ORDER OF WORSHIP May 24, 2015 10 AM Prayer of Confession Pentecost ENTER INTO HIS PRESENCE: GOD AWAITS US! Offering: Assurance of Pardon Romans 8: 1 – 2, 11 Call to Holy Living Galatians 5: 22 – 23 Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest Prelude: arr. Hal Hopson Prelude: Ministry/ Christian Education and Special Mission Funds Offertory: Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart arr. John Carter *All Sing: Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God Lift Up Your Hearts 746 [Please pass the Fellowship Pads] by K. Getty and S. Townend OPENING HIS WORD: GOD SPEAKS TO US! [Children and parents come forward during last Leader: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Opening Scripture based on Acts 2: 1 – 22 stanza of this song for Children’s blessing] All Sing: Spirit of the Living God Psalter Hymnal 424 Children’s Worship Blessing Scripture: John 4: 1 – 24 (p. 1112) Opening Prayer Leader: *All Sing: Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid Lift Up Your Hearts 523 People: This is the Word of the Lord. these children? People: Thanks be to God. May the Lord be with you as you Children: And also with you. *God’s Greeting People: *Greet One Another Salvation Belongs to Our God Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading Lift Up Your Hearts 320: 1-3, 5 HUMBLE OURSELVES BEFORE HIM: GOD ACCEPTS US! Call to Confession based on Psalm 139: 23 – 24 Sermon: Worship in Spirit and Truth Prayer May the word of the Lord grow in your hearts. Lift Up Your Hearts 608 *All Sing: Minister: learn of Jesus and his love. *Welcome *All Sing: People of God, what is our prayer for *All Sing: Descend, O Holy Spirit Celebration Hymnal 395 Children: Thanks be to God. People: Go in peace. [Children ages three through Grade 1 dismissed for Praise and Play, & Children and Worship] Descend, O Holy Spirit, descend on us we pray; and bless us with Your presence, renewed in us today. A fervent intercessor before the Father’s throne; Your gentle supplications make our Concerns of our Church Family petitions known. Congregational Prayer Descend, O Holy Spirit, let healing water flow OFFER OUR THANKSGIVING: GOD BLESSES US! to comfort those in mourning, a solace to the soul; A fountain in the desert, the water of Organist Annelle Dekker Your Word, anointed with your power, the Sanctuary Choir Doug De Vries sweetest message heard. Plymouth Brass Ryan Gilbert, Ethan Lonsway William Van Zytveld Descend, O Holy Spirit, descend in tongues of Plymouth Band Calvin VanZytveld fire, and fill us with great power; Your will is our desire. O make our hearts an altar, Pianist consumed by holy flame, to draw the soul held Readers Descend, O Holy Spirit, as rushing, mighty wind; We stand in adoration; O Spirit, now descend. O cleanse us by Your power, our weakened faith renew; Commission us for service to lead the lost to You. GO BOLDLY AND SERVE: GOD IS ALWAYS WITH US! *Invitation *God’s Parting Blessing *All Sing: Amen. Gift of Christ from God Our Father Sing! A New Creation 167: 1 – 2 *Postlude: Come Down, O Love Divine by R. Vaughan Williams (*stand, if you are able) Minister Hayley Shin Andrea Lautenbach, Huds Nyenhuis Mary Van Wingerden, Tom Van Wingerden captive to faith in Jesus’ name. People: David Exxo, Michelle Holwerda, Rev. David Bast YOUTH AND EDUCATION ANNOUNCEMENTS WORSHIP Sunday May 24, 2015 Good morning and welcome to worship at Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church! This morning we celebrate Pentecost. Rev. Bast will preach from John 4:1-24, Worship in Spirit and Truth. Our evening service is a combined service and will be at Fuller CRC at 6:00pm. Discovery Hour and Inklings Sunday School are finished until the Fall. Have a great summer! Lifeline End of the Year Party! Lifeline will be meeting at Matt and Megan's house TONIGHT at 5:30pm. Their address is 5665 Juanita Dr SE in Kentwood. Come and celebrate with dinner, games and time to relax before the end of the school year. Next week Sunday is Trinity Sunday. We will also install our new deacons and elders and Pastor Sarah will be preaching about spiritual gifts. In the evening Dr. John Bolt will preach from Romans 8:8-17 and focus on the Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 53, “What do you believe concerning the Holy Spirit?” CONGREGATIONAL LIFE At Pentecost we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit, poured out to dwell within all Christians. The fiery colors in these banners bring our imaginations to the tongues of fire at Pentecost. The white panel in each banner is a stylized representation of the descending dove. The red and gold cords point to Christ’s royal and divine presence with us and remind us that, as Isaiah 53:5 says, “by his stripes we are healed.” The nine different fabrics used to create these banners reflect the fruit of the Spirit. The banners are similar yet each is unique, just as each of us is united through the same Holy Spirit but uniquely manifests the gifts the Spirit distributed to the Church. The congregation is invited to Calvin VanZytveld’s senior cello recital on Thursday, May 28, 7:30pm at St. Cecilia Music Center. The program will include favorite cello solos, a new string quintet by William VanZytveld, and the “Doxology” trio movement by Mendelssohn. TITHING OPPORTUNITIES Church Picnic Ball Game: We are looking for players