North Florida Chapter Safari Club International Fundraiser Issue February & March 2013 T w o G enerations F A T H E R S S C I & M E M B E R S L I F E S O N S Membership Meeting Fitzhugh Powell Farm - Tuesday, April 16, 2013 Page 1 Officers & Directors 2012-2013 PRESIDENTTom Powell PRESIDENT-ELECT Shawn Pringle VICE PRESIDENTRon Stafford SECRETARY Janet Pringle TREASURERDerrell Griner 353-3181 626-8960 662-5769 766-1347 764-2324 886-9595 743-3033 398-6057 629-2779 779-3722 273-4814 751-4942 764-2324 352-373-1178 352-373-1178 612-4138 619-0018 410-3109 727-7112 727-7112 766-1347 221-1373 280-5265 280-5265 503-3613 220-4009 220-4009 268-9673 DIRECTORS Carol Blodgett Jeff Boyd Tyrie W. Boyer Robert Bracewell Jimmy Cranford Jim Davis Dorothy Gillette Betty Griner Carol Higman James Higman Dale Loosier Clara McGehee David Mann A. J. Pionessa Georgianne Pionessa Ray Pringle Tom Sanders Doug Speed Shuri Speed Phil Stinnett Patricia Vane Terry Vane Paul Workman Sables Sensory Safari Meeting Locations Fundraiser Sensory Safari Fundraiser Fundraiser Fundraiser Fundraiser Sensory Safari Fundraiser Sensory Safari Fundraiser Shooting Sports Photographer Fundraiser Sportsmen Against Hunger Membership Membership Fundraiser Newsletter Editor Government Action Fundraiser PAST PRESIDENTS: Ray Pringle (2) Cliff McGehee (3) George Bowser David Alan DeBerry Terry Vane Bill Pullen Bob Olson Sharon Temple Steve O’Hara Doug Speed Craig M. Larimer D. L. Seals HONORARY DIRECTORS: 766-1347 Warren A. Tyre (3) 998-9339Rene Dostie 645-9050 Charles R. Bassett 757-8424 Scott Miller 353-8285 Mitch Montgomery 281/252-8083 Fred Kitchens 630-7389Tyrie W. Boyer (2) 260-3303 Mag Black 346-3166 M. Gordon Vines, Jr. 904-280-5265 Murray Black b.1953/ d. 2009Tillman Cavert, Jr./Founder 285-8602 Ernest F. Dorsey Willie B. Dyal Tyrie A. Boyer 398-5100 880-6441 b. 1932/d. 2005 396-9371 821-7171 398-1194 310-550-1980 389-6687 b. 1930/d. 2004 396-7979 706/945-4006 b. 1921/d. 2009 358-3030 Cover photos: Two Generations of SCI Members Top L-R Tyrie W. Boyer with his father Tyrie A. Boyer and Lori Boyer, Tyrie W’s wife Bottom L to R: President of Safari Club International North Florida Chapter Tommy Powell & Father Fitzhugh Powell North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 2 President’s Report ~ February & January 2013 Spring greetings to all SCI/Sables members, fellow hunters and friends of SCI ! The Fundraiser results are being finalized by our Treasurer, CPA, and committee chiefs and we will have a report at next month’s member meeting. We are quite happy with the early accounts. The board of directors meeting held March 5th was lengthy but productive with many good ideas planned for next year. We have chosen a student to attend the AWLS (American Wilderness Leadership School) summer program. Now the committee will be choosing among several teachers to send one to a teacher training AWLS near Jackson, Wyoming, ‘’nestled in the beautiful Bridger-Teton National Forest”. These are some of the ways our monies from our annual fundraiser are used. To educate the educators and to teach the children that sustainable, ethical hunting is an important tool as well as a way of life that is healthy, makes sense and needs to be shared and enjoyed with friends and family. They are the future of hunting and outdoor stewardship. I was fortunate to get to shoot quail at Broomsage with the Higman’s this week. While there, the owners wife Betty Jo Higginbotham, informed me that she had won the .380 donated by Wild West guns and thanked us for our professional fundraiser and the quick handling of her winnings by the crew at checkout. It is a small hunting community here in North Florida and I knew the other four hunters shooting at Broomsage that day who are all active members and officers at the Jacksonville Skeet and Trap Club. While at the Jacksonville “happy” Landing, I was very impressed by the work of the Ocearch research shark tagging vessel moored there. The boat was full of high school and college students. The crew of the Ocearch, owner Chris Fischer and Captain Brett Mcbride