Your Touchstone Energy® Cooperative Volume 63, Issue 9 March 2015 CO OP Oklahoma Electric NEWS Unclaimed capital credits could belong to you or someone you know Also inside Youth Tour finalists announced p. 6 When to pull the plug on old appliances p. 16 Board of Trustees Bob Usry, President Verle Barnes, Vice Pres. James “Jim” Martin, Sec.-Treas. John Jensen, Asst. Sec.-Treas. Mike Argo Percy Moreu Rusty Grissom Ronnie Grover Frank Wilson District 8 7 9 6 1 2 3 4 5 Oklahoma Electric Cooperative 321-2024, FAX 405-217-6900 Co-op Manager .............................Max Meek Editor .........................................Brianna Wall Oklahoma Electric Co-op News is published monthly by Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, 242 24th Ave. NW, Norman, OK 73069, (USPS-865-700). Subscription rates: $6.00 per year for non-members, 50¢ per year for members. Periodical postage paid at Norman, OK and other additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send form 3579 to: Oklahoma Electric Co-op News, PO Box 1208, Norman, OK 73070. Hidden Account Numbers Worth $150 Each month, OEC will pay $50 to the two co-op members who locate their hidden account numbers inside the Co-op News that month. The hidden account numbers will be placed at random within the text of each issue and not on the mailing label. The amounts will simultaneously increase in $50 increments until one or both account numbers are located by their respective owners. Remember the contest rules as you read the Co-op News each month: 1. One of the hidden account numbers must be your own. 2. You must advise OEC by phone, mail or in person at the co-op’s office by the 15th of the month. If you find your account number call the Member Services department at 217-6706. From the top Max Meek, Chief Executive Officer Capital credits coming your way Did you know OEC is a If you recognize any of the nonprofit entity? In fact, all electric names in this month’s issue, or next cooperatives are not-for-profit, and month’s, please tell them to call us for the member-owners – that’s you – so we can get their money to them. it’s a good thing. A form is printed on page 23 for the Beginning on page 9, descendant(s) of those who you will see six pages filled have passed on to transfer with former members’ any remaining capital names – and that’s only half credits into their names. of them (the other half will If you were a member be printed next month). during the years of 2006 We are trying to contact and 2007 and you still are these members so they – or a member, be looking for their heirs – can receive the your check to arrive in money we owe them. You August, given no major see, as a nonprofit business, If co-ops were expenses occur – like an ice we operate at-cost. Any storm or tornado – between like other utilities, those funds collected exceeding now and then. No action is funds would the cost of doing business necessary on your part. be distributed must be returned to the Distributing margins among members. If co-ops were like back to our members shareholders other utilities, those funds helps us keep costs as low and investors in and affordable as possible. would be distributed among faraway lands. shareholders and investors While we strive to be at the Instead, they in faraway lands. Instead, forefront of implementing are returned to they are returned to you, the you, the owners new technology, like usage owners of the co-op. monitoring mobile apps and of the co-op. It’s one of many aspects PrePaid metering, our mission that makes cooperatives remains providing the most unique and sets us apart reliable service we can. from other, profit-minded businesses. At the end of the day, our goal is Co-ops have always operated as not-for- for the lights to remain on come high profit – it was one of the prerequisites winds, storms or any other surprise for receiving a loan from the federal Mother Nature has for us. We work government to begin a cooperative diligently to provide you with safe, in the mid-1930s. I am grateful our affordable electricity, and we hope operations have financially allowed us to you see your investment in OEC as pay back these margins over the years. more than just a monthly bill. “ ” CO OP NEWS Oklahoma Electric contents 8 Unclaimed capital credits could belong to you or someone you know In This Issue.. Explore new features on the SmartHub mobile app beginning April 1 5 6 Meet the 2015 Youth Tour finalists 8 Unclaimed capital credits – part 1 of 2 When to pull the plug Socialize with us! /OklaElec /OKcoop /OklaElec 16 In Every Issue.. 4 6 7 15 17 ORU Report Youth & Leadership Co-op Connections® Card Tasty Treats Classified Ads Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month Hire a professional energy auditor to diagnose where your house could be losing energy and where you can start saving money. Auditors check for air leaks, survey heating and cooling equipment and more. After making efficiency upgrades, you could save 5-30 percent on your energy bills. Source: U.S. Department of Energy Updated features returning to OEC’s SmartHub app 5 OPERATION Round Up OEC Foundation board approves over $9,000 in grants Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • March 2015 t 4 The OEC Foundation, Inc. board of directors at its Jan. 29 meeting approved $9,129 in grants to local organizations and individuals. These donated funds are added to an already impressive amount of grants given since the program began in 1993. The organizations benefitting from the first grants of 2015 are Canadian County CASA, Inc., Friends of Mustang Public Library and the Washington Police Department. Each grant will be used by the organizations to further their missions of serving others in their communities. “CASA provides a voice for children who have been abused or neglected and have been adjudicated through the court system as deprived,” said Krystle Lane, CASA’s executive director. The board approved a $1,000 grant to CASA and its mission to help children in Canadian County. The Friends of the Mustang Public Library received a $3,000 grant for its summer reading program for children and teens. “The summer reading program at the Mustang Library will keep children and teens reading through the summer,” said Brett Jones, president. “Children can lose one to two grade levels in their reading skills if they do not read through the summer break from school.” Funds donated to the program will provide all services and supplies to the children so there is not a hindrance to anyone wanting to participate. A $3,000 grant was also awarded to the Washington Police Department for new hand-held radios. “These radios will give us the ability to communicate with dispatch and other officers and increase the safety of the officers while they are out of the patrol unit during a traffic stop or an emergency call,” said Ruben Ruiz, chief of police. In addition to the grants given to the aforementioned organizations, several individuals received assistance with eye glasses and exams, as well as food and clothing for children. The Operation Round Up® program is made possible thanks to members who choose to ‘round up’ their electric bills each month to the nearest dollar, with the difference being placed into a separate fund. Individuals, families and nonprofit organizations in OEC’s service area are eligible to apply for grants, and meetings are held every six to eight weeks for a nine-person board of directors to review the applications. Applications received by March 2 will be reviewed at a meeting held on March 12. Visit to print applications – individual/ family or organizational. Applications can be submitted by mail (PO Box 721105, Norman, 73070), fax (217-6904) or in person at OEC’s headquarters located at 242 24th Avenue Northwest in Norman. Contact Tory Tedder-Loffland, Operation Round Up coordinator, at or 217-6726 if you have any questions. OEC Foundation, Inc. Financial Statement Beginning Balance 1/5/2015........................................$96,761.33 February deposit.......................$18,992.52 Interest...............................................$3.27 Checks issued...........................-$22,908.84 Approved, not paid.................-$3,674.26 Ending balance 2/18/15...........$89,174.02 Financial statement by: Amanda Dierking OEC Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors Jamey Allen • Leroy Bayliff Jim Brown • Vivian Gibson Lloyd Gramling Lynne Miller • Sunny Stuart Beckie Turner • Joyce Wallace CO-OP News Hourly meter data returning to SmartHub S martHub – OEC’s online and mobile portal where members can pay their bills and view in-depth energy use information – will soon contain hourly meter data. Access to the data was temporarily halted last year while improvements and updates were made to the meter data management system. Beginning April 1, members can log into their accounts and see their energy consumption down to the hour. “In addition to the hourly meter readings and kilowatt-hour usage details, weather charts have also been integrated so members can conveniently compare high- and low-usage days to the outside temperatures,” said Jonna Buck, vice president of administration. