Parish Link Easter April 2015 Issue No. 326 Voice of the villages for 32 years Serving the communities of Kensworth, Studham and Whipsnade Page 3 Revd. Nicola Lenthall The Vicarage Clayhall Road Kensworth Tel: (01582) 872223 Dear friends and parishioners, The weirdness of the Easter story for most of us lies in its ending (which is of course its beginning as well) - Jesus rises from the dead and is seen by his friends, and charges them to go and spread the good news of God’s love, and of the overturning of death into new life. Many theologians over the centuries have debated what this means: whether it is important to believe in Jesus bodily rising again (church speak being the ‘resurrection’), whether it is the keystone of the Christian faith, without which everything else falls down. What interests me even more than that, in a way, is how and where the risen Jesus appears to his disciples. Because he comes to see them as they talk, as they work as fishermen, as they eat together, he brings the cosmic changing power of God, the Easter revolution of love, into the ordinary and the everyday. All the things we do now as a matter of course, nattering with mates, rolling up our sleeves to work, or jumping into the car or onto the train for our daily commute, as we sit down to eat with family and friends, are the things into which he brings new life, just as he did with the first disciples. The risen Jesus is with us now in the very ordinariness of our life, which he blesses with his constant presence and love. That is the secret of Easter, one which needs shouting, as we do in all churches every Easter Day, with the words … Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! With my love and best wishes for a very happy Easter, Nicola The cover shows The Kimblewick Hunt setting off from The Red Lion Studham in rain and sleet for a 5 hour ride through the Bedfordshire countryside on 19th February. Photos courtesy of Bill Bowman AROUND ABOUT STUDHAM Page 7 ST MARY’S CHURCH Church prayers: in April we shall be praying particularly for all the residents of Dunstable Road and Southern Way. If you would like a special prayer to be said, please contact Churchwarden, Meg Bender (872967 or Easter Day is Sunday 5th April. Everyone is very welcome to a special service of Holy Communion, at 10.30am, to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. It will be a familyorientated service involving the children and young people. And after the service, please stay for refreshments and an Easter egg hunt. Children’s Church on Sunday 19th April at 10.30am. Continuing with the Easter theme, the children and young people will think about the presence of the risen Lord and what it means to have Jesus as a friend. After the service there will be refreshments including a birthday cake to celebrate all the April birthdays. Everyone is very welcome. With all the usual fun, seven quality wines and dinner, St Mary’s Annual Wine Evening on Saturday 25th April, 7.30pm at the Village Hall is proving to be very popular once again. It’s a ‘full house’ but any last-minute takers should contact John McDougal ( or 873257) and he will try to squeeze you in. FRIENDS OF STUDHAM CHURCH May 16th is this year’s May Fair. It’s a great village and family day with Maypole dancing, crowning of the May Queen and many stalls and entertainment. If you can help - even for just an hour or so, or possibly donate a bottle of wine to the wine wheelbarrow or tombola - contact Emma Mulder (873089) or Des Salmon (872082) 100 Club: you can now join at any time of the year and, for just £1 per month, there is the chance to win a £50 first prize and £10 second prize. March’s lucky winners were Bob Jenkins and Peter Owen. To join, contact Emma Mulder (873089) or download a form from the Friends’ website. The Friends of Studham Church are a friendly, non-religious group and all money raised goes to help the upkeep of the oldest building in the village. Find out more about the Friends on our website Finally we do need a Chairman and also a Secretary. The positions are not unduly time-consuming and give you a chance to make a difference to your village. Please contact John McDougal ( 873257 ) or Emma Mulder (873089) to find out more. Page 8 WHIPSNADE INCLUDING OLDHILL WOOD ST MARY MAGDALENE The Good Friday Service is at 10am, when the children from all three villages make Easter gardens to display in the churches. At the end of the service we have hot cross buns. For the Easter Day service we hope for a bright morning to celebrate Easter and