A Minute With The Pastor… - Resurrection Lutheran Church

A weekly publication for members and friends of Resurrection and the Child Development Center
A Minute With
The Pastor…
Remember to mark March 22/
Noon on your calendar. One of
the celebrations we will discuss at
our congregational meeting is adding an Associate Pastor to our
church staff. What spiritual gifts
would you like to see in our new
pastor? What are the top 5 gifts
you believe would be the most
beneficial for our new pastor to
have? Our church council is creating a description for you to consider. In the coming months, we
will refine that description so we
call the best possible candidate to
serve Christ with us. These are
exciting times! Thank you for your
faithfulness, and remember to
Carry on in the Joy of Jesus! Pastor Al
March 4: 6:15pm “I Am The Light Of The World”
Sermon by Pastor Jensen
March 11: 6:15pm “I Am The Good Shepherd”
March 18: 6:15pm “I Am The True Vine”
March 25: 6:15pm “I Am The Way, The Truth, The Life”
April 2: Maundy Thursday Services Noon & 7:00pm
April 3: Good Friday Services Noon & 7:00pm
April 4: Easter Vigil Service 5:00pm
April 5: Easter Sunrise Worship Service 6:15am in
the Prayer Labyrinth ~ Sermon by Pastor Jensen
Easter Celebration Services:
7:45am & 9:15am ~ Sermon by Pastor Viereck
9:20am and 10:45am ~ Sermon by Pastor Jensen
Growing Relationships Around Christ’s Example
Wednesday, March 4
Join us for dinner, kids’ and youth activities, and Worship!
Resurrection @
Oro Valley
Where Is Your Brother?
Genesis 4:1-9
Sermon by Pastor Jensen
Resurrection @
Good Intentions
Luke 4:1-13
Sermon by Pastor Viereck
5:00pm Dinner ~ Menu: Goulash
6:15-7:00pm in the Worship Center
Have you checked out our website lately? If not, when you have a moment, go
to www.orovalley.org and take a look around. On our website you can listen to
sermons, find the latest copies of our weekly newsletter, The Vision,
you can now give online by clicking on the blue Online Giving button,
get up to date information on current events, and so much more!
And, coming soon, we will have a Members’ Only section with access
to a member directory and other church news.
This Week @ Resurrection
Sunday, March 15 ~ 5:00-7:00pm
The guest speaker will be Resurrection
member, Duane Udstuen. He will talk
about the process legal immigrants go
through to become U.S. citizens. Please let
us know if you plan to attend by signing
up. Breakfast provided by Mary Jensen.
Please let us know if you are planning to attend by signing up on the patio.
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study… Join Jim
Jackson on Sunday mornings at 9:00am in the Admin Conference Room for a study based on “Making
Sense of the Christian Faith” as developed by David
Lose. We hope to see you there!
is a free class for members and non-members alike held at Resurrection-OV
that focuses on improving agility and balance to help
individuals avoid falling. Class is held on Mondays at
9:00am. Please contact Jim Truitt at 275-2742 or
fourtruitt@aol.com with questions.
Our High School Youth are getting excited about their
trip to Detroit, MI this summer for the National Youth
Gathering! To help cover the cost they are hosting an evening full of one our favorite things: PIE! There will be pie for
dinner (chicken pot pie and pizza pie for the kids), pie for dessert, a pie auction, a pie contest for prettiest pie and best tasting pie, as well as a pie eating contest! The High School
Youth will be selling tickets to the event starting
NEXT WEEKEND February 28-March 1. Tickets are
$10/adult, $5/child $25/family of 4. There will also be a
raffle for many wonderful prizes! Homemade pie donations are needed for the prettiest and best tasting pie contests, and the auction (remember, no nuts). Homemade or
store bought pies are needed for desserts and the pie eating
contest. Please sign up on the patio if you would like to donate a pie. Thank You!
