Our Redeemer Lutheran Church & School April 2015 Newsletter

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church & School
April 2015 Newsletter
From the Pastor’s Desk …..
We are finishing the month of March and are about to begin the
month of April. With the beginning of April, we will celebrate Holy
Week and Easter. We will have our festival worship services on
April 2 (Maundy Thursday), April 3 (Good Friday), and April 5
(Easter Sunday). As you prepare for Holy Week, I would
encourage you to come to worship and be in the Scripture. The
Scripture readings are:
April 1, 2015 (Wednesday in Holy Week)
Isaiah 62:11—63:7; Psalm 70; Romans 5:6-11; Luke 22-23
John 13:16-38
April 2, 2015 (Maundy Thursday)
Exodus 24:3-11; Psalm 116:12-19; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17
Mark 14:12-26; Exodus 12:1-14; Psalm 116:12-19
1 Corinthians 11:23-32; John 13:1-17,31-35
April 3, 2015 (Good Friday)
Isaiah 52:13—53:12; Psalm 22; Psalm 31;
Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9; John 18-19; John 19:17-30
April 4, 2015 (Holy Saturday)
Daniel 6:1-24; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 4:1-8; Matthew 27:57-66
April 5, 2015 (Easter Sunday)
Isaiah 25:6-9; Psalm 16; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Mark 16:1-8
On April 12, we will shift from the liturgical readings for our
sermon emphases to reading through the Bible in thirty-one
weeks. I would encourage you to get a copy of The Story and
follow along. We have copies available at the Communication
Desk. There are different versions of The Story for different age
groups. You might want to consider the following versions:
Max Lucado and Randy Frazee. The Story: The Bible as One
Continuing Story of God and His People. (The version for
Adam Barr. Exploring the Story: A Reference Companion.
Randy Frazee with Kevin and Sherry Harney. The Story: Getting to
the Heart of God’s Story (Adult Curriculum).
Max Lucado, Randy Frazee, and Karen Davis Hill. The Story for
Children: A Storybook Bible
ZonderKidz. The Story: Teen Edition (Enhanced Edition)
(Video Clip for every lesson)
ZonderKidz. The Story for Kids: Discover the Bible from Beginning
to End
April 12, 2015 (Second Sunday of Easter) – “Creation: The
Beginning of Life as We Know It” (Genesis 1-9)
April 19, 2015 (Third Sunday of Easter) –“God Builds a
Nation” (Genesis 12-13,15; Romans 4: Hebrews 11)
April 26, 2015 (Fourth Sunday of Easter) – “Joseph: From Slave to
Deputy Pharaoh” (Genesis 37-48)
I would encourage you to join a small group and be in the Word.
Talk about God’s Story for us, Our Redeemer’s story, and our own
story with God. If you cannot be part of the Story in small groups,
you will find guiding questions on line or on our web page.
(Continued on page 3….)
Sunday Morning Bible Study
9:30 & 10:45 am, Cafeteria
High School through Adults
Starting April 12
Friends of Jesus: The Story church-wide initiative begins April 12. Please consider hosting a small group for only a 6-week
commitment. Materials (DVD and questions for your group to discuss) will be provided for you if you decide to host a small group.
You may choose to host at church, in your home, or in another location of your choosing. The Story is a 31-chapter chronological
walk through the Bible. Sign up sheets for a small group can be picked up in the church office or under the skylights. Thank you for
considering hosting a small group and strengthening our family of believers at Our Redeemer.
Weekly Bible Studies
Sunday School
Monday—Women’s Bible Study, 6:00 pm
(every other week) No meeting on April 6.
Sunday School is held at 9:30 and again at 10:45 am. Children
3K-6th grade are welcome to attend. 7th & 8th grade meets
10:45-11:45 am. Contact Gail Woods, gwoods214@gmail.com.
