Feb-Apr 2015 Newsletter - Parish of Finchampstead and California

Issue 14 Feb 15 —Apr 2015
(distributed from Sunday 25 Jan)
Letter from Rev Hannah
Approaching Lent
Lent is a season of preparation. As we approach Lent, our
Sunday morning readings begin to focus on Jesus’ divinity,
thus demonstrating the great step that he took in coming to
earth. We begin February with the presentation of Christ in
the temple, as Mary and Joseph catch another glimpse of
E-mail: office@stjames.
who Jesus is and what he will become; then as Lent draws
Telephone: 0118 973 0133
nearer we hear about Jesus’ role in creation and then his appearing in glory at the Transfiguration. It is only by recalling
this majestic and glorious side of Jesus, that we can ‘prepare
Social & Fundraising
Environment, Community
3 to prepare’ (as we do in Lent) for the events of Holy Week. It
Young people, toddlers & babies 4 is important that we remember just who Jesus is: part of the
- Contrast, Fledgelings, BfN
Family choices
5,6 Trinity, loved by and one with God the Father, God’s only Son.
7 Yet Jesus takes the giant leap of becoming one of us, allowLent Well Spent—in the name of
ing himself to feel the pain that living a human life can bring,
Jesus— Weekly Themes & Lent
Lecture topics & speakers
8 allowing himself to feel temptation and allowing himself to be
A Report from Mityana in Uganda 9
Mothers’ Union, Ladies Breakfast 10 wrongly accused and condemned to a brutal death. So this
Tea & Chat , Flower Arranging
11 February, as we prepare for the preparation season of Lent,
A True Self and False Self
Parish Fete (July 11th 2015)
13 let’s acknowledge Jesus for who he is, in all his glory, so as to
Parish Updates
14 comprehend – as much as is possible – the giant step that he
Prayer & Praise
Ministry Team
16 took for us.
Revd Hannah
A powerful photographic exhibition exploring the idea of forgiveness in the face of atrocity and telling the stories of victims as well as perpetrators
27th February - 5th March ADMISSION FREE
Open every day: 10am - 5pm ( except during church services)(Wednesday 11am -5pm; Sunday 12 noon - 5.30pm
Rev Hannah with the SMSJ Advent Prayer Tree
Page 2
Social and Fundraising
News from St. James’ Social and Fundraising Committee
St. James’ Social and Fundraising Committee wish you all a very happy and healthy 2015
and we look forward to seeing you at some of our social and parish fundraising events
throughout the coming year.
A few dates for your diaries:
28th February 2015 - 7.30 pm - Musical Evening in Finchampstead
Memorial Hall
Our Musical Concert theme for this year is “All at Sea”. Chris Driver is looking for would-be singers and thespians. There is a list on the hall notice board
in SJ Church Centre just waiting for your name to be added. Volunteers to
take part and tread the boards will be most welcome from the whole Parish and wider community. It’s not too late please give Chris a ring she would love to hear from you. 0118 973
4123. Tickets for the concert will be on sale after most Sunday services or call the Church
office on 0118 973 0133 - priced at £12 which includes a fish and chip supper, but please
bring your own drinks and glasses.
14th March 2015 - 2pm - Jumble Sale - California Ratepayers Hall
Jumble Sales are always a great opportunity to have a clear out of those cupboards and wardrobes ready to make room for your new spring/summer outfits.
You might even pick up a bargain or two at the jumble sale!!!! Please help and
support our Parish Fundraising Jumble Sale which will be on 14 th March. We are also looking
for help on the day, do please give me a call if you can help. Sue 0118 973 2069.
Sue, Chris, Chris, Gill, Sue, Jane, Mo, Nicky, Sarah
(St. James’ Social and Fundraising Team)
The 20th Fair-trade Fortnight between Feb.23rd and March 8th will focus on cocoa and tea as
globally very low percentages are traded on fair trade terms. As fair-trade churches, we will
hold fair-trade stalls to promote a range of fairly traded products on 1st March (SMSJ) and
8th March (SJ). Our purchases really make a difference for the producers and growers overseas. In 2013 £26million of fair-trade premium from UK sales was invested by producers to
improve their businesses and communities. For more information see www.fairtrade.org.uk.
