Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter Pieceful Times May 2015 Meeting MONDAY, May 4th 7:30 PM (Doors open at 7 PM for social time ) St. Anthony’s Soccer Club St. Anthony Street (west side of Preston St. directly north of the Queensway/ 417) PRESIDENTIAL PONDERINGS Well, it’s SHOW time! If you haven’t yet heard about all the many ways that you can help make our show a success, check Joanne’s update below. Volunteering at the show is a great way to contribute to our guild, get a chance to see all the beautiful quilts, and get to know your fellow guild members. Know any high school students looking for volunteer hours? This is a great chance for them to get involved for a gre at cause! ♦♦♦ Speaking of volunteering, we’re also looking to fill many other guild positions. Mara has a full set of descriptions below… but here’s my plug. Guests welcome! Are you a natural leader? Consider volunteering for VP Administration. Have a talent with numbers and Excel? Consider becoming our next Treasurer! Do you like meeting new friends and welcoming people? Consider helping with Membership. Next Meeting MONDAY, June 1st Want to help, but can’t always be at the meetings? Become our next Newsletter Editor! This can be done at a distance. Remember to bring your ▪ membership card ▪ name tag ($8.00 admission) (continued on next page) Inside this issue Programs Workshops Block of the Month April Meeting Show & Tell Available Positions Library Guild Membership Baby Quilts Coming Events SHOP OF THE MONTH—Christine DeVries 02 03 06 07 08 11 12 13 15 20 Hi, we are back with hosting a regular quilt shop—one of our favourites we haven’t seen in a little while. Please gie a warm welcome back to our friends from Arnprior, Ontario. Barb has promised beautiful inventory—the pickings shall be very interesting indeed, like always. Come out and enjoy: Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild 1430 Prince of Wales Dr., PO Box 38083 Ottawa ON K2C 1N0 Information about Guild policies, programs, etc. can be found in our Member Handbook May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter GUILD EXECUTIVE Executive: Co-Presidents: Janice Henderson & Jessica Speir VP Administration: Suzanna Keller vpadmin@ottawavalleyquilters VP Programs: Carol Fitz-Gibbon Treasurer: Nancy Kibbee Secretary: Mara Praulins Past President: Billie Stephens Pastpresident@ottawavalleyquilters Committees: Archives: Carol Fitz-Gibbon Baby Quilts: Ann Robertson & Carol FitzGibbon Block of the Month: Sandra Benoit & Betty Giffin Blockofthemonth@ottawavalleyquilters Shop of the Month: Christine deVries Shopofthemonth@ottawavalleyquiltersguild. org Charity Quilts: Maria Neppel Raffle Quilts: Judy Toews Equipment: Jessica Speir Library: Patricia Ibarra Assistant Librarian: Nancy Arbogast Magazines: Barbara Griffiths & Ann Hedberg Maki House: Gwen Whitaker Wednesdays: Elizabeth Gravelle Membership: Shawna Strathy & Nancy Wright Newsletter: Betsy Shorthouse Photographer: Carol Gaudet Programs: Irena Wosk Telephone/email: Betty Giffin Website: Marian Power Workshop Co-Ordinator: Sheryl McKendry 2015 Quilt Show Co-Ordinator: Joaanne Bachelor QuiltShow2015@ottawavalleyquiltersguild. org THE MINUTES... PRESIDENTIAL PONDERINGS—continued Do you enjoy reading, and can you lift things short distances? Consider helping with Magazines or Library. These collections will otherwise be shrunk in order that the current volunteers can manage them. Do you enjoy connecting with people online and in person? Consider helping with Publicity. Do you like participating in workshops? Join the Workshops team! Did you LOVE this year’s quilt show? Consider signing up now to coordinate 2017… You’ll get to see how the show is run, where things are stored, and you’ll have a whole extra year to plan! I know I’ve forgotten some, so read on for more information. In the past few years where I’ve been volunteering with the guild, I have gotten to know so many more members than I would have otherwise. By each volunteering to do a job (or half a job, or a sliver of a job), we can make sure that the guild continues to be a huge influence for good in our communities. Finally, speaking of influence, I am really excited to get to see all your quilts in only a few short days! Happy Quilting, -Janice PROGRAMS—Irena Wosk May 4th Meeting Program: This month’s speaker is our guild member, Mary Pal. Mary’s presentation “One Artist’s Journey “ traces the unexpected path of a Canadian fibre artist from her first forays into the world of art quilts to exhibiting and winning awards internationally. Complete with missteps and surprising twists and turns, this examination of the journey of a quilt artist demonstrates that success is not the purview of only those with fine art degrees, and that listening for opportunity’s knock on the door can lead to some unexpected and very rewarding relationships. Have