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, heating and cooling accounts for more than half of the energy use in a typical home, making it the largest energy expense. In most situations, members who experience high usage can associate it with either a hot day in the summer or a cold day in the winter (for those with electric heat). “This data will be very useful to members once our on- and off-peak summer rates take effect in June,” Buck said. “With the increased price of electricity on summer weekday afternoons, members will be able to look back the next day and see their usage during those hours. This will also reveal areas of potential savings.” The more electricity consumption members can shift to off-peak times during summer days, the more money they will keep in their pockets. The daily and hourly data available online and via the SmartHub mobile app will help members quickly locate times of high usage and be able to take action and make adjustments before they receive a high bill in the mail. [1709300415] “Our priority is to educate members about their usage so they can make changes to lower it, in turn lowering their bills,” Buck said. “Monitoring your usage can be easy, and we encourage all members to take advantage of this free service.” Members can create a log-in by visiting or by downloading the SmartHub mobile app free from the Amazon, Apple and Google app stores (or scan the barcode below with your smartphone). If you have questions regarding your bill or meter readings, call OEC’s customer service department at 405-321-2024. Scan the QR code with your smart device to download the SmartHub mobile app and access your usage anywhere, anytime. 5 YOUTH & Leadership Announcing the 2015 Youth Tour finalists Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • March 2015 T 6 “IF ONE THING COMES OUT OF THIS MEETING, IT WILL BE SENDING YOUNGSTERS TO THE NATIONAL CAPITAL WHERE THEY CAN ACTUALLY SEE WHAT THE FLAG STANDS FOR AND REPRESENTS.” Then-Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, 1957 en students from across OEC’s service area have advanced to the final rounds of OEC’s Youth Tour contest and will compete for one of four trips to Washington, D.C. this summer. The finalists’ essays were selected by a panel of judges out of over 30 entries. They will now prepare to give a speech over the topics covered in their essays at a banquet to be held later this month. There, four winners will be selected to travel to the nation’s capital this summer with 70 of their peers from across Oklahoma. “Youth Tour is a great program because it exposes young people to a wealth of history made possible by the actions of everyday people just like them,” said Tory Tedder-Loffland, OEC youth programs coordinator. “Some of these kids have never left the state before and here they are meeting with elected officials, walking in the footsteps of George Washington and feeling the impact of the Holocaust Museum. They can take this experience home and know they can be exceptional as well.” Join us in congratulating the following 10 students on their hard work and for making it to the final rounds of the contest. }} John Allen, Chickasha High School }} Devyn Crosley, Chickasha High School }} Jordan Darrow, Mount St. Mary Catholic High School }} Matthew Holman, Bridge Creek High School }} Brennah Kostelecky, Oklahoma City (home-school) }} Alex Leseney, Little Axe High School }} Megan Mayfield, Bridge Creek High School }} Meredith Rasnic, Norman North High School }} Haley Traxler, Tuttle High School }} Jessica Lynn Woodall, Bridge Creek High School While on Youth Tour, the winners will visit national and historical landmarks, take a dinner cruise down the famous Potomac River, attend a dinner theatre show and spend time getting to know Youth Tour delegates from other states. They will also have the opportunity to speak with Oklahoma’s Congressional delegation and communicate their concerns to the Congressmen. This session always enlightens the students to the real world of politics and government. It has even inspired former Youth Tour students to seek elected office (State Sen. Corey Brooks was an OEC Youth Tour winner in 1996). Watch for the list of winners to be announced on OEC’s Facebook page ( following the banquet on March 26. They will also be featured in the May issue of the Co-op News. CO-OP Connections Your free source for exclusive member savings on everyday purchases Members save over $123,000 on prescriptions in 2014 T he numbers are in, and OEC members saved big at the pharmacy last year. Using the Co-op Connections® Card, members received an average of 44 percent off prescriptions each time they visited the pharmacy last year. The Co-op Connections program implemented the pharmacy discount in 2008, and savings have increased each year since – a whopping $758,140 has been kept in members’ pockets. Seven years of data proves co-op members are taking full advantage of the pharmacy discount. It is important now more than ever to continue taking advantage of those savings offered exclusively to co-op members, as continual changes occur to healthcare laws and insurance coverage. To download a list of participating pharmacies in your area, visit To keep up with the pace of the changing healthcare system, Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives – the creators of the Co-op Connections program – expanded its savings even more. Co-op members can now save money at the dentist, chiropractor, eye doctor, hearing specialist and medical lab as part of the Healthy Savings discount. View the complete listing of covered services and providers at or call 321-2024 to have a printed business directory mailed to you. OEC is part of the Touchstone Energy Cooperatives brand, a nationwide alliance of more than 725 consumer-owned electric cooperatives dedicated to serving their members and communities with integrity, accountability, innovation and commitment to community. March March Featured Featured Discounts Discounts Goldsby location only $10 off a $100+ purchase Gordon’s Service Expert Moore/South OKC Free water heater w/geothermal or HVAC installation and more 253-3766 Show your Co-op Connections Card at these participating businesses to receive a members-only discount. If you have lost or misplaced your card, call 321-2024 to request a new one be mailed to you. Visit for a complete listing of participating businesses. Use your smartphone to scan the QR code and download the mobile app for your Apple or Android phone Marcum’s Nursery DOWNLOAD THE CO-OP CONNECTIONS MOBILE APP TO FIND SAVINGS ON EVERYDAY PURCHASES WHEREVER YOU ARE 7 CAPITAL Credits OEC prepares to pay $5 million in capital credits to co-op members O EC’s board of trustees has authorized the distribution of over $5 million in capital credits to members of the cooperative who purchased electricity during the years of 2006 and 2007. More than 28,800 current members and 6,600 former members are set to receive a check when they are mailed in August, given no major expenses occur – like a tornado or ice storm – between now and then. Capital credits are somewhat similar to the dividends paid to shareholders of investor-owned utilities, except the co-op’s “shareholders” are the members it serves, and the “dividends” are the capital credits. Despite a diligent effort to notify former co-op members, there are more than 3,000 who still need to update their addresses in order to receive their capital credits. If you see your name on the list of names on the following pages and you were an OEC member during the years listed, please fill out and return the form below. All address updates must be done in writing. If you see the name of a family member who is deceased and you are the rightful heir, you can complete the form on page 23 and return it along with the appropriate paperwork to transfer all remaining capital credits into your name. The average capital credit refund will be $100. However, checks will not be issued for less than $25 unless a member has no further refunds due for future years. Refunds of less than $25 are retained until and added to the next retirement. The list of names printed in this magazine is of former members who have not verified their current address. Due to the volume, this list only includes former residential members whose last names begin with A through K, as well as former businesses whose names begin with A through K. The remaining list will be published in next month’s issue or can be found by visiting Patronage Capital Credit Record Update If you were previously a member of OEC, please use the form below to print and return. Valid address is important regarding the refund of patronage capital credits. All address updates must be done in writing. Name on Account First Previous Address Current Address Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • March 2015 Spouse Name 8 Middle Initial Last Street City State Zip Code Street City State Zip Code Spouse SS# (Required) E-Mail SS# (Required) Contact Phone Federal ID# (Required if Business) Signature (Required) Address update will be done pending match of social security number or Federal ID number. Incomplete forms cannot be processed. Mail completed form to OEC, P.O. Box 1208, Norman, OK, 73070 OR Fax completed form to (405)217-6900 Forms are available at Businesses and last names beginning with L through Z can be found online and will be published in next month’s issue. Do you recognize these names? These are the names of former members without updated contact information on file. If you recognize a name or business name on this list, please let them know OEC may have money for them. Use the form on page 8 to update contact information. If one of the names is your deceased relative and you are the beneficiary, fill out and return the form on page 23. ANDERSON, ALTHEDA M. ANDERSON, ANDREA ANDERSON, ANDY ANDERSON, BRANDON W. ANDERSON, CODY ANDERSON, DAWN M. ANDERSON, DIANNA L. ANDERSON, JANA ANDERSON, JENNIFER ANDERSON, JERRY W. ANDERSON, LISA M. ANDERSON, SHELA ANDRADA, REBECCA L. ANDREWS, CHARITY B. ANDREWS, JACK A. ANDREWS, MELISSA ANGLIN, BOBBY J. APPERSON, BRENDA J. APPLE, GEORGE H. APPLE, STEVE APPLEBY, THEA S. ARAMBULA, DAVID ARCADIS US INC ARCHER, KEVIN G. ARDIZZONE, MICHAEL ARGANBRIGHT, JIM R. ARMAND, KANDI ARMSTRONG, BERNICE ARMSTRONG, GLORIA E. ARMSTRONG, KIMMI R. ARNOLD, KELLY J. ARSENAULT, JOHN