March 2015 - Northview Public Schools

Published eleven times a year by Northview Public Schools Vol. XX Issue 3 | March 2015
orthview news
4365 Hunsberger NE | Grand Rapids, MI 49525 | (616) 363-6861 •
ic S chools
Preparing Students for Life's Next Step
Northview High
School Drama Club
presents “The 25th
Annual Putnam County
Spelling Bee.” An eclectic
group of six mid-pubescents vie for the
spelling championship of a lifetime.
While candidly disclosing hilarious and
touching stories from their home life, the
tweens spell their way through a series
of [potentially made-up] words hoping
to never hear the soul-crushing, poutinducing, life un-affirming "ding" of the
bell that signals a spelling mistake. Six
spellers enter; one speller leaves! At least
the losers get a juice box.
The cast includes Belle Mohl as Rona
Peretti, Ethan Jackson as Vice Principal
Douglas Panch, Roger Jones as Mitch
Mahoney, Kristina Sweet as Olive, Isaac
Christopher as Barfee’, Michaella Barton
as Logainne, Jessica Zuchowski as Marcy Park, Gabe Larson as Leaf Coneybear and Gabe
Espinoza as Chip. Maija VanRavenswaay, Hannah Moore, Katie VanOort and Logan Bohlinger
are guest spellers.
Music and lyrics by William Finn.
Book by Rachel Sheinkin.
Conceived by Rebecca Feldman.
Additional material by Jay Reiss.
Shows are at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, March 27; 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 28 and 3 p.m. on
Sunday, March 29. “Spelling Bee” tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for students; a dollar more at
the door. The best seats go to those who get their tickets early. Tickets go on sale on March 9,
2015. You can buy them between the hours of 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. in the cafeteria March 16-27. Or, call (616) 365-6114. As is our tradition here
at Northview, on Thursday, March 26 at 7:30 p.m. Senior Citizens are invited to come and enjoy our open dress rehearsal for free.
Tunes through the Times Come join in our musical adventure through time as
School Directory
we sing and dance our way through the decades. This event showcases 15-20 auditioned acts of singers,
dancers and instrumentalists from the music department at Northview High School. These talented students
are sure to entertain with the top hits from the decades starting in the 1940s. Come out and join us in
the Max Colley Jr. Performing Arts Center at Northview HS on Saturday, April 18 at 3 p.m. Tickets will be
available at the door: $5 for adults; $4 for students and senior citizens. All proceeds go to the Vocal Boosters.
Please contact Alyssa Yeager ( with questions.
Northview High School
Northview HS East Campus
Crossroads Middle School
Highlands Middle School
> East Oakview Elementary
> North Oakview Elementary
> West Oakview Elementary
> Administration Building
Superintendent’s Comments
Dear Families, Community Members,
Staff and Students,
Many of you, or at least many of your parents or grandparents, remember
the radio broadcaster Paul Harvey. The last part of his noon-time program
was a conversation that started with the phrase “….and now the rest of the
story.” The lead-in prepared his audience to listen to the entire story and
wait for Mr. Harvey to explain the details that were absent from the original
story. Most times the stories were very positive and at times they opened
the eyes of listeners when they discovered that all the facts are not present
in every story that is told.
Recently, our Governor shared his 2016 Budget proposal. As you might
expect, we paid close attention to the recommendations and how they
would affect the Northview Public Schools and K-12 Public Education in
the State of Michigan. We applaud the Governor for placing additional
revenue in the pre-school initiative. This is an “upstream” intervention that
will benefit thousands of students as they will be better prepared for the
rigors of kindergarten.
We also thank Governor Snyder for his recommendations regarding the
3rd Grade Reading initiative. We are encouraged that the best practices
for literacy acquisition he mentioned mirror the interventions we have
been using in Northview for the past five years. We are pleased that the
interventions are related to empirical data. He recognized that retention is
not a valid nor reliable intervention. We have shared with his advisors that
Northview stands ready to assist his work group to develop the next steps
in the process. This is also an “up-stream” set of interventions.
“Up-stream” interventions are less costly and provide long-term benefits.
An analogy would be the cost of building a bridge across the Mississippi
near the narrow part of the river rather than at its widest part. It is more
cost effective to provide academic and social interventions when students
are in early elementary rather than when they reach middle school.
We are hopeful that the additional funds set aside for students who have
“at-risk” factors in their lives that impact the time it takes for them to be
academically successful will benefit students in Northview. However, it is
too early to tell if this “designated revenue” will reach our students.
The budget proposal recommends that money be put towards paying
down the legacy costs of the Michigan Public School Employee’s Retirement System. We understand that this is an attempt to stabilize the retirement system. Remember also that public school employees are paying
more into the system as well. The Superintendents in Kent County worked
with former Senator Jansen on bills that helped address this issue.
“……and now for the rest of the story!”
The Governor’s budget proposal for K-12 public education calls for an additional $75 per-pupil in the base foundation grant school districts receive
each year. This is unrestricted money that a district may use to implement
their programs and practices. However, the “net-operational revenue”
increase for Northview is not $75 per-pupil.
The Governor’s budget proposal for K-12 reduces the “Best Practice” funds
from $50 to $20 per-pupil and it eliminates the “Academic Performance”
fund. Overall this means that Northview loses $70 per-pupil from last year.
When subtracted from the projected $75 per-pupil increase the Governor
proposed, our “net-operational revenue” increase for the 2015/16 school
year is $5 per-pupil. See the Foundation Allowance Changes Table at
the top right of this page.
This is a .07% “net-operational revenue” increase for next year in Northview.
Two other Kent Intermediate School District (KISD) districts are receiving a
$5 per-pupil increase. Six of the 20 school districts in the KISD will receive
$25 less per-pupil next year than they receive this school year. No KISD
district receives the full $75 per-pupil increase. The maximum “net-operational revenue” increase any district will receive is $45 per-pupil.