Newsletter editor: Carolyn Fox
The final due date for copy for the May - July ’15 Newsletter is Friday 10 April. Please send
your contributions to newsletter@finchampstead.co.uk. Copies will be distributed in our
churches and centres from Sunday 26 April.
A Huge Thank You to everyone who helped with the delivery of the Church Christmas Card
and mini-newsletter to every house in the parish - a great achievement! Thank you.
Go Green
Page 3
Simple Lunch, Tea & Chat, Food bank
The Simple Lunch
is a joint community
both Church Centre and
venture between our own Parish and
Parish Centre for:
Finchampstead Baptist Church, which
 Tea, coffee and fruit
started in March last year. Volunteers serve
skins (these are comlunch at a minimal cost in St Mary & St John’s
Parish Centre on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each
 Batteries*, Water filters*, tetra packs,
month between 12 and 1.30pm.
and silver foil (go to Tesco)
Meanwhile Tea & Chat continues as before on
 Broken Jewellery (goes to Traidcraft).
2nd and 4th Tuesday afternoons between 2.00
 Stamps/ milk bottle tops (SMSJ’s go to
and 3.30pm in the Billing Avenue Centre, where
WADE; SJ’s to Nine Mile Ride School).
Please spread the word. Richard Owen folk can drop in for a chat, a cuppa and cake.
The Finchampstead Food Bank is now up and
* Robert Dyas also recycle these responsibly.
running as a satellite of Crowthorne Food Bank
It is now possible to recycle even more, ie: (CFB). The Parish’s donated items are usually
 Coffee bags/sachets from any make of
taken to the CFB twice a week and at the same
beans, ground or instant coffee
time food packs are collected for delivery to
 Coffee jar lids
needy folk in Finchampstead. The packs are
 Any sweet biscuit wrappers
given in exchange for vouchers which are
 Any Tassimo cartridges & bags.
obtained through local schools, medical and
 Flip top lids (only) from washing
health care centre, children’s centre, community
up bottles etc
workers and churches. For more information on
 Trigger spray tops from Liquid
these schemes, please contact the Church Office
cleaner bottles
Please either hand these items to Gill
Support your local Christian bookshop
Coombs or add them to her collection box
in Holme Grange Craft Village
in St James’ Church Centre kitchen.
Recycling Boxes at
The Parish of Finchampstead
and California is proud to be a
Fairtrade Parish.
Both St James’ and St Mary &
St John’s churches use Fairtrade products for refreshments, and promote Fairtrade throughout the year.
Traidcraft stalls are also held from time to
time at SMSJ. Each year we join in special
events for Fairtrade fortnight, with both
churches holding a stall after Services to
promote and sell Fairtrade products.
Change of address/
Please let the Church
Office know if any of
your contact details
change so we can
keep our database
up-to-date. E-mail:
tel: 0118 973 0133
Crowthorne Foodbank has
now moved to :
Vineyard Church Centre,
25 Wellington Business
Park, Dukes Ride,
Crowthorne, RG45 6LS.
The opening hours are Mon
and Thurs 12—2
Details of their present requirements are posted from
time to time on our website.
Page 4
Young People, Toddlers & Babies
The Group, which has a Christian ethos
and meets in St James’ Church Centre,
is the place where young people can
meet together and have fun with help from James, our Youth Worker,
and our curate Rev Hannah. It is open to those from Year 6-8 on Sunday evenings during term-time from 6pm till 7.30pm.
For details of special events, like the recent Christmas dinner party, check out Facebook, our
website (parish.finchampstead.co.uk) & the weekly pew/notice sheets.