Jonah Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer
Facilitator: Linda Dusel (linda.dusel@gmail.com), Chapel
Wednesday—Women’s Bible Study, 6:00 pm
The nursery is located on the lower level by the Fellowship
Hall and is available to families with small children from 9:3010:45. Those wishing to volunteer in the nursery, please
contact Noemi Hedrich, 414-312-3198 or
The Story; Facilitator: Kelly Kurth (brian.kurth@att.net),
Media Center
Thursday—Adult Bible Study, 9:30 am
Verse-by-verse study of the Gospel of Luke
Facilitator: Pastor Wayne C. Schroeder
(wayne.schroeder@orlctosa.org), Cafeteria
Friday —Women's Bible Study, 8:30 am
The Story; Facilitator: Jenny Beyer (jenniferLbeyer@yahoo.com)
Arike Ogunbowale, member and former OR student, played in the Wisconsin State Basketball tournament. She is ranked as one of
the best basketball players in the nation and will be playing in the McDonald's High School All-American game to be broadcast on
ESPN. Gatorade named her the Girls' State Basketball player of the year. She has also been named Miss Basketball as the state's top
senior player by the Wisconsin Basketball Coaches Association. Arike is only the third Wisconsinite to receive McDonald's AllAmerican award and is the 17th player in state history to score 2,000 points. She has received a full-ride scholarship to play
basketball at Notre Dame University.
LeAnne Zaire, member and former student of ORLS, will enter the Peace Corp in April. She will teach Engligh to children in
Kyrgyzstan Republic.
New feature! Do you have information to share? Please submit your information to church@orlctosa.org.
Call Committee
From the Pastor’s Desk (continued)...
I would ask that you pray for the Call Committee as
they help to discern God’s Will for Our Redeemer
Lutheran Church and School as you prepare to call a
new senior pastor. Pray for the faculty and staff of Our
Redeemer Lutheran Church and School. Pray for one
another and for the future of Our Redeemer.
The call committee submitted the nominations for senior
pastoral candidates to the district March 10, 2015.
Approximately 30 different pastors from 34 nominations
received were obtained from the members and staff by the
committee and submitted to district. District is still
compiling the background information, performance
information and self-assessments of the candidates and
expects to have that information back to the call committee
by April 3, 2015. This would keep us on the schedule to
make the call at the end of June of this year.
Names of the candidates along with their background
information will be made available to all members to
review. We encourage everyone to be a part of this
process. Please continue to pray for God’s guidance through
this process.
Nomination Committee Update
The nomination Committee would like to invite all members
of Our Redeemer to recommend candidates for nomination
for the following positions: MMC President, MMC Vice
President, and 4 at-large MMC seats. In accordance with the
bylaws, candidates must be voting members, noted for their
Christian knowledge, zeal, and experience in the spiritual
work in God’s kingdom. The slate of candidates will be
published at least one week prior to the next voter’s
meeting. The policy manual also provides that anyone who
chooses to nominate an individual must acquire that
person’s permission to be nominated and must submit that
person’s resume to the Nominating committee. Verbal
resumes are acceptable to this committee.
After Easter, I will go home to have foot surgery. I have
postponed the surgery as long as I could from the
beginning of January until right after Easter. If I could, I
would postpone the foot surgery even later. My
orthopedic surgeon would not accept my bargaining
position. So I will have some fancy footwork
accomplished by the surgeon on my right foot on April
7. I will be back on a knee scooter in the Spring.
In the meantime, a number of pastors will cover on
sight for me and I will direct ministry from afar as
directed with the Elders. President Wille will preach
the first two Sundays after Easter (April 12 and 19).
Pastor Schroeder will be on deck for April 26. Pastors
Wangerin and Sorenson from Mount Olive Lutheran
Church will also be available for pastoral care. Pastors
Schroeder, Wille, Wangerin and Sorenson will be
available for pastoral care such as funerals, weddings,
and baptisms while I am laid up.
I ask for your prayers as I heal and prepare to come
back to work with you. I will pray for you and for the
Call Committee.
