Catholic Communities serving the Upper Allegheny Valley Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament ~ St. Joseph Parishes All Souls Day Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church - LPH 11th and Carolina Street Natrona Heights, PA 15065 Sunday Mass Schedule Sunday Morning 9:30 a.m. Weekday Mass Schedule Tuesday Evening 7:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Following the Tuesday evening Mass Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish - MBS A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust 800 Montana Avenue Natrona Heights, PA 15065 SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Afternoon Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 & 11:00 a.m.; 6:00 p.m. Weekday Mass Schedule See Weekday Schedule Inside Holy Day See Schedule in Bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 11:00 a.m.-11:45am Administration Center Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday November 2, 2014 "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself." Jn 14:1-3b Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD." Sacrament of Baptism Held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month. Baptisms are scheduled by calling the Administrative Office. Baptisms will be scheduled after parents have completed the baptismal class and obtained godparent sponsor letters. Sacrament of Matrimony Contact one of the priests at least 6 months before a suggested date. No wedding date will be reserved until the couple has met with the priest. St. Joseph Parish - STJ A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust St. Ladislaus Church 48 Spruce Street Natrona, PA 15065 Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday 6:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. Weekdays Monday - Friday 8:30 am Holy Day See Schedule in Bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday Evening 5:30-5:45 p.m. Administration Center Office Hours: 8:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Monday thru Thursday Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick 6YQ CPQKPVKPI /CUUGU CTG JGNF CPPWCNN[ōQPGKPVJGURTKPICPF QPG KP VJG HCNN +H [QW QT [QWT NQXGF QPG KU KP PGGF QH VJKU 5CETCOGPV RNGCUG ECNN VJG #FOKPKUVTCVKXG 1HHKEG UQ VJCV C FCVGCPFVKOGECPDGCTTCPIGF RCIA 2GTUQPU YJQ CTG PQV DCRVK\GF CPFVJQUGYJQYGTGDCRVK\GFKP CPQVJGT HCKVJ QT VJQUG YKVJ PQ TGNKIKQWUGFWECVKQPCTGRTGRCTGF HQT HWNN OGODGTUJKR KP VJG %CVJQNKE %JWTEJ KP VJG 4%+# RTQEGUU %CNN VJG 4GNKIKQWU 'FWECVKQP1HHKEG. ! DIRECTORY AND STAFF Administration Center 1526 Union Avenue, Natrona Heights, PA 15065 MBS Main Number MBS Website 724-226-4900 STJ Main Number 724-224-1336 STJ Website Pastor: E-Mail: Rev. James K. Mazurek Parochial Vicar: E-Mail: Rev. Nicholas A. Spirko Permanent Deacon: E-Mail: Patrick G. Wood Ms. Patricia DeWitt MBS Secretary: E-Mail: STJ Secretary: E-Mail: Ms. Debbie Wichrowski MBS & STJ Religious Ed: Phone : E-Mail: Mrs. Katie Weikert 724-224-3339 MBS & STJ Safe Environment Coordinator: Mrs. Maureen Wood E-Mail: MBS Music Minister: E-Mail: STJ Music Minister: E-mail: Mrs. Deborah Mialki Mrs. Diane Pleva MBS & OLMBSS Advancement: Mrs. Heather Wygonik E-Mail: MBS Council Chair: E-Mail: David Wygonik STJ Council Chair: E-Mail: Joseph Sadecky OLMBS School: Main Office Phone: E-Mail: Sean T. Davis, Principal 724-226-2345 STJ High School: Main Office Phone: E-Mail: Mrs. Beverly Kaniecki, Principal 724-224-5552 &KQEGUCP8KEVKO#UUKUVCPEG*QVNKPG %JKNF25.#DWUG*QVNKPG 0QXGODGT0QXGODGT Saturday, November 1, All Saints Day 7:30 am MBS Stanley Mackowski Kathy & Dave Zembrowski Saturday, November 1, Vigil: The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) RO/$5%&'$!((COKN[ RO 56, )'*+ //#TV$CTMGT5QP Sunday, November 2, All Souls Day! CO /$5 ,- & .'& * CO .2* ,- # 4QUCT[5QEKGV[ CO 56, , ) CO /$5 *'*/+(/QO&CF! RO /$5 / Monday, November 3, Weekday CO /$5 #0((TCPM4CU\MQYUMK CO 56, .')&+ $QD#PPC/CG%QPTQ[ Tuesday, November 4, Saint Charles Borromeo CO /$5 +(*WUDCPF(COKN[ CO 56, ##+ ,QJP-TKUVKG$CDKPUCEM(COKN[ RO .2* % !