OOPS WEEKLY WRAP No. 11 Old Orchard Primary School, Koonung Road, Blackburn North 3130 30 April 2015 PH: 9877 7899 fax: 9877 7345 EMAIL: old.orchard.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.oldorchardps.vic.edu.au Principal’s News Last Friday night and Saturday morning, 24 of our Year 5 & 6 students attended the Camp Gallipoli event at Melbourne Showgrounds. The event commemorated the 100th anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli and provided our students an opportunity to experience in a miniscule way some of the hardships our soldiers endured (and continue to endure) and to learn more about the history of the ANZACs. We were extremely proud of the students’ respectful demeanour and commitment to learn more about the importance of ANZAC Day and how we can respect the ANZACs by committing to living better lives and supporting others in need. There has been a lot of activity recently with a variety of lunchtime clubs underway as well as our Friday Cross Country group and After School Netball. The clubs include Board and Card Games, Table Tennis, Lego, Art, Fitness & Dance, Chess, Minecraft, Creativity, Library, Mandarin, Library and ‘Quiet Club’ (this one is appealing!) I’m very appreciative of the teachers who are giving their time to cater for our students and their diverse interests. Most of these clubs will run throughout Term 2 and we anticipate there will be some others in Term 3. Enrolments for 2016 are now open and our school tours for prospective families/students are underway. Next Tuesday evening is our Foundation Discovery Evening for prospective families – if you have friends who may be interested please encourage them to attend this meeting which will be held in Drayton Hall at 7.00pm on Tuesday May 5th. FOR DAD’S EYES’ ONLY!!!! Our Mothers’ Day stall is set for next Wednesday, May 6th – don’t forget to bring along your money to purchase a special treat for Mum. Thanks also to Sam Dempster and Robyn Busuttil for their organisation of the stall (they must have taken off their ‘Mum’ hats for a while.) Farewell Denise – this newsletter is the final one compiled by Denise and probably her final task after twelve years at Old Orchard. As detailed in last week’s newsletter Denise is moving on and we wish her every success and happiness for the future and thank her for her wonderful contribution to our school community. CALENDAR - TERM 1 Kind regards Duncan Facebook: For those already on Facebook, simply search for Old Orchard Primary School and ‘like’ the page. Twitter: For those already on Twitter, search for @oldorchardps and follow. Instagram: For those already on Instagram, search for OLDORCHARDPS and follow. OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Dear OOPS Community As this is my last newsletter, I would like to say a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to the School Community for all your lovely emails, phones calls, gifts and best wishes for my new position and the beginning of my new life at Torquay. I will certainly miss all the smiling faces that greet me daily at the front desk and I will miss watching the children grow and mature. I have thoroughly enjoyed my 12 years at Old Orchard Primary and I wish my colleagues, the parents and students of OOPS all the best in the future. Kind regards Denise Fricker Assistant Principal news EDUCATION COMMITTEE The next meeting of the Education Committee will be on Tuesday 12th May at 7.30pm in the staffroom. At this meeting we will be reviewing the Physical Education Policy and the Language Education (Mandarin) Policy. Kevin Purvis our Physical Education teacher and Tracey Ding our Mandarin teacher will both be in attendance at this meeting. They will speak about their programs and answer any of your questions prior to reviewing the formal policies. This is an opportunity for you to come and hear first-hand from the teachers as to what is happening in these areas. There will also be time for you to ask questions specific to these programs – relating to both the departmental guidelines and the current practice at Old Orchard Primary School. If you are not able to Attend but would like to have the opportunity to provide input relating to these policies, please leave a message at the office and I can get the draft policies to you. Our meetings always finish by 9.00. We would love you to join us for this evening. Chris Hodder Assistant Principal OOPS WEEKLY WRAP LUNCHTIME CLUBS AT OLD ORCHARD At Old Orchard we have recognised that we often have students who ‘struggle’ with the 50 minute lunch break for a whole range of problems – lack of friends, weather conditions, activities of interest to them, the sheer volume of students in the yard. In response to this, Enza Orsini as our Lunchtime Club Co-ordinator and a large band of enthusiastic staff have donated some of their lunchtime to offer lunchtime club activities is Term 2 & 3. These clubs will cover a range of activities – Board &Card Games Club; Quiet Club; Art Club; Chess Club; Creative Club; Library Club; Mandarin Club; Mine Craft Club; Table Tennis Club; Cooking Club. Clubs will be offered to different age groups and will operate on different days. Students will be provided with the information by classroom teachers and then will be encouraged to ‘sign up’. Depending on numbers, some clubs may need to be limited. If as a parent, if you are interested in offering a club OR supporting our teachers to offer these clubs, please contact Enza Orsini or Chris Hodder. To be part of these programs you would require a Working with Children card. We are very excited to introduce these clubs and are very fortunate to have such dedicated staff who are ready to respond to the needs of our students. Chris Hodder & Enza Orsini OOPS WEEKLY WRAP SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR 20—26 May Hello! Book Fair will be running from WED 20 May – TUES 26 May in the OOPS Library. Scholastic Book Fair is the major fundraiser for Library and there will be a range of books and other goodies from Scholastic available for purchase, such as stationary and