If a true increase of $75 per-pupil were to be in place, Northview would receive approximately $257,250 in “net-operational revenue” next year. The
current analysis of the budget proposal provides Northview with $17,150
or $5 per-pupil.
The Budget Process continues for the next several months and our Legislators hope to have it finalized by early June. I am encouraging you to
contact your elected official and ask them the following questions:
1. Our Governor proposed a $75 per-pupil increase to the School Aid Fund.
Are you aware that the "net-operating revenue" increase for Northview is
only $5 after reductions to best practice funds (-$30) and elimination of
academic performance funds (-$40)?
2. Are you aware that the Governor's proposed increase to per-pupil results
in six Kent County School districts receiving $25 - $55 per-pupil less in
budget year 2016?
3. Are you aware that not one of the 21 KISD school districts will receive a
"net-operating revenue" increase of $75 per-pupil in the base foundation
4. Are you aware that Northview, and other districts, are already implementing "best practices" to increase the percentage of students reading
at grade level by the end of 3rd grade and that the practices mirror recommendations made by our Governor?
They have a great responsibility to govern the State of Michigan. I ask you
to be respectful in your communications.
Sincerely and With Great Respect,
---> Representative Chris Afendoulis
---> Senator Peter MacGregor 517-373-0797
Vol. XX Issue 3 | March 2015
Superintendent Search UPDATE
The Northview Board of Education is currently in the process of an internal/external search for a new superintendent. Results of the February
2015 Community Survey have been discussed along with focus group summaries. With the priorities for the Candidate Profile identified at
Northview, the KISD drafted a Candidate Profile for the Northview Board to review and approve. The position was posted during the week of
February 16, 2015 with the posting closing on March 13, 2015. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for mid-April.
The Northview Board of Education wishes to express their thanks to the Northview Community and Staff for their extraordinary support and
participation in the Community Survey and Focus Groups. As noted in Our Beliefs: “People working together toward common goals can
accomplish anything.” As Northview embraces change and continuous improvement, another one of Our Beliefs, we work in partnership
moving forward. Contact Northview Board of Education President Doug LaFleur ( or 328-1083) with questions.
Regular Meeting on Monday, January 12, 2015
OATH OF OFFICE Superintendent Paskewicz administered the Oath
of Office collectively to Timothy J. Detwiler, Michelle Gallery, Doug S.
LaFleur and Jeffrey Lambert. Mr. Detwiler will serve as a member of the
Board of Education for Northview Public Schools for a 6-year term. Mrs.
Gallery will serve for a 4-year term. Mr. LaFleur will serve for a 6-year term.
Mr. Lambert will serve for a 4-year term. Election of Officers: President Member LaFleur; Vice President - Member Detwiler; Secretary - Member
Montgomery; and Treasurer - Member Manikowski.
BOARD MEMBERS APPROVED Member Belaski to serve as
the Legislative Relations Network Member for 2015; the resolution
establishing dates, times and places of Regular Board of Education
Meetings for 2015; Designation of Depositories; Designation of
Signatures; Designation of Legal Counsel; Designation of Investment
of School Funds and Electronic Transfer Officer (ETO); Membership
in Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB), National School
Board Association (NSBA), and Kent Intermediate Association of
School Boards (KIASB); Appointment of Treasurer Duties; Delegation
of Election Duties; and adoption of the Northview Board of Education
Policy Governance Model.
RECOGNITIONS Board of Education members were recognized
for their dedication to Northview. Paskewicz commended the Board
members for the service they provide to enrich the quality of life for the
entire community. A representative from each school presented a book
to a Board member. The book will be placed in the building’s library
in their honor. The Board will be honored with a plaque on the NEF
Honor Wall.
STUDENT REPORTS Details are available at
INFORMATION Superintendent Search Process: President LaFleur
introduced Dr. Mike Washburn. Washburn provided his background
including his service to the Northview Board of Education as the
consultant for the superintendent searches in 2007 and 2009 working
in collaboration with Kevin Konarska and the Kent Intermediate School
District. Washburn discussed the possible alternatives the Board could
consider for the superintendent search process. Washburn described
the consultant processes followed during the superintendent searches in
2007 and 2009. The role of a consultant includes data collection, creation
of the candidate profile, brochure creation and distribution, contact
known superintendents, reference checks on candidates and negotiation
of contract.
Technology Update: Technology Director Kathy Tokarek and Rob
Greager, Barton Malow, provided a presentation on projects completed
from Summer 2012 to Winter 2014 utilizing Technology Bond funds. It
included 1200+ student and teacher devices purchased and installed;
all desktop PC’s in labs replaced; 300 interactive projectors installed; 63
network switches installed; 40+ miles of cabling run in the buildings (27
miles in NHS). The Board thanked Tokarek and her team for their work.
Paskewicz referenced the sinking fund legislation and how it would
benefit schools if technology could be included in this funding.
Expulsion Reinstatement Committee: President LaFleur asked the
Board to consider serving on the Northview Expulsion Reinstatement
Committee for 2015. Two Board Members are required for this
committee. The Board will take action at the February 9 Board Meeting.
Policy Revision: President LaFleur asked the Board to review the
policy revision proposed by Member Montgomery regarding election
endorsements. The group will discuss at the January work session.
NEOLA Policy Updates – First Reading: President LaFleur asked the
Board to review the new/revised replacement Neola Policies. The
Board will be asked to approve the proposed policy changes at the
February 9 Regular Meeting.
Treasurer's Report: Craig McCarthy, Assistant Superintendent for Finance
and Operations, thanked the Business Office staff for their diligence
during the upgrade of the financial system and the payroll switch.
McCarthy reported the district had received 33.40% and expended
37.93% of its projections year-to-date. We are consistent with last year’s
figures. He plans to present a budget amendment in March.
