www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 26 May 2015 Page 1 No: 10 26 May 2015 KAIWAKA/MANGAWHAI SCOUTS SUCCESS The Kaiwaka/Mangawhai Scout troop is enjoying the success they have had with their camping skills. Last November they came home from Hukerenui with the Northland Scouting Campcraft Horns, and just this month they have returned with the prestigious 1925 Le Roy Cup. This trophy was first presented in 1925 (Le Roys were Auckland sail and tentmakers from the days of the sailing ships - see further on page 19). This year’s competition was in Kaukapakapa with 5 troops from the Auckland area. The camp was over 2 days and had an Anzac theme - the food was “what the Anzacs would have eaten”, giving rise to some creative and excellent results. The Scouts were judged on uniform, gear, paperwork, cooking, camp set up, food budget, punctuality (at all times), cleanliness, etc; activities included pioneering, first aid scenarios. Our troop were in the running for the trophy from the start and judging ‘came down to the wire’- it was the camp site clean up that brought them out on top. Photos: Top -Winners of the Leroy Cup: Matt Evanson, Hamish Ferguson, Neitana Blissett, Toni Tornquist, Jade Tornquist; Left - the Le Roy Cup; Right - Liam Leslie, Hamish Ferguson, Neitana Blissett, Toni Tornquist, Jade Tornquist, Tyler Young Matthew Evanson with the 2014 Campcraft Horns trophy. FISH & CHIPS! Fish and chips, hot dogs, and a variety of burgers are now available at ‘Steins & Pikes’. Lisa Steiner and Duane Paikea have filled a much wanted gap in Kaiwaka’s takeaways. They are open Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings from approximately 5.30pm - 9pm outside Jaques’. Lisa says Greg and Paula, Jaques Four Square, have been absolutely wonderful in helping them with this new venture. New Winter Hours: Mon-Tue,Thu-Fri: 8am6pm; Wed: 8am-6:30pm; Sat: 8am-7pm; Sun: 9am-5pm KAIWAKA BUGLE No: 10 26 May 2015 Page 2: Kaiwaka Movies Page 3: Public Notices; Classifieds Page 5: Young Farmers, Pt Curtis Page 7: Eastern United JMB Page 9: Broadband survey, Netball Page 11: Otamatea High School Page 13: OHS continued Page 15: Kaiwaka Sports Association Page 17: Fire Brigade, Hawks Rugby Page 19: Otamatea Community Services Bugle 11 will appear 9 June At Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall . Adults $10, Chn (under 16) $5, Family Pass (2 adults + 3 children) $25 Still Alice Friday 29 May 7:30pm (M) Alice Howland is a renowned linguistics professor happily married with three grown children. All that begins to change when she strangely starts to forget words and then more. When her doctor diagnoses her with Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease, Alice and her family's lives face a harrowing challenge as this terminal degenerative neurological ailment slowly progresses to an inevitable conclusion they all dread. Along the way, Alice struggles to not only to fight the inner decay, but to make the most of her remaining time to find the love and peace to make simply living worthwhile. Contact for advertising, reports, articles or information can be made by Email kaiwakabugle@kaiwaka.co.nz Ph: 09 4312 045 Txt: 0274 806 275 Copy may be left at Jaques’ Four Square. Kaiwaka Bugle Advertisements 2015: All copy and queries to: kaiwakabugle@kaiwaka.co.nz Classified $3 (max 30 words); 1/8 page $6; 1/4 page $12; 1/2 page $24; in special circumstances whole page adverts are available - $100. Payments can be made online, posted or left at Jaques Four Square Store. Accounts: bugleaccounts@kaiwaka.co.nz The Kaiwaka Bugle is a community newspaper run by volunteers. Articles, etc. printed are not necessarily the opinion of the Bugle Team. Starring: Julianne Moore, Alec Baldwin, Kristen Stewart, Kate Bosworth ABOUT TOWN ......... It has been noticed that people aren’t cleaning up after their dogs at the sports grounds. Please be a responsible owner and take away your dog’s doings! Do you have broadband, or want it? Have lousy cellphone coverage at your place? Fill in the NRC survey to let them know where things stand for you right now, to aid their plans for improvements to the district’s services. http:// www.surveymonkey.com/s/ fasterbroadband Condolences from the Bugle Team to the family of Henry Franks (Steely Dan) who passed away last week. Kaiwaka Bugle Birdman Friday 12 June 7:30pm (R16) Wild Friday 26 June 7:30pm (R16) RANA Health Naturopathy- Acupuncture- Massage Open Mondays & Fridays 4 Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Road; Room 4; Kaiwaka Founded May 1978 Copies available in Kaiwaka at Jaques Four Square, Kaiwaka Postal Centre, Shamrock Service Station, Celena’s Gifts Also outlets in Maungaturoto, Mangawhai and Paparoa. Can be viewed online at Facebook or www.kaiwaka.co.nz/Bugle Or a copy can be posted to you if you supply stamped, self-addressed DLE envelopes. Phone or Text for an appointment &/or price enquiry: Rebecca Wood 021854158 Or visit www.ranahealth.co.nz & click BOOK NOW Rebecca Wood Dip Th Mass; Dip Aroma; Dip Acu; Student Naturopath- Final semester www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 26 May 2015 Page 3 PUBLIC NOTICES CLASSIFIED HAKARU RSA FOR SALE: 10 Nuveou glass lighshades, as new, never used, $8 each. Recycled timber, all sizes & thicknesses, good for those odd jobs. Happy with any offers, just want it out of the way. Ph 4312 188 FOR SALE: Or iginal wood stove. Esse Centur y cooker. Been installed for eighteen years. Wet back, double oven , white and black enamel. Working order $2,200.00 Ph 4312 605 Karen FOR SALE: Fir ewood, mainly split poplar (Kawa). $95 a Ute load – approx 1.5 cubic metres, delivered locally. Ph 431 2600 or 021 0588503 WANTED TO RENT: Honest, r eliable single woman, mid-50s, looking for house, cottage or selfcontained sleepout, Kaiwaka/Mangawhai area, rural/ residential. Currently in Oneriri Rd. Ph Stella 4312 244 or 021 338 924 ANIMAL CRANIO-SACRAL THERAPIST: Gentle, non invasive, effective and lasting energy work. Horses, Pets, Farm Animals. Affordable rates with 10 years experience & caring service. Jill Shires 021 0506 592 SOUND LANDSCAPES: for all your landscaping needs. Planting season is on the way! To arrange a site visit call Pete Worsfold 021 825 970 BERYL NOZEDAR: (Middleton) International Clairvoyant. Numerology, Tarot, Clairvoyance, Mediumship. $60 for hour includes CD. Ph: 4312 080 CLOTHING ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS: Hems, Zips, Dressmaking Phone: Win 4312027 or 027 444 8358 Winsome Designs. Tripe and Onion Luncheon 14 June 