OOPS WEEKLY WRAP No. 30 9 October 2014 Old Orchard Primary School, Koonung Road, Blackburn North 3130 PH: 9877 7899 fax: 9877 7345 EMAIL: old.orchard.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.oldorchardps.vic.edu.au Principal’s News There is always a sense of excitement and anticipation at the commencement of Term 4 – it is an exceptionally busy term at Old Orchard with numerous significant educational, celebratory and other activities. The complete calendar of events will be listed elsewhere but one key event, which is worthy of particular mention is: Old Orchard School Fete Saturday November 15th 10.00am – 5.00pm Sandra Goode, Megan Greensmith, Jackie Grierson and their team have been working exceptionally hard for many months and as always, this year’s fete promises to be a magnificent event. I encourage all members of the school community to become involved – the success of the fete depends on your participation. Thank-you to Robyn Bussutil and the P.F.A. for their work in organising the marking of lines and activities on the asphalt – it has certainly brightened the area considerably and we have received many positive comments from students and parents. Our school walkathon late last term was an amazing success. We raised in excess of $9000 which was an outstanding result. Thanks must be extended to all students and their families for their support. I am certain that this will become an annual event. Congratulations to the 21 students who participated in the Divisional Athletics Event at Burwood yesterday. The students acquitted themselves extremely well with a number progressing through to the Eastern Region finals. A detailed summary of performances is included elsewhere in the newsletter. Congratulations to staff member, Tracey Ding and her husband Ying on their wedding during the school holidays. Tracey (and Ying) looked resplendent and the ceremony was a magnificent celebration. CALENDAR - TERM 1 Welcome to the following students and their families who have joined the Old Orchard community recently: Sebastian & Liam Mills, Lojani & Ambika Ramar, Yuhan Huang, Noah Rogers, Elyas & Amin Baeini and Oliver Horvat. We trust that their experience at Old Orchard will be positive and productive. Parents are reminded that requests for consideration in relation to class placement must be submitted to be by next Monday, October 13th. Please use the pro-forma as circulated previously and submit via email. I wish everyone a productive and successful term. (PS Begrudging congratulations to Hawthorn on their success in the AFL Grand Final – Wendy Scott and her extensive band of Hawks fans have been reasonably subdued, but two years in a row is plenty!) Kind regards Duncan OOPS WEEKLY WRAP How can I help with Literacy at home? Education Committee - October 14th 7.30pm (Venue to be advised) In response to feedback received from our parent community in relation to the teaching of Literacy and how parents can best help at home, the Education Committee together with our Literacy Team have planned an evening to share with parents information related to the teaching of Reading and Writing. Some points we will be covering: Learning to read (at school and at home) Struggling readers Handwriting and fine motor skills Writing at OOPS Extending Writing ideas Developing Comprehension This eve nt Please ad is next Tuesday evening. vise via e m office if y ou are att ail or phone the ending. This evening will start at 7.30pm and, with the selected venue dependent on numbers attending. This is a preliminary notice only and further information will be circulated at a later date with a request for a response if you plan to attend. We will also be inviting our Prep Parents of 2015 along to this evening. This is your opportunity to have those questions answered that have been raised through the parent surveys and the parent forums. Please mark this in your diary as I believe all families will benefit from the information provided on the Saturday OOPS netball 2015 There has been some interest expressed by Old Orchard families in forming a team/s to play in a Saturday netball competition in 2015. We would like to hear from any school parents who may be interested in assisting getting this up and running. Any questions please contact either of us at school 