‘The Tuesday Night Thing’—a new monthly group for those in years 9—13 has just started, normally on the first Tuesday of each month, meeting from 7—8.15pm at Rev Hannah’s house. Speak to her or James for details.
St James’ Fledgelings Fledgelings continues to be a wonderful group for babies and todToddler & Baby Group
dlers to meet, play, and grow together. Mothers’ Union members
provide drinks and a listening ear to parents/carers and there are
lots of opportunities to have fun with your children. There are
stories and crafts and, during the year, special services in the
church at Easter, Harvest & Christmas, as well as some outdoor
activities in the summer.
Fledgelings meets from 1.45—4pm in term time at St James’ Church Centre. More details
from Beth Peat: beth@peat.me.uk
St James’ Church Centre Breastfeeding Drop-in Group
Tuesdays 12.30 – 2.00 pm. Come along for support and information or
just tea and a chat. Bumps, babies, siblings and mums welcome!
(If you need a lift there will be a hot drink for partners/parents/friends too!)
News! Mums with babies under six weeks who live in Wokingham district may be able to
access 1:1 support via ‘phone/text/home visit from the West Berkshire Peer Support Service.
If you know a new mum who needs help please encourage her to contact us - tel: 07501
466818, e-mail readingpeersupport@breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk.
Rev Mark-Aaron taking
part in the Reading Christian Bikers Toy Run on
Dec 7th taking toys to the
Barnado’s home in Wokingham.
Subsequently he took a
very full car-load of gifts
given by members of both
congregations to the home.
Christingles at SMSJ in December
Family choices—Sunday clubs
Page 5
During 9.30am Service
Breakout (age 7 - 11) 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays in term-time. Leader : Jo Myall
This is proving to be one of our most popular clubs with a different
format every Sunday in the month that it meets.
1st Sunday : sport, craft, outside activity
2nd Sunday : café style with a DVD, eg, the extremely popular
‘Veggie tales’
4th Sunday : ‘Thinking Stuff Out’
Junior Leaders (age 11+++) 1st,2nd,4th,5th Sundays in term-time.
Leader: Sam Khan
This group is for young people in the early years of secondary school
who are interested in building up a portfolio of voluntary work for their
‘Record of achievement’ folders.
During 11.00am Service:
Kidz Café (age 3 – 8) 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays: 10.45am-11.45am Leader: Nicola Woolston
This group is also growing in numbers of regular attendees and is
much appreciated. The sessions are based upon the Roots
material linked to the Sunday readings and involve stories, games,
activities, crafts and refreshments. The children enter church just
before communion; and present their work just before the final hymn.
Junior Contrast (age 8+)1st,3rd,4th,5th Sundays in term-time. 10.45am
Leader : Revd Mark-Aaron. Young Leader : Bertie Munn
Intended to be a fun, action-filled youth group for children over the age
of 8, and leading on to membership of CONTRAST (our senior youth
group which meets on a Sunday evening).
The Sunday Bunch 9.30am, 2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays WELCOMING,VARIED, FUN
 For children from birth up to young people, with toys and books always available for the very
 Activities in groups or as a whole follow the theme for the day, and include craft,
games, discussion and sometimes food. We join our families in the Service, just
before Communion
If you need more information on any items in this newsletter, e-mail: office@stjames.finchampstead.
co.uk, telephone: 0118 973 0133, or check our website: parish.finchampstead.co.uk
Family choices
Page 6
A choice for families at St Mary & St John’s - continued
ALIVE@11—(1st Sunday of the month) FAMILY COMMUNION—9.30am
 An informal all-age service with active
(3rd Sunday of the month)
participation by all age groups
 A Communion service with a difference
 Tea & coffee from 10.30am when there  Children are involved in all aspects of worship
are also craft activities for children.
