Website: NEWSLETTER Albany Creek Branch Inc. for the ‘Rock’n’Roll ’generation. Editor: Marion MacLaughlin Phone: 0412 660 930 General correspondence should be sent to: PO Box 416, Aspley QLD 4034 Volume 13, Issue 4 April 2015 Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect those of National Seniors Australia, our Branch, or the editor. DEADLINE FOR May 2015 NEWSLETTER is 27th April 2015 NSA Albany Creek meets on the 2nd Friday of every month at the Albany Creek Community Centre, Ernie Street, Albany Creek, 5.30 for 6.00pm. For information phone Len Farina 0488 744 706. If you are unable to attend the Monthly meeting please advise the Branch Secretary: Len Farina 0488 744 706. Newsletter Mailing Presidential Comments!! . As a member NSA Albany Creek you receive the monthly newsletter. If you no longer wish to be on our Mailing or Emailing List for the Newsletter please advise the President (Marion 0412660930) or Len (0488744706) Payment of N.S.A. fees and ordering of badges NSA Albany Creek receives a small amount of commission from National Seniors Head Office every time you pay your membership through the club, so next time your membership is due for renewal please consider paying it at the meeting on Friday night. If you require a name badge, these can be ordered through the Treasurer. The cost is $10.00. You can order a badge either with a pin or a magnetic catch. See Treasurer Janeen Ford at the meeting. Suggestion Box A suggestion box is placed on the table just inside the door. Please make use of this to put forward your views. Please include your name so we can get further information and keep you informed. IMPORTANT REMINDER From now on, correct money for each bus trip, theatre, dining out, etc must be placed in a separate sealed envelope with your name, amount of money, purpose and date occurring, on the outside. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 Presidential Comments, Mailing, Badges, Firstly, a Happy Easter to all our members and supporters. Don’t eat too many chocolates – and if you do, come to our May meeting and hear Victoria Gill from the Green Apple Gym! She will speak about Seniors keeping healthy. We have heard a lot about the 100 years remembrance of the Gallipoli landing and Pat Brown has prepared a reflection on this and subsequent events to present at our April meeting. I am looking forward to hearing her speak as her role is usually to organise our guest speakers which can be a difficult job. As we have no catering convenor this year we are having to organise our suppers month by month. Many thanks to all those who helped with the pizzas last meeting, especially Bob and Marie who had offered to collect them and were kept waiting as the order wasn’t ready on time. Many thanks to Brian and the Happy Snappers for taking on the organisation for our April meeting. Thanks to Sandra for all the coffee and dining out she has organised for us. I know we all had a great day out at Caloundra RSL when we heard some great singing. May I suggest that it would be a good idea for everyone to wear their name badge on outings – and also to branch meetings! Marion MacLaughlin, President Payment of Fees, Suggestion Box. 2 Interest Groups, Supporters. (Local Traders) 3 Golf Report, Happy Snappers, Welfare, Gadabouts, Dining Out, Outings. 4 Anzac Biscuits, Anzac Poem, Zone Conference, Guest Speakers, -1- THESE LOCAL TRADERS GIVE DISCOUNTS FOR NATIONAL SENIORS Information concerning activities of all our interest groups can be accessed through our WEBSITE – Support local traders and show card for discount. Dining Out Albany Creek Day & Night Chemist Sofitel Hotel – April 29 (change of date) ContactSandra 33250966 or 046697282 Market Place 720 Albany Creek Road Phone 32644433 Gives 10% discount on presentation of your NSA card. Golf Club Audit and Tax Accountants Monday mornings 6:00 am (One Mile Country Club). Contact David McLeod 33556960 Audit & Tax Accountants at Albany Creek are professionals in areas of Audit, Tax and Self-Managed Super Funds. We offer 10% Discount to all NSA members. Please visit and call Sue on 3172 1561 for your free initial consultation. Happy Snappers Wednesday April 15 – 7:30pm at Brian’s. Contact Brian 32642941 BKC Security and Alarms Healthy Changes 1300 238 513 Will give 15% discount to NSA card members. Wednesday mornings & Thursday evenings. Free for Albany Creek NSA members. Contact Laurie 32052440 Eatons Hill Pharmacy 33253733 Shop A1/6-12 Bunya Park Drive, Eatons Hill 10% discount on non-prescription items. Let’s Make It Meetings: Thursdays at 2:00 pm. Contact Linda. 