ORMOND BEACH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Home Visitor 105 Amsden Road Ormond Beach, FL 32176-4712 386-441-0300 FAX 441-0301 E-mail: orpresch1@outlook.com Web Site: ormondbeachpc.org Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Vol:56 No.5 PASTOR: THE REV. DR. R. MICHAEL FOLEY Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Fellowship 10:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. April 2015 Leaving a Legacy Do you have a will? Is Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church part of your will? When you put the church in your will you are making a statement of faith. It is an expression of your love for the Lord and your appreciation for the way this church helped you walk the walk of faith in your lifetime. It is also an expression of hope in the future that long after you are gone this church will continue to reach out and share the good news of Jesus Christ with new disciples that will sit in the very same pew where you once sat. The following story illustrates the importance of putting the church in your will as a statement of faith in the Lord and your hope for the future. One day an old man went out and planted a fig tree. Neighbors laughed at him for being such a fool. You’re a fool they said – what are you doing planting a fig tree in your old age that you will never live to enjoy its fruit. With a smile and a polite nod he said, I did not plant it for my own enjoyment. I planted it for the many generations of people who will come after me and will sit beneath this fig tree and enjoy its fruit. And perhaps they will wonder about the person who planted this tree so long ago and maybe they will even offer up a prayer of thanks. Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church has been blessed because of several members who wanted to leave a legacy that would go on supporting this ministry after they were gone from our sight. Among the Endowments that continue to support Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church’s ministry are: Logan Flower Fund, Logan Christmas Fund, Kurz Music Memorial, Langston Lecture Fund, Dittbenner Children’s Fund, Akers Endowment Fund, Honoring our Promises Endowment Fund, Bruce and Dorothy Haddad Scholarship Fund, Francis and Mary Potter Memorial. The Presbyterian Foundation has published a helpful resource entitled, Guide to a Christian Will. This guide explains the many different options that are available for members who want to leave a lasting legacy. We have other helpful guides from the Presbyterian Foundation that explain planned giving and Legacy giving options. These are available in the church office. If you have questions about how the church handles and administers estate bequests please talk with our church treasurer, Rudy Habermann who will be happy to answer your questions. ACTS 16:5 REWIND “So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers.” Acts 16:5 The ship has long been a symbol of the church -- the sanctuary as an inverted hull of a ship holding the people of God. One ship-related image of the church that I find useful for imagining how the congregation launches new ministries is that of an aircraft carrier. An aircraft carrier has one significant purpose: to serve as a platform from which to care for, fuel, and launch airplanes sent on various missions. In a sense, a congregation is just such a platform for the people of God, caring for us, “fueling” us and sending us to serve. As a platform for disciple-growing ministry, the congregation is also like an aircraft carrier in that it serves as the launch pad for small groups, discipleship communities, and other ministries. © 2012 E. Stanley Ott: The Vital Churches Institute “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matt.28:19-20). Transferred with regret William Lawrence to Winter Park PC, Winter Park FL where he now resides. Allotted 10% of a recent bequest ($5,900) to the Mission Tithe Fund. Scheduled the film “The Mission” for 7:00 pm on 4/17 as an Amsden Academy event. Discussion will follow. Expenses will be met by the Christian Ed. Committee budget. Called a congregational meeting for 4/12 immediately after worship. The purposes are to elect Elders and deacons and to hear an up-date form the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee. Approved the purchase of a commercial