among other crew members were teaching them about conservation on and under the oceans waters. These men are leading the field in education about our oceans and have so much realworld experience that they are able to share. That boat is truly an inspiration to follow your dreams and I hope everyone is following the sharks on the Internet. Mary Lee is back in Bermuda and traveling our way again in time for spring break. I know that will make the surfers and scuba divers giddy. Youth turkey season opened last Saturday for our young hunters and Saturday the 16th is opening day for the rest of us. Please try and take someone new hunting with you whenever you can. How about the neighborhood kid that mows your yard? Let’s give up some of our time to teach new people about our sport. I have invited my doctor President’s Message Continued on Page 19 North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page Page33 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2012 - 2013 December 14 Membership Christmas Party - Toney & Bonnie Sleiman Residence January 8Board of Directors Meeting January 15 Membership Meeting - Karen Tutwiler Residence January 23-26Annual SCI Convention, Reno February 9 Family Fun Shoot - Jacksonville Gun Club February 21 Sportsmen Against Hunger March 2Annual Fundraiser - Morocco Shrine Auditorium April 2Board of Directors Meeting April 16 Membership Meeting Fitzhugh Powell Farm April 20 Sables Tea with a Twist - Sylvia Sanders Residence May 7Board of Directors Meeting May 21 Membership Meeting - Jacksonville Landing at Maverick’s June 4Board of Directors Meeting June 18 Wild Creek Plantation - Bill Carrier’s Lodge July 2Board of Directors Meeting July 16TBA INSIDE THIS EDITION President’s Report Family Fun Shoot 2 4-6 Sables 7 Author Judge Tyrie A. Boyer 8 Evening on Safari 9-17 Tom Powell & Ocearch Capt. Mc Bride 19 Welcome New Members 21 Beware! Bears in Florida 22 Visit North Florida Chapter’s Website at: Membership Application available online Click on “Membership” Proud Sponsor of the North Florida Chapter of Safari Club International PHOTO TIP: Attention Hunters! Please remove your sunglasses when you pose with your game. We want to see who you are! Not on our Email List? Send your email address to Janet at North Florida Chapter Safari Club International 11225 Old Kings Road Jacksonville, FL 32219 Phone: (904) 398-0059 Janet Pringle, Secretary Email: Please send completed membership form to: Derrell Griner, Treasurer 11701 Cisco Gardens Rd., N. Jacksonville, FL 32219-2756 Meeting Information Drink Charges at Meetings are as follows: Chapter Catered Events: $6 charge for call brand $3 for beer / $4 for wine. No charge for soda and water. Events at Facilities with Cash Bar: Cost is Set by the Venue. North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 5 Page 4 February Family Fun Shoot L to R President Tommy Powell, Ernie Dorsey, Bill Lahnen L to R Derrell & Betty Griner, Ann & Robert Bracewell ey Shoot Winner s Youth Turk Andy Benoit Holley Conyers Collier Summers Kaitlyn Pringle y Shoot Winner e k r u T t l u d s A Tom Nelson Bob McNally Gordon Olson Ray Pringle Robert Bracewell North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 5 February Family Fun Shoot Sean Pringle and daughter Kaitlyn Jody Brandenburg helping his grandaughter Grace Linder L-R Dale Loosier, Richard Benoit, Terry Vane giving instructions to Terry’s grandson Tavish Vane Frazier Jeff Boyd assisting grandaughter Kathryn Buzz Tyre helping his young shooter Bob Olson and grandson Jed Reinstine Right: Richard Benoit with grandson Charles Tom Sanders coaching his grandson Garrett Ava Meeks North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 6 Jacksonville Gun Club L to R Stephen Pionessa, A.J. Pionessa, Connor Soloman, Gary McKendree’s grandson and friend, Collier Summers, one of the “Turkey Shoot” winners, with Gary. Tim Pionessa & Norman Pionessa Lunch is Served L to R John & Dorothy Gillette, Ruth & Tom Nelson Debbie Benoit with grandsons Charles & Andy L to R Jimmy Cranford, winner of 50/50 Drawing, President Tommy