9877 7899 or via email mccann.jennifer.s@edumail.vic.gov.au or hurley.ellen.e@edumail.vic.gov.au Thanks, Ellen Hurley & Jenny McCann (Year 6 teachers) Onpsych October 2014. Ai Tran ( our Onpsych Psychologist will be overseas from the start of term until the last week of October. There will be no Onpsych sessions during this time. Thank you Mandy Coate OOPS WEEKLY WRAP International Competitions and Assessments for School University of NSW English and Mathematica tests results We had 65 students across years 2-6 sit the English test and 95 students again across years 2-6 sit the Mathematics test. Congratulations go to all these students, especially the Year 2 students who were involved in this testing for the first time this year. Certificates, question booklets and answer sheets have been distributed. Special commendation goes to the following students who achieved the nominated awards : ENGLISH High Distinction Distinction Sarah R 3AF Natasha C 6MO Victoria C 2JH Isabella E 2LO Selina Z 3AF Elizabeth L 3KB Finn R 6EH Felix H 6EH Credit Jacqueline D 12B Sophie W 3AF Jack C 3AF Sam R 4HK Ebony R 4HK Holly R 4HK Alexandra E 4HK Alysha Y 5LC Pranav V 5LC Jessica C 5TT Kaitlyn O 5TT Ben R 6JM Blake R 6MO Merit Ava K 2JH Grace Z 12B Alexandra H 3KB Laura G 3WS Zachary B 4HK Ashley S 5AP Olivia o 5AP Bethanie G 6JM MATHS Ava K 2JH Zachary R 2EO Grace Z 12B Jacqueline D 12B Jacob S 2JH Selina Z 3AF Zachary B 4HK Natasha C 6MO Mitchell R 6MO Blake R 6MO Finn R 6EH Ben R 6JM Isabella E 2LO Ashton P 2EO Sean H 3AF Ethan S 3KB Hugh S 3KB Alexandra H 3KB Zynora B 3WS Tamara S 3AF Sam R 4HK Alistair K 4SB Rebecca H 4HK Edwin Z 5AP Annie S 5LC Claire Z 5LC Pranav V 5LC Jonathan R 5TT Harry C 5TT Tom B 6MO Charlie L 6EH Stuart G 6EH Alecia S 6EH Alice B 2LO Amalie E 2JH Jessica H 2EO Jonathan R 3KB Zoe E 3AF Holly R 4HK Max D 4HK Zac K 4HK Alexandra E 4HK Leyna N 4SB Will P 4TR William S 5LC Kaitlyn O 5TT Harry B 5TT Xavier L 5LC Ellie D 6JM Bethanie G 6JM OOPS WEEKLY WRAP PREP ENROLMENTS 2015 Parents please forward your Prep Enrolment 2014 information to the office before the end of Term. This information will assist us in organizing Prep classes for next year. Date Activity Time Tuesday, 21st October Lunch/Storytime 12.00pm - 2.00pm Thursday, 6th November Lunch/Storytime 12.00pm - 2.00pm Wednesday,12th November Lunch/Storytime 12.00pm - 2.00pm Tuesday, 25th November Prep Induction Evening (Parents only) 7.00pm - 8.00pm Tuesday 9th December Prep Orientation Morning 9.30am -10.30am Please note the Uniform shop will be open on the following day during transition. Normal opening hours are: Thursday 8.30-10.30am Extra opening time: Wednesday, 12th November Uniform shop 11.00am - 1.00pm A reminder about the online program ‘Mathletics’ Parent Survey. Dear Parents, Please use the link below to access the survey about the home use of the mathematics online program ‘Mathletics’. Students and staff have been surveyed about their usage of the program and their opinions of its effectiveness in assisting with student learning. Now it is your turn to have your say! Your participation in this short survey is greatly appreciated, as your views are highly valued. Old Orchard Primary School pays a substantial annual subscription to this program for both school and home use and it is important that we ensure that value for use is achieved. Kind regards, The Numeracy Team https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/QPQZRDK OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Communication Page PARENTS: Please note permission forms were replaced mid 2013 by a PERMISSION / PAYMENT ENVELOPE. If you require these envelopes your child may collect a bundle from the office at any time. REMINDER: dren Check ith Chil Working W rd expired? Has your ca ave who h me parents e expired. There are so hildren Checks that hav we hC the office so to Working wit in ll a c to r mbe orking W ith Please reme your new W f o y p o c a can take rd. Children Ca NON COMPLETION OF PERMISSION / PAYMENT ENVELOPES FOR YOUR CHILD….BY THE DUE DATE MAY RESULT IN YOUR CHILD NOT ATTENDING AN INCURSION / EXCURSION. UE DATE: D E P O L E V N 13 October MISSION E R E rmission due /P Pe T / N t E en M ym Y Pa PA October ission due 16 rm ($10) Payment / Pe Yr 1 Dinner October $8 per family / le 17 October