D. ARTERBERRY, JO ELLEN ASBURY, ROBERT W. ASH, MICHAEL A. ASHBY, DANA JO ASHFORD, BRAD J. ASHWORTH, CARMALEE ASHWORTH, STEVE ASIF, MOHAMMED ASKEW, STEVE G. ATKINSON, RHONDA AUSTIN, STEVE AUTOCARE AUTRY, ROBERT A. AVANTS, BETTY AVERY, SHANDRA AVEY, WILLIAM R. AYERS, KARYN J. AYERS, LEW E. B&W FARMS BABB, BRIDGETTE N. BABYLON, ROBERT R. BACHMAN, MONTY B. BACON, CHARLES R. BACON, DAVID BADLEY, STEVE BAILEY, ANGELA BAILEY, JAMIE D. BAILEY, JOSHUA G. BAILEY, RONDA R. BAIRD, DEBORAH A. BAIRD, MILDRED L. BAKER, CHAD M. BAKER, DAVID B. BAKER, DUANE BAKER, EDWARD L. BAKER, GERED E. BAKER, HARVEY H. BAKER, JOHN M. BAKER, MARY BALDERAS, ILARIA BALDRIDGE, JULIA BALDRIDGE, MICHELLE BALDWIN, BONNIE J. BALDWIN, MICHAEL J. BALENTINE, ROGER D. BALES, ADAM C. BALIUS, SIMON R. BARAKAT, ELAINE BARBER, FRED BARBER, JEANNE L. BARBER, KRISTIN BARBER, MARY BARGEWELL, ERIK A. BARK, HARKYULE BARKER, KELLY W. BARKSDALE, JERRY D. BARNES, ANN M. BARNES, DENISE BARNES, KATRINA A. BARNEY U BROWN TRUST BARNHART CRANE AND RIGGING CO BARR, DAVID M. BARR, PATTI A. BARRETT, JENNIFER R. BARTLETT, DIANE BARTLETT, JAIME R. BARTLETT, RICHARD T. BARTLETT, SHERRY J. BARTON, DONNA J. BARTON, MARY E. BARWICK, CHARLES BASSHAM, JOHN BATCH, DONALD A. BATES, LEE BATES, MARTHA J. BAUER, DAN BAVINGER, BILL A. BAXTER, MILDRED E. BAYLESS, DAVID BAYLESS, FREDDA BAYLISS, ANGEL ANN BAZE, STACY R. BAZEMORE, STEPHEN M BEACH, SABRINA I. BEADEL, THOMAS M. BEAN, ALBERT BEAN, PAUL J. BEARDMORE, GREG D. BEAUCOURT, MICHAEL A. BEBOUT, NANCY G. BECKER, LEONARD BEDFORD, CARLA C. BEEN, KEVIN D. BEENE, DEWEY J. BEERY, ILA MAE BEIER, ROBERT C. BELDEN, STEPHANIE L. BELL, ARLETHA I BELL, BARBARA BELL, JACLYN BELL, MARSHA BELL, ROBERT BELL, SABRINA BELLER-WILLIAMS, BONNIE BELMAR VALLEY LLC BENEFICIAL AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE BENEFIELD, JAMIE BENNETT, BILLY H. BENNETT, DEBBIE ANN BENNETT, MARVIN BENNETT, RHONDA BENNETT, SHARRI BENSON, SHEILA R. BENTLEY, ROBERT K. BENTON, CHRIS LEE BENTON, NICOLE R. BENY, KATHY B. BERGER, BYRON GEORGE BERKLEY, KIRK BERKOWITZ, DAN BERNARD, DANIELLE M. BERNDT, MICHELLE D. BERRY, JOHN N. BERRY, MARK BERRYMAN, CHARLOTTE A. BERRYMAN, LISA BETTERTON, LESIA K. BEWLEY, ALTA BICKFORD, DEANNA L. BICKFORD, KEITH A. A & Z ENTERPRISES AAA FIBERGLASS AB INTERNATIONAL, LLC ABBOTT, CLAYTON V. ABELLO, NIKKI P. ABLES, SARAH R. ABNEY, LAURA ACTION INC ACUFF, KENNETH A. ADAIR, DONNA J. ADAMS, MATT R. ADAMS, MICHAEL ADAMS, STEPHEN E. ADAMS, SUZANNE S. ADAMS, WALTER R. ADKISSON, ODIS ADVANCED INVESTMENTS AFFOLTER, ROBERT B. AGEE, RANDALL A. AGNEW, EXA AGUILAR, ANITA AGUILAR, LILIA AIKMAN, ANGELA L. AKIN, JIMMY D. ALBERS, MATTHEW J. ALBERTSON, GARY L. ALCAZAR, VINCENTE V. ALDRICH, DAVID ALEXANDER, SHERYL J. ALFRED, BERNIE ALKIRE, ROY J. ALL NIGHT AUTO OF OKLAHOMA INC ALL SEASONS FLOWERS & GIFTS ALL THAT GLITTERS ALL WIRELESS ALLEN, BILLY V. ALLEN, DANIEL W. ALLEN, DONALD C. ALLEN, GAYLA ALLEN, JOHN L. ALLEN, LISA ALLEN, MELVIN A. ALLEN’S FLOOR SERVICE ALLIANCE CAPITAL ALLIANCE TITLE SERVICES ALLISON, DIANA S. ALLRED, WILLIAM ALM, DONALD L. ALMAS, KELLIE ALVARADO, MARIA ALVAREZ, ANGEL ALVAREZ, PAOLA M. ALVERSON, CLAUDE AMJ LLC 9 If your name is included in this list, please complete the appropriate form and mail to: OEC, P.O. Box 1208, Norman, OK, 73070 CAPITAL Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • March 2015 Credits 10 BIENHOFF, MARK BIG O DEVELOPMENT BIGGS, SCOTT BILES, JANIE BILLINGS, LOIS J. BILLINGS, PAT W. BILLINGSLEY, RONELLE E. BILLY, ERIC G. BINGHAM, WILLIAM L. BIRD, LISA R. BIRDSONG, BERTA G. BIRDWELL, RICKY D. BIRNEY, ROBERT BIRNEY, ROBERT L. BISHOP, PAUL D. BISHOP, SHARON M. BITTO, JAKE I. BITTS, DARIN E. BIXLER, AMI BJORKLAND, J. BJORKMAN, JANICE BLACK, EARLENE BLACK, GAYLE BLACK, TRISHA D. BLAINE, NORMA CHARLENE BLAIR, ALMA O. BLAIR, LEANDRA D. BLAKEMORE, CHARLENE V. BLAKLEY, IRISE FRANK BLAKLEY, JONEE BLAKLEY, KRISTI DEAVILLE BLAKLEY, MICHELLE R. BLALOCK, FREDERICK BLALOCK, KRIS BLALOCK, MARY G. BLANCHARD, LEWIS BLANTON, CHRIS L. BLANTON, ROBERT H. BLEISTEIN, NELLIE BLEVENS, SHANNA M. BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO # 40108 BLOCKER, LESLIE A. BMI DEVELOPMENT BOATRIGHT, ROBERT J. BOB MOORE OF NORMAN BOCOCK, ROY E. BODENHAMER, CRAIG D. BODY PRO INC BODYWORKS INC BOECKMAN, BOBBY BOECKMAN, MATT J. BOESKIN, GENEVIEVE BOGGESS, ANGELA K. BOGGS, KELLIE BOHANNAN, INA A. BOHANON, STEPHEN C. BOHN, KIM B. BOHNENKAMP, KRISTIE J. BOLEN, LAURENCE BOLING, GARY R. BOLLES, KEITH A. BOLLINGER, JESSE BOND, BROCK A. BOOKER, STEVEN R. BOOKOUT, CARL S. BOOMER, LAQUESHA A. BORM, BRIAN BORUM, DOUG BOTCHLET, PATRICIA T. BOULWARE, CHARITY S. BOURLAND, MELINDA S. BOUTIN, MARY JANE BOWEN, LARRY BOWER, TAMMY L. BOWERS, ANGELA G. BOWERS, BRETT C. BOWERS, MARK E. BOWMAN, ALLEN H. BOX DEVELOPMENT LLC BOYCE, PAUL S. BOYCE, TED BOYD, AUDREY A. BOYD, TRACY A. BOYER, PAUL BRACE, TRACY BRACY, EARL A. BRADFORD, EDWARD BRADFORD, MISTY D. BRADFORD, SHELBY J. BRADLEY, STARLA D. BRADSHAW, DORTHA L. BRAKEBILL, BETTY M. BRALY, EDMUND BRAMLAGE, ANGELA M. BRANCH, GARY A. BRANDENBURG, JOHN BRANDON, CHADRICK L. BRANDON, DIANA C. BRANDT, RONALD E. BRANSCUM, RONNIE A. BRANSON, ELLA J. BRANSTETTER, ERIK BRASSBRICK HOMES BRASSFIELD, DAVID H. BRATCHER, VERONICA J. BRATTON, VIVIAN M. BREEDEN, JIM BRESHEARS, ARIE C. BREUER, PHYLLIS BREWER, APRIL D. BREWER, SHAWNA L. BREWER, TONY BRIDGEPORT/NEWHAVEN HOMES BRIGGS, DEBORA S. BRILLHART, AMANDA K. BRISCO, ROBERT S. BRISCOE, CRYSTAL L. BRITT, HEATHER D. BROCK, GEORGE BROCK, TRAVIS W. BROOKE AGENCY SERVICES CO LL BROOKINGS, JAMI D. BROOKS, NOEL L. BROOKS, RACHEL BROOKS, SHAWN BROOKSHER, GARY E. BROSIUS, ANITA M. BROTHERTON, KRISONDA BROUSSARD, TRAVIS BROWN, BRANDON W. BROWN, BRIAN D. BROWN, CHARLENE BROWN, CINDY L. BROWN, CORY W. BROWN, FAYETTE J. BROWN, GREG M. BROWN, JACOB R. BROWN, JOHN M. BROWN, JOHN T. BROWN, JON D. BROWN, LEILA A. BROWN, LORETTA J. BROWN, MARIE BROWN, OSCEOLA R. BROWN, PAUL D. BROWN, RENA C. BROWN, ROBERT J. BROWN, ROBIN L. BROWN, SHELBY A. BROWN, TERESA L. BROWN, TRACY BROWNING, STACIE R. BRUCKER, FRED W. BRUEHL, GERALD LOUIS BRUEHL, TONIA G. BRUGMANN, MARTIN BRUMBELOE, W L. BRUMIT, SHAUN BRUMLEY, HILARY BRUNT, BELINDA R. BRUTON, DEWEY C. BRYAN, CHARLES BRYAN, DENISHA A. BRYAN, MACHIELLE BRYANT, DENA BRYANT, JIMMY L. BRYANT, JOHN BRYANT, STEVE L. BUCK, JAMES O. BUCK, KIM M. BUCKLEY, KEVIN J. BUDGET MOBILE HOMES BUELL, DON BUI, HUAN BUMBALOUGH, JAMES F. BUNCH, KEITH W. BURCH ENTERPRISES INC BURCH, MIKE G. BURCH, SHANNON K. BURCHAM, MICHAEL BURGER, TIMOTHY R. BURGESS, BROOK N. BURGESS, JOYCE L. BURKE, BRYAN P. BURKE, REILLY BURKHOUSE, RACHEL E. BURLESON, ANN BURLESON, BILLY D. BURNETT, MARY BURNETT, PENNY L. BURNETT, RHONDA L. BURNS, BRENDA C. BURNS, DONNY RAY BURNS, FRANK BURNS, GRACIA BURRIS, CYNTHIA J. BURRIS, ROYCE L. BURRIS, TRACY D. BURROUGH, BRIAN I. BURROWS, MICHAEL W. BURT, BOB BURT, JEANIE M. BURTON, CLAY BURTON, DALE W. BUSTOS, SHAWN T. BUTCHER, CINDY A. BUTLER, DOLORES J. BUTLER, DUANE A. BUTLER, SHANNON L. BUTNER, AVERY BUTNER, CASEY J. BUXTON, ERNESTINE BYBEE, MARTHA A. BYERS, THOMAS L. BYRUM, SHIRLEY J. C&C MECHANICAL C&W MANAGEMENT CAGLE, JAMES CAGLE, LAURA M. CAIN, AMANDA CALDWELL ENVIRONMENTAL CALDWELL, BENJAMIN T. CALDWELL, CASEY CALDWELL, ELIZABETH CALHOUN, ESTHER CALLEN, STEPHANIE L. CALPINE NATURAL GAS LP CALVERT, JIMMY D. CAMELOT CLEANERS CAMPBELL INVESTMENT PROP CAMPBELL, ASHLEY R. CAMPBELL, BETTY J. CAMPBELL, DEBORAH CAMPBELL, KATHERINE CAMPBELL, LESLIE M. CAMPBELL, WALTER RAY CANFIELD, BARBARA CANFIELD, JIMMY D. CANNADAY, STEPHANIE CANON, ETHEL MARIE CANON, MIKE C. CANTER, ALVIN J. CANTRELL, LOWELL CANTRELL, MARY JO CAPITOL ABSTRACT CAPLINGER, JEROME A. CAPPS, JAIMEE C. CARAWAY, ALVIN CARAWAY, ELAINE M. CARAWAY, KYLE CARBERRY, LONDA N. CARBONE, BOB J. CARDWELL, GAYLE CARLILE, STEPHEN C. CARLSON, QUINTEN J. CARNEY, DAVID CARPENTER, AMANDA B. CARPENTER, DON H. CARPENTER, TIM L. CARPER, JOHN D. CARRIERRE, WILLIE CARROLL, CRYSTAL L. CARROLL, JOHN B. CARROLL, JOHN M. To update your address, use the form on page 8. If you are the heir of a deceased member, use the form on page 23. CLARK, DEBBIE S. CLARK, ELIZABETH RENEE CLARK, FRANCES I. CLARK, KENNETH I. CLARK, KIMBERLE M. CLARK, RANDY B. CLARK, ROBERT E. CLARK, WILLIAM W. CLAY, KEVIN CLAY’S HEAT & AIR CLAYTOR, DALE CLAYTOR, JAMES D. CLEMENT, PERRY D. CLEMENTS-TURNER, BETTY H. CLEVENGER, SHARON C. CLIFFORD, CHRIS CLINKENBEARD, MELISSA CLOUGHLY, KELLEY A. CLOVIS, AMANDA JANE CLOWER, PERRY D. CLYMER, RACHEL COBB, JAMES L. COBB, NETTIE F. COBBLESTONE CREEK GOLF COURSE COBDEN, JENNIFER E. COBURN, JUANITA H. COCHRAN, MICHAEL D. COCKERHAM, JESS F. COCKRIEL, ILLENE M. COFFEY, ROBIN COKER, CLARENCE L. COKER, STEFANIE R. COLBERT, TERRY COLE, CHARLOTTE L. COLE, CINDY L. COLE, JODY COLE, KIMBERLY K. COLEMAN, BETTY C. COLEMAN, CONNIE COLEMAN, DAVID R. COLLETT, CHRIS E. COLLIE, BOBBY DALE COLLIER, PAULA K. COLLINGS, JAMES M. COLLINS, JIMMY COLLINS, JOAN COLON, DAVID COLWELL, JULIE L. COMPTON AIR QUALITY EXPERTS INC COMPTON, ODUS L. CONATSER, JUSTIN L. CONG VU, MINH CONLEY, ALICIA CONNEL, RUTH ANN CONNOLLY, STEPHANIE A. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES BRYANT INC CONWAY, CARRIE A. CONWAY, KENNA L. COOK, BRETT MICHAEL COOK, MARIANNE COOPER, IDA COOPER, STEVE L. COPAS, LARRY W. COPPENBARGER, BRITT CORCORAN, BETH CORNELL, JACK R. Businesses and last names beginning with L through Z can be found online and will be published in next month’s issue. CORNFORTH, AMY L. CORRALES, JOANN COSMOPOLITAN SALO, N COSSEY, DAVID J. COST CUTTERS COTNER, ALLEN COTNEY, REBEKAH J. COUCH, BRIDGET D. COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS COURANGE, CLARENCE J. COURTNAY, WILLIAM COURTNEY, DONNA R. COURTWRIGHT, BRAD COUSSONS, JOHN R. COWAN, BENJAMIN D. COWAN, LESLIE A. COX, ANGELA COX, CYNTHIA O. COX, JAMES M. COX, JAY C. COX, JULIE A. COX, LINDA COX, RUSTY COX, SALLY COX, SUZIE COX-CUNNINGHAM, SHERRIE C. CRABLE, TAMMY D. CRABTREE, ROGER J. CRADDOCK, TERRY W. CRADDUCK, RENE L. CRAIG, BRANDON CRAIG, CHARLES D. CRAIG, DEWEY CRAIG, VIVIAN CRAIN, ROBERT H. CRAPO, STANLEY M. CRAVENS, BARBARA JOANN CRAVENS, CHANTAL A. CRAWFORD, BUCK L. CRAWFORD, HUGH L. CRAWFORD, KATHY F. CRETSINGER, MARCI A. CRIBBS, JOSH CRITES, JUDY L. CRITES, KIMBERLY J. CRONE, MARY E. CROOK, CORNELL CROSSETT, ALLIE CROSSLAND, TRINA B. CROW, DENISE L. CROWDER, SANDRA CROWNOVER, CLARENCE CROWNOVER, CURTIS CROY, DARREN CRUMLEY, SHELLY D. CUBS CORNER CHILDCARE INC CULBERT, STEPHEN W. CULLIMORE, KIRK A. CULLINS, SEAN CULLISON, JESS CULLY, DRAKE CARTER CUMMINGS, JEANETTE CUNNINGHAM, JOE D. CUNNINGHAM, ORA CUNNINGHAM, SAMANTHA L. CUNNINGHAM, TONY L. CURLEE, A. J. CURNETT, MARY J. CURREN, CHRIS L. CURRIER, TREVISA CURRY, RYAN CURTIS, GRACE A. CURTIS, KATHERINE C. CURTISS, PATRICIA CYBER PHARMACY D&M HOMES DAILEY, SARAH B. DAILY, JOEL NEWTON DAILY, JOHNNA DAMRON, TIMOTHY O. DANIELS, ABRIELLE S. DARDEN, LAURA DARKO, ISAAC DARLING, LINDA C. DARON, SHANIN A. DASCH, LARRY W. DAUGHERTY, DARLENE DAUGHTRY, TAMMY R. DAVENPORT, PAM R. DAVIDIAN, E DAVIDSON, MARZELLA DAVIDSON, RONNIE L. DAVIDSON, SHIRLEY A. DAVIDSON, TAMMY L. DAVIS, CHARLES DAVIS, DALE DAVIS, DOUG DAVIS, GARRY L. DAVIS, LISA DAVIS, MAXINE DAVIS, MONROE DAVIS, PAMELA J. DAVIS, PHILLIP E. DAVIS, SCOTT E. DAVIS, TABITHA A. DAWSON, TAMMY R. DAY, ANDREA R. DAY, JAMIE DAY, JILL S. DAY-HILL, RUBY M. DCT ENTERPRISES DEAKINS, BUDDY L. DEAL, DENNIS K. DEAN, ALICIA E. DEAN, KENNETH R. DEATON, PAM DEBEER, TYANNA D. DECIOUS, CHARLES E. DEKA EXPLORATION, INC DENDY, LEONARD M. DENEM, JAMES O. DENISON, DELLA C. DENNIS, BECKY DENNIS, CATHY DENNIS, KEITH A. DENNIS, RICKY DENNISON, MARC L. DENNY, JUNE ROSE DENTON, TIMOTHY A. DEWBRE, BILLY BOB DIAMOND, TOM E. DIAZ, ROSA M. CARSON, DERIL D. CARTER, FELICIA CARTER, JUDITH A. CARTER, JUSTIN M. CARTER, LEWIS L. CARTER, MARLA CARTER, PAULA K. CARTER, STANLEY F. CARTRIDGE WORLD CARTWRIGHT, CHERI D. CASH, ABBY M. CASKEY, AMBER C. CASON, ROBERT A. CATES, GARY CAVAZOS, DAVINA CAVNAR, CAYCE L. CC SERVICES INC CEBULESKY, DAVID A. CELLS-U-MORE INC CENTRAL OKLA FAMILY MEDICAL CTR CHADRICK, JEFFREY CHADRICK, LEE ROY CHAFFIN, FAYE A. CHAFFIN, NICHOLAS CHAIRESS, JOANNE E. CHAMBERLAIN, DAVID B. CHAMP OIL CO CHANDLER, SUSAN J. CHAPMAN, MELISSA CHARLES, CHARLES A. CHASE, DALLAS L. CHASE, J V PALMER CHASE, TINA CHASTAIN, MAX MICKEY CHATEAU DE BRONZE CHATTERTON, BRYON CHAVEZ, RAMON CHAVEZ, SERVANDO P. CHECORSKI, ROBERT G. CHEEK, RALPH CHEH, PANDENG CHENEY, STEVEN CHENOWETH, MARK CHERRY, JOHN L. CHERRY, STACY Y. CHG COMPS INC CHILDERS, NANCY J. CHILDRESS, CATHERINE CHILDRESS, DAVID CHILDRESS, GERLDAIN CHO, SENG CHOJNACKI, JOHN M. CHRISTIAN, CRAIG W. CHRISTIAN, KRISTIE G. CHRISTOPHER, DON R. CHUMLEY, CAROL CHURCH, TREVER N. CHURCHMAN, LINDA C. CHURCHWELL, KACEY R. CIOTTI, OLIVIA J. CLABAUGH, OLGA C. CLAPP, TONI R. CLARK JR, CARL CLARK, CHRIS C. CLARK, DAVID L. CLARK, DAVID P. Forms are available at 11 If your name is included in this list, please complete the appropriate form and mail to: OEC, P.O. Box 1208, Norman, OK, 73070 CAPITAL Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • March 2015 Credits 12 DIBBLE DINNER DICKENS, JOEY D. DICKERSON, MADEANA R. DICKSON, DARIAN DICUS, SUSAN E. DIECK, CONNIE S. DIEHM, BILLYE J. DIETRICH, GARY H. DIGGS, RONALD E. DILLMAN, AVA DINGUS, JACK G. DINSMORE, JOHN E. DIPIANO, CATHERINE DITATA’S SINKS N, MORE DK LTD DO, CASEY N. DOBBS, JASON C. DODD, TANYA JO DODSON, HEATHER M. DODSON, MELISSA K. DODSON, RAYMOND J. DODSON, ROBERT T. DODSON, THOMAS H. DOLCH, BEN DOLPH, JAMIE R. DON G POPE AND ASSOC PC DONALDSON, ROBBY G. DONNELLY, JEANNE L. DONOVAN, ELIZABETH P. DOONKEEN, GARY DORMAN, CATINA L. DORRELL, ANNA LEE DOSSEY, MIRANDA K. DOUGLAS HOMES LLC DOUGLAS, GALE L. DOVER, HAROLD DEAN DOVER, LINDA J. DOWDY, RICK DOWLEARN, CHARLES L. DOWNING, KATHRINE C. DOWNS, JOHN H. DRAKE, MELISSA A. DREW, HOWARD L. DREWS, ERIC E. DUDLEY, NADINE K. DUHN OIL TOOL DUKE, CURTIS A. DUKE, SHELLI DUKES, JEREMY DULLE, ERIN L. DUN PAR ENGINEERED FORM CO DUNCAN, ANGELLA R. DUNCAN, CARA L. DUNCAN, JAMES M. DURBIN, FRANK W. DURDEN, TAMMY R. DUTY, JOSH B. DWYER, CLAY DWYER, JOHN DYE, JENNIFER J. DYE, LISA M. DYE, NICOLE L. DYER, CHARLOTTE DYER, JUDY D. DYKES, REBECCA S. DYNASTY HOMES EARING, MARY L. EARLES, CAROLYN EARLEY, JERRY L. EARP, RONALD W. EASTEP, CLAY EATON, SCOTT EBERT, TOMMY ECK, JEREMY R. EDMISTON, TAMMY E. EDMONDSON, LYNN G. EDMONDSON, RICHARD T. EDMONSON, CHARLES W. EDWARDS, BRANDON L. EDWARDS, GERALD W. EDWARDS, ROY L. EKBERG, ERIC ELDER, BEVERLY ELECTRICAL LINE SERVICES INC ELITE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP ELLINGTON, FAE ELLIOTT, DAVID L. ELLIOTT, PATRICIA D. ELLIOTT, VALE V. ELLIS, BRANDY ELLIS, GREG L. ELLIS, RONALD S. ELMORE, LONNIE K. ELSCHIDE, RICKY E. ELWELL, DIRK W. ELYSIUM HOLISTIC CENTER EMMONS, WELDON RAY ENCANA OIL & GAS(USA) INC ENCORE OPERATING, LP ENGLAND, RAYMOND P. ENGSTRAND, MARIA ENOCHS, DAVID P. ENSEY, TAMMY L. EPLER, LESTER B. EPLEY, JOE F. EPPLER, CLINTON B. EQUITY BROADCASTING CORP ERCANBRACK, KATHLEEN A. ESCOTO, ROSA ESHELMAN, DONALD L. ESTES, CHAD J. ESTES, JOE G. ESTES, PAM A. EUBANK, CHARLES EUWINS, CLEOTHA EVANS, CARRIE L. EVANS, CHRISTINE EVERHART, DAVID LEE EWING, CAROL EXCO RESOURCES INC. EXPRESS RENTAL EXPRESS RENTAL EYTCHISON, GLORIA K. FAIN, PATRICIA FAIR, DON FAIRCHILD, MARIA FALKENSTEIN, CANDACE E. FANCHER, DEL M. FANCHER, LUCINDA R. FARLEY, KENNETH L. FARRELL, TYLER J. FARRINGTON, LUKE A. FARRIS, BETH A. FARRIS, PHILLIP F. FARRIS, SHAUN E. FARRIS, TOM C. FARTHING, DOUGLAS A. FARVER, GEMILA FARVER, JACK FAUBION, EDWIN L. FAULKNER, LOIS M. FAULKNER, WAYLAND FEINBURG, GLENDA FELIX, KIMBERLY M. FELKINS, DEBBIE J. FELLENSTEIN, CALEB D. FERGUSON, DARREL FERGUSON, JAY FEUERBORN, LARRY FICKLIN, ADAM L. FIELDER, KAREN D. FIELDS, DIANE FIELDS, GERMAINE M. FIELDS, SCOTT J. FILKINS, DANIEL FILLER, LARRY C. FINCH, CONNIE M. FINCH, RICHARD FINCHER, JOSHUA FINCHER, RODNEY L. FINCHER, TED FINESSE SALON FINLEY, BRIDGIT A. FINLEY, TAMMY L. FIRST AMERICAN CASH ADVANCE FISCHER, LORI M. FISHER, GREG B. FISHER, MARK FISHER, PATRICIA N. FISK, CHARLES G. FLECK, DONNA M. FLEENOR ENTERPRISES FLETCHER, MARTHA A. FLORA, MICHAEL E. FLOWERS, ADAM L. FLOWERS, RACHEL M. FLOYD, ROBERT FODGE, MICHAEL FOLKS, WILLIAM B. FOLLOWWILL, MAJOR F. FOLMSBEE, JARED V. FOOR, DAVID M. FORD, LORI FORD, MISTY D. FORD, SHARON FORRESTER, KATHERYN FOSS, JOHN K. FOSTER, KAY FOUSE, ODIS FOWLER, BRUCE E. FOWLER, NATHAN L. FOWLER, PHYLLIS FOWLER, RUTH L. FOX, MARIE FRALEY, JENNIFER FRANCIS, STACY L. FRANCIS, TAMARA FRANKS, GENEVA FRANTZ, JANICE L. FRAYER, DAVID P. FREEMAN, ANDRIA R. FREEMAN, DON L. FREEMAN, FLOYD L. FREEMAN, LORIE R. FRESH CUT MEAT & CONVENIENCE FRIDLEY, DONALD FRIEND, RANAE FRITTS, A. L. FRIZZELL, SHELLY D. FRYREAR, LAUREN FRYREAR, OLETA F. FUHS, ELIZABETH FULKERSON, BENNY FULKS, POLLY R. FULLER, LARRY FULLER, MARK A. FUN TO SEW CREATIVE SEWING CENTER FUNDERBURK, JAMES L. FUTISCHA, GABRIEL GADBERRY, DEREK GADDIS, VINCENT GAGE, CRAIG A. GAGE, DONNA GAITHER, ELIZABETH PEARL GAITHER, SANDY GALLAGHER, MELANIE R. GALLATIN, TIM D. GALLEGOS, ANN GALLIMORE, JAMIE A. GALPIN, ROBERT ARTHUR GAMBRELL, DONALD DWAIN GANNAWAY, CHRIS J. GANNAWAY, LISA K. GANT, BEVERLY GAONA, AIDE GARBER, CHRISTINA M. GARCIA, ELOISA GARCIA, GERONIMO H. GARCIA, JAN N. GARDE, BRENDA R. GARDINER, NAPOLEON JAMES GARDNER, BILLIE J. GARDNER, PAUL GARDNER, STEPHANIE GARNER, JUDD GAROUTTE, CHRIS GARRETT, JONATHAN GARRETT, SHIRLEY M. GARRISON, JENNIFER J. GARRISON, JENNIFER L. GARRISON, STEVEN T. GASTINEAU, ERNIE R. GATLIN, BEATRICE G. GATLIN, DENNIS GATLIN, JERRY C. GAYLER, DAVID W. GEIS, DONALD R. GEMINI PARKWAY PLAZA LLC GENESEE PAINTING GEOEYE GEOGHEGAN, PATRICIA M. GEORGE, LISA M. GERALD’S ONE HOUR HEATING AND AIR GERMEO, GORDON R. To update your address, use the form on page 8. If you are the heir of a deceased member, use the form on page 23. GREEN, NICK GREEN, SANDRA K. GREENFIELD, JOHN GREGG, CATHIE J. GREGORY, AMY L. GREGORY, LESLIE GREGORY, RONDELL J. GRESHAM, CHRIS J. GRIFFIN, CHARLES GRIFFIN, CHRISSIE GRIFFIN, LINDSEY L. GRIFFIN, TRACY D. GRIFFITH, ELAINE GRIGSBY, SHAWN GRIGSBY, TOMMY E. GRIM, GINA L. GRIMES, KEN G. GRIMES, MARIE GRIMSLEY, WILLIAM R. GROB, DONALD L. GROEHLER, CYNTHIA GROFF, CHRIS B. GROVER, RON GRUBBS, ANNA M. GUERRA, JOE GUESS, MICHAEL E. GUFFEY, ERIN P. GUINN, JOSHUA B. GUINN, STEVE D. GUNESCH, JOHN GUNN, MARSHA L. GUNNIN, JASON E. GUNSAULIS, GINA E. GUTHRIE, DARYL E. GUTHRIE, DAVID R. GUTHRIE, JIM GUY, JAMES E. H&W TRANSPORTATION HAAS, GARY W. HACKER, MARGUERITE T. HADJICONSTANTINOU, LONNITA HADLEY, RUSSELL HAGERMAN, RON HAHN, SHELLY D. HAILEY, M ED HAIR, MICHAEL B. HALKUM, BILL J. HALL, AMANDA J. HALL, IRIS N. HALL, J R. HALL, MELODY M. HALL, TIMOTHY M. HALL, VICKIE HALL, VIRGIL WILBURN HALL, WILLIAM E. HALLMARK, DARYL C. HALSTEAD, LADONNA HALSTEAD, SUE HAMILTON, VICKI HAMPTON WOODS ASSOCIATES LLC HAMRICK, STEPHEN R. HAND, VICTOR L. HANDCOCK, WILLIAM A. HANEY, CARY S. HANKS, CHERYL S. HANKS, WINDEL D. Businesses and last names beginning with L through Z can be found online and will be published in next month’s issue. HANNA, ASHLEY M. HANNA, MICHELLE F. HANNATH, JASON A. HANSEN, JANICE HANSSON, JOAKIM P. HARD, RANDALL S. HARDING, MARGO K. HARGUS, JAMES W. HARJO, JILL CHRISTINE HARJO, PHILIP J. HARKABUS, LISA J. HARLEY, GARY HARMAN, MICHAEL S. HARP, KEVIN HARPER, JENNIFER HARPER, ROBBIE J. HARRELL, TIMISHA R. HARRINGTON, FINLEY E. HARRIS, BARBARA HARRIS, CHERYL E. HARRIS, DARRELL R. HARRIS, ELIZABETH E. HARRIS, HEATHER L. HARRIS, JAMES S. HARRIS, JUSTIN HARRIS, KOLBY J. HARRISON, JOHNATHON HARRISON, MARGARET HARRISON, PATSY J. HARRISON, TERRY L. HARROWA, CODY R. HARSLEY, DANIEL HART, SHERRY M. HARTLESS, BILL HARTMAN, LISA C. HARVEY, SHIRLEY M. HARWELL, AMY