+ 4KEJCTF0QYKEMK(COKN[ Wednesday, November 5, Weekday CO /$5 &)!1+ %QWUKP/CTEGNNKPG CO56, *2', 342 6JWTUFC[0QXGODGT9GGMFC[ CO /$5 **('F.WE[/CJFKM CO56, / (TKFC[0QXGODGT9GGMFC[ CO /$5 5 CO56, #. 'OKNKG5WUCP/CT[5\[OMKGYKE\ CO/$5$+) &T#PFT\GL%[PVJKC/CNGUMK)TQEJ 5CVWTFC[0QXGODGT8KIKN6JG&GFKECVKQPQHVJG .CVGTCP$CUKNKEC RO /$5 "' 0+ ,GHHGTUQP4GIKQPCN/GO#OU&GRV RO 56, "' 0+ 'F2J[NNKU%QYCP 5WP0QX6JG&GFKECVKQPQHVJG.CVGTCP$CUKNKEC ! 8:00 am MBS Daum & Haugh Families Martha Lou & Amy Haugh 9:30 am LPH Kosakowski Fam - William Kosakowski 10:00 am STJ John P Long - Irene Mozjesik 11:00 am MBS Francis W Wolf III - Schoener Family 6:00 pm MBS For the People ! ! THE PASTOR’S CORNER Do Catholics have a moral obligation to vote? With the mid-term election this Tuesday, we find the teaching of Holy Mother Church is not devoid of references to the moral obligations of Catholics in this regard. I offer three sources for consideration by those who have decided not to vote this Tuesday, or who are leaning toward such a decision: First from the Catechism of the Catholic Church: #1615 says “ As far as possible citizens should take an active part in public life. The manner of this participation may vary from one country or culture to another: One must pay tribute to those nations whose systems permit the largest possible number of the citizens to take part in public life in a climate of genuine freedom.” The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith says: “The Second Vatican Council exhorted Christians to fulfill their duties faithfully in the spirit of the Gospel. It is a mistake to think that, because we have here no lasting city, but seek the city which is to come, we are entitled to shirk our earthly responsibilities according to the vocation of each...May proud of the opportunity to carry out their earthly activity in such a way as to integrate human, domestic, professional, scientific and technical enterprises with religious values, under whose supreme direction all things are ordered to the glory of God.” #31 Finally from USCCB a Call to Political Responsibility: 13. “In the Catholic Tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation. This obligation is rooted in our baptismal commitment to follow Jesus Christ and to bear Christian witness in all we do.” 57. “Building a world of respect for human life and dignity, where justice and peace prevail, requires more then just political commitment. Individuals, families, businesses, community organizations, and government all have a role to play. Participation in political life in light of fundamental moral principles is an essential duty for every Catholic and all people of good will.” I hope that the teaching contained in the three sources quoted above is persuasive enough to convince readers that Catholics do have a moral obligation to vote in the November election. (Please be clear that this column speaks only to the question of the right to vote and in no way endorses any candidate or party or ballot initiative!) !!! God Bless. Fr. Jim #NNDWNNGVKPCPPQWPEGOGPVUOWUVDGTGEGKXGFD[ /QPFC[CVCOKPYTKVVGPHQTOQTGOCKN Baptismal Ministry - MBS Joanne McGann, who recently passed away, has been faithfully performing a special ministry of setting up for baptisms at MBS Church on Sundays. We are looking for a parishioner who would be willing to assume this role. Right now, we have two part-time women who are willing to fill in as needed. Contact the Administrative Office for more info. about this ministry. ! Parish Share to Date % 67889:;88 # 6;<3=787 ! % 6;8<:888 # 67===888 ! ! OLMBS/SJHS School News Catholic Cemeteries Congratulations to the new OLMBSS 2014-2015 Student Council! President: Tristan McClelland Vice-President: Cody Hohman Treasurer: Evan Kuczynski Recording Secretary; Matthew Arvay Corresponding Secretary: Otto Conroy Dance Chairperson: Jillian Saliba Commissioner of Spirit: Delaney Jones Commissioner of Publicity: Erika Cook Commissioner of Service: Isabella Forster Newspaper Editor: James Wilson Commissioner of Representation: Ally Swierczewski Representatives: Naveah Ewing, Daniel Lynch, Stephanie Vojtilla. All Souls Day, Sunday, November 2nd is also Cemetery Sunday. A prayer service sponsored by The Catholic Cemeteries Assoc. will be held at all diocesan cemetery properties at 3:00 p.m. