Savills Research Western Australia Spotlight Perth Industrial April 2015 Highlights A total of 144,926 square metres of industrial space was reported leased in the 12 months to March 2015 Approximately $354 million of industrial property was reported sold over the year As values retreat demand from investors and owner occupiers is expected to increase Core land values range from $400 to $550 per square metre for parcels up to 5,000 square metres A large amount of forecast new supply will likely lead to softening conditions in industrial capital and leasing markets over the next 12 to 18 months Forthcoming peaks in lease expiries may lead to an increase in leasing activity as firms look to take advantage of lower pricing Prime rents in Perth’s core precinct range from $90 to $115 per square metre Savills Research Savills Research | Perth Industrial April 2015 Savills West Australia Team Research Managing Director National Head Tony Crabb +61 (0) 3 8686 8012 Managing Director Paul Craig +61 (0) 8 9488 4156 Sales & Leasing Property Management Divisional Director James Condon +61 (0) 8 9488 4169 Divisional Director Jason Ridge +61 (0) 8 9488 4118 Valuation & Consultancy Project Management Divisional Director Mark Foster-Key +61 (0) 8 9488 4145 General Manager Graham Nash +61 (0) 8 6271 0306 Savills West Australia Level 27, 108 St Georges Terrace Perth, WA 6000 Australia +61 (0) 8 9488 4111 2 Savills Research | Perth Industrial April 2015 Introduction Perth is the capital of Australia’s mining industry. Industrial users range from domestic service industries such as mechanics and smash repairers to local and national distribution facilities and manufacturing plants. Some of these industrial occupiers are replicated in all capital cities of Australia. The unique factor in the Perth industrial market is the scale, size and number of mining services occupiers. Aside from being the centre of the mining industry in the country there are other discriminating factors about Perth and industry. Most importantly, industrial land is effectively controlled through a systematic release program by the State Government through the Department of State Development and its instrumentality, LandCorp. The industrial land management strategy is governed by an overarching strategy known as the Economic and Employment Lands Strategy. The strategy monitors need and demand for industrial land in order to maintain an appropriate supply pipeline. The top sale in the past 12 months was the $50.35m sale of 22 Geddes St in Balcatta Savills Research Throughout this document the Perth industrial market will be referred to in four main precincts being the Core, North, East and South. The main suburbs within these precincts are tabulated below. Precinct Suburbs Core Belmont, Canning Vale, Kewdale, Osborne Park, Welshpool, Jandakot Airport, Perth Airport North Balcatta, Joondalup, Malaga, Neerabup, Wangara, Landsdale, Bullsbrook East Armadale, Forrestdale, Forrestfield, Maddington, Hazelmere, Bayswater, Bassendean, South Guildford South Bibra Lake, Henderson, Jandakot, Kwinana, Myaree, Naval Base, O’Connor, Rockingham, Latitude 32 Source: Savills Research Infrastructure Whilst Western Australia’s economy has contracted in reaction to the slowing of the recent mining investment boom it remains strong when viewed against the economy nationally. Regional and metropolitan infrastructure development in Western Australia is continuing to support this. Within metropolitan Perth, a number of key projects are also active, such as the Perth Airport Redevelopment project, the Perth City Link project and the Elizabeth Quay project. These projects aim to support future population growth and development of the city. Another significant infrastructure project in the pipeline is the proposed Perth-Darwin Highway. Once this project goes ahead it will open up a new industrial precinct through the Bullsbrook area, which is likely to be favoured by transport and logistics companies. The other infrastructure project significant to the industrial sector is the $1 billion Gateway WA Perth Airport and Freight Access Project, currently under construction and due for completion in 2017. 