Powell, Betty Griner L to R Chris & Bob McNally & family Charlie Goldenberg with niece, AshleyMeeks and her children, Addyson, Ava & Logan See Ava at NRA Women’s Networks page on Facebook! L to R Lourdene Vane, Barbara Larsen, Tavish, Dale Loosier, Terry Vane North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 4 Page 7 First, a big THANK YOU to all the Sables who worked many hours of many days to make this year’s fundraiser an outstanding success. Especially Beth Boyd, Clara McGehee, Patricia Vane, Dorothy Gillette, Glenn Thigpen, Georgianne Pionessa, Carol Higman and Janet Pringle. Thanks to Dale Loosier who helped us in purchasing items for Silent Auction and for setting up Silent Auction. If you attended the fundraiser this year, you know how much fun you had and all the hard work it took from the SCI members to produce it. Tea With A Twist A Mad Hatter Tea Party Able Sables The 5th Annual NFCSCI Sable’s Membership Tea Saturday, April 20, 2013 1:00 -3:00 PM Sylvia Sander’s Residence Queen’s Harbour Y & CC 13727 Saxon Lake Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32225 $30 per Ticket Our Sables Tea With A Twist is Saturday, April 20th and we are already 50% sold out. The theme is A Mad Hatter Tea Party. There will be prizes for Most Beautiful, Unique and Zaniest hats. Our 5th annual tea will be at the beautiful Queen’s Harbour home of Tom and Sylvia Sanders. Less than 15 tickets remain so purchase yours now by calling Dorothy Gillette at 751-4942. We are happy to announce our student candidate for the AWLS summer program. Our Sables NF Chapter and SCI Sables Foundation will be sending Logan Lingerfeld in July. Logan was nominated by Darrell and Betty Griner and meets all the criteria. Some of you may have met or worked with Logan at fundraiser set-up, where he demonstrated his willingness to pitch in and do whatever job came his way. He is polite, willing, helpful and eager to learn. We look forward to a report from Logan following his AWLS experience. As winter gives way to spring and we relax after fundraiser, Sables look forward to new projects and volunteers to form a nominating committee as well as plan youth activities for this year. Don’t wait to be asked, tap your cell, send an email to any Sables board member and share your ideas and how you can implement them. The role Sables Education plays in preparing the next generation is not only vital but priceless. We need YOU! May your Easter be a time of renewal and rejoicing! Carol Blodgett, President NAFCSCI Sables Call Dorothy Gillette For additional tickets 904.751.4942 Prizes for: Most Beautiful, Unique, & Zaniest Hat # Safari Servers pouring champagne! SABLES BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012-2013 President Vice President 2nd Vice President Internet Communications & Sables National Rep. Treasurer Membership Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Sable Events Sign-up/ Calling Historian Carol Blodgett Patricia Vane Dorothy Gillette Janet Pringle Shuri Speed Beth Boyd Daune Davis Sylvia Sanders Clara McGehee Carol Higman North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 8 Memories and Reflections of a Florida Cracker by Tyrie Alvis Boyer WELCOME to the CAMPFIRE These fine people have joined SCI and our Chapter. Please make them welcome… Mr. Philip Bryan Phil is a contractor who spends as much time as he can guiding hunts with DY Ranch. He also wins guns at SCI raffles without really trying hard. Mr. Donnie Young Donnie is the owner of DY Ranch and devotes his life to making quality Guided hunts a reality at DY Ranch. His passion for excellence begins with his handshake. Our own Honorary Director, Judge Tyrie A. Boyer, Retired, has written a wonderfully inspirational and entertaining book, “Memories and Reflections of a Florida Cracker”. His book includes many descriptive stories including the incident when he was attacked and almost killed by a deer. Relating the event moment by moment, how it happened, what he felt and thought and how he survived! If you missed his signing at the Annual Banquet and Auction, you