a look at Mary’s website: . from the previous month's meeting are posted on the Bulletin Board. If you have any corrections, please see Mara Praulins. May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 2 PROGRAMS—Continued Quilt Show Challenge – Oh, Canada!: The challenge is to create a map of Canada making one block per province using one city’s name. The visitors to May 2015 Quilt Show will enter a contest to guess the name of the city and the province where it is located. Linda Palaisy is almost done putting the quilt together and it will be definitely ready for the quilt show! Mystery Quilt Elegance Just a reminder to make sure your mystery quilt is ready for the June meeting when all completed mystery quilts will be displayed for guild members’ viewing enjoyment. The top three quilts chosen by popular vote, will receive prizes. Summer Challenge The summer is coming, really! Many of us will spend countless hours with those special “short” people— playing, reading, etc. I am challenging you to make a quilt to commemorate the summer! This is how: 1. 2. 3. 4. Make a pledge by signing in at either May or June meeting at the “programs” table Choose CHILDREN’S BOOK TITLE Design your quilt based on the book’s title Complete your quilt during the summer and bring it to the October meeting The quilt could be any size from 24”x24” (smallest). At the October meeting all completed quilts will be displayed and member-judged in two categories: (1) best interpretation and (2) most original. The top quilt in each category will receive a prize. May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 3 WORKSHOPS – FALL 2015 / WINTER 2016 —Sheryl McKendry “FALLING LEAVES” Instructor: Beth Cameron Date: Saturday, October 17, 2015 Time: 10 am to 4 pm Location: Maki House, 19 Leeming Drive, Nepean Workshop Fee: $40 members / $50 non-members Supply Fee: $6.00 for pattern (additional $35 - IF purchasing Gemstone from instructor) Workshop Description: QUILT, PLACEMATS OR TABLE RUNNER – Your Choice! You can choose between a table runner, placemat(s) or a full bed size quilt of this design created by Beth Cameron. Recreate this beautiful quilt designed by Beth Cameron using a jelly roll (Gemstone) or your own choice of fabrics. You can even make all three if you are feeling adventurous. Students should leave at the end of the day with some complete blocks and the knowledge to finish the sashing and/or borders. May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 4 WORKSHOPS—Continued “EASY PEASY CURVES” Instructor: Hilary Rice Date: Saturday, October 24, 2015 Time: 10 am to 4:30 pm (note time change) Location: Bells Corners United Church, 3955 Old Richmond Road, Nepean, ON Workshop Fee: $70 members / $80 non-members Supply Fee: $25 (for pattern, written directions, hand-dyed fabrics, access to embellishment materials/ tools) Workshop Description: Spend a day with Hilary of “Mother Earth” Designs, and learn the basics of creating a pattern that uses the Top-stitch Curved Piecing technique - the main building block for her art quilt patterns. Participants will manipulate curved lines, and gain a comprehensive understanding of what goes into the thinking behind creating their own pattern, complete with embellishments such as couching, bobbin-stitching, sheer overlay and bead trails. NOTE: This is a workshop for pattern designing only – there will be no sewing involved. Each participant will create their own black line drawing, complete with embellishment markings, ready for making their own piece of quilt art. Final designs will reflect the individual’s experience and design ability. Date: Saturday, October 31, 2015 Time: 10 am to 4 pm Location: Maki House, 19 Leeming Drive, Nepean Workshop Fee: $5 members / $10 non-members Supply Fee: none Workshop Description: As part of its charity work, OVQG gives touch quilts to Alzheimer patients at the Civic Hospital and the Glebe Centre (among others). You can also make one for a friend, relative, or yourself. Touch quilts are fun to make and fun to fidget with. This workshop has four things you can do: If you've never made a touch quilt, we will show you how. If you want help making any of the 35 toy and texture blocks shown on we will help you. Just bring the fabric called for under Cut in the block instructions. If you are interested in helping to make a crazy touch quilt, we can do that. We already have two crazy blocks made. I think we can finish the quilt at the workshop. You can simply gather the makings and sew with your friends. May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 5 WORKSHOPS—Continued OVQG provides a good supply of textured fabrics and backing materials. Please note: that we are always grateful for donated fabrics and embellishments. Bring your lunch, sewing machine, supplies, and if you want fabric for the toy blocks. “UFO RETREAT DAY” Mentor: