April 12, 2015 - Our Lady of Grace Church

Our Lady of Grace
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
April 12, 2015
Phone: 336-274-6520
Rev. Fr. Eric Kowalski ............................................ Pastor
Rev. Fr. Jason Barone .............................. Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mr. Tim Rohan, retired ..............Permanent Deacon
Rev. Mr. James Toner .........................Permanent Deacon
Rev. Mr. Enedino Aquino ...................Permanent Deacon
In the Eucharist we receive the true Christ—the foundation of
our Church. With Christ in us, we form, nurture, and promote love,
respect for human dignity, Christian values and teachings within our
family, parish, and community through worship and service.
2203 West Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403-1515
Phone: 336-274-6520 • Fax: 336-274-7326
Hours: Mon.–Wed., Fri. 9:00 am–12Noon, 1:00–4:00 pm
Thursday ........................... 9:00 am–12Noon only
Website ............................................. www.olgchurch.org
Church Email .......................... olgchurch@olgchurch.org
Catholic Social Services............................. 336-288-1984
Hispanic Ministries .................................... 336-273-2343
201 South Chapman St. • Greensboro, NC 27403-1611
Phone: 336-275-1522 • Fax: 336-279-8824
Principal ............................................... Mrs. Amy Pagano
Website .................................................. www.olgsch.org
School Email ................................. olgschool@olgsch.org
Saturday ...............................................................5:00 pm
Sunday ................................ 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am,
........................ 1:00 pm Latin Mass, 5:00 pm (Bilingual)
Holydays of Obligation ............................. As Announced
Monday, Tuesday & Friday ................................. 8:00 am
Wednesday ........................................................... 8:45 am
Thursday ..... 8:00 am Latin Mass (Beginning April 23rd)
Saturday ........................... First Saturday ONLY 8:00 am
Tuesday .......................................................5:00–5:30 pm
Wednesday .......... 8:00–8:30 am (prior to 8:45 am Mass)
Saturday ......................................................3:00–4:15 pm
Recitation of the Holy Rosary: 1st Sat./month at 7:30 am
prior to the 8:00 am Mass. Other Saturdays at 8:00 am.
English Baptism: Baptismal Prep Class−1st Sun. of each
Month at 12:30 pm, School Library. Baptisms are usually
the 2nd Sat. of each Month at 10:00 am (except April &
May). Please check with the church office for exact dates.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First Fri. of each
month from 8:45 am–5:30 pm. 1st Sat. of each month after
the 8:00 am Mass.
Divine Mercy Sunday
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
April 12, 2015
The Entrance Hymn
April 12, 2015
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
The Gloria
of the
First Reading
Acts 4: 32-35
Psalm 118
Give thanks to the Lord for
he is good, his love is
Second Reading
I John 5: 1-6
The Gospel
John 20: 19-31
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Cantor: The angel of the Lord descended from heaven. *
Assembly: The angel spoke, addressing the women,
"You are looking for Jesus, the crucified, but he is not here. *
He has been raised, exactly as he promised, alleluia.
Offertory Hymn
------Vigil, 9:00, 11:00—Next Page
Bilingual Mass: #290 in the
Celebremos Missalette
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
April 12, 2015
Liturgy of the Eucharist
THE OFFERTORY HYMN: All You On Earth Rejoice And Sing
April 12, 2015
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Communion Hymn
Bilingual Mass
------#279 in the
Copyright acknowledgements for music in this Worship Guide: Hymns reprinted with permission here under World Library Publications License
Agreement C18908B ,Franklin Park, IL. Music for the Communion Antiphon by Richard Rice © 2013, Ricescores.com.
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Parish Staff/General Information
Rev. Fr. Eric Kowalski, elkolgcs1@gmail.com ext. 314
Rev. Fr. Jason Barone, frjbarone@olgchurch.org ext. 318
Permanent Deacons
April 12, 2015
Directoria de Ministerios Hispanos
Padre Eric Kowalski, elkolgcs1@gmail.com ext. 314
Dcn. Tim Rohan (ret.), Call the church office.
Dcn. James H. Toner, Call the church office.
Diácono Enedino Aquino, 273-2343
Javier y Josefina, 763-8704
Adult Catechesis
Jim McCullough, jmccullough@olgchurch.org, ext. 335
Religious Education Coordinator
Rachel Yarbrough, ryarbrough@olgchurch.org, ext. 333
Youth Minister
Kelly Henson, youthminister@olgchurch.org, 919-219-1806 (cell)
Preschool Religious Education Coordinator/VBS
Lisa Balzano, lbalzano@olgchurch.org, ext. 321
Director of Liturgy
Fr. Eric Kowalski, elkolgcs1@gmail.com ext. 314
Organist & Choir Director
Jesús y Marina, 987-8884
Hermán Sedda, 457-9954
Jerman Duran, 233-2051
Fitty Reyes, 476-0472
Nuria Duran, 685-9866
Andrew O’Connor, aoconnor@olgchurch.org, ext. 330
Executive Assistant to the Pastor
Olivia Henson, ohenson@olgchurch.org, ext. 317
Parish Business Manager
MaryAnn DiPaola, mdipaola@olgchurch.org, ext. 315
Receptionist/Parish Records
Jean Wilson, jwilson@olgchurch.org, ext. 322
Bulletin Editor
Rita Eberle, reberle@olgchurch.org, ext. 310
Building & Grounds Supervisor
Jeff Smith, jsmith@olgchurch.org, ext. 311
Danny Byerly, dbyerly@olgchurch.org, ext. 316
The church has two parking areas—a small lot on Chapman Street and a larger
lot on Tremont Drive. Please observe all city parking regulations when parking
on the street.