3 Savills Research | Perth Industrial April 2015 Leasing Activity The total level of vacant space in the industrial sector has been increasing over the past 12 months. The weak level of tenant enquiry is likely related to the slowing of the resources sector as is the availability of secondary space, directly affecting the space needs of a number of industrial companies. in Perth in the 12 months to March 2015. This is down on the year prior (303,283 square metres) and down on the five year average (385,474 square metres). The number of leases transacted in the 12 months to March 2015 totalled 31. By comparison the 12 months to March 2014 recorded a total of 78 reported leases. Savills identified approximately 144,926 square metres of industrial accommodation leased 'Direct' leases accounted for the majority of reported industrial transactions over the period; 81,026 square metres or 56 percent. The ‘Transport and Logistics’ industry leased the most industrial accommodation, taking 50,252 square metres or 35 percent of reported leasing activity. The select major leasing deals recorded over the last twelve months are displayed in the table below. Select Perth Industrial Leases to March 2015 Date Property GLA (sq m) Rent ($/sq m) Sep-14 17-21 Fargo Way, Welshpool 5,350 119 Jolly and Sons Oct-14 6/290 Brand Hwy, Muchea 1,960 92 Lampson Australia Oct-14 5 Abbott Rd, Perth Airport 5,633 125 Recall Feb-15 Excellence Dve, Wangara 3,324 na Undisclosed Mar-15 159 Bushland Ridge, Bibra Lake 4,700 122 Undisclosed Source: Savills Research Tenant na = not currently available Select Perth Industrial Pre-Commitment Leases to March 2015 Rent Date Property GLA (sq m) ($/sq m) Dec-14 4 Spartan Rd, Jandakot Airport 26,200 na Reece Australia Jan-15 Pilatus Rd, Jandakot Airport 11,200 115 Schlumberger Feb-15 Vale Rd, Hazelmere 20,000 na Mainfreight Feb-15 Vale Rd, Hazelmere na na CEVA Logistics Source: Savills Research Tenant na = not currently available 4 Savills Research | Perth Industrial April 2015 Perth Industrial Metropolitan Leases by Lease Type (sq m) Mar-05 to Mar-15 500,000 450,000 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 - Direct Precommit Source: Savills Research Perth Industrial Metropolitan Leases by Lease Size (sq m) Mar-07 to Mar-15 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 - < 2,000 2,000 - 5,000 5,000 - 10,000 10,000 - 15,000 > 15,000 Source: Savills Research 5 Savills Research | Perth Industrial April 2015 Leases in the ‘Core’ accounted for the majority of industrial stock reported leased in the 12 months to March 2015 which recorded total leasing activity (excluding pre-commitments) of 48,697 square metres or 60 percent. The ‘Core’ also reported the most number of leasing deals totalling 14. Of the 144,926 square metres of stock that was reported leased in the 12 months to March 2015, 63,900 square metres was precommitted to new buildings. Prime industrial rents as at March 2015 typically range from $85 to $110 per square metre per annum net for industrial buildings in the North, and between $75 and $100 per square metre per annum net for industrial buildings in the South. The average rent in the North is $95 per square metre per annum net, a 5 percent fall over the year. Secondary industrial rents over the period typically range from $65 to $90 per square metre per annum net for industrial buildings in the North, and between $60 and $85 per square metre per annum net for industrial buildings in the South. The average rent in the North is $78 per square metre per annum net, an 9 percent fall over the year. Prime rents in the North range from $85 to $110 per square metre Savills Research Looking forward it is likely that the industrial leasing market will soften further as firms continue to display caution and as more supply is made available to the market. Perth Industrial Average Prime Net Face Rents by Precinct ($/sq m) Mar-06 to Mar-15 $140 $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 Perth Core Source: Savills Research North South East 6 Savills Research | Perth Industrial April 2015 Sales Activity The industrial property sales market was affected (like all property markets) by the Global Financial Crisis. It subsequently picked up in response to the state’s mining boom. As the influence of the resources sector softens and a number of projects move from the ‘construction’ to ‘production’ phases of their