www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 12 May 2015 No: 09 Page 1 12 May 2015 Out and about... clockwise from below: Tranznorth Otamatea Hawks; Robert Whitehead and Brony Sneddon at the Maungaturoto ANZAC Day service; Caleesto Mills, Jade and Toni Tornquist at the Pt Curtis Cruising Club; the Kaiwaka Community Garden taking shape at a working bee; a Ota Hawks player in action. New Winter Hours: Mon-Tue,Thu-Fri: 8am6pm; Wed: 8am-6:30pm; Sat: 8am-7pm; Sun: 9am-5pm KAIWAKA BUGLE No. 09 12 MAY 2015 CONTENTS Page 3: Public Notices, Classified Page 5: Pt Curtis Cruising Club Page 7: Community Garden, Library Page 9: Eastern United JMB, Library Page 11: Rotary, Weather Page 13: Kaiwaka School Page 15: Kaiwaka Sports Association Page 17: KSA, Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall Page 19: Tranznorth Otamatea Hawks, Open Mic Night At Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall . Adults $10, Kids (under 16) $5, Family Pass (2 adults + 3 children) $25 Boyhood Friday 15 May 7:30pm (M) Filmed over 12 years with the same cast, Boyhood is a groundbreaking story of growing up as seen through the eyes of a child named Mason, who literally grows up on screen before our eyes. Boyhood charts the rocky terrain of childhood like no other film has before. Snapshots of adolescence from road trips and family dinners to birthdays and graduations and all the moments in between become transcendent, set to a soundtrack spanning the years from Coldplay's Yellow to Arcade Fire's Deep Blue. Boyhood is both a nostalgic time capsule of the recent past and an ode to growing up and parenting. Starring: Ellar Coltrane, Patricia Arquette, Elijah Smith, Ethan Hawke, Bugle 10 will appear 26 May Contact for advertising, reports, articles or information can be made by Email kaiwakabugle@kaiwaka.co.nz Ph: 09 4312 045 Txt: 0274 806 275 Copy may be left at Jaques’ Four Square. Kaiwaka Bugle Advertisements 2015: All copy and queries to: kaiwakabugle@kaiwaka.co.nz Classified $3 (max 30 words); 1/8 page $6; 1/4 page $12; 1/2 page $24; in special circumstances whole page adverts are available - $100. Payments can be made online, posted or left at Jaques Four Square Store. Accounts: bugleaccounts@kaiwaka.co.nz The Kaiwaka Bugle is a community newspaper run by volunteers. Articles, etc. printed are not necessarily the opinion of the Bugle Team. ABOUT TOWN Please note that a time has been added to the Bugle deadline, to ensure we don’t miss your ad or article. Penguins of Madagascar Sunday 24 May 2:00pm (G) Still Alice Friday 29 May 7:30pm (M) We love photos of Kaiwaka people doing what they do - please email them to: kaiwakabugle@kaiwaka.co.nz to be included. Great to see the Community Gardens behind the hall getting some attention. Well done! Kaiwaka Bugle Founded May 1978 Copies available in Kaiwaka at Jaques Four Square, Kaiwaka Postal Centre, Shamrock Service Station, Celena’s Gifts Also outlets in Maungaturoto, Mangawhai and Paparoa. Can be viewed online at www.kaiwaka.co.nz Or a copy can be posted to you if you supply stamped, self-addressed DLE envelopes. * ROADING * EARTHWORKS * * DRAINAGE * SITEWORKS * For any further enquiries, contact Shaun on: Cell: 021 222 0272 Home: 09 4318339 Email: shaun@huband.co.nz Shaun Huband: Registered Drainlayer www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 12 May 2015 PUBLIC NOTICES Lorraine Tozer 5/10/1941 – 5/5/2015 Loved mother of three, nanna of six There will be a farewell at the Kaiwaka Hall 14 May at 1pm HAKARU AND DISTRICTS MEMORIAL RSA (INC) Annual General Meeting Sunday 24th May 2015 1:30 pm in the Club Rooms Agenda: Apologies, Financials and reports, Election of new Committee, General Business. Nominations for Committee and Notices of Motion need to be passed to the Secretary by Monday 18th May 2015 Only financial Members permitted to attend KAIWAKA BOOT CAMP **CHARITY FUN DAY** Page 3 CLASSIFIED FOR SALE: Or iginal wood stove. Esse Centur y cooker. Been installed for eighteen years. Wet back, double oven , white and black enamel. Working order $2,200.00 Ph 4312 605 Karen FOR SALE: Fir ewood, mainly split poplar (Kawa). $95 a Ute load – approx 1.5 cubic metres, delivered locally. Ph 431 2600 or 021 0588503 FOR SALE: Khaki Campbell ducks. Ph 09 4318 203 FOR SALE: Spinning jenny, $70; Pel post insulators (118) $50; waratah insulators Pel (2 packets) $25 lot; drench gun 20ml Henke $10; Ancare pour-on gun, $10. Ph Bob 4312 160 FOR SALE: Kayak, Cows, Telegr aph posts: hardwood, loa. 20M, $25/M, suitable carport etc. Kayak, 4m, strong, GRP,$250. Cows, 2 VG mums, large organic docile, very fair price neg. Ph Paul 4312 992 HOUSE FOR RENT: 4 bedr ooms, beautiful Kaipara views, $300 per week. 143 Rangiora Rd. Ph Trevor 4312 036 NEED A CLEANER? Well that’s me. $15 per hour. Reliable and honest. Ph Leanne 4312 464 or 022 131 8837 ANIMAL CRANIO-SACRAL THERAPIST: Gentle, non invasive, effective and lasting energy >All money goes to Kaiwaka Family Church - Community work. Horses, Pets, Farm Animals. Affordable rates with 10 years experience & caring service. Jill Shires Outreach! 021 0506 592 >Family fun while you train together! Saturday 23 May @ 5pm sharp! Kaiwaka Sports Gymnasium $10 per person >Everybody welcome! >Kids free! !!SPOT PRIZES!! For info contact Siobhan: 0279791203 Regular Boot Camp Sessions: $7 Tues & Thurs 6:30pm (Sat to resume after winter sports end) KAIWAKA FITNESS OPEN DAY 16 May 5-7pm Meet & Greet! Everyone Welcome! Raffle! to win a free membership!! Enquiries to Siobhan Cole: 0279791203 HELP PHONE NUMBERS HEALTHLINE 0800 611 116 SAMARITANS 0800 787 797 YOUTHLINE 0800 376 633 LIFELINE 0800 543 354 DEPRESSION HELPLINE 0800 111 756 ALCHOL & DRUG HELPLINE 0800 787 797 URGENT MENTAL HEALTH LINE 0800 223 371 WARMLINE 0800 200 207 EXPERIENCED CARPET LAYER: Repairs, New carpet, Individual rooms, Holiday homes Local for Kaiwaka, Mangawhai, Lang's and Waipu. Ph Ben 021 134 5474 THE SUNSHINE GIRLS: Need help with your house cleaning? Sometimes you just need another pair of hands. We offer two pair and a smile. Comparable hourly rate. Ph 431 2532 or 431 2711 HASHTAG Band for hir e. A lively mix of covers and original music. Make your night special. Ph: 021 623 776 SOUND LANDSCAPES: for all your landscaping needs. Planting season is on the way! To arrange a site visit call Pete Worsfold 021 825 970 BERYL NOZEDAR: (Middleton) International Clairvoyant. Numerology, Tarot, Clairvoyance, Mediumship. $60 for hour includes CD. Ph: 4312 080 CLOTHING ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS: Hems, Zips, Dressmaking Phone: Win 4312027 or 027 444 8358 Winsome Designs. FREE GRAZING WANTED: Small or lar ge block. Can do some fencing or water. Phone after 6pm 4312006 Proverbs 25:11 Timely advice is as lovely as gold apples in a silver basket. g.a.s. Mangawhai we have now opened a AFFORDABLE PRICES! MENS DRY CUT FROM $18.00 LADIES DRY CUT FROM $15.00 KIDS DRY CUT FROM $15.00 COLOUR CUT FROM $90.00 JUST CUTS’AND MORE 021 165 2629 GARDEN CENTRE NOW SELLING: scented tealights, incense, smudge sticks, copper bracelets, aurora ball crystals, dream catchers, healing stones, rose quartz, cds, and much more for all your gardening needs open 6 days Also a great range of STOCKFOOD Wide range of Ken Urquhart KMU Surveys Ltd ORGANICS AND FRESH LOCAL PRODUCE 467 Bickerstaffe Road RD 2 Maungaturoto 0587 All your motoring needs are taken care of by our friendly staff check us out... 44 Moir Street, Mangawhai (09)431 4242 Ph 09 431 8705 Mob 021 161 2344 kenurquhart@xtra.co.nz Gentle Dental Ruakaka We love to see you smile General & Cosmetic Dentistry Emergency & ACC Treatment Denture & Hygienist Services Senior Citizen Discounts Free Adolescent Care Free WINZ Quote LANDSCAPING Dave Hyndman 4 IN 1 BUCKET TRENCHER KAIWAKA POLE HOLES PH: 09 4312302 ROTARY HOE MOB: 021 431 238 COMPACT ROLLER OFFAL HOLES CAN SUPPLY WOODCHIP & POST PEEL 5 TON TIPPER FOR RELIABLE AND FRIENDLY SERVICE CONTACT DAVE Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Saturdays By Arrangement 19 Ruakaka Town Centre Dr Sim Sood & Associates Ph: 432 8139 www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 12 May 2015 POINT CURTIS CRUISING CLUB Opening Day Duck Shoot Results, 2 May 2015: Senior Section: Mallard: 1st Kevin Ries 1.349kg, 2nd Trevor Wright 1.312kg, 3rd Trevor Wright 1.300kg; Grey: 1st Trevor Wright 1.100kg, 2nd Trevor Wright 0.995kg, 3rd Dean Phillips 0.986kg; Parry: 1st Dave Kennedy 1.288kg, 2nd Nimmo 1.281kg, 3rd Tony Smith 1.264kg; Pukeko: 1st Pongo 1.135kg, 2nd Wattie 1.063kg, 3rd Wattie 1.053kg; Black Swan: 1st Ben Ries 5.917kg, 2nd Tony Smith 5.431kg, 3rd Dave Kennedy 5.348kg. Junior Section: Mallard: 1st Jayden Wilson 1.222kg, 2nd Mikayla Kennedy 1.216kg, 3rd Koby Worsell 1.163kg; Grey: 1st Jayden Wilson 1.054kg; Parry: 1st Koby Worsell 1.725kg, 2nd Mikayla Kennedy 1.599kg, 3rd Mikayla Kennedy 1.471kg; Phesant: 1st Mikayla Kennedy 1.241kg; Pukeko: 1st Caleesto Mills 1.145kg, 2nd Mikayla Kennedy 0.937kg, 3rd Koby Worsell 0.779kg; Black Swan: 1st Mikayla Kennedy 4.322kg, 2nd Koby Worsell 3.605kg. Congratulations to all winners. Thank you to Pam and Ian Lawson for donating candyfloss, Frank Steiner for donating venison sausages, and to Ben Ries for donating a meat pack and sausages. 2015 End of Year Prize Giving Senior Section: Snapper: Renna Brown 10.480kg; Kingfish: Tracey O'Donaghue 17.022kg; Kahawhai: Andrew Kenny 2.980kg; John Dory: Renna Brown 2.461kg; Trevally: Craig Tamati 4.28kg; Gurnard: Hayden Smith 1.326kg; Crayfish: Dave Kennedy 4.618kg; Spearfish: Kraig Stiener (Kingfish) 11.747kg; Boar: Dave Kennedy 50kg; Mallard: Page 5 KAIWAKA Hayden Smith 1.559kg; Grey: Tony Smith 1.190kg; Parry: Tony Smith 2.067kg; Pheasant: Kevin Ries 1.533kg; Canadian Goose: Ben Ries 4.439kg; Pukeko: Pongo 1.222kg; Black Swan: Dave Kennedy 6.308kg. Junior Section: Snapper: Jade Tornquist 3.605kg; Kingfish: Bob Mills 6.695kg; Kakawhai: Jack Smith 2.099kg; Trevally: Bob Mills 2.301kg; Gurnard: Bob Mills 0.997kg; Eel: Jack Smith 6.3kg; Mallard: Jacob Butler 1.73kg; Grey: Koby Worsell 1.053kg; Parry: Jayden Wilson 1.786kg; Pheasant: Bradley Kennedy 1.251kg; Pukeko: Bradley Kennedy 1.115kg. Congratulations to these winners. Subs are due on 1st June, $30 per family or $20 for a single sub, payable at 3 Furlongs Hotel, Kaiwaka or by posting to Jean Mcleish (Secretary/ Treasurer), 163 Settlement Road, RD 2, Kaiwaka 0573. Or you can see Jean at Jaques' Four Square. Next committee meeting Tuesday 19th May 2015, 7pm, at 3 Furlongs Hotel, Kaiwaka. ~Wayne Leslie, Commodore Pictured: left - Craig Tamati and Pongo, below left - Mikayla & Dave Kennedy, below - Tony Smith RANGANUI EARTHMOVERS 16T Excavator (tilt, thumb & ROPS cab) Transport Trailer 2 x 6 Wheeler Tip Trucks Suppliers of All Grades of Metal & Topsoil Driveways, House Sites, Drainage Dams, Section Clearing, Tree Work, Rock Retaining Walls, Quarry Work, Basically Anything That a Digger Can Do If you want a proper job done with an experienced operator ring Grant on: A/H 431-2131 Email ranganui.dev@xtra.co.nz Mob 021845-246 design drafting service Retired builder and manufacturer with over 40 years experience in the building industry is offering a design drafting service for domestic housing, sleepouts and sheds. Plans formulated in consultation with clients, with working drawings completed and submitted to council for processing. Extensive practical experience, able to identify & resolve problems. Water Tank Cleaning Keep your water safe & clean Removal of sediment, silt etc. Vacuum or full scrub Minimal water loss Please ring Mike Lean on 09 431 2260 or 021 431 196 Phone Mark (09) 432 0655 or 0274 707607 ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING PLANS AND DESIGNS WRIGHT DESIGN QUALIFICATIONS Brian is a qualified designer (NZCAD) with over 40 years of varied experience in all types of building and is a registered and Licensed Building Practitioner in Design - L.B.P. 117345 He ensures you will achieve the best from your budget with recommended excellent local contractors ready to competitively price and build your personal project quickly and efficiently. EXPERIENCE Brian’s practical building and 40+ years of design experience means he can give you excellent advice and all the guidance needed for all your building needs v Wright Design offers free visits, consultations and all the advice you need on planning, design, building, contractors, council permit applications, etc. " " " " " Qualified and inexpensive designer – N.Z.CAD., LBP 117345 Guaranteed design and working drawings Free site visit to your home or property Great service Great problem solver Call Brian ~Arrange a visit to discuss your needs and obtain great advice and free quotation MAKE GOOD USE OF HIS EXPERIENCE and KNOWLEDGE WRIGHT DESIGN: 360 Oneriri Road, Kaiwaka Office 09 4312544 Mobile 021 276 7389 Email: brianwright@clear.net.nz www.wrightdesign.co.nz www.kaiwaka.co.nz BRICK/BLOCKLAYER All aspects of masonry: Fireplaces, Restoration & Remedial Work. JAMES EAGLETON Tel. (09) 