children can join an Easter Egg Hunt in the Churchyard. Village Lunch: this month’s lunch is on Thursday 9th April at 12.30am in the Village Hall. The menu includes a roast, lamb hotpot and fish dish, choice of sweet and tea/ coffee for £6. Everyone is welcome, no need to book. Raffle and bookstall. More details from Isobel Randall (872552) or Pam Ward (872406). The Annual Church Meetings (APCM) are on Tuesday14th April at 7.30pm at the Old Hunters Lodge. Any residents on the electoral roll can attend. The last twelve months will be reviewed and plans made for the future, including progress on the Church extension. Whipsnade Church Quiz Night on Friday 8th May at 7.30pm prompt. Please get your teams of up to 8 together to make up a table for this popular quiz, or we will make up a table for you. Tickets £8 including supper from Isobel Randall (872552). Garden Party on Sunday 24th May at 2pm at Kensworth Gorse. There will be children’s activities and cream teas. More details in May Parish Link. Whipsnade Summer Fete is on Saturday 4th July from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. This is the major fund-raising event for our Church building. David Romans (07943 532342) has volunteered to coordinate the fete this year; offers of help beforehand and on the day will be appreciated. A keen gardener is needed to run the plant and produce stall, also someone to run the bottle stall. Plants - now is the time to pot up your surplus plants and donate them for the fete - shrubs, perennials, herbs, trees - please label if possible. FRIENDS OF WHIPSNADE CHURCH Our AGM is on Sunday 19th April at 10.15am in the Church. New ‘Friends’ are very welcome as we raise funds for the Church extension. Page 9 KENSWORTH NEWSROUND KENSWORTH CHURCH PRAYERS: in April we shall say prayers for everyone who lives in Common Road, from Hollicks Lane to Isle of Wight Lane. If you would like a particular prayer to be said, please contact Dorothy Blackburn (872670). KENSWORTH PARISH CHURCH: April sees the joyful celebrations of Easter, the most important festival in the Christian year. The more solemn time of Holy Week as Lent ends is marked by special services (see page 14). On Sunday 5th April, we have the Easter Day service followed by the Easter Egg Hunt for the little ones and refreshments for the adults. All are very welcome to join in this happiest of festivals. Advance notice: the May Queen will be crowned after the Service on Sunday 3rd May, with music, refreshments and fun things to do! Everybody very welcome. The Choir still has vacancies for singers and also instrumentalists (for accompanying). Please contact Julia Holder (873465) or Mike Palmer (524183) if you would like to take part. Ability to read music and sing is helpful, but absolutely not necessary! You just need to enjoy singing and playing. We’ll do the rest. Why not give us a try? It really is a lot of fun. Sunday School: on 5th April it’s Easter Day and the Service has special activities for children, followed by an Easter Egg Hunt. Don’t miss it! On 12th April the subject will be Thomas and the Resurrection - well, would you believe someone had come alive again after being crucified and buried? Then on 26th April we’ll learn about The Good Shepherd. If you would like your child to join Sunday School, or if you want to be a helper, contact Katherine Huggins (607841). We welcome all children from 3+. There are senior and junior sections. Messy Church: our next meeting will be held on 8th May. Details in the next issue. KENSWORTH METHODIST CHURCH: for all services, see page 14. Please join us at our Services and at the Coffee Morning, which will be held on Saturday 4th April in the Methodist Church Hall, 10.30am -12 noon. A very Happy Easter to all. KENSWORTH OVER-SIXTIES CLUB: our next meeting is an Easter Tea on Tuesday 14th April at 2pm in the Methodist Hall. KENSWORTH LADIES’ CLUB: our next meeting will be on 11th May - more information in the next issue. In the meantime, we wish you all Happy Easter! Page 10 THREE VILLAGES HOLIDAY & MORE WHIPSNADE THE THREE VILLAGES HOLIDAY TO NEWCASTLE From Tuesday 13th October until Saturday 17th October 2015, staying at the Jury’s Inn Gateshead Quays Hotel for 4 nights on a dinner, bed and breakfast basis, visits to Cragside, Alnwick, Holy Island and Bamburgh (see photo for Bamburgh Castle) will be made. There will be a guided tour of Newcastle and a guide will be with the coach for the day, when we visit Lindisfarne Priory and Bamburgh. The price is £339 per head and includes all of the