Submissions may be sent to reberle@olgchurch.org. submission deadline
is two WEDNESDAYS prior to the publishing weekend.
Couples please contact the church office if you wish to schedule a
wedding at the parish— a minimum of 6 months preparation is required.
Baptism: Parents should attend a Baptismal Preparation Class (held the
first Sunday of each month at 12:30pm in the school library). English
Baptisms are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM.
Please contact Olivia Henson (ext. 317 or ohenson@olgchurch.org) in
the office for more information.
Anointing of the Sick: If you or a loved one are seriously ill or facing
surgery, please contact the church office to arrange to receive the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
Communion for the Sick & Homebound: Please contact the church
office if you are in the hospital or homebound or are unable to attend
Mass. We will make arrangements for you to receive Communion.
First Communion, Confirmation, Religious Vocations:
Please call the church office for information.
Ministerio Hispano, 963-3704
Juan Luis Juárez, 327-6426
Daniel Cruz Santos, 965-1179
Sergio A. Gonzalez, 895-3785
Pláticas y formación cada tercer domingo de cada mes hora 3:30 PM
Los bautizos se celebran solamente en las fechas siquentes:
El 18, 25 de Abril 2015
Por favor note: Bautismo comienza PUNTUALMENTE a las 10:00 AM.
Lecturas de la Semana—12 de Abril del 2015
Domingo: San Martin I
Hch 4, 32-35/1 Jn 5, 1-6/Jn 20, 19-31
Lunes: Hch 4, 23-31/Jn 3, 1-8
Martes: Hch 4, 32-37/Jn 3, 7-15
Miércoles: Hch 5, 17-26/Jn 3, 16-21
Jueves: Hch 5, 27-33/Jn 3, 31-36
Viernes: Hch 5, 34-42/Jn 6, 1-15
Sábado: Hch 6, 1-7/Jn 6, 16-21
Domingo Siguiente: Tercer Domingo de Pascua
Hch 3, 13-15. 17-19/1 Jn 2, 1-5/Lc 24, 35-48
April 12, 2015
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Parish Support
Pray for the Sick
Names appear for two weeks unless continuation is requested.
As of April 5th, 2015
Actual Collection
Offertory Goal
($ 3,230)
Year-to-Date for Fiscal Year 2014/2015
Actual Collection
Offertory Goal
Surplus/(Loss) for FY 2014/2015
($ 34,097)
Thank you for your continued financial sacrifices made on
behalf of our parish family. God bless you, Fr. Kowalski
Diocesan Support Appeal 2015 Update
2015 Diocesan Support Appeal parish target: $111,407.24—this amount
must be remitted to the diocese by January 2016.
Amount raised thus far: $68,116.00
Amount still needed: $43,291.24
Pledges thus far: 173
Number of registered families in the parish: 1850
We need the assistance of our entire parish family to fulfill our obligation
to the diocese. If every registered family makes a pledge,
we will meet our obligation in no time!
If you have not yet made a pledge, please do so NOW.
Scripture Readings
Daily readings may also be found at www.usccb.org/bible/readings.
Monday: St. Martin I
Acts 4:23-31/Jn 3:1-8
Acts 4:32-37/Jn 3:7b-15
Acts 5:17-26/Jn 3:16-21
Thursday: Acts 5:27-33/Jn 3:31-36
Friday: Acts 5:34-42/Jn 6:1-15
Diane Adams, Arturo Ayala, Kristin Brackett, Suzanne Brown,
Steve Burns, Deb Carley, Heather Coe, Tony Constantino, Dave Cook,
Diane Cook, Esther Cui, Thomas Cullen, Tom Dourgarian,
Robert Farley, Matthew Field, Barbara Forman, Mary E. Fuller,
Julie Goldyn, Pat Guiliano, Thomas Guiliano, James Guzzio,
Claire Haberle, Kathy Hellberg, Scott John, Raymond Johnson,
Colin Kanyuk, Carol Anne Kenny, Ericka Kinnear, Joe Klagholz,
Fr. Dan Klem, Evelyn Knox, Dorothy Kowalski, Dan & Marie LaBlanca,
Phillip Legnetti, Brian Marble, Julian McClamroch, Carol McGough,
Larry Miles, Fred Myers, Mary Mullins, Paul Murawski, Jerome Murphy,
John O’Day, Ed Pachasa, Ray Parrish, Amor Payawal,
Nelson Payawal, Nancy Poueymirou, Giacomo Puccio, Roberta Pugh,
Cheryl Reekes, Nancy Saksa, Ronald Saksa, Scott Silknitter,
Connie Stevens, Thomas Steward, Elizabeth Sullivan,
Maria & Sylvia Szumilus, Mildred Turnage, Aniekan Udoka,
Aluite Udoka, Matthew Waterman, John Watterson,
Sharon Wintermate, Jimmy Wright, Sofie Zuluga
Pray for Those in Military Service
Remember the men and women in the active military and their families in prayer.