3264 3966 Eatons Hill Vet Surgery Outings Rose Cottage South Pine Rd, Eatons Hill gives a 10% discount off services to NSA members. – Next Bus Trip – July 7 - Murwillumbah 3264 7700 IGA Brendale 32054090 Contact Sandra Crawford 33250966 Offers 10% Discount to National Seniors members. Don’t forget to tell the checkout operators as soon as you are being served and show your National Seniors Card. The Eager Readers Third Monday of the month. Next meeting – April 20 Contact Sandra Crawford 33250966 JNM Electrical, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning The Gadabout Coffee Call Jason 0438009397 – 10% discount. The Crepe Cafe, Aspley Homebase Next outing 10:00am April 9 Contact Sandra 33250966 JAF Group Services Complete Property Maintenance – Home & Office Repairs, Carpentry, Landscaping/Fencing/Mowing – No job too small. Contact James 0438 264150. The Riotous Readers Fourth Monday of the month at 7.30 pm. Next meeting April 27 Contact Mary 3264 6643 Just One Look 33250000 Shop 14 Albany Market Place. Kim and her girls offer 10% discount to NSA members Photos and Articles K & K Kafe Any members wishing to submit articles, photos or jokes please feel free to email the Editor. Photos to update the website would be very welcome. 32648518 Next to Coles at Albany Creek will give a 10% discount to National Seniors on presentation of your NSA card. Marion, Ed Peter Campbell Realty - Thanks Thanks are expressed to Matt Campbell of Peter Campbell Realty for printing our Newsletter. We are very grateful for your continuing support of our Branch of NSA. A northside real estate agent since 1970 offers all National Seniors and Pensioners a 20% discount on sales fees - and no advertising cost for any property on Brisbane Northside. -2- 32642311 To all celebrating an anniversary or birthday this month have a great day. Golf Report I don’t think that this guy looks like any of our members but I think we would all like to have his style. We are always happy to attract new members both male and female. You don’t need to be an experienced - golfer just contact me as per the newsletter. This last month has had no special games and numbers have been down to around half. Our next major event is the April Monthly Medal eagerly contested as usual on 06/04/15 which is Easter Monday. Because my photos were a dismal failure for the last newsletter this is evidence that the Chefs Extraordinaire were actually in attendance. I wonder who cut and precooked those excellent onions! I don’t think anyone went without and once again thanks to the girls and boys who helped on the night. David McL. Happy Snappers Only a couple of Happy Snappers turned up at Brian's place for our last meeting. This was due to a combination of prior commitments, holidays, etc. Undeterred, Brian went ahead with a short talk on how to use depth of field to our advantage when taking photographs. Then it was into his demountable studio (his garage), where he had set up a small library complete with filled bookcases and chair. We then took a series of photographs using various focal lengths, shutter speeds and apertures and observed how these affected the depth of field. We were pleased to see how our results matched the theory. Get Well Soon We wish a speedy recovery to all members who are not well. Contact Mary Hudson for any announcements. 32646643. If required Emergency Medical Forms are available at the monthly meeting from the secretary Len Farina. The Gadabout Coffee group A small group enjoyed a relaxing morning coffee and chat at Poshamocha, Ferny Grove in March. The next get together is at Crepe Affair, Homebase, Aspley, on 10 April, 10:00 am. Come and enjoy the best American buttermilk pancakes - great value!! Future dates for Gadabouts , 2015 7 May 11 June 9 July 13 August 10 September Café 351, Taigum French a Mor, Albany Creek Albany Creek Coffee Club Eatons Hill Tavern Coffee/Lunch Portabella, Albany Creek Dining Out & Outings What a good day at Caloundra RSL Club. Forty seven club members and friends enjoyed a great performance by the Two Tenors, morning tea and a tasty lunch. The show was entertaining with the guys performing many old favourite requests which the audience could sing along with. Congratulations to all for making payment by the due date! The Happy Snappers meetings are open to all members who may have an interest in practicing or learning about your camera