Residential Development Opportunity Itchington Limeworks ITCHINGTON LIMEWORKS Itchington, Near Thornbury BS35 3TQ SITE PLAN Freehold ITCHINGTON LIME WORKS LOCATION PLAN Tr ac k Freemans Farm Itchington Rachels Cottage ill Farm Millards 59.1m Manor Farm NOTE - Published for the purposes of identification only and although believed to be correct its accuracy is not guaranteed. Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office © Crown copyright licence number 100024244 Savills (UK) Limited. 0m NOTE - Published for the purposes of identification only and although believed to be correct its accuracy is not guaranteed. Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office © Crown copyright licence number 100024244 Savills (UK) Limited. ■■ Full planning permission for 18 dwellings in an attractive rural setting 25m 50m 75m ■■ Site measuring 0.768 hectares (1.897 acres) Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:2040 ■■ Thornbury 5.3 km (3.3m), Yate 8.8 km (5.5m), Bristol 17.9km (11.1m) ■■ Freehold with Vacant Possession ■■ Deadline for Offers: Midday 28th November 2014 Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:38023 Location The site is located on the northern edge of the village of Itchington, a small, attractive rural settlement in South Gloucestershire. The village includes working farms with a mixture of traditional farm buildings, small holdings and cottages. Bristol is located approximately 17.9km (11.1m) to the south and Gloucester is 38.6km (24 m) to the north. The local centres of Thornbury and Yate are 5.3 km (3.3m) and 8.8km (5.5m) away respectively and provide for a range of local services. Bristol Parkway is located 9.5km (5.9 m) south of the property with regular services to London and South Wales as well as cross country rail services. The site is accessed by an unnamed road from the adjacent Itchington Road, coloured yellow on the plan overleaf. The Vendor has confirmed that legal agreements are in place with adjoining landowners for the enhancement of the road and services to allow for the development of the site. Further legal information is available on the Data Room. Description The site measures 0.768 hectares (1.897 acres) and is positioned in a rural setting with views over open countryside to the north, south and east. It is irregular in shape and rises gradually from the south west to the north east. The Vendor confirms that some works to introduce a vehicular access and drainage facility to the site have been completed, further details are available on the Data Room Planning This site is located within the jurisdiction of South Gloucestershire Council and benefits from planning permission ref: PT02/3497/F for ‘the erection of 18 dwellings, alterations to the existing access road and associated works’. This permission was granted at appeal in June 2004. An initial Section 106 agreement was signed on 23rd March 2004 and a revision to this agreement was signed on 26th May 2010 to vary the payment structure of education, open space and library contributions. The Section 106 agreement highlights that 5 “key worker” dwellings must be provided. The planning permission provides for a mix of dwellings including 1 one bed apartment, 2 two bed apartments, 5 two bed houses, 3 three bed houses, 5 four bed houses and 2 five bed houses. The Vendor confirms that a material start on site has been made to implement the 2004 planning consent and all precommencement conditions have been discharged. Further planning information is included in the Data Room detailed below. Tenure making no reference to any other offer ■■ Proposed timescale for exchange and completion ■■ Confirmation of board approval ■■ Proof of funding ■■ Solicitors details Data Room Further information on the property is available at This contains the following items: ■■ Site and Location Plan ■■ Planning permission and S106 ■■ Other supporting technical information Viewing Potential bidders should note that this site is secure and viewing should be by prior appointment only. Please contact Elgan Jones on 0117 910 0323 to arrange an appointment. Subject to contract. The Freehold interest of the site, Title Number GR 218719, is offered for sale with Vacant Possession. VAT VAT will not be charged on the disposal of the property. Method of Sale The site is sold by Informal Tender and Unconditional offers are invited for the Freehold interest. The Vendor is not obliged to accept the highest or any offers. Offers should be submitted on the Submission Document held at the Data Room to include the following information: ■■ Financial offer for a precise amount NOTE - Published for the purposes of identification only and although believed to be correct its accuracy is not guaranteed. Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office © Crown Important Notice Savills, their clients and any joint agents give notice that: 1. They have no authority to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact. 2. Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents and Savills have not tested any services, equipment or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise. Savills Embassy House Queens Avenue Bristol BS8 1SB Elgan Jones +44 (0) 1179 100 323 +44 (0) 7967 555 559 Julian Harbottle +44 (0) 1179 910 323 +44 (0) 7812 965 314
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