2015 1pm An alternative is available. Please book with Heather 4314 668 or Jan 4314 512 KAIWAKA WATER SUPPLY GROUP The winner of the draw to have their water bill refunded is Hemana Curtis Congratulations Hemana, and thank you to everyone who paid their bill before 30 April and entered the draw. POINT CURTIS CRUISING CLUB INC KAIWAKA Annual General Meeting 7pm, 16 June 2015 3 Furlongs Hotel, Kaiwaka Agenda Item: Increase game shooting species to include peacock and turkey. All Welcome KAIWAKA SPORTS ASSOCIATION MEETING Wednesday 17th June 7pm Kaiwaka Sports Complex HAKARU RSA WOMEN’S SECTION Reminder that meetings are now starting an hour earlier, at 12:30pm every 4th Thursday of the month. FREE GRAZING WANTED: Small or lar ge block. Can do some fencing or water. Phone after 6pm 4312006 Hakaru Community Hall & Domain Society Inc HAKARU HALL Supper Night at the Hakaru Hall Settlement Road, across from the RSA Saturday 13 June at 7:30pm The Hakaru and Districts Memorial RSA (Inc) wish to thank you all for your donations received from this year’s Poppy Collection. A magnificent achievement from a small community which is well appreciated by the Members. The total amount of $5390.00 goes to Welfare for the wellbeing of our Returned and Service Men and Women. A Thank You also to the Cadet Forces who helped with the collection, and to all those businesses and clubs who permitted us to have our collection boxes on their premises. As usual, the Cadets, Scouts and Cubs did us proud. And a thank you to the school children from Mangawhai Beach School who placed the crosses. Again, thank you all. Bill Kerr, President A great chance to get to know your neighbours, exchange stories and ideas to grow our wonderful Hakaru community. BYO drinks and supper plate to share (and a bit of dance music) Gold Coin Donation for Hall Maintenance Inquiries: 431 2829 or 431 2256 Thought for the day: Proverb 27:19 - A mirror reflects a man's (woman's, child's) face, but what he (they) is really like is shown by the kind of friends he (they) chooses. Natural Earth Ltd Landscape and Bobcat services : Driveways :Landscaping :Retaining Walls : Hole Boring: Land Levelling :Trenching : Decks :Fences :Sections Cleared: Plus much more Tel 09 4312885 Mob 02102391280 For A Fast Friendly Service Contact Tim Hicks www.kaiwaka.co.nz RELAXING MASSAGE Kaiwaka Bugle - 26 May 2015 Page 5 KAIPARA YOUNG POINT CURTIS FARMERS CRUISING The Kaipara Young Farmers are presenting a ‘Welcome In Dinner’ for CLUB the farming community. Come along for dinner and a great Juste pour vous night out with your partner before the new season takes off and have the A happy client after a massage: opportunity to meet the local farmers, “I felt like I was floating on air”. newcomers and rural reps at the same time! Games, raffles and plenty of Call for an appointment now! prizes will be given away on the night, Pete Worsfold kindly donated by a wide range of local businesses. 4312 152 or 021 825970 Tickets to get in on the night are $5, and there are limited numbers Or Ph. “The Well of Health” for an available. Contact Mikayla on 0276255386 or appt. 09 4312 799 Annalyse on 0211062879 to purchase Or mobile service available tickets. No door sales. If phone is busy please keep trying Details: La Padella Wellsford, June 24th at 7:00pm The Kaipara Young Farmers (photo below) meet and are from Kaiwaka in the north to Warkworth in the south. KAIWAKA Results for Fish Of The Month Competition (Snapper) 1st: Gravy 6.823kg, 2nd: Paul Mills 4.405kg, 3rd: Glen Jaques: 2.686kg New fish of the month: Kahawai. Cut off 16 June. Subs are due 1st June. Subs are $30 per family and $20 per individual. Subs are payable at 3 Furlongs Hotel, posting to Jean Mcleish (Secretary/ Treasurer), 163 Settlement Road, RD 2, Kaiwaka 0573 or by depositing directly into the Point Curtis Cruising Club Inc bank account BNZ 02 0364 0012950 00. Please include your name as the reference. Next meeting: AGM, Tuesday 16 June 2015, 7pm at 3 Furlongs Hotel. All welcome. ~Wayne Leslie, Commodore What farm animal keeps the best time? A watch dog! Did you hear about the magic tractor? It turned into a field! If a cow laughed really hard.... would milk come out of her nose? Willow Bend HORSE HOTEL Total Horse Care " Agistment " Riding Lessons " Arena Hire (60x40) " Young Horse Starting " Re-training/Exercising " Hoof Trimming " Problem Solving " Phone Sue 09 431 2817 or 021 623 776 Or email sue.gray@xtra.co.nz Want it done? Bring it to Twinkle Tow ‘n’ Tyre W.O.F. Tyres Windscreen replacement Chip repairs Bulk Oil Batteries Welding Custom built trailers Trailer hire Think you’ll get a better deal in the city? Go on, ring us; it won’t cost anything! 1837 State Highway 1, Kaiwaka Phone 431 2823 Ross Murphy PLUMBER Certifying Plumber 09 431 7510 021 424 252 Paparoa Based +New Housing +Renovations +Maintenance KAIPARA FLOORING CO 32 HURNDALL ST MAUNGATUROTO Phone 09 9469886 or 021 515 415 Carpet, vinyl, laminate wood look flooring, vinyl planking, sanding & polyurethane service. Carpet Short Ends from $79pm + GST Vinyl D.I.Y. peel n stick tiles $10sq mtr + GST. Free measure & quote. Mobile Service Phone Christine or Howard anytime Open Saturdays by arrangement. Coates Contracting D41 Bulldozer with 6 way blade, bush rigged with winch For all tree work General bulldozing and stick raking. 120hp Tractor for ground cultivation, tip trailer work. Fencing All enquiries phone Brett Coates 094318720 or 021431872 PETE WORSFOLD B. Soc.Sc. M. Soc.Sc. Dip Prof Couns. Counsellor peteworsfold@xtra.co.nz 4312 152 or 021 825 970 Well of Health - 4312 799 if phone busy - keep trying NEW - PRIVATE COUNSELLING AVAILABLE Do you want to achieve a PERMANENT STATE OF HAPPINESS? Men - are you having issues in your relationship? Couples - want to have better communication and turn your relationship around? You guessed it - I can help! Phone me for a preliminary talk. www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 26 May 2015 Page 7 EASTERN UNITED JMB On Saturday 16 May round 4 was played at Paparoa. Our un7s fielded two teams with much fun, some impressive little athletes and a dash of chaos occurring! Players of the day were Cordell Smith and Zac Wakeling. The un9s had a fantastic win against Tomarata White with player of the day going to William Holden and most improved to Keidis de Ridder. The un11s lifted their game against the strongest team in the competition with player of the day being Bo Osbourne. There is steady improvement occurring in all teams and some awesome rugby action happening. Trainings are