D. HARWELL, NATHAN HATHORN, BRAD D. HAURY, ELIZABETH L. HAWKINS, TERRLYN HAWKINS, WILLIAM HAYES, JOHN R. HAYES, KIMBERLY M. HAYNES, CHRISTINA L. HAYNES, JIMANELL HAYNES, KENNETH J. HAYS, PATTY K. HAYS, TALIA J. HAZEN, ARLETTE REBECCA HEATH, MICHAEL HEDRICK, DERRIC C. HEFFRON, TERESA M. HEFLEY, VANCE F. HEIDELBERG, KRISTY L. HEITZ, LORI L. HELLELAND, ROBERT HELMICK, SAM D. HELMIT, MICHAEL HELTON, OREN HEMMERLING, TARA HENDERSON, AIMEE D. HENDERSON, DONNA R. HENDERSON, EUVONDA HENDERSON, PATRICIA A. HENDERSON, RALPH W. HENDRICKSON, JAMES E. HENNIGH, RUSSELL A. HENRY, KELLI M. HENSLEY, JASON M. HENSON, BETH HENSON, CHRIS A. HENSON, DARLENE R. HENSON, EDDIE HENSON, EPSIE L. HENSON, KYLE HENSON, LORRENE HENSON, MEGAN D. HERBSTER, KERRI L. HERNANDEZ ZINK, M E. HERRON, POLLY A. HERRON, ROBERT P. HESLIP, DONALD L. HESS, JAMES L. HESTER, CARL E. HEUSER, PEGGY HICKSON, AMY L. HIERL, SHERRI L. HIGGINS, CLIFFORD M. HIGHTOWER, BRANDI R. HIGHTOWER, RAMANDA D. HIGHTOWER, REGINA L. HILL, AMY L. HILL, BRENDA J. HILL, EVI R. HILL, M VIRGINIA HILL, MATTIE L. HILL, TIMOTHY A. HILLHOUSE, DIANA D. HINKLE, THERESA M. HINTERBERG, MICHAEL J. HITE, ANGELA K. HITES, WILLIAM G. HOBSON, ROBERT O. HODGE, KENNETH C. HODGSON, DAVID HOFFMAN, HENRY HOGAN, SHAWN L. HOGGARD, RONALD K. HOLBROOK, TOMMY WAYNE HOLCOMB, CHARLES W. HOLCOMB, HOLLIS HOLDER, MICAH S. HOLDER, TOM ALLEN HOLKE CONSULTING, INC HOLLAND, CHARLES J. HOLLAWAY, LUCINDA HOLLIE, CAROLYN HOLLOWAY, CHRISTINE HOLLOWAY, KEN R. HOLLY, TERRIE L. HOLMAN, ROBERT B. HOLMAN, STEVE WADE HOLMES, JENNIFER A. HOLT, NANCY V. HOLTZCLAW, GWENDOLYN HOME QUARTERS CONST INC HOMESTEADERS REAL ESTATE HOMEWOOD, I H. HONG, KYUNG AE HOOD, CHARLES P. HOOKOM, TRESSA J. GIBSON, BRENT P. GIBSON, CURTIS GIBSON, JAIME M. GILCHREST, SHERRI A. GILLEY, KATHRYN A. GILLIAM, KATHRYN A. GILLIS, REBECCA A. GILMORE, CHARLENE GILPIN, ERIC GILPIN, WILLIAM J. GINGRICH, BRENDA GIVENS, CURTIS E. GIVENS, FORREST GLASCO, KAREN GLASGOW, NANCY C. GLASGOW, RUTH E. GLASS, CRYSTAL F. GLASS, DENISE GLASS, EDDIE GLASS, KELLY R. GLAZE, JAMES R. GLOVER, ELISABETH GOAD, ANNA C. GOAD, DAN GODDARD, LILLIE M. GODFREY, RON W. GODWIN, GARY LEON GOFF, CARL R. GOFF, HEIDI MARIE GOLDMAN, CHRISTOPHER WAYNE GONTERMAN, ANNA GONZALES, LISA GONZALES, PEDRO GONZALEZ, JOSEPH M. GONZALEZ, MICHAEL D. GOOD, KEVIN S. GOODMAN, BRYAN N. GOODMAN, CARLA T. GOODMAN, LUTHER B. GOODNER, TOM GORBET, MONICA M. GORE, DESSO L. GORE, SONYA D. GOSKY, SCOTT GOSSETT, TERRA D. GOULD, TAMI L. GOVERNMENTAL FINANCE GRADY, CAROLYN S. GRAHAM, DOROTHY M. GRAHAM, MICHAEL J. GRAHAM, WILLIAM GRANDSTAFF, PATRICIA D. GRANT, THOMAS W. GRAVES, BEN GRAVES, JAMES C. GRAVES, SCOTT R. GRAY, PAMELA CAY GREEN RIVER OPERATING CO GREEN, BILL H. GREEN, BOYDA C. GREEN, CARL R. GREEN, CORTNEY S. GREEN, JASON C. GREEN, JEFF D. GREEN, JOHNNIE S. GREEN, JOSH L. Forms are available at 13 If your name is included in this list, please complete the appropriate form and mail to: OEC, P.O. Box 1208, Norman, OK, 73070 CAPITAL Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • March 2015 Credits 14 HOOLEY, KERRY D. HOPKINS, DONNA F. HOPKINS, FREENY FRANK HOPPER, GAILA A. HORN, AMY R. HORN, SCOTT M. HORSE, ROBERT K. HORTON, DAVID J. HOSKINS, SANDRA K. HOSPITALITY BUILDERS INC HOUCK, LEWIS R. HOUCK, WILLIAM S. HOUSE, RACHEL N. HOUSE, TWILA L. HOWARD, JEFF L. HOWARD, MARY A. HOWARD, RACHELLE HOWARD, RODNEY E. HOWE, VIKKI L. HOWELL, CHRISTOPHER HOWELL, GAINES H. HOWELL, JULIE DIANE HOWEN, DANIEL HOWSER, JOSH L. HUBANKS, STEPHEN E. HUBBARD, KENT W. HUDDLESTON, RODNEY L. HUDGINS, SABRYNA HUFFORD, SHIRLEY J. HUGGINS, ELSIE F. HUGHES, CHARLES E. HUGHES, CINDY HUGHES, DIANA HULL, DAWN HULSEY, BRIAN R. HUNGATE, TONY HUNT-AGNEW, FELICIA K. HUNTER, BRIAN HUNTER, DELORIS HUNTER, FRED W. HUNTER, JULIE HUNTER, SHARON E. HURDLE, KARL C. HURLEY, BOB GLENN HURST, DARRICK L. HURST, JASON R. HUSSFELDT, HENRY H. HUTCHINS, HEATHER D. HUTCHINS, ROBIN R. HUTSON, CHANCE HUTTON, DEBORAH RENE HYDE, JUSTIN HYDE, LONNIE HYGH, KRISTI D. HYLTON, MARK S. IDLETT, SYLVIA IMHOFF, JOHN H. INCIARTE, GUSTAVO J. INFANTE, CINDY B. INGLE, ARTHUR INGLE, ELIZABETH A. INGRAM, JACQULYN B. INKS, CATHY INLOW, GREGORY J. INMAN, BUTCH G. INSLY, DOUG W. INSULATION EXPERT, S INTEGRIS RURAL HEALTH INTERNATIONAL LAND SVC ISBELL, C. E. ISBILL, CELESTE M. IVEY, RAYMOND D. IVEY, TERESA L. IVIE, LORI A. J GRIFFIN DDS INC J&J PLUMBING JACK, RODNEY T. JACKSON, BRYON JACKSON, DENNIS D. JACKSON, HEATHER A. JACKSON, JOHN E. JACKSON, MICHAEL J. JACKSON, NICHOLAS JACKSON, PEYTON JACKSON, ROSE E. JACOB, LEROY J. JACOBS, GENEVA A. JAMES, CATHY P. JAMES, MARY E. JAMES, MATT L. JANUARY ENVIRONMENTAL JAUREGUI, LINDA JBJ PROPERTIES JEFFERSON, JIM JEFFERSON, MICHAEL W. JENKINS, RANDALL G. JENNINGS, BILLY L. JENNINGS, DURAND JENNINGS, LEONARD R. JENNINGS, PRISCILLA ANN JIMENEZ, FRANK REYES JIMENEZ, LINDSAY M. JIMERSON, JEFF D. JOHNSON, AUSTIN JOHNSON, BRENDA J. JOHNSON, BRENDA L. JOHNSON, BRIAN JOHNSON, CHARLES D. JOHNSON, CHARLES T. JOHNSON, CHARLIE JOHNSON, CHERYL D. JOHNSON, CODY D. JOHNSON, DAVID R. JOHNSON, DOROTHY JOHNSON, FRED W. JOHNSON, GARY P. JOHNSON, JENNIFER M. JOHNSON, JEREMY L. JOHNSON, JERRY D. JOHNSON, KATHIE D. JOHNSON, MIA JOHNSON, MICHAEL A. JOHNSON, MISTY D. JOHNSON, PATRICIA K. JOHNSON, PAUL JOHNSON, RICH D. JOHNSON, RODNEY L. JOHNSON, TAMMY A. JOHNSON, TINA JOHNSTON, FRANCIS E. JONES, CASEY M. JONES, CONNIE JONES, FRANKIE L. JONES, FREDDIE E. JONES, GARY B. JONES, GARY K. JONES, GINA A. JONES, GLENN JONES, IVAN JONES, JAMES R. JONES, JAYME JONES, JEREMY D. JONES, JOHNNEY C. JONES, JUDITH JONES, KEVIN JONES, LESLIE D. JONES, MATT JONES, MICHAEL A. JONES, ROBERT M. JONES, ROY L. JONES, SHELLY L. JONES, TERESA R. JONES, TOMMY R. JONES, TY D. JORAANSTAD, SHARON JOSEPH, ROBERT W. JOYCE, JAMES JUAREZ, DONALD G. JULE, KAREN A. JULIAN, LANCE D. JUNG, JEFF JURADO, GILBERTO JURY, KENNETH R. KACHELEIN, JEFF KAHKESH, MANOOCH KALBFLEISCH, RUTH ANN KALIVODA, KATHY KANN, TERRI A. KARBS, HEATH KARSTETTER, MARK W. KASAHARA, AL Y. KASPARI, DEBORAH M. KAZMIERCZAK, ART KC METALWORKS LLC KEAH-TIGH, SUSIE A. KEAR, ROLAND B. KEATING, TRAVIS KEELER, DAVID KEELER, ELAINE KEITH MHP THREE 123 LLC KELLEHER, CHRIS M. KELLER, KARIN K. KELLEY, DARA KELLEY, DONNA KELLY, CAROLYN ANN KELLY, RUSSELL E. KELLY, TAMMY J. KENNEDY, BILLIE J. KENNEDY, CHERALYNN KENNEDY, GREG A. KENNEDY, KYLE KENNEDY, MICHAEL C. KENNELL, DUSTIN E. KENT, AURORA KEPLEY, KIM KERBER, WILLIAM X. KERR, L S. KERR, RISA KETCHUM, CLAUDIA J. KETCHUM, LISA A. KEYES, RITCHIE KIDS RULE INC KIM, CHONG H. KIM, CHUNG KIL KIM, MYONGSUB KIMBRO, RAGAN KING, CHRISTIE L. KING, GARY KING, GINA KING, GINA R. KING, KENNY KING, RICHARD D. KING, TAMMY KING, TANYA KIR NORMAN 001 LLC. KIRK, RICHARD L. KIRKHAM, JUDY KIRKHAM, SHELLY KIRKPATRICK, CHRIS S. KIRKPATRICK, MILTON L. KIRKPATRICK, SHIRLEY J. KITCHELL, LARRY N. KITCHENS, TRACY M. KITCHKO, LARRY D. KIZER, DAVID L. KLEIN, JENNIE KNAPP, RANDY KNESE, ROBERT A. KNIGHT, LORIE A. KNIGHT, MELANIE A. KNISPEL, JOHN A. KNOLL, LEANNA M. KNOX, LARRY D. KNUDSON, J C. KOEHLER, CHARLES E. KOEHN, FERN KONI L COUTS DDS KOONS, SUSAN E. KOTZBAUER, ERIN KOUEMO, ARNAUD KRECH, ADAM K. KREGGER, LOUISE KREMER, ROBERT J. KRIZ, COREY J. KRIZ, MICHELE R. KRUEGER, FREDDIE KRUSE ENERGY & EQUIPMENT LLC KUEHL, DARRELL KUEPKER, KENDRA L. KUHLMAN, RYAN KULPA, DAWN M. KYLE, RUSTY E. KYSER, EDWARD W. Tasty Treats By Brianna Wall Snickerdoodle Pancakes 2 cups pancake mix 1 cup milk 2 eggs 1 tsp. cinnamon Cinnamon Vanilla Glaze 1 cup powdered sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp cinnamon 3 to 4 tbsp milk Mix pancake ingredients together in a bowl, pour on hot griddle to make pancakes (size can vary). For the glaze, whisk all ingredients together in a small bowl. Warm in small pan over low heat, or heat in microwave. Blueberry Stuffed French Toast 4 slices cinnamon bread 4 oz. cream cheese, softened 1/4 cup sugar Handful blueberries 2 tbsp butter 2 eggs Dash of milk 2 tbsp fresh-squeezed orange juice 1 tsp orange zest Heat skillet over medium-high heat with 2 tbsp butter. Whisk together eggs, milk, orange juice and orange zest. Set aside. Mix softened cream cheese, sugar and blueberries and spread generously between two slices of bread, making sandwiches. Dip and smother sandwiches in egg mixture and place in skillet, frying on each side. Remove from heat. (Note: I also made a blueberry compote as a topping. To make this, I tossed the remaining blueberries into a saucepan over medium heat along with 1 tablespoon of butter and 1/4 cup of sugar. I used the end of a wooden spatula to burst a few of the berries, then let it thicken.) Top with powdered sugar, sprinkling of cinnamon, butter and a few blueberries. If you’re like me, weekends are the only days you give yourself enough time to actually cook breakfast. While I would love to be one who makes time for a nutritious meal each morning, it simply doesn’t happen. When I do cook breakfast on weekend mornings, I try to make meals that pack a lot of nutrients and vitamins, but there are days when I feel like splurging (my husband and I are expecting our first child in June, so I have spent more time splurging than I normally would). When you feel the urge to splurge, these sweet morning treats are the way to go. The snickerdoodle pancakes I found on Pinterest, and the stuffed French toast I threw together one morning for my husband’s birthday. He loves blueberries and French toast, so it was a win-win. If blueberries aren’t your favorite, it’s easy to use other berries in their place. It’s also an easy dish to dress up and trick others into thinking you spent a lot of time preparing. If you have a recipe you would like to share, email it to or mail a copy of it to OEC, Attn: Brianna Wall, PO Box 1208, Norman, 73070. 