and photography techniques. Sessions can be arranged for user preferred subjects. Our April meeting will be held at Brian's place as usual and John Bayne has agreed to organise the night's activities. So come on everybody; let's have a full turn out on April 15. Brian M Full Depth of Field Short Depth of Field Part of the huge audience The THREE Tenors! We are all looking forward to the buffet lunch at the Sofitel Hotel in the City. Please note CHANGE DATE to 24 January Fish Lips, Ferny HillsOF 6.00pm Wednesday 29th April. A booking has been made for 30 March Morning Tea, Dayboro, people and paymentLunch of $39Woodford is requiredHotel by April meeting. Own/shared transport Tuesday 7 July - Bus Trip to Margaret Olley Exhibition April Trip, Caloundra RSL Club and Gallery Show atBus Murwillumbah Regional Art Gallery. Lunch & Show Lunch at venue to be decided (Tumblegum Hotel or the May Sofitel, Brisbane CityA 21 seater bus Kingscliff Bowls Club) at own expense. Lunch has been booked so Buffet put your name down early. Cost for August Murwillumbah bus and morning teaBus willTrip be $32. Payment by June Branch Regional Art Gallery Meeting. Margaret Olley Exhibition Morning Tea/Lunch - 3 - September Sofitel Brisbane City Buffet Lunch Sandra C Dining Out/Outings – 2015 Calendar THE CALL The Story of Anzac Biscuits – and recipe (Anzac Poem by Ray Wilson) During WW1 the wives, mothers and girlfriends of the Australian soldiers were concerned about the nutritional value of the food being supplied to their men. Here was a problem, any food had to stay edible in the two months or more that it took to get to the troops. A group of women came up with a biscuit, based on a Scottish recipe which used rolled oats. The ingredients were ones which didn't spoil. Eggs were in very short supply so syrup or treacle was used to hold the biscuits together. The biscuit was initially called Soldiers Biscuits but after the landing at Gallipoli they were known as Anzac Biscuits. The swelling clarion swept the land, faces clouded at what might befall: your country had need of you and of your brothers and bright-eyed and carefree you answered her call. Left those you loved behind, cherished their memories, bravely marched into the shadows of night to fight for your countrymen, honour your native land, sure of your faith in a cause that was right. The dewdrops at sunrise sparkled like rubies, fathers and sons alike shrouded the ground, rivers of life-blood streamed through the valleys and the mountains in mourning bowed at the sound. Try making a batch…… 1 cup plain flour 1 cup rolled oats( traditional oats not instant variety) 3/4 desiccated coconut 3/4 brown sugar 125 g butter 2 tablespoon golden syrup 2 tablespoon water 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate soda Oven Temperature 160 C Prepare two oven trays with baking paper or lightly spray each tray. Combine flour, sugar, coconut and rolled oats in a bowl. In a saucepan melt butter, syrup and water, remove from heat and add soda, stir well. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix well. Roll into small balls(size of a golf ball),place on tray approx 6 cm apart, flatten slightly with a fork. Bake 15 minutes or until golden. Allow to cool on the tray for 10 minutes before placing on cooling rack. Store when cool. Death had no favourites, all men might meet her, many remained to answer her call; so many limbs shattered, so many hearts broken; an entire generation had given their all. And when it was over the survivors came home, showing their scars and telling proud stories of their gallant comrades who fell in the conflict, recounting their triumphs, reliving their glories. You who returned will not be forgotten, you who are silent will march on again to victories undreamed of and conquests immortal. God bless you, proud ANZACS. Amen. Amen. Guest Speakers April - This month will mark the one hundredth anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli. The presentation will include some background of Australia’s involvement in WW1, as well as poems and songs reflecting the times. Make sure you are in good voice as we have a good pianist to help us along with some enthusiastic singing. (Thanks, Sandra – you will be able to sample Sandra’s Anzacs at the April Branch meeting.) May - Victoria Gill from Green Apple Gym at Bald Hills is coming to give health and fitness advice based on her extensive knowledge on how to keep fit and well at whatever age. Victoria is her own best