LITURGIES Sundays 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 am. Weekdays 8:00 a.m., Saturday 8:30 a.m. ****************************************** DAILY ROSARY DEVOTIONS I pray the Holy Rosary daily at 7:30 a.m. Please join me when you can. + ****************************************** CONFESSION Every Saturday - 2:00 - 4:00 pm or by app’t. Sunday - before Mass and ending 10 minutes before Mass begins. ****************************************** READINGS Joh 21 : 1 - 14 Heb 13 : 18 - 25 ****************************************** READERS Sunday, April 26 - 8:30 am Chuck Abraham Sunday, April 26 - 11:00 am John Jesser Sunday, May 3 - 8:30 am Paul Boulos Sunday, May 3 - 11:00 am Mike Kelly ****************************************** Counting Our Blessings Sunday, April 19, 2015 $2,666.00 ****************************************** EVENTS TO COME LADIES GUILD MEETING Sunday, May 17, 2015 MEN'S CLUB MEETING Sunday, May 17, 2015 CAREGIVERS MEETING Sunday, June 7, 2015 FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION May 1, 9:00am – 3:00pm ANNOUNCING A MLUKHEE SUPPER Sunday, April 26, at 12:00 noon Joe Ashkar and Nellie Chaoui will prepare and serve a delicious MLUKHEE SUPPER. Donations are most welcome. Everyone from the 8:30 am Liturgy who are interested may return to Church to enjoy this special meal. ******************************************** First Friday Adoration Friday, May 1, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm. Spring Lebanese Buffet, hosted by Ladies Guild – Wednesday May 6, 6:30 pm. Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10 Rosary before Mass Father will present a gift at Mass Men’s Club will serve coffee and Refreshments after Mass. MYO/MYA NEWS Holy Day April 26, 2015 Catholic Home Missions Great News Everyone! On May 16th, Ohio is having an MYO/MYA State Reunion at the Basilica Shrine in North Jackson from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM! We will meet and at the church at 9:30am to depart for the Shrine. Contact Sub-Deacon Alex for further details. Monday, May 11, 5:30 pm. -Parish Advisory Board– Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven – Thursday, May 14, 8:00 am. Pentecost Sunday – May 24. Think on this… By Sub-Deacon Alex Why is the Faith important to me? Monday, May 11, 6:30 pm. -Hall Advisory Board– Monday, May 18, 5:30 pm. -Food Fair Planning– Monday, May 18, 7:00 pm. ******************************************** ABOUT MOTHER’S DAY MAY 10 First Holy Communion Sunday, May 3 11:OO am Mass. ******************************************** Second Collection TODAY -Property Committee– COMING IN MAY… Feast of Our Lady of Fatima – Wednesday, May 13 also the vigil for the Feast of Ascension Thursday. Vigil Mass at 5:30 pm, outdoor Rosary at 6:15, cover dish supper on the Cedar’s Hall Patio at 7:00 pm. Welcome all parishioner, friends and neighbors. ****************************************** Back – to – Back MEETINGS At both Liturgies, Father will present his gift to all our Moms. I grew up in a family that prioritized the Faith. We would talk about our love for God, and what God had done in our lives. This was a great example for me to see that God is central and that He loves me no matter what. I was inspired by my family and many of my friends to love God back. God began to reveal Himself to me time and time again through the Sacraments, the Scriptures, and others. I have discovered whenever I question that the Faith is true, and have time and again reaffirmed the Faith as my own faith. When I began to learn about the Maronite Church in High School and College, I was struck by the language of the prayers which proclaim truth in a beautiful way. God draws me to Himself through the special beauty of the Maronite Church. I am loved, and I am happy. Are you? Before both Liturgies, Father Bill wants to invite all Mom’s, all Families, and everyone near and far to come together to pray a special Rosary for all our families and their special intentions. If you would be interested in sharing your faith please see Subdeacon Alex Harb. Before the first Mass, Rosary begins at 8:00 am. I am Maronite because __________________ Before the 2nd Mass, Rosary begins at 10:30 am. I am Christian because __________________ Please come early before the Liturgy so we can pray this special Rosary together. I pray because _________________________ After both Liturgies, All Mom’s will be served refreshments & coffee, tea or hot chocolate at their tables to honor you in a special way. All other guests are invited to serve themselves. ******************************************** Can you fill in the blank? I go to church on Sunday because __________ If interested in sharing your answers with others please see Sub-deacon Alex. * Always be ready to make a defense of your faith to anyone who asks. (CF 1 Peter 3:15) * Divine Liturgy Schedule th April 26 through May 3 rd Sunday 26 8:30 Violet Osborne by Gertrude Shadeed 8:30 Ralph Ezzie , 1yr Anniversary, by the Family 11:00 Intentions for Bishop Elias and our Eparchy St. Marcellinus, Confessor / St. Cletus, Pope, Martyr Monday 27 8:00 The Intentions of Francois & Christiane Risha by Sub-Deacon Paul Boulos St. Simon, Brother of the Lord, Apostle / St. Zita, Virgin Tuesday 28 8:00 A Special Intention St. John, One of the 72 Disciples, Apostle / St. Peter Chanel, Priest, Martyr / St. Louis de Montfort / St. Gianna Beretta Molla, MD Wednesday 29 8:00 Special Intentions of Fr. Bill St. Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church, Confessor, Virgin Thursday 30 8:00 The Intentions of Paul & Karla Wilkinson by Sub-Deacon Paul Boulos St. James, Son of Zebedee, Brother of the Lord, Apostle / St. Pius V, Pope Friday 1 8:00 John Easterday by Linda Easterday Jeremiah the Prophet, Confessor / St. Joseph the Worker Saturday 2 8:30 Poor Souls by Theresa Calko St. Athanasius the Bishop, Doctor of the Church, Confessor 3 8:30 Violet Osborne by Deacon Bob & Barb Foster 8:30 Harry Hamad by Jane Hamad 11:00 Nicholas & Nimnoon Gaphery by Nicholas Gaphery Jr. Our Lady of Lebanon / Sts. Philip & James, Apostles Sunday ALTERNATIVES TO ABORTION: 330-825-1900 * 330-644-4490 * 330-434-2221 * 330-253-4071 Email: 800-712-4357 for other resources in your area Troubled in Marriage? Visit April 26, 2015 4th Sunday of the Resurrection First Communion Videos and Pictures Andrea Wilkinson will be on hand again this year to capture our children's First Communion on video. She will also be at the church early to take some still photos. The cost of each video is $25.00 and will include one photograph. For those who would like a copy/copies of the video and a picture, contact Andrea at 330-794-3749 or let her know how many copies you would like when you see her at church. These videos also make beautiful gifts for grandparents and godparents. ******************************************** PLEASE HELP… We did not complete our obligations to Bishop Elias and to our Eparchy for 2015. We still owe $1,775.00 for the Bishop’s Appeal. We owe 1,390.00 for the Maronite Voice, our Eparchial Monthly News Letter Our total due $3,165.00 Please do your best to make an offering of any amount that is best for you. If possible consider donating: $25.00 toward the Eparchial Appeal 2015 Consider donating: $15.00 toward the Maronite Voice With the help of everyone we will fulfill our obligation. Thank you one and all. ******************************************** Touch a life…Become a Hospice Volunteer Hoban Summer Enrichment Camps Archbishop Hoban High School will be offering summer enrichment camps for students entering 7th and 8th grades. One-week camps will be available in Photography, Steel Drum, Choral, Robotics, Rocket Science and Forensics. Visit or call 330-849-2149 for more information or to register for a camp. Hoban Summer Athletic Camps Archbishop Hoban High School will be offering summer athletic camps for students. Camps will be available in baseball, basketball, bowling, cheerleading, football, lacrosse, soccer, tennis, volleyball and wrestling. Visit or call 330-773-9107 for more information or to register for camp. Hospice is a philosophy of care, not a place. We care for our patients wherever they call home. As a vital part of our team volunteers come from all walks of life, and have a variety of skills, talents and abilities. Opportunities to serve are diverse: visit patients and families to provide companionship, socialization, and comfort, help with legacy work, transportation, light housework, meal preparation, run errands, make phone calls, help with clerical work, attend health fairs, make a presentation. Volunteers with specialized professional qualifications and training are also needed: attorneys, licensed hair dressers, Massotherapists, pet therapy dogs and their handlers. Visit us at for more information! Guess What Great Parish Event Is In August Every Year ? FOOD FAIR NEWS The next planning meeting is set for Monday, May 18, 7:00 pm THE PASTOR’S PLEAS #1. Please become a volunteer, including parishioners of all ages. for the food preparation days and for the days of the food fair. Please sign up. Please make and keep your commitment. We need our youth and our adults to participate this year. #2. Please plan your summer vacation days around Friday, August 7 & August 8. #3. Please help in promoting this great event. Let us all work together to make this the best Food Fair ever. Our Lady of the Cedars Maronite Parish Pledge Drive / Round III Many of our benefactors from Rounds I & II of our Pledge Drive, which began in 2013, have already completed their full 3yr commitment. The following is a list of all our past and current benefactors, including those who have already fulfilled their commitment. We greatly appreciate and thank EVERYONE! Vilma Abood Chuck & Mary Beth Abraham Christine Abraham Nabil & Marlene Astrinos Fr. Bill Bonczewski Paul & Gena Boulos Bill & Lisa Branzel & Family Albert & Nellie Chaoui Paul & Nila Ellis Ralph Ezzie Memorial George & Donna Ezzie Rasheed Fagher Deacon Bob & Barb Foster Camille Ghorayeb Chris & Sandy Hamad Adiby Hamad Margaret Hamad Chris Hamad Fares Jasser Dr. Joseph & Hope Jasser John & Erin Jesser Tom & Yvonne Jesser Florence Jesser Walid Kawaji & Family Harvey Kelly Memorial We have started off Round III of our Pledge drive and have already had new benefactors come forth. Our first Round III deposit, totaled $5,600 many thanks to all our new participants. Paul & Nila Ellis Florence Jesser John & Nancy Massoud Ghassan & Marleine Lababidi Mona Nemer Fr. Bill Bonczewski Walid Lababidi Ghassan & Marleine Lababidi Lena Maroon Memorial Deacon Tom & Bernice Maroon Mr & Mrs Charles Maroon John & Nancy Massoud Fady & Theresa Nahra Robert & Marion Nemer Mona Nemer Bahia Nemr Dick Ondecker Jim & Bev Peters Francois & Christiane Risha Ata Sabbagh Beshara Sabbagh Dr. & Mrs Robert Skiffey Dr. & Mrs George Solomon Patti Staeger Nathan & Maria Stewart Bechara Tabet Paul & Karla Wilkinson George Zogbi
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