May 6, 2015 - Pilgrim United Church of Christ

May 6, 2015
Pilgrim United Church of Christ An Open and Affirming Congregation
Choosing Lives and Giving Life: Pilgrim Blood Drive
By Mandy Mizelle
See, I set before you life and death, blessing and
curse. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, by loving Yahweh, your God, by
obeying God’s voice, and by holding fast to Yahweh; for that means life to you and length of
days... -- Deuteronomy 30:19b-20a
Cross supplies about 40% of the blood needed by
accident victims, cancer patients, surgical candidates, children with blood disorders, and other
recipients in the United States.
The glaring problem, of course, is that not everyone is allowed to give. The Food and Drug Administration, which determines blood donation
eligibility in the U.S., continues to enforce a lifetime blood donation deferral for gay men. The deferral is criticized by many, including the Red
One of my favorite biblical passages is Deuteronomy 30, God’s urging the people of Israel
to choose life. On the edge of the promised land,
Moses reminds the gathered community of their
long journey to this place, calling them to renew
their covenant with Yahweh, to choose again the
way of life while they are on the threshold of possibility. I don't imagine Moses speaking these
words to the people of Israel like protesters have
been known to shout them at women painfully navigating the difficult and vulnerable terrain of unintended pregnancy.
To the commonly cited grounds of scientific and
medical research, both of which categorically reject the deferral, we add sacred and moral soil:
not allowing our gay brothers to give blood denies
life and dismisses blessing -- for all who could be
helped by additional blood donations, and for all
unfairly rejected by the unjust policy.
I imagine Moses voicing the passionate plea as a
reminder of the ways we are continually and collectively called by God to turn toward, to lean into,
to choose and create life together, full of meaning
and joy, particularly in the midst of all the forms of
destruction and devastation, the loss and grief
with which we are inevitably familiar.
Under current FDA regulations, blood drives set
before us both life and death, blessing and curse.
We choose lives -- ALL of them. On June 9th, we
will choose lives and life by co-hosting a blood
donation with New Life Fellowship Church, the
congregation that meets in our building on Saturdays, AND by challenging the egregious FDA ban
through writing letters and taking pictures of protest. The afternoon offers an opportunity to partner with our sanctuary mates, to help people desperately in need of blood, and to work toward better donation policies for everyone.
At Pilgrim, we choose life when we welcome and
affirm the sacred and wonder-full worth of all who
come to the table, regardless of where their long
journeys have taken them. We choose life when
we advocate for all people to live together fully
and fairly in beloved community.
So mark your calendars for Tuesday, June 9th
from 3:00 to 7:30 p.m. at Pilgrim. All are invited
to gather at the border as we choose lives and
give life together.
The Red Cross takes a philanthropic twist of
God's border call, encouraging everyone who can
to give the gift of life. Remarkable work has been
done through its efforts: blood donated to the Red
Please Mark Your Calendars For These Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, May 19 – DCIA lunch meeting at
11:45 am at Asbury United Methodist
Church, 800 Clarendon St, Durham
Saturday, May 23 – 10—11:30 am Join in the Fellowship Hall for a light
breakfast and time to plan our memorial services. The time is meaningful,
helpful, and even fun. We know that
life can change in an instant and we
can give our families a gift by providing our desired service ideas, burial
wishes as well as what we do not
Sunday, May 24 – Worship at O’Kelly
Chapel (service begins at 11:00 am), Confirmation, and lunch on the grounds. To get
to O’Kelly, turn left from parking lot onto
Academy Road. Turn left at the stoplight
onto University Dr. / Hwy 751. Turn right at
the second stop light onto Hope Valley
Road / Hwy 751. Continue on Hwy 751 for
approx. 8 miles. O’Kelly Chapel will be on
the right at the intersection of Hwy 751 and
O’Kelly Chapel Rd.
Saturday, June 6 – Blood Drive at Pilgrim
Sunday, June 7 – Service of Ordination of
our minister of Christian Education, Mandy
Friday/Saturday, June 19 & 20 – 50th anniversary of the Southern Conference of the
UCC. This year the annual meeting is being held in Greensboro, so it’s close enough
for anyone who would like to attend. Friday
morning’s opening session will focus on
business followed by special luncheons and
an exciting afternoon of dynamic preaching
featuring our own SOC clergy. On Friday
evening, everyone will dress in evening
wear for the Red and Black Gala and enjoy
music (bands and singing), food, fellowship,
laughter and dancing. On Saturday morning, delegates and visitors will gather at the
hotel to complete the business of the conference, elect new officers, vote on the
budget, and commission new officers.
