Oak Hills Local School District Board of Education Meeting Agenda Regular Meeting May 4, 2015 J.F. Dulles Elementary School 6:30 P.M. (Records Commission Meets Prior to Board Meeting) OAK HILLS BOARD OF EDUCATION MISSION STATEMENT: All students attending the Oak Hills Local School District achieve success by graduating with individual skills for career and college readiness and global competence. I. CALL TO ORDER II. OPENING III. ROLL CALL BY APPROVED ROTATION Steve Schinkal, Jeannie Schoonover, Scott Bischoff, Jan Hunter, Julie Murphy IV. COMMUNICATIONS V. ADOPTION OF AGENDA VI. TREASURER’S REPORT VII. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT A. Principal’s Report Beth Riesenberger, J.F. Dulles Elementary School B. Oak Hills Student, Staff & Community Recognition 1. Oak Hills “PTA Educator of the Year” Kim Breitenbach , PTA Advisory Council Oak Hills Local School District Educator of the Year Steve Busker Oak Hills High School Donnie Becker C.O. Harrison Elementary School Joe Shea/Ruth Schoenhoeft Bridgetown Middle School Joe Toney Delshire Elementary School Jill Wolfe Delhi Middle School Steve Busker J.F. Dulles Elementary School Victoria Burnham Rapid Run Middle School Lisa Schlomer Oakdale Elementary School Kim Hulette Springmyer Elementary School Beth Phillips OAK HILLS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING May 4, 2015 PG 1 VIII. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Business Advisory Council B. Facilities C. Finance IX. X. CONSTITUENTS MAY ADDRESS THE BOARD (Limit of five minutes per constituent for a total of fifty minutes) OLD BUSINESS A. Full Day Kindergarten Financial Update XI. NEW BUSINESS A. Treasurer's Recommendations 1. Minutes I recommend that the Board approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 6, 2015 and the Special Board Meeting of April 20, 2015 according to ORC 3313.26 and Text 6.06 as attached. 2. Monthly Financial Statement I recommend that the Board approve the Monthly Financial Statement for March, 2015 according to ORC 3313.26 and Text 6.06, as attached. 3. Donations I recommend that the Board approve the Donations as submitted. a) From: Oak Hills Athletics Boosters $37,500 To: Oak Hills Local School District 30018209504500 This donation was received in September, as a General Fund donation. The donation will be credited to the Athletic Fund, in lieu of the General Fund. b) From: To: c) From: To: d) From: To: e) From: To: f) From: To: g) From: To: Oak Hills Band Association Oak Hills Local Scholarships $4,000 00718209551500 Oak Hills Kiwanis Oak Hills Local Scholarships $3,000 00718209551500 J.F. Dulles PTA J.F. Dulles Public School Support $2,670 01818209579540 OHEA Oak Hills Local Scholarships $2,400 00718209551500 Bridgetown PTA Bridgetown Vocal Music $2,116 01818209544510 Cheviot Savings Bank Oak Hills Local Scholarships $2,000 00718209551500 OAK HILLS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING May 4, 2015 PG 2 h) From: To: i) From: To: j) From: To: k) From: To: l) From: To: m) From: To: n) From: To: o) From: To: p) From: To: q) From: To: r) From: To: s) From: To: Rodenberg Family Foundation Delshire Public School Support $2,000 01818209578570 Oak Hills PTA Oak Hills Local Scholarships $2,000 00718209551500 Bridgetown PTA Oak Hills Local Scholarships $1,500 00718209551500 C.O. Harrison PTA Oak Hills Local Scholarships $1,500 00718209551500 C.O. Harrison PTA Oak Hills Local Scholarships (Mark Koerner Memorial Scholarship) $1,000 00718209551500 Delshire PTA Oak Hills Local Scholarships $1,000 00718209551500 Keith & Nan Jensen $1,000 Oak Hills Local Scholarships 00718209551500 (Robert Weidner “Overcomer” Scholarship) Jeanne Grant Oak Hills Mock Trial Rapid Run PTA Oak Hills Local Scholarships $1,000 30018209598500 Michael E. Price Oak Hills Athletics (Boys Basketball Banquet) $650 30018209504500 Thomas & Rita Davey Oak Hills Local Scholarships (Scott Davey Memorial Scholarship) $500 00718209551500 Delhi PTA Delhi Public School Support $500 01818209577530 $800 00718209551500 4. Appropriation Adjustments I recommend that the Board approve the following appropriation adjustments as submitted. a) Oak Hills Student Council $15,000 20046108919564500 b) Oak Hills Choral $8,000 3009513 c) Oak Hills Drama $6,000 30041108809524500 d) Bridgetown Nat’l Jr. Honor Society $400 20041408919541510 e) Bridgetown Student Council $500 20046108919597510 f) Bridgetown Media Center $1000 20046508919630510 g) Springmyer Public School Support $10,500 0189582 h) Oakdale Public School Support $1,500 01821908809581560 i) Oakdale Staff Support $500 01829405609656560 OAK HILLS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING May 4, 2015 PG 3 5. Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying Them to the County Auditor I recommend that the Board approve the Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying Them to the County Auditor as attached. B. Superintendent’s Recommendations 1. Resolution OHHS Exam Schedule Proposal I recommend that the Board approve the Resolution for the Oak Hills High School Exam Schedule Proposal for Spring 2015 as attached. WHEREAS Oak Hills High School is committed to reaching all students and ensuring that 100% of the student population is learning and achieving at a high level. The adjusted Anchor Assessment Exam Schedules not only maintain the integrity of assessing student learning, but provides teachers an opportunity to appropriately and accurately assess student performance at a high level; and WHEREAS As a result of high level assessment, Oak Hills High School students will be learning at a high level as they display their knowledge through application questions and evaluative writing; and WHEREAS Oak Hills High School recognizes that the proposed “exam schedule” will ultimately benefit student learning. The benefits are as follows: (1.) Anchor Assessment Exams (AAE) will maintain the integrity of assessing student learning, allowing for alignment to other high stakes tests including AP and ACT while assessing students’ growth and progress in their current coursework. (2.) There is ample time for students to work individually with teachers for remediation and invention. (3.) Team Time in the afternoon will allow time for staff to work collaboratively to revise and align academic curriculum maps, build common assessments and analyze data to prepare for the 20152016 school year. This time will ensure all staff participates in this essential curriculum process and paid summer work will be minimal. BE IT RESOLVED that Oak Hills High School recommends that the Oak Hills School Board approves an Anchor Assessment Exam Schedule that would adjust the schedule on May 29, 2015 through June 3, 2015. 2. OHLSD Student Trips I recommend that the Board approve the following Oak Hills Local School District Student Trips as attached. Oak Hills High School 6/22/15 6/26/15 Group: Student Leadership Villages Destination: ISSN Summer Institute (Los Angeles, CA) OAK HILLS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING May 4, 2015 PG 4 3. OHLSD Certificates of Records Disposal I recommend that the Board approve Oak Hills Local School District’s Certificates of Records Disposal as attached. The District Records Commission meets annually prior to an Oak Hills Board of Education meeting to review certificates of records disposal for the Oak Hills Local School District. 4. HCESC SERVICES ORDER I recommend that the Board approve the Hamilton County Educational Service Center Services Order Form for 201516 as attached. 5. OHLSD District Policy Manual Policy Revisions I recommend that the Board approve the policy revisions to the Oak Hills Local School District Policy Manual as attached. a) JM Student Participation in Extracurricular Activities (contingent upon payment of academic fees) b) IKF Graduation Requirements 6. Memorandum of Understanding (OHEA) Supplemental Contracts I recommend that the Board approve the Memorandum of Understanding for Supplemental Contracts for the 201516 & 201617 school year as attached. 7. Personnel I recommend that the Board approve the following Personnel actions (a s) as submitted. Employment is conditional upon a satisfactory criminal records check as required by law. These persons are deemed employed only on a conditional basis until the satisfactory criminal records check has been performed by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (or the Federal Bureau of Investigation in cases where the individuals have not resided within the State of Ohio during the previous five years), and the District has received a certified copy of the satisfactory records check. For those individuals whose employment would be considered as casual, on an asneeded or volunteer basis, approval is similarly contingent upon a satisfactory criminal records check. a) Resignation Certified Name Assignment Ransom Brown Teacher Deborah Hageman Teacher Alexis Kain Teacher Kathleen Hoeper Teacher School OHHS JFD BMS SPR Reason Personal Personal Personal Personal Effective 08/09/15 06/05/15 08/09/15 08/09/15 b) Resignation Classified Name Assignment Sandra Feist Food Service Jeni Schwiers Instructional Asst. Jan Collini Secretary Polly West Food Service School RRMS OHHS COH RRMS Reason Retirement Personal Retirement Personal Effective 07/01/15 04/28/15 09/01/15 06/04/15 Reason Child Care Effective 04/13/15 04/24/15 04/29/15 05/06/15 c) Unpaid Family Medical Leave Certified Name Assignment School Jeanna Shupp Teacher Visitation Amanda Luebbe Teacher SPR Child Care OAK HILLS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING May 4, 2015 PG 5 d) Unpaid Leave Certified Name Assignment Kelly Moorman Teacher School OAK Reason Child Care Amanda Monhollen Teacher JFD Child Care Amanda Rice Teacher OHHS Child Care School DMS Reason Medical e) Unpaid Leave Classified Name Assignment Kim Martini Food Service Effective 08/10/15 05/20/16 04/24/15 06/05/15 