Mara Praulins Date: Saturday, December 5, 2015 Time: 10am to 4pm Location: Bells Corners United Church, 3955 Old Richmond Rd, Nepean Class Fee: $20 members $30 non-members Supply Fee: None. This workshop includes a hot lunch and snacks. Description: This will be our 8th highly successful UFO Retr eat Day. Our own Mar a Pr aulins will be offering her amazing mentoring and teaching skills to help you resolve a problem that put your UFO into your closet in the first place. Or you can just come and have some dedicated time away from hubby and kids to work away on one or more projects to get them finished or closer to finished. You will meet some new friends and have fun with old friends for the day. We will feed you a hot lunch, with home baking, tea and coffee. We will be sure to spoil you so that you will wish the retreat was longer than a day! Come out and have some wonderful sewing time and laugh while you are at it. Our last few retreat days have often filled quickly so be sure to reserve your seat early! For information on current workshops please see the Workshops Website at: . May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 6 BLOCK OF THE MONTH—Betty Giffin and Sandra Benoit Well, here it is! The last block for this quilting season. We hope you have enjoyed the blocks and have learned some new techniques. We have enjoyed doing this work but our 2 years have been completed. My goodness, time goes by so quickly. Enjoy your summer! May Newsletter Bring to June Meeting Single Irish Chain Fabric Requirements: Four fabrics in two colour families One light and one dark in each colour family For example – one colour family blue, the other yellow Cutting Instructions: Cut four 2 ½” squares from one colour family (e.g. blue) Cut four 2 ½” by 8 ½” rectangles from the darker of the other colour family (e.g. yellow) Cut four 2 ½” by 4 ½” rectangles from the lighter of the other colour family (e.g. yellow) Cut one 4 ½” square from the darker colour family (e.g. blue) Construction Instructions: Using two of the 2 ½” by 4 ½” rectangles, sew the lighter coloured 2 ½” squares to each end Using the two remaining 2 ½” by 4 ½” rectangles, sew them to opposite sides of the 4 ½” square Add the units made in step one to the top and bottom of this piece Using two of the 2 ½” by 8 ½” rectangles sew the darker coloured 2 ½” squares to each end Using the two remaining 2 ½” by 8 ½” rectangles, sew the two opposite sides of the unit created above Add units made in step three to the top and bottom of this piece. Press as you go, always pressing seams to the darker fabric. Betty Giffin – 613-746-7248 – Sandra Benoit – May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 7 MAY 2015 MEETING For the April Meeting we were entertained by RaNae Merrill. She spoke about the fun of creating quilts using spirals. Very interesting and everyone who took the workshop over the weekend seemed to be very pleased with their sample spiral piece. RaNae Merrill’s wonderful examples of her Spirals. May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 8 SHOW AND TELL MAY 2015 Photos by Carol Gaudet Judy Reid and her quit “Love & Hugs” (l to r - Jennifer Svarckopf, Jess Speir and Judy Reid) Sheida Giddings quilt “Tea Leaf Placemats” May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 9 SHOW AND TELL MAY 2015 Photos by Carol Gaudet Chris Mitchler and her quilt “Swiss Star” Debby Holden’s quilt “Hexagon Shuffle” (l to r - Jennifer Svarckopf and Jess Speir) May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 10 SHOW AND TELL MAY 2015—CONTINUED Debby Holden’s quilt “Rose of Joan” (l to r - Jennifer Svarckopf and Jess Speir) Participants from RaNae Merrill’s workshop (l to r Sandy Rogan, Vikki Zulpo, Eleanor Conn, and Jordana Feist) Sandy Rogan’s quilt “Snakes & Ladders” May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 11 OVQG - VACANT POSITIONS 2015-2016 - Janice Henderson & Jess Spier Your guild is seeking committed volunteers to fill numerous vacant positions starting in June 2015. These volunteer jobs present a rewarding opportunity for you to give back to your guild in your own unique way, and the guild needs you to continue to operate. A brief description of each vacant position follows below. Please give these positions your consideration, and think about which job is your best match for your time and talents. Advise one of your guild copresidents, Janice Henderson or Jess Spier that you are prepared to take on one or more of these jobs before the Annual General meeting on June 1st. Most jobs can be shared or supported by other guild members – talk to a buddy and go for it! Your guild needs you. Vice-President Administration: This is an executive position and must be filled for the guild to continue to operate. The VP Admin provides leadership to the administrative functions of the guild including Publicity, Shop of the