SERVICE TIMES Worship Center: Sat 5:30pm • Sun 9:00am • Sun 11:15am

Loving God | One Another | And The World
November 15-16, 2014
Welcome to Northview!
Thanks for joining us today. Pastor
Jeff Bucknam continues our sermon
series on the book of Acts. We
will also have an opportunity to
pray for the persecuted church.
India Missions Trip Fundraiser
Support our India Missions Team;
samosas are for sale in the foyer
after each service.
Worship Leaders This Week
Worship Center:
Todd Wickens
Center Court Community:
Shaun Sawyer
Prayer Room
Open during the services in the
northwest foyer. The prayer request
line is available at any time. Send
requests via email to or
call the prayer line at 604-743-0201.
Worship Center:
Sat 5:30pm • Sun 9:00am • Sun 11:15am
Center Court Community:
Sun 9:00am • Sun 11:15am
Sunday Night Gathering:
Sun 5:00pm
Psalm 22:1-5 (NIV)
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving
me, so far from my cries of anguish? My God, I cry out by day, but you do not
answer, by night, but I find no rest. Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you
are the one Israel praises. In you our ancestors put their trust; they trusted and
you delivered them. To you they cried out and were saved; in you they trusted and
were not put to shame.
Prayer for the Persecuted Church
In the modern church calendar, a weekend in November is set apart to
remember and pray for the persecuted church, through the International Day
of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP).
Today’s greatest untold story is that more than 100 million Christians worldwide
face persecution for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Daily Christians in
countries such as Eritrea, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Sudan and Sri Lanka face
imprisonment, violence and even death.
IDOP is a time set apart for us to remember thousands of our Christian
brothers and sisters around the world who suffer persecution, simply because
they confess Jesus Christ as Lord.
The Oddville Stranger
Christmas Drama Dec 4-6 and 10-13
Tickets are still available!
This is a great opportunity to bring
your friends and family that don’t know
Jesus. The Gospel will be presented very
clearly in the context of a family-friendly and very funny drama! We have two guest
actors this year, our very own Pastor Jeff and Pastor Ezra. Tickets are $7 each or
$50 for a table of 8, available in the foyer after each service and at the church office
Monday to Friday.
Annual General Meeting
Join us on Monday, November 24
at 7:00pm for our AGM in Center
Court. The AGM package is available
at the Info Booth and online at:
Women’s Missions Trip
Operation Christmas Child
This is your last weekend to drop off your filled shoeboxes
at the Missions Kiosk in the front foyer.
Are you having difficulty deciding what to put in a
Shoebox? We have help for you! Visit our packing
idea display table in the front foyer. Please email any
questions you may have to
April 24 - May 4, 2015. Join us in Teaching Associate Residency Opening
Northview is currently looking for a Teaching Associate Pastor to join our
serving the Pan de Vida Orphanage in
Teaching Associate Residency Program. This program is a 2 year residency
Queretaro, Mexico! Team members
designed to raise up pastoral leaders who have a passion for the local church.
will help with activities such as taking
This position will focus primarily on developing teaching and preaching skills by
the orphanage girls on outings,
experiencing multi-faceted local church ministry. If you are interested please
painting, teaching English, sorting
forward your resume to Kim at The deadline
clothes, sewing, and participating
for submissions is January 5, 2015. You can view the job description at:
in outreach to the Otomi indigenous
peoples. This is a multi-generational
missions trip, so women of all ages
are encouraged to attend. The cost Christmas Kettle Campaign
Northview Community Church and The Salvation Army are working together,
is $1,800 per person and there
looking for volunteers to operate the familiar red kettles this
will be fundraising opportunities.
Christmas season. This year’s campaign kicks off December
If this interests you, contact us at:
1st and continues right up until Christmas Eve. We are
seeking volunteers that can give two hours or more of their
time from 10am to 8:00pm. We will be operating in front of
Sermon DVDs & CDs
Save On Foods on S. Fraser Way, Abbotsford. So grab a friend and
As of Dec. 31, 2014 we will no longer
volunteer! Sign up is available in the foyer after each service. Contact Carrie at:
be offering CDs of our sermons for for more info or go to
purchase. DVDs will still be available
for purchase for $5. If you like the
audio version of our messages, feel
free to go to our website to listen to Classified Ads
Check out Northview’s Classified Ads board outside of Aisle 1 of the Worship
the messages, or download them to
Center, or online at The categories include
listen in your car!
Housing, Employment, Childcare, Volunteer Opportunities, and Miscellaneous.
To post something, please email your ad to Jodie at:
The classifieds are updated every Friday and ads will remain posted for up to
four weeks.
Last wknd giving: $ 75,356
Wknd target: $ 109,615
YTD giving:
YTD target:
Northview’s fiscal year is July 1 - June 30
Find the Bulletin Online at
$ 1,746,653
$ 2,082,685
This Weekend and Beyond
Opportunity in Imagine Ministries
Northview Kids
We are in need of a volunteer part
time teacher to lead the Saturday
All children and
night youth/young adult class, as well
as general care volunteers during
to check in at the Northview Kids
the Saturday night program. Please
registration zone.
join us in prayer as we search for a
medically trained volunteer (nurse/
6m - Age 4: Pick up in Noah’s Park
GP/EMT/fire fighter) willing to give
on the main floor.
general care and medical support to
Kindergarten - Grade 4: Pick up from
a young boy with a high level seizure
the second floor classrooms.
protocol, who is currently waiting to
Grade 5: Pick up from B05 and B07,
attend our Sunday morning 11:15
behind Lower Court in the basement.
program. If any of these positions
interest you please contact Brent at:
Higher Ground (Gr. 6-8)
Head down to B02 and B04 when
dismissed, just prior to the sermon.