431 2514 Mob. 0274 749 232 jajueagles@yahoo.com.au 210A Pukenui Road, RD2 Kaiwaka 0573 Bulk Cartage Kaiwaka Bugle - 12 May 2015 KAIWAKA COMMUNITY GARDEN On Saturday 9 May a few locals got together to tidy up the community garden. The garden had been left to its own devices so there was a bit of work to do. The compost bins needed a good turn. We had some lovely compost at the bottom of two of the three bins which we added to the garden to give it some extra nutrients to get our plants growing. There is now a bin waiting for some garden waste to go into it to grow us some more yummy mulch for our garden. Most of the team spent the time together weeding the beds. Some of the original plants have survived. Some like the fennel have thrived by being left alone. Once everything was tidied up and some of the lovely mulch had been added it was time to plant. A big thanks to Helen and Kirsten for donating some seeds for the garden. There were already silverbeet, fennel and lettuces in the garden. We now have planted carrots, peas, broad beans, garlic, coriander, lupin, oats, and a few other bits and pieces. Gardening is a great skill especially for the younger generation. To start some of the youngest in our community on the gardening path we have reserved an area for Small Pukeko's, our local early childhood centre. Being right next to the community garden it will be lovely to see what the children grow. In the future we are hoping to add a worm farm and try to grow some items in the grow tunnel. Next working bee in the garden is on Wednesday 20th May 2015 at 9am. Want to follow our journey or help out? Follow our blog http:// caring4kaiwaka.blogspot.co.nz/ or checkout our updates on the Kaiwaka Community Facebook page. ~Janine KAIWAKA LIBRARY Page 7 The days are getting shorter, the nights colder - there’s nothing for it but to settle in with a good book! New team members Welcome to our three new volunteers, Gayle, Janine and Helen. And thank you to the others who responded to our call for help, we now have people in reserve to call up next time there is a vacancy. Want to join our team? Send an email to me (kaiwaka.library@gmail.com) to let me know and introduce yourself briefly, and I will let you know when there is a vacancy to fill. Basic Windows computer skills are needed, and email; full training is given. Dargaville book swap Don’t forget this swap is at the end of June. Now is the time to come and take a good look at what is on those shelves, and make sure you don’t miss out on a treasure! Online book services If you’ve been waiting for the new Bolinda BorrowBox service to start, it is still coming, sorry. There has been a technical hitch preventing it from being launched, but we’re hoping that will be resolved soon. Meanwhile, we still have the Novel Overdrive service, with all the books in that range to choose from. There are 3000+ e-books, and 500+ audio books there. All you need is (1) your library card, (2) a PIN set on your account come in and do that if you haven’t already (or forgotten it), and (3) an online computer, tablet or phone. I can email you instructions if you want them - just get in touch. Book review The Florians, Critical Threashold, Wildeblood's Empire, and The City of the Sun, Daedalus Mission series, by Brian Stableford "They call them the "rat-catchers". They're the crew of the spaceship Daedalus, which an economically destitute Earth continued on page 9 Op Shop SH1, Kaiwaka Mon-Fri 9am to 4pm Sat 9:30am to 1:30pm PLANNING A NEW KITCHEN? CONTACT NOEL McDOWELL WELLSFORD KITCHENS Ph/Fax 094312888 KAIWAKA-Any time QUALITY CUSTOM MADE KITCHENS For all your body repair needs!! We do: Rust repairs Large and minor vehicle repairs Insurance work Anti-corrosion treatment Industrial vehicles Full Cut and polishes Hours: 8.30am-5pm Monday-Friday Mobile: 021 118 0462 After hours: 09 431 2384 Phone: Craig or Call in for a free Quote e-mail: bodytech_panelbeaters@yahoo.com We are located at 1837 SH1 Kaiwaka, behind Twinkle Tow ‘n’ Tyre call in anytime for a free quote. www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 12 May 2015 Page 9 EASTERN UNITED JMB Eastern United JMB is our local Kaiwaka junior rugby club and we are part of the Otamatea-Rodney Sub Union; this includes the clubs of Paparoa, Maungaturoto, Tomarata and Wellsford. This year we have strong numbers in our under 7s (rippa rugby) and under 9s, our under 11s currently have 11 players – if there are any children out there who would like to come and check our trainings out we are at the Kaiwaka Sports Association at 6pm on Wednesday nights. We have had two days of rugby so far this season with Eastern hosting a successful opening night (thanks Cheryl Anderson, the KSA and Eastern Yang Style Tai Chi Classes For Beginner And Practitioners at the Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall Every Tuesday Starting at 10.30 am Come Along And Have Some Fun While Improving Your Balance Health And Fitness For More Information Contact Andrew Young 09 4223424 taichi@pl.net parents). Players of the day for Week 1 were U7 Willow Woodman & Hezekiah Fairburn, U9 Hamuera Henderson, U11 Zayde Wyatt. Week 2 was held at Wellsford on the 2nd of May with players of the day being U7 Cordell Smith, U9 Wade Anderson, U11 Sam Woolley (forwards) and Branden Edwards (backs). There is some fantastic rugby being played by our Eastern kids and lots of fun being had on the paddock. A big thanks to the parents for supporting their kids along to trainings/games and to our awesome coaches for making it happen. KAIWAKA LIBRARY continued from page 7 has dispatched on a mission to reestablish contact with its far-flung, long-lost space colonies. Alex Alexander, ship's biologist, must help solve the mysteries of human and alien ecosystems that he encounters lightyears from home." The first book, The Florians, starts before the crew set off. Alex is saying goodbye to his teenaged son, who he won't see again for many years. Peter does not agree with the mission, thinking it a waste of money that could be better spent helping the billions on Earth who stayed behind and are suffering. But the colonists could be suffering, too, and Daedalus is taking scientific expertise with it that could help them with any problems they're having adjusting to life on an alien planet. The ship has made this journey before, visiting different colonies to the ones on this mission with a different team, so they know something of what to expect - including the possibility