Coxhoe Community Calendar May 2015

Coxhoe Community Calendar 2015
Updated 20th May 2015
There’s a whole lotta things going on in Coxhoe. Are you planning an event? Do you want it
on a night that does not conflict with other events? Do you want some additional publicity
for it for free!
Well check out this Community Calendar and let us know what you are planning and when.
We can publicise it on the Parish Council Community website. In addition, if you let us know
in time we might be able to advertise it in the quarterly edition of the popular Coxhoe
Chronicle, delivered to every household in t6he village (March, June, September and
Please note that things that happen every week that have been notified, for example,
Slimming World every Monday in St Andrews Church, are listed in Part Two of this
Community Calendar. Contact: Ian Forster at
Part 1 – Up and coming Events
Thursday 21st May. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes between
7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop only £2,
Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email:
Telephone: 07834 856452
26th - 29thth May. May Half Term Holiday Activities at the Active Life Centre. Contact the
Centre for Details. Tel 0191 3771789, Email:
Thursday 4th June. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes between
7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop only £2,
Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email:
Telephone: 07834 856452
Saturday 6th June. Coxhoe United Family Fun Day at active Life Centre Football Pitch in
Coxhoe Park for the Under 11’s and 12’s. Games kick off at 9am and finals are at 3.15pm.
Lots of stalls including pies and cakes, hot dogs, ice cream, sweets and inflatables. There will
be a raffle and tombola. Everyone is invited. Come and join in the fun!
Sunday 7th June. Coxhoe United Family Fun Day at active Life Centre Football Pitch in Coxhoe
Park for the Under 7’s, 8’s and 9’s. Games kick off at 9am and finals are at 3.15pm. Lots of
stalls including pies and cakes, hot dogs, ice cream, sweets and inflatables. There will be a
raffle and tombola. Everyone is invited. Come and join in the fun!
Tuesday 9th June from 5.30pm. Coxhoe Classic car night on lower Village Green (TBC)
Thursday 11th June. Coxhoe History Group My Great Great Grandmother by Margaret Hedley
- 7pm Coxhoe Village Hall. Details from Jack Turton (Chair) on 0191 3770771 or Barbara Leo
(Secretary) on 01740 620869, web site
Thursday 18th June. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes between
7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop only £2,
Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email:
Telephone: 07834 856452
Saturday 27th June. Coxhoe Club Kids Disco with DJ John. Princess and Heroes fancy dress.
12.15pm – 2.15pm at Coxhoe Club. 50p entry
Thursday 2nd July. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes between
7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop only £2,
Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email:
Telephone: 07834 856452
Saturday 4th July. Coxhoe Primary School Summer Fair Barbeque 10am-2pm. Bake off and barbeque
with the Blue Devil Disco. There will be an authentic American car and Turners of Sedgefield. Police
cars, bouncy castle, face painting, crazy sand, archery, craft making stall, adopt a bear, tombola,
raffle, coconut shy, cake stall and much more. 50p entry
Thursday 9th July. Coxhoe History Group Guided Walk around Coxhoe/Quarrington Hill/Kelloe Time
to be arranged (Part of Coxhoe Village Green Heritage and Learning Project) Coxhoe Village Hall.
Details from Jack Turton (Chair) on 0191 3770771 or Barbara Leo (Secretary) on 01740 620869, web
Friday 10th July. Miners Gala Night Banner Concert at Coxhoe Village Hall, Tickets £2 at door, 7pm
start, band plays at 8pm
Saturday 11th July. Miners Gala Day Banner March. Meet at Cenotaph at 8am. March to Pit Wheel at
8.30am. Bus leaves Browns Close at 9.15am (£3 return). Band leaves Racecourse at 2.45pm . Bus
leaves New Inn at 4.00pm to return to Coxhoe.
Tuesday 14th July. Coxhoe Ladies Club Strawberry Fair at Coxhoe Village Hall. Contact ladies club for
more information.