above, plus all travel and tip for the driver. Single supplement is £80. Local pickup places in the 3 villages. Please send £50 deposit to secure a place to Margaret Maddox at 7 Oakway, Studham or ring (873225) if you require more information. ZSL WHIPSNADE ZOO ^^^^^^^^ The indoor Visitor Centre opened on 27th March and allows access to tickets and facilities before the zoo is open so you can make the most of your day. Plus, you can treat yourself to a coffee and cake in the café, make membership enquiries or choose a gift from the extended range in the shop at any time during your visit. WHIPSNADE VILLAGE HALL Easter Craft and Produce Fair on Easter Monday, 6th April from 10.30am - 4pm. We have had a wide variety of stallholders apply for spaces, including a couple of popular returnees like woodturning, Phoenix Cards and Brigs Crafts, as well as amazingly vibrant eggshell pictures. New stalls include: knitted gifts, home created original crafts, jewellery, bags, charms, bee and honey goods, plants, glassware, homeware, aprons, ceramics etc. It should be a fabulous display! Entrance is free for buyers and light refreshments will be on sale throughout the day, e.g. sausage or bacon rolls, tea/coffee, cakes, cold drinks, crêpes. Saturday 25th April 3pm - the official opening of phase 1 of the refurbished Village Hall and new facilities. A concert by the Shambles Big Band with afternoon tea. Free, as a thank you to all who have contributed to make the work possible. Everyone is welcome. More information from Eddie Menzel (872317) or Pam Ward (872406). ^^^^^^^^ THOUGHT FOR THE DAY The biggest lie I tell myself is “I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it.” Page 11 STUDHAM NEWS EXTRA STUDHAM SCRABBLE CLUB We meet every Tuesday at 2pm. New members very welcome, whether you are an experienced player or new to the game. Contact Jean Pigden (872294). QUIZZES Quiz Night in the Red Lion is on the first Tuesday of the month at 8pm (7th April). If you want a curry, phone Garry Ellis (872530). Also we would welcome anyone who wants to join us on Saturday 18th at Gaddesden Row Village Hall 7pm for 7.30pm. To book a table please contact Clare (01442 222237). WHIST CLUB Every Tuesday evening at Studham Village Hall starting at 7.30pm people get together to play Whist. Would you like to join them? All level of players are most welcome. Contact Lynne Smith (873371) for more details. BINGO On Wednesday 1st, 15th and 29th April starting at 8pm in Studham Village Hall. WI: ( On Thursday 2nd at 7.45pm in Studham Village Hall, Brian Lofthouse will be talking to us about his time as a “Studio Props man” when he worked on many high profile films. We are sure this talk will appeal to many of you, so this is an ‘Open’ meeting, and we invite all ages and sexes to come and join us. The competition is: “My favourite film prop or picture”. Visitors £3.50. Looking forward to seeing you. STUDHAM VILLAGE HALL Fire Safety inspection: Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Service inspect the Village Hall every three years. The inspection on 18th February was satisfactory, reflecting the Trustees’ policy of ensuring the hall is maintained at the highest practical standard. Committee and Trustees: Annette Harris has stood down as the WI representative as she has moved from Studham. Our great thanks to Annette for her years of support and work for the Village Hall. Chrys Smith will be the WI representative, and continue to be the Parish Council representative. We are pleased to report that Andrea Maxted, the Bingo Club representative and Parish Councillor, has joined the Trustees. Annual Village Hall Quiz Night: a diary note for Saturday 30th May. Tickets £10, fish and chip supper. Contacts: Des Salmon (872082) and committee members. Please support your Village Hall. Page 12 KENSWORTH EXTRA KENSWORTH VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE: at the meeting held in March plans for the Car Boot Sale on 10th May were discussed. Many pitches are booked but we have space for more, so please get in touch with Lynn Lewis (873981) to book your pitch. Refreshments will be available in the Village Hall on the day. Please do come along with the family - it starts at 12 noon until 3 pm. Ad Hoc bookings are doing well at the weekends with lots of children’s parties being booked. Unfortunately, some youths of the village are smoking cannabis around the hall and this does not help us to hire the hall for children’s parties. The Police are trying to catch the youths - it’s a big problem - many