ng ission due 24 si rm 5 Pe $ / co t is en D l ym oo Pa Sch 23 October akfast ($5) re B ep Pr 31 October TERM DATES 2014 Term 4 6 October—19 December 1.30pm Emails sen t home Literacy ev ening—14th recently Oct at 7.30p Music Soire m e—30th Oc t Sustainable houses—G rades 5 & 6 Fete meetin g 22nd Oct at 2.30pm Spring Carn ival Lunche on tickets OOPS WEEKLY WRAP FROM THE OFFICE……... ASSEMBLIES WHAT’S ON AT OOPS 14 Oct 17 Oct 22 Oct 23 Oct 24 Oct 30 Oct 31 Oct 6 Nov Parent Information Evening—Literacy Yr 1 Dinner Fete Meeting 2.30pm School Disco Spring Carnival Luncheon Music Soiree Prep Breakfast Moon Light Picnic 6.30pm 15 Nov 20 Nov School Fete Graduation Photos SECOND HAND CLOTHING We have a large amount of second hand clothing for sale. It is only $5.00 an item. Call into the office and check out the range of second hand clothing Payment / Permission Envelopes—remember to complete BOTH SIDES of the envelope as this is your permission for your child to attend an incursion/excursion. UNIFORM INFORMATION Our uniform shop will be open during the school terms Thursdays—8.30am—10.30am Please note the Uniform Shop is no longer able to accept cheques. Payment may be made by credit card or cash only. SCHOOL BANKING School Banking every Friday. Please send deposit books to school via the classroom. Oct-10 3 - 6 Drayton Hall 4TR Oct-17 P - 2 Drayton Hall Pr. LT Oct-24 3 - 6 Drayton Hall 3KB Oct-31 P - 2 Drayton Hall 2EO & 12LB Nov-07 3 - 6 Drayton Hall 3AF Nov-14 P - 2 Drayton Hall Pr. DS Nov-21 3 - 6 Drayton Hall 5AP Nov-28 P - 2 Drayton Hall Pr. JF & Pr. RC Dec-05 3 - 6 Drayton Hall Dec-12 P - 2 Drayton Hall Dec-19 P - 6 Gymnasium End of Year IMPORTANT NOTICE RE PAYMENTS ON LINE. It is wonderful that so many people are paying accounts and excursions online but please remember to include your reference details. Eg Name and the activity— Camp, Excursion etc. This enables us to accurately credit your accounts. ASTHMA MANAGEMENT FORMS Asthma Management Forms 2014 are available from the school office. If your child suffers from Asthma and requires medication to be administered at school please contact the office for a management form. DIRECT DEPOSIT—ON THE NET Parents may wish to pay school fees, excursions swimming charges with Direct Deposit on the Net. Bank details: Commonwealth BSB: 063 485 Acc No 10021781 Remember to include your name and reference. OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. Sugden Accounting Services is a member of CPA Australia. We provide a reliable and comprehensive range of services including Compliance and Tax Services, Business Advisory Consulting, Financial Planning and Self Managed Superannuation Fund Services to individuals and small to medium businesses in a broad range of industries. Brett Sugden, principal of Sugden Accounting Services and his team have over 20 years experience. We have all the expertise to ensure clients achieve maximum financial benefits and goals through smart business strategies. Call Brett Sugden @ SUGDEN ACCOUNTING SERVICES ON 9882 5155 OOPS WEEKLY WRAP OOPS WEEKLY WRAP PE AND SPORT NEWS Divisional Athletics 21 of our students represented the Blackburn District at the Whitehorse Divisional Athletics yesterday. They all performed very well at this higher level of competition. The following children finished 1st or second in their events and will be representing the Division at the Eastern Metro Regional athletics next Thursday. Congratulations to all our athletes and best wishes for next week to: Bailey Brito-Babapulle 4HK, Grade Hayen 4HK, Monique Martin 4HK, Holly Richmond 4HK, Lina Ouaziz 5LC, Sebastian Valle 5AP, Luke Brito-Babapulle 6EH, Emma Daly 6MO, Danika Di Santo 6JM, Bethany Hayen 6EH, Blake Ritchie 6MO. Health and PE Week We are joining with many schools in celebrating health and PE week next week Oct 13 – 17. We will mark this celebration with 2 particular events. One is a “Classroom Jump Up” activity. Classes will set an alarm to ring regularly during a day of the week and will jump up to engage in a prearranged physical activity whenever the alarm rings. This is a novel way to remind us all that physical activity can fit into our regular daily activities. The second event is a tabloid sports activity for Prep – Grade 2 classes. This day will be planned and organised