posters. There are also lots of exciting raffle prize packs to be won! The theme this year is ‘Kings, Queens and Castles’: Janet and the Library Volunteers are busily putting together a right royal display… The quizzes and word searches will also be back...watch this space for updates! Book Fair will be open: Wed 20 May: 3.30 pm – 4.00 pm Thurs 21 May: 8.30 am – 9.00 am 3.30 pm – 4.00 pm 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm (OOPS Open Night) Fri 22 May: 8.30 am – 9.00 am 3.30 pm – 4.00 pm Mon 25 May: 8.30 am – 9.00 am 3.30 pm – 4.00 pm Tues 26 May: 8.30 am – 9.00 am 3.30 pm – 4.00 pm We are looking for parent volunteers to help man the sales table, especially on Open Night! If you would like to help please fill out the form below and return it – either directly to the Library or to the Office. Actually, we are also looking for parent volunteers to join our lovely team of helpers with returns from 9-10am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We are very friendly and more than happy to teach you how to shelve books, and if you like, cover books, mend books and more… It is still an ongoing project, but do have a look at the OOPS Library Blog http://oopslibrary.weebly.com/whats-new.html . We plan to update and improve it after Book Fair! Thank you! Janet Russell, Library Technician SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR 20—26 May Yes, I would like to help at Book Fair Name: Phone: Time/s (please tick): Wed 20 May Thurs 21 May: 12 – 3.30pm (set up) ........ 8.30am – 9.00am......... 3.30pm – 4.00pm........... 3.30pm – 4.00pm......... 6.00pm - 7.00pm........ 7.00pm - 8.00pm.......... 8.00am – 9.00pm......... Fri 22 May: 8.30am – 9.00am.......... 3.30pm - 4.00pm ......... Mon 25 May: 8.30am – 9.00am.......... 3.30pm - 4.00pm.......... Tues 26 May: 8.30am – 9.00am…….. 3.30pm - 4.00pm…….. ____________________________________________________________________________ LIBRARY Yes, I would like to try shelving in the library (9am-10am) Name: Day/s please circle your preference: Phone: Mon Tues Wed Thurs OOPS WEEKLY WRAP FROM THE OFFICE……... SECOND HAND CLOTHING We have a large amount of second hand clothing for sale. It is only $5.00 an item. Call into the office and check out the range of second hand clothing WHAT’S ON AT OOPS Term 2 6th May 11th May 18 - 22 May 20 - 26 May 25 May– 4 June 28th May Mother’s Day Stall PFA Meeting Education Week Book Week 1-4 Swimming Program Biggest Morning Tea SCHOOL BANKING School Banking takes place on a Friday each week. Remember to send your bank books via the classroom. Payment / Permission Envelopes—remember to complete BOTH SIDES of the envelope as this is your permission for your child to attend an incursion/excursion. IMPORTANT NOTICE RE PAYMENTS ON LINE. It is wonderful that so many people are paying accounts and excursions online but please remember to include your reference details. Eg Name and the activity— Camp, Excursion etc. This enables us to accurately credit your accounts. UNIFORM INFORMATION Our uniform shop will be open during the school terms Thursdays—8.30am—10.30am Please note the Uniform Shop is no longer able to accept cheques. Payment may be made by credit card or cash only. TOYWORLD FOREST HILL Supporting Old Orchard Primary Remember to mention Old Orchard Primary School when you make purchases from Toyworld Forest Hill Advertising in our newsletter If you would like to advertise in our newsletter please contact the office. Rates are: $16.50 casual ads / $220.00 half yearly Advertisements need to be emailed to the school by Tuesday for publication in the Newsletter. Our newsletter is online Thursday afternoon. ASTHMA MANAGEMENT FORMS Asthma Management Forms 2014 are available from the school office. If your child suffers from Asthma and requires medication to be administered at school please contact the office for a management form. DIRECT DEPOSIT—ON THE NET Parents may wish to pay school fees, excursions swimming charges with Direct Deposit on the Net. Bank details: Commonwealth BSB: 063 485 Acc No 10021781 Remember to include your name and reference. HEAD LICE We have had a couple of reports of headlice. Please remember to check your child’s hair reg- OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Communication Page PERMISSION/PAYMENT ENVELOPES PERMISSION / PAYMENT ENVELOPE. If you require more envelopes your child may collect a bundle from the office at any time. REMINDER: rd Has your ca NON COMPLETION OF PERMISSION / PAYMENT ENVELOPES FOR YOUR CHILD….BY THE DUE DATE MAY RESULT IN YOUR CHILD NOT ATTENDING AN INCURSION / EXCURSION. 1 –4 Swimming Yrs ndation, 5 & 6 u Swimming Fo 6 May 15 May 22 May 29 May 5 June 12 June 19 June 26 June expired? ho have e parents w m o s re a re ks that The hildren Chec er to call into the C h it w g in Work memb d. Please re y of your new have expire op can take a c office so we ard. h Children C it W g in rk o W : PE DUE DATE O L E V N E N IO RMISS PAYMENT/PE Due 21st May Term 2 dren Check ith Chil Working W y Due 22nd Ma ASSEMBLIES $120 $130 TERM DATES 2015 Term 2 14 April—26 June 5 June Pupil Free Day Term 3 13 July—18 Sept Term 4 5 Oct—18 Dec F-2 Mother’s Day 3-6 Presentation 6 EH NO ASSEMBLY Education Week F/5/6 Presentation FLT / FAP NO ASSEMBLY Pupil Free Day 1-4 Presentation 2EO 1-4 Presentation 2WS Gym - 2.30 Dismissal EMAILS SE N T HOME REC Swimming ENTLY Foundation & Grades 5 1-1 Laptop &6 Program G rade 6 Term 2 Bull etin—Grad es 5 & 6 Senior Cho ir OOPS WEEKLY WRAP OOPS WEEKLY WRAP OOPS WEEKLY WRAP OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. Welcome to the 2015 Aussie Farmers Direct Community Fundraising Program! Old Orchard Primary School Fundraiser Code is 191. Share this code with your community as any new families or members that join and order from Aussie Farmers Direct using this code will be added towards your rewards tally. Your local Milko contact details Name: Kon & Vince Phone: 0424 754 882 Email: KonandVince@afdfranchisee.com.au OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. OOPS WEEKLY WRAP
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