grade stairway ladder to provide attic access in the hall behind the sanctuary at a cost of $2,337 payable from budget line item 300.22 PBPC will see to its installation. Michael and Judy Corbett Mike and Judy have moved to Ormond Beach from Boca Raton. Before she retired, Judy was a legal assistant. Mike’s background was in law enforcement. Judy is involved locally as a volunteer at Gamble Rogers State Park. They both enjoy traveling and skiing. Jayne Gillespy Jayne comes to us from Westminster Presbyterian Church. She is employed as an assistant manager at All Aboard Storage. Jayne loves cooking and traveling. However, greatest loves are her two grown children, Matt and Lindsay Tower, and she is presently looking forward to the birth of her first grandchild. Ann Huxley Ann lives with her daughter, Jayne Gillespy, and has lived in the Daytona area for many years. She is retired from a management position with Bell Telephone Company. She was an active member of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Roy and Carol Layton Roy and Carol are coming to us from Christ Presbyterian Church and Carol is a dear friend of Edith and Howard Gaines. Carol was a realtor before she retired and has taught discipleship classes at her church. She has also been a deacon and an elder in her church. Roy was president of an international long distance company and now works for a company in Costa Rica. Carol and Roy have two daughters and four grand children of whom they are very proud. James and Pamela Whittet Jim and Pam moved here from New York state and have lived in the area for a while. They began singing in our choir last summer and they also sing with the Bel Canto Singers. Before she retired, Pam worked as an educational administrator and assistant superintendent. Jim worked in food service management and real estate. They have joined a Sunday school class here and have helped with mission projects. Jim is preparing lunches for our Alpha group. Their interests include singing, bowling and traveling. Congregational Meeting – April 19th The session has called a congregational meeting on Sunday, April 19th following worship to conduct the following items of business - Elect Elders and Deacons, Elect a Congregational Nominating Committee and hear an update from the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee. The following members have been nominated to be elected to serve on the session: David Morgan, Laurel Gaddy, Betty Pesca, Jamie Hawes and Beth Norton. The following members have been nominated to be elected to serve as Deacons: DeDee Blanchard, Pat Finn, Becky Novidomskis FREE MONEY As you are aware, our church has two scholarship funds: the Bruce and Dorothy Haddad Memorial Scholarship Fund and the OBPC Scholarship Fund. These scholarships are to help further education beyond high school for any individual who is an active member of OBPC. And they do not need to be repaid. The amount and number of these grants will vary depending upon funds available and the number of applicants. Students need to get an application from the church office and submit it to the scholarship committee by May 15, 2015. For those who would like to contribute to the scholarship fund, it is greatly need and appreciated. Just be sure you mark your contribution to OBPC Scholarship Fund. Thank you. SUNDAY MORNING ADULT EDUCATION Join us for an ongoing Bible study in room 12, Sunday mornings at 9:10 a.m. Jeff Sidwell is leading a class which utilizes a video series by Ligonier Ministries taught by Dr. R.C. Sproul. There will be a 23 minute video, and then we will discuss and dig deeper for each session. Dust to Glory is an awesome overview of the New Testament. See Jeff Sidwell if you would like to attend the class. Haddad Fellowship Center Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 1:00 pm Circle Meetings Faith Circle—Tuesday April 7, 2015 10:00 am Library Beverly Taylor 673-1650 Jean Ferry 672-5745 Joy Circle—Tuesday April 7, 2015 10:00 am Room 12 Linda Neely 256-7753 Jeanne Morris 677-2881 Bible Believers—Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Grodi’s Home 677-0157 7:00 pm Carolyn Williams 672-1051 JoEllen Salce Rogers from the Presbyterian Counseling Center will present an uplifting program entitled “Happiness.” Everyone is welcome. Bring your friends, neighbors and the man