Your support until their loved ones’ safe return is appreciated.
SGT Thomas Berti, Andrew Dial, 2D Lt. Van Cress Clippard, Jr.,
PO1 James Andrew Ellis, Maj James R. Schmid, SGT Zackaria Harris,
PFC Kimberly Walton, Lt Garland Wilson, CM2 Steven Walton,
Sgt Adrian M. Welch, Cpl James Austin, Lt CDR John Roath,
E-3 PFC Cody B. Brown, PO3 Jesse M. Brown, Pvt Thomas Popek,
CPO Glen Thomas, Lt Col Rick Moor, 1st Lt. Lucas Weeks,
SFC Frank Luedtke, Pvt Colin Butts, SPC Wayne Hopper,
SSG Steven Bixby, SFC Chris Brooks, SSgt David A. Weekley,
Pvt Crystal Martinez-Butts, SPC Elliot F. Chodkowski,
Cpl Jonathan Hill, Sgt Maj Corbin’s Unit, SSgt Travis Hawley,
Sgt Chris Kirwan, USMC, PFC Conway Prior, Staff Sgt. Ian Taylor,
LT John Valitutto, PO1 James McNair, Matthew Gayle, Nathan Bills,
Ssgt Jae Christensen M. Solina, J. Bryan Bailiff, Kaura Bryant
April 12th—April 19th, 2015
SUN—April 12th
Acts 6:1-7/Jn 6:16-21
Eternal rest grant unto all the faithful departed,
O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them…
Mass in the Extraordinary Form
We are pleased to announce that beginning
Thursday, April 23rd Our Lady of Grace will add
Mass in the Extraordinary Form to its daily Mass schedule
each Thursday at 8:00 AM.
The Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Jason Barone.
7:00 AM
Sarah & Robert Pupello
9:00 AM
For the People of our Parish
11:00 AM
Herman W. Halter, Sr.†
1:30 PM
Lee Doyle
5:00 PM
Joanna Gutierrez
8:00 AM
Karen & Michael Pupello
TUE—April 14th
8:00 AM
Ann Herard†
WED—April 15th
8:45 AM
Courtney Lysiak
FRI—April 17th
8:00 AM
Stephanie Sumner
SAT—April 18th
5:00 PM
For the People of our Parish
SUN—April 19th
7:00 AM
Deceased Members of the
Campbell Family†
9:00 AM
Grace Sowinski†
MON—April 13th
11:00 AM
Teresa Pierro†
1:00 PM
For the People of our Parish
5:00 PM
Rev. Joseph Waters†
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Pastor’s Message
“Laudetur Jesus Christus!” (Praised be Jesus Christ!)
Today Holy Mother Church celebrates the Sunday of Divine Mercy.
The designation of this Sunday as “Divine Mercy Sunday” is the result
of the actions of the late Pope John Paul II in response to the request
of Our Lord to St. Faustina Kowalska.
I would like to begin by expressing my heartfelt thanks to all those who
so spoiled both Fr. Barone and myself with prayers and good wishes,
as well as cards and delicious goodies. All were most appreciated!
Even the parish Corgis, Sasha and Max, got a few goodies! Thank you
so much for your generosity and love!
I would like to thank our seminarian Bradford Ryback and Joshua Denil
(a student from UNCG) who acted as Masters of Ceremony for the
various liturgies of the Triduum. I greatly appreciate their hard work
and sacrifices of their time to ensure that everything ran as smoothly
as it did.
I would also like to thank my Deacons. I am not only blessed but
extremely spoiled to have the talents that Deacon James Toner and
Deacon Enedino Aquino brought to the Church’s liturgies here at Our
Lady of Grace. They are each a blessing to me and to Our Lady of
The beautiful services of Holy Week and Easter would not have been
possible without the talents and hard work of our many talented
musicians and singers. We are very blessed to have a number of
extremely talented individuals who comprise the choirs here at OLG
and who sing in a variety of languages and musical styles. A special
word of thanks to Andrew O’Connor, Organist and Choir Director here
at OLG, for his invaluable work with our Adult Choir, as well as to Fitty
Reyes and the Spanish Choro which helps lead sung prayer during our
weekly Sunday 5:00PM Bilingual Mass. I have watched with great joy
how our Adult Choir has grown not only in their knowledge and
appreciation of the Sacred Liturgy but also in their understanding of
just what Sacred Liturgical Music is and its importance to Liturgy. I am
grateful that they have risen to the challenge to present each week
authentic sacred liturgical music that not only enhances the Sacred
Liturgy but also uplifts and inspires us all. The music at all of our
various liturgies during Holy Week and on Easter was better than
anything I could have ever hoped for. Thank you to all of our choir and
choro members for your hard work and for your love and dedication to
this parish family!
Thank you also to the Lectors and to those servers who not only came
to the various practices necessary to make the services flow so
beautifully but who also assisted so professionally and ably at all of the
Masses. Their example was very uplifting. Thank you!
To our ushers, my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your capable
work with “crowd control” and assisting to help keep the services
flowing and our many visitors made to feel safe and welcome. Kudos
for a job well done!
A word of thanks to Jim McCullough and the RCIA team for their
tremendous work with our catechumens and candidates who
completed their initiation into our Holy Faith at the Easter Vigil Mass
last Saturday night. Thank you for handing on the Faith not only by
what you teach but by the example of your lives. God bless you!