of finding a colony had been a complete failure and no-one survived. Each book covers the visit to a different planet in turn. Each planet is completely different from the others, and all is not always as it appears to be. As Alex observed, shortly after they landed on their fourth planet and had just made first contact with the locals, "We don't exactly seem to be welcome wherever we go. The colonies haven't rolled out a single red carpet so far, although they did give us a good dinner on Floria before they started shooting." The books are not long, the first two titles are around 200 pages, and I read each in a few days. They were written in the 1970s, but although technology has changed significantly since then, biology hasn't, and they're still a good read. These books are available via the Northern Virtual e-Library service (novel.lib.overdrive.com) which is free to library members. ~Wendy KAIWAKA MOTORCYCLES LTD SALES – SERVICE – SPARES FARM BIKE SPECIALIST BARRY CURTIS PLUMBING LTD REGISTERED CRAFTSMAN PLUMBER Phone 431 5572 027 257 9884 25 years’ experience Friendly reliable service All plumbing & maintenance Alterations and new housing New wood fire installation Spouting Competitive rates PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE Natural Earth Ltd YAMAHA HUSQVARNA PHONE 09 431-2127 10 KAIWAKA-MANGAWHAI ROAD, KAIWAKA TRIMMERS FROM $249 - CHAINSAWS FROM $329 Landscape and Bobcat services : Driveways :Landscaping :Retaining Walls : Hole Boring: Land Levelling :Trenching : Decks :Fences :Sections Cleared : Plus much more Tel 09 4312 885 Mob 02102391280 For A Fast Friendly Service Contact Tim Hicks LEE COOPER PAINTERS (Kaiwaka Based) Residential · Commercial · Body Corporate · Sub-divisions Lawn & Section Mowing Landscaping Section Clearance Rubbish Removal Garden Maintenance Make-overs Hedges Odd Jobs Free Phone 0508 80 70 60 *30 yrs Experience *Interior/Exterior *New and Restoration *Honest and Reliable *Free Quotes 09 4312918 0274735171 leecooper@xtra.co.nz www.kaiwaka.co.nz ST PAUL’S ANGLICAN SUNDAY SERVICES First Sunday 9.30am Third Sunday 9.30am St Pauls Church: Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Rd. 1st Sun - Eucharist 3rd Sun - Family Service Office 4214 122 Contacts:M.Hargreaves 4312295, C.Bygrave 4312057 LEABOURNS Passenger Service Car & Van Hire Bus & Coach Charters Airport Transfers Monthly Shopper Bus Phone (09) 4237416 When you need St. John members at your function … Get a Community Services Form ….. see Milly at the Kaiwaka St John Op Shop. Phone 4312650 MORE MEMBERS REQUIRED FOR THE KAIWAKA STATION. S.O.S Kaipara Support, advocacy, crisis and family therapy counselling, emergency housing to survivors of sexual abuse and domestic violence. Also Education prevention programmes for the community and clients. Office hours 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday 24/7 services available via the Police Or phone 09 4396070 ARTHRITIS Hydrotherapy for arthritis suffers Classes held Wednesdays at the Te Hana Pool. Register on 0800 663 463 or call Amy on 021 2072729 Kaiwaka Bugle - 12 May 2015 MAUNGATUROTO KAIWAKA WEATHER ROTARY Full House as Community comes together to hear discussion and significance of "The Battle of Te Ika-a-Ranganui". Roi McCabe BA, MA Maori Studies, and of Ngati Manuhiri descent, attracted a sell-out crowd of 215 at the “Annual Maungaturoto Rotary Foundation Address” held at Kaiwaka. Every seat was filled as locals came to hear a description and discussion of the significant battle that took place at Kaiwaka in 1825. Mr McCabe spoke of the importance of being able to discuss battles to honour those that have gone before and to many there, it supported the stories behind the tohu monument that commemorates this battle on Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Road. The discussion described a background to why the Ngapuhi rangatira Hongi Hika, by then armed with muskets, came by waka to Te Mangawhai, beginning a campaign against Ngati Whatua, the people of the Kaipara. This battle is now known as “The Battle of Te Ika-aRanganui” and is so significant as so many people were killed or displaced. Jim Taylor, President of the local Rotary Club, in thanking people for the support, explained that the $2150 proceeds of the event would be going to the Rotary Foundation. He explained that money raised for the eradication of polio by Rotary Foundation was more than doubled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation so that for example the $2150 raised by this event would become $6450 if going to Polio eradication. To eradicate polio from the planet is one of the many goals for Rotary Foundation. Included in the evening, a private trust supportive of Rotary also offered for students under 20 an essay competition on “The Battle of Te Ika-a-Ranganui”; those interested should contact Eileen Parsons at Maungaturoto. The essay competition closes on 20th June with up to 6 prizes of $500 each. The following groups also earned $1200 each from private supportive trusts on the night: Otamatea High School Kapa Haka, Otamatea High School Duke of Edinburgh, Point Curtis Boating Club (for carpark/picnic area), Otamatea Marae, Kaipara Sports Complex and Otamatea Whaiti Komiti. Page 11 April, known for its April showers, has not disappointed. We did very well for fine warm not much wind for the first 10 days and then mother nature told us not to be so complacent and threw at us that bitter cold strong south wester with those freezing showers. I was told of a lot of people were starting those fires up - I hope you have a good wood pile stored up. It warmed up again and those showers subsided - back to Autumn again with winds back to the Easterly quarter. oOur temperature dropped down to 16 C and then it got back up to the mid 20’s. We registered in our rain gauge for April 2015 81mm and April 2014 was 121 mm. Our driest April since 1987 was 2005, 2010 and 2012 each with 28mm. and the wettest was 1988 with 222mm. Our first 4 months of rainfall this year was 236mm and for 2014 was 281mm. The driest first 4 months we have had since 1987 was 2003 and 2010 both with 193mm. The wettest four months since 1987 was 2014 with 281mm. Our dairy farming friend on Settlement Road tells us the drought has broken. He says the rain in the middle of the month was welcome and with the warm weather the grass is still growing (so are the lawns!). I think all your water tanks should be nearly full by now. What did you think of the total eclipse on 4th