05/22/15 06/05/15 Effective 04/23/15 06/01/15 f) Appointment Certified Administrative Contract 08/01/1507/31/17 Name Assignment Salary Matthew Klosterman Assistant Principal IIIC2 g) Administrator Extended Days Summer 2015 To be paid daily rate as needed for up to 10 days. Name Matthew Klosterman h) Appointment Certified Name Assignment Christine Rost Teacher Kyle Brunsman Teacher Kortney Sanders Teacher Luke Cripe Teacher Jim Macke Teacher Salary VI6 III4 II1 II7 IV4 Effective 08/10/15 08/10/15 08/10/15 08/10/15 08/10/15 i) Delhi Middle Tuesday/Thursday School Monitors To be hired as needed and paid $18.64 per hour. To be paid from Intervention Funds account #0011910113. Name Virginia Rasche j) Bridgetown Middle Monday School Monitors To be hired as needed and paid $18.64 per hour. To be paid from Intervention funds account #0011910113. Name Teri Land k) Community Education Instructors 20142015 School Year Name Class Lydia Ackermann Swim Lesson Instructor Sam Good Swim Lesson Instructor Hannah Sherlock Swim Lesson Instructor Salary $10.00/hr. $11.00/hr. $10.00/hr. OAK HILLS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING May 4, 2015 PG 6 l) Middle School Transitional Academy To be paid as follows on an as needed basis from Intervention Funds. Name Hours per day Amount Samantha Helms 3.5 $25.00/hr. m) OHHS Drama Production “Les Miserables” To be paid $1040.00 for pit performance from account 30041101309524500. Name Kevin Sweatman n) Student Teacher Mentor Name University Amanda Biser Mount St. Joseph University Kelly Shattuck Mount St. Joseph University Jeff Crowe Mount St. Joseph University Amanda Goodman Mount St. Joseph University Laura Adair Mount St. Joseph University Mollie Harloff Mount St. Joseph University Kristen Wilson Mount St. Joseph University Amanda Berling Mount St. Joseph University Tina Herr Mount St. Joseph University Molly Cary Mount St. Joseph University Karen Haller Mount St. Joseph University Jenni Budde Mount St. Joseph University Kara Berger Mount St. Joseph University Emily Futscher Mount St. Joseph University Jeanna Linenkugel Northern Kentucky University Deborah Stein Northern Kentucky University Amount $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 $250.00 $500.00 $500.00 $250.00 $250.00 $125.00 $125.00 o) OGT Summer Support Program To be paid $1500.00 for planning & coordination. Name Joelle Liedhegner p) OGT Summer Support Program To be paid $25.00/hr. as Core Teachers for a total of 40 hours. Name Dennis Martin Will Beinkemper q) OGT Summer Support Program To be paid $20.00/hr. as Test Proctors for a total of 40 hours. Name Amanda Biser Dennis Martin Jennifer Robben Joelle Liedhegner Will Beinkemper OAK HILLS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING May 4, 2015 PG 7 r) Substitute Teacher To be hired on an as needed basis and paid per substitute teacher daily rate. Name Natalie Fischer Jack Schulte s) Substitute Secretary To be hired on an as needed basis and paid per substitute secretary hourly rate. Name Joanna Fecke 8. Personnel I recommend that the Board approve the following Personnel actions (a) as submitted. Employment is conditional upon a satisfactory criminal records check as required by law. These persons are deemed employed only on a conditional basis until the satisfactory criminal records check has been performed by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (or the Federal Bureau of Investigation in cases where the individuals have not resided within the State of Ohio during the previous five years), and the District has received a certified copy of the satisfactory records check. For those individuals whose employment would be considered as casual, on an asneeded or volunteer basis, approval is similarly contingent upon a satisfactory criminal records check. a) 1 Year Contracts Certified Name Katherine Hunter 9. Personnel I recommend that the Board approve the following Personnel actions (a) as submitted. Employment is conditional upon a satisfactory criminal records check as required by law. These persons are deemed employed only on a conditional basis until the satisfactory criminal records check has been performed by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (or the Federal Bureau of Investigation in cases where the individuals have not resided within the State of Ohio during the previous five years), and the District has received a certified copy of the satisfactory records check. For those individuals whose employment would be considered as casual, on an asneeded or volunteer basis, approval is similarly contingent upon a satisfactory criminal records check. a) Nonrenewal Supplementals NonTeaching Name Maggie Bischoff Assistant Boys/Girls Swim Coach OHHS XII. CONSTITUENTS (Comments not to exceed total of ten minutes) XIII. BOARD DISCUSSION XIV. ADJOURNED OAK HILLS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING May 4, 2015 PG 8
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