in Wednesday evenings 5.30pm for the un7s and un9s and 6pm for the un11s. We would like to give a huge thanks to the Kaiwaka Sports Association for approving our grant application to purchase new playing jerseys for our un9 team (see photo), which means they now match our other teams and are more comfortable in the modern jerseys - parents will also agree they are easier to get dry! In the photo below we have, from left to right, coaches Marty de Ridder and Craig Tamaiti. Back row: Morgan Guenther-Leslie, Wade Anderson, Niah Quirk, Hamuera Henderson, Tane Thomas and Toby Lee. Front Row: Rico Franks, Joseph Walker, Gina-Ann Smith, Ryan Stirling, Keidis de Ridder and William Holden. ~Naomi TANIWHA SHIELD Northland’s prestigious Years 7 and 8 rugby tournament the Dave Culham Taniwha Shield will be held in Kerikeri this year. Eight teams from all over Northland compete in the 5 day tournament for the coveted shield. If you have a child who would like to try out for the Rodney/Otamatea team, please ring Mirna Manuell on 021 544229. Many thanks to the men who have stepped up to take on coaching roles: Kyle Harris (head coach), Ken Manuell and Hayden Foster. www.mangawhaimassage.co.nz HODGETTS CONTRACTING Digger Work Driveways House Sites Dams Drains, etc Also available for HIRE 3 ton Vib Roller Heavy Duty Tow Waterblaster Lazer Level Phone Mark 4312877 027 447 8554 For all your body repair needs!! Rust repairs Insurance work Anti-corrosion treatment Large and minor vehicle repairs Industrial vehicles Full Cut and polishes Hours: 8.30am-5pm Monday-Friday Mobile: 021 118 0462 After hours: 09 431 2384 Phone: Craig or Call in for a free Quote Email: bodytech_panelbeaters@yahoo.com We are located at 1837 SH1 Kaiwaka, behind Twinkle Tow ‘n’ Tyre Call in anytime for a free quote. LEE COOPER PAINTERS (Kaiwaka Based) *30 yrs Experience *Interior/Exterior *New and Restoration *Honest and Reliable *Free Quotes 09 4312918 0274735171 leecooper@xtra.co.nz A competition to showcase the amazing talents of Kaiwaka School Students: 3 categories: Singing, Dance (Groups or Solo), Open (showcase a talent) Date: Friday 5th June 6:30 - 9 Otamatea High School & Maungaturoto District High School 50th Reunion 15-17 April 2016 U Beauty Eyebrow Wax Eyebrow Tint Eyelash Tint Lip Wax Chin Wax Bikini Wax Brazilian ½ Leg Wax Full Leg Wax $10 $10 $20 $10 $10 $20 $50 $30 $45 Full Pedicure Foot Tidy Manicure Nail Tidy Chest Wax Back Wax Nostrils Ears $60 $35 $45 $25 $30 $40 $10 $10 Underarm Wax $20 Extended Bikini Wax $30 15 min Back Massage $25 30 min Back Massage $50 Please call Nicole for bookings 09 393 6336 or 022 0639450 Qualified Beautician 4 Kaiwaka – Mangawhai Rd Kaiwaka Register Your Interest Now www.otamatea.school.nz or ohs@otamatea.school.nz 0800 682 628 Registrations close 18 March 2016 www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 26 May 2015 Page 9 NORTHLANDERS ASKED WHAT BETTER BROADBAND MEANS TO THEM Northlanders are being asked to share their thoughts about what improved broadband and mobile coverage might mean to them. All four Northland Councils are working together with Northland Inc. to produce a joint Northland-wide response to the Government’s call for registrations of interest for the rollout of ultra-fast broadband, improved rural broadband and better mobile coverage. As part of this, communities across Northland are being asked to share their thoughts via a short online survey. Respondents have until Friday 05 June to complete the survey. “Improved digital infrastructure is an important part of driving better economic results for the Kaipara region. We encourage the community to take part in the survey,” says Chair of the Kaipara District Commissioners, John Robertson. “Understanding the strength of consumer demand is key to the proposal, so we need feedback from the community about the ways they might take advantage of better broadband and phone coverage. We’ll be contacting ratepayer groups and business associations over the next couple of weeks to discuss further what these benefits might be.” The package of $360 million in Government funding is to extend broadband and improve cellphone coverage across the country. In Northland, the funding has the potential to accelerate the delivery of high-speed broadband to more towns and faster broadband to rural areas, as well as improving mobile coverage along State Highways and in popular tourist areas to reduce ‘black spots’. Visit www.kaipara.govt.nz and click on the link to complete the survey. KAIWAKA NETBALL Kaiwaka 1 This week we had some tough games. We really had to work hard, as both teams we played were quite tall. Our defensive end did a great job of keeping the other teams from scoring too many goals and our attack and shooting end worked hard running all over the court to try and keep the ball at our end. We won both our games, but they were very close. Congratulations to Aroha-Lee Connelly who played a great defensive game and Devine who played a good game at centre. Both were named players of the day for Kaiwaka 1. Results: Kaiwaka 1 v Tomarata – WON 8 – 7; Kaiwaka 1 v Wellsford – WON 3 – 1 Thank you for cheering us on parents!!! ~Maia Fairburn (captain) Kaiwaka 2 We had two more grading games, and our team played fantastically. With a win against Maungaturoto 2 and a very close loss to Snells Beach 1, with them scoring the winning goal in the last seconds of the game. Players of the Games Game 1 - Erica for fantastic heart and defence. Game 2 - Lisa for awesome running and support play. Results: Kaiwaka 5 v Maungaturoto 0; Snells Beach 4 v Kaiwaka 3 Grading is now finished and Kaiwaka 2 are in the Kiwi Grade, so positions will be mixed up and we will have 40 minute games. This week’s game is at 10.45 against Snells Beach 1 on Court 4. So please be there ready to play at 10.15am. ~Jody Greig (Coach) AFFORDABLE PRICES! MENS DRY CUT FROM $18.00 LADIES DRY CUT FROM $15.00 KIDS DRY CUT FROM $15.00 COLOUR CUT FROM $90.00 JUST CUTS’AND MORE 021 165 2629 NOW SELLING: scented tealights, incense, smudge sticks, copper bracelets, aurora ball crystals, dream catchers, healing stones, rose quartz, cds, and much more open 6 days Ken Urquhart KMU Surveys Ltd 467 Bickerstaffe Road RD 2 Maungaturoto 0587 ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING PLANS AND DESIGNS WRIGHT DESIGN QUALIFICATIONS Brian is a qualified designer (NZCAD) with over 40 years of varied experience in all types of building and is a registered and Licensed Building Practitioner in Design - L.B.P. 117345 He ensures you will achieve the best from your