April 12, 2015
I received more compliments than I could count on just how beautiful
our Church building looked. That only happened because of the hard
work and dedication of the countless volunteers who assisted in
scrubbing and cleaning the Church Holy Saturday morning. It was truly
amazing to see just what a thorough job they all did! Absolutely every
inch of the interior of the church was cleaned and truly sparkled. A
number of our OLG School students as well as several high school
students came out and helped make sure everything was thoroughly
cleaned (including the chandeliers in the side aisles!) (Thank you to
one special student from our school who undertook that task!) A
special word of thanks to Patty Jennings for overseeing the cleaning on
Saturday and to Betty Doyle for overseeing the floral decorations which
adorned and beautified our church. Kudos to you all!
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention and thank Don McCloskey, our
porter, who opens our church each morning and so lovingly sets up for
the early Mass.
A word of thanks to our counters who so faithfully assist each week
with the processing of our offertory collection, and to MaryAnn DiPaola
who oversees the counting each week. Our counters are unseen and
often forgotten by our parish family, yet their work is extremely
important. Thank you for your hard work and dedication!
Finally, I would like to thank my brother priest and our Parochial Vicar
Fr. Barone, and our office staff, Olivia, Jeff, Jean, Kelly, Rita, Danny
and MaryAnn.
Fr Barone’s presence and ministry here has been a tremendous
support and inspiration for me personally and for our parish family.
Father’s devotion and love for the Church has born much fruit through
his involvement in the classroom and in his preaching. Thank you,
Father and may God bless you!
Our office and parish staff also work very hard and pay close attention
to detail, both of which assure that everything runs smoothly here at
Our Lady of Grace. They too are a real blessing to me and to our
parish family. Thank you and God bless you!
And to any I may have omitted, please know that it was not intentional.
May God bless you for your love of our parish family.
As we continue to observe this joyous Easter Season, may God bless
you and keep you all!
Oremus pro invicem/Let us pray for each other!
Rev. Fr. Eric L. Kowalski
Banquet Hall Chair
Meeting Room Chair
PLC – Buy a Chair Program
320 Chairs needed
168 Chairs purchased
152 Chairs still available for purchase
We are Half Way to Our Goal!
Parish Life Center – Buy a Chair Program
Because of your generosity we are half way to our goal of 320 chairs
for the Parish Life Center. So if you have not purchased a chair there
is still time to do so. Just make a check payable to OLG Church for
$35 for each chair and mark it for PLC-Chair. You may place your
contribution in the offertory basket at Mass or drop it off in the church
office during regular business hours. Keep checking the bulletin
weekly for chair updates and see the numbers add up!
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Use My Smart Phone in Church?
Tech savvy smart phone owners can now donate
to OLG by scanning the QR code located on these
colorful cards in the pews. Download a QR Scan
App, scan the code at the top of the card or this
code. You will be given options to donate to
various funds. The first time you will be asked to create a profile
including your email and a password. Choose payment type, click the
fund and amount and you are done. Your donation will be recorded just
as if you had submitted an envelope with cash or check. How easy is
that? The QR code is also located on the front of our bulletin and
on our web site at www.olgchurch.org.
Sunday Morning Option for
Adult Bible Study!
Jim McCullough, Adult Catechesis, is offering a Sunday morning
Bible Study for interested adults. It meets from 10:30-11:30 AM while
our parish Religious Education program is in session. Bring your own
Bible. (We have a couple of ‘loaners’ if you forget.) Beginners
welcome! You’re welcome to bring coffee, too. Scripture is a treasure
for anyone who wants to grow closer to our Lord. No prior registration
is needed. Email Jim at jmccullough@olgchurch.org or call 274-6520
x 335 if you have questions. Otherwise, see you there!
“There is no
such thing as
Pope Francis tells us.
In Luke 6:39-42, Jesus
uses the analogy of a
“splinter in your brother’s
eye” to warn his followers against the hypocrisy of judging others
without first judging themselves. “Remove the wooden beam from your
eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter in your
brother’s eye,” Jesus says.
Pope Francis admonishes us to avoid gossip, calling it a “criminal” act
that is no different than the act of murder that Cain committed against
his brother, Abel.
“It’s not me saying this, it’s the Lord,” the pope says. “And there is no
place for nuances. If you speak ill of your brother, you kill your brother.
And every time we do this, we are imitating that gesture of Cain, the
first murderer in history.”
Francis urges us to refrain from gossiping about another person,
instead says we should “go and pray for him! Go and do penance for
her! And then, if it is necessary, speak to that person who may be able
to seek remedy for the problem.”
“We ask for grace so that we and the entire church may convert from
the crime of gossip to love, to humility, to meekness, to docility, to the
generosity of love towards our neighbor,” Pope Francis says.
April 12, 2015
Marriage and Natural Family Planning
To Love as God Loves:
Free, Total, Faithful and Fruitful
All married and single adults are invited to an afternoon presentation
and discussion on marriage and family and the Church’s teaching on
sexual intimacy.
