Deacons - Our Mother of Confidence

Our Mother of Confidence
Divine Mercy Sunday
April 12, 2015
Watch the Bishop’s Installation Mass with us in Serra Hall at 1:00 p.m.
on Wednesday, April 15th.
Watch at home at the this link:
April 12, 2015
Msgr. Mark A. Campbell
In Residence:
Fr. Richard Hopkins
Fr. Rey Roque
Chaplain to Scripps Memorial and Scripps
Green Hospitals and
Prebys Cardiovascular Institute
Weekend Liturgies:
Rev. Gary Sanders, OSA
William Klopchin
Scott Wall
Pastoral Assistant:
Sr. Angela Meram, IHM
Church Address:
3131 Governor Drive
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: 858-453-0222
Fax: 858-453-2547
Visit us on the Web
Saturday, April 11th: 5:30 p.m. J essica Walley
–Special Intentions
Sunday, Apr il 12th: 7:30 a.m. J ohn Car aveo RIP
9:00 a.m. Gerald Boyer RIP
11:00 a.m. Terry Doyle RIP
Cynthia McKenzie RIP
5:30 p.m. Thomas Burke RIP
Monday, Apr il 13th: Kather ine & Walter
Krolczyk RIP
Tuesday, Apr il 14th: Anna Nagy RIP
Thursday, Apr il 16th: Thomas Bur ke RIP
Friday, Apr il 17th: Kim Rick RIP
Saturday, April 18th: Kristin Toddey - Special Intentions
Sunday: Second Sunday of Easter
(Divine Mercy Sunday)
Monday: St. Martin I
Thursday: Yom Ha-Shoa
(Holocaust Remembrance Day)
First Reading — With great power the apostles bore
witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus
(Acts 4:32-35).
Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
his love is everlasting (Psalm 118).
Second Reading — The victory that conquers the
world is our faith (1 John 5:1-6).
Gospel — Blessed are those who have not seen and
have believed (John 20:19-31).
Monday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8
Fr. Richard Hopkins is available Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15
for spiritual direction or
Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9;
confessions or simply to talk if you
Jn 3:16-21
need an ear. Please call the
Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20;
Rectory for an appointment
Jn 3:31-36
or e-mail:
Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14;
Jn 6:1-15
Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19;
Jn 6:16-21
Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9;
1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48
April 12, 2015
Good Friday - Pontifical Collection: $3,088.00
Flowers for Easter:
Easter Weekend:
$35, 322.50
In the coming weeks we will be listing those in whose memories flowers or monetary
donations for flowers were given to OMC for Easter.
A Public Forum on the disturbing reality of human trafficking in San Diego
will be held at Our Mother of Confidence Church, 3131 Governor Drive on Monday,
May 11 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. All are welcome.
Human trafficking is a $32 billion-a-year global industry. San Diego ranks
ninth nationwide in top destination areas. Our District Attorney says human trafficking
is a form of modern-day slavery where perpetrators profit from the sexual exploitation
and forced labor of men, women and children.
A panel discussion with Q&A from the audience will include Chief Deputy
District Attorney Summer Stephan, Presiding Juvenile Court Judge Carolyn Caietti, Department of
Homeland Security Special Agent Juan Jacobo, Public Defender Marian Gaston and Marisa Ugarte
from the Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition.
The forum will begin with a short film clip highlighting a human trafficking survivor. Light
refreshments will be served before and after the event. There is no fee. Please come to listen, learn,
discuss solutions and get involved. Invite friends and neighbors. For further information contact
Rob Moscato at 858-453-5785 or call 858-453-0222.
Georges Bizet’s Opera CARMEN will be viewed Sunday starting at 1:00 p.m. Invite friends, bring your own snacks or
a sack lunch, a bottle of wine and join us in Serra Hall for an afternoon of Opera fun. This is a new production from the
Metropolitan Opera High Definition catalog. FREE OF CHARGE—ALL ARE WELCOME!
A generous benefactor donated the cost of the Ambry set which we used to
receive our Holy Oils in, before Mass on Holy Thursday. These oils will
remain in the ambry (the case you see when you enter church, on the right
hand side). There are three decanters; one for the oil of the sick, one for the
oil of the catechumens and one for the oil of chrism. They have been donated
to remember Msgr. James P. O’Donoghue, Fr. Louis Fischer and Chaplain
Patrick Waite. The holy oils ar e used in sever al sacr aments and so they
will be a part of our sacramental life, at OMC, for many years to come. We
pray that God will richly bless the parishioner who donated them and ask
that you say a prayer for the three priests, who served here at OMC, in whose
memory they were donated.