budget with recommended excellent local contractors ready to competitively price and build your personal project quickly and efficiently. EXPERIENCE Brian’s practical building and 40+ years of design experience means he can give you excellent advice and all the guidance needed for all your building needs v Wright Design offers free visits, consultations and all the advice you need on planning, design, building, contractors, council permit applications, etc. " " " " " Qualified and inexpensive designer – N.Z.CAD., LBP 117345 Guaranteed design and working drawings Free site visit to your home or property Great service Great problem solver Call Brian ~Arrange a visit to discuss your needs and obtain great advice and free quotation MAKE GOOD USE OF HIS EXPERIENCE and KNOWLEDGE WRIGHT DESIGN: 360 Oneriri Road, Kaiwaka Ph 09 431 8705 Mob 021 161 2344 kenurquhart@xtra.co.nz Office 09 4312544 Mobile 021 276 7389 Email: brianwright@clear.net.nz www.wrightdesign.co.nz Queens Birthday Monday 1 June Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall Cakes, craft & collectables and honey Ph 09 4312 296 Adrian www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 26 May 2015 Page 11 OTAMATEA HIGH SCHOOL On Saturday 25th April Otamatea High School prefects represented the school by laying wreaths at the ANZAC 100th anniversary across the community (Maungaturoto, Matakohe, Hakaru and Waipu). Each of these services honoured those who had courageously fought in World War One. At the Matakohe service we were reminded that those who were drafted to go to war were the same age as the Year 13 students. We also heard the stories of how local families were affected. During the Teacher Only Day a group of selected students came into school to participate in a ‘Whanau Matters’ training programme. This marked the beginning of training ‘OTA Leaders’ with the skills which will help them to lead activities during whanau times each week. It was great to see so many students willing to give up their own time to participate in this programme. The Olla Podriga talent contest was another fantastic event which showcased some brilliant singers. The opportunity to sing with a full band and backing singers really does allow each performer to rise to the occasion. The judges had an extremely difficult job this year as there was so much talent. The Head Girl Jasmine Sampson deservedly won the contest for the second year in a row. On Saturday 9th May Robyn Bruce, Wayne Maclennan and I had the pleasure of attending the Gold Duke of Edinburgh cer emony in Auckland. Seven past students of Otamatea High School received their Awards from Sarah Hillary, daughter of Sir Edmund Hillary. Family members were extremely proud of their children’s achievements. The students reminisced on the various adventures that they had participated in throughout the bronze, silver and gold award programme. Much dedication, commitment and perseverance is needed to complete the Gold Award. This would not be possible without the ongoing support of Robyn Bruce and Wayne Maclennan. Many others have also contributed by assisting with the tramps, the service component and the many fundraising activities. ~Rachel Clothier-Simmonds, Principal Academic Counselling On Wednesday 12th May we held our annual academic counselling interviews here at school. This was an opportunity for parents and senior students to meet with the student’s academic counsellor to discuss their academic goals, to help understand how NCEA works, to identify barriers to achievement and to plan the next steps in their learning. Kids’ Lit Quiz 2015 On Friday 1st May eight students plus Mrs Pilkington and Mrs Garnett travelled to Kerikeri to the Northland Regional Kids’ Lit Quiz. Maggie Hames and Katrina Poyner competed last year but it was a new experience for Conor Sands, Ayla Driver, Vanessa Langman, Emily Page, Bipasa Patel and Toni Tornquist. This year a record 34 teams from all over Northland were entered. The winning team came from Whangarei Intermediate School. Both Otamatea teams competed well and although unplaced we had a great day and really enjoyed our trip. Thank you to the Paparoa Lions’ Club for sponsoring our team entry fees and travel costs. Year 7 and 8 Technology Rotation Students in year 7 and 8 finished their first Technology rotation in the week that ended on 15 May. Coming to High School, one of the things students look forward to is learning work place skills which is being amply provided for in Technology. This rotation year 7s did Textiles and Food and Wood Technology, while the year 8s did Design and Visual Communication (previously called Graphics) and Wood Technology. Students in the different specialist areas were assessed on the same strands of the Technology Curriculum such as planning for practice and outcome development. Gateway in Otamatea High School Each year our school puts over sixty students out into the workplace to gain work experience and credits towards their NCEA. Students must be over 15 years of age and preferably have their level 1 literacy and numeracy before being placed. We have had a great deal of success with our students with many either getting permanent jobs or excellent references from their employers. Currently we have a group of students learning barista and hospitality skills with the help of the Maungaturoto Country Club. Our local businesses are very supportive of our students and without them we would not have such success. Placements have been in many fields:automotive, building, early child care, hospitality, nursing, butchery, retail, plumbing, event management, statistics and opticians to name a few. Pictured is James Ratima at work with Kevin in the workshop at Maungaturoto Panelbeaters. James has nearly completed his first unit standard towards his automotive credits. Sam Allen and Rita Hames visit to Nepal Over the April school holidays continued on page 13... Gentle Dental Ruakaka We love to see you smile General & Cosmetic Dentistry Emergency & ACC Treatment Denture & Hygienist Services Senior Citizen Discounts Free Adolescent Care Free WINZ Quote 19 Ruakaka Town Centre Dr Sim Sood & Associates Ph: 432 8139 Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Saturdays By Arrangement www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Hardware Kaiwaka Bugle - 26 May 2015 OTAMATEA HIGH SCHOOL cont. from page 11 & Key cutting Phone 4312 063 022 041 6047 kaikey2015@gmail.com Keys Cut Household Hardware Curtain Tracks & Fittings Not there? Call Doug and he’ll sort it for you. (Next to Kaiwaka