Catholic Communities serving the Upper Allegheny Valley Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament ~ St. Joseph Parishes Fourth Sunday of Easter Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church - LPH 11th and Carolina Street Natrona Heights, PA 15065 Sunday Mass Schedule Sunday Morning 9:30 a.m. Weekday Mass Schedule Tuesday Evening 7:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Following the Tuesday evening Mass Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish - MBS A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust 800 Montana Avenue Natrona Heights, PA 15065 SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Afternoon Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 & 11:00 a.m.; 6:00 p.m. Weekday Mass Schedule See Weekday Schedule Inside Holy Day See Schedule in Bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 11:00 a.m.-11:45am Administration Center Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday April 26, 2015 “I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd. This is why the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again.” - Jn 10:16-17 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD Sacrament of Baptism Held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month. Baptisms are scheduled by calling the Administrative Office. Baptisms will be scheduled after parents have completed the baptismal class and obtained godparent sponsor letters. Sacrament of Matrimony Contact one of the priests at least 6 months before a suggested date. No wedding date will be reserved until the couple has met with the priest. St. Joseph Parish - STJ A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust St. Ladislaus Church 48 Spruce Street Natrona, PA 15065 Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday 6:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. Weekdays Monday - Friday 8:30 am Holy Day See Schedule in Bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday Evening 5:30-5:45 p.m. Administration Center Office Hours: 8:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Monday thru Thursday Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Two anointing Masses are held annually—one in the spring and one in the fall. If you or your loved one is in need of this Sacrament, please call the Administrative Office so that a date and time can be arranged. RCIA Persons who are not baptized and those who were baptized in another faith or those with no religious education are prepared for full membership in the Catholic Church in the RCIA process. Call the Religious Education Office. DIRECTORY AND STAFF Administration Center 1526 Union Avenue, Natrona Heights, PA 15065 MBS Main Number MBS Website MBS-STJ Fax No. 724-226-4900 724-224-3559 STJ Main Number STJ Website 724-224-1336 Pastor: E-Mail: Rev. James K. Mazurek Parochial Vicar: E-Mail: Rev. Nicholas A. Spirko Permanent Deacon: E-Mail: Patrick G. Wood Ms. Patricia DeWitt MBS Secretary: E-Mail: STJ Secretary: E-Mail: Ms. Debbie Wichrowski MBS & STJ Religious Ed: Phone : E-Mail: Mrs. Katie Weikert 724-224-3339 MBS & STJ Safe Environment Coordinator: Mrs. Maureen Wood E-Mail: MBS Music Minister: E-Mail: STJ Music Minister: E-mail: Mrs. Deborah Mialki Mrs. Diane Pleva MBS & OLMBSS Advancement: Mrs. Heather Wygonik E-Mail: MBS Council Chair: E-Mail: STJ Council Chair: E-Mail: David Wygonik Joseph Sadecky OLMBS School: Main Office Phone: E-Mail: Sean T. Davis, Principal 724-226-2345 STJ High School: Main Office Phone: E-Mail: Mrs. Beverly Kaniecki, Principal 724-224-5552 Diocesan Victim Assistance Hotline Child PSL Abuse Hotline 1-888-808-1235 1-800-932-0313 April 25 - May 3, 2015 Saturday, April 25, Vigil, Fourth Sunday of Easter 9:30 am MBS First Holy Communion 4:00 pm MBS Richard Zembrzuski John & Marilyn Zembrzuski 6:00 pm STJ Richard Zembrzuski Ed & Mary Ann Zembrzuski Sunday, April 26, Fourth Sunday of Easter 8:00 am MBS Dorothy A Skradski - Laura Bourgeois 9:30 am LPH Sophia Graczyk - Family 10:00 am STJ Tim Koncki - Mother & Sisters 11:00 am MBS For the People 6:00 pm MBS George & Rose Tomsik 40th Wedding Anniversary - Family Monday, April 27, Easter Weekday 7:30 am MBS Kerry Liti - Dan & Barb Coyle 8:30 am STJ Bunny Davis - Dolly McKrisky Tuesday, April 28, Easter Weekday 7:50 am MBS Ray & Theresa Szymkowiak - Children 8:30 am STJ Theodore ‘Ted’ Rozewicz