SPRINGMYER SPARKS Amy Brennan, Principal 4179 Ebenezer Rd. Cinti., OH 45248 ~ 574-1205 www.ohlsd.org/springmyer “LIKE” us on facebook! 4/13/15 - 4/17/15 TO REPORT A STUDENT ABSENT BEFORE 9AM PLEASE CALL THE ABSENCE LINE @ 347-2970 SAFE SCHOOL HOTLINE – 574-9444 MONDAY, APRIL 13 is “Day 3.” APRIL 10 ONE HOPE ONE HEART 4/13/15 – 4/17/15 APRIL 14 SMASH 3:15 – 4:15 PM MORNING SAFETY PATROL Jordanne B. APRIL 14 FINE ARTS NIGHT LAST NAMES M-Z 6:00-6:45 PM FINE ARTS NIGHT LAST NAMES A-L 7:15 – 8:00 PM SAFETY FIRST AT SPRINGMYER Please use extreme caution and courtesy in our carpool lines in both morning and afternoon. Remember student safety is the most important thing. Thank you for your cooperation. AFTER SCHOOLSAFETY PATROL Aubrey H. Lauren M. Joshua S. APRIL 15 ENCORE 3:15-4:15 APRIL 16 DADS AND DONUTS LAST NAMES A-L 7:00 – 8:00AM APRIL 17 DADS AND DONUTS LAST NAMES M-Z 7:00 – 8:00AM APRIL 17 CUB SCOUT MOVIE NIGHT Remember to collect your Box Tops for Education and your Pop Tabs for Ronald McDonald House APRIL 22 CLASS PICTURES The "Spring Into Fun" with Sparky 2015 Raffle Vimeo Podcast is ready for viewing. "Spring Into Fun" with Sparky 2015 Raffle Catch up on all past videos at our vimeo site https://vimeo.com/wssn Thanks for watching, WSSN Crew & Mr. O. Camp Invention is coming to Oak Hills this summer the week of June 22-26 at Oakdale! Don’t miss the $25 discount that ends this Friday! Go to campinvention.org to register your student or contact Amy Cutter (513-574-1100) for more information. Don’t miss this great enrichment experience for your child! Camp Invention is where BIG ideas become the next BIG thing! Oakdale Elementary will be hosting Camp Invention the week of June 22-26. Join us as we celebrate our 25th year of reinventing summer fun! Local educators lead a week of hands-on activities created especially for elementary school children. Boys and girls spend time disassembling electronics to create something new and taking part in high-energy games! Lessons explore connections between science, technology and innovation. Discounts are available, so register today! Visit www.campinvention.org or call 800.968.4332 for information. Here is a video about this year's Camp Invention: Camp Invention--Illuminate 4TH ANNUAL ONE HOPE, ONE HEART FUNDRAISER Benefiting District families experiencing tragic hardship. FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2015 6:OOPM-9:00PM OAK HILLS HIGH SCHOOL GYM Please join the Oak Hills community in an effort to raise funds for our 4th Annual “One Hope, One Heart Fundraiser”. On April 10th, 2015, the faculty members from each of the nine Oak Hills Local School District buildings and District Office will battle in a volleyball tournament. In addition to the volleyball tournament, this family centered event raises money through concessions, t-shirt sales, raffle baskets and children’s games. This event allows the Oak Hills district to “show their heart” and aid Oak Hills families who have faced a tragic hardship that has caused a significant financial burden. Over the past three years the event has raised enough money to help nearly a dozen families with a monetary donation during particularly dire situations. In the past, this event has aided students and their families who lost their home to a fire, whose parents passed away due to serious illness, or have been diagnosed with a debilitating disease. Oak Hills Local School District serves approximately 8200 students who attend 5 elementary schools, 3 middle schools and the second largest high school in the state of Ohio. To learn more about Oak Hills visit our website at http://ohlsd.us/about/ . Beginning March 9th Springmyer will have the opportunity to “show their heart”. With a $1 donation students will be given a heart to put their name on and post on the “GOT HEART?” bulletin board. Hearts will be available in the library with Mrs. Burman between 8:00am-8:30am and during lunch. Got questions? Interested in helping with the event? Contact Jodi McDonald jodijj22@gmail.com (513)235-5836 Please consider joining our “show of heart” with your support and donation. Level 1: $500.00 Donation: Company name listed in the program and the sponsorship board, announced as high level corporate sponsor and company name/info printed on “One Hope One Heart Cooler Bag”. (Given out the night of the event) Level 2: $250.00 Donation: Company name listed in the program and the sponsorship board, and announced as a corporate sponsor during the event. Level 3: $100.00 Donation: Company name listed in the program and the sponsorship board. Please send your tax deductible donation by March 25th, 2015 to: ONE HOPE ONE HEART Springmyer PTA Attn: Jodi McDonald 4179 Ebenezer