 Activities for them as well as toys for the little
 Lots of fun for all
Held in St Mary & St John’s Parish Centre,
Vicarage Close, Billing Avenue.*
Themes and
activities are
A crafty time ! A worship time ! linked to the
Some family time ! Lunchtime ! seasons and
Next sessions : 11am until 1pm on Saturdays
special church
14 March & 9 May.
Messy Church is a way for all ages to come together and to
worship through lots of different activities. Sessions are held on the second Saturday of every
other month, where we meet to do crafts together (varying from flower arranging and making
paper airplanes, to decorating biscuits and using play dough), followed by a short worship
time – and lunch!
For more information e-mail Ashlyn Webster: ashlyn@web-hq.com or Beth Peat:
Mary & St John’s Parish Centre, Vicarage Close, off Billing Avenue, Finchampstead RG40 4JW
The empty cross A symbol of Jesus risen from
death, alive for ever.
Halleluia, He is risen.
He is risen indeed, Halleluia!
Please join any of the Easter
Services of celebration.
Page 7
Choir News
Ten choir members attended the RSCM
Award Service at Oxford Christ Church
Cathedral in November. It was a huge
privilege to sing with the Cathedral
Choir at Evensong and be directed by
Dr Stephen Darlington. The choir rose
to the challenge as usual. Singing with
enthusiasm and ensuring accuracy of
the rather difficult music by practising
before the event. Choir members were
presented were their glossy certificates
and given a Commemorative Programme to treasure.
Christmas has come and gone and I do hope you enjoyed our services especially the piece
entitled There is a flower by John Rutter. This piece was originally written for the Cambridge
Cathedral Choir and proved to be an uplifting and enjoyable challenge for us. The choir did it
justice in the end and 4 months of work paid off with a wonderful performance.
The choir are now looking forward to our February Concert at Finchampstead Memorial Hall
and have already started preparing Faure Requiem for Good Friday.
We are so blessed and fortunate to have such a committed choir at St James, new members are always welcome.
Please contact me (Janice Devine) atDom@stjames.finchampstead.co.uk
St James’ Finchampstead Tower Bell Ringers - In December we enjoyed a
lovely meal once again at the Queen’s Oak, which has become a regular venue for
our Christmas get-together. Ringing has continued as usual and we also rang for
the midnight service on Christmas Eve. It won’t be long before the bells will start to
ring out again to celebrate weddings in 2015.
We practise on Wednesdays from 8–9pm & would love to welcome more ringers,
both novice and experienced. Do come along and join us. Please phone me in advance if
you would like someone to meet you outside. On Sundays we ring from 10.30am for the
11am service.
Patricia Amos - Tower Contact, 0118 973 3747.
If you have not found what you are looking for, or need more information about times,
venues, etc, please contact the Church Office, by e-mail:
office@stjames.finchampstead.co.uk or telephone 0118 973 0133
Page 8
As last year, services and activities will be based around a theme covering the whole of
Lent. For 2015 we will be using some of the titles or names by which Jesus is known in the
New Testament as a weekly focus.
The programme is set out below, showing the theme for each week, the Sunday Gospel
reading, and the topic and lecturer for the five Lent Lectures.
Lent 1 - 22/2/15 - Son of God
Sunday reading: Luke 4:1-13 - Jesus tempted
Lecture topic (24/2/15) - Right and wrong in the occupied West Bank - Ken Perrett
Lent 2 - 1/3/15 - Messiah
Sunday reading: Mark 8:27-38 - Peter's recognition of Jesus as Messiah
Lecture topic (3/3/15) - TBC - Rev'd Andrew Marsden
Lent 3 - 8/3/15 - Son of David
Sunday reading: Matthew 15:21-28 - the Syro-Phoenician woman
Lecture topic (10/3/15) - Living Reconciliation - Angharad Parry Jones, Anglican
Communion Office
Lent 4 - 15/3/15 - Son of Mary (Mothering Sunday)
Sunday reading: Mark 3:20-21, 31-35 - Mary and Jesus' family concerned for his welfare
Lecture topic (17/3/15) - Jesus and Women - Rev'd Dr Jenni Williams, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford
Lent 5 - 22/3/15 - Son of Man
Sunday reading: Mark 2:1-12 - Jesus heals a paralytic man
Lecture topic (24/3/15) - Paralysis, and the bid for freedom in life and faith - Ven Olivia
Graham, Archdeacon of Berkshire
Lent 6 - 29/3/15 - Lord and King (Palm Sunday)
Sunday reading: Mark 11:1-11, 15-18 - Jesus enters Jerusalem and clears the Temple
Holy Week - Suffering Servant
Readings from Isaiah 52 & 53
The Lectures will take place in St James’ Church Centre, Church Lane, Finchampstead
RG40 4LU on Tuesday evenings at 8pm, coffee from 7.45pm. Information about the lecturers and their backgrounds, and further details of other Lent activities will be publicised later.
