Extreme Adventures Flyer

program is
for youth
10-16 years
of age.
Community Services Department | 10008 100 Ave. Peace River, AB |
Ph: 780.624.1000
Registration Night: June 4th, 2015, 6:30-7:15pm, Al Adair Rec Centre (Gym)
Frequently Asked Questions
Can we register for the program before the Registration Night?
 No. Having registration start on one evening, at a fully accessible
location ensures that all parents have an even opportunity to register on
a first come, first serve basis. Parents that cannot attend on that
evening can send someone in their place to register the child for them,
as long as they have payment on hand along with all of the required
completed registration forms.
Facebook: Town of Peace River (Official)
Twitter: @TOPROfficial
Extreme Adventures Registration Process
Do you take Drop-Ins?
1. Fill in registration forms/waivers.
2. Have cheques on hand.
 Extreme Adventures does NOT have a drop-in option.
3. Line up at adventure tables of your choice.
Can I send a different person to pick my child up after the
Start with you favorites.
program is finished?
4. Keep receipt with you as you go to each
 Yes, as long as our staff is notified at the start of the day who that
5. Stop at payment table once you are done
person will be. Staff will request proof of identification before releasing
registering for your adventures. GST included
your child to this person.
in price.
Registration forms are available online at
Can our child bring their cell phone to the program?
www.peaceriver.ca. Under forms/publications
 Yes. Children may bring along their phones for the purpose of calling for
or at the community services office 10008
rides or for emergency. Their phones must otherwise stay in their bags 100Ave, upstairs in the Town Office.
at all times. For the safety of all participants playing games or texting
Spots in registered adventures are not
during an activity is not permitted. Town of Peace River is not
confirmed until payment has been received
in full.
responsible for lost or stolen items.
What if we are late for our Extreme Adventure activity?
 Any bus trips will not be held to wait for latecomers. All departure times
will be strictly adhered to. Please ensure that your child is on time for
their adventure as you will not receive a refund for a missed adventure.
If we missed our adventure day, can we bring our child to a similar
program on a different day to make up for it?
 Perhaps. If there is room left on an alternate date, you might be able to
register again for that day but you would still be expected to pay the fee
for the original date as well. Unless you missed your original date due to
illness, then a doctor’s note would be required to qualify for
reimbursement or waiving of fees.
What kind of snacks do we send with our child?
 Peanut free, healthy snacks are recommended. Each child must also
bring along a water bottle to rehydrate themselves throughout the day.
What should my child wear to Extreme Adventures?
 We recommend that participants come wearing sun block, a hat,
running shoes and comfortable clothing that suits the weather and
activity for that day. Flip Flops are not recommended.
Who do I call in an emergency? Cell phone - (780-219-2411)
 The Extreme Adventures Coordinator’s work phone is meant to suit
this purpose. You can also call our general information line at
780-624-1000, for general information, pick up/drop off info, etc.
General Program Behavior Policy
Extreme Adventures is here to provide a safe,
inexpensive and fun way for youth to enjoy the summer.
We maintain a strict policy against any displays of
violence, bullying, unsafe conduct and foul language.
Staff will evaluate the circumstances and take appropriate
disciplinary action when required.
The discipline format we will be using is:
· 1st incident – Verbal Warning
· 2nd incident – “Chill Out” Time and Parent is notified
· 3rd incident – Discussion with Parents
In a strong effort to make our programming enjoyable for
everyone, children who require one-on-one supervision,
children who do not follow the rules of the program and are
repetitively disruptive or a danger to others may be
withdrawn from the program. Final withdrawal decisions lie
with the Community Programs Coordinator, Town of Peace
River. Removal will result if the behaviour is not resolved
after the 3rd incident. Coordinators will keep detailed notes
on any questionable behaviour for documentation
Parents/Guardians will be charged a $5.00 fee for every
10 minutes they are late picking up their ward. Children
will not be permitted to participate further in the
program until the late fee is paid.