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this annual and prayerful remembrance of our deceased. OLMBSS Annual Christmas Celebration Sunday, December 7th - Patterson Hall 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Please return the Shoe Boxes to the back of the church by November 16th. Optional Items Priority Items Disposable Razors Stamps/Envelopes Calendars Chap stick/Vaseline Shaving Cream First Aid Cream Bar Soap Magnifying Glass Shampoo Socks Toothbrush/Toothpaste Knee Highs Deodorant Hand Lotion Wash Cloth Hand Sanitizer Purse size Kleenex Nail Clippers/Tweezers Comb or Hairbrush Jar Grip/Pot Scratcher Q-tips/Cotton Balls Small Puzzle Book Band-aids Greeting/Note Cards Gloves (one size fits all) Dominos/Checkers Hats (one size fits all) Playing cards Note Pads/Pencils/pens Denture Cleanser Includes Homemade Pancake Breakfast, Pictures with Santa, Bake Sale, Religious Articles Sale, Basket & Train Raffle, Santa Shop and performances by the students. Come & enjoy some holiday cheer!! Remembrance Prayer Service Saint Joseph High School will hold its 3rd annual Remembrance Prayer Service in memory of departed alumni, family, and friends on Tuesday, November 11 at OLMBS Church at 8:30 am. To share the names of deceased persons to be remembered or RSVP to the event, contact Meagan Gemperlein ‘08 by November 3rd, 724-226-7877, OLMBS/STJ Youth Group OLMBS & STJ Youth Group will be collecting for the Hope Center at all Masses next weekend, November 8 & 9. Any student in grades 8 through 12 who would like to help collect please call Mrs. Santi (724-226-8724) or Mrs. Calfe (724226-1041). This will count as community service hours. Book of Remembrance During the month of November, each of our churches will have a Book of Remembrance in which you can write the names of your deceased loved ones. We ask that you limit your entrees to either before or after Mass. Do not approach the book during Mass as to avoid a distraction. Shoe Box Santa Project This project is sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society to help less fortunate adults and disabled persons. All you need to do is purchase items listed below, place them in a shoe box, wrap in Christmas paper and mark “L” for ladies or “M” for men. A signed Christmas card would add to the recipient’s holiday cheer. No ribbons or bows and PLEASE NO CASH. Sock Drive - STJ St. Joseph Parish will again be collecting new and gently used socks for the needy and homeless October 5th - December 14th. A box will be located at the entrance of the church for your donations. 1WT.CF[QHVJG/QUV$NGUUGF5CETCOGPV /GOQTKCN1HHGTKPI0QXGODGT #NVCT$TGCFU#NVCT9KPG #NVCT%CPFNGU5CPEVWCT[.COR +P/GOQT[QH*CKNG[#CPF*CPPCJ/(QYMGU $[)TCPFOC ! ! ! ! ! ! ! OLMBS ! 5CVWTFC[0QXGODGT ! "& ! ! !, + '>? !,'"" ! 0,&'&,&-&'!.%+"&+ ! .*)#+!+.).+)2 ! ! 5WPFC[0QXGODGT ! Mission '"( ! ! ! ,!'2+ Statement ! !,' 2+ Our Lady of the Most 0,&'&,&-&'! ,!)/"?+ ! $2!+*2+ Blessed Sacrament Parish is ! )"*(&+ ! a Roman Catholic ! ! "" ! Community with rich !,'(*-'!! ! historical connections. 0,&'&,&-&'!& &'00 ! Empowered by the Holy "( ! ! !@ *'$+"+ Spirit, !,' * ! together we celebrate Word 0,&'&,&-&'!&"+ 2 ! ) ) and Eucharist. ! %"& ! As disciples, we are called to ! !5*#+A !,' ! serve Jesus Christ in each 0,&'&,&-&'!B.' %8QNWPVGGT ! other through ! evangelization, leadership 5CVWTFC[0QXGODGT ! %"&#, and stewardship. ! !%* !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Mission Statement Saint Joseph Parish in Natrona is a Roman Catholic Community with a rich history. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we celebrate Word and Eucharist. As disciples, we are called to serve Jesus Christ in each other through evangelization, leadership and stewardship. We strive throughout We strive throughout our !,'# 0,&'&,&-&'!