In addition, as a link back to LENT 2014 there will be a taster session on Shrove Tuesday
(17/2/15) - Pancakes and Pictures - when Rev'd Hugh Wakeling will speak about his recent
visit to Mityana, Uganda.
We are also hoping that Stagefright will make a return visit to some of our services on
Mothering Sunday.
For further information please contact Rev’d Canon John Edwards on 01344 774586 or at
Report From Mityana in Uganda
Page 9
First I must say thank you to the Parish for the
generous gift made to the Mityana Charity at the
beginning of 2014. One of the results of this gift
was that we were able to install a new water
tank at Buwaata Clinic, which is about 80 miles
west of Mityana, and here is the picture taken
when I went to inspect it.
The building, to which this tank is attached, is
the Maternity Unit, for Buwaata Clinic which was
built by the Mityana Charity with money raised
by St Sebastian’s Church.
One of the other purposes of my visit was to inspect the new buildings that have been
constructed this year at the Nabukenya Primary School, the school built almost entirely with
money raised by Wellington College students and parents. These new buildings were nearly
complete when I got there, and they have subsequently been completed and painted in bright
colours, which you will not be able to see, in the black and white version of this report:
New Pre-School Classrooms
Dormitory and two Staff Flats
There are lots of other things to report on, and I have many more pictures to show you. And
there are many more water tanks and buildings, etc, which still need to be provided.
So you are all invited to come to “Pancakes and Pictures” on Shrove Tuesday, 17 th February
at 7.30 pm at the St James Church Centre, when I will be able to tell you more, and show you
what these pictures look like in colour!
See you on Shrove Tuesday!
(Hugh visited Uganda in November 2014)
Hugh Wakeling.
Opportunities to get together
Finchampstead & California
Mothers’ Union
2015 ~ Theme for the year ~ “United in Prayer”
Future Dates
Thurs Feb 12th 2pm
Branch AGM and our Curate, Rev Hannah
Higginson, speaking on “prayer”.
Wed Feb 18th
Fri March 6th
10.30am Women's World Day of prayer composed by the
Christian women of the Bahamas; at St James’ Church.
Thurs March 12th 2pm
Sun March 15th
Holy Communion with emphasis on Mothers' Union.
Branch Meeting, “The Role of Motherhood”
after 9.30 and 11am services, Cake Stall at St
Fundraising for “Away From It All” and
Mothers' Union enterprises stall.
Wed March 18th 10am
Holy Communion with emphasis on
Mothers' Union.
Local meetings for
women and men are
held on the second
Thursday of each
month at 2pm in
St James’ Church
Centre, usually with
a speaker and
afternoon tea
Sun April 5th
after the 9.30am Cake stall at St Mary & St
Fundraising for “Away From It All” and Mothers'
Union enterprises stall.
Thurs April 9th
Branch Meeting, ~ Leonardo Da Vinci's “The Last
Supper” ~ speaker Paul Arscott.
Wed April 15th
Holy Communion with emphasis on Mothers' Union.
All our meetings & services are held in the Church Centre unless otherwise stated.
Everyone is most welcome to attend.
Sarah Owen, (Branch Leader).