in your life. This year’s Honorary Life Member, who has given generously of her time, will be announced and presented with a pin. We have homemade desserts, including two decadent chocolate confections our ladies are known for. Please come, enjoy an uplifting program, sample our great desserts and win a gift at your table. April 2nd 7p.m. Worship April 3rd April, 5th Noon Worship 10:30 a.m. Worship MISSION MINISTRY THANK YOU FOR DONATING TO THE FOOD DRIVE these troubled times, people are hurting. Many children and families who a few months ago felt like they were doing OK hang on by threads today, and those who were already at risk face even greater hardships. I have always been amazed by the generosity of the Ormond Presbyterian Church. Pastor Foley and John Moseley To benefit Halifax Urban Ministries Ormond each our local food bank. The outpouring of support was phenomenal. On February 16, 2015 an excess of 6,500 pounds of food was donated. What a wonderful Church. On behalf of the Halifax Urban Ministries I would like to thank all who took the time to donate food in these challenging times. H.U.M been helping children and families, and we believe that now is not the time to stop. It's not the time to retreat from responsibility and compassion. Now is the time to lead and to offer people an opportunity to help others. We believe that now, more than ever, we need to invite and encourage people to join us and be part of a global service organization where one person -YOU - can make a difference. We need your hands and your hearts to help those who cannot always help themselves. The more hands, the more children and towns we may help. Through Halifax Urban Ministries, we work to change the world for the better, one child, and one town at a time. Once again, thank you for your generosity; People like you make H.U.M a great place. Veetina Malone Supervisor / Halifax Urban Ministries Ormond Beach/People Matter to God! FELLOWSHIP HALL Join us as we gather to pack 10,000 meals for the hungry around the world. These meals are used many times to bring smiles to children in school as their lunch. Maybe their only meal of the day. Details to follow in the church bulletin. There is a limit to the number of people-so plan to sign up. Sincerely, The Outreach Committee– Bruce Miller 386 437-5297 “Peace Starts with a Smile” We are blessed by having "Snow Birds" join with us each year. We have been especially blessed by having Ellen Smith from Pennsylvania, who comes, shares ideas and participates in our projects, particularly the mats ministry. She finished a mat and also brought with her three beautiful prayer shawls. We appreciate Ellen and her participation very much and wish for her a happy summer and a return to us in the fall. Ellen went with Jewel Johnston to introduce the mat craft to ladies of Tomoka Christian Church. They are doing great with the project, and we will be supplying them with "plarn" which they will make into mats. "Make and Take" meals made by the Deacons is an on-going project. We try to know who might like a meal, but you might help keep us informed us by calling the church. We love making the meals and sending them to you; it's another way of saying God loves you! We try to keep them interesting, heart smart and tasty. The Holiday Fair committees are just getting under way. If you sew, quilt or craft, there will be a meeting on April 20 in Haddad Fellowship Hall at 2 p.m. We have lots of fabric! All are welcome! Wednesday, April 15th at 7:00 PM. The 21st Century Learner Christian A. Dickinson, Director of Grace Academy in Ormond Beach, will explore the data of how learning is changing faster than traditional education can keep up with. He will identify the gaps, skills and processes, and changes that are necessary to prepare our children for a future than has not yet been invented. He will explain how a local school is pioneering the future of learning today. Please come join us, call the church office to sign up or look for the insert in the Sunday bulletin. Friday, April 17th at 7:00 PM The Mission Don't miss this powerful movie AND an opportunity to discuss it! The Mission is a 1986 British drama about the experiences of a Jesuit Missionary in 18th century South America. The film stars Robert DeNiro, Jeremy Irons, Liam Nelson. The film was elected in 2007 as the top religious