When: April 18, 2015, Saturday
1:00—3:00 pm
Where: St. Paul the Apostle
*Full NFP course to begin April 25
To register or for more information contact: Dana Foss
dg-foss@msn.com or 254-366-8486 (c)
“...authentic love comes to us from Jesus. He offers us his word, which
illuminates our path; he gives us the Bread of Life which sustains us on
our journey.” Pope Francis’ Letter to Families
13th Annual Amy Elizabeth Disney
Memorial Golf Tournament
To benefit the College Program of
Room At The Inn of the Triad
Calling all golfers! Enjoy a glorious spring day at Greensboro
National Golf Club while supporting a wonderful cause! The Amy
Elizabeth Disney Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on
Thursday, May 7th this year. All proceeds go to fund the college
program of Room At The Inn of the Triad. $500 for a team of four
players includes: lunch, beer on the course, dinner, cash prizes and
golfing packages for winners and a chance to win lots of other prizes
too. We are also looking for individuals or businesses interested in
sponsoring this event.
For more information, call Marianne 336.391.6299.
Habitat for Humanity Lunch Crew
The Our Lady of Grace Habitat for Humanity Lunch Crew will serve
Saturday, April 25th. OLG will bring all paper goods, homemade soup /
chili, soft drinks, and chips.
We will meet in the OLG Tremont Parking lot at 10:30 AM to carpool to
the job site. If you are dropping off donated items for the lunch at the
church office, ring the bell for access to the stair-side door and deposit
items in boxes located there. If you have items that need to be
refrigerated, come to the office lobby via the elevator (ring bell for
access) and the office staff will make sure the items get refrigerated.
Please drop donations off by noon on Friday April 24th. Call Lorraine
Brown at 707-6976 for more info or email lbjohn316@aol.com.
Carolina Catholic Chorale:
Orchestral Masses to be offered in May
Two Solemn High Orchestral Masses in the Extraordinary Form will be
offered in May with music provided by the Carolina Catholic Chorale
and accompanied by the CPCC Early Music Ensemble. (Masses are
open to the public at no cost.)
Saturday, May 2 at 2pm - Votive Mass of Our Lady
(Mozart's Missa Brevis B-major) - St. Thomas Aquinas in Charlotte
Thursday, May 14 at 7pm - Ascension of Our Lord
(Hassler's Missa Octo Vocum) - St. Ann in Charlotte
For more information, please visit
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
April 12, 2015
Annual Communion Breakfast
All Women of the Parish (and friends) Invited!
The Annual OLG Women’s Club Communion Breakfast will be held on
Sunday morning, April 19th, immediately following the 9:00 am Mass at
Our Lady of Grace Church. The breakfast will take place at the lovely
Starmount Forest Country Club at 1 Sam Snead Drive in Greensboro.
Plan to bring your mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, women friends or
neighbors and share a delicious breakfast and celebrate community.
Our guest speaker is Sister Emma Yondura, a Sister of St. Joseph
from Chestnut Hill, PA, who is currently a 1st grade teacher at St. Leo’s
Catholic School in Winston-Salem.
Please make your reservations by Sunday, April 12th. The cost is
$15 per adult and $7.50 for girls ages 3-17. You do not need to be a
member of the Women’s Club in order to attend. All women of the
parish and their guests are invited and encouraged to join us at this
special annual event!
Please make your checks payable to: Our Lady of Grace Women’s
Club and send them (with the names of those attending) to: Rosemary
Murphy, 1411 Hobbs Road, Greensboro, NC 27410 indicating the
names of those who are adults and those who are children. If you
have any additional questions, please call: Rosemary Murphy at 2920653 or Shirley Kinlaw at 294-6926. We look forward to seeing you on
Sunday, April 19th!
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Court Greensboro #1200 will have their annual spring bake
sale after all Masses, the weekend of April 25th & 26th.
Please come and pick up some baked goodies (in the school between
the gym and cafeteria) for Mother's Day and First Communion parties.
We will also be selling rosaries, jewelry, etc. and all proceeds will be
going to local charities in the Triad. Thank you!
Calling all men of the Diocese of Charlotte, The Men’s Catholic
Fellowship of the Carolinas will be hosting their 5th annual Men’s
Catholic Conference on Saturday April 25th at St. Matthews Church in
Charlotte. Please come join other like-minded men of the diocese for a
day of inspiring National Catholic speakers, Mass celebrated by
Bishop Jugis, adoration hosted by Bishop Emirates Curlin and a
chance to participate in reconciliation.
Last year, the annual men’s conference brought together over 800
men for an action-packed Spirit-filled day. In a time when it is getting
harder and harder for men to provide for and protect their families and
to lead them to be faithful, the conference provides a rare forum
specifically for men. We will hear how we men can grow spiritually
and enrich our relationships in our families, our marriages, our
parishes and our workplaces. There will also be times for fellowship,
confession & Mass.
We are pleased with our lineup of excellent speakers which includes
the Founder and President of Catholics Come Home, former Major
League baseball player Darrell Miller and Founder of One Strong
FAMILY, Mike Manhardt. Bishop Peter Jugis will celebrate Mass, and
Bishop Curlin will lead a Holy Hour reflection. This is an exciting
lineup and one that will have a message for every man in this church.
You can learn more about the conference by visiting our website
www.catholicmenofthecarolinas.org. We will be registering
parishioners after Masses this weekend at our table near the church
entrance. This would also be a wonderful event to bring a friend, and
for fathers and sons to attend together!!