still have an opportunity to get his book. To request a copy and/or further details, just send an email to his son, Tyrie W. Boyer at:tyriewboyer@gmail. com Mr. Wayne Weber Wayne was roaming the Fund Raiser and decided to become a member of SCI and the Chapter. We are glad to have him and look forward to his hunting adventures. Mr. Thomas Nelson Tom is hard to miss, standing 6’5” with handshake like a vise grip. He is a corporate Manager with prior SCI history and has a lot of hunting experience. SCI Members, look for the paw print on SCI badges and introduce yourself and welcome new members! Safari Club International _________________________ New Member North Florida Chapter TERENCE G. VANE, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Terence G. Vane, Jr., P.A. (904) 353-8285 Blackstone Building, Suite 620 233 East Bay Street FAX (904) 354-2739 Jacksonville, FL 32202 North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 9 An Evening on Safari Annual Banquet & Fundraiser Winners of the VIP table Right: Anthony & Deanne Capasso Above: L to R Standing: Kyle & Allison Brown Seated: Joe Brown & Eileen North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 10 An Evening on Safari Annual Banquet & Fundraiser L to R: Toney Sleiman, Daniel Casas, Pat Roe Jarell Martin holds the NCI Award for taking the Big Five. On the left is Jarell’s son Chris Martin & Derrell Griner is at the right. L to R Betty Jo & Ralph Higginbotham, Chuck & Gedon Pracher L to R: Darcy Lavis & Eli Sleiman, III L to R Doris & Wayne Griffin, Angie & Harold Griffin Charlie, Mayor of Jacksonville Beach, & Kathryn Latham North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 11 An Evening on Safari Annual Banquet & Fundraiser L to R Candy Hartley, Joe Hartley, Marvin Hartley, Edie Hartley D. & Shirley Seals Diana & Ed Stinson L to R Norma & Clark Vargas, Elizabeth & Allen Vargas North Florida Chapter Safari Club International “An Evening on Safari ” 32 nd Annual Banquet & Fundraiser Saturday, March 2 nd, 2013 L to R Ernie Dorsey, Gordon Vines, Bill Lahnen North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 12 An Evening on Safari Annual Banquet & Fundraiser Woody & Sheryl Potter Karen & Bob Olson L to R Suzanne & Gerry Lee, Fitz Powell, Jamey McCoy & Joe Dill James & Carol Higman Bobby Sanders & Friend L to R Standing: Mike Sanders, Jeff Sanders, Suzie Sams Seated: Tom Sanders, Sylvia Sanders & grandchildren North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 13 An Evening on Safari Annual Banquet & Fundraiser L to R Rick Kelley, Bill Gay, Mike Barber Ray Pringle, Eric Grimes L to R: Friend of Rick Kelley, Emma & Bill Leeper L to R: Michael Rutherford, John Rutherford, Al Mann Center: Fitzhugh Powell. To his left, Jack Capra & Robert Bracewell. To his right, guests of fundraiser Howard & Sherry Coker North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 14 An Evening on Safari Annual Banquet & Fundraiser John & Jane Pope L to R Red & Jackie Nicoli, A.J. Pionessa Pam & Tony Nicoli L to R Ellen & Howard Dyal, Kathy & Russell Grooms Jelisse & Travis Marrero with SCI member Thom Wright & Christina Bull Buddy & Ann Packham Tony Bozzella & father North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 15 An Evening on Safari Annual Banquet & Fundraiser Carla & Kevin Fisher L to R Dale Loosier, Patricia Vane, Terry Vane, Kim Knapp Kilbride David & Shirley DeBerry Kathy & Doug Jossim Pat Gaccetta & wife Stephanie L to R Ruth & Tom Nelson, Wayne Weber, John Gillette, Lisa Weber, Dorothy Gillette The Nelsons are new members North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 16 An Evening on Safari Annual Banquet & Fundraiser L to R front row - Petty Officer 1st Class Sean Williams, US Navy; Petty Officer 2nd Class Jake Gray, US Navy. L-R back row Lt. J.G. Justin Boily, US Navy; Master Chief Todd Coates, US Navy; Chief Lane Cook, US Coast Guard L to R back row Angel Boily - Gatorgirlz (Contracted Nuisance Alligator Trapper) and Florida Wildlife Commission; Pam Coates, USO Mayport Center Director. L-R front row Lt. J.G. Justin Boily, US