In Christ,
Rev. Martin J. Homan
Intentional Interim Senior Pastor
Please contact anyone on the committee with your
nominations. The committee members are: Anne Christian,
Greg Reiderer, Tom Balgeman, Carrie Tittl and Andy
Tuler. Thanks for your assistance.
Easter Sunday
April 5
The Resurrection of Our Lord
April 2 Maundy Thursday
11:00 am & 6:30 pm
April 3 Good Friday
12:15 & 6:30 pm
Easter Dawn Worship Service, 7:00 am
Festival Worship Services, 9:00 & 11:00 am
All members, family, friends and guests are invited to
our Easter Breakfast, which will be served by Men’s
Ministry beginning at 8:00 am through 11:00 am.
Upcoming Events
Tosa Cares Food Pantry
The next food pantry distribution will be held Saturday, April 25
at Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, 120th and North Avenue. If you can
help with organization of the food pantry on Friday, April 24 at
9:00 am, or the distribution to the needy families on April 25 at
8:00 am, please call Ruth Berg at 414-462-5871. Please bring
any of the items listed below to the bin under the skylights at
Our Redeemer. Items needed are: laundry detergent, canned
fruits and vegetables, cereal, and any non-perishable items.
Friday Night at the Movies
Mom’s Night Out: Friday, May 8
All women of Our Redeemer are invited to join us for a free
movie night at on May 8. Beginning at 6:30 in the sanctuary, we’ll
screen the movie “Mom’s Night Out.” Sarah Drew, Sean Astin and
Patricia Heaton star in this comedy about friends in search of a
long needed mom’s night out. The movie will begin at 6:30 pm.
Be a Hero. Save a Life. May 31
Please save the date of Sunday, May 31 for a Blood Center of
Wisconsin Blood Drive in our gymnasium. Be a part of this lifeThe second Tuesday of every month, the “old-timers” of Our
saving drive for the lives of friends, family and neighbors that
Redeemer get together for a couple of hours for some fun card
need blood each and every day. Each day the Blood Center needs
games. Game Day is open to all “retirees” who love a good game to collect more than 800 units of blood and 50% of that total
of Sheepshead, or anything else you would like to play. Come join comes directly from mobile drives such as the one we are
the fun, make some new friends, learn how to play a new game,
hosting. You can make a difference. If you are a regular donor,
or share one with others. The “card tables” will be located in the please note that donations are only accepted once every 8
lower level Band Room/Counting Room.
weeks. Please plan accordingly.
Game Day, Tuesday, April 14 , 12:30 PM
Confirmation Brunch, Sunday, April 26
This year’s 8th grade confirmands will be celebrated with our
annual Confirmation Brunch at 10:45 am on April 26. At this
time, our students will have the opportunity to meet their Prayer
Partners and spend time with family and friends before
Confirmation on Sunday, May 3.
Volunteers are needed to assist with set-up on Saturday, April
25. Help is also needed with preparing egg bakes (recipe
provided), serving and clean-up. Service hours apply for those
needing to fulfill volunteer hours. Sign-up outside the Volunteer
Ministry office, or contact kirsten.karraker@orlctosa.org.
LWML-Grandmas InC
Spring is on the way, and the ladies of LWML-Grandmas InC are
busy. We will meet on Saturday, April 18 at 9:00 am for our
monthly Bible Study. This study will be led by Elaine Giesfeldt.
Come and join us! The next day, April 19, Grandmas InC is
sponsoring a Bake Sale. The proceeds will be given to our VBS
program. Donations of bakery are appreciated.
The month will wrap up with a LWML Quilting Marathon on
Saturday, April 25. Come from 9:00 am-12:00 pm to help make
quilts for disaster relief. No special talent is needed. Bring
scissors and measuring tape if you have them. For more
information, contact Ruth Berg at 414-462-5871.
Praise Team Volunteers Needed!
