“Glorify God…Serve Others” MAY 22, 2015 North Iowa Christian School 811 N Kentucky Ave || Mason City, IA 50401 nicschool@mchsi.com || 641-423-6440 Thank you from the NICS Staff for letting us be a part of your children’s lives this school year. It was a joy and we look forward to seeing you next year! Summer hours for Sophie in the NICS office will be 9-12 am on Tuesdays and Fridays. Feel free to send checks and emails and call the school throughout the summer Please check your email as the next school year approaches for supply lists and other info! BandFest Parade: We are entry #93 for the parade. We will meet on 2nd Street NE, south side of the road, near N. Connecticut. This is south of Good Shepherd. Meet at this location between 9:45 and 10:00 Saturday morning. Everyone is invited to VandenBergs following the parade for lunch -1101 Birch Drive. We will provide pizza and drinks. Please bring food to share. Reply to this email with how many from your family are able to come for lunch so we can order enough pizza. NICS Wear will be available for pick-up at noon dismissal today Report cards will be sent in the next few weeks! May 24 Jesup’s Grad Party – East Park, 3 to 5 PM June 1 Early Registration Deadline! August 20 Annual Potluck @ Praise Community Church August 31 Meet and Greet 9-Noon September 1 First Day of School ;) NICS is taking applications for a part-time kindergarten teacher as well as a full time teacher for grades 7-12. If you, or someone you know, is interested, please contact the school office. Registration for 2014-2015 school year: Registration forms are attached for the 2015-2016 school year. Families registering by June 1 will receive a $50 gift card per child for early registration. Remember that tuition for this year (2014-2015) needs to be paid in full before registering for next year. News from the School Board NICS School Board met on Thursday evening, May 14, following the parent meeting. Jason Miner will be staying on as Dean for next year, for which the board is grateful. We appreciate the spiritual leadership he has given the school this past year. The Christian School International site team did recommend NICS for accreditation for grades K-12. We will be officially approved in July. The process is, however, ongoing. We will need to make an improvement plan based on our self-study and the team’s recommendations. Our progress towards our goals will be reported every year in April, with all recommendations addressed within five years. The board has decided to separate the kindergarten class from the 1 st and 2nd grades. We are now looking for a part time teacher for the kindergarten, as well as a full time teacher for the 7-12th grades. Applications are being accepted. We, also, need a coach for Cross Country. If you know of any runners… We reviewed the results from the Iowa Assessments tests. The new policy concerning high school classes was sent out for parents to review. The next school board meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 15, at 6:00 pm. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” May 23 BandFest Parade Proverbs 22:6 Dear NICS Staff and Families, Thank you so much for the wonderful farewell for my retirement. I greatly appreciate your kind words and gifts. A special thanks to the high school students for the surprise farewell party, gifts, and encouraging words of appreciation. It has truly been a joy and a blessing to be a part of NICS these past five years. I will treasure fond memories of students and staff. May the Lord bless and guide each of you. In Christ, Mrs. Pam Siefert Page 1 of 1
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