Motorcycles) Page 13 Samantha Allen and I spent two weeks in Nepal as part of our Gold Duke of Edinburgh qualifying tramp and residential project. Prior to the trip, Sam and I spent 8 months fundraising to get ourselves there. We spent 11 of those days in the mountains where we got to experience some life changing things. One of the highlights for me, was the people we met along the way. Not just our group that we travelled with for two weeks, but our Sherpa guides who were locals in the mountains and both incredible people. The children that we met and played with in the villages, and even the people that we walked past going through their villages. Getting a little peek into their day-to-day lives was so special. Just a week after arriving back in New Zealand, Sam and I were hit with the bombshell that Nepal had been struck by a big earthquake, killing over 8,000 people and displacing thousands more. Many of the places in the mountains that we stayed in, or visited have since been destroyed. Both Sam and I have thrown ourselves into more fundraising that will be sent up into the mountains to help repair some of the damage. Thanks to everyone who has supported our fundraising whether it be through the cake stalls or donations. ~ Rita Olla Podriga Olla Podriga is quite unique in that it uses a backing band for the singing contestants made up of professional musicians plus students from the school put together by Barry Corlett, Teacher in Charge of music at OHS. This year’s lineup included students Cameron Gill and Ben Morley (guitar) plus Charlie Wynyard (drums /backing vocals), Alistair Taylor(bass), May Seager and Jay Simmonds (backing vocals) and Barry Corlett (keyboards and backing vocals). This year we had a very special judging panel comprising Ryan Captain Fonk Monga (from Ardijah), Harry Poi (formerly Ardijah) and Pauline Corlett (from The Boss) Our sound technician was Paul Crowther, former Split Enz drummer and internationally acclaimed technical whizz. Jon Clist did a superb job of leading the contestants through their singing journey. Jasmine Sampson won the contest for the second year in a row singing JessieJ’s ‘Masterpiece’. This has never happened in the long history of this contest which was inaugurated by Haydn Hutching, former Principal of OHS. Second place went to Tasha Perrett singing ‘Diamonds (Rihanna) and third place went to Micaela Tornquist singing ‘Safe and Sound’ (Taylor Swift) Judges were also impressed with Molly Curnow’s haunting rendition of Lisa William’s “Pirouette” and with the overall standard and variety produced by the other contestants. The capacity audience was also treated to a superb solo piano item from Monica Jaques, a guitar solo from Cameron Gill and a solo/vocal presentation from Tashae Paikea. These were non competition acts adding evidence to the huge depth of musical talent at Otamatea High School. Girls 1st XI Football On Wednesday 22nd April the Girls 1st XI football team travelled to Tikipunga to play in a grading tournament. The team played extremely well coming away with 3 wins and 1 defeat. Congratulations to Laurinda Bokma who was the top goal scorer at the tournament. The weekly competition started on May 6th and the girls played against Okaihau College. Unfortunately, the team had a loss but the backs played extremely well. Well done to Julia Pearce who was player of the day. Laughing Dog Computers Hardware and Software Service and Repair www.laughingdog.co.nz 0224344448 BRICK/BLOCKLAYER All aspects of masonry: Fireplaces, Restoration & Remedial Work. JAMES EAGLETON Tel. (09) 431 2514 Mob. 0274 749 232 RANGANUI EARTHMOVERS 16T Excavator (tilt, thumb & ROPS cab) Transport Trailer 2 x 6 Wheeler Tip Trucks Suppliers of All Grades of Metal & Topsoil Driveways, House Sites, Drainage Dams, Section Clearing, Tree Work, Rock Retaining Walls, Quarry Work, Basically Anything That a Digger Can Do Grant on If you want a proper job done with an experienced operator ring A/H 431-2131 Email ranganui.dev@xtra.co.nz Mob 021845-246 jajueagles@yahoo.com.au 210A Pukenui Road, RD2 Kaiwaka 0573 Drainage & Earthmoving clarkedrainage@xtra.co.nz 027 2233 185 Registered Drainlayer All Types of Earthworks > All Residential & Commercial Work > House Sites > Septic System Design & Install > Footings & Drilling to 10m > Sewer Connections > Dams > Water Tank Installation > Roading & Races > Farm Work OWEN STEVENS Osteo Therapist For careful adjustments to bones and joints Treatment for humans and their pets Clinics: Kate’s Place, Kaiwaka: Last Friday of month For bookings:9.00am-5.00pm Phone 09 4312661 Or phone Owen 09 4317123 anytime THE ONE STOP SHOP Phone Nigel for an Obligation Free Quote PLANNING A NEW KITCHEN? CONTACT NOEL McDOWELL WELLSFORD KITCHENS Ph/Fax 09 4312 888 KAIWAKA-any time QUALITY CUSTOM MADE KITCHENS ~ ~Personal and Prompt Service~ ~Over 20 Years in the Trade~ ~Free Design & Quote~ ~ www.kaiwaka.co.nz Magnetic Laser for Health Using a low power laser I can help with a variety of conditions: Joints pain, swelling, inflammation Back and neck pain Heel pain Injury or fracture recovery Phone Gala 431 2213 021 486 611 Water Tank Cleaning Keep your water safe & clean Removal of sediment, silt etc Vacuum or full scrub Minimal water loss Phone Mark (09) 432 0655 or 0274 707607 ST PAUL’S ANGLICAN SUNDAY SERVICES St Pauls Church: Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Rd. 1st Sun - Eucharist 3rd Sun - Family Service Office 4214 122 Contacts:M.Hargreaves 4312295, C.Bygrave 4312057 Kaiwaka Bugle - 26 May 2015 KAIWAKA SPORTS ASSOCIATION Fitness Centre Keys to our Fitness Centre have just changed over, so if you've ever thought about taking out a membership – now is the perfect time to do it! You can purchase a years membership for $140 which will give you 24/7 access to a centre equipped with free weights, bikes, climbers, rowers, treadmills, CV machines, sunbed, toilets and showers. You can buy a key from Jaques Four Square, or for more information please contact Fitness Centre President Siobhan Cole on 027 9791203. In other Fitness Centre news, a huge congratulations to Julie Harris who won both of her classes and the Overalls in the INBA bodybuilding competition recently. Thanks to everyone who attended the Fitness Centre's Open Day and congratulations to Pat Buxton who won the door prize of a years free membership. Squash With thanks to the efforts of Phillip Tana, we are seeing positive growth in our squash club with new faces appearing on a regular basis. There are lots of talented players around and some huge battles are being