1200 S HIPPAN A VENUE, S TAMFORD, CT 06902 Parish Office: 203.324.4634 Office Hours: 10:00am-5:00pm Mon & Fri 10:00am-4:00pm Wed April 19, 2015 Pastor: Rev. Peter K. Smolik, pastor@ourladystaroftheseastamford.org Pastor Emeritus: Msgr. Edward Surwilo, ourladystaroftheseastamford@yahoo.com Deacon: Gauthier Vincent, gvincent66@aol.com DIRECTORY MASSES Saturday Vigil Sunday Weekdays (Mon– Fri) Holy Days 5:30 pm 9am & 11 am 8 am 8 am 12pm & 5:30 pm Bob Unnold 203.359.8641 Parish Council: Joe Dineen 203.323.3219 Finance: Rich Kondub 203.357.8973 CONFESSIONS Saturday or by appointment Trustees: Sam Cingari 203.324.5492 4:30-5 pm Virginia Gerardi 203.964.4915 Parish Office: Natasha Papageorge 203.324.4634 BAPTISMS Celebrated each Sunday after the 11 am Mass. Please call the Parish Office to schedule. New parents must attend a Pre-Baptismal class arranged through the Parish Office. MARRIAGE Please call the Parish Office before finalizing any other arrangements. Director of Music: Ruth Rolander 203-981-2510 Children’s Choir : Natalia Anderson 203-276-0151 Faith Formation: Dee Fumega 203.969.7778 Youth Ministry: Gauthier & Valerie Vincent 203.977.8691 School Principal: Phillip Adzima 203.348.1155 WWW.OURLADYSTAROFTHESEASTAMFORD.ORG THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER The Sanctuary Candle burns this week For Lucyna & Stefan Smolik SATURDAY, APRIL 18 Acts 6:1-7/Jn 6:16-21 5:30pm Patrick Queally (req. by Betty & Sean Queally) SUNDAY, APRIL 19 Acts 3:13-15, 17-19/1 Jn 2:1-5a/Lk 24:35-48 9:00am Marie Sarni (req. by Dorothy Rich) 11:00am Elena Villareal Reyes (req. by family) MONDAY, APRIL 20 Acts 6:8-15/Jn 6:22-29 8:00am Ray Carrano (req. by MariKay & Bill Willson) TUESDAY, APRIL 21 Acts 7:51—8:1a/Jn 6:30-35 8:00am Frank Cavaliere (req. by Elizabeth Mocarski) WENESDAY, APRIL 22 Acts 8:1b-8/Jn 6:35-40 8:00am Mary Lou Kerr (req. by Jane Maikish) THURSDAY, APRIL 23 Acts 8:26-40/Jn 6:44-51 8:00am Stephen Murray (req. by Fine/Tellini) FRIDAY, APRIL 24 Acts 9:1-20/Jn 6:52-59 8:00am John Mahan (req. by family) SATURDAY, APRIL 25 ST MARK 1 Pt 5:5b-14/Mk 16:15-20 5:30pm Victor Portanova (req. by family) SUNDAY, APRIL 26 Acts 4:8-12/1 Jn 3:1-2/Jn 10:11-18 9:00am Karen Murphy (req. by Virginia Gerardi) 11:00am Adelina Canneto (req. by Lindell family) WEEKLY SANCTUARY CANDLES INTENTIONS What better way to remember a friend or loved one then with a candle? Till now Our Lady Star of the Sea had only the Blessed Mother candles available, yet they are lit for only an hour and a half. Please notice that the Church Sanctuary Candle burns the entire week for individual intentions noted in our bulletin during the week requested. We’re on Facebook! We have a facebook page which we will update with what’s going on around our parish! www.facebook.com/pages/Our-Lady-Star-of-the-Sea WEEKLY COLLECTION: Last week: 3,958; Last year: 6,073 (Palm Sunday); YTD: -4.0% From the Pastor’s desk: I hope you had a great week. Today is the Third Sunday of Easter. Our gospel account describes Jesus’ appearance to his apostles in their hiding place in the Upper Room. It tells us again how Jesus removed the doubts of his apostles about his resurrection by inviting them to touch Him and by eating a piece of cooked fish. Jesus explained to them how the Old Testament had been fulfilled in Him. Then, he commissioned them to bear witness to Him and preach “repentance and forgiveness of sins in His name after receiving the Holy Spirit.” Now, the Easter season is the time, just as it was for the disciples, to allow the fruits of Jesus’ Resurrection to unfold in our lives. The Ester (Pascal) Candle The use of the Paschal Candle has origins reaching at least to the third century, and may have a more ancient connection to the Jewish practice of lighting a candle at the end of the Sabbath. The blessing of the Paschal candle at the Easter Vigil and its use throughout the year is rich in symbolism and important to the sacramental life of the Church. The candle must be made of pure wax representing the sinless flesh Christ took on from Mary. The flame represents his divinity and the wick his humanity. Interestingly, the candle itself is not blessed, but rather the fire from which it is lit. At the beginning of the Easter Vigil, a “blazing fire” is lit outside the church. The fire represents the glory of Christ’s resurrection after the darkness of the church following the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday night. The priest first blesses the fire, praying that through the paschal celebrations, the people will be “inflamed with heavenly desires.” The candle remains in the sanctuary or near the ambo for the rest of the Easter season and may be used throughout the year for baptisms, funerals and some other special occasion. Its very first duty though is later during the Easter Vigil, when