Our programs are recreational in nature and
are not to be considered childcare. As such,
Why is busing not offered for certain activities?
our staff are not responsible for handling high
 After reviewing the budget it became clear that busing was quite costly. behavioural needs. If necessary the parent or
So instead, we put our funding towards offering more activities for youth guardian may be asked to accompany their
child on certain activities. Please note that
and offer transportation to those activities that were the furthest
adventures may be cancelled with short
distance from Peace River.
notice or may change a bit in format. Parents
will be notified by phone, and sandwich signs
at the Drop Off point will be posted with new
information should any last minute changes
**Activities and fees are subject to change without notice.**
Monday July 6th
Learn to Box with Shamrock Shamrock Boxing Club
10009 100 Ave.
Shamrock Boxing Club
10009 100 Ave.
Tuesday July 7th
Swimming and outdoor
Peace Regional Pool
7201 98 St.
Peace Regional Pool
7201 98 St.
Wednesday July 8th
Horseback Riding #1 with
Horse Trekking Adventures
Centennial Parking Lot
(Behind Dominos)
12:00 (NOON)
Centennial Parking Lot
(Behind Dominos)
Friday July 10th
Raft the Peace River with
Peace River Cabins and
Shaftesbury Ferry on
Shaftesbury Trail
Strong Creek on
Shaftesbury Trail
Monday July 13th &
Tuesday July 14th
Camp Artaban
Camp Artaban
July 13th @ 4:30pm
Camp Artaban
Juky 14 @ 12:00
Wednesday July 15th Paintball #1 with Tag Paintball
Tag Paintball
Weberville Road
12:00 (NOON)
Tag Paintball
Weberville Road
Friday July 17th
Test your fears and endurance with Survivor/Fear
Factor day
Kinsmen Park
94th St.
Kinsmen Park
94th St.
Monday July 20th
Glass Fusion craft with
Centennial Parking Lot
Berywn 50th Ave. Workshop (Behind Dominos)
Centennial Parking Lot
(Behind Dominos)
Tuesday July 21st
Horseback Riding #2 with
Horse Trekking Adventures
Centennial Parking Lot
12:00 (NOON)
Centennial Parking Lot
Wednesday July
Painting Workshop
Riverfront Park
100 Ave.
Riverfront Park
100 Ave.
Tuesday July 28th
Paintball #2 with Tag Paintball
Tag Paintball
12:00 (NOON)
Tag Paintball
Wednesday July 29th Northbase Ranch/Hike/Craft Northbase Ranch
Kaufmann Hill
Northbase Ranch
Kaufmann Hill
Tuesday August 4th
Photography Workshop
Riverfront Park
Riverfront Park
Wednesday August
Horseback Riding #3 with
Horse Trekking Adventures
Centennial Parking Lot
12:00 (NOON)
Centennial Parking Lot
Friday August 7th
Dog Training/Dog Safety
with Kristmatic K9 Training
and Kennels
Kinsmen Park
94th St.
12:00 (NOON)
Kinsmen Park
94th St.
Monday August 10th
Mountain Biking in the hills
of Peace River
Ski Hill Chalet
10408 89 St.
10001 80 St.
Tuesday August 11th Swimming and outdoor
Peace Regional Pool
Peace Regional Pool
Wednesday August
Paintball #3 with Tag Paintball
Tag Paintball
12:00 (NOON)
Tag Paintball
Monday August 17th
Raft the Peace River with
Peace River Cabins and
Shaftesbury Ferry
Strong Creek
Tuesday August 18th Spend the afternoon tuning
up your golf skills.
Mighty Peace Golf Club Mighty Peace Golf Club
Thursday August
Peace Regional Pool
Pizza Party/Swimming
Adventure Cancellation Policy
If the weather in unsuitable the day of an adventure we will
notify parents by phone before 10am the day of that
adventure. If possible the event will be rescheduled for
an alternate date. If the Community Services Department
cancels an adventure, registered participants will be
refunded the cost of the canceled adventure.
Peace Regional Pool
Contact Information for Extreme Adventures 2015
Program Coordinator: Joy
Phone: 780-624-1000
Cell: 780-219-2411
Email: extremeadventures@peaceriver.ca