Wife, Irene & Family 7:00 pm LPH Living Members of the Rosary Society Rosary Society Wed., April 29, Saint Catherine of Siena 7:30 am MBS Dec’d Members of Kowal Family Patty Kowal 8:30 am STJ Irene Mazur - Daughters Thurs., April 30, Easter Weekday 7:30 am MBS Bernard & Joseph Kamenjar Families Family 8:30 am STJ Marianne Posney - Theresa Zylinski Friday, May 1, Easter Weekday 8:30 am STJ Eucharistic Day Opening Marilyn L Barker - Ronald J Bober 9:30 am MBS Irene Bradley - Marilyn Simonetti 5:45 pm STJ Eucharistic Day Closing Saturday, May 2, Vigil: Fifth Sunday of Easter 4:00 pm MBS James F Jordan - William & Mary Noble 6:00 pm STJ Stanley Kaminski Stella Kaminski & Family Sunday, May 3, Fifth Sunday of Easter 8:00 am MBS For the People 9:30 am LPH George & Betty Adam Son, George & Family 10:00 am STJ Joseph & Mary Bober Ron & Marcia Stiner 11:00 am MBS Louise Kowalski - Judy Thimons 6:00 pm MBS Arnold Thimons Mark & Judy Thimons Weekly Devotions MBS LPH LPH STJ 7:30 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:30 am (Mon) Our Lady of Miraculous Medal (Mon.) Rosary for Life (Tues.) Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Fri.) Novena to St. Joseph THE PASTOR’S CORNER This Saturday we welcomed 39 of our 2nd graders from OLMBS School as well as our Religious Education Program who made their First Holy Communion. It is always a wonderful day in the spiritual life of a parish to celebrate this great sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Our First Communicants have already been born anew by Baptism as well as made their first confession in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Now, they receive the Holy Eucharistic for the first time. Jesus gives us His Body and His Blood as food for everlasting life. There are a lot of traditions surrounding First Holy Communion. There are gatherings and parties, gifts and religious mementos. Once again, our First Holy Communicants will receive from the parish a “First Communion Bible.” As I stated earlier, this is a joyous time in the parish. We are most grateful for those who played a role in their readiness to receive the sacrament. That includes the Catechetical Coordinator, catechists, teachers and parents who all have watched these children grow on their faith journey. Congratulations to the following First Communicants: Carter Anderson Burton Babinsack Salvatore Barbarino Janna Bloch Christopher Cekada Jordan Cheran Kayden Chodkowski Sarah Colwes Jack Crawford Caitlin Danielson Emma DeSanto Makenna DeZort Joseph Dodek Brianna Finley Madison Gorney Cora Elaine Graczyk Caleigh Graham Sophia Hranica Matthew Karolkoski Cruz Kelly Madison Kijowski Elliana Koulouris Caden Kowalski MaKenna Lilly Samantha Markey Elaina Moore God Bless. Fr. Jim Owen Pakulski Makenna Parise Braedon Paz Mason Powell Elaina Ross Luca Schiano diCola Hannah Schmidt Kira Schrecongost Maycee Sholtes Colton Svitek Elliott Szalla Seth Wagner Meredith Zendarski Summerfest 2015 Planning is well on its way and we need your help. The Basket Raffle is 100% profit, so please donate newly purchased items, gift cards, sports tickets or any items you may have that have never been opened & you wonder why you still have them. Last year we had 65 baskets!!! Please send donations to the Administration Office. Any questions, contact Heather at 724-226-4900, x. 15. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saint Joseph High School Centennial Mark your calendar. Opening Mass - Sunday, September 13, 2015 Spirit of St. Joseph Award Ceremony & Dinner Saturday, March 19, 2016 Closing Banquet - Saturday, June 11, 2016 “Summer Fun” Raffle - STJ The “Summer Fun” Raffle is this Friday, May 1st. More tickets are available if needed. The committee is in need of prizes for the “Second Chance” drawing held the same day as the raffle. Items should be $10 - $15 in value. Monetary donations are always welcome. Ladies of Charity - STJ The St. Joseph Ladies of Charity will meet on May 3rd after the 10:00 AM Mass in the church hall. In Case You Wondered Some at St. Joseph have asked me: What is the significance of the crucifix covered with a red stole at St. Lad’s Church? Well, it is an old Polish tradition observed by some other eastern European churches as well. A red stole which drapes on the shoulders of the crucified Christ, symbolizes Christ’s resurrection and his victory