April? It was awesome with that large halo around it early on and then that awesome red moon. After 2015 there will not be another red, or blood, moon for 100 years. So consider yourself privileged to have seen it if you were able. Now did you know beer is good for gardens? Apparently it is the yeast that does the trick. Sorry beer drinkers, you'd better hide your stash before the other half uses it on the garden. What a wonderful day at the Hakaru RSA commemorating the Anzac troops landing at Gallipoli 100 years ago. The weather was superb. There was a massive crowd and so good to see so many of the war veterans as well as the younger generation and the children. Well done to all who attended. I heard there was a bit of precipitation thrown around after the ceremonies. Along with stories told of family landing at Gallipoli. What terror it must have been. Well how was that for wind on the 27th and rain from the remains of that storm in Sydney. Now the wind has gone southwest again it will get cooler. I hope you did not have too much damage. Another month and we will be into winter. Remember, take care out there and look after each other. ~Bev OWEN STEVENS Osteo Therapist Willow Bend HORSE HOTEL " " " " " " " " For careful adjustments to bones and joints Treatment for humans and their pets Total Horse Care Agistment Riding Lessons Arena Hire (60x40) Young Horse Starting Re-training/Exercising Hoof Trimming Problem Solving Clinics: Kate’s Place, Kaiwaka: Last Friday of month For bookings: 9.00am-5.00pm Phone 09 4312661 Phone Sue 09 431 2817 or 021 623 776 Or email sue.gray@xtra.co.nz www.mangawhaimassage.co.nz Or phone Owen 09 4317123 anytime THERE’S @ the Kaiwaka Family Church Your COMMUNITY CHURCH RECEIVE HEALING RECEIVE THE LOVE OF GOD Everyone warmly welcome each Sunday 10am and 7pm. Contact: 4312571 or 4312068 Coates Contracting D41 Bulldozer with 6 way blade, bush rigged with winch For all tree work General bulldozing and stick raking. 120hp Tractor for ground cultivation, tip trailer work. Fencing All enquiries phone Brett Coates 094318720 or 021431872 HODGETTS CONTRACTING Digger Work Driveways House Sites Dams Drains, etc Also available for HIRE 3 ton Vib Roller Heavy Duty Tow Waterblaster Lazer Level Phone Mark 4312877 027 447 8554 Freeview Installations Richard Te Haara 25 Marram Place Mangawhai Heads 021 1104056 kiwipride@xtra.co.nz www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 12 May 2015 HAKARU & DISTRICTS RSA Inc Each Friday night from 6.30pm Meals will be served 2nd Friday of the Month Is Roast Dinner Special Come along and enjoy our Hospitality For more information Ring Heather 431466 or Jan 4314512 U Beauty Eyebrow Wax Eyebrow Tint Eyelash Tint Lip Wax Chin Wax Bikini Wax Brazilian ½ Leg Wax Full Leg Wax $10 $10 $20 $10 $10 $20 $50 $30 $45 Full Pedicure Foot Tidy Manicure Nail Tidy Chest Wax Back Wax Nostrils Ears Underarm Wax Extended Bikini Wax 15 min Back Massage $60 $35 $45 $25 $30 $40 $10 $10 $20 $30 $25 Please call Nicole for bookings 09 393 6336 or 022 0639450 Qualified Beautician 4 Kaiwaka – Mangawhai Rd Kaiwaka KAIWAKA SCHOOL Kia Ora Kaiwaka School Community, We are now into Term 2 of the school year, with an increasing roll which is very positive. The Board of Trustees has had a couple of changes with Chairperson being Adrian Buxton and vice Chairperson Naomi Walker. We thank John Ferguson and Melissa Watts for their time and energy in the respective roles and are very happy that they continue to remain on the BOT for Kaiwaka School. As a whole Board we agree that changes in the leadership roles within the BOT are of a positive nature – in both sharing the responsibilities and providing different insights/strengths. Reflecting upon 2015 thus far we were very pleased to receive our latest Education Office Review - it reflected positively upon the direction that our school is currently heading in and consequently ERO will not need to review Kaiwaka School for a period of three years. “Kaiwaka School, established in 1870, is a rural school that provides good quality education for its students in Years 1 to 6. The school roll has increased significantly in 2013. Half of the students are of Māori heritage. Approximately a quarter of students at the school have been identified as having special educational needs. The school’s respectful and inclusive tone supports the learning of all students. Students experience a strong sense of community and belonging. Their learning and wellbeing are prioritised. The school’s vision is to develop capable learners who show tolerance, empathy and understanding of others. The SHARE values (share, helpful, aroha, respect, encouragement) are well known and enacted. Māori protocols and tikanga are embraced in welcoming visitors to the school. Students enjoy the use of the spacious grounds and good facilities. Ongoing Page 13 refurbishments are enhancing their learning environment. The previous principal retired at the end of 2012 after serving the school for many years. The strong emphasis on student learning: engagement, progress and achievement has been continued with the new principal. Appropriate professional development and initiatives, such as Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L), Incredible Years for Teachers and Accelerating Literacy Learning (ALL), are impacting positively on student wellbeing and achievement. The school fulfils a central and integral role in the community of Kaiwaka. The board of trustees reflects the community and is supportive of school directions. Trustees demonstrate their commitment to improving student outcomes and monitoring progress towards goals. They value and respond to the views of their community. Productive relationships are being established with the local high school. The school is proud of its reporting history with ERO. The positive features of Kaiwaka School acknowledged in ERO’s 2011 report continue to be evident. The school has responded well to ERO’s recommendations for improvement, particularly regarding the effective use of student achievement information, and using effective strategies to raise Māori student achievement.” ERO 16/01/15. The full report can be accessed via http://www.ero.govt.nz/ Early-Childhood-School-Reports/ School-Reports/Kaiwaka-School-16-01 -2015 Nga Mihi, ~Naomi Walker on behalf of Kaiwaka School BOT A competition to showcase the amazing talents of Kaiwaka School Students: 3 categories: Singing, Dance (Groups or Solo), Open (showcase a talent) Date: Friday 5th