## faith journey 1+" to touch the lives of all our faith journey to God’s children so that we "(#, ! !,.+ may give glory !,'.+ to the Almighty Father. 0,&'&,&-&'!B)+)0 @ so that we may give 5WPFC[0QXGODGT touch the lives of all God’s children glory to the Almighty Father. ! ! !!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !"#$#$# % ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! 0- !*!1/ ! ! ! / '*1/ ! 2CTKUJKQPGTUTGEGKXKPIGPXGNQRGU!"#$%&&&##&GPXGNQRGUWUGF 2NGCUGTGOGODGT1./$5KP[QWTYKNN &!'!&.,-'&-!.&--,&*'!-)'/ ! -,!& !"#$#$# 5WPFC[1EVQDGT 'PXGNQRGU !! .QQUG 6QVCN 2CTKUJKQPGTUTGEGKXKPIGPXGNQRGUGPXGNQRGUWUGF /KUUKQP5WPFC[GPXGNQRGUWUGF 4GPQXCVKQP4GRCKT(WPFGPXGNQRGUWUGF %GOGVGT[(WPFGPXGNQRGUWUGF 2NGCUGTGOGODGT56,KP[QWTYKNN &!'!&.,-'&-!.&--,&*'!-)'/ ! In your charity, please remember to pray for all those who have died, especially: Joseph Egan, Fr. W. David Schorr May the angels lead you into paradise! Prayer for the Sick Available Eucharistic Ministers who take Holy Communion to shut-ins, nursing homes and hospitals are reminded that we have printed special prayer for the sick cards which we would like you to distribute when you make your communion calls. They are available in the Administrative Office. Just stop by and we will make them available to you. ! Ladies of Charity - MBS The Ladies of Charity of OLMBS will have a meeting Sunday, Nov. 16th in Patterson Hall following the 11 am Mass. New prospective members are invited to attend this meeting to learn more about the ministry of the Ladies of Charity. For more info. Call Ellie at 724-224-6364. 1 " " . " , 1 % " + , ! Catholic Conference at Camp XVI C D % " 0((0 ? 5 < # + + / % ! Ladies Of Charity - STJ St, Joseph Ladies of Charity will meet today, Sunday, November 2nd after 10:00 AM Mass. New members are always welcome. Liturgical Schedule - STJ It’s that time again. I will be working on the Liturgical Schedule from December 6, 2014 - March 1, 2015 which includes Christmas Eve - 6:00 PM, Christmas Day - 10:00 AM, New Year’s Eve - 6:00 PM and New Year’s Day - 10:00 AM. Please let me know by Monday, November 17th any days that you will not be available. Thank you! Debbie Campaign for the Church Alive AVAC Festival of Faith @ " / / =879 5 E : . $ " .+ F . G " %+#&.$H " ! 2015 Entertainment Books 0 " !"# $ .+ ' $1 .+ $ + #"."# ."#$ ! Christmas Nut Roll Sale +!,!"! ///////////////////////)"-" +!,!"!//////////////////////& ..+ +!,!"!///////////"2 +!,!"!/////////////////& .""" -2/////////////////////////////////////"2+ %!"///////////////////////////////////////////// % %!"2 3&*$ )$,' .$,', *4/////////////////////////////////////////////////=874 ! “Whenever you pass a Catholic Church, always stop in for a visit. That way when the pallbearers carry you in, the Lord Jesus won’t say “who is it?” ( ./ ! Our advertisers make this bulletin possible. Think of them first for your needs and services. Czekalski Real Estate Inc. To advertise call LPi at 800-477-4574. ' .!"";;E$78 " 5 # 5 % 5 % 5 # & #'<##$ ! Prayer Corner !!!!/C[QWT.QTF,GUWUYCVEJQXGTCNNVJQUG YJQIWCTFCPFRTQVGEVVJGRGCEGGURGEKCNN[ #KT(QTEG5VCHH5IV%QNKP5OKVJ5IV$KNN*CIIGTV[ #KT (QTEG 5IV #PVQPKQ 2QNKEKEEJKQ #TO[ %QN ,COGU 9CGEJVGT /CLQT 6KOQVJ[ , $CNNCU 750 %6+ 0CVG /KFFNGVQP #KTOCP UV %NCUU /KEJCGN , (CNNGTQPK #TO[ /)5 %QOOCPFGT 5VGXG (GNFJCWU %CRV#FCO%TCYHQTF 5RGEKCNECPFNGUCTGDWTPKPICVGCEJEJWTEJHQTVJGUG QWVUVCPFKPI#OGTKECPUCPFQWTPCVKQP Lord bless all who guard the Peace! Czekalski Real Estate, Inc. 2725 Freeport Rd. • Natrona Heights Sales - Appraisals (724) 226-0700 CICHOLSKIZIDEK Funeral Home Inc. INTERESTED IN THE DIOCESAN PRIESTHOOD? COME AND SEE! Fax (724) 224-5878 Paul R. Ajak Funeral Home, Inc. Cremations at $1125 • Funerals Starting at $3000 Polly R. Ajak, Supv. • Paul R. Ajak II, Dir. 724-224-5995 NG NOW HIRI 224-8688 Contact the Office for Vocations. Thomas J. 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