Thursday 16th July. Village Hall Hop Summer Jamboree with guest DJ Steve Hicky. Tickets £5 on the
door including BBQ. For further information contact 0783 4856452
Saturday 18th July. Coxhoe Club Kids Disco with DJ John. 12.15pm – 2.15pm at Coxhoe Club.
50p entry
20th July - 28thth August. May Half Term Holiday Activities at the Active Life Centre. Contact
the Centre for Details. Tel 0191 3771789, Email:
Thursday 30th July. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes between
7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop only £2,
Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email:
Telephone: 07834 856452
Saturday 22nd August. Sequence Dance at Coxhoe Village Hall. Details to be released soon.
Thursday 27th August. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes
between 7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop
only £2, Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email: Telephone: 07834 856452
Saturday 29th August. Coxhoe Club Kids Disco with DJ John. 12.15pm – 2.15pm at Coxhoe
Club. 50p entry
Thursday 3rd September. Coxhoe History Group Roman Antigua – The Romans in County Durham 7pm Coxhoe Village Hall. Details from Jack Turton (Chair) on 0191 3770771 or Barbara Leo
(Secretary) on 01740 620869, web site
Sunday 6th September. Coxhoe Trail 10k Run at 10am. Active Life Centre in partnership with Hope
Construction Materials. Open to anyone aged 17 and over. Enty fee is £10 for members of the UK
Athletics Club and £12 for non-members, including a Trail Run Y shirt. Details and registration fromas
available from the Active Life Centre and its website. Contact the Centre for Details. Tel 0191
3771789, Email:
Thursday 10th September. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes
between 7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop
only £2, Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email: Telephone: 07834 856452
Saturday 12th September. Ceilidh at Coxhoe Village Hall with the ‘Fun up North’ Ceilihd band.
Saturday 19th September. DJ Darkside in association with the Village Hall Hop presents Doo-Wap
band The Roommates. Plus DJ Darkside and Sugar Doll. Coxhoe Village Hall from 7pm. Further details
Saturday 19th September. Coxhoe Club Kids Disco with DJ John. dress. 12.15pm – 2.15pm at
Coxhoe Club. 50p entry
Thursday 24th September. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes
between 7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop
only £2, Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email: Telephone: 07834 856452
Thursday 8th October. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes
between 7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop
only £2, Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email: Telephone: 07834 856452
Thursday 22nd October. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes
between 7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop
only £2, Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email: Telephone: 07834 856452
Saturday 31st October. Coxhoe Club Kids Halloween Disco with DJ John. 12.15pm – 2.15pm at
Coxhoe Club. 50p entry
Saturday 31st October. Vampire Ball 2015 #horriblehistories at Active Life Centre 6.30pm until late.
Details top be provided when available
Thursday 5th November. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes
between 7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop
only £2, Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email: Telephone: 07834 856452
Thursday 19th November. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes
between 7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop
only £2, Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email: Telephone: 07834 856452
Saturday 21st November. Coxhoe Club Kids Disco with DJ John. 12.15pm – 2.15pm at Coxhoe
Club. 50p entry
Thursday 3rd December. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes
between 7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop
only £2, Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email: Telephone: 07834 856452
Saturday 12th December. Coxhoe Club Kids Disco with DJ John.. 12.15pm – 2.15pm at Coxhoe
Club. Invite Only
Saturday 12th December. Active Life Centre Christmas Party at the Active Life Centre &pm till late.
Details to be provided when available.
Thursday 17th December. Village Hall Hop at Coxhoe Village Hall. Beginners Rock and Roll Classes
between 7-8 then 1950's record hop until 11pm. Tuition and Hop £3 adults and £2 under 16's. Hop
only £2, Under 16's free (must be accompanied by an adult). Email: Telephone: 07834 856452
Saturday 19th December. Pantomine – Sleeping Beauty at the Active Life Centre. Details to be
provided when available.
Thursday 31st December. New Years Eve Party at the Active Life Centre. Details to be provided
when available.
Part 2 – Regular activities
Active Life Centre @Coxhoe
Check out the centre’s website:
Village Hall activities
Reading room, Tuesday to Saturday 10am-12noon.
