SERVICE TIMES Worship Center: Sat 5:30pm • Sun 9:00am • Sun 11:15am

Worship Center:
Sat 5:30pm • Sun 9:00am • Sun 11:15am
Center Court Community:
Sun 9:00am • Sun 11:15am
Sunday Night Gathering:
Sun 5:00pm
Loving God | One Another | And The World
October 25-26, 2014
Welcome to Northview!
Thanks for joining us today. Pastor
Kyle Meeker will continue our sermon
series on the book of Acts. This is a
Family Service so feel free to pick
up some coloring sheets for your
kids at the Info Booth and refer to
page 3 of the bulletin for available
childcare. We will also be celebrating
child dedications and presenting our
Kindergarten children with Bibles!
Scripture: Acts 16:1-10
Worship Leaders This Week
Worship Center:
Nate Bosch
Center Court Community:
Brad Steeves
Prayer Room
Open during the services in the
northwest foyer. The prayer request
line is available at any time. Send
requests via email to or
call the prayer line at 604-743-0201.
Psalm 34:19-22 (NIV)
The righteous person may have many troubles,
but the Lord delivers him from them all;
he protects all his bones,
not one of them will be broken.
Evil will slay the wicked;
the foes of the righteous will be condemned.
The Lord will rescue his servants;
no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes bring “Good
News and Great Joy” and the opportunity to share the
message of God’s love with needy children around
the world. Northview’s goal is to collect 2000 filled
shoeboxes. Shoeboxes are now available during the
weekend services. Please email any questions you may
have to
This week we’re praying for…
1. Local Church: The Bridge
2. Missionaries: S and S • Sensitive Region
S and S are on home leave, but they continue to work at a distance in providing
Bible translation for a remote Asian people group. Please lift them up as they seek
to expand the team of supporters here in Canada. Pray that they would have insight
and skill in their work. Please also pray for team relationships within their multicultural, multi-organization team as relationships are a key part of their message.
Our missionaries would love to hear from you. Send them an email from the
Missions Kiosk in the foyer today!
This Weekend and Beyond
Compassion Weekend
November 1 - 2. Volunteers are
needed to host tables after each of
the services. Please contact Carrie
at if you
can help.
Dresses for Africa
Shoebox Packing Party
Join us for a drop-in Operation Christmas Child shoebox-packing party on
October 30 from 3:00 - 5:00pm in the Atrium. Adults and kids are welcome!
Please bring your supplies for however many shoeboxes you intend to pack and
the $7 needed for shipping for each shoebox. If you have extra items please
bring them as well. Shoeboxes will be provided. Hot chocolate and cookies
will be served! If you are unable to attend but are interested in donating items
or money to go towards the OCC shoeboxes, please let us know. RSVP to
STEP Ministries invites you to Northern India from January 7-19. Families are
welcome. Cost is $2500 per person. This will be an opportunity to visit children’s
clubs, help women in need, and participate in a pastors’ conference. Please
email for more information.
Last wknd giving: $ 108,970
Wknd target: $ 109,615
YTD giving:
YTD target:
Northview’s fiscal year is July 1 - June 30
Find the Bulletin Online at
$ 1,460,300
$ 1,753,840
Part-time Employment
Today is a Family
Little Sprouts Nursery • Open
Noah’s Park Preschool • Check in
prior to the service. Children will sit
with their parents at the beginning
of the service and will be dismissed
after worship.
Main Street Grade School • K - Gr.
5 programs are closed today. Enjoy
the service with your families!
All nursery and preschool children
are to check in at the Northview Kids
registration zone in the new building.
6m - age 4: Pick up in Noah’s Park
(main floor, newer building).
The Women’s Department is
searching for childcare helpers for
our Puddle Jumpers program. These Higher Ground (Gr. 6-8)
No Higher Ground this weekend.
paid positions are for 3.5 hours of
work on Wednesday mornings. If
Korean Translation
you are interested, please email
주일 11:15 예배에 한국어 통
역서비스가 제공됩니다. 서비
스를 받기 원하시는 분은 안내
Northview Community Groups
데스크에서 헤드셋을 받아가세
If you are seeking genuine
요. Korean Translation is available
community and spiritual friendships,
at the 11:15am service in the Worcheck
ship Center. Please pick up a transgroups online at
lation pack at the Info Booth.