BOARD MEMBERS APPROVED Minutes of December 8, 2014 Regular
Meeting; Payment of Bills; Personnel Action; Gift to District; the Best
Practices Incentive School Board Resolution to fulfill the requirements
of Section 22f of the State School Aid Act that will provide $50 per pupil
one-time grants; the retirement of Superintendent Mike Paskewicz
effective July 1, 2015; and hiring Washburn & Associates in collaboration
with KISD as our superintendent search consultant.
SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Projects: Working with Tower Pinkster
and Barnes Wolgast on the indoor track and music practice rooms, roof at
Crossroads, paving at Highlands, transportation funding and May ballot
proposal. Focus: SAT vs ACT; M-Step; Board Policy; Board Governance;
fitness center; pool; administrator assessments; Corky O’Callaghan and
Kent ISD Superintendents; playground equipment; NHS students using
I-Wheel to make change for graduation ceremony; indoor track, locker
rooms, shower rooms; budget, staffing; and transition.
Board of Education Directory
Doug LaFleur, President................................................ 328-1083
Tim Detwiler, Vice President.......................................... 364-6146
Jim Manikowski, Treasurer............................................ 581-6671
Renee Montgomery, Secretary......................................... 363-5760
John Belaski, Legislative Liaison....................................... 364-5535
Michelle Gallery, Trustee.............. 361-2943
Jeff Lambert, Trustee.................... 258-5799
Student Representatives:
Lyza Hockemeyer, Senior.
Chloe LaFleur, Senior
Northview Senior Citizens has been serving
Northview, Plainfield Charter Township and
the surrounding area for over 35 years. Visit or contact Christine Friedt
(365-6150 or to learn more about
exercise classes, weekly activities, lecture series,
presentations, outings and day trips.
Preparing For Our Final Chapter Before The Pages Turn
Monday, March 9 at Noon Our final chapter in life’s novel could close
next year, or in 40 years. Join Emmanuel Hospice, Clark at Home, Michael
Herring – Elder Care Attorney, and Life EMS for a panel type discussion
to help get some important planning in place, so life can be enjoyed to
its fullest extent. We will discuss in-home resources to keep you out of
hospitals, elder law and legal planning, safety and planning tips, and
much more. A light lunch will be provided so please RSVP to save a spot
today. Cost: FREE
Daylilies In The Land Of The Sky
Thursday, March 19 at 1 p.m. The 2014 Annual Daylily Convention was held in Asheville, North Carolina and six of those outstanding
gardens, including the Biltmore Estate, will be highlighted. You will
be delighted with the beauty not only of the daylilies but the Smokey
Mountains. This event is FREE. Reservations appreciated.
Easter Cooking Demo Simple & Elegant Easter Hor D' Oeuvres
Thursday, March 26 at 10 a.m. Chef Mark Kingshott is back with
another holiday cooking demo with something special for Easter. He will
demo (and afterwards we get to sample): Asparagus and Gruyere Tart,
Mustard Dill Tortellini Salad and Panzanella Salad with Bacon. Chef Mark
is a graduate of GRCC Culinary Arts program. He has been cooking for
Fortune 500 companies for the past 7 years. Reserve today! Cost: $10
PANERA – March 18 4-8 p.m. The Vocal Boosters are hosting
a restaurant night on Wednesday, March 18 at Panera’s Celebration
Cinema location from 4-8 p.m. Please come out to have dinner
or pick up takeout dinner to support the Northview Vocal Music
Program. You must have the associated flyer at time of purchase.
You can obtain a flyer from any vocal music student, at the Festival of
Music concert on March 1 or by visiting
Your support is appreciated. See you at Panera on March 18.
Apprentice for Life Lecture Series presents - Betsy Ford Maine
“Grand Rapids Monuments Man – Dale V. Ford”
*Tuesday, March 24 at 1 p.m. LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE!
As depicted in the 2014 movie “The Monuments Men” starring George
Clooney, we have our own GR Monuments Man. During World War II
a group of men and women, from more than a dozen countries, were
charged with finding art works hidden in Nazi Germany and seeing to
the task of returning them to the rightful owners. Dale Ford, a graduate
of Lowell HS and Kendall College, was a young officer in the U.S. Army
when his orders took him to Germany and an assignment as a Monuments Man. Mr. Ford’s daughter, Betsy Ford Maine, will share his story
using his letters, photographs and mementos.
Enjoy a Special Showing of the 2014 movie “The Monuments Men”
following the lecture. We will have a brief break to stretch our legs
before the movie starts. This event is generously underwritten by
Stegenga Funeral Chapel. Stegenga’s two handicap accessible locations
with luncheon facilities serve all of Greater GR. Their professional caring
staff, including three licensed funeral directors, is available 24 hours a
day to serve families.
Tuesday, April 21 at NHS
SADD thanks all of the students, teachers and
community members who participated in the
January 27 blood drive. 81 pints were drawn and
there were many first time donors. Thank you for
giving the gift of life! See you at our next drive on
Tuesday, April 21 (at Northview High School).
Mattress Sale Fundraiser
Saturday, April 25 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Support the 2015 Senior All Night Party by helping raise money AND get UP TO 60% OFF America’s best
mattresses (Tempur-Pedic and Sealy Posturepedic). Sizes: Twin-Full-Queen-King. Types: Firm, Plush, Pillow tops,
Memory Foam, Gel Foam, and Adjustable Beds. Come to Northview HS (next to the Athletic Department office).
Northview Preschools – Community Ed & Great Start Readiness
Northview Preschool (held at West Oakview Elementary School) is a
wonderful place to begin early school experiences. The Northview
Community Education Preschool and Great Start Readiness programs
are designed for children who will be four years old by September 1,
2015. There is an early childhood certified teacher and paraprofessional
in each classroom. Each preschool section keeps a low student to teacher
ratio with no more than 16-18 children working with the teacher and
paraprofessional at a time.