by our Grade 6 students on Friday, October 17th, from 9.00 – 10.40am. Families and friends are most welcome to come and enjoy the children participating in this fun event. Ride It 2014 The Cities of Whitehorse and Boorondara are again running this riding skills competition on November 12th. We are currently putting together out team of 10 competitors from grade 5 & 6. There are still a few vacancies, so interested riders should talk to Kevin. Clinics We have a couple of special clinics coming up over the next couple of weeks. On Thursday, October 16th, the Grade 6 classes will take part in a table tennis clinic run by the Croydon Table tennis Association during their PE lessons. On Monday, October 20th, the Prep – Grade 2 children will take part in a Milo Cricket clinic with coaches from Cricket Victoria. Girls A Basketball Final Our girls who won the basketball in the summer round robin are finally getting to compete in the divisional level final on October 29th. They are currently training hard! Great Victorian Bike Ride Our group of 16 riders in now into full training for this ride in December. Regular training rides happen every second Sunday morning and a special school holiday ride happened last Friday. Some good lessons in resilience were learned with a couple of bike break downs and a spill off a bike. Our riders are showing great perseverance and having a good time building their fitness. Kevin Purvis PE Teacher OOPS WEEKLY WRAP KIDZONE NEWS OOPS WEEKLY WRAP KIDZONE NEWS 4SB CLASSROOM REQUEST Do you have any magazines at home you no longer need? We are looking for 60 of them for an activity in our classroom. Please bring them to 4SB. Thank you Sarah Buckingham (4SB) OOPS WEEKLY WRAP CHAPLAINCY AT OLD ORCHARD What is Old Orchard Chaplaincy? Our School Chaplain is Maree White. Chaplaincy is a Christian ministry under the auspices of Access Ministries Victoria. It is relational in nature and builds bridges of trust, confidence and competency among students, staff and parents. Chaplaincy has at its core Pastoral Care. It involves a mixture of pastoral care, counselling, nurturing, teaching and support. Chaplaincy is part of the school’s Student Welfare program. What does Old Orchard Primary School’s Chaplaincy offer? Chaplaincy provides a resource that helps to help meet the spiritual and pastoral needs of students, staff and parents. This includes care and acceptance to all, regardless of race, gender, religious or cultural background. Chaplaincy provides an educational resource for teachers in the classroom. Chaplaincy provides support for children dealing with grief & loss, divorce, fears, behavioural problems; low self- esteem and relationship issues. Chaplaincy provides a safe environment for people to share with someone who will listen. Chaplaincy provides assistance in times of crisis How do children benefit from Chaplaincy? Unconditional acceptance One to one referral sessions Support group sessions Building self- esteem and hope Games, art, and teaching activities How can I access the Chaplain’s services? Old Orchard Chaplaincy currently operates two days a week- Monday and Thursday Support may be provided for a single session or for a period of time at no cost to the parent/guardian. The student/Chaplain session may take place during class time or during lunch hour out of the classroom with teacher permission Parent/guardian permission is necessary for primary students to be seen by the Chaplain Permission slips are available from the school office and need to be completed and returned for session to begin. The Chaplain of Old Orchard Primary School is available for informal chats to discuss any issues of concern to support students and can be contacted through the School Office OOPS WEEKLY WRAP TICK ETS SELL Only ING F 16 da AST. ys to go… …. OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Fete News—Saturday 15th Nov 2014 Than ks to H our s choo oyts Cine m l Fete on 15 a for supp th No o vemb rting er. Fete Group Class Representative meetings: Wed Fri 22nd Oct 7th Nov HAMPER Jam/Pickle Makers Do you or a friend/relative make your own preserves? We are seeking donations for our 2014 OOPS Fete. It is important that all the ingredients are noted as we will label them with our OOPS Fete logo. If you can spare a few jars (or