Momentum is building at OR as the Call Committee moves toward finalizing candidates for our next Senior
Pastor! Likewise, OR's worship teams are growing and in need of more volunteers. Utilizing new technologies and
working toward improvement, OR is in need of talented individuals ready to serve. Here are some of the positions/teams
OR is looking to grow:
A/V Team
 Sound Editing / Mixing (Even if you've never worked with a sound board before, we will teach you!)
 Slide production / presenting
 Social Media / Web Integration
 Set up / take down volunteers
 Praise Team
 Guitar (acoustic or electric)
 Keyboard
 Violin
 Bass Guitar
 Drums
 Vocals
The worship teams usually meet on Wednesday nights at 7:30pm or on Saturday afternoons at 1pm (depending who is
leading). Consider volunteering for these important ministries today. Contact Sam Seefeld at Sam.Seefeld@orlctosa.org or at
(414) 213-2471 (text messages are welcome).
Women’s Day Retreat
Inspires and Motivates
The Spring Women’s Day Retreat on Saturday, March 7, inspired and motivated
57 Our Redeemer women and guests. Speaker Elizabeth Murphy shared stories
of four New Testament women who received invitations from Jesus and their
unique responses to Him. Small group discussion followed each of Elizabeth’s
four sessions, allowing attendees to dig deeper into God’s Word as well as
getting to know each other better. A delicious lunch was enjoyed by all and a
social hour following the retreat was enjoyed by many.
We are blessed with a team of volunteers who worked together beautifully to
bring the retreat to life. Thank you to Carrie Sadler who coordinated this spring’s event. Thank you to the team: Angie Kirchner,
Lalia Knueppel, Penny Van Dellen, Dana Wegner, Sandy Conway, Denise Kegley, Stephanie Klenz, Marilyn Seefeld and Margie
Hoffman. Your work is much appreciated!
Next year’s Spring Day Retreat will be held on Saturday, March 5. In order to make next year’s retreat more affordable, we will be
fund raising throughout the year. Watch for special Sunday morning coffee hours beginning this summer! If you would like to join
the retreat team, we would love to have you. Stop by the Volunteer Ministry office to lend your support.
Beth Moore: Living Proof Live
Early Registration Ends April 14
Be sure to register for the August Beth Moore Living Proof Live
event by April 14 to save $10. Tickets are $59 and can be ordered
directly through lifeway.com/livingproof. We will carpool and sit
together as a team at the event. For more information, contact
Sandy Chapman at 414-698-9260 or slchapman@aol.com or Jamie
Moilanen at 414-699-7642 or j.moils.04@gmail.com.
Vacation Bible School
Seeks Co-Directors
The 15th annual weekend Men’s Retreat was held at the
Holiday Inn in Manitowoc on the weekend of February 2022. What a great turn out - 124 men from 37 different
congregations in North and South Wisconsin Districts, plus
guests from Minnesota, Iowa, and Northern Illinois. The
theme was, “The Samson Syndrome”, based on the book with
the same name. The men looked at the problems Samson
had with his spiritual life and how men living in our present
day culture have many of the same problems. Many areas
where men struggle today are no different than the
problems Samson had. Some areas include: disregard for
God’s boundaries in our life; struggle with lust; love for self
and own ego; taking God’s blessings for granted; struggle
with intimacy; and losing sight of God’s purpose for our life.
VBS is taking our program to The SOS Center this summer.
We would like to offer Everest: Conquering Challenges With
God’s Mighty Power here at OR the week of July 19. In order
to do so, co-directors are needed to coordinate the event. Is
it you? Training, mentoring and volunteers are provided!
To further discuss your place in this summer’s VBS
program, please contact Gail Woods at
gwoods214@gmail.com or kirsten.karraker@orlctosa.org.
The retreat was a great opportunity for men to fellowship
and make new friends; they had a great time praising the
Lord with the Men Of The Cross praise band; and saw a great
Christian movie, ”When The Game Stands Tall.”