The COMMUNITY EDUCATION PRESCHOOL program is for residents and
non-residents of Northview. We offer a three-day (Monday/Wednesday/
Friday) or two-day (Tuesday/Thursday) program in either the mornings or
afternoons. Registration for Northview residents begins on February 2.
Non-residents may begin registering on March 2. There is a $25
non-refundable registration fee. If you have questions or want to register
your child, call West Oakview (361-3470) or send an e-mail to lniedzielski@ or Information may also be obtained from our
website at
The GREAT START READINESS PROGRAM provides financial aid for families
with children who would benefit from extra early learning experiences.
Applications are available through the Kent Intermediate School District
(KISD). Contact them at 447-2409 or visit for more information.
Vol. XX Issue 3 | March 2015
Every year Kim Slot and her family read through many wonderful nominations for the Trevor Slot Book Lovers Grant
Award. This Grant was established three years ago through Kim Slot and her family and the Northview Education
Foundation to keep the legacy of Trevor Slot alive. Kim says most people think of Trevor and think of sports when
in reality one of his biggest loves was books. This grant of $500 is awarded to a teacher at Northview with the same
passion for books and reading as Trevor. The decision is a difficult
one as many teachers at Northview share the love of reading.
This year, Jean Peck, a teacher at East Campus, was selected to
receive the Grant. She was nominated by East Campus Director
Derek Schmidt. When reading through the nomination, Kim and
her family felt Jean had the passion for teaching and reading that
emulated Trevor.
Mrs. Slot & Mrs. Peck
Officer Trevor Slot
Jean used the funds to shop with five students from East Campus. They were able to purchase
many books and spent a day discussing books and reading. Jean shared with us a quote from
one of her students, “We are so thankful that Mrs. Slot and the NEF would do this for us.” Congratulations, Jean!
On February 6, the Northview Education Foundation hosted their first
annual “LOL Night” fundraiser. 185 people laughed out loud for many
hours at Boulder Creek Golf Club. The night began with station dinners consisting of hamburger sliders donated by FAT BOY BURGERS,
pizza donated by FRED’S PIZZA, pasta donated by FLO’S, wing dings
donated by WING DOOZY, bagels donated by HERMAN’S BOY and COLD
STONE CREAMERY donated ice cream for dessert. BOULDER CREEK
added a salad bar, pizza and pasta station. During dinner guests were
entertained by the music of Tami Hjelm and Roger McNaughton. Tim Koster, President
of the NEF, welcomed the crowd. He acknowledged Dr. Paskewicz and thanked him for
his great support of the NEF. To honor Dr. P, the NEF will name a scholarship “The Dr.
Paskewicz Legacy Scholarship.” Michelle McCormick of WGRD served as the evening’s
MC and reminisced about her days at Northview. Hypnotist Chaz King had eight guests
hypnotized and the crowd laughing out loud. The headliner comedian David (VanSlooten) Dyer, a Northview Alumni, had some reminiscing to do. He and Michelle both
remembered fun times with guest teacher, Mr. Rex. David performed and once again
everyone was laughing out loud! What a great fundraiser for the NEF and opportunity
for teachers, staff, community members and friends to spend a fun evening together.
Thank you to the many people who supported this event, the many teachers and staff in
attendance and to Boulder Creek.
Many thanks to our sponsors:
Gold Sponsor: Lake Michigan Credit Union
Silver Sponsors: Tower Pinkster, Dykema Excavators and Erhard Construction
Bronze Sponsor: Raymond Siegel
Table Sponsors: Northview School Board, Phil DeBoer (Wells Fargo Advisors) and
Mark T. VanSlooten, Attorney at Law
Girl Scout Service Unit had another wonderful turn out for its
Second Annual Girl Scout Pinewood Derby Race. Eight troops
from Northview (North Oakview, East Oakview, Highlands and
Crossroads) and Knapp Charter participated in this year’s event
with a total of 44 girls showcasing imagination and skill.
NORTHVILLE PARK NEWS Northville Park is counting down to summer.
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday, April 4 at 10 a.m. Summer brings a Day Camp.
Openings are limited. Full family and individual memberships are available or get a
swim-team-only membership. Swim-team-only memberships are $110. Newcomer
family membership is $429. Learn about the 3 then FREE membership program. We are
a local nonprofit park serving the Northview/Forest Hills communities. Currently accepting
applications for lifeguards. For more information, visit
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
5:30 - 7:30 a.m. and 7:30 - 9 p.m.
(A Northview Fitness Center membership covers
your cost to participate in lap swim.)
Saturday & Sunday Noon - 3 p.m.
($3 fee per person per visit)
During open swim children under the age of 12 must
be accompanied by an adult. Children in diapers must
wear a swim diaper. Children that cannot swim on their
own must be accompanied by an adult in the water. A
life jacket may be used as long as the parent/guardian
is on deck nearby as their child is swimming. Questions
on pool hours or programming? Contact Rob Damuth
(361-3466 or
The pool will be closed from March 14 - April 19 for
the correction of puddling of water on the pool deck.
Northview is not responsible for the cost of
this construction.
Support Northview Bands by helping us BEAT our
65 Drink GOAL at Plainfield BIGGBY COFFEE on
Tuesday, March 31 5:30 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Print name/phone on Voucher for
$40 Gift Card Drawing if goal is hit.
Plainfield BIGGBY donates $1 to Northview Bands
(5th – 12th grades) for every full priced
GRANDE/SUPER Specialty Beverage.
Northview Bands thank YOU & Plainfield
BIGGBY COFFEE for your support.
4035 Plainfield NE Grand Rapids
location only
Father – Daughter Dance 2015
Mother – Son Dance 2015 Don’t miss out! The dance is on Saturday, March 21 from 6:30–8:30 p.m. at Crossroads Middle
School gym. The cost is $25 per family. Watch for flyer being sent home. Flyers may soon be printed from the Northview website as well. This
event is for kindergarten thru 8th grade sons and their moms to celebrate spring and enjoy a special evening together. It includes refreshments, a
DJ, prizes and a good time. A photographer will be available at an additional cost beginning at 6 p.m. This event is in the gym and
NO STREET SHOES are allowed so put on your fanciest socks or sneakers.