1515 ENERGY Efficiency SAVE MONEY WITHOUT BUYING NEW APPLIANCES NOT TOO COOL FOOD: In the kitchen, don’t keep your refrigerator or freezer too cold. Recommended temperatures are 37 to 40 degrees for the fresh food compartment and 5 degrees for the freezer section. TOAST, DON’T ROAST: Use toaster ovens or microwave ovens for small meals rather than your large stovetop or oven. Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • March 2015 AIR DRY DISHES: Use the dishwasher’s “eco” option or use a no-heat air dry feature. Scrape food pieces off the plates, rather than rinsing them. 16 COLD CLOTHES: In the laundry room, wash your clothes in cold water using cold-water detergents whenever possible. Adjust load settings for smaller loads. LOSE LINT: Clean the lint screen in the dryer after every use to improve the dryer’s efficiency. Luann Dart writes on energy efficiency issues for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the Arlington, Va.-based service arm of the nation’s 900-plus consumer-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperatives. When to pull the plug By Luann Dart S aying goodbye to an old friend can be daunting. Pulling the plug on an outdated refrigerator or dishwasher, however, might save you money, as new appliances are often considerably more energy-efficient. A new refrigerator consumes 75 percent less energy than a 1970s model. Not every new appliance is a good bet; always look for the ENERGY STAR label. It signals energy-efficient models. Ready to save? Walk through your home to find opportunities to pull the plug! [2726101814] CLEANING KITCHEN, LAUNDRY COSTS In the laundry room, a full-sized ENERGY STAR-certified clothes washer uses 15 gallons of water per load, compared to the 23 gallons used by a standard machine. During the machine’s lifetime, this saves 27,000 gallons of water. Replace your kitchen’s classic refrigerator with an ENERGY STARcertified model to save between $200 and $1,100 in lifetime energy costs. Today’s average refrigerator uses less energy than a continually lit 60-watt light bulb. Resist the urge to move the old refrigerator to the basement or the garage. Instead, say goodbye and recycle the energy-guzzler. SCREEN SAVINGS Televisions might be a little more baffling. As screen sizes increase, energy consumption may also rise. You can still be a savvy shopper. ENERGY STAR-certified TVs are about 25 percent more efficient than conventional models. LED screens use 20 percent less energy than LCD TVs. Once you purchase a TV, calibrate it by adjusting the contrast and brightness to a moderate level. By default, new televisions are set to dynamic, high-contrast settings. This consumes more power than standard, lower-contrast settings. SMART SETTINGS Attached to old appliances? You can still save with smart settings. For example, heating water creates the greatest expense when washing dishes or clothes. Set your water heater at 120 degrees and be sure your clothes washer or dishwasher is full whenever used. Classified Advertisements Note: OEC does not endorse or guarantee any of the products or services in these ads. Classified Ads must be submitted in writing to the Oklahoma Electric Co-op News by the 10th of the month to appear in the next month’s issue. Ads received after the 10th will not appear for 2 months. Ads are not taken over the phone. Non-business ads for members run free of charge; limit one free ad per member per month, 25-word maximum. Business classified ads are 25¢ per word. Payment must accompany all business ads. All business ads must be paid for in advance of publication and the ad must accompany your payment. OEC reserves the right to reject any ad deemed inappropriate. Display ads are $24 per column inch (1 inch high x 1.75 inches wide). Contact the editor at 217-6708 for information about availability of display space. You may submit classified ads online at, fax to 217-6904 or mail to Co-op News– Want Ads, PO Box 1208, Norman, OK 73070. Display ads will be accepted via email to Circle category: Autos • Farm/Equip • Furn/Appl • Hay/Wood • Livestock/Pets • Misc • MH/RV/Boat • Real Estate • Wanted • Notices • Business Name Address Phone # OEC Acct # Business ad: # words x 25¢= $ Payment must accompany ad Autos, Parts & Accessories • ’03 ¾ ton Chevy PU POSI, traction rear-end w/66K mi, disc brakes, $500 OBO. Mike, 598-3769. • ’84 Ford F-150 4x4, 4 speed 300 cu in, 6cyl, not running, $500. 386-4586. • Tonneau cover for 6’10” Chevy PU bed. 485-2399. • ’04 Chevy PU, extended cab, black, 4x4, bucket seats, new tires, very good cond, $6K. 831-5256. • ’06 Ford 500 SEL sedan, 98K mi, $5K. 708-8797. • ’98 Ford Econoline F-150 truck, 16’ box, diesel 7.3 power stroke, has maxon lift, 100,655mi, good cond, $6,500. 872-4161. • ’03 Ford Explorer 4x4, AC, good tires, $2,500 OBO. 519-8287. • ’62 Ford Galaxie, 2dr, 35, W, cb, new paint/upholstery, air, heat, 16” police wheels, no rust, good title, $8,750. 799-2589 or 919-9160. • I buy minor wrecked complete cars & trucks w/clear titles, cash paid. 590-6313. • ’00 Ford F150 4x4, extended cab, low mileage, $7,995. 352-4972. Serving Norman & the surrounding area since 1891 Jeffrey Fence & Welding Non Profit, Perpetual Care Financing available No Interest up to 2 yrs “Freedom to choose upright &/or flat marker memorials.” • ’11 Dodge Caliber, cranberry w/black interior, 27mpg city, 32mpg hwy, good work car, $10K. Call/text, 626-6392. • ’01 Pontiac Grand Am GT, $3K OBO; ’84 Ford F150 XLY PU, $1,500 OBO. 248-0495 or 234-0031. • ’13 F150 steel wheels & tires; ’84 F150 truck parts, headache rack, 4.9L short block; ’12 Super Duty power fold mirrors, 302cyl heads, wheels & tires; ’06 Honda Civic. 410-1097. • Troy Bilt 8 horse Kohler reartine garden tiller, electric start, $900 cash. 294-8027 or 249-9832. X # mos. pd. = $__________ (Total ) • ’03 Harley, Anniversary model Dyna Wide Glide, 8,500mi, screaming eagle exhaust, $8,500; horse trailer, extra tall & wide, like new, $5,500 OBO. 872-9516. • ’08 Ford F150 sport, ext cab, 39,800mi, 4.6L V8 engine, all power cruise, AM/FM/CD, new tires & battery, slick, $16,500. 229-5365. • ’04 red Chevy Malibu MLT, V6, auto leather seats, exc cond, $4,250. 239-0074. • 4 used 51711R/24:5 truck tires; 9” Ford 3rd member, 410, 28 spline mini spool older Holley 850 DP, carburetor. 830-5857. 35 yrs Experience Pipe fence, Pipe & cable, Entry Ways and gates, Working pens, Chain Link. (Res. & Com.) All Types of Fence & Repairs 405-527-5152 Stump Grinding Oklahoma 405-496-3599 Dennis Edwards Serving Central Oklahoma Narrow enough to get through most gates Fully Insured Credit Cards Accepted 17 Classified Advertisements • Pronto M41 power chair, red, good cond, $250; power chair lift, fits in back of truck or van, $250. 201-6879. • ’01 Ford Ranger Edge ext cab, 2WD, 4.0L V6, auto, tow package, new tires, blue w/leer shell, $5,500 OBO. 307-8570. • ’84 Chevy ½-ton; ’81 Chevy 1-ton flatbed; ’96 GMC Yukon, needs repair; ’86 Suburban w/ Crate 350 engine, ¾-ton, 4x4, bad trans, 5’x8’ HD single axel trailer. 329-8255 or 664-0947. Farm & Equipment • Nice Horseman 3-horse slant trailer, 6x17x6’6”, 2-axels, good paint & tires, bumper pull, $2,500. 392-2140. • 8’ dump trailer, $2,500. 6153390 or 321-7733. • Bolens 15hp garden tractor, 3cyl, diesel, 32” tiller, 10” turning plow & tow bar, new rear tires, $2,100 OBO. 410-3895. • Leather saddle bags made by National Saddlery at the stockyards, new cond, $90. 202-9173. • For lease, 32ac Pond Grass & 80ac Pond Grass, SE Lexington. 527-7358 or 808-5568. • 147ac, 30 A wheat, Bermuda, 2 ponds, deer, turkey, ¾mi blacktop. 381-2468. • ’98 JD GT235 48” deck, 471 hrs, exc cond, $2,300 OBO; RedMax 42cc Brushcutter weed eater, $200; Stihl chainsaw wood boss 028 AV, $200. 361-9546. • Weed eater model Featherlite in good working order, will pay more than it cost new. 618-0951. • Wanted, salvage tractors, 2 or 4WD, intl model JD or intl combines, quick response. 352-4816. • JD RD Megawide baler, $16K; Predator fish/ski boat w/center console, 150 Evinrude, trolling motor, $16K; single pontoon 22’, $500; hardwood flooring, $40/box. 640-0961. • ’11 Kubota L3200 4wd w/front end loader, like new, only 23 hours on meter, $15K OBO. 205-5299. • Bermuda grass sprigging, 15ac minimum. 850-1005. • Vertical 3-phase commercial styper air compressor & parts, rotary style gas powered IR compressor/compressor end seperatable Kellog rotary style 75HP, 3-phase air compressor. 329-8255 or 664-0947. Furniture & Appliances • 4’x2’x12” red oak surface mount recessed light boxes, $30ea. 620-1499. • Maytag Neptune W&D, $125/ set or $75/ea; KitchenAid 25.1 cubic ft side-by-side refrigerator, freezer, almond, $50. 408-1500. • Kenmore 13 cubic ft freezer, white, $200; Kenmore chest freezer, white approx 9 cu ft, $150; KitchenAid Almond refr top freeze, 21.5 cubic ft over all. 527-7870. • Desk 5’ x 29” w/hutch, $100; 2-2 drawer metal locking file cabinets, $35/$25; Vertical drape 69”W x 54” H, $150. Call/text 650-9489. • Solid wood full size softside waterbed w/6 drawers & bookcase headboard; wanted 5gal buckets. 684-0348. • King bed set, headboard, top of the line mattress & box springs, 6-drawer dresser, 2 night stands w/2 drawers each. 485-8332. • Antique treadle sewing machine & cabinet, Wheeler & Wilson, very nice cond, $100. 386-3643. • Howard miller grandfather cable driven triple chime clock, Oak cabinet, works/looks new, $650; wrought iron bar stools w/wicker back, Chromecraft, nice, $100/pair. Bill, 630-5234. • Must sell, 2 Lazyboy rocking recliners, country blue, like new, $500 cash. 692-5832. Hay & Firewood • Two big trees cut down close to 2-tons of wood, take for free. 321-3207. • Oak firewood, large full ricks, $55/rick. 527-5107. • Rough cut black walnut wood, various lengths and widths, $6 & $10 board foot.652-7192. • Firewood for sale, ask for Kennith. 650-4581. • Small square premium Bermuda horse hay in 21 bale bundles, loaded on your trailer, sprayed & fertilized, heavy bales, $189/bundle. 