need some jars!) please contact Jackie 0409 026 670 jackie.grierson@bigpond.com 2.30pm 9.15am Prep DS Kitchen Hamper Prep LT Mum's hamper Prep JF Cleaning Hamper Prep RC BBQ Hamper Grade 1KS Baby Hamper Grade 1MM Family Games Hamper Grade 1/2B Grocery Hamper Grade 1KD Party Hamper Grade 2JH Book Hamper Grade 2EO Gardening Hamper Grade 2LO Sport Hamper Grade 3AF Baking Hamper Grade 3KB Craft Hamper Grade 3WS Toy Hamper Grade 4TR Boys Hamper Grade 4HK Girls Hamper Grade 4SB Kids Kitchen Hamper Grade 5TT Make Up Hamper Grade 5LC Christmas Hamper Grade 5AP Beach Hamper Grade 6MO Chocolate Hamper Grade 6JM Spicy Hamper Grade 6EH Dad's Hamper OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Fete News—Saturday 15th Nov 2014 SECOND HAND BOOKS STALL Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this stall in the past, it is always a great success. For anyone looking to donate, please separate 2nd hand goods from books as we have a separate Second hand goods Stall and please ensure the books are in a reasonable state for reselling. SECOND HAND BOOKS DONATION DROP OFF TIMES Donations can be left Wednesday mornings weekly during term 4 up to and including Wed 12th November which would be the last drop off time. Please leave any donations in the area next to the Uniform shop. Please do not block access to either the Uniform shop, hallway to gym or Kidzone. Beyond this we welcome drop offs at other times and the area will be checked and cleared regularly. Many thanks for your support in helping make this year’s OOPS Fete a great success! Tenille Chamclam, PREP DS Second hand goods for the fete Trash N Treasure stall can be dropped Fridays and Mondays until the 24th October. Please leave neatly near the uniform shop in the gym. Please no large items until near the time. Thanks Sarah Garry OOPS WEEKLY WRAP OOPS WEEKLY WRAP OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. FROCKTOBER Hi all, Amelie (1KD) is participating in the Frocktober challenge to help raise funds for Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF). The aim is to help raise funds to find a early detection test for Ovarian Cancer. Here is a link for more information: http://www.everydayhero.com.au/event/frocktober She has to wear a dress every day of the month of October rain, hail and shine! This is the link to Amelie's supporter page: https:// frocktober.everydayhero.com/au/amelie Thanks Samantha Meeuwissen Raising awareness of Type 1 Diabetes Hi Everyone, We are Walking to Cure Diabetes this weekend on Sunday the 28th of October at Tweed Heads NSW! Raising awareness of Type 1 Diabetes is important to our family, all funds raised go directly to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation to improve the lives of all people diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and ultimately a cure. Many of our friends & family have already made generous donations to our fund raising earlier this year. This year is the first time we have embraced fundraising through social media, so I apologize if I have bombarded you with messages. Thank you all for your support over the last 7 years that we have been living with Type 1 Diabetes. Lets make Type 1 Type None! JDRF is the only global organisation with a strategic research plan to end T1D. The plan is to deliver an ongoing stream of life-changing therapies moving from development through to commercialisation that lessen the impact of T1D. JDRF wants to help keep people with T1D healthy and safe today until we reach our ultimate goal of a cure and universal prevention of T1D. T1D is a serious disease that affects 122,300 Australian children and adults. They need up to six insulin injections every day or a continuous infusion of insulin through a pump, just to stay alive. Take steps with me today to deliver a world without type 1 diabetes. Please make a donation to my personal fundraising web page and one day you will be able to say that you helped turn Type One into Type None. Click here to visit my Web page Thank you for your support. Sincerely, Julie Lakey OOPS WEEKLY WRAP Community Notices Advertising material is included in this newsletter as requested but is not necessarily endorsed by Old Orchard Primary School. FOR MS AV AILA OFF BLE A TT ICE HE
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