OOPS WEEKLY WRAP No. 31 16 October 2014 Old Orchard Primary School, Koonung Road, Blackburn North 3130 PH: 9877 7899 fax: 9877 7345 EMAIL: old.orchard.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.oldorchardps.vic.edu.au Principal’s News 2014 School Fete Saturday November 15th 30 DAYS TO GO Our Literacy Forum on Tuesday evening was a great success. We had over 50 parents in attendance to hear an overview of Literacy at Old Orchard, covering some aspects of how we teach reading and writing as well as ways in which parents can support their children in these areas. Thank-you to Jen McCann, Rob Collins, Lynne Baker, Amanda Foat and Chris Hodder for their contribution on the night. SPRING CARNIVAL LUNCHEON: This event has been a significant one on the school calendar for many years. It is a wonderful opportunity for school mums to dress up, get together and have a day of fun and this year’s event promises to be as big as ever. It’s not too late to purchase a ticket, but you will need to be quick as the event is next Friday, October 24th. Don’t miss out! Best wishes to our students competing in the Eastern Region Athletics finals today – results will be available shortly. It’s a big day tomorrow with the Prep – 2 Tabloid Sports day, as part of P.E. Week, as well as the Year One Dinner tomorrow evening. The Tabloid Sports have been organised predominantly by our Year 6 students and we have great confidence and trust in the capacity of our students to work cooperatively on projects such as this. Next week will also be very busy with the Public Speaking Finals in Drayton Hall on Monday afternoon, as well as the Disco on Thursday and the Spring Carnival Luncheon on Friday. School families will soon receive information re the introduction of Social Media as a communication tool at Old Orchard. We encourage you to connect with us via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and welcome constructive feedback. Congratulations to Ari Christodoulou from Year 6. Ari participated in the Brazilian jiu - jitsu Pan Pacific championship at MSAC last Saturday, fighting in a higher weight division for 12 year olds and he finished in first position. Earlier this year Ari also competed in the Victorian state championship and won gold in his age and weight division as well. We are extremely proud of Ari and his achievements! CALENDAR - TERM 1 Kind regards Duncan OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Friday 24th October, 2014 To celebrate Healthy October remember Friday 24th October is Walk to School Day. Walking to and from school can help children get the daily physical activity they need – and there are plenty of other benefits too. Walking to school can help to reduce traffic congestion, parking difficulties and the associated environmental impacts. If you cannot walk to school try parking the car a little further way from the school gate and then walking the remainder of the way to school. When children arrive at school there will be a Breakfast Top Up for them Eg water, fruit, mini muffin. Thanks Deb Peryer Walking School Bus Coordinator CREATIVE MUSIC END OF YEAR CONCERTS William Luby Wednesday 10 Dec 10.40 am Portable 14 David Lacey Friday 12 Dec 10.40 am Portable 14 Ian McCulloch Monday 15 Dec 10.40 am Portable 14 Ann Craig Tuesday 16 Dec 10.40 am Portable 14 PEER MEDIATORS Hello we are the Peer Mediators Captains of 2014. Our role this year has been to organise and monitor the successful peer mediation program that runs at Old orchard Primary School. Peer Mediators play an important part of our school community. At least one peer mediator is on duty at any snack or lunch time, and they are always willing to help any student at our school. Peer Mediators wear a bright orange vest and a bum bag. The vest is worn so students can see the peer mediators clearly. The bag has notepads in it which peer mediators use to write down what the child’s problem is so that they can inform their teacher. Peer mediators help sort out problems in the playground. These may include children being left out, verbal arguments, and sometimes physical arguments. Peer mediators either assist when people come and ask for help or if they see a problem forming or happening they will go and ask if help is needed. Peer mediation is a great program that we run here at OOPS. It can prevent lots of different things, the main one being bullying. Bullying is a big problem that can happen at any school. It might be verbal or physical things that happen on a repetitive basis. Peer mediators help to prevent bullying with their actions. We hope Peer Mediation is a program that continues to run at our school for many years to come and encourage Grade 4 students to apply to become a peer mediator in 2015. Bethanie Gray and Alecia Scott 2014 Peer Mediator Captains OOPS WEEKLY WRAP PREP ENROLMENTS 2015 Parents please forward your Prep Enrolment 2014 information to the office before the end of Term. This information will assist us in organizing Prep classes for next year. Date Activity Time Tuesday, 21st October Lunch/Storytime 12.00pm - 2.00pm Thursday, 6th November Lunch/Storytime 12.00pm - 2.00pm Wednesday,12th November Lunch/Storytime 12.00pm - 2.00pm Tuesday, 25th November Prep Induction Evening (Parents only) 7.00pm - 8.00pm Tuesday 9th December Prep Orientation Morning 9.30am -10.30am Please note the Uniform shop will be open on the following day during transition. Normal opening hours are: Thursday 8.30-10.30am Extra opening time: Wednesday, 12th November Uniform shop 11.00am - 1.00pm A reminder about the online program ‘Mathletics’ Parent Survey. Dear Parents, Please use the link below to access the survey about the home use of the mathematics online program ‘Mathletics’. Students and staff have been surveyed about their usage of the program and their opinions of its effectiveness in assisting with student learning. Now it is your turn to have your say! Your participation in this short survey is greatly appreciated, as your views are highly valued. Old Orchard Primary School pays a substantial annual subscription to this program for both school and home use and it is important that we ensure that value for use is achieved. Kind regards, The Numeracy Team https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/QPQZRDK OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Communication Page PARENTS: Please note permission forms were replaced mid 2013 by a PERMISSION / PAYMENT ENVELOPE. If you require these envelopes your child may collect a bundle from the office at any time. REMINDER: dren Check ith Chil Working W rd expired? Has your ca ave who h me parents e expired. There are so hildren Checks that hav we hC the office so to Working wit in ll a c to r mbe orking W ith Please reme your new W f o y p o c a can take rd. Children Ca NON COMPLETION OF PERMISSION / PAYMENT ENVELOPES FOR YOUR CHILD….BY THE DUE DATE MAY RESULT IN YOUR CHILD NOT ATTENDING AN INCURSION / EXCURSION. PE SION ENVELO IS M R E /P T N E PAYM 5) DUE DATE: ober on due 24 Oct si is rm Pe / t Paymen due 19 Nov / Permission t st ($ en fa ak ym re Pa B 2 ep & - Pr due 7 Nov ($30) Yrs 1 31 October ium Excursion t / Permission ar en qu ym A Pa r— be 25-27 Novem osse ($8) 14 Nov Sofcr TERM DATES 2014 Emails sen Term 4 t home rece ntly PE news—re 6 October—19 December m PFA Meeting inder re Fete Newsle minder tter (hard co py) and ema Literacy Eve il ning remind er Aquarium E xcu Ride It—sele rsion—Years 1 and 2 cted studen ts Sofcrosse— selected stu de TrashNTrea sure—helpe nts rs 6EH 1.30pm OOPS WEEKLY WRAP FROM THE OFFICE……... ASSEMBLIES WHAT’S ON AT OOPS 17 Oct 22 Oct 23 Oct 24 Oct 24 Oct 30 Oct 31 Oct 6 Nov 14 Nov 25 Nov-27 Nov 15 Nov Yr 1 Dinner Fete Meeting 2.30pm School Disco Walk to School Day Spring Carnival Luncheon Music Soiree Prep Breakfast Moon Light Picnic 6.30pm Sofcrosse Day Aquarium Excursion School Fete SECOND HAND CLOTHING We have a large amount of second hand clothing for sale. It is only $5.00 an item. Call into the office and check out the range of second hand clothing Payment / Permission Envelopes—remember to complete BOTH SIDES of the envelope as this is your permission for your child to attend an incursion/excursion. UNIFORM INFORMATION Our uniform shop will be open during the school terms Thursdays—8.30am—10.30am Please note the Uniform Shop is no longer able to accept cheques. Payment may be made by credit card or cash only. SCHOOL BANKING School Banking every Friday. Please send deposit books to school via the classroom. Oct-17 P - 2 Drayton Hall Pr. LT Oct-24 3 - 6 Drayton Hall 3KB Oct-31 P - 2 Drayton Hall 2EO & 12LB Nov-07 3 - 6 Drayton Hall 3AF Nov-14 P - 2 Drayton Hall Pr. DS Nov-21 3 - 6 Drayton Hall 5AP Nov-28 P - 2 Drayton Hall Pr. JF & Pr. RC Dec-05 3 - 6 Drayton Hall Dec-12 P - 2 Drayton Hall Dec-19 P - 6 Gymnasium End of Year IMPORTANT NOTICE RE PAYMENTS ON LINE. It is wonderful that so many people are paying accounts and excursions online but please remember to include your reference details. Eg Name and the activity— Camp, Excursion etc. This enables us to accurately credit your accounts. ASTHMA MANAGEMENT FORMS Asthma Management Forms 2014 are available from the school office. If your child suffers from Asthma and requires medication to be administered at school please contact the office for a management form. DIRECT DEPOSIT—ON THE NET Parents may wish to pay school fees, excursions swimming charges with Direct Deposit on the Net. Bank details: Commonwealth BSB: 063 485 Acc No 10021781 Remember to include your name and reference. OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. Sugden Accounting Services is a member of CPA Australia. We provide a reliable and comprehensive range of services including Compliance and Tax Services, Business Advisory Consulting, Financial Planning and Self Managed Superannuation Fund Services to individuals and small to medium businesses in a broad range of industries. Brett Sugden, principal of Sugden Accounting Services and his team have over 20 years experience. We have all the expertise to ensure clients achieve maximum financial benefits and goals through smart business strategies. Call Brett Sugden @ SUGDEN ACCOUNTING SERVICES ON 9882 5155 Saturday OOPS netball 2015 There has been some interest expressed by Old Orchard families in forming a team/s to play in a Saturday netball competition in 2015. We would like to hear from any school parents who may be interested in assisting getting this up and running. Any questions please contact either of us at school 