Tickets: Send names, address, phone number, e-mail address and payment to: Northview Community Education/Dance,
4350 Ambrose NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525. Tickets will be mailed to you. A limited amount of tickets will be available at the
door. Questions? Contact Linda (361-3444 or
School closing and delay decisions are made by administrative staff with the
safety of your child(ren) in mind. In a situation where school remains open,
parents may choose not to send their child(ren) to school. Adverse weather
conditions and other emergency situations may make it necessary to cancel
school, to delay the beginning of school, or to send students home early or late.
Whenever this happens, notice will be communicated through (1) our
Instant Alert notification system, (2) local radio and television stations, and
(3) the district website at Whenever possible, event cancellations/
reschedules will be posted on the website throughout the day as they occur.
Please arrange for an alternative shelter-home where students can go if you will
not be home. Emphasize that students should stay off the streets once they
reach home. Review your family’s plan with your children on a regular basis.
Two-hour Delay Procedure:
In the case of a two-hour delay, your child’s bus pick-up time and school start
time will be exactly two hours after his/her originally scheduled bus pick-up/
school start time.
Tornado Watch/Warning Procedures:
1. Tornado Watch: If a tornado “watch” is announced prior to or during regular
school hours, students will normally be dismissed at the regular dismissal time.
2. Tornado Warning: If an official tornado “warning” is announced, or if a tornado
appears, children will be retained in school in predetermined shelter areas until
the warning is lifted.
3. After Hours School & Community Activities: If a tornado “watch” or “warning”
is announced during school hours, all after-school and evening activities will be
CANCELLED unless an ALL-CLEAR is announced prior to 4 p.m.
Support your Northview Bands Go Wild at Buffalo Wild Wings
Present this certificate to your server at time of ordering lunch, dinner or snack. BWW’s will donate 20% of your purchases to
Northview’s 5th - 12th grade band programs. Valid for dine-in and carry-out.
Northview Bands thank YOU & Buffalo Wild Wings for your support.
Redeem at 2121 Celebration Dr. NE, Grand Rapids 49525 location only. (616) 364-2999
Community & Elementary Schools
Vol. XX Issue 3 | March 2015
(Deadline March 4)
All classes on Wednesday nights in March (3/4, 3/11, 3/18 & 3/25)
Want to mix up your routine, have fun, and meet new people, all while getting a great
work out? Try one of our BRAND NEW group fitness classes here at NHS! All classes are
taught by Northern Physical Therapy staff.
20/20/20 (5-6 p.m. $25): This class includes light cardiovascular exercise for the heart,
muscular strength and conditioning for healthy bones. Balance and flexibility training
make this a total body workout. 20 minutes of strength training, 20 minutes of abs and 20
minutes of cardio.
BOOTCAMP (4-5 p.m. $25): Participants get a full body workout involving plyometrics,
body weight exercises, core strength, endurance conditioning, team competitions,
partner exercises and more. Class is customized based on the ability and fitness level
of each individual.
ZUMBA (6-7 p.m. $25): This class is perfect for
participants at a beginner or intermediate level
who just want to be more active, get their heart
rate up a bit and express themselves through
dance. It's a low impact aerobic based program
that will help you drop both pounds and inches
by incorporating various styles of dance includMethod of Payment
ing hip hop, salsa, "Zumba" style moves and
more. Led by our experienced instructor.
o Cash o Check o Credit/Debit Card
Registration Options: Fill out the form.
Checks should be made out to Northview
Public Schools. Credit Cards can be processed
in person at the Fitness Center or by mail if the
required fields are completed. CHOOSE ONE:
When the Fitness Center is open,
drop it off at the Fitness Center desk OR
When the Fitness Center is closed,
drop it off at the Administration Building
(7:30a-4:30p) OR Mail it to the Fitness Center
(4365 Hunsberger NE GR 49525)
Questions? Call us, or email! (616) 365-6140 or
Lessons are completed, mailed to a scoring center
where they are analyzed and then returned to you.
Instruction sheets found in each packet provide all the
necessary information. The enrollment fee is $28 for
one subject and $48 for both. You may enroll your child
by completing the form sent home with your student
in May. Northview suggests parents order the level just
completed. If there are extenuating circumstances,
order the level that is appropriate for your child. If you
have questions, please contact the Community Education Office (616 361-3444 or
Tuesday, March 10 6-7:30 p.m.
West Oakview Elementary 3880 Stuyvesant NE
Exp Date:
o Bootcamp 4-5 p.m. $25
o 20/20/20 5-6 p.m. $25
Our school district has made arrangements to acquire
the GRASP program for your child this summer. GRASP
is a 9-week correspondence program for grades K – 8
which helps students maintain reading and math skills
while they are on summer vacation. It should take your
child approximately one hour per week to complete
each weekly lesson.
Questions? Call Denise Kreske (293-8458)
Card #
o Zumba
6-7 p.m. $25
Day Care is open before school, after school, half days and some “No School” days for
your child care needs. We accept children 5-12 years old. Busing is available from Day
Care to all Northview schools (through 6th grade) in the morning and returns are made
in the afternoon. Registration Fee: $50 per family (non-refundable). Before School
(6:30 – 8:30 a.m.): $8. After School (3-6 p.m.): $10. Half Day: $20. Full Day: $25.
Summer Program 2015 registration starts on Friday, May 1. Fall Program (School
Year) 2015-16 registration starts on Monday, June 1. Don’t delay! The program fills
up quickly! Contact Nicholette Driggs at (616) 361-3439 or
ATTENTION: Residents of Northview with Children
If someone else in your household wants to start
attending Northview next year, be sure to contact
Kathy Maas at the Administration Building (363-6861
or as soon as possible. She will
explain the paperwork/process that needs to be
completed this spring. Thank you!