Navy; Master Chief Todd Coates Thank you to all who sponsored, attended and supported the 2013 North Florida Chapter Safari Club International Annual Banquet and Auction L to R Keneta & Phil Stinnett, Steve Staples, Keneta’s son Annual Family Fun Shoot Students from the Independent Living for Adult Blind School experiencing SenSory SAFArI We look forward to seeing you again in 2014 North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 17 An Evening on Safari Annual Banquet & Fundraiser Silent Auction Tables & DinnerWare Raffle Table North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 18 An Evening on Safari Annual Banquet & Fundraiser President Tommy Powell The Dewar’s girls offered samples of world famous scotch and Bacardi/Dewars provided the host of each table a bottle of Dewar’s scotch in gilded baskets along with other goodies all decorated and assembled by Dorothy Gillette. Lance Day & Michelle Menzer North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 19 President’s Message Continued on from page 2 and his son to go with me and they are excited about their first hunt and getting hunting licenses, hunting turkeys and camping out and cooking out and all the fun that goes with that. When inspecting the shotgun his dad had given him I found it properly unloaded (good). But the trigger was cocked, so I showed him how to safely dry fire it and store it with no tension on the trigger spring which could weaken and not hit the primer hard enough to detonate the load when you need to shoot the gun. I have seen this over and over again, not storing guns with the trigger pressure released and it can hurt any gun. Remember safety first - never point a gun at anything you do not want to shoot. Always treat all guns as if they are loaded, which means you never point a gun at any person, ever. Never has there been a more important era to teach gun safety than in our time and place in history. On behalf of the entire board of directors, most of whom worked long hours and very hard at the fundraiser, we thank all the members of the North Florida Chapter of Safari Club International who attended our fundraiser and spent money to support our worthy cause. Please sign up some new members and take them hunting for the good of all. And you can say a prayer before you hunt, thanking the Lord for letting you get outdoors and enjoy our American Freedoms guaranteed us under the Constitution of this great Republic we live in. God Bless America, and God bless you! Tom Powell President North Florida Chapter Safari Club International, Inc. Captain Brett McBride and North Florida Chapter SCI president Tom Powell on the Bridge of the Ocearch Marine research vessel while docked at the Happy Landing owned by the Sleiman companies in Jacksonville Florida. Captain McBride is the man who tagged the two great white sharks that have recently been tracked 100 feet off the beaches here. The sharks circled the boats off of Martha’s Vineyard Massachusetts and would not eat, so Captain Brett, knowing that like lions that are full from their last kill, knew the sharks probably would not eat him if he jumped in with them. So he donned his mask and fins and swam with the great whites and personally placed the giant circle hooks with chain leader and a special butter knife anchor ball retaining device (taped on with black electricians tape) into the 3600 pound great whites mouths with his hands. Captain McBride and boat owner Chris Fischer are divers who are doing research on sharks that has never been done before and we salute them for their stellar efforts. They tagged a 2000 pound shark off the poles of Mayport Saturday night during our SCI fundraiser. North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Page 20 Curry Thomas Hardware owner, Steve Thomas, has generously offered North Florida Chapter Members a 5% discount on all ammunition and a 10% discount on most firearms and related accessories, and a broad variety of outdoor items. Curry Thomas carries a surprising variety of hard-to-find ammunition including 6.5 Swedish, 7.5JAP, 8mm Mauser, .257 