850-1005. Livestock & Pets • Murray McMurray pullets, 9mo old, starting to lay, Black Giants, Barred & Portridge Rock, $20/ ea. 872-3770. • Angus & Hereford bulls, 13mo, $2,800/ea. 352-4972. • Turkeys, ducks, geese, rabbits & Easter bunnies; B&W full blood Rat Terrier pups, born 12/6/14. 527-5105. • WW 14’ St trailer, older but good shape, $1,200. 388-6661. • Guineas, rabbit cages, all wire & some outside cages. 527-5083. • Red Angus bulls, heifers, semen & embryos for sale, champions that perform, Nelson Ranch. 222-1600. FARM CREDIT CENTRAL OKLAHOMA 800-585-2421 Greg Moore Excavation & Backhoe Service Complete price before we start • No surprises • Small jobs welcome 388-5430 • Septic system installation since 1977 FOR ALL YOUR AG LOAN NEEDS INCLUDING FARM, RANCH AND RURAL HOMES FIXED AND ADJUSTABLE RATES UP TO 30 Yrs TO REPAY ASK FOR ARNOLD JOHNSON OR ERRAL MEYERS SLATE SEPTIC SERVICE Tank pumping & installing • Dozer & backhoe dirt work 35 years experience 18 March 2015 | Oklahoma Electric Co-op News 872-9390 Classified Advertisements • ABCA registered Border Collie puppies, $300. Call/text, 308-5070. • Australian Shepherd puppies, ASCA/AKC reg, work stuck, wonderful family dogs, will excel in agility, obedience & rally, health tested, come with health guarantee, $500. 7409218 or www.nineveh-ranch. com/Jessie_Litter.html. • ASCA registered Australian Shepherds, fat healthy pups w/champion bloodlines, exc temperament for pet, work, or show. 392-3602 or www. • Thoroughbred mare, 11 years old, won 8 races for over $70K in earnings, bay in color, Okie bred, last opportunity, $2,500. 326-8755. Miscellaneous • Sunset Memorial cemetery plots, Resurrection Gardens 262-A & B, $2,500ea, we will pay transfer fee. 454-6440. • Start your vegetable or flower plants by seed, new 3”x3” round Jiffy Pea Pots, 100 for $10 or 50 for $6. 412-8953. • Rem model 740 30-06 & model 742 243, $875 OBO; 870 Express 20ga mags, $250 OBO. 550-4614. WE MAKE CASH LOANS ON FIREARMS WANTED QUICK CASH LOANS ON MOST FIREARMS CASH LOANS ON QUALITY GUNS WINCHESTERS, COLT, BROWNING, and other Guns WE BUY GUNS (Fair Top Prices Paid) Rifles - Handguns - Shotguns We have over 2,000 New & Used Guns In Stock In Front MUSTANG PAWN and GUN of Water Tower 376-3833 Tue-Sat 9-6 • 126 W Hwy 152 CONFIDENTIAL COURTEOUS SERVICE • Resthaven 1 double crypt in memory gardens by lake, 1 opening & closing incl, sell all for $2,500 firm. 990-1971. • Country & rock record collection, 45 RPM, ’40 thru ’90, 4 old jukeboxes, would consider trading for old PU. 922-8101. • ¾ ton diamond chrome plate tool box, lock w/key, $100 OBO. Mike, 598-3769. • 275 gallon square tanks, clean $50, dirty $30. 202-4522. • Engine hoist w/extension, $50 OBO; drill press, $50 OBO; torch welding set, has broken reg, $50 OBO. Mike, 598-3769. • 140 JD mower/tractor, good cond;’02 chipper, Santee softail frame, 100 CI RevTech eng, nice. 392-2931. • Driveway rock, 15ton delivered, $300. 630-8440. • 55gal plastic barrels, $6; 350gal containers, $50; feed barrels, $15; burn barrels, $10. 996-8960. • ’81 Blue Bird International gas/ auto trans, hunting/activities bus, lots of extra parts, backend shelving, 15 people capacity, med length w/added equip, $3,500. Leave message, 381-3500. • ’95 Prowler 5th Wheel, 23ft, good for parts, $1K, hutch, $200. 370-1318 or 392-3433. • Old solid wood gun cabinet w/bottom storage, holds 12 long guns; HD cattle guard w/ gate; used bumper pull feeder, needs repair. Call after 6PM, 485-2844. • 16Klbs Reese hitch, $250; stainless steel & chrome tailgate, $200; Kobalt toolbox for reg size PU, $150. 745-2242 or 740-6699. • Minerals for lease in Washita County, 6/8/14. 794-4612. • Pro Built entertainment center, full extension pull outs for audio equipment, DV57TIDE@, write Don for pics and details. • 3-wheel 3-speed Shopmate bike w/basket, needs new paint, $125; motor for bike, $45; Schwinn 10-speed, $45. 386-4312. • 2⅜ and 2⅞ structural pipe, 85¢$1.50/ft; 4½”-14” pipe; all sizes sucker rods. 627-3920. • Umpire gear, 2 sets pants 36 & 34, chest protectors, shin guards, hats, M shirts, ball bags, counters, masks, hat protectors & 1 pair sz 10 shoes. 872-8240. • 500 animal traps, various sizes, Mills Raccoon Fleshing machine, & Mills brush. 386-4332. • Gas powered indust grade 3” water pump, new never used, user manual, $450; Craftsman radial arm saw, good cond, $125. 745-7144. • ’12 gas Yamaha golf cart, very low HR, one owner, exc cond, always garage kept. 485-2844. • 4x8 trailer, $450; new stackon gun safe, $125; dinette w/2 chairs, $295; Wolff 110V tanning bed, Tuttle. 550-0387. • Singer sewing machine, feather weight VGC, $250 OBO, may take gun on trade. 392-4436. • Trolling motor, exc cond, $150. 990-4291. • Three good shop made type western saddles, $200-$175. 794-4897. • Elliptical, Smooth Fitness model CE 7.4, exc cond, commercial gym quality, profile memory w/large LCD monitor, Goldsby, $800 OBO. 401-4012. • Serviceable age Angus bulls, have FT; WAKO sprayer, 750gal tank on trailer, ground driven; 8 used tractor tires 620/70R/42 radial GY. 381-4307. • Welding field and shop. Brady Armstrong, 642-8242 or 329-0066. • Reese 16K, sliding 5th Wheel hitch, like new, $450; Husker, 22T log splitter, towable, 6.5 gas engine, $700, like new. Leave message, 598-2631. Mark The Junkman Cash or free removal of cars, trucks, vans, & trailers. No tires, No titles, No problem. I Haul For FREE: appliances • batteries • copper • riding or push mowers • alum • iron • A/Cs • scrap metal • old farm eqpt • tractors–too much to list. 550-5652 573-0250 Your Friendly & Respectable, Junkman since 1993, Mark Grider TREE STUMP GRINDING Call Steve 405-609-7794 19 Classified Advertisements • Resthaven Memorial Gardens burial lots for sale, 4 lots together, $4K each. 249-8027. • Free Epson dot matrix printer w/tractor deed, 2 sealed ribbons, box of mailing labels & cable. Leave message if no answer, 329-2937. • American Vermont Tap and die, 58 piece set, USA made, like new, $175; commercial grade roto hammer drill, large heavy duty, $175. 306-4415. • Approx 200 used 8x16 concrete blocks, $50, take all. 527-3990. • Solar hot water system, 2 4x8 panels plus 40 gallon tank, $2,500; free cut your own firewood near noble. 517-3933. • ’04 Honda Rebel 250, 3,300mi, exc cond, new tires, $2K. 740-3477. Serving the metro since 1973 Construction and Repair Are YOU or someone you know looking for a career? Bob Usry & Sons, Inc. is hiring! Journeyman plumber position available. • Winchester pump, vent rib barrel, 20ga, exc cond, $265; 38spec revolver, 4” barrel, nice gun, $200. 329-5134. • Our family is looking for a good running Toyota or Honda car. 641-7582. • 2 10” Sears table saws, $200/ both; 8” diameter 10’x9’ corner posts, $10ea; 3-point post hole auger, will trade for 5’ 3-point disc or 2 bottom 3-point plow. 820-0618. • 2 finished ash doors, $30; wooden handicap ramp, $75; double sliding glass shower door, gold trip, $50; sm bath vanity, complete w/ faucets, $100. 640-4651. • Ms PacMan cocktail game table/ stools, $1,250; bread maker, $20; ab roller, $40. 822-8575. • 5 1/2ac near Thunderbird on HWY 9, older fixer upper; Rose Rocks wanted, any quantity considered; want to trade trees for tree spade work. 802-4227. • 12x20 building on runners, carpeted, full loft w/pulldown ladder, finished inside, 2 windows + 2 doors, 2 windows, exc roof, heat/air, $10K. 386-9412. Hurst Siding Co. We specialize in using the highest quality products at a fair price. Finest installers in the business since 1978 Awnings Siding Carports Guttering Patio Covers Windows 1800 Industrial Blvd. Norman, OK 73069 Mobile Home Skirting 364-1001 or 405-364-0098 • Electric wheelchair, mint cond, 15mi run time, never used, have orig receipts, somebody will not be disappointed, $1,200. 223-8517. Mobile Homes, RVs & Boats • 20’ Haul Mark toy hauler, fully self-contained, $6K. 321-7733 or 615-3390. • Coleman Powermate generator, 1500W, Surge 1850W, DC Volt 12V AC Volt 120, made in USA, $200. 364-2574 or 306-1812. • Trampoline, just the frame. 321-0095. • ’04 Flagstaff Shamrock by Forest River 21’ hybrid travel trailer w/fold-down ends, good cond, used only twice a year. Stan, 437-9332. • Sturdy MH steps, 4ft wide, $200. 642-7192. • Nice ’13 Campion MH, 52’x26;, 3BR/2BA, 2x6 walls, rock island, black appliances, walkin shower, garden tub, large utility room, $48K. 527-0586. • ‘08 Skeeter SX-170 bass boat w/ Yamaha 90hp 4-stroke engine, low hours, garaged 24x7, loaded amenities, must see, price reduced, #13,500. 585-7273. • ’12 Open Range roamer 316rls 5th Wheel, like new, many upgrades included, 2nd A/C, flat screen TV, portable satellite receiver, electric awning, etc, $30,900. 580-369-8052. • ‘01 KZ Sportsman RV, 26’ 5th Wheel, 2 slide outs, good tires, good cond, $5K. Ken, 447-8378. Real Estate • Beautiful 10ac, paved rd, 6mi S of I40 off Peebly, tin horn & easement road, fenced 3 sides, 6ac. 249-0170. • 2ac & MH, 3BR/2BA, HWY 9 & 108, asking $99,900. 537-9788. • 2ac w/well & septic, off 192nd & Alameda. Randy, 306-6916. • Land for sale outside of Blanchard. Larry, 990-6057. • 5ac, water, sewer, Washington city limits. 990-4291. • 2BR condo, new everything, 12th & Boyd, $43,500. Wendy CB/H, 820-2955. • 2BR condo, near Lindsey & 12th, 1,101sq ft, exc location, $46,600. Wendy CB/H, 820-2955. • 2BR home, Noble, 1.52ac, shop, $64.500. Wendy CB/H, 820-2955. 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt How much will you need to retire? Let’s talk. Beth Dutoit, CRPS® Financial Advisor . 