Ladies Breakfasts
We meet half-termly on a Saturday morning in the Church Centre, 9 - 10am (setting up from 8.45 and clearing up from 10 for those who can help) for fellowship, continental
breakfast and a ‘thought for the day/week.
We welcome newcomers of all ages. Next Breakfast date is 28
March. carolynfox@aol.com
Opportunities to get together
Tea And Chat
Page 11
From 2.00 till 3.30pm on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the
month in St Mary & St John’s Parish Centre, Billing Avenue.
A social occasion for anyone living locally to pop in, sit
down and relax over a cup of tea, cake and a friendly chat.
Everyone, all ages, welcome.
St James’ Flower Arrangers
As for most, January can be a little bit of an anti
climax after Christmas and be a time for economising. This can also be the case for flower arrangers, with the many weeks of cold weather
when flowers are scarce before spring brings its
colour and variety.
After the cheer of arranging in church for Christmas it is always time to think of the year ahead such as Easter and weddings.
On a visit to The Vyne I discovered a copy of Church Flowers, Month by Month by Jean Taylor in their second hand book sale. Opening it I found it used to belong to Bramley Church
Flower Group. This book was published in the 1970's and tells of a time when flowers were
not so readily available and more seasonal garden material was used. The early months of
the year are no longer so difficult with cut flowers available all year from many supermarkets,
so we count our blessings and look forward to adding colour and our gift to the church and
its congregation.
As last year’s Easter 'Lilies for Loved ones' were so well received we will be offering this
again. If you are inspired by the new year to try something different, the Flower Team
always welcomes additional help. For more details contact Denise Adams via The Church
The Flower Arranging Team at St Mary & St John’s would also welcome new members.
Page 12
A True self and False self by Leslie Heminway
Psalm 52 verses 1-7 say “Why do you glory in evil, you tyrant, while the goodness of God endures continually? You plot destruction, you deceiver; your tongue is like a sharpened razor.
You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than the word of truth. You love all words that
hurt, O you deceitful tongue. Therefore God shall utterly why bring you down; He shall take
you and pluck you out of your tent and root you out of the land of the living. The righteous
shall see this and tremble; they shall laugh you to scorn, and say: ‘This is the one who did
not take God for a refuge, but trusted in great riches and relied upon wickedness.”
This is the false self, a direct result of original sin, and expresses itself in what we do, what
we have and what people think of us. It insists upon controlling, manipulating and dominating. Its concerns are selfish, individualistic and superficial. The false self makes us forget
who we really are by causing us to become obsessed with what we are not.
In the Franciscan path, prayer that leads to self-knowledge is the basis of relationship with
God. Francis had to grow in self-knowledge, for as a young man he was arrogant, unreliable
and a spendthrift. Only in meeting God of compassionate love in the cross of Jesus Christ
did Francis realise that he was wrapped up in a false self far from God. His life turned from
self-centredness toward a centre in God, he acquired humility before the generous love and
mercy of God.
The parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) can be interpreted as a parable about the
attraction of the false self and the rediscovery of the true self. How can the younger son any one of us - become free from the obsessions and agenda of the false self and thus the
pig pen where we truly are foreigners? That’s where asceticism or true self comes in.
Francis had a desire for wholeness of life in God, but realised that such love was a deepening of knowledge in love. His first recorded prayer in the St Damiano church was: “Most
High, glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart. Give me true faith, certain hope and
perfect charity, sense and knowledge, Lord, that I may carry out Your holy and true command”.
When Francis prayed to enlighten the darkness of his heart, he prayed to be released from
isolation, domination, superiority and all those things that prevented him from becoming a truly human person (true self). He prayed for the virtues of faith, hope and love. Prayer that
leads to love leads to freedom, for only in freedom can we really love another without trying
to possess the other for a selfish reason.
