Doodle Dandy” with James Cagney and then the concert on the National Mall. Besides the gratitude for a member of the military who has served our country, there is no better example of the “heart-swell” that love brings than when we hear “You’re a Grand Old Flag,” “I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy,” “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and “God Bless America.” On this July 4th let’s remember John 3:16: “God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” We have the promise. Now let’s make God proud of how we love His world. Kathy Jacobs, Lay Leader 8 North Northfield United Methodist Church July 2015 Newsletter Member Spotlight Jean Merz Jean Merz has lived in Riverwoods for the past 39 years, where she loves all the wildlife: birds; squirrels; chipmunks and the deer. “The trees and landscaping in this area are so beautiful during all the different seasons,” she said. She attended the University of Wisconsin — Jean Merz Milwaukee for 2 years, studying lower elementary education, and then took an internship at the Milwaukee County Hospital to become a Certified Histology Technician. After working 2 years at the Milwaukee County Hospital, she worked at the Pathologie Institut in Bern, Switzerland for 2 years in the laboratory. After returning to the States she worked at the Milwaukee Children’s Hospital in Histology for 9 years. After marrying and moving to Illinois, Jean taught at Little Ones Preschool in Northbrook for 13 years. In 1973, the Children’s Hospital sent Jean to a medical convention in Champaign-Urbana and that is where she met Rudy. He was at the convention with Merz Optical Company selling Zeiss Medical Equipment. They were married 3 years later and have been married now for 39 years. The couple has one son, Jason, who attended the University of Colorado — Boulder School of Business. Jason is now working as the Event Coordinator at the Fender Corporation in Scottsdale, Ariz. She was about 3 years old when she started to attend Faith Evangelical United Brethren Church in Milwaukee with her 4 older siblings. The church was half a block from their house. About a year after they were married Jean noticed North Northfield while driving. Jean and Rudy decided to visit the following Sunday. “It was so much like my home church — we loved it right from the start,” Jean said. For relaxation, Jean enjoys going to their cottage in Shawano, Wis. “I like to relax in the hammock and read; take walks; go kayaking, and just ‘hold hands with God’ (meditating and enjoying God’s beautiful creation),” she said. She also enjoys the Worship and Outreach ministries at North Northfield, Volunteers in Mission trips, and working at the Rogers Park Community Feast and collecting items for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. “Operation Christmas Child is my all-time passion!” she said. Jean noted many people have influenced her spiritual journey as well as the music, choir, sermons, Bible studies and prayer support at North Northfield. Her childhood church in Milwaukee, pastored by Rev. Franklin T. Jordan, her Sunday School teacher, Tessie Mazzone, and her sisters were important, as are the people of North Northfield. “I don’t think there is a person in our congregation who has not had some influence on me and my walk with Christ,” she said. “Especially two godly women, Helen Schulz and Corine Shirrell, have had an enormous impact on me, helping me grow deeper in my faith and my walk with Christ.” 9 North Northfield United Methodist Church July 2015 Newsletter New Bible Study Starts After Labor Day “Covenant Bible Study” is a 24 week study divided into 3 series of 8 sessions — between them the entire Bible is covered but not in order, as each series relates to Covenant. We will have one class Friday afternoons from 1 to 2:30 p.m. I am able to lead an additional group of this study on Tuesday or Thursday evening or Saturday morning. If another leader can facilitate a group at another day or time we could have another group using the same DVD. If you are interested, have question or want to see the participant books let me know. My email address is, and by cell is (847) 414-3192. Bonnie Rich 22 Questions For those who asked Bonnie about getting a copy of Wesley’s “22 questions,” they are on this website (a blog from World Harvest Church in Roswell, Ga.): http://hopefaithprayer. com/john-wesley-holyclub-questions/ People, Places & Events July Birthdays Why not save this sheet and pray for these fellow members on their birthday? 7/5 7/5 7/5 7/5 7/12 7/24 Jaclynn Avner Stephanie Goede Carole Horneys Danny Staufenbiel Russell Medlin Gary Greenwood 7/25 7/25 7/28 7/29 7/31 Mildred McLeggan Jason Merz Yvette Cooper Michael Hammer John Hartz Altar Flowers We are in need of some people to sign-up for altar flowers to help beautify our altar. Please sign up on the flower chart (in honor, memory, or celebration of a special person or day) in the narthex. We will print your request in the bulletin. Thank you! (Please remember to return the plastic flower holder later if you take the flowers home. The florist reuses it to help reduce expenses.) North Northfield recently acquired these two new cabinets for the storage of our church banners. Many thanks to Merle Aycock’s nephew, David Shirley, of Georgia, who made them for us! 10 North Northfield United Methodist Church July 2015 Newsletter Calendar Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. ® The people of the United Methodist Church Sunday Monday Tuesday July 2015 Wednesday 28 29 30 1 5th Sunday after Pentecost Happy Christian Church, 1 p.m. Ladies Group, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Ladies Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. A.A., 7:30 p.m. T.O.P.S., 6:30 p.m. 5 6 7 8 6 Sunday after Pentecost Happy Christian Church, 1 p.m. Ladies Group, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Ladies Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. A.A., 7:30 p.m. T.O.P.S., 6:30 p.m. 12 13 14 15 7th Sunday after Pentecost Friendship Breakfast, 9 a.m. Happy Christian Church, 1 p.m. Ladies Group, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Ladies Bible T.O.P.S., Study, 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Evangelism, 7 p.m. A.A., 7:30 p.m. 19 20 21 22 8th Sunday after Pentecost Happy Christian Church, 1 p.m. Ladies Group, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Ladies Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. A.A., 7:30 p.m. T.O.P.S., 6:30 p.m. 26 27 28 29 9th Sunday after Pentecost Happy Christian Church, 1 p.m. Ladies Group, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Ladies Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. A.A., 7:30 p.m. T.O.P.S., 6:30 p.m. th Thursday 2 Friday Saturday 3 4 Independence Day (observed) (church office closed) Independence Day 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 1 Events of the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church (for more information, visit ) July 11 — Mission U Summer One Day Event, First U.M.C. of Oak Lawn, 8 a.m. (for youth and adults). July 16-19 — United Methodist Women Summer Mission U., 8 a.m., Holmes Student Center, DeKalb. July 20-23 — Eighth Historical Convocation, “Diversity: It’s Complicated,” Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary 2121 Sheridan Road, Evanston. July 31, Aug. 1 — United Methodist Women National Seminar, University of Illinois-Chicago. For more information, visit: Aug. 1 — Mass Incarceration Public Action in conjunction with United Methodist Women National Seminar and Community Renewal Society. Details to come. North Northfield United Methodist Church 797 Sanders Road, Northbrook, Illinois 60062 847.272.2250 Sunday services: 10 a.m. (join us early at 9:45 a.m. to sing praise songs!) Church office hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Pastor — Rev. Soong-In Steve Moon Assistant to the Pastor — Younghwan Won Choir Director — J.D. Rich Pianist — Weiwen Ma 11 Administrative Assistant — Geoffrey Graham
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