fought on the courts! It's great to see young players like Kodi Foster and Annmarie Holst coming along and giving the local old hands a hurry up! Squash is a wonderful game for your fitness, so if you would like to give it a try, just turn up to our courts on Monday evenings, from 6pm and we'll sort you out for a game. For any enquiries about squash, please contact Heather Lupton on 021 841115. Badminton Keen to give Badminton a go? Turn up to our gymnasium on Tuesday evenings, from 7.30pm - all ages and abilities welcome! Annual subs are now due - $50 per person or $80 a family, or $3 per person per night. Badminton is lots of fun and an easy game to pick up. New members welcome, just bring soft soled shoes and a sense of humour. Club racquets are available for you to borrow. Soccer The season has started for our soccer club the Kaipara Knights. There are still spaces for more 5 – 6 year olds and 12 – 14 year olds, so if you have a child in these age ranges who would like to play soccer, please contact Lindell Ferguson on 4312 542. Rugby – Junior This season the JMB sub-union trialing ‘Rally Days’ This has proved to be a great success with all teams from each of the five clubs playing at the same venue each week. The next Rally Day at the KaiwakathSports Complex will be on Saturday 27 June. Rugby – Intermediate Our Under 16's are doing very well in their competition round with no losses to date. Head coach Mike Peeni is doing a great job of motivating the boys - if you are keen to follow their progress, you can 'like' the Otamatea Hawks IMB facebook page. The Under Page 15 14s have had a bad run of injuries lately and are looking forward to being able to field a full strength team again soon. For any IMB queries please contact Heather Lupton on 021 841115. Rugby – Senior The Hawks next gamesth at our grounds will be on Saturday 27 June. This will be a busy day - the Hawks two senior teams will play Horahora in the afternoon and there will be a junior rugby rally day in the morning. For any Hawks enquiries please contact Jennie Reynolds on 021 02764171. Boot Camp Due to popular demand, Siobhan and her team are starting up a new Boot Camp! The 12 week programme will start on Wednesday 3rd June and is particularly geared for beginners, although people of all fitness levels are welcome. Sessions will be held at our grounds on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6.30pm and Fridays at 9.30am, sessions cost $7 with concession cards available. Results start when you do! To register, please phone Siobhan on 027 9791203. Netball – Junior Our Kaiwaka 1 team had a good game last week pulling in another win against Wellsford. They are now starting to work together as a top team. Our Kaiwaka 2 team is in the Kiwi Grade and had their first competition game last week. Although the end result wasn’t in their favour, the girls played with a lot of heart. Netball – Senior Our senior netball club Otamatea-Ex is going well, making it into premier grade. Awesome effort ladies! Their Player of the Days for the last two weeks were Jahkodii Morunga for her top shooting and fast movement in the circle and Sam Phillips for her powerhouse defence. Next game is against Rodney college, watch this space. For any senior netball queries, please email Alex Cowie on cowiealex@hotmail.com. Workshop We are hosting a workshop "Getting Real About Sexual Violence" on Friday 5th June. This is suited to education, community, social service, and police workers but is open for anyone to attend. To register please email Wendy Laird at soseducator@maxnet.co.nz. Advance notice Jessika Grigg and Holly Anderson are putting on a kids disco as a fundraiser for our local junior rugby club, Eastern United. The disco will be heldthat the Sports Complex on Saturday 4 July, and will feature great music and dancing, a lolly scramble, glow items and games. Mark it in your diary! Meeting A Kaiwaka Sports Associationthmeeting will be held on Wednesday 17 June at 7pm in our JK Lounge, all welcome. ~Cheryl Anderson 4312 051, 027 3462702 g.a.s. Mangawhai we have a GARDEN CENTRE for all your gardening needs Also a great range of Wide range of STOCKFOOD ORGANICS AND FRESH LOCAL PRODUCE All your motoring needs are taken care of by our friendly staff check us out… 44 Moir Street, Mangawhai (09)431 4242 design drafting service Retired builder and manufacturer with over 40 years experience in the building industry is offering a design drafting service for domestic housing, sleepouts and sheds. Plans formulated in consultation with clients, with working drawings completed and submitted to council for processing. Extensive practical experience, able to identify & resolve problems. Please ring Mike Lean on 09 431 2260 or 021 431 196 Residential · Commercial · Body Corporate · Sub-divisions Lawn & Section Mowing Landscaping Section Clearance Rubbish Removal Garden Maintenance Make-overs Hedges Odd Jobs Free Phone 0508 80 70 60 David Korach Your local Gib Stopper DK PLASTERER LTD 0274769221 dkorach6@gmail.com www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 26 May 2015 BARRY CURTIS PLUMBING LTD REGISTERED CRAFTSMAN PLUMBER Phone 4315572 027 257 9884 25 years experience Friendly reliable service All plumbing and maintenance Alterations and new housing New wood fire installation Spouting Competitive rates PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE Yang Style Tai Chi Classes For Beginner And Practitioners At The Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall Every Tuesday Starting at 10.30 am Come Along And Have Some Fun While Improving Your Balance Health And Fitness For More Information Contact Andrew Young 09 4223424 taichi@pl.net LANDSCAPING Dave Hyndman 4 IN 1 BUCKET TRENCHER KAIWAKA POLE HOLES PH: 09 4312302 ROTARY HOE MOB: 021 431 238 COMPACT ROLLER OFFAL HOLES CAN SUPPLY WOODCHIP & POST PEEL 5 TON TIPPER FOR RELIABLE AND FRIENDLY SERVICE CONTACT DAVE Page 17 KAIWAKA FIRE BRIGADE Congratulations to the team from the Kaiwaka Fire Brigade who completed the Sky Tower Stair Challenge last weekend - 51 flights of stairs, carrying 25kg of fire-fighting kit. Not only did they achieve a great physical feat, they also raised just over $2000 for Leukemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand. Well done! OTAMATEA HAWKS RUGBY We travelled over the Brynderwyns on 16th May to face Waipu; we were hoping for a great battle and the Reserves proved worthy with a 10-7 win. That makes it 6 from 7 wins this season. Unfortunately the Premiers lost 37-15, it was one of those days that the bounce of the ball