2015-16 NEWS
All Northview resident parents/
guardians with a child who will be 5
years old before SEPTEMBER 1, 2015
(waiver requests are available), please
contact your nearest elementary
school NOW and let the office staff
know that your child will be starting kindergarten
in the fall. Registration materials will be mailed to
your home. East Oakview (361-3460), North Oakview
(361-3450) and West Oakview (361-3470). Mark your
calendars now for Kindergarten Information Night on
Wednesday, April 22 at 7 p.m.
in Elementary School Northview Public Schools provides open enrollment in its elementary
schools for Northview residents. Transfer of school children in the Northview district from one elementary school attendance area to another may be requested by the parent/guardian as outlined in the
Schools of Choice (In-District) Policy. To request a change in elementary school buildings, please submit
an In-district Schools of Choice application to an elementary principal by May 1, 2015. Copies are available from any of the elementary buildings and from the Superintendent’s office. Approval of application
is contingent on availability of space. Annual re-application is necessary and the parent/guardian may
have to be responsible for a student’s transportation. Questions? Contact any Elementary Principal or the
Superintendent’s office.
DK/Kindergarten – Grade 4
East Oakview & West Oakview
Wednesday, March 11 (4:30-7:30 p.m.)
Thursday, March 12 (12:15-3:15 p.m.)
& (4:30-7:30 p.m.)
North Oakview
Wednesday, March 11 (4:30-7:30 p.m.)
Thursday, March 12 (12:30-3:30 p.m.)
& (4:30-7:30 p.m.)
FUN NIGHT: Friday, March 20
It’s one big night of fun! The 2015 North Oakview
Family Fun Night is on Friday, March 20 from
5:30 - 8:30 p.m in Northview HS. The night includes
a spaghetti dinner, fun activities (including a cake
walk, photo booth and games) and a silent auction.
Spaghetti Dinner tickets are $6/person. Activity
tickets are 4 for $1. Additional information will be
sent home with North Oakview students in the
coming weeks. For others interested in attending,
tickets may be purchased at the door.
What is the Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped? It’s a free service for all eligible people who
are unable to read normal print due to a visual or
physically disability, whether temporary or permanent. On January 23, Shelley Roossien, the librarian
for the Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped
for Kent District Library, visited East Oakview’s 4th
grade. She shared information regarding the tools
and resources available to visually impaired people.
Students learned about Louis Braille; different kinds of
books with tactile graphics; how to use an iPad to read
books in Braille; what Braille is and how letters are
created in cells;
and different
tools available to
write in Braille.
Students learned
that books are
available to
listen to on a
digital talking
book player. The
visit ended with
playing a game
to review what
was learned.
Thanks, KDL, for
sharing at East
Electrical Learning
at East Thomas Edison would be
proud! Fourth graders in Mrs. Sonday’s class
are studying electricity. During the current
electricity lesson, students were given wire,
a battery and a bulb. They had to figure out
how to light the bulb making a circuit. The
glass bulb light shows electrical patterns to
Bri Austin (l) and Lydia Hunt (r).
Welcome back, Mrs. Pierce!
Earlier this year Mrs. Kathy
Pierce, retired secretary
from West Oakview, stopped
by the school to meet with
Jen Frommeyer, teacher/
librarian. It was time to put
labels in the books donated
through NEF by the Pierce
family in honor of “Doc”
Pierce, Kathy’s husband
and a beloved retired bus
Northview bus driver. West
thanks the Pierce family and
NEF for this wonderful addition to their library.
Jump With Jill
Visits North
Congratulations on North
Oakview’s big win! The
“Jump with Jill” show visited
in January. North won the
visit from the rock & roll nutrition show that uses music
and dance to celebrate
healthy habits by transforming nutrition education into
a live concert. Armed with
catchy songs, upbeat dance
moves, and a hip wardrobe,
“Jump with Jill” uses the same tools normally used to sell junk food and keep kids sedentary
to get kids engaged, moving and learning about healthy habits. It energizes and engages
audiences to make the healthy choices that show their bodies the respect they deserve.
Thanks to Diane Kirvan for her work in bringing the show to North Oakview.
North Oakview
Thank you for the Northview
community support in raising
money for our North Oakview
students through the sale of “Enjoy
the City” coupon books. Students
raised over $5,000 to support
classroom instruction and student
and staff experiences. In the photo,
North’s top earners enjoy their
celebratory limo ride for ice cream.
Middle Schools
Vol. XX Issue 1 | January 2015
Grades 5-8
Wednesday, March 11
5-8 p.m.
Thursday, March 12
12:30-3:30p.m. & 5-8 p.m.
Lunch in the
Crossroads Library
SORT & RECYCLE The Thursday after-school Green Team: Back Row (l to r):
Madison Rempalski, Braeden Pelton, Natalie Walsh, Amara Grajewski, Justin Schutz. Middle
Row (l to r): Eva Frymire, Cian Gallery, Nora Bierens, Biancah Dells. Front Row (l to r): Kyle Duby,
Aidan Rush, Brock Johnson, and Julianna Luttermoser.
Highlands Green Teams are always on the job! They stay after school collecting and sorting
items to be recycled. There is a Tuesday and a Thursday after-school Green Team as well as
several students who come in the mornings. The folks at Highlands work hard to be green.
Check out Green Team info on Highlands homepage (, Highlands Green Team on
Facebook, or e-mail Dana Krueger ( for more information.
Crossroads Student
Earns Eagle Scout Award
Congratulations to Nate Baxter, Eagle Scout
honoree. Nate is an 8th grade student at
Crossroads. He is in Boy Scouts of America
troop #230 under the leadership of Scout
Master Larry Wilson. His service project
was construction of nickel boards for Indian
Trails Camp on Lake Michigan Drive. Indian
Trails Camp has been providing camping
experiences to individuals with disabilities
(ranging in age from 5 to 70+) since 1953.