Road Cincinnati, OH 45248 Contact: Jodi McDonald jodijj22@gmail.com (513-235-5836) Thank you in advance for your consideration and support of the families and students of Oak Hills Local School District. WHAT: Please join the Oak Hills community for the 4th annual ONE HOPE, ONE HEART fundraiser. Faculty members of Oak Hills schools and District Office will play volleyball to raise funds for district families that have experienced tragic hardship. WHEN: Friday, April 10th from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at the Oak Hills High School Gym. COST: $10 per family (up to 5 members), $5 per adult or $3 per student (middle school aged & up). All elementary students must be accompanied by an adult. Tickets can be purchased prior to the event at the participating schools or at the event. T-shirts can also be purchased for $5 presale and $7 the night of the event. Raffle tickets for an iPad Mini will be available at the schools also for $1 per chance or 6 for $5. ACTIVITIES: In addition to the volleyball games there will be basket raffles, face painting, split-thepot, chances for an iPad Mini, and T-shirt sales. CONCESSIONS: Pizza, Hot Dogs, Candy, Soft Drinks, Popcorn, Chips, and Soft Pretzels. --------------------------------Presale T-Shirt, iPad Mini Raffle, Ticket Form-------------------------------Student Name _______________________________________________Classroom _______________________ Phone Number_________________________________email___________________________________________ T-shirts cost $6 presale. Youth sizes (S, M, L) Adult sizes (S, M, L, XL) (Supplies are limited) *XXL-add $2.00 XXXL-add $3.00* available upon request...email Scott Toon: Toon_S@ohlsd.org I would like to purchase _________________ t-shirts for a total cost of $________________________________. Please list the size for each t-shirt ordered____________________________________________________________. iPad Mini chances cost $1 each or 6 for $5. I would like to purchase ________________ chances for a total cost of $___________________. Admission Tickets I would like to purchase_____family tickets ($10), _____adult tickets($5), ______student tickets($3). I have included $_______________________ with this form in an envelope for all of my purchases. (This form should be turned with exact amount into the school office by Friday, March 27th.) (Checks should be made payable to the Springmyer PTA.) You are cordially invited to Fine Arts Night at Springmyer Elementary School On Tuesday, April 14th, please join in celebrating the creativity and success of your child and the other artists at Springmyer Elementary. Our school will be transformed into an art gallery where our students’ work will be proudly displayed. Each student will have an artwork in the exhibition that will stretch from the LOWER GALLERY in the cafeteria to the UPPER GALLERY in the gym. We are delighted that the exhibition will be accompanied by live music provided by our talented Springmyer musicians and Springmyer ENCORE! In order to fit in the parking lot and have a less crowded experience in the galleries, we'd like to invite students with: Last names M-Z to come from 6:00-6:45 Last names A-L to come from 7:15-8:00 Thank you to the fantastic PTA for providing hospitality for the event, and to our superb staff for donating delicious goodies! SPRINGMYER Soccer sign ups open now. Please see attached sign up form. LADIES FOOTBALL CLINIC Join us on April 18th from 12:00pm – 2:00pm for the Annual Oak Hills Football Ladies Clinic. We will start at 12:00pm in the Oak Hills Commons, where lunch will be served. Cost is $25.00, which includes t-shirt, lunch and valuable football information! The Highlights will be: Learn how we teach fundamentals Why teach fundamentals What games we play and why we play them What is all the equipment and where does it go Why we run and lift the way we do Please Note: This is open to all ladies who would like to learn more about football, not just Oak Hills Football Moms Please make checks payable to: Oak Hills Football Club Send form and check to Athletic Office in envelope marked “Ladies Clinic” or you can mail to: Peggy Bepler 6354 Melissaview Court Cincinnati, Ohio 45248 ___________________________________________________________ __ Name ______________________________________ E-Mail _____________________________________ Shirt Size _____ Shirt Size _____ Shirt Size _____ Shirt Size _____ Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large Adult XL Price $25.00 (Checks payable to Oak Hills Football Club) THE SPIRIT SHOP WILL BE HAVING A SPRING CLEANING OPEN HOUSE ON APRIL 18TH FROM 9 TO 3 WE WILL HAVE SHORT SLEEVED T SHIRTS (REG. $12) ON SALE FOR $8 (THAT'S 33% OFF) WE