Clerk's draft notes for approval at the next meeting of the Council 1994 A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 16th March 2015, in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington, and commenced at 7:30pm. The Community Policing Team had been unable to send a representative to this meeting. Nevertheless, they had provided a written report, which confirmed that there had been four recorded crimes in Heighington in the period since the last Council meeting. These were: Theft from motor vehicle 10th/11th March 2015, St. Aubins Crescent. Theft from motor vehicle 10th/11th March 2015, Almond Avenue. Burglary, dwelling 7th March 2015, Park Lane. Burglary, dwelling 7th March 2015, High Street. There were no members of the public in attendance. __________________________ Present: Councillor C. J. Dunning - Chairman Councillor B. Webster Councillor D. Chantler Councillor N. Briscoe Councillor R. Burgess Councillor A. W. Puncher Councillor S. Gilbert Councillor V. Sargent Councillor J. R. Dziadkiewicz (from 8:50 pm) Clerk N. Eyre Also, District and County Councillor R. Oxby. Councillor Dunning, as Chairman, opened the meeting with a welcome to those present. 178/M/14 Apologies, Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations Apologies for absence had been received from Councilllors Brennand and Shipston and were agreed. Apologies for absence had also been received from District Councillor I. Carrington. There were no declarations of interests and no requests for dispensations. 179/M/14 To approve Clerk’s Notes Draft notes from the meeting of the Parish Council on 2nd February 2015 were taken as read and approved as minutes. Draft notes from the meeting of the Property Services Committee on 23rd February 2015 were received for information. 180/M/14 Clerk’s Report The Clerk reported as follows: Work to replace the regulator on the War Memorial Clock was completed on Friday 13th March 2015. The interactive speed indicating sign has now been adjusted with new radar settings as recommended by the manufacturer. This will allow the sign to focus on the nearest incoming target instead of the fastest incoming target, which may be at a considerable distance from the sign. The sign will now display speeds above 25mph but not below. Data downloaded from the sign has already proved very interesting and informative. The Clerk has been working to arrange a “Reach For The Skies” event to celebrate the installation of the new play equipment on the Potterhanworth Road Sports Field. The event is planned for Saturday 4th July 2015 (see also minute 187/M/14). The Clerk expressed some concern about current delays to the processing and payment of VAT claims by HMRC. A claim submitted on 7th January remains unpaid. This cash flow issue may become more significant in the coming year with substantial planned expenditure in respect of the provision of new play equipment. Clerk's draft notes for approval at the next meeting of the Council 1995 181/M/14 Correspondence The read file for information and Member's perusal was noted. Members noted that there was a continuing issue with the public being unable to make use of the footpath, which links Newcot Lane and Potterhanworth Road via Bracken Hill Farm. This matter will be brought to a subsequent meeting for further discussion. In the meantime, Members are asked not to walk this path. What is currently needed is evidence of past use of the path. 182/M/14 Reports from District and County Councillors District and County Councillor R. Oxby reported as follows: Lincolnshire County Council Work to install the new footbridge over the railway line in Lincoln High Street has started. The Canwick Hill road works are progressing very well and have not generated a significant level of complaints. The County Council is talking to central government in respect of funding for phase 6 of the broadband rollout programme. By 2016 it is expected that 90% of Lincolnshire residents will have access to superfast broadband. The Call Connect bus service saw passenger figures rise to more than 322,000 in 2014, the biggest annual total since the service launched nearly 15 years ago. It represents a 5% growth in passenger numbers compared to 2013. The current focus of the Care Services is, as far as possible, to enable people to stay in their own homes. This delivers both better outcomes and financial savings. The County Council is now reviewing contracts in respect of people with learning difficulties, but is not expecting too much change. From April 2015 the international services company Serco will become responsible for a wide range of customer-facing and back-office functions, for the County Council, including the Council’s Customer Services operations, which are currently delivered in-house. The £70million contract over 5 years is expected to deliver savings of £14million. Serco will be taking on most existing staff in the areas concerned (including Mouchel’s staff). North Kesteven District Council The proposal for Tesco to develop a new store in Sleaford has been dropped and the compulsory purchase order for land associated with access to that development site has also been withdrawn. The £3.6million refurbishment of the NK Centre in North Hykeham will be undertaken in four phases stretching to March 2016. The District Council has been very pleased with increased participation levels in Sleaford following the recent refurbishment of that leisure centre. It hopes to repeat that experience in North Hykeham. 183/M/14 To adopt the Model Publication Scheme provided by the Information Commissioner and to consider adoption of a document setting out what information is to be routinely published by the Council. Further to minute 7 of 8th December 2008, Members now decide to adopt the latest version of the Model Publication Scheme produced by the Information Commissioner's Office (version 1.1 of 1st September 2013). It was also resolved that the document 'Information available from Heighington Parish Council under the model publication scheme' of 16th March 2015, which supports the Model Publication Scheme, be adopted. 184/M/14 To consider adoption of a model document in respect of the protection of personal data under the Data Protection Act. It was resolved that the document ‘Heighington Parish Council: Data Protection Policy’ be adopted. 185/M/14 To confirm arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting on Monday 13th April 2015. The Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled for 19:00 on Monday 13th April 2015 in the Jubilee Hall. The event will include a free showing of the film “Tell Them Of Us”, which is about the Crowder Clerk's draft notes for approval at the next meeting of the Council 1996 family during World War One. The film was produced in Lincolnshire by WAG Screen. Donations will be invited in respect of both the film and the refreshments served. All monies received will go to charities. The Council is also exploring the potential to include a small exhibition of photographs linked to the recent upgrade of the railway line in Heighington, including the construction of the underpass and replacement of the Station Road bridge. The Annual Parish Meeting will include the usual annual report from this Council and provide an opportunity for parishioners to ask questions. Members endorsed the arrangements as set out above. 