Roberts and .35 Whelen, along with the more popular calibers. With the extensive variety of trophy game mounts from around the World, simply shopping there is a “hunting” experience! Thank you Steve, for all the ways you support NFCSCI! Thanks HCO! Your Game Camera with the Metal Protector Box is greatly appreciated. Hunt Stories Needed! Send your stories & pictures to Patricia Vane 220-4009 • Please limit articles to 1,000 words or 2 pages. The NFC reserves the right to edit submitted articles. North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 The Religion of Climate Change (formerly named Global W after the scandal broke. Two further reports are scheduled Anthony Watt and othersand have concluded in aobstruction new studyofthat da leadership” “the unprecedented the inv Page 21 Administration (NOAA) is seriously inaccurate. including the Attorney General himself.” The group stud tion standards which “more accurately characterizes the quality The Religion of Climate Change (formerly tially representative surface temperature trends.” Thenamed groupGlo con Anthony and others have concluded in a of new study t Taxidermy Studio doubled as a result ofWatt erroneous upward adjustments well-site Administration (NOAA) is seriously inaccurate. The grou reported from 1979-2008 was artificial, due to erroneous but de Tony and Leslie Breedlove tion standards which “more accurately characterizes the q 3188 Southeast County Road 21-B • Melrose, Florida 32666 tially representative surface temperature trends.” The gro 352-475-3159 US House Votes to Permit Importation of Legally Taken of Pol doubled as a result of erroneous upward adjustments w We are a full service taxidermy studio offering custom quality work on all importation of the bears legally taken in Canada before the pola reported from 1979-2008 was artificial, due to erroneous b trophies from all over the world USDA approved for receiving your shipment. mains cannot be imported any longer since they have been listed NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL -- your trophy is our top priority House Votes to Permit Importation Legally however, untilUSthe Democrat Party is no longer in of control ofTake the Trophy room design and natural dioramas to complement your treasured trophies. ofand the bears Services legally taken Canada before th Servicing the North Florida Safari Club over 20 years.importation We now offer Cleaning Maintenance for your trophyin room. mains cannot be imported any longer The since they have been Taxidermy is a fine art. Keeping your mounts and habitatsIndustry clean can be difficult. Whether it is daily occurrences such as household dust orecoserious pest Firearms Thrives Under Obama. PAGE 1 thehousehold Democrat isnotnofamiliar longer in control infestations, your investment & can begin to depreciate as soon as it however, comes into your until home. Most cleaningParty services are with mount Officers Directors nomic impact of the firearms industry went from 19 Government Action Committee Update Con cleaning technique may not be familiar with the signs of a developing problem. 2012-2013 T Tom Powell 353-3181 billion in toto$31 inrestoration, pest 2011, thanks to trophy The Big Fast and Furious Cover-up Claims BATFE Resignation. William H Tony hasPringle teamed up with David Miller of Nature’ s Way2008 Pest Control offer fullbillion scaleThe cleaning, control forAnother your room. Firearms Industry Thrives Under Obama. The ecoT-ELECT Shawn 626-8960 FE, resigned on July 31, 2012, the same day Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) and IDENT Paul Workman 268-9673 with from histoissued friends in Background reportfirearms identifying Hoover and everyone four other BATFE officials those responsib Y Janet nomic impact of athe industry went fromas 19 TonyPringle recently has766-1347 taken over Zero, maintenance of the help Sensory Safari trophies keep them in top Congress. condition for to enjoy. ER Derrell Griner 764-2324 All five had been previously reassigned within the BATFE and the Justice Departmen checks set records ininand 