lifecycle, industrial sales activity has come off accordingly. Savills recorded approximately $354 million worth of reported industrial property transactions in the 12 months to March 2015, down from $670 million in the previous year, and down on the five year average ($610 million). In the 12 months to March 2015, 53 properties were sold, down from the previous 12 months total of 143, and down on the five year average of 131. Average prime capital values in the Core decreased by 5% over the past year Savills Research Perth Industrial Metropolitan Industrial Sales ($m and number) (>$1m) Mar-06 to Mar-15 250 $1,000 $900 200 $800 $700 150 $600 $500 100 $400 $300 50 $200 $100 0 $0 Sales >$1m (LHS) Sales No (RHS) Source: Savills Research Prime industrial capital values as at March 2015 are estimated to range from $950 to $1,500 per square metre for buildings in the North, and between $800 and $1,350 per square metre for buildings in the South. Average prime capital values for properties in the North were largely unchanged over the year. Secondary industrial capital values as at March 2015 are estimated to range from $700 to $1,200 per square metre for buildings in the North, and between $600 and $1,000 per square metre for buildings in the South. Average secondary capital values for properties in the North fell approximately 5 percent over the year. Industrial land values have softened in all sectors in the 12 months to March 2015; these prices are expected to remain relatively unchanged over the rest of 2015. Perth Industrial Land Values ($/sq m) March 2015 Precinct Small <5,000 Medium 10-50,000 Large 100,000+ Englobo Core 400 - 550 350 - 450 250 - 350 na North 300 - 525 100 - 450 50 - 350 na South 175 - 525 150 - 350 100 - 225` 55 - 80 East 180 - 500 140 - 325 85 - 275 40 - 85 Source: Savills Research 7 Savills Research | Perth Industrial April 2015 In the 12 months to March 2015, approximately 58 percent of the total value of industrial properties reported transacted in Perth were valued in the range $1-$10m. Over the same period $107 million worth of reported transactions occurred in each of the ‘North’, ‘South’ and ‘Core’ precincts, accounting for 91 percent of the industrial sales. In the year prior, the ‘Core’ recorded the highest value of transactions, worth $224 million. The 'Trust' purchaser category was the most active in the investment market for the year ended March 2015, purchasing 37 percent or $128 million of stock reported sold, followed closely by ‘Private Investors’ at 20 percent ($69 million). Perth Industrial Metropolitan Industrial Sales Buyer Profile (%) (>$1m) 12 months to Mar-15 Private Investor 20% Fund 5% Developer 4% Syndicate 6% Owner Occupier 13% Trust 37% Undisclosed 15% Source: Savills Research Prime industrial yields as at March 2015 are estimated to range between 7.25% and 8.75% in the North, and between 7.50% and 9.00% in the South. The average yield for investment properties in the North in the quarter to March 2015 is 8.00%, a fall of 38 bps over the year. Secondary industrial yields as at March 2015 are estimated to range between 7.50% and 9.25% in the North, and between 8.00% and 10.00% in the South. The average yield for investment properties in the North in the quarter to March 2015 is 8.38%, also showing a fall of 25 bps over the year. Select Perth Industrial Investment Sales to March 2015 Date Property Price ($m) GLA (sq m) $/sq m Yield (%) Sep-14 2 Jones St, O’Connor 7.80 2,841 2,746 8.20 Nov-14 14 Juna Drive, Malaga 1.59 926 1,717 7.13 Nov-14 4 Uppill Place, Wangara 1.38 830 1,657 5.82 Dec-14 239 Planet St, Welshpool 29.88 17,530 1,704 8.00 Jan-15 74 McCoy St, Myaree 11.50 3,608 3,187 7.25 Feb-15 1000 Abernethy Rd, Forrestfield 25.00 7,500 3,333 7.20 Feb-15 44-50 Great Northern Hwy, South Guildford 6.50 3,005 2,163 8.20 Source: Savills Research 8 Savills Research | Perth Industrial April 2015 Select Perth Industrial Vacant Possession Sales to March 2015 Date Property Price ($m) GLA (sq m) $/sq m Jul-14 99 Inspiration Dr, Wangara 4.53 3,018 1,499 Jul-14 159 Abernethy Rd, Belmont 3.05 1,994 1,530 Aug-14 329 Victoria Rd, Malaga 2.50 2,012 1,243 Oct-14 23 Jackson St, Bassendean 2.20 2,254 976 Price ($m) Area (sq m) $/sq m Source: Savills Research Select Perth Industrial Land Sales to March 2015 