186/M/14 To approve the monthly financial statements for February 2015. The monthly financial statements for February 2015 were approved and Councillor Burgess initialled the accounts statement and the bank statements accordingly. 187/M/14 To note arrangements for the 'Reach For the Skies' event on Saturday 4th July 2015 and to approve expenditure in respect of hire of the mobile climbing wall operated by NK Outreach. To celebrate the installation of the new play equipment on the Potterhanworth Road Sports Field (which includes climbing equipment) Members agreed to hold a “Reach For The Skies” event on Saturday 4th July, which will include hire of the mobile climbing wall operated by NK Outreach, water cannons (as used in the summer gala 2014) and 'Have a Go' archery sessions, which will be operated by Lincoln Archers (a local archery club). It was resolved expenditure of £350 (exc VAT) in respect of all day hire of the mobile climbing wall is authorised. Members also agreed that the Lincoln Archers may levy a small fee for the 'Have a Go' sessions (based upon arrows fired) to recover their costs and to raise money for their club (exact details will be confirmed in due course). We similarly expect there to be a small fee for use of the water cannons, which will go to a good cause. District and County Councillor Oxby agreed to explore whether there is potential to arrange an event fly past by aircraft from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. 188/M/14 To consider proposed revised hire charges for use of the Jubilee Hall from 1st April 2015. Members noted a proposed revision of the hire charges, which had been compiled by the Facilities Manager. It was resolved that the revised hire charges apply to all bookings taken from 1st April 2015 (bookings taken before 1st April 2015 to be at the previous rate). 189/M/14 To receive an initial report in respect of the current provision of community buildings in Heighington. Further to minute 080/M/14, Members were reminded of current work to review the current provision of community buildings in Heighington with a view to informing a long term strategy. Members noted the information presented by the Clerk at this meeting, which does highlight an over provision (or under utilisation) of such facilities at this time. This information will now be shared with other organisations involved in the provision of community buildings in Heighington, which will be followed by a meeting with representatives of those organisations to explore approaches towards the provision of such facilities in the longer term. It was resolved that representatives of this Council at those meetings will now be Councillor Burgess and the Clerk. 190/M/14 Tree work applications for Members consultative comments. There were no tree work applications to consider at this meeting. 191/M/14 Tree work decision notices received from North Kesteven District Council. There were no tree work decision notices to consider at this meeting. Clerk's draft notes for approval at the next meeting of the Council 1997 192M/14 Planning application 15/0111/OUT, Outline permission for up to 50 dwellings with some matters reserved (access) land to the south of Fen Road, Heighington. Members resolved to object to this planning application for the specific reasons stated below: There is clear evidence of previous localised surface water flooding adjacent to the proposed development site in the area occupied by Fen View and continuing across Fen Road towards Heighington Beck near to No. 53. Most recently this localised flooding occurred in June 2007. The land from the highest part of proposed development site slopes westwards towards the rear of Fen View and the parish council would like to see clear evidence of features on the proposed development site to prevent run off in a westerly direction impacting existing properties in Fen View. A flood relief scheme for Fen View has been approved for implementation by Lincolnshire County Council. This scheme is intended to address a drainage pinch point in a culvert under Fen Road adjacent to 32 Fen Road. This scheme will allow storm water from higher land to the south of Fen Road to pass more quickly through to Heighington Beck under Fen Road. Whilst the scheme is already approved, its implementation date has slipped from late 2014. We understand it is now rescheduled for the period 5th May 2015 until 12th June 2015. The parish council will retain an objection to any new development in the vicinity of Fen View until such time that this scheme is actually implemented. The parish council has for some time sought to have the speed limit on Fen Road reduced to 30mph, particularly since the recent development to the north side of the road opposite the proposed development site. There is already clear local support for a reduction to the speed limit for a number of reasons, principally relating to the limited width of the carriageway, which is frequently congested with parked vehicles and a sharp corner with no footpath. The addition of a significant new access into the road clearly adds another reason to revisit the current speed limit. The parish council will retain its objection to the proposed development unless the speed limit on Fen Road is reduced to 30mph. The parish council seeks a reduction in the speed limit to 30 mph from the junction with Lower Park Lane. (See photographs attached.) Should the site be deemed suitable for development: The parish council would wish to see specific confirmation of the provision of not fewer than 18 affordable dwellings in accordance with the 2007 Local Plan policy H5. If 948 square metres of Children’s Play Space is not provided on the development site a commuted sum for development or enhancement of such facilities offsite by the parish council. A commuted sum for the enhancement of the existing facilities on the Potterhanworth Road Sports Field by the parish council in lieu of the provision of outdoor sports facilities on the development site. 193/M/14 Planning application 15/0122/HOUS, to erect a two storey side extension, 33 Fen Road, Heighington. It was resolved that this Council has no comments to make in respect of this application. 194/M/14 Planning application 15/0171/HOUS, to erect a two storey rear extension and one and a half storey side extension, 9 Garratt Close, Heighington. It was resolved that this Council has no comments to make in respect of this application. 195/M/14 Planning application 15/0290/HOUS, to erect a porch and two storey side extension, 3 Fen Road, Heighington. It was resolved that this Council has no comments to make in respect of this application. 196/M/14 Planning decision notices Members noted that planning application 15/0088/VARCON, which relates to extension of a temporary planning permission for the Heighington Pre-school has been approved. The time extension expires in March 2017. Members noted that planning application 15/0041/HOUS, which relates to a single storey rear extension at 18 Park Lane has been approved.
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