Sixteen boards were created, with the
design being altered so the campers with
disabilities could easily push various coins,
chips, or ping pong balls past pegs into a
goal hole. Nate is 14 years old and plans to
continue with scouts during high school.
He wants to work towards his Eagle Palms,
which are extra awards a scout may earn
after the Eagle Scout status is achieved.
Crossroads Honor
Society Has Heart
Books and pizza - what an amazing combination!
The kids at Crossroads would certainly agree, which
is why Lunch in the Library has been such a huge hit.
On one Friday of every month, students are invited
to come to the library during lunch to enjoy free
pizza courtesy of the PTC. A guest speaker comes in
and reads to the students while they eat. Some of
our former guests have been the family members of
Crossroads staff and public librarians from the
Comstock Park branch of Kent District Library. This is a great way to show kids how fun reading can be. It’s also given us
a chance to get students interested in
stories they might not otherwise pick
out. They have read spooky
stories like Neil Gaiman’s
“Coraline” and exciting end
-of-the-world thrillers like Susan
Beth Pfeffer’s “Life as We Knew It” and everything in between.
Many thanks go out to all
members of the PTC for making this program
possible and to all of the members of the Northview
Community. Whether they’re coming for the stories
or the pizza, it’s wonderful to have so many happy
kids in the library. Keep reading, Wildcats!
Crossroads Tennis Team
begins March 23
Attention, Crossroads Parents! Having your
7th or 8th grader play on the tennis team will
help him/her be fit for the rest of their life.
Crossroads offers a tennis team experience that
is free. Beginners to experienced players are encouraged to join the team. Athletes need a tennis racket (if available) and a physical on file in
the school office. The first practice is 5:30 - 7:30
p.m. on March 23 at the Northview High School
courts. If you need more information, please
contact Coach Koperski (
On a cold, dark, snowy morning in early February, 68
members of the Crossroads National Junior Honor Society
met at 7 a.m. to create valentines for area veterans. Just
another day in the Honor Society where leadership equals
service for others.
High Schools
Grades 9-12
Northview High School
Wednesday, March 11 (5-8 p.m.)
Thursday, March 12 (1-4 p.m. & 5-8 p.m.)
East Campus High School
Wednesday, March 11 (4:30-7:30 p.m.)
Thursday, March 12 (12:30-3:30 p.m.
& 4-7 p.m.)
Prom & Formal Dress Donation Fundraiser
It’s on Saturday, March 21 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Northview High School.
All proceeds benefit the 2015 Senior All Night Party. The fundraiser is still in
need of prom/ formal dresses to sell. They can be dropped off at the NHS office.
A huge thank you to Brooke Van Prooyen and Afendoulis Cleaners and Tuxedo Rentals for cleaning and donating dresses for our sale. Please contact
Carol (, Heather (, or Donna ( if you
have any questions. Every donation counts!
…And the Books
Just Keep on Coming!
by Charles Honey (School News Network 12.8.14)
When Emily Alt arrived this fall to teach English at
Northview High School, she found her ninth-grade
classroom library well-stocked with books.
That was thanks to her predecessor, Lindsey Tilley, who
last year obtained a grant for 500 books from the Book
Love Foundation.
But Alt saw some gaps in the collection, especially for
her male students. From her experience in Chicago
Public Schools, she knew where she could get more:
Donors Choose, a non-profit charity that helps public
school teachers obtain needed supplies.
It’s a Kickstarter-style model, in which teachers put their
requests online and hope sympathetic donors fund it.
Alt hit the jackpot. An anonymous donor provided
$300, good for about 40 fiction and non-fiction books
including “The Fault in Our Stars,” “The Impossible Knife
of Memory” and “I’ll Give You the Sun.”
“The person who funded this grant wrote me a little
note that says how much they believe in choice reading
for students, and how great it is to see kids getting
excited about reading,” Alt said.
The titles added to the library’s 1,000-plus books of
choice reading for students. The class celebrated their
arrival with a book party, then dug into the words.
“I have never worked at a school where kids are as
voracious, interested and diverse readers as they are
here at Northview,” Alt added. “I figured if they are
reading like crazy, then I better have awesome books to
ensure they keep that love going!”
East Campus HS Students Honor MLK
Northview East Campus High School students proudly participated in the
Community Peace March as part of the 29th Annual Commemoration Martin
Luther King Jr. Program at GRCC. Although the weather was near freezing,
Northview students joined hundreds of others marching through downtown
Grand Rapids in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
Vocal Music Notes
CONCERT: The Vocal Music Department presents "A Festival of Music" on
Sunday, March 1 at 2 p.m. in the Max Colley Jr. Performing Arts Center. The
Crossroads 8th Grade Choir will be featured with the NHS choirs at this hour-long
program. Admission is free and open to the public. MEETING: The Vocal Boosters
meet on Monday, April 13 at 6 p.m. in the NHS choir room.
It happened again! One more
shipment of books arrived for Mrs.
Steelman’s Advanced Placement
Literature course at NHS. Students
are well on their way in preparing
for the National AP Exam this spring.
Thanks, NEF!
The Counselor’s Corner information is available online at (High School, Guidance Department). This month’s topics include Michigan Merit (MME)/ACT Dates, March 3 & 4; West Michigan National College Fair, Wednesday, April 1; Non-resident students; Registration information for Class of 2019; 9th Grade Job Shadow, Wednesday, March 4; and Test Out information.
Sports & Community
Vol. XX Issue 3 | March 2015
The Parent/Athlete Meeting for Spring
Athletics is on Monday, March 23 at 7 p.m.
in the Large NHS Gym. This meeting is
mandatory for any parent/guardian who has
a student athlete participating in a spring
sport and did not attend one of these parent
meetings during the 2014-15 school year.