Month, Library, Magazines, Archives, Newsletter, Membership, Photography, Web Page, and Email/Telephone. The VP Admin designs and orders the OVQG bookmarks to be distributed by Publicity and Membership. Treasurer: This is an executive position and must be filled for the guild to continue to operate. The Treasurer has charge of all funds of the guild and ensures the bank accounts, investments and banking authorizations and documents are kept up to date. The Treasurer drafts the annual budget for executive approval. The Treasurer deposits receipts into the bank, pays recurring bills and contractual outlays; receives a record of financial transactions from each committee chairperson and prepares cheques to either pay outstanding bills or reimburse the committee members. The treasurer maintains the financial records for the guild, prepares monthly reports, keeps financial records and forwards the records to the accountant for preparation of the financial statements. Newsletter: The Newsletter is the guild’s key communication position. The Newsletter job needs a computer-savvy person with some MS Publisher experience (or a willingness to learn!), and good organizational skills. Ideal for a member who wants to help the guild, but cannot necessarily attend every meeting, as the job can be done remotely, i.e. a snowbird! Baby Quilts: This position is shared. Every month Baby Quilts happily admires the wonderful work contributed by fellow guild members, and then takes those tiny quilting wonders to the Civic Hospital Rich Little Neo-Natal Nursery for eventual distribution to grateful parents of babies. Baby Quilts is responsible for attending guild meetings to collect the quilts submitted by guild members. Baby Quilts buys 3 fat quarters for the draw at each meeting, and conducts the draw. Baby Quilts takes the donated quilts home for a gentle wash, checks for loose threads and ensures that each item is labelled. The bags of quilts are then delivered to the Civic where the nurses always take time to admire the new crop of donations. Workshops: The workshops team needs a coordinator to lead the team. The current committee leader will remain in a support role. The workshops team is responsible to initiate contact with potential workshop instructors and to work with those instructors to determine availability, teaching and travel costs, supply lists, class size and samples. They publish the workshop timetable in the guild Newsletter and staff the workshop table during monthly guild meetings. The team runs the workshops function, including the selection of workshops, sign-up sheets, contracts, payments, venues, and proctoring. Library: Definitely a job that can potentially be (a) shared, and (b) simplified. The library team maintains the inventory of library holdings, and is responsible for bringing the library materials to monthly guild meetings. They ensure that materials are up to date, and ready to loan out to members, as well as ensuring their timely return. Helpers are needed to transport all or part of the library’s holdings, as well as to provide a place to store the holdings between meetings. Magazines: The magazines team needs help with both transport and storage of holdings between meetings. Publicity: The Publicity person will leverage various opportunities to publicize the guild’s activities including social media, creation and distribution of publicity materials, and distribution of OVQG meeting schedule bookmarks to local quilt shops. The guild is always ready to welcome new members, and this position is key to increasing our membership. …...continued May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 12 POSITIONS AVAILABLE—Continued Membership: Help is need for the current membership person, who is staying on the job. These outgoing ladies staff the Membership table and welcome members and guests to our monthly guild meetings. They process membership forms and payments, create and maintain the membership list, and distribute membership cards to guild members. 2017 Quilt Show Committee Chair: With the 2015 Quilt Show fresh in our minds, it would be ideal if a guild member would step up prepared to lead the 2017 Quilt Show and ensure a smooth transition from the 2015 quilt show committee. This person could ensure that all 2015 historical documentation is in good order going forward and assemble best practices and lessons learned from 2015 show. She could provide a head start to overall leadership to the 2017 Quilt Show under a proven and established structure. Finally, working with the guild executive, that person could start thinking about the overall theme and direction for 2017, e.g. President’s Challenge, viewer contest, Canada’s 150th, etc. LIBRARY - Patricia Ibarra Hi everyone, just a reminder to all members that we will shortly be taking end-of-year inventory and updating the list of books owned