Wives, encourage your husbands to attend this event as it will support
him in his calling to be the spiritual head of the family. Mike Manhardt
will also speak at a free event for women on Friday, April 24th. See
our flier for details. This weekend could be a great opportunity to
strengthen your families.
We hope you will join the other men from our parish at the Catholic
Men’s Conference on Saturday, April 25th, 2015. Come for yourself,
come for your wife, come for your children, and come for your church.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose Program
The Silver Rose is coming here on April 26th and is a
part of a Knights of Columbus program. The program
is called “Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose – One
Life, One Rose.” (Our Lady of Guadalupe is the
patroness of the Americas and of the unborn.)
The Silver Rose will be here after the 5:00 PM Mass
on April 26th. You may read more about the program
on our website at www.olgchurch.org.
April 12, 2015
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Come Check out Anchor Youth Ministry!
Easter Church Cleaning & Decorating
Separate young women’s and a young men’s discipleship groups that
focus in a small group setting on building up teens for Christ. We meet
10:15 AM-11:30 AM on all Rel Ed Sundays. More information on our
program can be found at: www.ydisciple.org.
Fr. Kowalski, Fr. Baron and the OLG Altar & Flower Committees are
grateful to the volunteers who joined us to prepare the church for the
celebration of our Easter liturgies. Thank you! We appreciate your
good work and spending time on Holy Saturday morning to serve our
parish. Our volunteers included families, teens, members of the flower
and altar committees, our seminarian Bradford, members of our
Hispanic community, and one of our catechumens!
D.T.S. (Dead Theologians Society) Youth Night
This is a wonderful group that meets for social time, prayer, and the
study of a new saint’s life every week. If you want to learn more
about your faith and meet some great new friends in a more relaxed
setting, this group is for you!
We also have several opportunities for service every month, an Anchor
Crew Leadership group, fun activities like hiking, ziplining, and
bowling, retreats, and other events. For more information about getting
involved in Anchor High School Youth Ministry (or to inquire about 8th
grade Confirmation preparation), contact the Youth Minister, Kelly
Henson--youthminister@OLGchurch.org, 919-219-1806.
Thank you to Bob, Betty, Marianne, Elizabeth, Bob, Brian, Charlie,
Michael, Marc, Craig, Benjamin, Samuel, Louise, Rosalina, Merida,
Maria, Ricardo, Elyza, Barbara, Claudia, Mary, Larry, Melissa and
Elijah. You were awesome and the church looked wonderful!
Mother’s Day Novena
Big Diocesan Youth
This year's theme is "Objective
Truth: Inscribed by God," to be
held at Ridgecrest Conference
Center in Black Mountain, NC, April 24th—26th, 2015.
Not only will it be a lot of fun, but you'll learn about topics like "Can we
each believe our own truth?", "How do you know what is true?", "Why
are relationships and family life so hard in modern life, and how can we
fix that?"
Fun fact: Kelly and Larry Henson (our youth minister and her husband
who leads our young men's YDisciple group) are workshop leaders at
the Conference this year. AND two of our own teens, Lilianna Romie &
Jake Altman, are on the Diocesan Youth Advisory Council that plans
the retreat.
To register, contact Kelly Henson at youthminister@OLGchurch.org or
at 919-219-1806 asap. Early bird registration ($115) ends with initial
deposits received by April 7th; general registration ($120) ends with
deposits received by April 14th. Don't let the cost keep you from
going; talk to Kelly about fundraising opportunities. If you are a
parishioner who would like to sponsor (or partially sponsor) a student
to go to the Conference talk to Kelly! We hope you'll join us!
Express your love for a special mother, grandmother, godmother,
mother-in-law, expectant mother, or any woman who has played a
motherly role in your life. Envelopes are available at the church
entrances for your Mother’s Day Novena intentions. The Novena of
Masses begins on Saturday, May 9th and continues through
Wednesday, May 20th.
Mother’s Day Cards:
Please consider purchasing your Mother’s Day
Cards from Our Lady of Grace
Mother’s Day Cards are now available to purchase in the church office
and will soon be available to order from our website. These beautiful
cards are $5 each. The text includes the message, “As a Spiritual Gift,
you will be remembered in the Masses offered in our church in
observance of Mother’s Day.” Please consider purchasing your
Mother’s Day Cards from Our Lady of Grace.
Night Shelter Ministry
Grateful thanks to the Italian Lovers Team for serving dinner at the
Greensboro Urban Ministry on Wednesday, April 1st. Your kindness
and good work are appreciated by the residents of the shelter and
everyone enjoyed the dinner! Special thanks to our new volunteers,
members of our OLG Girl Scout troop (for serving at both the March
and April dinners), all who donated fruits and desserts, and all who
donated money to help us buy the Chick-fil-A sandwiches. We
appreciate your ongoing support!
The OLG Originals Team will serve the next dinner scheduled for
Wednesday, May 6th. Questions, please email Patty Jennings at
pattyj@triad.rr.com. Thank you!