June 6:30 - 9 START PRACTISING! PETE WORSFOLD B. Soc.Sc. M. Soc.Sc. Dip Prof Couns. Counsellor peteworsfold@xtra.co.nz 4312 152 or 021 825 970 Well of Health - 4312 799 if phone busy - keep trying RELAXING MASSAGE Juste pour vous A happy client after a massage: “I felt like I was floating on air”. Call for an appointment now! Pete Worsfold 4312 152 or 021 825970 Or Ph. “The Well of Health” for an appt. 09 4312 799 Or mobile service available If phone is busy please keep trying NEW - PRIVATE COUNSELLING AVAILABLE Do you want to achieve a PERMANENT STATE OF HAPPINESS? Men - are you having issues in your relationship? Couples - want to have better communication and turn your relationship around? You guessed it - I can help! Phone me for a preliminary talk. Drainage & Earthmoving age@xtra.co.nz SANDS SANDS supports parents and families after the loss of a baby Phone 0 8 0 0 S A N D S 4 U 0800 726 374 clarkedrain- Registered Drainlayer All Types of Earthworks > All Residential & Commercial Work > House Sites > Septic System Design & Install > Footings & Drilling to 10m > Sewer Connections > Dams > Water Tank Installation > Roading & Races > Farm Work THE ONE STOP SHOP Phone Nigel for an Obligation Free Quote David Korach Your local Gib Stopper DK PLASTERER LTD 0274769221 dkorach6@gmail.com www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 12 May 2015 KAIWAKA SPORTS ASSOCIATION Charity Boot Camp Our Boot Camp team are putting on another Charity Boot Camp, this time as a fundraiser for the Kaiwaka Family Church. To contribute to this worthy cause, turn up to our gymnasium on Saturday 23rd May at 5pm, with $10 and an hour to spare for a fun, energising workout. Badminton Keen for Badminton? Turn up to our gymnasium on Tuesday evenings, from 7.30pm - all ages and abilities welcome! Annual subs are now due - $50 per person or $80 a family, or if you prefer to pay nightly it is $3 per person per night. Badminton is lots of fun and an easy game to pick up. New members welcome, just bring soft soled shoes and a sense of humour. Club racquets are available for you to borrow. Soccer The season has just started for our soccer club the Kaipara Knights. There are still spaces for more 5 – 6 year olds and 12 – 14 year olds, so if you have a child in these age ranges who would like to play soccer, please contact Lindell Ferguson on 4312 542. Fitness Centre A warm welcome to the Fitness Centre's new President Siobhan Cole. The Fitness Centre is holding an Open Day on Saturday 16th May at 5pm. Come along to renew your membership (or start a new one!) Wine and cheese provided. And everyone who comes along will go in the draw to win a free membership! A membership will give you 24/7 access to a centre equipped with free weights, bikes, climbers, rowers, treadmills, CV machines, sunbed, toilets and showers. If you are on Facebook, please like the Kaiwaka Fitness page to keep up to date with news and events. For more information on the Fitness Centre, please contact Siobhan on 027 9791203. Squash Squash is a wonderful game for your fitness, so if you would like to give it a try, just turn up to our courts on Monday evenings, from 6pm. Beginners are welcome! If you are interested in getting coaching, please email Phillip Tana on ptana@lic.co.nz. For any enquiries about squash, please contact Heather Lupton on 021 841115. Rugby – Senior Our senior rugby teams, Tranznorth Hawks, had two wins on Saturday over Old Page 15 Boys with the Reserves winning 15 8 and the Premiers winning 31 - 21. The Hawks will be playing the Western Sharks at our grounds on Saturday 23rd May – the Reserves kickoff at 12.30pm and Premiers kickoff at 2.15pm. Our Under 14's will also play at home that day, taking on Mid Western at 10am. Supporters are always encouraged to come along to cheer on our teams, refreshments available. Rugby - Intermediate An awesome morning at our grounds on Saturday for our IMB teams – our Under 14's romped home over Waipu 75 – 10. Congratulations also to our Under 16's with their win over Kamo 29 – 12. Rugby – Junior This season the JMB sub-union decided to trial running Rally Days, and this has proved to be a great success with all teams from each of the five clubs playing at the same venue each week. The next time the Rally Day will be held at the Sports Complex will be on Saturday 27th June. Netball The junior netball season has started and we are fielding two teams, captained by Maia Fairburn and Ashley Greig. Many thanks to all the coaches, parents and supporters. The High School Netball club are holding an Umpiring Course at the Sports Complex on Thursday 21st May at 6.30pm. The $10 cost covers a rules book and an exam. The course is open for anyone to attend. To register please phone Nikola Kemp on 09 4318 762. Our senior netball continued on page 17 RANA Health Naturopathy- Acupuncture- Massage Open Mondays & Fridays 4 Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Road; Room 4; Kaiwaka Phone or Text for an appointment &/or price enquiry: Rebecca Wood 021854158 Or visit www.ranahealth.co.nz & click BOOK NOW Rebecca Wood Dip Th Mass; Dip Aroma; Dip Acu; Student Naturopath- Final semester Want it done? Bring it to Twinkle Tow ‘n’ Tyre *W.O.F. *Tyres *Windscreen replacement *Chip repairs *Bulk Oil *Batteries *Welding *Custom built trailers *Trailer hire Think you’ll get a better deal in the city? Go on, ring us; it won’t cost anything! 1837 State Highway 1, Kaiwaka Phone 431 2823 www.kaiwaka.co.nz KSA continued from page 15 club, Otamatea-Ex have played their first games in grading, doing well considering there are a lot of new players in the club. If you'd like to play senior netball this season, please ring Alex Cowie on 021 02335814. Kaiwaka Bugle - 12 May 2015 KAIWAKA WAR MEMORIAL HALL Page 17 Hall hire has been good, with yoga, tai chi, Plunket and the Kaiwaka Movies amongst our regular bookings. More and more people are realising what a community asset this is. Hireage For $12.00 an hour you have access to over 240 square metres of space, with a capacity for 250 people. Tables, and comfortable chairs, are available and included in the price, as is the Supper Room and there's even a small kitchen for preparing a cuppa. If you need the full kitchen facilities, the hire is $24.00 an hour, and includes everything already mentioned, plus the kitchen which has two standard electric stoves and a double drinks fridge, plus cutlery, plates and cups etc. There is a quality sound/PA system and movie set up which can be hired