it is used to bless the water with which the catechumens will be baptized. Just before the catechumens are to be baptized, the water is blessed and the priest literally plunges the base of the candle into the font three times praying that “the power of the Holy Spirit . . . come down through your Son into the fullness of this font.” As the candle raised from the water, the congregation acclaims, “Springs of water, bless the Lord; praise and exalt him above all for ever.” The Annual Catholic Appeal (Building Communities of Faith) is in full swing and I am hoping that you will support this important fundraiser. Please keep in mind that while Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish is our spiritual home, the Appeal is a great opportunity to look beyond our parish. Together we can do so much to help so many. Please know that at this point of the campaign 88 families have raised $79,170 bringing our parish to 75.40% of its $105,000 goal. Thank you to all who have responded. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER EASTER IS A SEASON Just as Sunday is one day out of seven, so the Easter season, a period of 50 days, is approximately one-seventh of the year. The Easter season is a time of special rejoicing and celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord. The liturgical prayers and readings focus on the Resurrection and the effects that it has on believers and on the world. The Acts of the Apostles is a book of Scripture that provides the source of most of the readings of the Easter Season, and it shows how the apostolic Church proclaimed the Resurrection and brought many to the waters of baptism to share the new life of Christ. May this season of celebration of life leads us all to a deeper commitment to proclaim, celebrate, and serve the gift of human life. VIII World Meeting of Families -Philadelphia 2015 – with Pope Francis in attendance! Philadelphia is proud to welcome families from around the world to this event on September 22-27, 2015. The theme is “Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive.” Families can look forward to speakers, celebrations, activities for kids, and prayer, all of which will bring renewal and transformation for you, your loved ones, and the world. Visit the official World Meeting of Families website at: WorldMeeting2015.org to learn more and to sign up for regular updates on how you can participate. The Diocese of Bridgeport will be organizing a group to attend this exciting event. For details please contact Angela Mantero, diocesan Director of Marriage and Family, at amantero@diobpt.org or 203.416.1627. SAVE THE DATE! SYNOD CLOSING MASS Saturday, September 19, 2015. Watch for details. Lauralton Hall offering an Entrance Exam for 7th grade girls on Saturday, May 2 at 8:00 am. Pre-register for the exam online at www.lauraltonhall.org. Any questions, please call LH Admissions Office at 203.878.3333 When a woman's CHOICE is LIFE, she finds support at MALTA HOUSE. Help Malta House provide a nurturing home environment to young mothers and their babies. Could you: • spend some time in our on-site childcare? • become a Mother Mentor? spearhead a collection for our babies' needs? To volunteer: Joan Howard (ext. 13) To tour or donate: Arlene Peterson (ext. 21) www.maltahouse.org - 203-857-0088 The Shippan Point Garden Club Tag Sale Fundraiser Saturday, May 2, 2015 The Shippan Point Garden Club May Market Fundraiser Saturday, May 9, 2015 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. Location: Our Lady Star of the Sea 1200 Shippan Avenue Wedding Jubilee Mass St. Theresa Church, Trumbull Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 3:00 pm The Diocese of Bridgeport will celebrate a Mass commemorating significant wedding anniversaries! Bishop Caggiano will be the Principal Celebrant at this Mass which will include the renewal of marriage vows and presentation of commemorative certificates. Couples who have or will be celebrating an anniversary ending in “0” or “5” beginning with 10 years, or anyone celebrating 50 PLUS years during the months of January - June are invited to register with the parish office by May 8. On Saturday, April 25th from 1pm to 4pm, Friends of Cummings, West & Czescik's Parks and Brownie Troop 50022 will be working hard to clean up the parks and beaches in honor of Earth Day. If you can help for an hour or two, you will receive many thanks from many people. Everyone is gathering at Cummings Beach Pavilion to enjoy light refreshments before heading off to work. Rain boots are recommended for the clean-up. Please follow this link to sign-up to help: http://www.signupgenius.com/ go/10c0e44ada62fabfc1-beach1 THANK YOU! Please email Lisa Coggins if you have any questions coggins_lc@hotmail.com
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