Johnny Agar Motivates NHS Team
At January 23’s game against Forest Hills Northern, the Varsity Girls’ Basketball Team
honored Rockford native Johnny Agar and his family. Johnny recently visited NHS
sharing his experiences as a life lesson to building students’ character strengths. Every
game the girls wear TEAM AGAR across the back of their warm-up tops in honor of
Johnny. Every day the team is
inspired by Johnny to do their
best through perseverance,
will power and determination.
Johnny gave the girls a motivating pregame speech and
was named honorary captain.
He believes the world will
judge you not by the number
of times you fall down, but
by the number of times you
get back up. His story is truly
inspiring. Check it out on
ESPN’s E:60: Johnny Agar.
Spring is in the Air!
With spring comes spring sports, outside concessions and Festival. The Athletic
Boosters are looking for volunteers to staff the concessions (hot chocolate
machines will be up and running!) and teams to help staff the Elephant Ears
booth at GR Festival. The Festival runs June 5 - 7. Once again the Boosters will be
filling time slots with individual teams, their coaches, parents and players. Proceeds
are distributed to the participating teams.
Athletic Booster Scholarship applications are available in the NHS Guidance
Office. Each year the Boosters award a scholarship to a male and female Northview
student athlete in the amount of $500 for post-secondary education. All senior
female and male athletes are encouraged to apply. Thanks for your support!
PASS Juniors Program is a soccer skills program for 4-7-year-olds. These hour-long
sessions are held on Fridays from 6-7 p.m. at Sunshine Church. For spring session dates
and registration information, please visit the PASS website (
or e-mail us at
Friday, March 6, 2015 for the April 2015 issue (in homes near Saturday, March 28).
Send items to Kathy Maas, Editor ( or deliver to the Administration
Building at 4365 Hunsberger NE.
Please enter through the athletic entrance.
(Hosted by the NHS Softball)
We welcome grades K-6 to attend
Little Cats Night for activities including
swimming, basketball, volleyball, 6 pin,
movie, face painting, finger nails, board
games and more. Pizza, drinks and
snacks will be available for purchase. The cost is $6
for the first child and $4 for each additional child.
Northview Little League
Open Registrations
Even with the cold in the air and snow on the
ground, the 2015 Northview Little League season
is just around the corner. Registration is now open
for the 2015 baseball/softball season. Please visit
our website and register your son or daughter
at The league is
always looking for volunteer coaches to help our
youth get a better understanding of the game,
so please consider coaching or volunteering.
Registration is open until March 14, 2015 with late
fees being assessed after March 1, 2015.
NV Youth Soccer –
Spring Soccer Sign-ups
(age 5 - grade 8)(April – Early June)
Soccer sign-ups are at Highlands Middle School
in the gym entrance on Wednesday, March 4
(6-8 p.m.), Saturday, March 7 (9 a.m. – Noon) and
Tuesday, March 10 (6-8 p.m.). Cost for the 7th/8th
grade league is $40. Cost for youth (age 5 – 6th
grade) leagues is $35 for the first child and $25 for
each additional child. Please consider signing up
with your child to coach. There is a discounted
rate for coaching. Practices for the youth league
begin the week of April 13. Teams practice 2
nights per week and games are on Saturday
mornings starting April 25. The 7th/8th grade
team begins practice in April, too; however, their
game schedule varies from the youth. The FINAL
deadline for soccer registration is March 19 – NO
LATE REGISTRATIONS. Questions, contact Diane
Warmuskerken (363-7938), Heather Hendricks
(308-3724) or JC or Heidi Piela (427-3455); e-mail
the league at or
Northview Public Schools
POSTMASTER: This publication contains dated material.
Deliver to homes no later than Saturday, February 28, 2015
4365 Hunsberger NE • Grand Rapids, MI 49525
(616) 363-6861 •
The Northview School District Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, genetic information,
or any other legally protected status in its employment decisions or the provision of services.
March 2nd - April 4th
Vol. XX Issue 3 | March 2015
Athletic Boosters Mtg
NHS Fitness Room 7 p.m.
Highlands PTC Mtg
Highlands 7 p.m.
North Oakview Grades
1 & 2 Concert
NPAC 7 p.m.
Band Fundraiser
BWW (Celebration Drive)
Youth Soccer Sign-ups
Highlands 6-8 p.m.
Youth Soccer Sign-ups
Highlands 9 a.m.-Noon
Northview News Deadline
Youth Soccer Sign-ups 10
Evening Parent/
Board of Education Reg Mtg
Highlands 6-8 p.m.
Adm Bldg 6 p.m.
NEF Meeting
Adm Bldg 5:30 p.m.
Teacher Conferences
Bright Beginnings Playgroup
West Oakview 6-7:30
Crossroads PTC Mtg
Crossroads 6:30- 7:30 p.m.
Band Boosters Mtg
NHS Band Rm 7 p.m.
North Oakview PTC Mtg
North Oakview 7 p.m.
Sr All Night Party Parent Meeting
NHS Fitness Rm 7 p.m.
Vocal Music Fundraiser
Panera (Celebration Cinema) 4-8 p.m.
Afternoon & Evening Parent
Teacher Conferences
West Oakview PTO Mtg
West Oakview 7 p.m.
North Oakview Family Fun Night 2021
NHS 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Prom Dress Sale
NHS 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Little Cats Night
NHS 6-9 p.m.
Mother-Son Dance
Crossroads 6:30-8:30 p.m.
NHS Spring Musical
NHS Spring Musical
Board of Education Work Session
Adm Bldg 5:30 p.m.
Dress Rehearsal
NPAC 7:30 p.m.
NHS Spring Sports
Parent/Athlete Mtg
NHS Large Gym 7 p.m.
NPAC 7:30 p.m.
NHS Spring Musical
NPAC 7:30 p.m.
311 23
Band Fundraiser
Biggby (Plainfield Ave.)
5:30 a.m.-9 p.m.
Community Band Concert
NPAC 7:30 p.m.
Northview News Deadline