“The Sisterhood of Servanthood”
at Resurrection Lutheran Church
Saturday, March 14 ~ 9:00am - 3:00pm
Cost: $10 ~ Registration forms available on the patio
Keynote Speaker: Pastor Deborah Hutterer
Outreach Project: Lutheran Social Services of the
Southwest, Tucson
In Kind Gifts: Checks payable to “LSS-Southwest,
Tucson” or gift cards for Walmart, Target, or Frys
(Donation box available during the morning)
Unit Love Offering: Checks payable to “W-ELCA
Grand Canyon Synod” (Collected during the business
Lenten Devotionals…
are now available in the narthex. Or if you prefer,
you can download a copy by going online to:
The Fund for Leaders in Mission has been providing full and
partial scholarship to seminary students since 2000. The goal
is to provide full tuition to all seminary students, so that no
one enters ministry with debt.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Noon Shotgun Start
Oro Valley Country Club
For more information, please contact: Pr. Ken Ahlstrand,
Coordinator, pasken@comcast.net or 520/481-4536
Resurrection received Thank You letters
from the following people/organizations:
American and Christian Union, Lutheran Disaster Response, World Hunger, Lutheran
Social Services, Interfaith Community Services, Feed My Starving Children, Youth on Their Own, and
Wycliffe Bible Translators. Thank You letters are posted
in the Kiosk.
March 22, Noon. On this day, Resurrection Lutheran
Since our usual Worship space is needed by SaddleBrooke
One for other festivities on Easter morning, we are asking
for you to join us for Easter Worship at our Oro Valley
church. A chartered bus will allow those who would
rather not drive to attend the 9:15am Service at Resurrection in Oro Valley. (You are more than welcome to
attend any of the Services held at Resurrection, but the bus
will assure you of being on time for the 9:15am Service. The
bus, of course, will bring you back to SaddleBrooke following
the Worship Service.) For those who would like to use the
bus service, please sign up so we know how many to expect.
Church and Resurrection Church @ SaddleBrooke will
come together for a congregational meeting at our
Oro Valley site to vote whether or not to seek an Associate Pastor who will provide spiritual leadership for our
church's ministry. Our retired pastors will continue to
preach. Small groups will continue to meet, and grow. Outreach opportunities will increase. Visitation and follow-up
calls and communication will be strengthened. In these areas, as well as in other ways, our Associate Pastor will lead
us and help us grow into the future our Lord is calling us.
So, please mark March 22 on your personal calendars!
Thank You...Thank You!
Beginning Friday, April 10. Save the Date
to join others for a Patio Party!
A sign-up sheet will be available starting Sunday, March 8.
You can sign up to join others for a Patio Party. We will
need a number of families to host these events. Those attending will be asked to bring an appetizer to serve twelve
and a beverage. Come enjoy your church family!
Resurrections High school Youth
would like to say a GREAT BIG
THANK YOU to all who supported
the 75 Envelope Fundraiser. Thanks to
your generosity, over $1250 has been raised so far to help
the youth fund their trip to the National Youth Gathering!
That is a big step towards covering all costs involved in the
trip. Once again, Thank you!
NEW BIBLE STUDY! Join Pastor Jim Vadis for a study of 1 Peter. This
study will meet on Wednesdays, April 8, 15, 22, and 29 at 10:00am in the Preserve
Meeting Room #1. The class is limited to 30, so please sign up at church.
To all Sun City Oro Valley RLC members and attendees:
Our annual Palm Sunday Luncheon will be Sunday, March 29,
12:30-2:30, Activity Center, Native American Rooms. Please
Reserve this date on your calendar. Communication will be
by email to all known members with email addresses. However, we don’t want to miss anyone. Email Carolyn
at gclerch@comcast.net or call 818-3319 to be added to our
The Social Ministry Team
would like to thank the congregation for their past contributions. Over the last three years we raised over $30,800!
Many hungry people were helped throughout the world
thanks to your generosity. Let’s continue helping those in
need. If you didn’t receive a World Hunger Envelope last
weekend, you can find one in the narthex or in the backs of
the chairs in the sanctuary. Please return the envelopes
on Easter Sunday, April 5. Make your check out to Resurrection and write “World Hunger” in the memo line.
Thank you!
Friday, March 13
at 1:00pm ~
Our March Luncheon will be at the P.F.
Chang’s China Bistro (at Campbell and River). We will order from the regular menu and separate checks will be
available. Please sign up on the patio by March 11 so we
can confirm reservations. If you find you are unable to
make the luncheon or if you have any questions, please
contact Karey Louy at 742-7669. All women are welcome!
is a fellowship and outreach ministry working through the visual arts, “God’s work,
Our hands.” Come join us for painting, clay, card making, scrapbooking, knitting, stained glass, jewelry
making, and more! We have a great Art Room space in the Outreach Building for gathering in small
groups where these activities are enjoyed.