WILL ALSO HAVE THE NEW GRADUATION SIGNS FOR $10 ANY GREY HOODIE WILL BE DISCOUNTED $5 TO $25 ALSO YOU CAN TAKE 15% OFF ALL POLO SHIRTS! WE ALSO HAVE GREAT WINDBREAKERS FOR THIS SPRING WEATHER! GREAT FOR WATCHING SOFTBALL, BASEBALL, LA CROSS AND ALL OTHER OUTSIDE SPRING SPORTS!! STOP BY AND GRAB SOME BARGAINS Community Electronics Recycling Day SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2015 10 am – 2 pm OAK HILLS HIGH SCHOOL 3200 Ebenezer Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45248 The Environmental Action Committee of Mount St. Joseph University, in conjunction with the Oak Hills School District, will accept cell phones, iPods, Blackberries, MP3 players, digital cameras, handheld game systems, handheld GPS units, laptops, e-readers, portable hard drives, charging cords and accessories for all of these items. These items will then be donated to the Cincinnati Zoo’s “Project Saving Species” program, which helps protect gorillas by minimizing the amount of coltan (an ore used in cell phones) that needs to be mined in gorilla habitat areas in Africa. The goal is to collect 400 cell phones. (Please remove all data from phones, Blackberries, laptops, and hard drives first. Use Google to find specific factory reset directions for your make and model.) Oak Hills Youth Soccer (SAY Soccer) Online registration for the Fall season will be open starting April 1st. For information and registration, go to our website at: www.ohyouthathletics.org. Oak Hills Youth Athletics has three soccer programs for the Fall season: 1) Our Little Kickers program is for ages 4 or 5 (as of July 31, 2015). 2) Our Regular SAY program is for ages 6 (by Sept. 30, 2015) through 13 (by July 31, 2015) and 3) Our Minors/Seniors SAY program is for ages 14 (by July 31, 2015) through 18. Please note: OHYA is a separate program from Springmyer Soccer. However, any Springmyer student is welcome to play for OHYA. OHYA Football Registration NOW OPEN. Participation is open for kids in grades K through 6. Cost is $95. Additional information can be found at www.ohyouthathletics.org, Football. OHYA Cheerleading Registration NOW OPEN. Participation is open for kids in grades K through 6. Information about the season and pricing can be found at www.ohyouthathletics.org, Cheerleading. **Registration for Oak Hills Little Highlander Cheerleading for the 2015 season is scheduled for the following dates: Saturday, April 18 from 10-1 at Oak Hills High School Commons New this year is online registration. Visit www.ohlhcheer.com to register online or for more information. Want to know more about the PTA and see what’s happening? Springmyer PTA webpage - http://ohlsd.us/springmyer/pta/ PTA Handbook - Springmyer PTA Handbook January Springmyer Hi-Lites - January Hi-Lites PTA Board Meeting Minutes - Go to PTA webpage, dwell on PTA, dwell on Board Minutes, select desired month PTA Membership form - 2014 PTA membership form PTA Budget - a copy of the budget is available upon request to any PTA member via email at pcluann@hotmail.com SCHOOL SUPPLY KITS FROM MARKUS The PTA is again offering prepackaged school supplies to the students for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. You can order online @ attached. www.markusinc.com or you can print out the form Free Family Movie Night Big Hero 6 Friday April 17, 2015 Springmyer Gym Doors open at 6:15pm Movie begins at 6:45pm Available Concessions include Pizza, Hot Dogs, Popcorn, Candy, Drinks Free Event - Donations accepted at the door – Sponsored by Pack 44 PTA staff member of the week: Principal, Mrs. Amy Brennan Mrs. Brennan has been with the district 10 years. This is her first year with Springmyer. Welcome! Below is some fun information to get to know Mrs. Brennan better: 1) Do you have a pet? If so, what kind of animal is it and what’s its name? No pets (right now, at least!) 2) What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten? Or what food would you never want to taste again? Chicken feet 3) What is your favorite TV show or Movie? Or what was your favorite TV show as a child or youngster? Favorite now: Downtown Abby Favorite childhood show: The Cosby Show 4) What was your favorite or most amazing place you ever visited? We took a family trip to China and I was able to see the home where my mom was born. 5) What is your favorite hobby? Playing with my kids, running, doing crossword puzzles 6) If you didn’t work for the school system what would you like to be? That is REALLY hard to imagine. I love what I’m doing! If I had to say something, though, it would be a baker. It’s something I enjoy doing at home and I love to share my creations with other people.
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