complaints received. The Diamond Jubilee Planters are almost completed. The plaques will be fitted when the planters have been treated with wood preservative. The remaining money in the fund is £102.69 to pay for the plaques. If there is a shortfall the Village Hall Committee will make up the cost. More storage cupboards are to be installed in the rear changing room area for the Toddler Group and a new cleaning cupboard is being built at the bottom of the stairs to the committee room. The annual electrical checks have been completed: several fluorescent tubes have been replaced and bulkhead lights outside. The electrician advised that the electrical box should be rewired with several trip switches so that when a bulb blows, it does not take out the whole building’s electrical supply. This will cost about £1,000, so the committee are looking for a small grant. FLOWER GROUP: there will be a meeting on Wednesday 29th April at 7.30pm in Kensworth Church Hall. Contact Shirley Hull (872351) for details. New members always very welcome. KENSWORTH FLOWER & VEGETABLE SHOW: advance notice that this year’s show will be held on Saturday 5th September - further information will appear in a later edition of the Link. To raise funds towards the Show, the Committee are organising Margo’s Quiz Evening in the Village Hall on Saturday 13th June, commencing 7.30pm. Cost will be £7.50 per person to include supper, but please BYOD. To book a table or individual places or any other enquiries for either event, contact David Manton (872760). ^^^^^^^^ ORNAMENTAL STONES: if you place these on the verges outside your house, please make sure they are secure as they can dislodge and fall into the road and cause damage to passing cars. BEREAVEMENT SERVICE CHURCH NEWS Page 13 When I first experienced bereavement I likened it to waves of the sea. Emotions and feelings which sometimes are manageable and at others sweep you off your feet; some of which you can see coming and prepare yourself for, and others of which you seem to have your back to and engulf you before you know where you are or how to cope. It is a continuous state of being – there is no way to recapture ‘what there was before’, and the only thing you can do is to try to find the support structures you need. Even then there is nothing that will be able to stop the pain of loss, the pain which is part of the nature of being human, building relationships and living through the joys and hurts of love. We try to offer support through the network of churches in the villages here; I and my colleague, Dorothy Blackburn and the Methodist minsters, Neil and Gill, are around to be listeners; the bereavement support group prepares a tea several times throughout the year, where those bereaved can come together in a ‘safe space’; this year we have our special ‘In Loving Memory’ service for all those who would like to remember those we love but see no longer. All are welcome to the Methodist Church in Studham at 3pm on 26th April for a short service followed by refreshments. If you can’t come but would like the name of a loved one to be read and remembered, then please do e-mail ( Nicola Lenthall SAVE THE DATES!! Church Holiday Club, 5 - 15 years in Kensworth School Wednesday 22nd July, Thursday 23rdJuly and Friday 24th July, 10am until midday EASTER VESTRY MEETINGS & ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETINGS (APCMs) These are very important meetings in the Church’s calendar and all those on the Churches Electoral Rolls are invited to attend. The main function of the Easter Vestry meeting is to appoint the Churchwardens and at the APCMs, the Parochial Church Councils are elected, and updates are given on such things as finances, the fabric of the Church and a summary of the last year’s activities in the Church. So please do come along and have your say: Kensworth Tuesday 21st April in the Church Hall at 7.30pm Studham Thursday 23rd April in the Church at 7.30pm Whipsnade Tuesday 14th April in the Old Hunter’s Lodge at 7.30pm Page 16 MORE KENSWORTH KENSWORTH CRICKET CLUB: we begin the season against Carpenters on Sunday 26th April. This is at St Georges School Cricket Ground, Harpenden, 2pm start. We are also looking for club sponsors and players of all standards. Interested? Then please call Duncan Wingfield (872743) or Jon Holt (872896) for further information. KENSWORTH PARISH COUNCIL: at the March meeting, the Chairman expressed concern over the two robberies that took place at the Kensworth Mini Market. The owner was confronted by two masked robbers