Ministry Works: Tuesdays from 10:00am-12:00pm
Come learn how to make crosses, bud vases and memorials for our Resurrection Family. Beginners welcome!
Children’s Art Workshops: Wednesdays from
3:00pm to 5:00pm Kids must be accompanied by an
adult. Please contact Dolly for information about projects
at dolpivonka@aol.com.
Lenten Journey of Transformation!
This Week: The Caterpillar
Today Jesus tells his disciples about the very hard work that God
has called him to do on our behalf. We too have work to do as we
grow in faith. In our homes and in the church we are fed and we
grow. It’s a lot of work! And very much like a caterpillar eating to
gain strength for the transformation that lies ahead…
“Jesus said, ‘I will have to go through a difficult
time of suffering and death. Only after this work will I be raised to
new life!’” Mark 1: 12-13
“We are just like newborn babies who are hungry for food that
helps us grow to be spiritually healthy and strong. That food is the
strong Word of God and solid teaching that will allow us to live
the lives that God wants us to live!” 1 Peter 2:2
Wednesdays from 1:30pm to
3:00pm Led by Anne Blizzard. Come learn to knit and enjoy
an afternoon of fellowship. This is a free class that meets in
the Admin Conference Room.
Thursdays from 1:00pm to
4:30pm Drop in for as long as you’d like to work on any of
your projects.
Open Glass Studio Fridays from 1:00pm to 4:00pm
This is a Free Open Glass Studio led by Judy Elmquist. Please
contact Judy at 241-0991 with questions.
Sunday, March 8: The CHRYSALLIS
Sunday, March 15: The BUTTERFLIES EMERGE
into the world!
Sunday, March 29: PALM SUNDAY… Family Worship
participants will process through the “Big House” (main
worship space) during the 9:15 worship service carrying
palm branches to signify Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Participants will be wearing special “transformation”
capes that will have images on them which will demonstrate
the life cycle of a butterfly as it relates to the Christian journey. The image on the cape includes a butterfly whose body
is the unmistakable image of the cross. This is a representation of how Jesus is always at the center of true transformation. The butterfly is forever changed from caterpillar to
this new creature. It will NEVER return to its prior condition.
This is the final week in our Journey of Transformation as
seen in the life cycle of a Painted Lady Butterfly. Family
Worship participants are invited to a Resurrection Celebration which will include an Easter Egg Hunt on the playground of the Child Development Center as well as other
activities. Once again, participants will be encouraged to
wear their “transformation” capes, signifying that we are
each a new creation because of the redeeming work of Jesus as made possible in his life, death and Resurrection.
Beauty and the Beast Jr. Rehearsals:
The Lord’s prayer: our FaTher
Sunday, March 1, 1-3:30pm
Choreo: “Human Again”
Date: Sunday, March 1
Time: 8:30am (eeeek!)
Place: Outreach Center (Sunday
Tuesday, March 3, 6-8:30pm
Solo work: “Beauty and the Beast”;
Blocking: pgs.99-108; Choreo: Beauty
and the Beast
School Rooms)
Sunday, March 8, 1-3:30pm
Run and Clean: pgs. 64 - 108
“Our Father in heaven…” – Matthew 6:9a
Next week – March 8:
The Lord’s Prayer: Hallowed
The High School Youth
gather on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. This is a time for us to get
together and enjoy each other's company through fun and
food! Be sure to invite a friend! Our next gathering is
this Sunday, March 1.
Sunday Morning H.S. Youth Bible Study
The H.S. Youth Bible Study is held on Sunday mornings in
the Middle School Room in the Outreach Center from
9:20am - 10:45am. We hope you will join us!
NoSqua (Notation Squad)
SAVE THE DATE!! Our NoSqua participants will be presenting their work and
leading a special Mother’s Day service
(which they are designing) during Family
Worship on May 10! Come see how our
kids have grown in their understanding of
worship and what it all means and be
blessed on Mother’s Day! Email Brooke Wood with questions at brookejenay@yahoo.com
SAVE THE DATE!! Our Cherubs (ages two
years through kindergarten) will present
their spring program “Back to Basics” in
Family Worship on Sunday, April 26 at
9:20am. Come and have your hearts filled
with many of the songs YOU grew up with
but with a slightly different twist! Email
Brooke Wood with questions at brookejenay@yahoo.com.