Here are a few comments from the men about their
experience: “The retreat encouraged me to set spiritual
goals for my life,” “My faith was strengthened this weekend,”
“The retreat addressed major issues men face today,” “I
grew spiritually this weekend,” “This weekend was a faith
building experience,” “Outstanding breakout sessions,” “124
men joining in worship and singing was awesome and
inspirational,” “The weekend made me take an inventory of
my spiritual life.”
New members were welcomed with a breakfast in the Media
Center on Sunday, March 15. Juan and Kattie Dominguez and their
sons, Joaquin and Isaiah; Steve and Tracy Shada along with
daughter Haley; Doris Johnson and sons Malcolm and Carlito; and
Chantel Kuczmarski and her son Jacob were available to spend
time getting to better know one another and learning more about
ways to become more involved here at OR. If you would like to
serve on the New Member Welcome Committee, please
contact kirsten.karraker@orlctosa.org.
We are already planning the 2016 Men’s Retreat and details
will be available in August. If you would be interested in
attending the 2016 retreat, email jnrberg67@gmail .com or
phone Jim Berg at 414-462-5871.
Financial News
“I have learned the secret of being content in any and
every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether
living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through
him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13
It seems like we just celebrated the birth of our Savior and soon we will be mourning yet rejoicing at His death and then His
resurrection. In March my wife and I would have celebrated our 49 th wedding anniversary. She left me and all her earthly
possessions to be with her Heavenly Father two and a half years ago. Yes, all her earthly possessions that she loved are still here.
This includes her children and grandchildren. But through the grace of God even though she loved her “things and stuff’, her love for
her Lord was greater as she served Him during her walk on earth.
Jesus was born to serve us and He died so that through His death our sins are wiped away. What a gracious and loving God we have.
All of us were born and cleansed at our baptism. All of us will also die and leave our worldly possessions. During your walk on
earth, walk the Godly walk of love so you can leave something behind that is not considered a “thing or stuff’. Love your family and
serve God by serving your Church that we call Our Redeemer.
Choose what is lasting over what is temporary. Rev. 3:18: “I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become
rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.”
The Church has received $805,309 through your giving as of the end of February. We are grateful for that but realize our budget
needs are $870,000 which leaves us $64,691 behind and well behind the $884,121 received last fiscal year through February.
He is Risen Indeed for You,
Marty Hedrich
Our Redeemer Vision Statement
Service: Disciples serve other Christians and
members of the community with the attitude of
Outreach: Disciples bring the Good News of Jesus
Christ into our community and the world.
Worship: People nurtured and inspired by Word
Spirit of God.
Education: Disciples of every age walk together
faithfully studying God’s Word and using His
Volunteers assembling lunch
bags for the Milwaukee Rescue
Mission, March 23
Relationships: Disciples strengthen others in need,
celebrate their joys and rejoice in our final reunion
in heaven.
2015 ORLC 7-8 Grade Lock-In
“The Message of the Cross” was the theme of this year’s 7-8
Grade Youth Lock-In at Our Redeemer. Thirty-five youths
braved 12 hours of FUN, FOOD, FELLOWSHIP and NO SLEEP!
A great time was had by all! Led by the team of Lizzy Tait,
Trish Smith & Jamie Kohlmeier, all of the youth enjoyed a
diverse program that kept them involved and active
throughout the night. We all thank GOD for His messages
through the leadership and efforts of Liz and her crew.
ORLS Forensics
The official Forensics season has ended, State competition is March 28. It
has been exciting with new members, speeches for the returning
members and the occasional dance.
Our first official meet was at Nature Hill Middle School in Oconomowoc
on February 7. Blue ribbons were earned by Evelynne Potosynak, Ilsa
Strelow and Natalie Wessel. Red ribbons were earned by Logan Walker
and Lydia Zajichek.
The second meet was at Longfellow Middle school, February 13. Nathan
Wessel walked away with a Third Place trophy in Informative Speech.