film. Make plans to join us on for this two hour movie on the big screen in the sanctuary. We will provide popcorn and bottled water. Grab a friend and join us; call the church office to sign up or look for the insert in the Sunday bulletin. OBPC PROPERTY COMMITTEE You may have noticed on a few doors, upon exiting, a note asking “Is the door locked”? The reminder is placed to insure when you leave to check the door and make sure it is locked. We appreciate your attention to this. Spring season (and ants) is upon us and would appreciate keeping all rooms free from food crumbs left on tables and coffee rings and spills. We do not mind food and beverages brought in, but please be sure to clean up . Tables should be wiped down and all food crumbs and coffee cups and empty water bottles into the baskets provided. We all appreciate a clean area, and keeping it that way is appreciated. WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED WITH OPENING & CLOSING ON SUNDAYS? If so, please contact Ken Hinkle for more information at 677—7564. Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church was the recipient of a bequest from the Jeanette A. Rounds from a revocable trust. She left approximately 10% of the trust to each of the members of her family; her nine nieces and nephews and her OBPC family. She carried her tithing to the very end through her trust. I wonder if sometimes we fail to recognize or forget the special relationships we form with one another as we gather as brothers and sisters in the worship of Christ. What a loving, caring congregation to each other are the members of OBPC. May we remember this as we celebrate the life of Jeanette Rounds. Larry Moore, Finance, Chair “Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses” -Alphonse KarrGrateful for roses??? Our Landscape Ministry needs you to help weed, feed and trim the Knock-out Roses in the center of the courtyard. Also needed are 3 rose bushes to fill in some gaps. If you can help with the roses in any way, please contact, John or Chris Moseley at 405-6206 or 679-3644. Thanks so much!!! “In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous.” -Aristotle- Ormond Beach Youth Ringers in worship Sunday, April 12 Our youth ringers will present the Prelude, Call to Worship, Offering, and a Benediction at our 10:30 worship service. Tuned for Praise presents in concert Stetson University Women’s Chorale and Stetson Men Directed by Dr. Tim Peter and Dr. Andrew Larson Mrs. Tammy Miller and Mrs. Amy Crane, piano Sunday, April 12 Dear Friends, 3:30 p.m. Presbyterian Counseling Center Can I buy you lunch? I want to have an hour of your time to tell you what we have been up to. I promise it will be a good lunch, entertaining, inspiring, and an hour. If you like what you hear and have money to donate, we will be most grateful for your support. If you have another work that you support, we are glad that you do and we'll be thankful that you could join us. Please come. And please pray for us. Your caring is a huge part of people in pain experiencing the love of God. April 15th, Wednesday, at Noon at the Palmetto Club. 1000 S. Beach St., Daytona. And please call to let us know you are coming (you know how caterers like to have numbers) or for directions. (386)258---1618. Thank you very much! Dr. Lex Baer WOW! What a great congregation of Saints!! Thank you for the cards, phone calls, rides, food, encouragements, love and prayers during my recovery from a fall. Blessings to you all, love Alma More I want to thank you all for your cards of encouraging words and sympathy for the loss of my mother. Every card and note has helped me through this life changing event. It amazes me, the kindness and out pouring of love from so many, and my heart is touched. God Bless, Virginia Tedesco To my dear friends at Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church, Thank you for the lovely flowers, sympathy cards, and all your prayers. Cancer is so hard on families as it robbed us of so much of our lives. We appreciate the friendships we have shared with all of you. Gods Blessings, Carol Dunn The Landscape Ministry Team wishes to thank Alma More for her gift of two single trunk Crepe Myrtle trees, that have been planted in the parking lot circles. The plants are given in loving memory of her husband Fred More, a long time member of