Kids’ Bells & Chimes
To help fund their Summer trip to the National Youth
Gathering, the High School youth group will be having a
8:00am to 1:00pm
Be sure to keep an eye on the
Vision for more information!
Children in grades 3 through 6 are invited
to be a part of this beginning hand bell and
chime group. Weekly rehearsals are on
Wednesdays from 4:45 – 5:15pm. Email
Ann Paulson with questions at
9:20AM in the Gym
REAL Worship for REAL Families
Just Coffee is on the Patio
this Weekend! The first Café Justo
RLC Church Picnic will be Sunday April 19, 2015,
between noon and 3:00 pm at Riverfront Park.
Pastor Al will be travelling to St. Paul to conduct intern
interviews for next year.
RLC @ SaddleBrooke has a strong possibility of having
two worship services starting in Oct/Nov.
New member orientation will be March 17, 2:00 pm to
4:00 pm at SaddleBrooke and March 19, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
at Oro Valley.
A copy of the complete (unapproved) minutes for the
February 17, 2015 meeting is posted on the RLC website.
will meet on Thursday, March 5 from 1:00pm-4:00pm
in the Sunday School Rooms in the Outreach Center. If you
have ever been curious about your family history, we may
be able to help. We will meet monthly on the first Thursday
of each month through May. For more information please
email Barb Krecklow at: rubrb@comcast.net or Carter
Thoenes at: cthoenes@q.com
cooperative was formed in 2002 and has
grown to include coffee growers in four
communities across southern Mexico. Café
Justo also includes in its shared profits those
who are involved with the roasting, packaging, and selling.
This organization has made a huge difference in the lives of
all the individuals and communities involved, providing sustainable wages along with medical benefits and a pension
plan. And be assured, this is excellent coffee: always this
year's crop, always freshly roasted a day or two before it
is shipped, and always a "real" 16 oz. pound for $10.
group (Gary Coxon, Bob and Anne Blizzard, Mike Skilsky,
and Jerry Stenger) has completed a dozen or so calls to
RLC members. Some examples of our work include:
changing defective light switches, replacing closet door
tracks, replacing rollers on a shower door, replacing light
bulbs, re-attaching a dryer vent on the roof, adjusting a
door lock, replacing a low voltage transformer, and others.
Our labor is free to Resurrection members as our ministry to you. While we can't do major projects, give Jerry a
call at 329-8717 and we'll see if we can give you a hand!
MARCH 22 @ 12PM
Thank you!
Thanks to all of you who donated yarn for the needy. The response was
HUGE! Old Mother Hubbard’s yarn closet is
mightily filled!”
Resurrection Lutheran Church of Oro Valley, Arizona (a
suburb of Tucson) is seeking applications for the position of Organist and Choir Accompanist. This is a parttime position (approximately 15
hours per week). Interested candidates should send a cover letter,
resume and contact information for
three professional references to
Tanya Elias, Music and Arts Minister
to Adults, at tanyavelias@gmail.com.
At this meeting we will discuss the
Memorial Plaza and possibility of
calling an Associate Pastor.
Requisite qualifications for the
position will be:
Bachelor’s degree in music or equivalent experience. Master’s degree in music preferred.
Minimum of three to five years of experience as a
church organist and choir accompanist.
 Ability to lead and accompany on both organ and
Experience and competence playing a variety of
styles of church music ranging from traditional to light
Experience in a liturgical worship setting preferred.
Compensation commensurate with experience and
education. Resurrection Lutheran Church is an equal
opportunity employer.
Please re-submit prayer requests at the end of each month to
have them printed for the following month
Dennis Amundson, Randi Anderson, Jeff Bollwinkel, George Craig, Bill Corbin, Bob Davies, Kristen Ellers, Patty Elliott,
Marian Erving, Gail Farinacci, Maureen Fishman, Meach and Audrey Flanigan, Muriel & Virgil Gerdes, Gordon Gillin, Dick
Goeman, Pauline Goodpaster, Alice Guy, Elmer Halstengaard, Hank Jepsen, Vern Judkins, Don Jungling, Fred Kerr, Carol
Krueger, Dick Larson, Don Mai, Don Meyer, Tommy Ohlrich, Karen Olson, Wally Panzer, Laura Pedersen, Kris Perry, Tom
and Suzie Porter, Roger Sax, Jo Schleisman, Bud Tomlinson, John Tomy, Kristin Tostengard, DeMar and Arlys Wanstrom,
Lynnae Wanstrom, Fred Weprich, Jim Williams, Chuck Zink.