Blue ribbons were earned by Robert Hurst, Ilsa Strelow and Nathan
Wessel. Red ribbons earned by Carlito Johnson and Robert Julga.
The third meet was Friday, February 20, at Pilgrim Park Middle School.
Third Place trophies were earned by Nathan Wessel in Informative and
Robert Julga in Infomercial. Blue ribbons were earned by Robert Hurst,
Carlito Johnson, Janelle Johnson, Robert Julga, Ilsa Strelow, and Nathan Wessel. Red ribbons were earned by Hoyt Leitzke, Rebecca
Gatewood and Matthew Willer.
The fourth meet was February 27 at Immanuel Brookfield. Medal
winners were Nathan Wessel, Evelynne Potosynak and Robert Julga.
Blue ribbon winners were Evelynne, Nathan, Robert, and Hoyt
Leitzke. Red ribbons were earned by Logan Walker, Lydia Zajicheck
and Ilsa Strelow.
February 28 we traveled to Holy Apostles in New Berlin for a meet.
Blue ribbons were earned by Evelynne, Ilsa, Nathan and Lydia.
Logan earned a red ribbon. Nathan and Lydia walked away with
medals in their categories.
The final, regular season meet was March 14 in Cudahy. Blue
ribbons were earned by Evelynne, Rebecca, Robert Julga, Robert
Hurst, Nathan Wessel, and Janelle Johnson. Red ribbons went to
Carlito Johnson, Matthew Willer and Lydia Zajichek. Medals were
earned by Evelynne and Nathan.
Four members qualified for the State Meet, which will be in
Oconomowoc on March 28. Those members who are going on to
State are Nathan Wessel, Ilsa Strelow, Robert Julga and Evelynne Potosynak.
Denise Kegley
Teacher, Grade 1 and Forensics Coach
Wisconsin MLFA President
Our Redeemer Girls Earn Top Wisconsin Lego Robot Team,
Will Compete in World Championship in St. Louis
March 6, 2015, Wauwatosa, WI – After earning highest–honor Champion Awards at
Regional, Sectional and State competitions for the design and programming of their Lego
robot, six girls from Our Redeemer Lutheran School will represent Wisconsin as one of the
US teams, competing with teams from around the world, at the FIRST Lego League (FLL)
World Festival in St. Louis, MO April 22 – 25.
The girls began competing in August against approximately 400 Wisconsin regional teams.
The field narrowed through sectional competitions until last week’s 36-team FLL World
ClassSM Wisconsin State Championship, where the girls took home the top prize.
FLL competition is comprised of four linked events. At the beginning of the season, the
team is given a challenge, then judged on their response and how they form their solution
(Core Values). The team is also judged on how they work together, how they help others and how they balance competition and
cooperation. Then they must create a Lego robot for the match, and are judged on the design and programming of the robot.
Ultimately, this robot competes – and that is the final criterion for the judges.
The girls, members of an Our Redeemer Girl Scout troop, are known as “Team LOL” (Lots of
Legos). Members are Emma Johnson, Rebecca Gatewood, Janelle Johnson, Aleksey Hicks,
Lauren Parsons and Natalie Wessel. Mentors are
prior-year team members Hannah Willer and
Jessica Gatewood. Coaches are Eric Johnson, Julie
Wessel, Mark Willer and Brent Gatewood. The
robot’s name is Guten Tag.
Members of Team LOL can be recognized by their
brightly-colored hats and energetic precompetition dance to their team song, Live Out
Loud, by Steven Curtis Chapman. The girls say not
only does this song fit the LOL theme, it reflects
how they approach competition day, and every day, by living their dreams and pursuing them
passionately. Visit Team LOL’s web page at http://fllteamlol.weebly.com/
2015 FIRST® Championship
The 2015 FIRST® Championship is expected to be larger than last April’s when in St. Louis, 648 teams comprising over 12,000 kids,
ages 6 to 18, gathered to show off their science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills in the ultimate Sport for the Mind™!