2010 and 2011. rising afterto the $31 scandal broke. TwoProving further reports arethat scheduledawhich detailBig the “dev billion 2008 billion in 2011, thanks to will The Prior to departing for that “hunt of a lifetime” contact us to obtain your custom tag reference package filled with important information on skinning and leadership” and “the unprecedented obstruction of the investigation by the highest lev RS: trophy preparation. Advance is thewith key to your trophy being the best it can be. Zero, help from his friends in Congress. Background including the Attorney General himself.” tide lifts allplanning boats, taxes paid by the industry rose by 66% gett Sables 886-9595 Te Sensory Safari 743-3033 checks set records in 2010 and 2011. Proving that a rising yer Meeting Locations 398-6057• Check out our The Religion of Climate Change (formerly named Global Warming) Takes Anot Call for references website at and find us on Facebook and jobs increased by 30% during the first three years Bl 0cewell Fundraiser 629-2779 Anthony Watt and others have concluded in a new study that data compiled by the N nford Sensory Safari 779-3722 tide lifts all boats, taxes paid by the industry rose by 66% Administration (NOAA) is seriously inaccurate. The group studied a five-year period 233 Fundraiser 273-4814 of the Obamanation, probably the only private industry 1llette tion standards which “more accurately characterizes the quality of the location in term Fundraiser 751-4942 and jobs increased by 30% three years tially representative surfaceduring temperature the trends.”first The group concluded temperature Jact 398-5100 r 2005 Fundraiser 764-2324 d. showing real of growth as a direct result of Obama A Victory for the an Fundraiser 352-373-1178 doubled as a result of erroneous upward adjustmentspolicies. of well-sited stations by NOAA the Obamanation, probably the due only private industry 880-6441 Sensory Safari 352-373-1178 reported from 1979-2008 was artificial, to erroneous but deliberate adjustments b 1man r Fundraiser 612-4138 Second Amendment b. 1932/d. 2005 619-0018 in Illinois NFC/SCI Newsletter ehee Sensory Safari showing real US growth as a direct result of Obama policies. House Votes to Permit Importation of Legally Taken Polar Bears. The House 1n Fundraiser 410-3109 by Terry Vane importationAdvertising of the bears legally taken in Canada before the polar bear was listed as en Quote of the Month Rates mains cannot be imported any longer since they have been listed as endangered. The until the Democrat Party longerthe in control of the chamber. People’s of that "We areRepublic a nation a government --is nonot other way arou Quote of has the however, Month 4 The gun grabbers of Emperor Obama’s Three Typed Lines: $10.00 • Business Card: $35.00 Illinois suffered a major setback on February 22, 2013, when Firearms Industry Under Obama. The eco"We are a¼nation that hasThrives a government --that notgranted the otheritwa the Circuit, Earth. Ouren government has no power except b 1980 398-1194 Page: $50.00 • ½ Page: $75.00 • Full nomic impact of the firearms industry went from 19 Page: $125.00 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh sitting in 2008 to $31 billion in 2011, to The Big TERENC Earth. shows Ourbillion government has nothanks power except that grant 310-550-1980 7 banc, denied the petition of the State Illinois to rehearthewhich ofof government signs having grown Zero, with help from of his friends in Congress. Background beyond the ATTOR Contact Patricia Vane atof 220-4009 r. 2004 the Court’s389-6687 December 11, 2012, decision that the total ban checks set records in 2010 andsigns 2011. Proving that a risingor of government which shows having grown beyon d. provideoutside opportunity, not smother it; paid foster productivity, not stifl tide lifts all boats, taxes by the industry rose by 66% in Illinois on the SIDENTS: b. carrying 1930/d.firearms 2004 for self-defense 396-9371 821-7171 ssa Shooting Sports e Pionessa Photographer e Fundraiser rs Sportsmen Against Hunger d Membership d Membership tt Fundraiser ne Newsletter