Medina Library 2015 Teen Art Expo Guidelines and Registration Criteria for submissions: Pieces may be 2-d or 3-d All subject matter must be appropriate for public viewing. This will be determined by library staff. All pieces must be original to the artist; this includes photographs. Name, grade, phone number and title (if applicable) must be attached to each piece at time of submission. Only first names, grades and titles will be displayed publicly. 2-d and photos: Dimensions: max 22”x28” min 5”x5” Must be mounted on poster board, mat board or foam board Can be traditional art, (charcoal, paint, colored pencil, pastel, etc.) digital prints, or photographs 3-d: Must be able to stand unsupported Must be under 20 pounds Must not have any sharp, unfinished or dangerous edges Cannot be more than 2 feet in diameter or height When does the show start? How long does it run? The first day of the show is Monday, April, 20 2015. There will be reception to meet the artists on Tuesday, April 21st, from 6:30-8 pm at Medina Library. The final day of the show is Saturday, May 2. Where/when do I drop off my artwork? Pieces can be dropped off on the 2nd floor of the library at the Information Desk, beginning Monday, April 6th. Last day for submissions is April 15th. Where/when do I pick up my artwork? Beginning May 8th, art may be collected from the 2nd floor Information Desk. Art must be picked up no later than May 15th. Can I sell my artwork during the show? Pieces cannot be sold during the art show. If there is an interest in a piece, the buyer’s information can be collected and given to the artist, but no transactions will take place in the library. Questions? 330-722-4257 Katie Graefnitz: Suzie Muniak: Rachel Rundle: Return the attached waiver form to the library along with any submissions, as well as the following information: Name: Grade: Phone: Email: List of pieces: I understand and agree to the following terms for participation in the Medina Library 2015 Teen Art Expo: Artist assumes all risks and agrees to hold the Medina County District Library (MCDL) staff and Board of Trustees harmless for any damages or theft of Artist’s works left or on display at the library. The Artist agrees to comply with all MCDL requirements and procedures for displaying any works. MCDL reserves the right to reject or require removal of any works from display at the library. Artwork will be photographed by library staff and may be used on library websites and digital signs in the library. All subjects must be appropriate for public viewing. Appropriateness will be determined by library staff. Submitted artwork is original to me, and is not from a published photograph, magazine, or any other published work. Artist’s signature: ____________________________________________ Parent of artist (if under 18): ___________________________________
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