for the ball game after dinner at the church picnic. Men and women from high school and older are invited to sign up at the Welcome Center. Any questions call Deb Hall at 450-4274. Bassinet Blessings: To help welcome Abigail Grace James to our church family, we have the opportunity to give a small wrapped anonymous gift to her and her family. A bassinet will be out through June 14 to collect your gifts. Blessings abound! Church Picnic: Is Saturday, June 6, at Palmer Park in Wyoming. A sign-up sheet is at the Welcome Center. The last Sunday to sign up at church is May 31st. You can sign-up by email or call Deb Hall at debhall012@gmail.com or 450-4274 until the Wednesday before the picnic. Colorado Challenge Bowling Fundraiser! Please join us on Tuesday, June 9 at Park Center Lanes (2222 28th St) for a fun night of bowling and pizza! The event starts at 6 pm; bowling starts at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $20 per person and include 3 games of bowling, shoe rental, pizza and pop. Children 5-17 are $15 and children 4 and under are free. Buy 4 tickets and get the 5th free! Bring your family and friends and support the Colorado Challenge team as they raise money for their trip this summer. Colorado Challenge Prayer Partners Needed! Are you willing to be a prayer partner for someone on our CO Challenge Team? We are looking for 9 more people to support the group going to Colorado this summer. If you are interested or would like more details, please talk with Megan or sign up at the Welcome Center. Plymouth Heights Family Weekend: Sign up today at the Welcome Center for the weekend of September 25-27. We will stay at the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds near Grand Haven. There are eleven beautiful 3-bedroom cottages available right next to the camping area so you can camp or stay in a cottage. The past two years have been very enjoyable! Plan to join the fun again this year for the whole weekend or for just Saturday activities and potluck on September 26. Visit the website, www.crcg.org, to learn more. OUTSIDE ANNOUNCEMENT May 24, 2015 AM: May 31, 2015 AM: May 31, 2015 PM: Ministry/Christian Education & Special Mission Funds Ministry/Christian Education Funds World Missions Online Giving available at phcrc.org. Movie Night at Mulick: The community is hosting a movie night at Mulick Park this Friday, May 29. The movie starts around 8:45pm or when it is dark enough; come early at 8pm to set up your blankets and lawn chairs, for soccer, face painting and the bounce house. Free popcorn and drinks are provided. June 13 - 18, starting on Saturday in Benton Harbor, ROC (Restore Our Cities Ministry) Michigan bicycle tour will cross the lower half of this great state and end on Thursday, the 18th in Detroit. This is the second annual fundraising and awareness raising bike tour for smaller non profits that benefit the community development of cities in Michigan through our CRC and Reformed Church. The host organization is Great Lakes Urban. We are looking for riders, sponsors, and volunteers to help make this year's ride memorable! Please sign up and /or ask questions at the table in the Community Room after the morning church service. Please call or email with questions to: Alice: 616-498-2108, ahgeelhoed@gmail.com or Joe: 616-262-5387, jlgeelhoed@hotmail.com. Do you have spare perennials, vegetable plants, or other edibles for neighbors to adopt? Oakdale Neighbors needs plants for our Adopt-a-Plant event on Thursday and Friday, June 11 and 12. It’s part of our Community Yard Sale (and the Second Best Sale at Oakdale Park CRC). Oakdale Neighbors is a Christian community development nonprofit organization. Our greening/gardening team supports a community garden at Oakdale Gardens Park and other “green” projects. Your plant donations will help neighbors grow food and beautify the neighborhood. Please put plants in pots. Label them with plant name and preference for sun, part sun, or shade. Drop them off now through 3 pm, Wednesday, June 10, at the ON office parking lot, 1260 Kalamazoo Ave SE; phone 248-2848. Feel free to adopt new plants at our event, June 11-12, in the west parking lot of Oakdale Park CRC, 961 Temple St SE. Sunday May 24, 2015 Sunday May 31, 2015 10:00AM 10:00AM Morning Worship Service Ushers: Larry Tilma, Jeff Peterson, James Vazquez, Lori Tilma Ushers: Deacons Prayer Servants: Dennis & Kathy Sikkema Prayer Servants: Fae Diepstra, Alice Geelhoed Praise and Play (3 and 4): Alice Geelhoed, Shawn Yu Praise and Play (3yrs old and young 5’s): Off today will resume Sunday, June 7 Children and Worship (4 through first grade): Carol Honderd, Jenny Koopmans Children and Worship (4 through first grade): Is off for the summer Nursery: Deb Feys, Deedre Vriesman, Amy Blom, Jackson Ouwinga, Ian Blom Nursery: Danelle Leugs, Dawn Block, Megan Wunderink, Karen Lundell, Carley VanSwol Coffee Fellowship: Lynn & Mary Faber Coffee Fellowship: Tom & Laura Stuyfzand 5:30-7:30PM Lifeline (High School) Matt & Megan’s house 6:00 PM Thursday 6:30PM 8:30PM Morning Worship Service Combined Evening Worship Service at Fuller Ave. CRC Plymouth Heights Men’s A softball team at the Christian Recreation Center (Diamond 5) Plymouth Heights Men’s B softball team at the Christian Recreation Center (Diamond 5) 5:30 PM Evening Worship Service
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