wielding knives, taking money, alcohol and cigarettes on both occasions. Police are asking residents to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity. As a result the store now has to close earlier in the evening, which is a loss of revenue to the owner and a loss to residents of a later-opening store. At the entrance to the proposed WW1 Garden, the present bollard will be replaced with a lockable/droppable post to allow access to the site for clearance work. The electricity substation base has also been removed, providing more space for the garden. Work will soon commence on clearing the ground and damaged trees, ready for landscaping. The Parish Council Highways Representative logs calls with the CBC Highways team for potholes, damaged trees, footpaths and damaged signs. Residents are further encouraged to log calls ( for action. There are three allotments available for the current year. Anyone interested should e-mail the Clerk ( ) or ring Cllr Jamie Bradley (418213). At the meeting in March several requests were received for donations by the Parish Council. The council allocate approx. 10% of the annual precept for donations to local organisations under the heading of ‘Section 137 Money. The following donations were agreed: Royal British Legion - £75 Kensworth Flower & Vegetable Show - £200 Kensworth Village Hall - £400 Kensworth Community Scheme - £100 Kensworth Two by Two Toddler Group - £550 Parish Link Magazine - £100 The next meeting of the Parish Council is on Thursday 9th April in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Residents are welcome to attend the meeting, where there is a Public Question Time. Page 17 MORE STUDHAM STUDHAM TENNIS CLUB The AGM will be on Wednesday 29th April at 7.30pm at the Club & the President’s Cup will take place on Sunday 17th May with a BBQ afterwards - please contact Andrew Jones for more details. Junior coaching is held at the club every Saturday 2pm - 3pm (members, new faces and non-members welcome) followed by Adult ‘Rusty Rackets’ from 3pm 4pm (members, new faces and non-members welcome) and is £4 per session for members and £5 per session for non-members. For more information on coaching or joining the club, please contact Andrew Jones (andrew.jones@expressvending. or 07833 111682. SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB Over Easter, Friday 4th through Monday 6th April, the Club will open at 12 noon, and will close when the last member has left or 9pm whichever is the earlier. Membership fees are due for renewal and categories for membership are; Concession (60+), Single (18-59), Family (Couples + children under 18). These may be paid at any time during this period; please note that Section Memberships should be paid in the normal manner. We are always pleased to welcome new members, so why don’t you come and see us? We would love to meet you. FRIENDS OF STUDHAM COMMON The monthly work party is on Saturday 18th April. Our main job will be tidying up on West Common in preparation for the May Fair. All welcome; lunch and tools provided so, as always, just bring enthusiasm and weather-proof gear. Meet at the War Memorial at 10am. Contact: Geoff Shute (872732 or geoff.shutelu6@ Over the winter season, as well as the usual scrub clearance, FOSC volunteers and our regular visitors from Wendover have pruned all the mature hawthorns along the top hedgerow of East Common, laid 60 metres of young hedge and planted more than 80 trees (hazel, rowan, hornbeam, beech and sweet chestnut) to improve the habitat for dormice and other wildlife. Warmest thanks to everyone who has contributed to this great effort. Page 18 KENSWORTH SCHOOL & GENERAL KENSWORTH C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL & PRE-SCHOOL Even though it has been a short half term, we have managed to fit quite a lot in, including a whole week dedicated to World Book Day. We entered a competition to win a visit from David Walliams himself, but unfortunately didn’t win! We did, however, use him as our author for the week and each class focused on one of his stories. On World Book Day, 5th March, the children were allowed to dress up as one of the characters from his books. On Friday 13th (unlucky for some) we had a Mad Hair Day and, after school, a Cake Sale to raise money for Comic Relief. Well done, everyone! We ended our Spring term with a day full of Easter activities, including egg-rolling, egg-decorating and a bonnet parade. We finished the day off with a wonderful Easter assembly where all the children and Nicola Lenthall