Pray for Punjabi Connection
Punjabi ESL Classes
Punjabi Connection is currently
looking for volunteers to pray during
ESL Class from 3:00 - 5:00pm
on Sundays. If you are interested
please contact Imran at idaniel@
jykr qusIN AMgRyjI idAW muPq klwsW
lYx dy cwhvwn hoN qW swfI vybsweIt
qy jwau
If you are interested in information
about free English classes, please
27 Mon Jump6 (Grade 6)
6:30pm • West Court
Pray First
7:00pm • Prayer Room
Courses for Care
7:00pm • Upstairs Classrooms
Men’s Bible Study
7:00pm • Room 219/221
Women’s Bible Study
7:00pm • Atrium
8 Week Life Groups
7:00pm • Lower Court
28 Tue Pray AM
6:00am • Center Court
Work Out Worship
9:15am • West Court
No Vertical Edge Tonight
29 Wed Women’s Bible Study
9:15am • Center Court
Northview Kids Choir
3:30pm • Lower Court
TLC/Membership Classes
6:30pm • Center Court
30 Thu Work Out Worship
9:15am • West Court
Shoebox Packing Party
3:00pm • Atrium
Young Adults Roller Hockey
7:00pm • Bubble
High School and Vertical Edge
Corn Maze
6:30pm • Meet at the Church
Precepts Bible Study (Women)
7:30pm • West Court
31 Fri Young Adults
7:28pm • Center Court
1 Sat Compassion Weekend
Men’s Breakfast
8:15am • Center Court
Center Court Meal
4:15pm • Center Court
2 Sun Punjabi Connection
3:00pm • Atrium
Men’s Floor Hockey
7:00pm • Bubble
High School Thailand Trip Info
7:30pm • Atrium
Missions Trip Opportunity
We are in need of a volunteer part
time teacher to lead the
Saturday night youth/
young adult class, as
well as general care
volunteers during the
Saturday night program. Please
join us in prayer as we search for a
medically trained volunteer (nurse/
GP/EMT/fire fighter) willing to give
general care and medical support to
a young boy with a high level seizure
protocol, who is currently waiting to
attend our Sunday morning 11:15
program. If any of these positions
interest you please contact Brent at
Northview Kids
October 29 at MEI Secondary from
3:30 to 5:30pm. Do you like to sew?
Make a difference in the life of a little High School Youth
girl in Africa and learn how to make
On November 2 at 7:30pm there will be a missions informational meeting for
pillowcase dresses! Materials and
students and parents. Find out more about the Spring Break (March 14-29,
machines are supplied. Dresses will
2015) missions trip to Thailand. Please note that the meeting date has been
go to orphaned girls at Ja Jaa Barb’s
changed since last weekend.
Home of Angels. Please RSVP to
Global Mission Banquet
MB Mission invites you to their Disciple Making International (DMI) Global
Women’s Weekend 2015
Mission Banquet on November 7 at 6:00pm, at King Road MB Church. Tickets
The 4th annual Northview Women’s
are $15 each and are available at the MB Mission office by calling (604) 859 Weekend is happening from January
6267 or by emailing God is at work transforming lives
30 - February 1 at Warm Beach
around the globe. Come hear stories and worship together with us!
Camp and Conference Center. This
intergenerational weekend will be a Cyrus Centre’s 10th Annual Dessert and Silent Auction
great time of fellowship, laughter, and
6:30pm on November 7 at South Abbotsford Church. Tickets are $15 each or
learning together. Women 13 and
$100 for a table of eight - available at the Cyrus Centre or by emailing admin@
older are encouraged to attend. Bring
your daughter, mother, friend, sister!
Join us to learn about what it means Christmas Drama
to be “Mature in Christ” (Colossians
December 4 - 6 and 11 - 13. We need volunteers to help in a variety of roles,
1:28). Registration is online at
such as set building, painting, table set up, clean up and ticket-collecting. If you
would like to help in any way please contact
Opportunity in Imagine Ministries