out with the hall on a case-by-case basis (special conditions will apply). Kaiwaka Community Cinema Subcommittee After nearly 18 months and 60 movies we are finding out our target groups, and are choosing our movies accordingly. There were great numbers at our last two kids movies, Paddington and Big Hero 6; fantastic to see all those happy kids, AND $5.00 for matinee movies is GOOD VALUE! Our latest special ANZAC screening of The Imitation Game was well attended, and a great movie, and we can make a nice donation to RSA Hakaru as a result. Our very first MAGIC MUSIC/SUPPER NIGHT was AWESOME, with the EAGLES and great food, catered from our own kitchen. It was good to see people reluctant to leave, even after 3 hours! Great comments and encouragement to do another one; ideas are coming in - all good and satifying for us. Kaiwaka Community Gardens The Hall Committe agreed last year for the NorthTec Sustainable Rural Development course to create a Community Garden on hall land, and that the hall would pay for all the materials to create a safe environment (all fenced off to be kid-safe), so it could be used for the future, even if NorthTec left, AND THEY CREATED A GREAT SET UP, including a polyhouse, lockable garden shed, 3 compost bins, even a small seating setup. Now Helen and a group of gardeners have initiated a “startup” at the Kaiwaka Community Garden great news to see that this Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall facility will be used. Thank you Thank you to all the committee and subcommittee members for their work and time they put in to keep this all running smoothly. We are all volunteers, working for the community. ~Ad Clarijs Chairman, Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall. Open Mic Night Calling all musicians, dancers, actors and performers to come share your creative muse. The Kaiwaka Open Mic nights will be held at the Kaiwaka Sports Complex at 6pm on the last Sunday of each month. Free admission. It is our hope that the Kaiwaka Open Mic nights will create a hub for emerging artists, a place to meet, exchange inspiration and perform and to have fun. For more information, please contact David McCarthy at Skylark Studio on 902 2082. ~Cheryl Anderson 4312 051, 027 3462702 kaiwakasports@gmail.com 32 HURNDALL ST MAUNGATUROTO Ph: 09 9469886 or 021 515 415 Carpet, vinyl, laminate wood look flooring, vinyl planking, sanding & polyurethane service. Carpet Short Ends from $79pm + GST Vinyl D.I.Y. peel n stick tiles $10sq mtr + GST. Free measure & quote. Mobile Service Phone Christine or Howard anytime Open Saturdays by arrangement. NEW WINTER HOURS from 11 May 2015: Mon,Tue,Thur,Fri: 8am to 6pm Wed (Lotto): 8am to 6.30pm Sat (Lotto): 8am to 7pm Sun: 9am to 5pm Check out new range of Multix baking paper, plastic wrap, containers, muffin cups. Great specials. Jaques Four Square Phone: 4312227 1 Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Road, Kaiwaka. www.kaiwaka.co.nz OPEN MIC NIGHT Kaiwaka Bugle - 12 May 2015 Back in January 2015 I received a call from Cheryl Anderson asking if I would like to video record the internationally acclaimed singer Yulia MacLean performing a charity fundraiser at the Kaiwaka Sports Centre. Yulia spoke of the importance to inspire, encourage and empower our young talents. This inspired us to create the - Kaiwaka Open Mic, a place for emerging artists to meet, exchange inspiration and experience the thrill of live performance amongst a supportive audience. We want it to be a community event for all ages. Those interested can contact David and Andrea email: KaiwakaOpenMic@gmail.com for more information. Our Facebook page is: Kaiwaka Open Mic The first Open Mic night will be held on Sunday, May 24 at the Kaiwaka Sports Complex from 6-9pm. ~David McCarthy Skylark Studios NZ Page 19 TRANZNORTH OTAMATEA HAWKS RUGBY CLUB Otamatea Hawks travelled to Whangarei on Saturday 9th May to play Old Boys Marist, in not just any old rugby game, a game which held a special place in not just Ota rugby, but Northland rugby. It wasn't 12 months to the day but it was the match where we lost our rising star Jordan Kemp. Ota Hawks Prems went into this game without its stars - Dan Hawkins, Lance Vale and Shane Neville due to injury, but had one of its favourite sons, Matt Moulds back; it was to be one of the club's best efforts for some time, a game which was full of excitement. As the game wore on, one could sense Ota was going to win this. Matt Moulds and Jayden Johnson had exceptional games in the pack, Mils Taukiuvea directed the ship from 1st 5/8 with a class effort. Couldn't really single anyone else out, all had big games. We won this match 15-8 after trailing 5-3 at halftime. The result was plain to see by the smiles on the supporters faces, players alike but it was the look of satisfaction on the faces of coaches Dean and Nat that said it all, well done Ota! The reserves also won their game 31.21. We play Waipu at Waipu this week 16th May, here’s hoping this form is carried on to this game. Kick off at 12.30; it would be fantastic if we could get a great group of supports travelling over the Brynderwyns to support our boys. On Saturday 23rd May at Kaiwaka we will be holding a Sponsors Day while we are playing Western Sharks, we invite all sponsors to come along. Also if you are interested in becoming a Sponsor come and see us on the day. This year we have a Supporters Club; if you are interested in signing up for that either send in the form below or come along to our home game on Saturday 23rd May. ~Garry Kingi Supporters Club March 2015-2016 $35.00 Paid up members will receive an Tranznorth Otamatea Hawks Rugby Club Polo Shirt Size S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL Name………………………………………………… ……………………………………… Email………………………………………………… ……………………………………… Payment………………………………… Post to Tranznorth Otamatea Hawks, 112a Gibbons Road, Kaiwaka, 0573 Or Internet ASB 1 2 – 3 0 9 4 – 0 1 4 6 7 1 6 – 0 0 Use Name as Reference Or email Jennie otahawks88@vodafone.co.nz for more details LOCAL SERVICES *St.John Ambulance 111 or Freephone 0800 61 0066 *Fire phone 111 WHAT’S ON PLEASE ~ do let us know what is on - email *Police phone 111 or 09 4311150 kaiwakabugle@kaiwaka.co.nz Advertising in WHAT’S ON is FREE A A: Meets Wed., 8pm Kaiwaka Ph: 4312228, 4315543, 0800229 6757 AL ANON: In recess, contact Ph: 4312228 *15May~'Boyhood', 7:30pm KWMH *16May~Kaiwaka Fitness Open Day, 5-7pm MINISTRY FOR PRIMARY INDUSTRIES - General inquiries Call *23May~40th