Second/Special Collection
(full schedule at www.olgchurch.org)
April 19—Catholic Campus Ministry Support
April 26—Seminary & Priests’ Continuing Education
May 3—The Grace Fund
May 14—Ascension
May 17—Combined International/National Collection
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
April 12, 2015
Open House at
Our Lady of Grace School
Last year, 6 of the top 10 students at Bishop McGuinness High School
were graduates of Our Lady of Grace School...come find out why! OLG
offers a 3 and 4 year old preschool, as well as classes for kindergarten
through 8th grade. Located in the heart of Greensboro's historic
Sunset Hills neighborhood, OLG just opened up a new 17,000 square
foot school! We offer grade-level and advanced classes starting in
kindergarten, Spanish instruction starting in pre-k, learning through
technology and more! Join us for open houses at 9:30 a.m. on April
16 and May 14. Find out more at www.olgsch.org or like us on
Facebook. OLG is located at 201 S. Chapman St. (336) 275-1522.
Our Lady of Grace PTO invites you to attend our annual auction on Friday,
April 24th. The event, themed "Masquerade" this year, is an evening of fun
and fellowship! Featuring the talented cover-band Walrus, a chance to win
up to $2,500 in cash through our Reverse Raffle, amazing food, and free
beer and wine . . . all at the beautiful Kress Terrace in Downtown
Greensboro. This is definitely a party you won't want to miss and it's a great
opportunity to enjoy fellowship with other families, while supporting our
In addition to being one amazing party, the auction is our largest fundraiser
of the year, providing funding for our school's technology updates and
equipment. To purchase your tickets to Masquerade, or your Reverse Raffle
tickets, please visit https://olgsch.ejoinme.org/2015.
Thank you and we'll see you at the Masquerade!
Raffle Ticket Sale
OLG students/parents will be at the church
this weekend after all Masses selling our
Reverse Raffle tickets.
The raffle is coming up so be sure to get your
tickets for a $2,500 Grand Prize!
The Winning Team!
Congratulations Battle of the Books team! Our Lady of Grace won
FIRST PLACE in the regional competition in Chapel Hill. They will
advance to compete at the state level in May.
What would you do with $2,500? A mini-vacation? Shopping spree? Well, you may just
have the chance to decide, if you participate in the school's 2015 Reverse Raffle!
Now, what is a reverse raffle?
Well, unlike a typical raffle, in a Reverse Raffle the purchaser of the last ticket drawn
wins the Grand Prize. In addition to our Grand Prize of $2500, the runner-up will win
$1000. Building up to these drawings, we'll pull tickets throughout the night of the auction, with the first ticket pulled winning $25 and other cash prizes (of increasing value)
awarded based on the order of the numbers drawn. One in every ten tickets will win!
Winners do not have to be present to win, but we do hope that you'll come!
Tickets can be purchased in the school office, by contacting Auction Chair, Christine
Byrd at 336.686.0655 or christinembyrd@gmail.com, or online at https://
April 12, 2015
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
A Message from Our Principal
Dear School Families -Forging into the 2015-16 school year, we’ll see two
revolutionary new learning programs at OLG.
STEM for Middle School will take off in August. A
curriculum information night will be held on April 15 for
parents and current and rising middle schoolers with more details to
follow. With the OLG STEM program, grades 6, 7 and 8 will be
immersed in Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as
they grow their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The
classroom teacher will serve as a facilitator, allowing students to work
through concepts and make discoveries. This is not a lecture but
instead a hands-on environment that is both nurturing and empowering.
The new PACE program has been specifically designed for students in
grades 1-6 who learn differently. We are pleased to have the support of
the Charlotte Diocese as this unique program has been developed for
students who need a small classroom setting to better focus on reading
and writing and who will return to the general education classroom
once they are at grade level. Contact me for details. Our Lady of Grace
will be the first Catholic school in the Triad with a PACE program.
Last week Reconciliation days were held for grades 2-8. Students are
growing in their faith and maturing in the teachings of the Catholic
Church. Father Kowalski shared with me the joy that he and Father
Barone have in seeing the children understand the need for the
sacrament. The children approach reconciliation with reverence and
respect as we all move in a positive, inspirational direction.
The Middle School Religion Department is planning memorable end-ofyear retreats for all middle school grade levels, and we’ll have
information to share soon. The retreats will be reflective and thought
provoking and will continue the Catholic identity.
I am pleased with the students’ accomplishments as they were
recognized at the Honor Roll reception last week. Thank you students
for your dedication to academics and their parents who love and
support these scholars.
A big congratulations to Riley Russell who competed in the North
Carolina Geography Bee in Charlotte last week.
After-school Spring Basketball Workouts have been so much fun for
boys and girls who enjoy the game. It will continue through May.
Don’t forget to log on to SchoolSpeak to update your information!
We had two Special Guests in March at OLG: Van Denton, senior
meteorologist at WGHP FoxNews8 shared weather facts and fun
information with first, second and third grade classes. Children’s author
Frances O’Roark Dowell encouraged everyone to write, telling the
group about her career path and love of reading. The writing
workshops held throughout the day were a hit with grades 3-8.
Mrs. Pagano
Summer Volleyball Camp
Bishop McGuinness summer
volleyball camp for all rising 5th - 8th graders, June 22nd - 25th, 4p-7p at
Bishop McGuinness High School. 4 evenings for only $50 and includes
a Villain Volleyball T-shirt, $38 for additional siblings. Please go to
www.bmvd2015.wix.com/villian-volleyball click on Future Villains tab for
more information and registration form. Contact Head Coach, Alex
Squires at al@bmhs.us for any additional needs.