The Knights will host their celebr ated Buffet Br eakfast this Sunday,
April 12th, which is the SECOND SUNDAY of
the month, after the 7:30 and 9:00 a.m. Masses.
The beneficiary of the April breakfast will be the
OMC Food Bank. This is the best value in town.
Scrambled Eggs, Eggs Benedict, Sausage, Bacon,
Country Potatoes and fresh fruit. Bring the family
and friends. Meet old friends and make new ones.
April 12, 2015
The Peace of Christ
‘Peace be with you’ was the greeting of Jesus on meeting his frightened
apostles. Who has come to you bringing peace at times when you were
frightened? For whom have you been an agent of peace?
Thomas, doubting and questioning, is possibly a person with whom we
can identify. What part have doubting and questioning played on your faith
journey? How has your faith been strengthened by such moments?
Note the way Jesus dealt with Thomas. He did not give out because he
doubted. He took him where he was and led him along to see the truth of his
resurrection. Who has been that kind of a teacher for you, gently taking you
where you were and leading you on to a deeper knowledge of some truth
about life? For whom have you been that kind of teacher?
‘Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believed’. That requires great trust. Perhaps you
have had the experience of being trusted without having had to prove every step along the way.
What was it like to be trusted in that way? Who have you been able to trust in a similar
manner? As we recall in today’s Gospel the story of Christ’s appearance to his disciples – and the
absent Thomas’s disbelief when the others told him – we need to also call to mind Thomas’s
eventual proclamation of faith of ‘My Lord and my God!’.
Nazneen, the lead character in Monica Ali’s novel Brick Lane, is ending an affair with her
lover Karim and attempting to explain to him why it was never going to work out. Neither party
were being their true selves with each other, she concludes. The experience they thought they
were having together was never really real; their judgement had somehow been clouded. They
had ‘made each other up’. It is sometimes easier not to be our true selves. We can offer all sorts
of ‘false’ versions of ourselves in different situations and sometimes even in entire relationships.
Thomas had had an authentic experience of Jesus during the time he spent as his disciple. But in
the story recounted in today’s Gospel, he is not convinced that the experience the other disciples
recount is real. Could they really have encountered the real Jesus, after his death? Surely they
had imagined him, or ‘made him up’!
What about us? Unlike Thomas, we cannot depend on a
physical experience of Christ, but he is truly present to us
nonetheless – in the sacraments and in our community. It is the real
and authentic Jesus we experience.
Do we in turn offer him our true selves?
The installation Mass of Bishop Robert McElroy as the 6th Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego of
San Diego will be Wednesday, April 15th at 1:00 p.m.
You can view this at:
We will be streaming the Installation Mass live in Serra Hall. All are welcome. There will be some
snacks and beverages, but feel free to bring a snack or a sack lunch of your own.
Carlos Benevides, Debbie Warner, José Lustre, Mary Jo Mathis, Michael Murphy, Joyce Pawlak, Mike Ebipane,
Jim Dawson, Karel Lukas, Kathleen Wall, Mona Segal, Kathy Reidel, Glen Friebohle and Mary Lou McDonald.
Gerald Boyer, Terry Doyle, Cynthia McKenzie, Thomas Burke, Anna Nagy, Kim Rick, Agnes Flavin,
Margaret Rach, Ed McGroarty, Mary Jane Maloney, DeWayne Thomas, Floyd Watson, and John
Robert Caraveo.