anniversary, Hakaru Pony Club 1:30pm Free 0800 008 333 ASUREQUALITY LTD (was AgriQuality) Call Free 0508 0011 22 *23May~Kaiwaka Boot Camp, 5pm KSA Gym BUDGETING SERVICE, OTAMATEA:Free confidential advice & support - all areas of personal finance Ph: 09 4318173 or 094318117 CAB-Citizens Advice Bureau.Wellsford Ph: 4237333 0800 367 222 email:cab.wells@xtra.co.nz DOG/STOCK /NOISE CONTROL 0800 105 890 KATE’S PLACE with Govt.Day Agencies/Community Information / Osteopathy/ IRD / Probation, etc Ph: 4312661 Hours: 9am-3pm. Mon - Fri *24May~Hakaru RSA AGM 1:30pm *24May~'Penguins of Madagascar', 2pm KWMH *24May~Open Mic Night, 6pm KSA *29May~'Still Alice', 7:30pm KWMH *6-7Jun~Everybody's Reading Room, Otamatea Repertory Theatre KWMH=Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall KSA=Kaiwaka Sports Association Complex See www.kaiwaka.co.nz for upcoming events. FUNERAL SERVICES: Morris & Morris Ltd, Whangarei - Bev Jaques Ph:4312367 or 0800667747 HOUSEHOLD RUBBISH COLLECTION - Kaiwaka Pick up Mondays=Gr een bags ar e picked up by Nor thland WasteGRANDPARENTS Raising Grandchildren: Sarah Rogers Ph: 4312194 queries to them 09 4303273,Wednesdays=Blue bags and yellow recycling (at Jaques $3.00 and $1.50) are picked up by Kaurilands HAKARU LANDFILL/Transfer Station:Open everyday except 09 4392146. Tuesday10am-4pm.Ph4312629 Cost-$55 trailer load up to 1 cubic *DIABETES Support Group -for Kaiwaka, Mangawhai, Wellsford metre. Ph:4258567 - office 10am, 3rd Friday of month Ph:A.Pert 4238242; J.Gardner 4238060 *DRINK CAN ‘tear tabs’ - for Starship Hospital- please collect HOMEOPATH: Donna Flavell Ph: 4314843 98 Kaiwaka Mangawhai Rd, leave in mailbox, Ph. 4312625 INLAND REVENUE: Last Friday each month, 11-3pm Ph4312661 *GYMNASTICS OTAMATEA Tuesday Ph: Stephanie 022 3624998 KAIPARA DISTRICT COUNCIL www.kaipara.govt.nz: *HAKARU PONY CLUB-Secretary Julie Rynne 09 4314520 Help Desk FREEPHONE 0800 727 059 *KAIWAKA BADMINTON -Tuesdays 7.30pm Ph: 4312345 *KAIWAKA GARDEN & FLORAL Grp:2nd Thursday in month KAIWAKA KOHANGA REO: Ph:4312620 Ph: 4314767 *KAIWAKA CUBS-Thursdays 5.30-7pm, Hakaru Ph:Bruce 4312542 KAIWAKA CEMETERY: Ph: 4312045 *KAIWAKA SQUASH -Mondays 7pm Ph: Barbara Thomas 4315905 KAIWAKA LIBRARY: kaiwaka.library@gmail.com KNITTING FOR WHANGAREI HOSPITAL - 2nd Tuesday in Mon. 4-6pm; Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10am-2pm Ph:4312539 month, Apple Basket 10am Ph 4314827 *MANGAWHAI COMBINED PROBUS CLUB: 2pm,3rd Thursday KAIWAKA PLAYCENTRE: Ph: 4312286. Hastie Lane month in the Senior Citizens Hall Mangawhai. Ph: 4315777 Monday to Friday 9.00am - 12 noon. *NZ GENEALOGY-Wellsford - 1st Thursday in month Ph: 4237033 *OTAMATEA GREY POWER-09 431 8138 Joan Hoggard KAIWAKA POST OFFICE:Ph:4312 431 *PT CURTIS CRUISING CLUB - Jean Ph: 4312 246 Post Code: 0573 for RD2 and 0542 for all Kaiwaka Post Office mail *RSA,Hakaru & Dist.Women- meet 1.30pm 4th Thurs in month Ph: 4312 668 KAIWAKA PRIMARY SCHOOL: Ph: 4312309 *TRAMPING- Mondays 9am-2:30pm Karen Ph: 4312 090 *WAIPU GENEALOGYGROUP -4th Monday in month Ph: 4312725 KAIWAKA SPORTS ASSN: Ph 4312005; 4312129 gym *WRITER’S GROUP - Ph Elizabeth 4312 522 *YOGA- Tuesdays 6:15pm, Friday 8:30am Kaiwaka WM Hall Carla KAIWAKA ST JOHN: Manager Steve Rosser 09 4318403, 021 Ph: 4312 408, 021 296 8794 2316836 LINKING HANDS Health Shuttle Ph 4314121 or 09 4318969 NORTHPOWER: Faults Kaiwaka area 0800 104040 PARENTPORT: Free, practical family support service Puhoi to Paparoa Ph or txt: Dianne 027 2085093 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT COACHING, GROUP FACILITATION: Sabine Druckler 4312231 PLUNKET: Kaiwaka - Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall: Clinic 1st Wednesday of the month; Coffee Group at 9:30. Mangawhai - Rose Madsen Cottage, Mangawhai Domain, Moir St: Clinic 1st and 3rd Monday of month; Young Babies Coffee Group 2nd and 4th Monday 10 am; Plunket Playgroup every Thursday. Maungaturoto - Maungaturoto Congregational Church, 100 Hurndall Street East: Plunket clinic 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Cynthia 09 431 8187 or 027 675 3488 PLUNKET HELPLINE -0800 933 922 (24 hours) PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE: Gloria Reid Ph: 094327634 RETURNED AND SERVICES ASSN 733 Settlement Rd. Hakaru Ph.4312176 Bill Kerr (President) Ph.4314719 TAITOKERAU COMMUNITY LAW: Free confidential legal advice and assistance, 2ndThursday of each month. Ph: 0800 155 529 for appointments. TE KOROWAI AROHA O NGATIWHATUA Ph: 4312675 (The Cloak of Love of Ngatiwhatua) Support and Maori Consultancy. VETERINARY SERVICE MANGAWHAI: Ph: 4314535 Mon-Fri 8.00-5.00, Sat 9-12, a/h appt. WELLSFORD DOCTORS: Ph: 4238 086 WOMEN’S WELFARE LEAGUE & Reaching Out For Youth: 4 Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Rd, M Morgan 4312293 CHURCHES: *Gateway Worship Centre: St Mary's Church Nathan Rd off Oneriri Rd, Kaiwaka Services, 10.30am 1st & 3rd Sunday of every month. Contact: Rev David Gage 4312528 or 0212354282 *Kaiwaka Family Church-Your Community Church:Sundays, l0am Home Group every Wed evening, Pastor John.Dekker Ph: 4318203 *St Paul's Anglican Church 1st Sun. 9.30 am (Eucharist), 3rd Sun. 9.30 am (Family Service). Contacts: Church Office 09 431 4122; M. Hargreaves 431 2295; C. Bygrave 431 2057 *Church of Christ the King, Mangawhai:9.30am every Sunday *St.Mary’s Catholic Church: Maungaturoto – Griffins Road, Saturday evening Vigil Mass 6pm; Mangawhai – Senior Citizens Hall, Sunday Mass 8:30am; Wellsford – Matheson Road, Sunday Mass 10:30am; Midweek Mass times and all enquires to Fr. Bill Fletcher – phone 423 8170 *Baptist Church: Sun. 10.30am Mangawhai Snr Cit.Hall.Ph:4312339 *Cause Way Church Mangawhai: Sundays 10.15am, Mangawhai Community Recreation Centre, Insley St. Ph: 09 4314782 www.causewaychurch.org.nz *St.Pauls Archie Bull Hall HIRE $20 half day, $40 full day per hire Contact R. Morgans, Ph 4312365 *Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall HlRE - Phone 4312725 or Email kaiwaka.hall.bookings@gmail.com *Hakaru Community Hall HIRE -Ph. 4312256 or 4312110 *Te Pounga Marae queries -A.Gage 4312528, 4312527 *Kaiwaka Sports Association hire/queries - C. Anderson 4312051 or Email kaiwakasports@gmail.com Justice of Peace: B.FJaques; L.Donaldson; A.F.Hargreaves, S.Dalziell, W.Howard - please phone to make sure they are available www.justiceofthepeace.org.nz Marriage Celebrants: L.Donaldson; A.F.Hargreaves; C.Rosseels Next Bugle Deadline midday Friday 22 May 2015
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