Date Property Sep-14 111 Warren Rd, Bullsbrook 8.00 212,600 38 Oct-14 37 Lakes Rd, Hazelmere 19.00 67,100 283 Jan-15 13 Merino Entrance, Cockburn 3.47 3,664 946 Source: Savills Research Key Market Indicators - March 2015 Core Prime Secondary Low High Low High 90 115 65 95 Yield - Market (%) 7.00 7.75 7.50 9.25 IRR (%) 9.00 10.00 9.25 10.50 20 35 15 25 1,100 1,600 700 1,200 Rental Net Face ($/sq m) Outgoings - Total ($/sq m) Capital Values ($/sq m) Land Values 3,000 - 5,000 sq m ($/sq m) 400-550 Source: Savills Research North Prime Secondary Low High Low High 85 105 65 90 Yield - Market (%) 7.25 8.50 7.50 9.25 IRR (%) 9.00 10.00 9.50 10.50 Outgoings - Total ($/sq m) 16 30 15 25 Capital Values ($/sq m) 950 1,500 700 1,200 Rental Net Face ($/sq m) Land Values 3,000 - 5,000 sq m ($/sq m) 300-525 Source: Savills Research South Prime Secondary Low High Low High 75 100 60 85 Yield - Market (%) 7.50 9.00 8.00 10.00 IRR (%) 9.25 10.50 10.00 11.25 Outgoings - Total ($/sq m) 16 30 15 25 Capital Values ($/sq m) 800 1,350 600 1,000 Rental Net Face ($/sq m) Land Values 3,000 - 5,000 sq m ($/sq m) 175-525 Source: Savills Research 9 Savills Research | Perth Industrial April 2015 East Prime Secondary Low High Low High 75 105 60 90 Yield - Market (%) 7.50 9.00 8.00 9.75 IRR (%) 9.50 11.00 10.00 11.25 Outgoings - Total ($/sq m) 16 30 15 25 Capital Values ($/sq m) 850 1,400 600 1,100 Rental Net Face ($/sq m) Land Values 3,000 - 5,000 sq m ($/sq m) 180-500 Source: Savills Research Outlook The total amount of available industrial stock in the Perth metropolitan region has continued on its upward trajectory over 2014. This has led to further increases in vacancy levels, falling face rents and rising incentives; with the level of deals being done being at the lowest level seen over the past decade. Despite this subdued leasing market Savills expect the level of enquiry to pick up over the coming years, due to a significant number of leases reaching expiration over the period. Tenants may choose to take advantage of the comparatively lower rents and higher incentives to upgrade their current industrial accommodation. Sales levels in the 12 months to March 2015 were at the lowest level seen in the post-GFC environment; however the shortage of larger-sized, well located industrial lots seem to indicate that demand for this asset class is likely to outpace supply. Some relief to this limited space may come from larger scale developments in areas such as Perth Airport and Jandakot Airport, as well as in less central locations such as Hazelmere and Forrestfield to the East and Neerabup and Bullsbrook to the North; Bullsbrook is beginning to emerge as a future industrial hotspot, especially for large transportation and logistics firms. Leasing and sales enquiries for prime quality properties with warehouses, excess lay down areas and/or gantry cranes installed are likely to continue to be relatively strong, while secondary grade properties in fringe locations are more likely to continue to struggle to generate interest. 10 Savills Research | Perth Industrial April 2015 Savills West Australia Team Our highly regarded research divisions are dedicated to understanding and giving indepth insight into the commercial, industrial & retail markets throughout Australia. We also provide in-depth consultancy services, ranging from tenant representation to property site selection for multinational businesses. Our research teams are highly qualified real estate professionals with comprehensive knowledge of property markets across Australia. The Savills Research & Consultancy team has years of experience, and supported by our extensive agency, property management and valuation professionals, are highly regarded and respected along with Savills Research teams across the globe. For our latest reports, contact one of the team or visit National Head of Research Tony Crabb +61 (0) 3 8686 8012 Savills provide free research reports on all major property markets, and some example papers include: Office Markets Retail Markets Residential Trends Industrial Markets International Markets Download the Savills iPad App for insights at your fingertips This information is general information only and is subject to change without notice. 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