Editor Government Action 9e (2) 727-7112 727-7112 766-1347 221-1373 280-5265 280-5265 221-5060 220-4009 220-4009 and jobs increased 30% during the first years productivity, B , sno B provide opportunity, notby smother it;three foster home or business was unconstitutional. The case, Shepard v. hee (3) Founder wser DeBerry Terence G. Vane, Jr., P.a. 766-1347 998-9339 645-9050 757-8424 353-8285 281/252-8083 630-7389 260-3303 346-3166 904-280-5265 b.1953/ d. 2009 285-8602 396-7979 Warren A. Tyre (3) Rene Dostie Charles R. Bassett Scott Miller Mitch Montgomery Fred Kitchens Tyrie W. Boyer (2) Mag Black M. Gordon Vines, Jr. Murray Black Tillman Cavert, Jr./Founder 398-5100 880-6441 b. 1932/d. 2005 396-9371 821-7171 Madigan, was brought by Mary Shepard, a church employee, licensed to carry by both Utah and Florida, who was viciously beaten by a thug with a violent past at her church398-1194 in Chicago. mple 310-550-1980 In the ruling, Judge Richard Posner stated “…a right to ra 389-6687 4006 706/945-4006 d b. 1930/d. 2004 keep and bear arms for personal defense in the eighteenth rimer 396-7979 b. 1921/d. 2009have been limited to the home. century could not rationally d. 2009 …a Chicagoan is a good deal more likely to be attacked on a 358-3030 0RY DIRECTORS: Ernest Dorsey 706/945-4006 sidewalk than in his apartment onF.the 35th floor.” While this Willie B. Dyal b. 1921/d. 2009 A. Boyer 358-3030 case represents a victory in a Tyrie fight that has been ongoing es north ofyou Windhoek, This for years, can be sureNamibia. that the people of Illinois will still er Photo: Derrell & David Griner with an Eland taken about 100 miles north of Windhoek, Namibia. This Namibia. This be thwarted atbelow turn by their left-wing government onspotted him eek, dry river and spotted him ken after driving tobed the top ofevery a mountain. We had been glassing the dry river bed below and al other Eland. My PH said that the only way to get to them was to walk down the hill and up the side of w and spotted him Second Amendment issues. The gun grabbers Obamaland alk down the100 hill and up the side ofriver bed,ofI got ll. After crawling about yards on my hands and knees in a dry to a lone tree where I took . shot. are The rest is history! control… control of their subjects, that is. all about nd the side verup bed, I got toof a lone tree where I took y ‘12 lacksTone for more information or to place an ad.233 e of the Obamanation, probably the only private industry showing real growth as a direct result of Obama policies. uildinG Bay sTreeT JacksonVille, Fl 32202 uiT asT Quote of the Month "We are a nation that has a government -- not the other way around. And this makes u the Earth. Our government has no power except that granted it by the people. It is tim of government which shows signs of having grown beyond the consent of the govern provide opportunity, not smother it; foster productivity, not stifle it." -- Ronald Reaga Photography for all Occasions Photography for all Occasions by Georgianne by Georgianne PionessaPionessa Photography for all Occasions NFC/SCI News Phone: 727-7112 Three Typed Lines: ¼ Page: Full Page Phone: 727-7112 Phone:by Georgianne 727-7112 Pionessa Cell: 655-7471 Cell: 655-7471 Cell: 655-7471 Fax: 805-0870805-0870 Fax: Fax: 805-0870 Contact Pa or patrici for more infor North Florida Chapt one tree where took Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 North IFlorida Page 22 Small Tracks Submitted by Phil Stinnett North Florida Chapter Safari Club International February & March 2013 Sportsman Against Hunger Tom Sanders, Sportsmen Against Hunger Chairman, presents a check to Salvation Army Area Commander Major Ron Mott, as Jimmy Cranford, Ron Stafford, Chapter President Tom Powell, Paul Stasi and A.J. Pionessa look on. NFC/SCI has also donated over 300 pounds of meat so far this year and chapter volunteers served more than 220 hungry customers at the Red Shield Lodge on February 21, 2013. L-R Tom Sanders, Jimmy Cranford, Tommy Powell, A.J. Pionessa, Ron Stafford, Terry Vane
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