From H.A. Williams book Becoming What I Am, at the end he wrote: When we are people of
prayer and discover God’s presence within us as our truest self then we perceive even our
enemies as friends. And by ‘even enemies’ I don’t only mean other people, but the enemies
of temperament and circumstance. When we are people of prayer we discover that all things
are ours, the world or life or death or the present or the future. We discover that all are ours,
and we are Christ’s and Christ is God’s. So no wonder people of prayer are people of power:
the power to love, suffer, laugh, enjoy; the power to be: to be fully what they most truly are.
The biennial Church Fete
Page 13
11th July 2015 – Finchampstead and California
Parish Fete – Finchampstead Memorial Park Keep the date free!
The topsy-turvy world of Alice in Wonderland and its
memorable cast of characters – the White Rabbit, the
Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat and the Queen of Hearts,
will be in Finchampstead on Saturday 11th July, to make
this year’s church fete truly wonderful.
On the day, we’ll be hoping to find our ‘Alice’ and other
characters, amongst the numerous stalls and games
or possibly sampling the tempting delights of the Mad
Hatter’s Tea Party.
To make this magical wonderland a reality, we need your help:
1. Please put Saturday 11th July, 12.00 midday to 4.00 pm, in your diary, and commit
to being there … whatever the weather!
2. Let us know how you can help, eg can you run a stall or a game, or are you (or
your business) able to donate a prize for the Grand Draw raffle?
3. Do you know anyone who could loan a large barrel type barbeque for the day?
More details will follow on the pew sheets, notice boards and Facebook, but in the meantime,
we’d love to hear how you can help.
Thank you
The Church Fete ‘Dream Team’
Louise & Flemming Westphalen, Marjorie Stalker, Jeremy Allcock and Gill Kennington
Contact details: email: louise@qsuk.com or phone 01344 750277
Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of blessing ashes made from palm branches blessed on the previous year ‘s Palm
Sunday, and placing them on the heads of participants to the accompaniment of the words "Remember that you are dust, and to dust
you shall return". See picture on page 16.
Copies of this
Newsletter are
available at our
Churches and
Centres. Please
take one for those
unable to collect
their own.
Page 14
Parish Updates
Finchampstead Emergency Response
We were recently approached by a member of the Finchampstead Neighbourhood Action
Group (NAG). This group includes representatives from the Police, Wokingham Borough
Council and local residents. Their aim is to set up an organisation called Finchampstead
Emergency Response (FER). Their plan is to have 3 or 4 locations in Finchampstead which
can be used as a place of refuge for the people of Finchampstead in rare cases of extreme
emergency, such as flooding, hurricanes or heavy snow. FER would be coordinated as part
of the Berkshire Emergency Response Team. We have agreed that we are happy to provide
as much help as we can to the local community and have offered both SJ Church Centre and
SMSJ Parish Centres, but we obviously hope the need never arises.
St James’ Churchyard
Because the Churchyard is very nearly full, an extension is being planned. Some of the
church land south of the Church Centre will have to be cleared and altered. Plans are taking shape for a start of work very soon.
The ground will have to be terraced and top soil added, while leaving the major trees. The
graves will then be in between the concrete ‘curbs’ which will be put in to retain the ground
and provide a base for headstones. There will be a turning area for hearses and vehicles
for the not so able, plus a vehicle access gate and a gate for those on foot.
There will be minor changes to the existing Churchyard to cover the larger maintenance
cost for both areas. Also an up-grade to the main path and the one going West at the 'T'
will be needed, for the traffic going to the extension.
The intention is to enable burials and interment of ashes to continue in the same way for
the next 100 years or more. All the work will cost about £40,000 with volunteer help to do
D.I.Y. as well. An appeal letter asking for funds was delivered to Finchampstead residents
with the Church Christmas card. We have had a very kind donation from The House of
Grace to cover the cost of grass seed and other monetary donations of around £2000 to
date have already been received but lots more is needed.
The Churchyard Committee are organizing another Tea on March 11th and a series of 100
square boards (with prizes kindly donated by local
businesses) to raise more. Further donations would
obviously be much appreciated. Cheques can be
made payable to the Helen Taylor Churchyard Trust
or donations made directly into the bank (sort code:
20-11-74 account number: 10865222.) Gift-aiding
means the government will help us too!