contributed to show the meaning of Easter. We are hoping to hold a special Senior Tea Party for the over 60’s at 2pm on 17th April where the children can make some delicious cakes to serve. We shall return refreshed from our Easter break on Tuesday 14th April, when the children will have new topics including superheroes and traditional tales, holidays and pirates, plants and living things and science forces. It just remains for us to wish everyone a very happy Easter and not too much chocolate!!!! For more information about the school please contact Headteacher, Mrs A Kentish (872336). Kensworth School Parent Teachers’ Association If you would like to get in touch with us, please email us at FROM THE TREASURER ^^^^^^^^ Thank you to a kind reader for a donation of £10. If you would like to help keep the Parish Link free to all village homes, please do contact me - my details are on page 5. Les Randall. ELECTIONS Please remember to register your details for voting in the various forthcoming elections in May: if you have not registered, then you won’t be eligible to vote. The website address is Page 19 MORE WHIPSNADE WHIPSNADE PARISH COUNCIL Housing Needs Survey: the recent Housing Needs Survey undertaken for the Council was presented by Mr Jon Boswell of Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity (BRCC) supported by Mrs Helen Pearson of Howard Cottage Housing Association, who are the Parish Council’s partners in preparing proposals for a scheme. Jon reported that just under 100 responses had been received with over 35% of households replying - well above average for these surveys. Over 75% of comments were in favour of a small affordable housing development and 20 respondents stated that they were in housing need and are likely to be able to meet the qualifying criteria for eligibility. The main preference expressed was for smaller ‘starter’ accommodation either for shared ownership or rental. On the basis of the survey, Jon confirmed that the scheme, which is being developed in partnership with ZSL on land owned by the Society, met the requirements to qualify for planning consent from CBC for a development of 10 units. This would be under ‘Rural Exception Site’ permission - specifically to allow small-scale developments in the Green Belt, which ensures that priority for allocation is given to people with a local connection. For more information, contact Ken France (872375). Chequers Lane (Studham Lane) maintenance: we have collaborated informally with Studham PC in recent years to help check the overgrowth and build-up of leaf litter along the lane to maintain accessibility of this popular route joining the two parishes. However, it has become evident that more drastic cutting back and cleansing of the road surface using mechanical equipment is going to be needed. Although there are bollards at both ends and therefore inaccessible to motor vehicles, the lane is still officially a highway. Ward Councillor Kevin Collins is to take this matter up with CBC’s Watchman-in-Chief responsible for road maintenance in the authority to request the establishment of a regular maintenance programme The next meeting is on Tuesday 12th May at 7.30pm in Whipsnade VH. WHIPSNADE LITTER PICKING DAY On Saturday 11th April. Are you fed up with all the litter around our villages? Whipsnade is planning a litter pick around The Green. The hay is used for animal feed - plastic and other rubbish is not acceptable and can be dangerous for the animals. Please bring your friends and neighbours, wear gloves and strong shoes, tools provided. Start at the village gates near the Zoo entrance at 10am and finish at the gates near the Old Hunters Lodge. Every little help will make a difference, more details from Ken France (872375) or Pam Ward (872406). Help us Keep Britain Tidy and be proud to be British. ^^^^^^^^ HEARD IN CHURCH: this being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs Martin to come and lay an egg on the altar! Page 20 STUDHAM STUDHAM C OF E VILLAGE SCHOOL Following on from the news that our school has recently been rated as Outstanding by Ofsted, we are delighted to announce that Central Bedfordshire have approved our proposal formally to merge the pre-school and the main school. This is the final step in the ongoing process of bringing together the pre-school and the rest of the school, which will allow us to provide a seamless transition for our children from the age of 2 through to 9 years. After this, they will have the opportunity to move on to Priory Academy, the best performing