3770 W Robinson St Ste 108 Norman, OK 73072 405-360-3284 Damaged Siding Repair 20 March 2015 | Oklahoma Electric Co-op News Member SIPC Classified Advertisements • 2BR/1BA home in downtown Norman area w/basement, carport & fenced yard, reduced to $59,900. Pat w/CB, 823-0644. • 5BR/3BA/2 dining areas, ’06 doublewide on 2ac, 15 min from Norman, 0% down w/ Rural Development Loan, reduced to $109,900. Pat w/CB, 823-0644. • Busy restaurant in E Noble w/2ac, incl all furnishings & equip, Owner retiring & ready to sell for you to continue business, $139,900. Pat w/CB, 823-0644. • 40ac S of HWY 9 & 156th near Thunderbird, good views. Pat w/CB, 823-0644. • 54ac w/40x110ft workshop, electric, gas, water, ponds & fenced, located near HWY 9 & E of Thunderbird. Pat w/CB, 823-0644. • 2½ac between Norman & Tecumseh, last lot for $9,500. Pat w/CB, 823-0644. • Personal owner selling timeshare, 7K points annually, comes with charter benefits which allows greater flexibility in travel plans, $8,750. 918-448-4563. Notices & Announcements • OEC will hold a sealed-bid auction on the 2nd Tuesday of each month to dispose of unused items. Call 217-6840 the day before for item listing. • Consign now for the mini horse & donkey sale at the Purcell Expo Center, April 11. Registered or grade animals welcome. For more information call 850-0847. • Slaughterville firefighters annual garage sale, April 11, 8am; Furniture, glassware, tools, toys, collectibles, etc, Donations accepted, No clothes, Slaughterville Fire Dept, Station 3 Town Hall, Lexington. Wanted • Any scrap metal, iron, steel, aluminum, copper, car darts, appliances, etc. 429-9507. • Small electric typewriter in case; ’48 Farmall A or A+ tractor to restore. 326-2847. • Frugal home gardener needs unmoldy straw bales for very cheap or free. Rebecca, 201-3767. • Cars, trucks, SUV’s, running or not, no title okay. 537-9788. • Scottish terrier, young or pup, male or female. Terry, 230-8530. • Lawnmowers, running or not. 838-2873 or 882-6206. • Looking for Ham Radio Equipment/Shortwave and Morse code gear, old or not working is ok. 641-7582. • Old appliances, mowers, trailers, or any scrap metal, I will haul it away free. Allen or Sue, 485-4573. • Used pool slide for in ground pool. 329-7260. Business • American Concrete: pads & metal buildings, free estimates. Robert, 667-8558. • Acreage Property: buy/sale your central OK resource, Teri Reed, Metro Brokers. 417-1849 or • Dumpster Rental: large roll-off containers, you load, we haul. Remodels, new construction, roofers, storm clean-up. Can help with large items. 496-3338 or 326-2247. • McGuire Soil Products: time to get ready for gardening. All types of tractor work, tilling, box blade, brush hogging. Call for estimates. 365-6875 or 872-9576. • “The Piddler”: Need anything done around your house or property, call “The Piddler” Chet Adams. 248-0495. • Home Repair Services: painting (int/ext), sheetrock repairs, roofing, siding, floorings (tile, laminates, etc), doors & windows, fences. We will barter. 899-7292. • Home & Business Painting: Interior/exterior painting, drywall & siding repair, water damage repair. References avail. 899-7292. • Tree Services, etc: tree trimming, cut downs, tops, yard cleanup & haul-offs. References, we will barter. 899-7292. • Concrete Work: no job too small! Drives, sidewalks, pads & repairs. 899-7292. • Lawn Mowing & Property Cleanup: Large or small. Noble, Lexington, & Purcell. 527-0778. • Computer & Phone Lines: Off-duty fireman. Installation, repair, trouble shooting, etc. 245-5502 or 381-2007. 4.88% Taxes 611 Highland Parkway • Norman 405-360-8611 • fax: 360-8623 ® Farm Pond Pipe, Elbows, Tees, Meter Cans, Arched pipe. We stock 12” through 120” diameter pipe in lengths of 16, 20, 24, 30 and 40 feet. We can make any size or length. Delivery is available. OKLAHOMA FARM BUREAU insURAncE We’re OK, so you’re okay. LIFE • HOME • AUTO • ANNUITIES BUSINESS • FARM • COMMERCIAL DA R R E LL J . DAV I D CAREER AGENT Office: 1311N.PorterAvenue Norman,OK73071 Bus:(405)329-1830 21 Classified Advertisements • American Blinds & Shutters: Off-duty fireman, window treatments for home or business. Free estimates. 2455502 or 381-2007. • Handyman for Hire: off-duty fireman, remodel, painting, flooring (tile, laminates, etc), sheetrock, roofing, siding, fences, decks, custom made bookcases, shelving, cabinets, etc. General home repair. 2455502 or 381-2007. • Tractor Work: Dirt work, gravel drives, repaired & built tinhorns. 808-8202. • Brush hogging & Mowing: 808-8202. • Property Clean-up: Trees, trash. 808-8202. • Sand & Top Soil: Fill dirt, compost, delivered. 808-8202. • Garden Tilling: 6 ft. tiller. 808-8202. • Front Loader: Dump truck work. 808-8202. • Bowman’s Welding Service: entry ways, gates, fence, portable or shop. 360-8091 or 990-1084. • Argo Enterprises: siding, windows, roofing, construction, new homes, room additions, patio covers, carports, replacement windows, 25yrs experience. 255-5553 or 329-0553. • Sr. Housing Investment Opportunity: experienced contractor, sr. housing planner looking for investors. 505-8233. • Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair. All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion. 34yrs experience, competitive prices. Danny, 3292230 or 779-5362. • Brush Hog & Box Blade Work: $45/hr. 527-9457 or 208-1089. • I Repair Tractors: 30 years in business. 527-9457 or 208-1089. • Concrete Work: driveways, patios, sidewalks, metal buildings, slabs, snow removal, Norman & surrounding areas. 640-5866. • Stump Grinding: competitive prices, call Danny. 779-5362 or 329-2230. Insurance $100,000 Mo. Cost $25.61 $49.46 $109.47 (888) 502-6266 Immediate Coverage! No Exam! • Jim’s Painting & Remodeling: Interior & exterior, wallpaper, popcorn ceiling removal, sheetrock repairs, texture, power washing. Free estimates, quality work, 20yrs experience & insured. Visa & MasterCard accepted. 366-0722. • Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x50 = $19,500; 40x60 = $28,500. Cost includes concrete, financing available. 872-0338. • Bargain Barns: 18x21 steel carport = $795; 12x31 RV cover = $1,605; 20x21 garage = $3,510; 24x31 garage = $5,250. Financing available. 872-0338. • Rent to Own Portable 8x12 = Buildings: $1,495($74.75/mo); 8x16 = $1,895 ($94.75/mo); 10x16 = $2,590 ($129.50/mo). No credit check. 872-0338. • Bob’s Dozer Service & Dump Truck: House pads, dirt, gravel, sand, concrete. Licensed, bonded & insured. 35yrs experience. 620-4371. • American Gutters: seamless guttering at competitive prices, insured, call for a free estimate. 441-1175. Customized Cedar Pergolas Pavillion and Gazebos Low Cost Life Age 45 55 65 • Wanted: Old Barbie dolls, clothes and accessories from 1959 to 1973. 250-3394. • Timber Tree Service: Beautify your property by trimming or removing unwanted limbs, trees & brush. We are fully insured & experienced in tree care. Call Randy McCarter for your free estimate, 821-1027 or 392-2399. • General Motors Speedometer Repair: Are your GM instrument cluster needles acting erratic? I can fix them with updated parts. Lifetime warranty by ASE certified technician. Remove, repair, install, $100. 213-8014. • C&B Paint Co: 15yrs experience, insured interior/ exterior painting, drywall & texture services, call Cody for a reasonable yet fair price. 426-5913. • Hurst Siding Co: Siding, windows, awnings, guttering, carports, patio covers, damaged siding repair, mobile home skirting. We specialize in using highest quality products at a fair price. Finest installers in the business since 1978. 364-0098 or Winter Specials Enjoy Your Outdoor Space! Quality and Integrity Pergola Supreme Inc. (405) 664.1913 Bill Herron • 22 March 2015 | Oklahoma Electric Co-op News Incomplete forms cannot be processed. This information is used in compliance with Federal Red Flag Rules. th 242 24 Ave. N.W. PO Box 1208 Norman, OK 73070 (405) 321-2024 Fax (405) 217-6900 CERTIFICATION OF ENTITLEMENT TO OKLAHOMA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CAPITAL CREDITS I, __________________________________________, hereby make claim to the capital credits assigned by Oklahoma (PLEASE PRINT FULL NAME) Electric Cooperative to the account of ________________________________________________________________ . (NAME OF DECEASED AND/OR NAME OF BUSINESS OF DECEASED) DECEASED SSN DOB DOD I certify that: 1) I am the party legally entitled to claim ownership of these capital credits payments because ___________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________; 2) I will be responsible for distributing the capital credits claimed in accordance with any predetermined agreements of the business to which they were assigned, or the will of the deceased member; 3) I will indemnify, defend and hold Oklahoma Electric Cooperative harmless against any subsequent claims to or for these capital credits payments. 4) I understand that a copy of this certification statement will be released to any party making subsequent claims to these capital credits; 5) I will be required to provide a certified copy of the death certificate to Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, if the member eligible for capital credits is now deceased. SIGNATURE OF CLAIMANT ________________ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR FEDERAL ID DATE ADDRESS CITY ________________ STATE _________________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER(S) EMAIL ADDRESS ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY OF _______________ ) ) ) ss. Before me________________________, in and for this state, on this ______day of ________________, 20__, personally appeared _________________________________to me known to be the identical person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that _____executed the same as ______free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. _____________________ Notary Public My Commission Expires:________________ MORE SAVINGS, MORE SPRINGTIME. The one card that does it all.
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