by your guild. For this reason all books borrowed from the library must be returned by the June 2015 meeting. If you anticipate not being able to attend or send the books with a friend, please do not borrow any books in May. Thanks! We have a new addition to the library: A Modern Twist by Barnes, Natalie & Walter s, Angela May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 13 May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 14 May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 15 BABY QUILTS Ann Robertson & Carol Fitz-Gibbon Our guild members have been very busy this past month! There were 57 little quilts come in at the last meeting! Thank you so very much! As always, they are very much appreciated by the families who receive them! Here is a reminder of the baby quilt requirements: Size -: 24 inches square (give or take an inch) Fabric for the top: 100% cotton in colours/prints suitable for babies. Backing fabric: 100% cotton flannelette (Note: please do not use any polyester on the exterior as it may cause a static reaction) Binding: Can be done envelope (birthing) style or standard binding. Label: The guild has labels available or you may use any label you wish as long as it contains “OVQG”. You can sew on a label or write directly on the backing fabric with a permanent Fabric pen. May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 16 PARKING: ADULT HIGH SCHOOL 300 Rochester Street, Ottawa We have permission from the Adult High School (across the street from St. Anthony’s Soccer Club) to use their lot for extra parking for our monthly Guild meetings. Please observe the parking lot signs, however, and do not park in the “Pay and Display” spots or you will be ticketed. The rest of the parking lot is free. TRUNK SHOW featuring JEN HOULDEN from Quilts by Jen www, From the Canadian Arctic, to the Australian Outback, To Ontario’s Lake Simcoe District – It’s a quilting journey you won’t want to miss! Thursday, April 30 6:30 pm Cost $15 Call or visit us for details and to preregister. Spaces are limited, so don’t delay www, 2211 St Joseph Blvd Orleans Ontario K1C 7C5 613-834-3044 May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 17 May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 18 May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 19 May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 20 COMING EVENTS MAY 2 AND 3, "QUILTED ODYSSEY 2015" Brampton Quilters' Guild Inc. Quilt Show Jim Archdekin Recreation Centre 292 Conestoga Drive, Brampton L6Z 3M1 May 2015 8-10 Ottawa, Ontario – Festival of Quilts RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Drive Artists-in-residence, merchant mall Wheelchair accessible Ottawa Valley Quilts Guild Info: Arnprior & District Quilters Guild Show Quilting in the Valley JUNE 6 & JUNE 7, 2015 Nick Smith Centre 77 James Street, Arnprior, Ontario Admission: $6 Beautiful quilts, tea room, merchant vendors and much more. For more information: Contact: Anne Ogletree Phone: 613-623-7428 Email: Website: Grand Quilt Guild pr esents their 2nd " Quilts on the Grand" show at the Centre Wellington Community Sportplex in Fergus on Friday, June 5 – 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday, June 6 - 10 a.m. to 4 pm showing quilting projects from beginners to international artists. The show will have: lunch/ tea, tooney treasure table (raffles), memorial display, community projects, guild challenge, door prizes, merchants mall, viewer's choice, downtown merchants may even offer a discount to attendees!. Please visit our website for more information: Brenda-Louise Moore and Gloria Longshaw, Grand Quilt Show 2015 Publicity Coordinator ( 2015 Invitation to Enter for The Grand National Quilt Show in Kitchener, Ontario (May 10 - Sept 27, 2015). The theme is Connections. Original works may be of any size, completed within 2011-2015 and may have been shown nationally in the past. Complete requirements can be found via at May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 21 COMING EVENTS continued MOVED TO A NEW LOCATION Michèle Gagné Quilting Longarm Machine Quilting & Quilt Finishing Services 613-558-4125 2695 Bouvier Road Hammond ON K0A 2A0 Embroidered Custom Labels, Binding, Lectures & Workshops Bilingual Service NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS All submissions must be received by midnight on the 18th of each month. E-mail submissions are preferred. Space permitting, Guild members may submit non-commercial, quilting-related advertisements or notices at no charge—maximum 2 per year. Commercial Advertising Rates: Full Page—$50.00; 1/2 page—$25.00; 1/4 page or Business Card Plus—$12:50; Business Card—$6.25 Contact: Betsy Shorthouse Editor; e-mail,; telephone, 613-733-8190 May 2015 Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild Newsletter 22
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