Whether competing with robots of their own design (middle and high-school level) or presenting research projects (elementary and
middle-school level), FIRST participants offered a glimpse of our future workforce-in-the-making. FIRST®, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit
public charity, offers accessible, innovative programs that motivate young people to pursue education and career opportunities in
STEM disciplines, while building self-confidence, knowledge, and life skills.
2014 FLL WORLD CLASS℠ Challenge
What is the future of learning? FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) teams will find the answers. In the 2014 FLL WORLD CLASS℠ Challenge,
over 265,000 children from 80 countries will redesign how we gather knowledge and skills in the 21st century. Teams will teach
adults about the ways that kids need and want to learn. Get ready for a whole new class – FLL WORLD CLASS!
FLL Challenge: Overview and History
In early fall, FLL releases a Challenge, which is based on a real-world scientific topic.
Each Challenge has three parts: the Robot Game, the Project, and the FLL Core Values. Teams of up to ten children, with at least one
adult coach (two coaches required in U.S./Canada), participate in the Challenge by programming an autonomous robot to score points
on a themed playing field (Robot Game), developing a solution to a problem they have identified (Project), all guided by the FLL Core
Values. Teams may then attend an official tournament, hosted by one of our FIRST LEGO League Partners.
Past Challenges have been based on topics such as nanotechnology, climate, quality of life for the handicapped population, and
transportation. By designing our Challenges around such topics, participants are exposed to potential career paths within a chosen
Challenge topic, in addition to solidifying the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) principles that naturally come from
participating in the program. Team members also learn valuable life and employment skills which will benefit them no matter which
career path they choose.
- See more at: http://www.firstlegoleague.org/challenge/thechallenge#sthash.PBoAURmA.dpuf
3:30 pm Daisy Scouts
Troop #8947
8:00 pm Adult Coed
5 Easter Sunday
7:00, 9:00 & 11:00 am
8:00 am Easter
Breakfast begins
2 Maunday Thursday
6:30am Men's Bible Study— 11:00 am & 6:30 pm
Denny's; Women’s Bible
Study—El Greco; Men’s
Bible Study - Capital Cafe
3:30 pm 4K Dance Class
4:30 pm Confirmation
5:00 pm Lenten Supper
7:30 pm Morning Praise
3 Good Friday
No School
12:15 & 6:30 pm
8:30 am Women’s
Bible Study
6:30 pm Cub Scout
Pack 154
9:00 am Den 4
10:00 am 5K Dance
Class Makeup
6 Church Office
Closed—No School
6:30 am Men’s Bible
Study @ Denny’s
6:30 pm MMC Mtg
8:00 pm Adult Coed
6:30am Men's Bible Study—
Denny's; Women’s Bible
Study—El Greco; Men’s
Bible Study - Capital Cafe
3:30 pm 4K Dance Class
4:30 pm Confirmation
6:30 pm Worship/
7:30 pm Morning Praise
8:00 & 11:00 am
6:30 am Men's Bible
Traditional Worship
Study at Denny's
9:30 am Contemporary
9:30 & 10:45 am Adult
Bible Study
9:30 & 10:45 am Sunday
12:30 pm Game Day
8:00 pm Adult CoEd
6:30am Men's Bible Study— 9:30 am Adult Bible
Denny's; Women’s Bible
Study—El Greco; Men’s
Bible Study - Capital Cafe
3:30pm 4K Dance Class
4:30pm Confirmation
6:00pm Women's Bible
6:30 pm Worship
7:30pm Morning Praise
9:00 am Grandmas
InC Bible Study
1:30 pm 5K Dance
6:00 pm Father/
Daughter Dance
19 Communion
8:00 & 11:00 am
Traditional Worship
9:30 am Contemporary
9:30 & 10:45 am Adult
Bible Study
9:30 & 10:45 am Sunday
4:00 pm Blue & Gold
8:00 pm Adult CoEd
6:30am Men's Bible Study— 9:30 am Adult Bible
Denny's; Women’s Bible
Study—El Greco; Men’s
Bible Study - Capital Cafe
4:30pm Confirmation
6:00pm Women’s Bible
6:30 pm Worship/
7:30pm Morning Praise
8:30 am Women’s
Bible Study
9:00 am Quilting
3:30 pm Daisy Scouts
8:00 pm Adult Coed
6:30am Men's Bible Study— 9:30 am Adult Bible
Denny's; Women’s Bible
Study—El Greco; Men’s
Bible Study - Capital Cafe
4:30pm Confirmation
6:00pm Women’s Bible
6:30 pm Worship
7:30pm Morning Praise
6:30 am Men's Bible
Study at Denny's
6:00 pm Women’s
Bible Study
8:00 & 11:00 am
6:30 am Men’s Bible
Traditional Worship
Study @ Denny’s
9:30 am Contemporary
9:30 & 10:45 am Adult
Bible Study
9:30 & 10:45 am Sunday
10:45 am Confirmation
Prayer Partner Brunch
9:30 am Adult Bible
6:30 pm Festival Choir
God’s blessings to You!