April 12, 2015
Lenore Martinez 858-412-5123
Adult Community:
Danny Phan (Young Adults)
Nancy Wesseln 858-847-0724
Adult Formation: (RCIA)
Deacon Scott Wall 858-453-0731
Altar Server Formation:
Deacon Scott Wall 858-453-0731
Bereavement Support (welcoming new member s)
Lenore Martinez 858-412-5123
Mary Sexton 858-453-3395
Centering Prayer:
Fran Cardoza 858-246-9495
Blanca Paloma 858-274-2035
Coffee & Doughnuts:
Claire Shaughnessy 858-587-1407
Dusty Reisch 858-414-3101
Food Bank:
Mark Manthei 858-272-2355
Grief & Healing:
Elaine Warner 858-453-4006
Healing Touch:
Blanca Paloma 858-274-2035
Holy Folders:
JoAnne Barbieri 858-453-0683
Knights of Columbus:
Tom Berge 858-623-8572
Liturgical Minister Scheduling:
Mike Caparelli
Kathleen Gerry
Matrimonial Advocate: (Annulments)
Janie Hoffner 858-453-0721
Charlotte Deane 619-284-8071
(9:00 am & Sun. 5:30 pm)
Glenn D’Abreo 858-736-4128—voice or text
(Sat. 5:30 pm & 11:00 am)
Tony Gril (organist & pianist—weddings & funerals)
Mystical Rose Guild:
Jean Weller 858-274-5372
Marianne Rauch 858-455-9417
Parish Office:
Glenn D’Abreo(Office & Bulletin)
voice /text 858-736-4128
Jim Dube 858-453-0222 (Accountant)
Emily Carignan (Office) 858-453-0222
Parish Outreach Program:
Hotline 858-461-8356
Plant Manager:
John Ohle
Prison Ministry:
Rob Moscato 858-453-5785
Religious Education:
Preschool, Grades 1-6
Sr. Angela Meram, IHM 858-453-3554
Ellie McGlynn 858-453-3554
Sacristan Scheduling:
Kristi Keith 858-453-9640
Senior Club:
Paul Tang 858-453-3554
Jack Beresford 858-453-7695
Veterans Resource Ministry:
Phil Landis 619 393-2065
Weekday Masses: (Lector s & Euch. Minister s)
Elaine Warner 858-453-4006
Weekend & Weekday Lector Training:
Marty Linville 619-723-5444
Youth and Young Adults:
Grades 7-High School & 18+
Ian Mascarenhas 858-453-3554
The Rectory Office is open Mondays through Fridays
from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from
9:00 a.m. to Noon. The Religious Education Office is
open on Mondays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m
and on Thursdays, 9:00 to 3:00 p.m.
April 12, 2015
The Octave of Easter Sunday, Divine Mercy Sunday is based on visions recorded by St. Faustina
Kowalski. In 2000 it was decreed a solemnity, a high feast day, by Pope St. John Paul II. Divine
Mercy Sunday occurs the Sunday after Easter and will be celebrated here at Our Mother of
Confidence Parish immediately after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. It will consist of praying and singing
the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. It is a beautiful way of pr aising God and thanking Him for
His generous and bountiful MERCY.
Every Sunday, during the 9:00 am Mass, our children are brought downstairs so that the Readings can
be shared with them and explained to them, for a richer experience of the Word! If you would like to
give of your time, to share your faith and your love of Scripture with our children, please call Ian
Mascarenhas at 858-453-3554 or e-mail him at
Vacation Bible School this year, will be August 3rd through August 7th. The theme
will be “Everest”. Climbing heights for God! For more information call the
Religious Education Office at 858-453-3554. The cost will be $40 per child and
$35 for additional children from the same family.
Registration just opened for Middle School Camp, July 20 - July 23! Time to
plan summer fun for your child who will be entering 7th - 9th grade this fall.
We have a lot in store for this 4-day Voyagers camp including music, a
talent show, zipline, swimming, adoration, Mass and much more!
We all know the beauty and treasure of Whispering Winds and now the
whole world can know too!! Thanks to Nick Caster and Makana Rowan of
CastFam Inc., Whispering Winds is featured in a dynamic professional video.
This top-notch production provides vibrant aerial shots of the grounds and
includes touching testimonies. Enjoy the video...and make sure to share it
with a friend! Contact us to get a quote at or 619-464-1479
GENTLE YOGA: Bring the joy of movement to your body in this
slow-paced practice. This class is held entirely down on the yoga mat and is
focused on holding poses and lengthening. Led by Heather Foat!
Every TUESDAY from 5:00 – 6:00 pm. Donation based.
CHAIR YOGA: A special Yoga Class for those who have difficulty getting up and
down off the floor. Practice Yoga while sitting in a chair. This could change your life. Try
it you may like it. Wednesdays at 10:30 am in Serra Hall. Suggested donation of $5.00.
Led by Sara Mitteer. All are welcome.
People grieving the loss of a loved one are invited to join a new bereavement support
group which will be coming together shortly. Meet friendly people experiencing the
same feelings of loneliness, depression, guilt and all the other feelings which along
with grief, which you are feeling. The grief experience is addressed in discussions
centering around the “Stages of Grief”. If you or someone who might benefit from
this ministry please refer them to Lenore Martinez at 858-412-5123.
April 12, 2015
Alexander R. Ross US ARMY
Brendan Schmutte USN-EOD
Bob McDevitt DHS
Joseph J. Ring USN
Chad Addison US ARMY
Cdr. Matthew Hannon USN
Sgt. Maj. Sean Greenleaf USMC
HM3 Ryan P. Flynn USN
Bereavement Support Group: Meets on the fir st, second and four th Fr idays,
10:15 to 11:30 a.m., St. Katharine Drexel room.