school at Key Stage 2 in Central Bedfordshire, and in the top 1000 nationally. Vacancies: we are looking for new recruits to replace some long-serving members of the School governing body who will shortly be moving on. Being a governor is a very rewarding, if challenging role. Governors do not necessarily need a professional background in education - the main qualification is an interest in ensuring that we continue to have a top quality first school for our local children. If you are interested, please contact Chair of Governors, Joan Bailey (872318 or The governing body is also looking for someone with good organisational skills to take minutes and prepare papers for our meetings. Please contact the school (872337 or World Book Day Our children took part in the World Book Day celebrations in March with teachers and pupils bringing in their favourite childhood books. Enid Blyton was a clear winner amongst the staff (The Secret Seven for the Headteacher) but the children were far more eclectic. The picture shows Year 3 & 4 children with a display of their favourite books. STUDHAM PARISH COUNCIL: in conjunction with Little Gaddesden Parish Council, we are in discussions with both CBC and Dacorum Councils regarding the junction of Pedley Hill with the main Leighton Buzzard road. As this tends to be an accident black spot, we are in talks regarding the installation of a roundabout at the junction. As this will require the purchase of land on all four corners of this junction, and some considerable expense, the discussions will be on-going for some time yet! Please, please: can we again request that you pick-up behind your dog when walking. It really is not pleasant to walk where a dog has left a calling card, and there is no need: it is not expensive to buy bags for doggy doings, (or pinch Supermarket ones where you can), and there are bins provided for the disposal of said bags throughout the village. So, please, think of others, and clear up behind Fido!! Due to the Easter Holidays, our next meeting is on Monday 13th April starting at 6pm in the Village Hall, followed by our Annual Parish Meeting, starting at 8.15 pm. Page 21 LOCAL NEWS RINGING FOR ENGLAND Many people enjoy the sound of Church bells so why not join us in keeping this old English tradition alive? On Sunday 19th April from 2pm to 4pm at St John the Baptist, Great Gaddesden, a chance to find out more - and have a cream tea! Learning starts at 7.30pm on Monday 20th April at St Mary the Virgin, Studham, Tuesday 21st at St Mary’s, Redbourn and Wednesday 22nd at St John the Baptist, Great Gaddesden. Come to all three or as many as you can, then “Ringing for England” is on Thursday 23rd at Redbourn at 7.30pm. More information from Angela Blackburn (07731 943580) or at DUNSTABLE & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY On Tuesday 14th April at 7.45pm in the Methodist Church Hall, Dunstable, “The Battle of Waterloo”, by Paul Chamberlain about the day almost exactly 200 years ago when the Duke of Wellington led his troops against an army led by Napoleon. SOUTH BEDS WILDLIFE TRUST Saturday 25th April: ‘Birds on Blows’, a walk led by Mick Price. Blow’s Downs, Dunstable. 8am-11am. Meet at Skimpot Road/Hatters Way roundabout. SOUTH BEDS NATIONAL TRUST On Wednesday 1st April at 7.45pm in the Salvation Army Centre, Bull Pond Lane, Dunstable, “Poverty, Pauperism and the Allowance System”, a talk by Ian Waller, genealogist and archive researcher. Visitors £3. WILD ABOUT ASHRIDGE On 8th, 10th, 15th and 17th April between 10.30am and 3pm, get closer to nature at the Wild About Ashridge Gazebo. Holiday fun acitivies whatever the weather. Visit or call 01442 851227. NATIONAL TRUST ARCHAEOLOGY WALK Hudnall Common on Thursday 23rd April from 6pm - 8pm. Looking at a range of features from possible Iron Age settlements to quarry pits of the 19th and 20th centuries. £8 adults, £5 children (01442 851227). LITTLE GADDESDEN BOWLS & CROQUET CLUB Once again, we offer you the unique opportunity to play two sports for the one membership price. The open days are the best time to visit us and try out (9th May and 6th June for Bowls, 17th May for Croquet) otherwise any Monday morning 10am - 12noon or Thursday evening 6pm - 8pm for bowls and any Sunday morning at 10am for croquet. We hold numerous events during the year with bowling competitions at all levels. We have qualified coaches and an encouraging youth policy including low cost entry! Do come and meet us! Alun March (0771 934 2854).
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