Women’s Weekend 2015
The 4th annual Northview Women’s
Punjabi ESL Classes
Weekend is happening from January
jykr qusIN AMgRyjI idAW muPq klwsW
30 - February 1, 2015 at Warm Beach
lYx dy cwhvwn hoN qW swfI vybsweIt
Camp and Conference Center. This
qy jwau
intergenerational weekend will be a
If you are interested in information
great time of fellowship, laughter, and
about free English classes, please
learning together. Women 13 and
see We
older are encouraged to attend. Bring
are currently looking for volunteers
your daughter, mother, friend, sister!
to pray during ESL class from 3:00
Join us to learn about what it means
- 5:00pm on Sundays. If you are
to be “Mature in Christ” (Colossians
interested please contact Imran at:
1:28). Registration is online at:
Advent Family Reading Plans will
Korean Translation
be available Nov. 29/30 weekend to
주일 11:15 예배에 한국어 통
kickoff the Advent season.
역서비스가 제공됩니다. 서비
스를 받기 원하시는 분은 안내
Advent Praise Night
데스크에서 헤드셋을 받아가세
Sunday, Nov. 30 at 7pm. Join us
요. Korean Translation is available
as we start the Advent season with
at the 11:15am service in the Worscripture and song.
ship Center. Please pick up a translation pack at the Info Booth.
17 Mon Pray First
7:00pm • Prayer Room
Courses for Care
7:00pm • Upstairs Classrooms
Men’s Bible Study
7:00pm • Room 219/221
Women’s Bible Study
7:00pm • Atrium
8 Week Life Groups
7:00pm • Lower Court
18 Tue Pray AM
6:00am • Center Court
Work Out Worship
9:15am • West Court
Vertical Edge (Gr. 7 - 8)
7:00pm • West Court
19 Wed Women’s Bible Study
9:15am • Center Court
Northview Kids Choir
3:30pm • Lower Court
TLC Classes
6:30pm • Center Court
20 Thu Work Out Worship
9:15am • West Court
Watchmen Prayer
10:00am • Prayer Room
Young Adults Roller Hockey
7:00pm • Bubble
High School Youth:LIVE
7:00pm • Lower Court
Precepts Bible Study (Women)
7:30pm • West Court
21 Fri Seasons Christmas Banquet
11:30am • Center Court
Young Adults
7:28pm • Center Court
22 Sat Men’s Breakfast
8:15am • Center Court
Center Court Meal
4:15pm • Center Court
23 Sun Punjabi Connection
3:00pm • Atrium
Men’s Floor Hockey
7:00pm • Bubble
As Howard Wiens has discussed in his Moderator’s report as part of the AGM package,
the elders have been considering what it would look like for Northview to adopt or
replant an existing church. Also, as mentioned, Northview has been approached by
the BC MB Conference to consider adopting or replanting a local church.
As Howard Wiens has discussed in his Moderator’s report as part of the AGM package,
the elders have been considering what it would look like for Northview to adopt or
replant an existing church. Also, as mentioned, Northview has been approached by
the BC MB Conference to consider adopting or replanting a local church.
On Sunday, November 9th, Northside Community Church in Mission voted 97% in
favour of being adopted/replanted by Northview. As Howard stated, we would require
an overwhelming approval from the replant’s congregation for us to consider adopting/
replanting them. 97% certainly meets that test.
On Sunday, November 9th, Northside Community Church in Mission voted 97% in
favour of being adopted/replanted by Northview. As Howard stated, we would require
an overwhelming approval from the replant’s congregation for us to consider adopting/
replanting them. 97% certainly meets that test.
As a result of this invitation, we have now entered into a due diligence phase. During
this time, the elders and the various sub-committees will be gathering information in
order for the elders to make a decision regarding how we will proceed. If the elders
are in favour of proceeding, then the next step will be to provide information to the
congregation outlining the details of the plan. The details will include information
such as what will this cost, who will be the staff involved, and how will it function
as a campus of Northview. An extraordinary meeting will be called where we can
discuss the information and ultimately vote as to whether or not we will proceed with
the adoption/replant.
As a result of this invitation, we have now entered into a due diligence phase. During
this time, the elders and the various sub-committees will be gathering information in
order for the elders to make a decision regarding how we will proceed. If the elders
are in favour of proceeding, then the next step will be to provide information to the
congregation outlining the details of the plan. The details will include information
such as what will this cost, who will be the staff involved, and how will it function
as a campus of Northview. An extraordinary meeting will be called where we can
discuss the information and ultimately vote as to whether or not we will proceed with
the adoption/replant.
With the opportunity to adopt/replant another local church, our goal remains to
communicate the Gospel in culturally relevant ways through a local church to the
community of Mission. Northside was, and may continue to be, the largest church in
Mission. As such, we want to do what we can to maintain and strengthen the presence
of a Biblically faithful church in the city.
With the opportunity to adopt/replant another local church, our goal remains to
communicate the Gospel in culturally relevant ways through a local church to the
community of Mission. Northside was, and may continue to be, the largest church in
Mission. As such, we want to do what we can to maintain and strengthen the presence
of a Biblically faithful church in the city.
There are many details that still need to be sorted out. We anticipate having a brief
presentation and opportunity for discussion at the AGM on Monday, November 24th.
However, this will only be an introductory session. Hopefully shortly after we will have
enough information gathered that we can then call an extraordinary meeting where we
will have a full package of information, lengthy discussion, and congregational vote.
There are many details that still need to be sorted out. We anticipate having a brief
presentation and opportunity for discussion at the AGM on Monday, November 24th.
However, this will only be an introductory session. Hopefully shortly after we will have
enough information gathered that we can then call an extraordinary meeting where we
will have a full package of information, lengthy discussion, and congregational vote.
November 15, 2014
November 15, 2014