Brown Bag Opera: We will be viewing an Oper a DVD in our Hall. No char ge.
Bring our own lunch or snack and your own beverage. 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 12th. Georges Bizet’s CARMEN
Chair Yoga: For those who have difficulty getting up and down on/off the
floor. Every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. Sara Mitteer will show you how.
Coffee and Doughnuts: After the 9:00 a.m. Mass. March 8, 22, Apr il 19, 26,
May 17, 31.
Daily Masses: Mass ever y day at 8:00 a.m.
Dr. Bill Creasy: Next quar ter star ts Apr il 7th. No classes on May 5th and
12th. Summer break is June 30th to September 19th. Fall quarter starts September
First Fridays: Anointing of the sick after the 8:00 a.m. Mass and Benediction
after a very short prayer. Anointing of the sick after the 5:30 pm evening Mass.
First Friday, this month, is GOOD FRIDAY .. Morning Prayer at 8:45 a.m.
Grandparents Praying for Grandchildren: Led by Toni Doyle; the fir st and
third Tuesday of every month. Share your concerns.
Knights of Columbus Breakfast: The Fir st Sunday of ever y month( in April it
will be on April 12th), after the 7:30 am and the 9:00 am Mass. Eggs benedict
and other scrumptious food.
Lenten Penance Services: Thur sday, March 19th at 3:30pm and 7:00 pm
Mystical Rose Guild: Meets ever y 2nd Thur sday of the month at 6:30pm
Praying for a Cure: Cancer sur vivor s or folks with cancer in their families
get together to pray for a cure and for comfort. Every second & fourth Tuesday of
the month. Led by Elaine Warner.
Regular Yoga: Ever y Tuesday evening at 5:00 pm. Br ing your own mat..
Heather Foat will guide you through a new experience.
Senior Social: The Senior Club meets ever y thir d Thur sday of the month.
There is a lunch, entertainment and a chance to meet friends and make new ones.
$7.00 per person.
Share The Word: Meets after the 8:00 am Mass ever y Wednesday in the St.
Paul room. Break open the Word for the whole week. Led by Marty Linville.
Food Drive: The OMC food dr ive is ever y fir st Sunday of the month.
As we continue to
celebrate the great feast of
Easter, we want to express
our gratitude to those who
made the celebrations so
wonderful and inspiring.
Holy Week began with the
blessing of the palms. This
year we purchased cut palms
but, they required a lot of trimming and sorting before they could be set out for the ushers. Kristi
Keith, Sandy Nebel and JoElleyn Mascarenhas worked for several hours to make this happen. We are
most grateful.
The great liturgies of the Triduum were really the result of this faith-filled community coming
together to profess who we are and what we believe. Special thanks must be given to those in our
parish family who assist in the ministries for which they were trained. The servers who responded to
the request to participate attended a lengthy rehearsal and did an outstanding job. The lectors for the
Passion Reading on both Palm/Passion Sunday and Good Friday also had to practice and then
rehearse. This meant giving of their time Friday evening before Palm Sunday and we are most
grateful to them for their excellent proclamation of the word and their continued dedication to this
The Banner Carriers and the Ladies of the Altar Cloth who added to the celebration and attended a
rehearsal as well. So many Eucharistic Ministers were needed for these days and we thank all who
responded and were present to fulfill this ministry.
Words alone can not express our gratitude to Charlotte and Glenn, the cantors and the choir for their
hours of practice and rehearsing. It certainly enhanced our prayer and drew everyone into the
The logistics of making all this work smoothly was greatly helped by the Ushers. Their assistance in
greeting people, seating them and helping the flow at Communion time is appreciated. They too
came to a meeting to go over the needs and many details necessary for it all to come together.
All the behind the scene work that takes place to make the worship place meaningful - the floral
arrangements by Sandy Nebel and her helpers, those who clean and prepare the altar linens, the
sacristans who set up before each Mass. All this coming together is what makes it so beautiful.
A special mention must be made of Kathleen Gerry, the head of our Liturgy Committee, who plans
these events and liturgies months in advance, managing to keep every detail in mind so that nothing
is missed. Kathleen spends hours doing this and is the principal reason why our liturgies are so well
planned and inspiring.
Finally, to all of you who through your full, active participation in responding in prayer, singing,
participating in the washing of the feet and presence we are very grateful.
May the Risen Lord send His blessings upon us as we continue to celebrate and look forward to