SUBMISSION PACKET Ø Got Art? Fact Sheet Ø Submission Guidelines Ø Submission Form Ø Consent/Permission Form OnCare Got Art? 2015 FACT SHEET About OnCare OnCare is a community initiative that improves outcomes for Onondaga County children and youth (ages 521) with significant behavioral and emotional challenges and their families by developing a more effective system of services and supports. OnCare is a federally funded project, and uses system of care principles and strategies to improve our local service system. For more information about OnCare, visit our website at About OnCare’s Got Art? This is the fifth year that OnCare is hosting Got Art?. Got Art? is designed to showcase the artwork of Onondaga County youth and young adults who have an emotional or behavioral health challenge and other children that have overcome obstacles. The Got Art? event and exhibit is being held during National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month on May 5th, 2015. The theme this year is “Let’s Talk About It!”. Youth and young adults have the opportunity to express things through art that may be hard to say or to talk about. They are encouraged to create artwork that shows obstacles and problems that they have overcome, their mental health issues, things going on within their communities, their dreams for the future, anything! Goals of the art event: 1. To allow children to freely express themselves; 2. To decrease stigma and judgment surrounding children with emotional or behavioral challenges; and 3. To teach the community about children’s mental health; What type of art is featured in Got Art? Many types of art are accepted for Got Art?. Art can include: written word, 2-dimensional (paintings, drawings, photography, computer-generated art), 3-dimensional (sculpture, mosaics, quilts), and digital videos. Oversized artwork will be accepted by groups. When do I have to have my submission in? The deadline for submissions is April 22, 2015. All art must be received no later than 4:00pm on April 22, 2015. Will I get my art back? Some artwork will be on display at Golisano Children’s Hospital during the summer, but will be returned to the artists when the display is over. Other submissions will be returned to the artists after Got Art?. If you’d like your artwork to be on display, please check the box on the submission form. The Got Art? event will be held at the Museum of Science and Technology (MOST) on May 5, 2015 from 4:00pm-6:00pm. This free, fun event allows youth to showcase their artwork for the community. Family members, friends and community members are all welcome to attend and celebrate the artists and their work. SUBMISSION GUIDLINES □ Youth who want to submit artwork need to: o Live in Onondaga County; o Be between the ages of 5-21; o Have an emotional or behavioral challenge or have overcome a challenge in life; o Or be the family member of a youth or young adult with an emotional or behavioral challenge that is submitting artwork in collaboration with that youth or young adult. □ Art should address this year’s theme of “Let’s Talk About It!” □ Art should not be larger than 24 X 24, but oversized pieces of art will be accepted by groups. □ Art may not contain nudity, gang signs/symbols or profanity. □ The original artwork must be submitted (photographs of original artwork cannot be accepted for consideration). □ Written work is limited to 500 words or fewer, and can be submitted in hard copy (on paper) or electronically. □ All artwork must be marked on the back with the artist’s name, age and contact phone number. □ All submissions must be accompanied by completed Submission & Consent Forms (attached). □ Mail or Deliver your work(s) with completed Submission & Consent Forms by April 22, 2015 to: OnCare c/o Aishah Rudolph John H. Mulroy Civic Center, 8th Floor East 421 Montgomery Street Syracuse, NY 13202 For questions or more information, please contact OnCare at Thank you for sharing your art and celebrating Awareness Day 2015 with us! OnCare Got Art? SUBMISSION FORM A completed Submission and Consent Form must accompany your artwork. Mail or deliver your work with a completed form by April 22, 2015 to: OnCare c/o Aishah Rudolph John H. Mulroy Civic Center, 8th Floor E 421 Montgomery Street Syracuse, NY 13202 ARTIST INFORMATION First & Last Name: Age: Address: Apartment #: City: Phone: State: Zip Code: Email: School: _________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION (of artist if under 18 or if different from the artist) First & Last Name: Agency (if applicable): Phone: Email: Contact’s Relationship to Artist: ART SUBMISSION INFORMATION Title of Work: Type of Work (poem, painting, etc.): I would like my artwork to be put on display at Golisano Children’s Hospital during the month of August: □ OnCare Got Art? CONSENT/PERMISSION FORM A completed Consent/Permission Form must accompany your artwork. A parent or legal guardian must sign on behalf of the artist if the artist is under 18 years of age or has a legal guardian. I, give permission to (Please print full name of artist or name of parent or legal guardian) OnCare to include in OnCare’s Got Art? the artwork of: o myself o the artist: First Name I am: o at least 18 years of age Last Name Date of Birth o the parent/guardian of the above artist Background/General Information: I understand that whenever the term “artwork” is used in this form, it includes all types of written and visual creative works, such as photographs, poetry, essays, sculpture, paintings, drawings, videos, mixed media works, and computerbased art. I understand that the term “artwork” includes the title of the work, the name of the artist, and the biographical artist information provided in the Got Art? Submission Form. Media Information: I give permission to the use of the artwork either by itself or in combination with other photographs and/or written statements for advertising, publicity, or other marketing purposes for OnCare or related to Got Art?. I agree that OnCare may use, or cause to be used, my artwork, for exhibitions, public displays, publications, promotions, illustrations, advertising, or trade, in any manner or in any medium, without limitations or compensation. Photography/Filming of the Artist: I understand that by going to any event related to my submission of artwork to OnCare, I/the artist may be photographed and/or filmed, and that photograph/film can be used for the purposes mentioned above. I understand that use of the photographs/films taken of me/the artist may reveal or imply information about myself/my family member. Consent Withdrawal: I understand I may withdraw my permission at any time by writing to Aishah Rudolph, c/o OnCare, John H. Mulroy Civic Center, 8th Floor E , 421 Montgomery Street, Syracuse, NY 13202. I understand that the withdrawal will not apply to photographs/films/publications that have already been released in response to this authorization. Program Participation/Eligibility: I understand that my/the artist’s eligibility and participation in OnCare programs will not be affected if I do not sign this form. Liability: I release OnCare and any of its directors, agents, employees, and consumers, as well as appointed advertising agencies, their directors, agents, employees, and customers, from all claims of every kind on account of such use. I further release OnCare and any of its directors, agents, employees, and consumers from liability for damaged or stolen work. (Name of Artist or Parent/Guardian, please print) (Name of Witness, please print) (Signature of Artist or Parent/Guardian) (Signature of Witness) Date Date
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