Richard Owen Churchyard Committee Chair.
Prayer & Praise
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Women's World Day of Prayer—6th March 2015 .
Women's World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement of Christian women from Protestant, Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches who come together to observe a common day of prayer held on
the first Friday in March each year, and who, in many countries,
have a continuing relationship in prayer and service. Through Women's World Day of Prayer women are encouraged to become aware
of their talents and use them in the service of the wider community.
The Day of Prayer begins as dawn breaks over the islands of Tonga in the Pacific and continues across each continent until the last Services of this special day are held back in the
Pacific on the islands of Samoa, circling the world in prayer for about 36 hours.
Why not make a note in YOUR diary as we would like YOU to join with us on the first Friday
of March at 10.30am at St James’ Church, Finchampstead with Christians from over 170
countries and islands, uniting together in praise, worship and in prayer? On Friday 6th
March an estimated 3 million people will gather in different places to observe the day of
prayer, using an order of service written by Christian women from The Bahamas and
translated into over 1000 different languages and dialects. In the British Isles alone over
5,000 services will be held.
The theme of the service is taken from St John’s Gospel, chapter 13 verses 1-17, ‘Jesus
said to them: “Do you know what I have done to you?”’ and it challenges us to demonstrate the same radical, unconditional love for others that Jesus showed when he washed
the feet of his disciples.
A small,
friendly, relaxed group of people meet in my home on the
fourth Wednesday of each
month to pray for issues which concern us, both globally and personally.
Revd Hugh Wakeling, Sharon White
and I take turns to lead the evening,
the shape of which takes many
forms. Anything shared within the
group is confidential.Paula Vicary.
E-mail: paulavicary@googlemail.com
If you are interested in joining
the Parish Bible Reading
Notes scheme, contact
Chris Markham, telephone:
0118 973 3238; e-mail:
A prayer from the Women’s World Day of Prayer
Our God, we give you praise. We praise you for the
many ways you have cared for us. Thank you for
making us free. Lord, we are amazed by you. How
you love us! How deep and radical is your love.
Ministry Team
Page 16
Revd Julie Ramsbottom
0118 973 2102 COMMUNION AT HOME
If you or anyone you know is
unable to get to St James’ or
Associate Priest
Revd Canon John Edwards 01344 774586 St Mary & St John’s Church
for a period of time and would
Revd Brynn Bayman
like to receive Communion at
0118 973 4393 home or in hospital, please
Revd Hannah Higginson
contact the Church Office to
Lay Eucharistic Minister Mr Paul Arscott
advise. Thank you
Associate Priest
Revd Mark-Aaron Tisdale
0118 973 0030
Youth & Family Worker Mr James Lawbuary
St James
St Mary & St John
Mr Richard Peat
0118 976 0402 richard@peat.me.uk
Mr Ed Sampson
0118 973 2069 ed@sampsononline.co.uk
Mrs Sharon White
0118 973 6129 slwhite4@btinternet.com
Mrs Marjorie Stalker
01344 779636 marjoriestalker@hotmail.com
Can Someone help?
I really want our newsletter to continue but I would appreciate some help with it., particularly
inputting all the contributions into the Microsoft Publisher template. I am happy to be part of
an editorial team that considers the contributions, edits them as necessary and decides how
to lay them out. I’ll happily write articles, proof-read and deal with photocopying and distributing but doing the whole task is just a bit much for (this) one person. Thank you.
Carolyn Fox (Editorial Team of 1, looking for help.)
We also still urgently need a Publicity Officer to get articles about our churches and parish
events into the media. Talk to Richard Peat if you feel you can help with this.
Commit to meeting needs of the sick,
lonely, bereaved, housebound
Attain highest standards in listening,
confidentiality and
Respect for those
supported regardless
of religion/faith values
Encourage by example
A cross of ashes on a worshipper's
forehead on Ash Wednesday