Parent/Toddler Playgroup 0-4 yrs Monday to Friday Thursday 9.30-11.15 am
Warriors Eskrima – Filipino Fighting Arts (over16) Monday 7pm to 8.45pm
Cubs 8-10 1/2 years - Mondays 6.15-7.30pm
Scouts - Mondays 7.30pm -9.15pm
Beavers 6-8 years Tuesdays, 5.15-7.00pm
Child Welfare Clinic – Tuesdays 1.30pmTea Dance Tuesday 1.30-3.30pm
Platinum PPT Swiss Ball Tuesdays 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Durham Constabulary Male Voice Choir –Tuesdays 7-9pm
Smoking Cessation Sessions _Wednesdays 10.30am-11.30am
Applegarth Academy of Dance : Wednesdays 5.00 - 8.00pm
Slimming World - Wednesdays. and 8pm For details contact Nicola Maughan on
07557413629/ 07766168437 or
Weight Watchers Thursday 6.00 pm Joanne Coutts 07737 415755
Kettle Bells Fridays 6—7pm
Casual Crafts Fridays 10am-12noon
Metafit Class with Alex Saturday 10 am £3 – contact facebook Metafit with Alex
Platinum PPT Cardio-back Saturdays 8.00am – 9.00am – 9.00pm
Eclipse Fitness and Personal Trainers 6pm-7.45pm
Ladies Club - First Tuesday of month 6.30-9.00pm
Coxhoe Parish Council - First Wednesday of month, from 7.00pm
Coxhoe Community Partnership - First Thursday of month from 7.00pm (No December
Coxhoe History Group - Second Thursday of Month
Bird Auction – Sundays, Monthly
For bookings or enquiries Tel. 0191 3772261
For information about the cubs and beavers contact : or or ring Paul Atkinson on
Coxhoe Club Kids Disco - DJ Johns’s Disco
All Welcome Hotdogs * Tuckshop * Prizes * Raffle
All funds raised throughout the year are put back into the disco. Committee members: Harry
and Sylvia Carr, Theresa Yard, Kay Simpson, Sharon Storey. Telephone 07557 384023 for
more information
Coffee Mornings/Afternoons:
St. Andrews: Saturdays 9.15-11.30 am.
St. Mary‘s: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11.30 am.
St. Joseph‘s : Thursdays 1.30-3 pm
Coxhoe Workingmens Club
Saturdays 7-11pm - Entertainment in the Bar/ Lounge (Free). Member’s Money Draw 14
prizes £100 down to £5 Tickets 20p each
Sunday’s 9 pm - Tote Double Draw followed by Live Entertainment (Free)
Monday’s 8 pm - Bingo in Concert Hall & Joker Wild Draw
Sky Sports on big screen every day
Regular Church Services and Activities
St. Mary’s :
Sundays 9.15 am;
Tuesday 9.15 am : Holy Communion
Monday 1.30pm : Mother’s Union
Email :
St. Joseph’s :
Rosary Stations of the Cross -Thurs/Sat 8.40 am
Morning Mass -Thurs, Fri, Sat 9am
Latin Mass—Thurs 12 noon
Vigil Mass—Sat 6 pm
St. Andrews :
Sundays 10.45—11.30 am ;
Shoppers Services- First Saturday of the month 10-10.30am;
Wives Club meetings on18th March, 15th April, 29th April, 13th May, 27th May
Coxhoe Community Partnership meets on the last Wednesday in the month in Coxhoe
Village Hall from 7pm. Why not come along and help us make Coxhoe better.
There is also a meeting of Slimming World at St. Andrews every Monday at 5pm and 7 pm.
Tel: 07974821536 – Lisa E-mail: Facebook coxhoe
slimming world as well as a session at Bowburn Community Centre at 9.30 am on
Thursdays) ....And don’t forget to check out what is happening at Coxhoe Club, The Red
Lion and The Clarence Villa........