over suffering, sin and death. We Need Your Help There is a need for 4 to 6 volunteers to help prep, serve and clean up for the Eucharistic Day Pasta Dinner on Friday, May 8th. If you are able to give of your time, please contact Heather at 724-226-4900, ext. 15. St. Joseph Parish Memorial Offering April 26, 2015 Altar Breads & Altar Wine Alter Candles, Sanctuary Lamp In Memory of Helen Bachar By John Bachar & Family Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Memorial Offering April 26, 2015 Altar Breads & Altar Wine, Altar Candles, Sanctuary Lamp & Altar Flowers In Memory of Bernard & Joseph Kamenjar Families By Family All bulletin announcements must be received by Monday at 9 am in written form or e-mail. Bible Study To honor Mary during her month of May we will study the mysteries of the Rosary. We will meet the Mondays in May, beginning May 4th from 6:45 to 8 pm in room 8 of the school. Donation of $10 will cover the cost of the study book. Registration is not required, but preferred by calling the CCD office at 724-224-3339. Thank You!!! Thank you to the wonderful catechists for children’s faith formation this year! Thank you Rachel Berenson, Judy Barch, Kathy Krysik Joyce Snyder, Elise Santi, Denise McCoy, Neil English, Debbie Mielecki, Larry Mialki, Eileen Graham, Kristin Laboda, Kristen Ross, Kim Sieminski, Ron Donahue, Sharon Svitek, Kate Bielak, Anna Dice, Ed McCoy, and Joy Kraynik. 5th Annual Parish Eucharistic Day This Friday, May 1st STJ Parish will celebrate its annual Parish Feast Day beginning with an opening Mass at 8:30 AM followed by all day adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until the 5:45 Benediction with the pot luck dinner following. The Parish will provide the main meat entrée. Reservations are required. Please fill out & return to the Parish Office or drop in the collection basket. STJ EUCHARISTIC DAY - Pot Luck Supper Reservations for STJ Feast Day Celebration Family Name____________________________ Number Attending___________ Cover Dish You will be bringing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Friday, May 8th the OLMBS Parish will celebrate its annual parish feast day beginning with an opening Mass at 9:30 AM. All day adoration will continue until 6 PM when the closing devotions will take place. Following closing devotions a parish pasta supper will be held in Patterson Hall. Suggested donation is $3 per person (children under 10 free) Dinner consists of Pasta, Salad, Bread & Drink Reservations required. EUCHARISTIC DAY - Pasta Supper Reservation Enclosed, please find reservations for ____ persons at $3 a person 10 yrs and older. FAMILY NAME_____________________________ PHONE____________________________________ Make checks payable to OLMBS parish. Drop the registration form in the collection basket or at the Administration Center. Reservation deadline May 5. Mission Statement Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish is a Roman Catholic Community with rich historical connections. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, together we celebrate Word and Eucharist. As disciples, we are called to serve Jesus Christ in each other through evangelization, leadership and stewardship. We strive throughout our faith journey o touch the lives of all God’s children so that we may give glory to the Almighty Father. OLMBS Sunday, May 3 Saturday, May 2 4:00 PM MBS 11:00 AM MBS Servers: Molly & Connor Coleman, Ashlyn Faulkner Lector: A Haugh Eucharistic Ministers: J Schiebel, R Celecki, Jr. C Conroy, E McCoy, L Misejka, 1 Volunteer Servers: Nathan & Ally Love, Gracie Love Lector: T Ross Eucharistic Ministers: M Wood, J Dlubak-Kunkel, A Mennow, E McCurdy, 1 Volunteer 6:00 PM MBS Sunday, May 3 Servers: Heather & David Kinniburgh, Rachel McCandless Lector: MA Heilman Eucharistic Ministers: C Lewandowski, 2 Volunteers 8:00 AM MBS Servers: Blaine Santi, Stephen & Noelle Selden Lector: P Wygonik Eucharistic Ministers: L & K Kiselica, C Znosko, J Ferlan, E Wozniak 9:30 AM LPH Servers: Otto Conroy, Renee Cebula, David Malecki Lector: C Maleski-Groch Eucharistic Ministers: MJ Milberger, G & K Conroy Saint Joseph Parish in Natrona is a Roman Catholic Community with rich history. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we celebrate Word and Eucharist. As disciples, we are called to serve Jesus Christ in each other through evangelization, leadership and stewardship. We strive throughout our faith journey to touch the lives of all God’s children so that we may give glory to the Almighty Father. STJ Saturday, May 2 Sunday, May 3 6:00 PM 10:00 AM Server: Jessica Haduch Lector: Rich Jarosinski Eucharistic Ministers: Teresa Pollack, Judy Kelly, Volunteer Server: Daniel & Rachael Babinsack Lector: Jake Heasley Eucharistic Ministers: Joe Sadecky, Patty Babinsack, Sylvia Begolly Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Stewardship: Time - Talent - Treasure Sunday, April 19, 2015 Envelopes Loose Total $ 7,563.00 1,661.00 $ 9,224.00 Parishioners receiving envelopes 1,444 - 440 envelopes used Please remember OLMBS in your will. This assures the parish of continued financial strength. St. Joseph Parish Stewardship: Time - Talent - Treasure Sunday, April 19, 2015 Envelopes Loose Total $ 2,261.00 139.00 $ 2,400.00 Parishioners receiving envelopes 403 - 144 envelopes used Please remember STJ in your will. This assures the parish of continued financial strength. St. Joseph Parish Cemetery In your charity, please remember to pray for all those who have died, especially: Patrick Layhew, Thomas Ross, Richard E. Townsend, Rev. Thomas Smith May the angels lead you into paradise! Congratulations to Tom & Joanne Jacobs on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. May the Lord continue to shower his blessings on them throughout their years of marriage. Madelyn Marie Shearer, daughter of John & Rachel (Moore) Shearer was baptized at MBS April 19th. May our Lord richly bless Madelyn, her parents, godparents and grandparents. Gift Shop New items are arriving every day. Stop in and see the new Mother’s Day gift items. May 1- STJ May 8 - MBS May 29 June 4 July 8-11 August 23 Eucharistic Day, Supper & Raffle Eucharistic Day & Dinner SJHS Graduation OLMBS 8th Grade Graduation Summer Fest 2015 STJ Parish Picnic Advertiser of the Week Our advertisers make this bulletin possible. Think of them first for your needs and services. Life’s Journey Counseling Center, Inc To advertize call LPi at 800-477-4574. Prayer Corner May our Lord Jesus watch over all those who guard and protect the peace, especially: Air Force Staff Sgt. Colin Smith; Sgt. Bill Haggerty; Air Force Sgt. Antonio Policicchio; Army Col. James Waechter; Major Timothy J. Ballas; USN CTI2 Nate Middleton; Airman 1st Class Michael J. Falleroni; Army MGS Commander Steve Feldhaus, Capt. Adam Crawford. Special candles are burning at each church for these outstanding Americans and our nation. Lord bless all who guard the Peace! St. Joseph Parish is in need of someone to cut the grass in the Cemetery this summer. If you are interested, contact Deacon Pat at 724-226-4900. Protecting God’s Children for Adults The next session of Protecting God’s Children for Adults who want to get child abuse clearances is on Wednesday, May 27th from 6 to 9 pm at Our Lady of Victory Parish (Harwick), 1319 Low Grade Road, Box 198. To register contact Lori at 724-274-8575 x 5. The church hall is handicap accessible!. The next session offered at OLMBS will not be until the fall. 53rd Annual Spring Luncheon Benefit The Sisters of St. Joseph Auxiliary will hold its 53rd Annual Spring Luncheon Benefit on Saturday, May 16th at the Hyatt Regency Pittsburgh International Airport from 11 am to 3 pm. Cost is $32 per person. Tickets available on line at Deadline is May 1st. For info. contact Christina at 724869-6574 or Faith Series Young Adults in Christ Faith Series for ages 18-39 will be held Thursday, April 30th at the Anchor Inn, Natrona Heights. They gather at 6:30 pm for food and social and the guest speaker is Fr. Bradly LePage who will speak at 7 pm. All young adults from all walks of life, single, married and divorced are welcome. For any questions contact Anna, at 878-302-7829 or email Memorial Offering Request Form If you would like to have any or all of the gifts at our Parish Churches celebrated in memory of a loved one, you are welcome to do so. Please fill out the form below and return to the Administration Center. I would like to offer: ____ MBS ____ LPH ____ STJ __ Altar Breads ($15.00) __ Altar Candles ($10.00) __ Altar Wine ($15.00) __ Sanctuary Lamp ($15.00) __ Complete Offering ($50.00) __ Altar Flowers ($50.00) please call Patti or Debbie (No Sanctuary Flowers during Lent) Please Print In Memory of _____________________________ From ____________________________________ Date requested_____________________________ Phone Number_____________________________ Czekalski Real Estate, Inc. 2725 Freeport Rd. • Natrona Heights Sales - Appraisals (724) 226-0700 CICHOLSKIZIDEK Funeral Home Inc. INTERESTED IN THE DIOCESAN PRIESTHOOD? COME AND SEE! Fax (724) 224-5878 Paul R. Ajak Funeral Home, Inc. Cremations at $1125 • Funerals Starting at $3000 Polly R. Ajak, Supv. • Paul R. Ajak II, Dir. 724-224-5995 224-8688 Contact the Office for Vocations. Thomas J. Zidek St. Paul Seminary 2900 Noblestown Rd., Pittsburgh, PA Supervisor (412) 456-3123 OMNI ELECTRIC Altany, Loynd & Lindquist LLC Residential & Commercial SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR OVER 22 YEARS 724-224-1943 Complete Insurance Services Since 1922 Tarentum, PA 15084 724-224-0550 724-224-7111 CONSTRUC TION, LLC ROBERT J. INGOLDSBY, R. PH. Phone: 724-224-7116 Midway Square 2612 Freeport Rd. Natrona Hts., PA PAZ & PAZ ROBERT PETERS FUNERAL HOME, INC. 724-224-7730 Natrona Heights, PA 15065 Bill Gustafson • PA029415 Attorneys at Law 543 East 10th Ave. JOHN ADAM PETERS, Director Tarentum, PA (724) 224-1300 WALKER AUTO PARTS & SERVICE CYNTHIA M. MALESKI ATTORNEY AT LAW Natrona Heights I E Natrona Heights 724-224-5650 V V A L B, PA () - .. NORBERT BAUER ROBERT M. MARCHI, D.M.D. FAMILY DENTISTRY MASONRY BRICK BLOCK - CHIMNEY REPAIRS BRICK POINTING 724.295.2651 ADAM FAMILY DENTISTS “Family dentistry by a family of dentists” Sarver 102 N. Pike Rd. • 724-353-1521 Worthington 15141 Rt. 422 • 724-297-3446 724-224-3778 2878 Old Freeport Road Natrona Heights, PA ANCHOR INN (724) 224-9910 Natrona Heights 2202 Freeport Rd • Natrona Hts. APPLEWOOD PERSONAL CARE HOME WWW.APPLEWOODCARE.COM 903 Morgan Street • Brackenridge 724-224-1822 3-D-4-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 Medical Equipment & Supplies 800.472.2440 724-224-1345 Bull Creek Rd., Tarentum, PA Air-Conditioning Service ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0710/i TREE SERVICE, INC Building and Remodeling Contractor 724-295-3646 Founded by Richard J. “Dick” Pakulski, Pakulski Construction Company has served the Allegheny Valley since 1953. We specialize in renovations for energy efficiency, home updates for changing mobility needs, and custom additions for growing families. – DAVID A. PAKULSKI – Office: 724-226-1912 • Cell: 412-915-2283 1204 Arizona Drive • Natrona Heights 10% Winter Discount December thru February Spintours (724) 895-3905 | 4/30: Mountaineer Casino from N. Heights 6/12: Cedar Point • 7/12 – 7/13: N.Y.C. 8/22: L.L. World Series 9/25 - 9/27: Pope in Philadelphia Where Fine Dining and History Meet 101 Station Dr. Tarentum (724) 226-3301 • REHEARSAL DINNERS - SHOWERS - FUNERAL WAKES Industrial, Commercial & Residential Wholesale Distributor of Electric Supplies COMPLETE STOCK - PROMPT SHIPMENT 809 2nd Ave. • Brackenridge, PA 724-226-9533 Store Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-5pm • Sat 8am-NOON ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED For Advertising Information, call MIKE MCALEER at LPi today! 1.800.477.4574 • 216.325.6825 ext 6307 Sikov & Woncheck, P.C. Attorneys at Law PLAZA 5 SUITE 5 NATRONA HEIGHTS 724-224-5545 F Platinum Ridge Center M W 1050 Broadview Blvd 344 Second Street Brackenridge, PA 15014 * Skilled Nursing Care * PT/OT/Speech * Respite Care * Long-term Care Call our Admissions Office for more information! P. Pofi & Sons Freeport, PA 724-295-2320 Life’s Journey Counseling Center, Inc. 3063 Freeport Road, Suite B Natrona Heights, PA 15065 724.766.9238 • Fax: 724.226.0931 (724) 224-9200 HEIGHTS HEALTHMART B’ G Michele Plocki Independent MICHE Representative (724) 895-3461 Shop my website at: www.MickiePlocki.Miche.Com Excavating • Asphalt & Tar & Chip Paving Cement Work • Asphalt Sealing Demolition • Utilities • Topsoil 724-353-2635 RICH HINKLE, Agent BARB GLOWACKI, Office Manager 2417 Freeport Rd. • Natrona Heights 724-224-4200 Auto - Home - Commercial PHARMACY “Your Prescription Specialists” M-F 9-8 Sat 9-5 Sun 9-3 F D 226-2600 724-335-7888 Also A Glass Block Outlet ALLEGHENY BEVERAGE Sunday Post Gazette 2311 Freeport Road Natrona Heights 224-4440 $1.00 with a $5.00 Purchase H P DUSTER 3-D-4-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0710/o
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