advertisement and is sure to give us valuable suggestions we can put into practice. Zone 102 Conference 2015 Pat B Our NSA Zone Conference is being held on Friday 22 May. All members (not just committee executives) are encouraged to attend, and take the opportunity of expanding our horizons beyond our branch. This event is being hosted by Aspley Branch of NSA at the Tavernetta Function Centre, 144 Dorville Road Carseldine. Please advise a committee member if you wish to attend. This Newsletter is proudly reproduced free of charge by Peter Campbell Realty. Sandra C Phone 32642311. -4- NATIONAL SENIORS AUSTRALIA - ALBANY CREEK BRANCH INC. (100217) MEETING 13th MARCH 2015 Present: Marion MacLaughlin (Pres), Len Farina (Sec), Janeen Ford (Treas) and members per attendance list. Attendance: 91. Apologies: As per the Apologies Book. Visitors: Charlie Cacciola, Janina Landau, Faye & Ernie Pitcher. Minutes of Meetings on Friday 13th February 2015: These minutes were circulated with the Newsletter taken as read. Moved: Len Farina “That the minutes be accepted as a true record”. Sec: Trevor Hudson. Carried. Business Arising: Nil. Correspondence: Inwards: Email from Mark Furness, National Branch & Zone Relationship Manager NSA detailing the Zone 102 Conference on 22/05/2015 encouraging as many members not only Committee Members to attend. Letter from Mark Furness, National Branch & Zone Relationship Manager NSA with nomination forms for the Zone 102 Conference on 22/05/2015 from 9:30am registration until 3:00pm - $20 per person includes morning tea on arrival & lunch. Advertising material from QPAC for Mother & Son; Anything Goes; Strictly Ballroom; and Glenn Miller concert. Letter from the Australian Taxation Office enquiring whether our Australian Business Number was correct. No action required. Email from Opal Halliday, encircle with invoice for hall hire for March & receipt for February 2015. Newsletters from NSA New Farm & Chermside Branches. 32 junk mail. Outwards: NSAAC monthly newsletter emailed to Aspley, Chermside, Ferny Grove, Grange, Kenmore, New Farm, Nundah/Northgate, Redcliffe branches. Moved: Len Farina “That inwards correspondence be accepted and outwards endorsed”. Sec: Peter Sullivan. Carried Treasurer's Report: Opening balance for Feb 2015: $ 4,616.25 Total Income: $ 1,208.00 Expenditure: $ 615.53 Closing Balance for Feb 2015: $ 5,208.72 Moved: Janeen Ford “That the Treasurer’s report and be accepted and approved”. Sec: Jeanne Chapman. Carried Interest Groups: As per Newsletter. o Photos from Interest Groups required for web page. o Lunch at Sofetil – 29th April 2015 all you can eat buffet at $39 per person – pay at door. General Business: Zone 102 Conference on 22/05/2015 at Tavernetta Function Room, Carseldine hosted by Aspley Branch $20 per person – All Welcome to attend. Bus trip to Two Tenors, Caloundra RSL on 18/03/2015 Lunch alternate drop Roast Beef/Lemon Pepper Fish. Departs 8:30am sharp – returns around 3:30pm. Bus trip 07/07/2015 - Margaret Olley Exhibition and gallery show at Murwillumbah Regional Art Gallery – buy your own lunch. Supper catering – thanks to Pizza Helpers and Brian Mathiesen offered Happy Snappers to cater for April meeting. Guest Speaker: 13/03/2015 Thanks to Charlie Cacciola for the My Journey talk at the March Meeting. Raffle Winners: There were 4 raffle winners on the night. Meeting closed at 7:20 pm Next meeting: Friday, 10th April, 2015 -5- NSA Albany Creek April 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 5 6 EASTER SUNDAY Golf 6:00am One Mile Creek CC 12 13 7 14 Golf 6:00am One Mile Creek CC 19 20 21 Golf 6:00am One Mile Creek CC Eager Readers 6pm 26 27 Golf 6:00am One Mile Creek CC Riotous Readers 6pm 28 2014/5 Office Bearers President Marion MacLaughlin 0412660930 Secretary Len Farina 0488744706 Treasurer Janeen Ford 33590058 Committee: Speakers Pat Brown 33596834 Dining Out/Gadabouts Sandra Crawford 33250966 Door Margaret Armitage 34805254 Elizabeth Hoffmann 38864937 Geoffrey Walsh 33255059 Thursday Friday Saturday 2 3 NSA Committee Meeting 5:30 for 6:00pm GOOD FRIDAY 8 9 10 Healthy Changes 9:00 10:00am Gadabouts Let’s Make It 2pm Healthy changes 7:00 -8:00pm NSA Branch Meeting 5:30 for 6:00pm 15 16 17 18 Healthy changes 9:00-10:00 Happy Snappers 7:30pm Healthy changes 7:00 8:00pm LMI 2pm 22 23 24 25 Healthy changes 9:00 10:00am Healthy changes 7:00 8:00pm LMI 2pm 29 30 Sofitel Buffet Lunch 12:00 APRIL 2015 -6- 4 11 ANZAC DAY
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