Save the Date!
Totus Tuus/VBS, July 12th-17th
We are EXCITED to again offer
this summer program for children & youth
at OLG from July 12th – 17th.
Grades 1-12 and Pre-K + K.
Registration forms & more information will
soon be up on our website.
Congratulations Riley!
Riley Russell, grade 8, represented
Our Lady of Grace at the National
Geographic School Bee last week.
After going through many rounds of
competition with her schoolmates,
Riley was then invited to compete in
Charlotte by the National
Geographic Society based on her
written test score. Only the Top 100
schools in North Carolina were
included in the competition.
Congratulations Riley on all of your
hard work and your dedication that
got you to the state level. Riley was accompanied to the GeoBee by
her teacher, Mrs. Marlene Mode and by her parents.
Catholic Homeschoolers
& those interested in Catholic Homeschooling
Greensboro Catholic Home
Educators is now accepting
applications for FALL 2015-2016
Registration ends Monday June 1st
& Space is Limited
For Questions and/or Registration Information:
Please contact Kimberly Romie at
6:00P-Cub Scouts, CAF
6:00P-Cub Scouts, CAF
6:15P-Boy Scouts, Rm 308
8:00A Mass
6:00P-Cub Scouts, CAF
12-Divine Mercy Sunday, Devotion and
Veneration after 11:00A Mass in the church
AOH Raffle & Brunch after 11A Mass, CAF
10:15A YG YDisciple, OLC, SCH
10:30A-11:30A Rel. Ed
10:30A-11:30A Adult Bible Study, SCH
12:30P-Eng. Baptism Prep
2:00P-Hispanic Faith Formation
4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB
6:30P-Boy Scouts, GYM
WC-Annual Communion Breakfast, OS
10:15A YG YDisciple, OLC, SCH
10:30-11:30A Rel.Ed
10:30-11:30A Adult Bible Study, SCH
2:00P-Hispanic Faith Formation
3:00P-Hispanic Bapt. Prep, CAF
4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB
6:30P-Boy Scouts, GYM
Catholic Daughters Bake Sale
Diocesan Youth Conf., OS
10:15A YG YDisciple, OLC, SCH
10:30-11:30A Rel. Ed
10:30-11:30A Adult Bible Study Final, SCH
2:00P-Hispanic Faith Formation
4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB
6:00P-Confirmation Prep., CAF
6:30P-Boy Scouts, GYM
Church Office Closed
Church Office Closed
6:00P-Cub Scouts, Rm 103
7:00P-C.Daughters, LIB
APRIL 2015
Easter Sunday
10:00A-Bible Study, TBD
Holy Thursday
12:00P-Church Office Closed
7:00P-Mass of the Lord’s
Supper , Bilingual
NO Confessions
10:00A-Bible Study, CR
6-10:00P-Hispanic Youth
Retreat, CAF
Night Shelter Dinner
8:00A Mass
3:30P Children’s Adoration, CH
3:00P-Girl Scouts, LIB
11:00A-Prayer Shawl, PLC
3:00P-Girl Scouts, Rm 102
3:30P-Children’s Adoration, CH
YG-Deadline for DYC Registration
3:30P-Children’s Adoration, CH
10:00A-Bible Study, TBD
10:00A-Bible Study, TBD
1:00P-Your Life/Your
Legacy, PLC Room 1
10:00A-Bible Study, TBD
Good Friday
Church Office Closed
12:00P-Stations of the Cross
3:00P-Veneration of the Cross
Living Stations of the Cross
Diocesan Youth Conf., OS
OLG School Auction
10:00A-Bible Study, TBD
10:00A-Craft Group, PLC
Diocesan Youth Conf., OS
Charlotte Catholic Men’s Conf.
Catholic Daughters Bake Sale
8:00A-Rosary, CH
10:00 AM Habitat for Humanity
Lunch Crew
2:00P-Hisp. Faith Form., SCH
Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose
8:00A-Rosary, CH
2:00P-Hisp. Faith Form., SCH
3:00-4:15P-Confession, CH
YG-Bishop’s Youth Pilgrimage, OS
8:00A-Rosary, CH
10:00A-Food Drive
10:00A-RCIA Final, LIB
2:00P-Hisp. Faith Form., SCH
3:00-4:15P-Confession, CH
Holy Saturday
NO 1st Saturday Mass
NO Rosary
NO Confession
8:00A-Church Cleaning & Decorating
for Easter
1:00P-Blessing of Easter Food
8:00P-Easter Vigil
CAF=Cafeteria: CR=Choir Room: CH=Church; LIB=Library; OS=Offsite: PLC=Parish Life Center
WWP=Walking with Purpose SCH=School: OLC=Our Lady’s Cottage: CY=Courtyard;
YG=Youth Group: AS=Altar Server: CRC=Conference Room Church Office
8:00A– Mass in
Extraordinary Form
(Church will close for the
day at 10A)
8:00A– Mass in
Extraordinary Form
(Church will close for the
day at 10A)
7:00P Prayer Shawl, TBD
10:00A-Food Drive
7:30P-Hisp. Ministry, Rm 308
Church Office Closed
No Mass, NO Confessions, April 6th—10th
3:00P-Girl Scouts, LIB
7:00P-RCIA, Final, LIB
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
April 12, 2015