OBPC. We express our love and sympathy to the church family upon the death of Charles Wilson who was called into the church triumphant on Wednesday, December 17, 2014. We express our love and sympathy to the church family upon the death of Raymond Dunn who was called into the church triumphant on Thursday, February 12, 2015. We express our love and sympathy to the church family upon the death of Pat Kroll who was called into the church triumphant on Saturday, February 28, 2015. We express our love and sympathy to the church family upon the death of Grossett “Woody” Blackwood who was called into the church triumphant on Saturday, March, 7, 2015 HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY Vivian Taylor The Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church family wishes to extend their well wishes to you on your 100th birthday (4/3). Vivian is Gerry Cratty’s mother and Jim Cratty’s mother-in-law. 4/5 4/12 4/19 4/26 5/3 John 11: 17-26 John 20: 19-31 Luke 24: 36-48 Acts 3: 1-16 Acts 4: 5-21 B. Miller M. Barrows W. Thorpe R. Caravan B. Foster H. Barringer B. Taylor R. Little 3 3 5 6 6 9 11 11 11 12 13 I Am the Resurrection/Life Easter Sunday / Communion Behind Closed Doors Jesus appears to Disciples Power to Heal Power to Free Communion Home Communion Marvin Barrows Jean Perry Ferry Lyle Neely Gordon Whitley Gloria Brisse Tom Danver Dorothy Holbrook Stephanie Olin Mike Stoval Susan Vedder Colleen Sidwell Gwen Williams Hunter Sharpe, Nathan Sharpe, Alec Sidwell, Kaitlyn Sidwell, Paige Sidwell, Fred Wray 13 15 17 20 20 25 25 28 29 30 Roger Murray Thomas & Donna Danver 38 yrs Frank Puzziferro, II Ken & Jamie Hawes 16 yrs. Dottie Baldwin Wayne & Barbara Bowden 44 yrs. Deborah Reilly John Vedder Ruth Alvord Relax your body Shelby Puzzoferro Ella Mae Chadbourne Renew your spirit Russ Armstrong Henry Bulmer Regenerate your soul But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint. April 2015 Sun Mon Tue 1 SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8:30 Breakfast, HFC 9:00 SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10:00 FELLOWSHIP 10:30 WORSHIP 11:30 Coffee Hour, HFC 5 EASTER SUNDAY 10:30 EASTER SERVICE 10:00 WOMENS BIBLE STUDY, 12 1:00 DEACON’S MAT PROJECT-HFC 3:15 OB YOUTH RINGERS 7:00 MEN’SC HRISTIAN CONVERSATION , LIB 7:00 AA, 12 7:15 CHOIR REHERSAL 6 OFFICE CLOSED 13 TUNE FOR PRAISE 3:30 SANCTUARY 10:30 FINANCE, LIB 14 15 16 9:30 T’AI CHI, 10 6:30 RACING FINGERS ,FH 26 27 21 10:00 AARP BOARD MTG, 12 1:00 STAFF MEETING, LIB 5:15 CHRISTIAN ED,LIB 7:00 DB CHORAL SOCIETY PRACTICE-10 7:00 OCEAN WATCH CONDO ASSOC MTG, HFC 28 9:30 T’AI CHI, 10 1:00 STAFF MEETING 9:00 PLANNING & STAFF ,12 1:30 EVANGELISM 7:00 OUTREACH 7:00 DB CHORAL SOCIETY PRACTICE-10 4 GOOD FRIDAY NOON WORSHIP 7:00 WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 BIBLE BELIEVERS GRODI’S 10:00 AARP GEN MTG, SAC & FH 3 10 11 17 18 6:00 GLORY BELLS 7:00 BIBLE STUDY-LIB 7:15 CHOIR REHEARSAL 10:00 BIBLE STUDY-12 1:00 PW GATHERING 1:00 DEACONS MTG-LIB 6:00 GLORY BELLS 7:00 BIBLE STUDY-LIB 7:00 AMSDEN ACADEMY The flim “THE MISSION” 7:15 CHOIR REHEARSAL 22 23 10:00 WOMENS BIBLE STUDY, 12 9:00 MAKE IT & TAKE IT– FH 24 6:00 GLORY BELLS 7:00 MEN’S CHRISTIAN CONVERSATION,LIB 7:00 AA, 12 7:00 BIBLE STUDY-LIB 29 30 10:00 WOMENS BIBLE STUDY, 12 10:00 BIBLE STUDY-12 11:00 MIDWEEK WORSHIP SERVICE 7:15 CHOIR REHEARSAL 6:00 GLORY BELLS 7:00 BIBLE STUDY-LIB 7:00 MEN’S CHRISTIAN CONVERSATION,LIB 7:00 AA, 12 7:15 CHOIR REHEARSAL 25 5 PM CONCERT/RECITIAL Jennifer Keurst 10:00 BIBLE STUDY-12 11:00 MIDWEEK WORSHIP SERVICE Sat 7:00 BIBLE STUDY-LIB 10:00 BIBLE STUDY-12 HOME VISITOR CUT OFF 10:00 WOMENS BIBLE STUDY, 12 11:00 MIDWEEK WORSHIP SERVICE 3:15 OB YOUTH RINGERS 7:00 MEN’S CHRISTIAN CONVERSATION ,LIB 7:00 21ST CENTRY LEARNERS, HFC Fri 6:00 GLORY BELLS 9 1:00 STAFF MTG 8:30 HUM VOLUNTEERS 10:00 BIBLE STUDY-12 10:00 WOMENS BIBLE STUDY, 12 11:00 MIDWEEK WORSHIP SERVICE 3:15 OB YOUTH RINGERS 7:00 MEN’SC HRISTIAN CONVERSATION , LIB 7:00 AA, 12 7:00 WORSHIP COMMITEE, CHOIR RM 7:00 SESSION-LIB 20 MAUNDY-THURSDAY 8 7:00 DB CHORAL SOCIETY PRACTICE-10 19 2 10:00 JOY CIRCLE, 12 10:00 FAITH CIR, LIB 10:00 BIBLE STUDY,FH 1:00 STAFF MTG, LIB 9:30 T’AI CHI, 10 CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Thu 7 7:00 DB CHORAL SOCIETY PRACTICE-10 12 Wed 31
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