Don Armato, brother of Rosanne Thurmond; Josephine Armato, mother of Rosanne Thurmond; David and Mark
Babler, cousins of Sandy Weishoff; JoAnn Bablitch, sister of Martha Berg; Eric Berg, cousin of Martha Berg; Darin
Bowen, son of Jane Bowen; Chad Brueggemann, son-in-law of Kathy Dunn; Roni Brueggemann, daughter of Kathy
Dunn; Evelyn Campanga, aunt of Beverly Hall; Connor, cousin of Shirley Springborn; The Cordasco family, relatives of
Dawn Dallaire; Janet Cote, daughter of George Craig; Helen Dickmann, mother of Keith Dickmann; Carol Dilks, sister of Nancy Odson; Frank DiMarco, brother-in-law of Chuck and Caryl Zink; Joyce Ebert, wife of John Ebert; Florence, cousin of Roseanne Thurmond; Sam Foster, stepson of Julie MacWhorter; Alyce Begega-Garcia, daughter of
Linda Begega; Dale Hamilton, cousin of Judy Taillie; Becky Heinrich, sister of Sue Medlen; Dick Heinzelman, brother
of Sandy Reiter; Ilif Herman, mother of Chuck and Caryl Zink; Lee Herman, brother of Caryl Zink; Nancy Holm,
daughter of Bill and Gail Crawford; Claughton Johnson, brother-in-law of Gwen Parr; Sidney Jones, brother of Kent and
Gale Jones; Sandy Kuch, niece of Cliff and Mary Van Eaton; Duane and Tammy Krecklow, brother and sister-in-law of
Russ and Barb Krecklow; Jerry Larson, brother-in-law of Sandy and Paul Weishoff; Sandy Lerch, sister-in-law of Carolyn
Lerch; Donnie Lucero, son of Tim and Sue Lucero; Barb Martindale, mother of Tace Lowe; Jinny McCartney, sister
of Judy McMullen; Aydan McDowell, grandson of Kim McDowell; John McMullen, son of Judy McMullen; Eric Meitzner, brother of Mary Yocum; Melissa Miles, daughter of Jan Wycoff; Michael and family, relatives of Kathleen Gardner; Eric Meitzner, brother of Marty Yocum; Tom Miller, son of Winona Miller; Cathy Mills, daughter-in-law of Rick
and Elisabeth Wheeler; Margaret Morales, relative of Elisabeth Wheeler; Neil, son of Jean Sebert; Shereen O’Connor,
mother-in-law of Brenda O’Connor; Ron Palmer, son-in-law of Arlo and Bev Eggen; Daniel Parfet, son of Jean-Elaine
Parfet; Ted Parron, nephew of Jan Tomlinson; Artie Paulson’s great nephew; Bunny Reichardt, mother of Priscilla
Copps; Connor Rohrig, grandson of Rod Christenson; Rosemarie, cousin of Roseanne Thurmond; Sam, brother of Carol
Goeman; Stephen Ross, son of Richard Ross; Susie Sauer, sister of Fred Weprich; Erik Shaw, grandson of Fred and Linda
Shaw; The Stank family, relatives of Gail Kolenda; The Tomlinson family, relatives of Jan Tomlinson; Brian Valley,
stepson of Peggy Valley; Ken Weiher, son of Beverly Weiher; John Wells, grandson of Shirley and Bill Brunsdale; Marv
Wild, brother of Linette Mock; Mark Wilson, nephew of Martha Winn; Tami Wood, daughter of Sue Medlen.
Baby Hazel, John Barkman, Richard Bickhaus, Josephine Buck, Beth Day, Don and Carolyn, Jed Dunbar, ELCA Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, Dusty Harvey, Judy and Jerry Hegarty, Joe Hickey, Jen Holbrook and family, Fiona Gilbert, Paul and Brett Harrapat, Debra Kennedy, Audrey Koopman, Keith Miller, Jeff and Joanna Neitzke-Fleeger, Jean Noel, Carl Pederson, Bill Puney, Joseph Rollo, Jean Sobieck, Shirley Sova, Levi Spencer, Grand Canyon Synod Bishop Steve Talmage, Ray Turner,
those who serve in the military and their families, all involved in wars, and threat of wars, and people with chronic illnesses,
teachers, students and Youth On Their Own.