didn’t go our way; four times Waipu got a good bounce and ran away to score. Although we have some key players out with injury that’s no excuse, keep showing up at training and keeping positive will get us back on track. We held our Sponsors day at Kaiwaka on Saturday 23rd May, Dargaville’s Western Sharks were our opponents. Both teams came away with wins, Reserves 26-19 and the Premiers a convincing 66-0. Rugby is like a rollercoaster for the Ota Hawks Prems rugby side, from the euphoria of a good win 3 weeks ago, a disappointing lost last week and now to this week where they were rampant against the Western Sharks. The season was hanging in the balance after last week’s horror performance. But with the return of inspirational captain Shane Neville and the irrepressible Matt Moulds, their appearances alone lifted the side to their most complete performance to date. The halves, Skinsy Robinson and Dan Hawkins had a good day at the office after receiving good front foot ball from the pack. The mid field combo of Mils Taukiuvea and Jordan Hyland together were at their damaging best, breaking the line at will. Dan Hawkins capped off a good day with 4 tries and 8 conversions – a significant contribution towards an impressive 66-nil victory. Man of the Match performance from Skinsy included a bit of gymnastics in the latter part of the game. A good win leading into the Queen’s birthday break. Let’s all get across to Dargaville next week and support our boys in the Harding shield final vs Mangonui. Draw 6th June Mid Western – Away. 13th June Wellsford at Maungaturoto. ALL grades from JMB, IMB and Premier rugby will be there, so come and supports our boys. We would like to thank our sponsors that have come on board this year Tranznorth, Northpine, Barry Wright, Dickin Gas, Graig Hanna, Borck Contractors, Jaques Four Square, Kaiwaka Motor Cycles, Paddy Thorntons, Parker Lime, Phil Keen Concrete, Wellsford Sports Shop, Tony Hargreaves Family, Brogan Builders, Trevor Pilbrow, Pub Charity, Oxford Sports Trust, Jim Leslie, Bruce Robertson, Evan Wright, Innes Anderson, Rural Design. If you would like to support the local Rugby team contact Jennie 021 027 64 171 or otahawks88@vodafone.co.nz IMB Report A very close game for our Under 14s against mid-western on Saturday. Final score 22 to 21 to us. Player of the day in the backs was Hamuera Tierney with Brynn Freer our best forward on the day. Managers pick was Dylan Huggett with a couple of try-saving tackles. Well done Otamatea Hawks Under 14s. Under 16’s had their first loss this week. IMB Raffle was won by Ken Manuel Number 77. See the online edition of the Bugle for photos! LEABOURNS Passenger Service Car & Van Hire Bus & Coach Charters Airport Transfers Monthly Shopper Bus Phone (09) 4237416 Bulk Cartage KAIWAKA MOTORCYCLES LTD YAMAHA HUSQVARNA SALES – SERVICE – SPARES FARM BIKE SPECIALIST PHONE 09 431-2127 10 KAIWAKA-MANGAWHAI ROAD, KAIWAKA TRIMMERS FROM $249 - CHAINSAWS FROM $329 Freeview Installations Richard Te Haara 25 Marram Place Mangawhai Heads 021 1104056 kiwipride@xtra.co.nz * ROADING * EARTHWORKS * * DRAINAGE * SITEWORKS * For any further enquiries, contact Shaun on: Cell: 021 222 0272 Home: 09 4318339 Email: shaun@huband.co.nz Shaun Huband: Registered Drainlayer HAKARU & DISTRICTS RSA Inc Each Friday night From 6.30pm Meals will be served 2nd Friday of the Month Is Roast Dinner Special Come along and enjoy our Hospitality For more information Ring Heather 431466 or Jan 4314512 www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 26 May 2015 OTAMATEA COMMUNITY SERVICES Margot Christie (pictured below, 2nd from right) was the most recent entertainer at the monthly senior’s lunch. Other recent entertainers include the Eccentric Ukes, and Helen and John Reynolds, who all provide wonderful singing and music. From time to time we have a speaker or presentation. We are really grateful for the ongoing support of Pam Chapman who helps us the catering. The vital support of NEW WINTER HOURS with our team of volunteers ensures that the from 11 May 2015: tables are arranged and dressed, the Mon,Tue,Thur,Fri: 8am to 6pm raffles and DVD library are set up, a Wed (Lotto): 8am to 6.30pm cup of tea or coffee is ready and Sat (Lotto): 8am to 7pm waiting. The volunteers also help with Sun: 9am to 5pm serving the meal. We thank St John for Check out new range of Multix baking the use of their hall and facilities. paper, plastic wrap, containers, muffin The senior’s programme also includes cups. Great specials. the monthly ‘chocolate bingo’, which takes place on the third Wednesday of Phone: 4312227 each month from 10am till 12 at the 1 Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Road, Footprints Room, in the Anglican Kaiwaka. Church. Lots of fun and laughter! Other activities at OCS are well supported by the community; regular Jaques Four Square Page 19 donations of produce and household goods which supplement our food bank, baby packs and quilts which the Zonta Club of Mangawhai sends, and knitted dolls, toys and other welcome items. The free Computer Course is continuing and is available for unemployed school-leavers and adults wanting to learn new computer skills. The main focus for this month is longterm planning for the next ten years. The House is open from 9am to 3pm and welcomes visitors. Currently services include free counselling with male or female counsellors, budget advice, parent coaching, family support. We have collaboration with the Kaipara Whanau Ora collective. Long-term support based in Maungaturoto is available. We are encouraged and excited by ideas from other agencies for the development of new initiatives which complement our current services. This keeps us passionate about what we do. E. LE ROY The presenter of the Scout trophy (see front page), advertising in the Auckland Star, 2 December 1925. “Mr E. Le Roy’s splendid exhibit of tents and camping requisites at the Auckland Show.” Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, AWNS-19071205-12-1 LOCAL SERVICES *St.John Ambulance 111 or Freephone 0800 61 0066 *Fire phone 111 *Police phone 111 or 09 4311150 A A: Meets Wed., 8pm Kaiwaka Ph: 4312228, 4315543, 0800229 6757 AL ANON: In recess, contact Ph: 4312228 MINISTRY FOR PRIMARY INDUSTRIES - General inquiries Call Free 0800 008 333 ASUREQUALITY LTD (was AgriQuality) Call Free 0508 0011 22 BUDGETING SERVICE, WELLSFORD: Free confidential advice & support for all areas of personal finance. Ph (09) 423 7123 CAB-Citizens Advice Bureau.Wellsford Ph: 4237333 0800 367 222 email:cab.wells@xtra.co.nz DOG/STOCK /NOISE CONTROL 0800 105 890 WHAT’S ON PLEASE ~ do let us know what is on - email kaiwakabugle@kaiwaka.co.nz Advertising in WHAT’S ON is FREE *29May~'Still Alice', 7:30pm KWMH *3Jun~Kaiwaka Boot Camp starts Ph 027 979 1203 *5Jun~Kaiwaka's Got Talent, 6:30pm KWMH *1Jun~Paddy's Sale, KWMH *6-7Jun~Everybody's Reading Room, Otamatea Repertory Theatre *12Jun~'Birdman', 7:30pm KWMH (R16) *13Jun~Supper NIght, 7:30pm Hakaru Hall Ph 4312 829 *14Jun~Tripe & Onion Lunch, 1pm Hakaru RSA Ph 4314668 *16Jun~Pt Curtis Cruising Club AGM, 7pm 3 Furlongs *17Jun~Kaiwaka Sports Assn meeting, 7pm KSA KATE’S PLACE with Govt.Day Agencies/Community Information / Osteopathy/ IRD / Probation, etc Ph: 4312661 Hours: 9am-3pm. Mon - Fri KWMH=Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall KSA=Kaiwaka Sports Association Complex FUNERAL SERVICES: Morris & Morris Ltd, Whangarei - Bev Jaques Ph:4312367 or 0800667747 See www.kaiwaka.co.nz for upcoming events. GRANDPARENTS Raising Grandchildren: Sarah Rogers Ph: 4312194 HOUSEHOLD RUBBISH COLLECTION - Kaiwaka Pick up Mondays=Gr een bags ar e picked up by Nor thland WasteHAKARU LANDFILL/Transfer Station:Open everyday except Tuesday10am-4pm.Ph4312629 Cost-$55 trailer load up to 1 cubic metre. queries to them 09 4303273,Wednesdays=Blue bags and yellow recycling (at Jaques $3.00 and $1.50) are picked up by Ph:4258567 - office Kaurilands 09 4392146. HOMEOPATH: Donna Flavell Ph: 4314843 *DIABETES Support Group -for Kaiwaka, Mangawhai, Wellsford INLAND REVENUE: Last Friday each month, 11-3pm Ph4312661 10am, 3rd Friday of month Ph:A.Pert 4238242; J.Gardner 4238060 *DRINK CAN ‘tear tabs’ - for Starship Hospital- please collect KAIPARA DISTRICT COUNCIL www.kaipara.govt.nz: 98 Kaiwaka Mangawhai Rd, leave in mailbox, Ph. 4312625 Help Desk FREEPHONE 0800 727 059 *GYMNASTICS OTAMATEA - Tuesday Ph: Stephanie 022 3624998 KAIWAKA KOHANGA REO: Ph:4312620 *HAKARU PONY CLUB-Secretary Julie Rynne 09 4314520 *KAIWAKA BADMINTON -Tuesdays 7.30pm Ph: 4312345 KAIWAKA CEMETERY: Ph: 4312045 *KAIWAKA GARDEN & FLORAL Grp:2nd Thursday in month KAIWAKA LIBRARY: kaiwaka.library@gmail.com Ph: 4314767 Mon. 4-6pm; Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10am-2pm Ph:4312539 *KAIWAKA CUBS-Thursdays 5.30-7pm, Hakaru Ph:Bruce 4312542 *KAIWAKA SQUASH -Mondays 7pm Ph: Barbara Thomas 4315905 KAIWAKA PLAYCENTRE: Ph: 4312286. Hastie Lane KNITTING FOR WHANGAREI HOSPITAL - 2nd Tuesday in Monday to Friday 9.00am - 12 noon. month, Apple Basket 10am Ph 4314827 *MANGAWHAI COMBINED PROBUS CLUB: 2pm,3rd Thursday KAIWAKA POST OFFICE:Ph:4312 431 month in the Senior Citizens Hall Mangawhai. Ph: 4315777 Post Code: 0573 for RD2 and 0542 for all Kaiwaka Post Office mail *NZ GENEALOGY-Wellsford - 1st Thursday in month Ph: 4237033 KAIWAKA PRIMARY SCHOOL: Ph: 4312309 *OTAMATEA GREY POWER-09 431 8138 Joan Hoggard *PT CURTIS CRUISING CLUB - Jean Ph: 4312 246 KAIWAKA SPORTS ASSN: Ph 4312005; 4312129 gym *RSA,Hakaru & Dist.Women- meet 1.30pm 4th Thurs in month Ph: 4312 668 KAIWAKA ST JOHN: Manager Steve Rosser 09 4318403, 021 2316836 *TRAMPING- Mondays 9am-2:30pm Karen Ph: 4312 090 *WAIPU GENEALOGYGROUP -4th Monday in month Ph: LINKING HANDS Health Shuttle Ph 4314121 or 09 4318969 4312725 NORTHPOWER: Faults Kaiwaka area 0800 104040 *WRITER’S GROUP - Ph Elizabeth 4312 522 *YOGA- Tuesdays 6:15pm, Friday 8:30am Kaiwaka WM Hall Carla OTAMATEA COMMUNITY SERVICES: Free counselling, parent coach, Family Support worker, budget advice, food bank. Mon-Fri 9amPh: 4312 408, 021 296 8794 30m. Ph 09 431 9080 PARENTPORT: Free, practical family support service Puhoi to Paparoa Ph or txt: Dianne 027 2085093 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT COACHING, GROUP FACILITATION: Sabine Druckler 4312231 PLUNKET: Kaiwaka - Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall: Clinic 1st Wednesday of the month; Coffee Group at 9:30. Mangawhai - Rose Madsen Cottage, Mangawhai Domain, Moir St: Clinic 1st and 3rd Monday of month; Young Babies Coffee Group 2nd and 4th Monday 10 am; Plunket Playgroup every Thursday. Maungaturoto - Maungaturoto Congregational Church, 100 Hurndall Street East: Plunket clinic 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Cynthia 09 431 8187 or 027 675 3488 PLUNKET HELPLINE -0800 933 922 (24 hours) PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE: Gloria Reid Ph: 094327634 RETURNED AND SERVICES ASSN 733 Settlement Rd. Hakaru Ph.4312176 Bill Kerr (President) Ph.4314719 CHURCHES: *Kaiwaka Family Church - Your Community Church: Sundays 10am & 6pm. Youth Service Mondays 6-8pm. Ph: Tawhiri 4312571 or Paul 4312068 *St Paul's Anglican Church 1st Sun. 9.30 am (Eucharist), 3rd Sun. 9.30 am (Family Service). Contacts: Church Office 09 431 4122; M. Hargreaves 431 2295; C. Bygrave 431 2057 *Church of Christ the King, Mangawhai:9.30am every Sunday *St.Mary’s Catholic Church: Maungaturoto – Griffins Road, Saturday evening Vigil Mass 6pm; Mangawhai – Senior Citizens Hall, Sunday Mass 8:30am; Wellsford – Matheson Road, Sunday Mass 10:30am; Midweek Mass times and all enquires to Fr. Bill Fletcher – phone 423 8170 *Baptist Church: Sun. 10.30am Mangawhai Snr Cit.Hall.Ph:4312339 *Cause Way Church Mangawhai: Sundays 10.15am, Mangawhai Community Recreation Centre, Insley St. Ph: 09 4314782 www.causewaychurch.org.nz *St.Pauls Archie Bull Hall HIRE $20 half day, $40 full day per hire TAITOKERAU COMMUNITY LAW: Free confidential legal advice and Contact R. Morgans, Ph 4312365 assistance, 2ndThursday of each month. Ph: 0800 155 529 for *Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall HlRE - Phone 4312725 or Email appointments. kaiwaka.hall.bookings@gmail.com *Hakaru Community Hall HIRE -Ph. 4312256 or 4312110 TE KOROWAI AROHA O NGATIWHATUA Ph: 4312675 *Te Pounga Marae queries -A.Gage 4312528, 4312527 (The Cloak of Love of Ngatiwhatua) Support and Maori Consultancy. *Kaiwaka Sports Association hire/queries - C. Anderson 4312051 or Email kaiwakasports@gmail.com VETERINARY SERVICE MANGAWHAI: Ph: 4314535 Mon-Fri 8.00-5.00, Sat 9-12, a/h appt. Justice of Peace: B.FJaques; L.Donaldson; A.F.Hargreaves, S.Dalziell, W.Howard - please phone to make sure they are available WELLSFORD DOCTORS: Ph: 4238 086 www.justiceofthepeace.org.nz WOMEN’S WELFARE LEAGUE & Reaching Out For Youth: Marriage Celebrants: L.Donaldson; A.F.Hargreaves; C.Rosseels 4 Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Rd, M Morgan 4312293 Next Bugle Deadline midday Friday 5 June 2015 www.kaiwaka.co.nz Kaiwaka Bugle - 26 May 2015 Bonus page - online edition only Page 21
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