9877 7899 or via email mccann.jennifer.s@edumail.vic.gov.au or hurley.ellen.e@edumail.vic.gov.au Thanks, Ellen Hurley & Jenny McCann (Year 6 teachers) OOPS WEEKLY WRAP OOPS WEEKLY WRAP KIDZONE NEWS 4SB CLASSROOM REQUEST Do you have any magazines at home you no longer need? We are looking for 60 of them for an activity in our classroom. Please bring them to 4SB. Old Orchard Primary School Chickens Our 2 chickens are nearing retirement and would love to spend their retirement at your home. If you are interested in giving the 2 chickens a new home please contact Jenny Flower or the office. OOPS WEEKLY WRAP OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Fete News—Saturday 15th Nov 2014 Than ks to H our s choo oyts Cine m l Fete on 15 a for supp th No o vemb rting er. Fete Group Class Representative meetings: Wed Fri 22nd Oct 7th Nov HAMPER Jam/Pickle Makers Do you or a friend/relative make your own preserves? We are seeking donations for our 2014 OOPS Fete. It is important that all the ingredients are noted as we will label them with our OOPS Fete logo. If you can spare a few jars (or need some jars!) please contact Jackie 0409 026 670 jackie.grierson@bigpond.com 2.30pm 9.15am Prep DS Kitchen Hamper Prep LT Mum's hamper Prep JF Cleaning Hamper Prep RC BBQ Hamper Grade 1KS Baby Hamper Grade 1MM Family Games Hamper Grade 1/2B Grocery Hamper Grade 1KD Party Hamper Grade 2JH Book Hamper Grade 2EO Gardening Hamper Grade 2LO Sport Hamper Grade 3AF Baking Hamper Grade 3KB Craft Hamper Grade 3WS Toy Hamper Grade 4TR Boys Hamper Grade 4HK Girls Hamper Grade 4SB Kids Kitchen Hamper Grade 5TT Make Up Hamper Grade 5LC Christmas Hamper Grade 5AP Beach Hamper Grade 6MO Chocolate Hamper Grade 6JM Spicy Hamper Grade 6EH Dad's Hamper OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Fete News—Saturday 15th Nov 2014 SECOND HAND BOOKS STALL Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this stall in the past, it is always a great success. For anyone looking to donate, please separate 2nd hand goods from books as we have a separate Second hand goods Stall and please ensure the books are in a reasonable state for reselling. SECOND HAND BOOKS DONATION DROP OFF TIMES Donations can be left Wednesday mornings weekly during term 4 up to and including Wed 12th November which would be the last drop off time. Please leave any donations in the area next to the Uniform shop. Please do not block access to either the Uniform shop, hallway to gym or Kidzone. Beyond this we welcome drop offs at other times and the area will be checked and cleared regularly. Many thanks for your support in helping make this year’s OOPS Fete a great success! Tenille Chamclam, PREP DS Second hand goods for the fete Trash N Treasure stall can be dropped Fridays and Mondays until the 24th October. Please leave neatly near the uniform shop in the gym. Please no large items until near the time. Thanks Sarah Garry OOPS WEEKLY WRAP OOPS WEEKLY WRAP OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. FROCKTOBER Hi all, Amelie (1KD) is participating in the Frocktober challenge to help raise funds for Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF). The aim is to help raise funds to find a early detection test for Ovarian Cancer. Here is a link for more information: http://www.everydayhero.com.au/event/frocktober She has to wear a dress every day of the month of October rain, hail and shine! This is the link to Amelie's supporter page: https:// frocktober.everydayhero.com/au/amelie Thanks Samantha Meeuwissen Raising awareness of Type 1 Diabetes Hi Everyone, We are Walking to Cure Diabetes this weekend on Sunday the 28th of October at Tweed Heads NSW! Raising awareness of Type 1 Diabetes is important to our family, all funds raised go directly to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation to improve the lives of all people diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and ultimately a cure. Many of our friends & family have already made generous donations to our fund raising earlier this year. This year is the first time we have embraced fundraising through social media, so I apologize if I have bombarded you with messages. Thank you all for your support over the last 7 years that we have been living with Type 1 Diabetes. Lets make Type 1 Type None! JDRF is the only global organisation with a strategic research plan to end T1D. The plan is to deliver an ongoing stream of life-changing therapies moving from development through to commercialisation that lessen the impact of T1D. JDRF wants to help keep people with T1D healthy and safe today until we reach our ultimate goal of a cure and universal prevention of T1D. T1D is a serious disease that affects 122,300 Australian children and adults. They need up to six insulin injections every day or a continuous infusion of insulin through a pump, just to stay alive. Take steps with me today to deliver a world without type 1 diabetes. Please make a donation to my personal fundraising web page and one day you will be able to say that you helped turn Type One into Type None. Click here to visit my Web page Thank you for your support. Sincerely, Julie Lakey OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School.
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