Mike Seavitt and family, due to the death of his wife, Carol
Maggie DeGeorge, due to the death of her husband, Dan
Margie Wischer, due to the death of her husband, Bud
Resurrection Lutheran Church ~ One Church...Two Locations
Oro Valley Site: 11575 N 1st Ave., Oro Valley, AZ 85737
Resurrection Church @ SaddleBrooke - SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse (Vermillion Room)
Office: 575-9901 • Fax: 575-0572 • Child Development Center: 575-1521
Email: rlc@orovalley.org • website: www.orovalley.org
Worship Services: Wednesday Worship: 6:15pm • Saturday Worship: 5:00pm ~ Blended
Sunday Worship: 7:45am ~ Traditional • 9:15am ~ Traditional Lite • 9:20am ~ Quest/Family Worship
10:00am~ Traditional (at SaddleBrooke) • 10:45am~ Contemporary
Nursery Care is available at ALL Oro Valley Worship Services.
Saturday, February 28
8:00am Men’s Small Group Study
5:00pm Worship
MSR 6:00pm
WC 7:00pm
Sunday, March 1
7:45am Worship
8:30am Confirmation
9:00am Adult Bible Study
9:15am Worship
9:20am High School Bible Study
9:20am Family Worship
10:00am Worship
10:45am Worship
1:00pm Beauty and the
Beast Rehearsal
6:00pm High School Fellowship Night
6:00pm AA Meeting
Monday, March 2
8:00am Our Journey Bible Study
9:00am Stay on Your Feet Class
7:00pm Las Campañas Bell Choir
Genealogy Class
Friends’ Rehearsal
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
AA Meeting
Friday, March 6
7:00am The Best Folders in the World!
1:00pm Quilters
1:00pm Art by Heart Open Glass Studio
Saturday, March 7
8:00am Men’s Breakfast
5:00pm Worship
Sunday, March 8
7:45am Worship
8:30am Confirmation
9:00am Adult Bible Study
9:15am Worship
Admin 9:20am High School Bible Study
SS 9:20am Family Worship
MR 10:00am Worship
10:45am Worship
1:00pm Beauty and the
Beast Rehearsal
AR 6:00pm AA Meeting
Tuesday, March 3
10:00am Staff Meeting
10:00am Art by Heart Ministry Works
1:00pm Mission Endowment Meeting
6:00pm Beauty and the
Beast Rehearsal
Wednesday, March 4
9:00am Sisters In Christ Bible Study
1:00pm SaddleBrooke Singers
1:30pm Knitting Clinic
3:00pm Art by Heart Children’s
4:00pm Cherubs
4:45pm Kid’s Chimes and Bells
5:00pm G.R.A.C.E. Night Meal
6:000m Notation Squad
6:15pm Lenten Worship
7:00pm Spirit Singers
Thursday, March 5
9:00am Grief Class
1:00pm Art by Heart Open Studio
1:00pm Art by Heart Adult Open Studio
February Month to Date Giving
Building Key
Average Weekly Attendance:
Administration Building
Art Rooms in Outreach Center
Child Development Center
Fellowship Room
High School Room
Library in Outreach Center
Music Room in Worship Center
Middle School Room in OC
Outreach Center
SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse
SaddleBrooke Homes
Sonoran Room SaddleBrooke Two
Sunday School Room in OC
Worship Center
General Fund:
Building Fund:
Building To Serve
Building on Our
$ 81,428
$ 15,668
$ 18,912
$ 97,116
Deadlines to Remember
The Vision Articles:
Friday of the Preceding week. Please
send Vision articles to: Char Jensen at:
Fundraising Requests:
2 months prior to the event;
submit to Pastor Al
Spoken Announcements:
10 days prior to requested weekend;
submit to Pastor Al
Ministry Tables on the Patio:
10 days prior to requested weekend;
submit to Pastor Al
Community Groups Meeting
at Resurrection:
Alcoholics Anonymous, Alzheimer’s Care
Takers, Boy Scout Troop 299, Browns Boot
Camp, Daisy Troop 503, CCC Board, Early
Learning Youth Sports, Jazzercise, The
Learning Curve, Spotlight Youth
Productions, United Cerebral Palsy of
Southern Arizona, and Weight Watchers.