May He guide and protect you the coming year through.
Marshall Joers
Lane Johnson
Judy Schultz
Domenic Serena
Doris Bautch
Juve Esparza
Jason Hansen
Sarah Mills
Marilyn Prokupek
Peggy Voigt
Sue Brandt
Robert Dusel
Eileen Grasse
Carol Leonard
Mark Willer
Kennedy Brown
Paul Gromowski
Joshua Hofer
Adele Matthai
Joseph Pawlak
Deborah Tschudy
McKinzie Halkola
Gregory Marr
Adam Wollert
Ian Finnegan
Pamela Hansen
Grant Jablonski
Katherine Van Dellen
Dyllan deBoer
Julie Rotaru
Thomas Simons
Ivan Grotjahn
Jack L’Heureux
Danielle Nelson
Linda Osterlie
Erin Putzier
Gloria Schmeling
Paula Brophy
Andrew Hofer
Destin Martens
Ashley Vana
Grace Grill
Edward Kramer
Lillian Seymour
Amanda Bohl
Kathleen Dellemann
Roger Oliverson
Mara Hicks
Shelly Phillips
Dale Preuss
Scott Benson, II
Elizabeth Heicher
Mark Gutekunst
Debbie Hempe
Samantha Lenz
Anne Toy
Ted Wagner
Holly Asbach
Karla Augustin
Lorelei Babich
Marlene Brandt
Daniel Christian
Kaylin Hempe
Jenna Herkowski
Rachel Christian
Sandra Conway
Mark Ryder
Tyler Tuler
Isaiah Seymour
Michelle Flayter
Luke Kirchner
Jacqueline Kohler
Bradley Lembrich
Jolan Smallwood
Barb Tait
Kevin Folker
Rebekah Sholty
Adam Vohar
Kenneth Voigt
Hannah Kollakowsky
Lucas Breytung
Grant Dobberfuhl
Sarah Holtan
Isabel Islas
Jeremy Kaine
Pat MacGillis
Laurie Serena
Betsy Guilford
Nicholas Kotas
Renee Stuesse
Casey Wright
Leah Ganjbakhsh
Kelly Jesmok
Lalia Knueppel
Dierk Leibsle
Jill Wolf
William Herkowski
Justin Jablonski
LuAnn Schultz
Julia Bartz
Kira Kraft
Jackie Rudig
Emily Simons
Robert Trettin
Scott Benson
Alyssa Bohl
Arlene Conley
Andrew Reiser
Alison Verhaalen
Tammy Ziebell
Abigail Miller
Joanne Roberson
Leila Sabree
Justin Salerno
Logan Weber
David Williamson
Tom Balgeman
Brian Beren
Erin Brophy
Dawn Challoner
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church & School, 10025 W. North Avenue, Wauwatosa, WI 53226
Church office: 414-258-4555/School office: 414-258-4558