Links for registration and hotel reservations
for those wishing to stay overnight can be
found at
Friday – Sunday, July 24 – 26 – Educational and service trip to Cherokee, NC.
More details to follow.
UCC 101
Are you a recovering Baptist? A convalescent
Catholic? Have you been in the UCC for years
but still don't understand our logo?
Then join us in the
Community Room at
9:30 am on Sunday
mornings through
May for conversations about the history, theology, polity, and ministry of
the United Church
of Christ. If you
don't know what polity means, you will
soon. BYO coffee
and questions!
Pilgrim Sock Hop!
This Saturday, May 9th from 6:30 until.
Light refreshments will be served. Bring
your own beverage. Come one, come all,
bring friends if you want!
Killenberg Scholarship applications due this Sunday, May 10th!
In 2010 the Paul and Melinda Killenberg Scholarship Fund was established by benefactors to support the higher education of Pilgrim youth and to recognize the Killenbergs' dedication to Pilgrim's
youth and their education. Awards are made by the scholarship committee to qualifying students
who would benefit from financial support. Interested students may request an application from the
office or pick one up from the table beside Pastor Mandy's office. Applications are due by May 10th.
All Pilgrims are welcome to make contributions toward the fund and toward the future of our young
people. Checks may be made out to Pilgrim with "Killenberg Scholarship Fund" in the memo.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
Join us in support, education, advocacy, and prayer for all affected by mental illness.
Learning the warning signs of suicide can
help you keep someone thinking about suicide safe.
Session topics will include:
 A Survivors Panel
 Bullying
 Obesity
 Mental Health
 Substance Abuse
This event is free and open to the public.
Certificates will be provided.
Entertainment by jazz musician DeLoatch
& Hillside High School Chapter of Theta
Phi Delta Sorority
Miller-Morgan Health
Science Bldg.
528 Nelson St., Durham
To register call:
919-560-7762 or go to
Lunch* and door prizes will be provided.
*Registration required to guarantee lunch
The mission of the Durham Coalition on Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (DCAPP) is to support, advocate, and develop strategies in our community that reduce adolescent pregnancy.
9:30 AM Choir Practice
9:30 AM Inquirers' Class - Comm.
10:15 AM Children's Music
2:30 PM Girl Scouts - Fell Hall & all
7:00 PM Church Council
7:00 AM Housing for New Hope - 7:00 PM Al-Anon 7:00 PM Choir Prac
Fell Hall
10:00 AM Montessori School - Fell
7:30 PM Bilingual Exchange Classroom
9:30 AM Choir Practice
9:30 AM Inquirers' Class - Comm.
10:15 AM Children's Music
11:45 AM All Boards meet as scheduled
2:30 PM Girl Scouts - Fell Hall & all
3:00 PM Robin May Wedding
10:30 AM Auxiliary - Fell
6:00 PM ARC - Comm room
8:30 AM Montessori School - Fell
12:00 PM DCIA Board meeting
7:30 PM Bilingual Exchange Classroom
7:00 PM Al-Anon 7:00 PM Choir Prac
9:30 AM Choir Practice
9:30 AM Inquirers' Class - Comm.
10:15 AM Children's Music
10:00 AM Montessori School - Fell
7:30 PM Bilingual Exchange Classroom
2:00 PM Pilgrim Bo
Dowdy Room
7:00 PM Al-Anon 7:00 PM Choir Prac
Last Day of Sunday School
9:30 AM Choir Practice
9:30 AM Inquirers' Class - Comm.
10:15 AM Children's Music
2:30 PM Girl Scouts - Fell Hall & all
5:00 PM Bonnie Mathews Fell Hall
10:00 AM Montessori School - Fell 7:00 PM Al-Anon 7:00 PM Choir Prac
11:45 AM DCIA meeting
7:30 PM Bilingual Exchange Classroom
Confirmation Sunday
11:00 AM Worship at O'Kelly Chapel
12:00 PM Lunch on the grounds
7:00 PM Church Council
9:30 AM Choir Practice
9:30 AM Inquirers' Class - Comm.
10:15 AM Children's Music
2:30 PM Girl Scouts - Fell Hall & all
10:00 AM Montessori School - Fell
2:00 PM Congregation at Duke
Chapel - Fell Hall
7:30 PM Bilingual Exchange Classroom
6:00 PM ARC - Comm room 8:30 AM Montessori School - Fell
12:00 PM DCIA Board meeting
7:30 PM Bilingual Exchange Classroom
7:00 PM Al-Anon 7:00 PM Choir Prac
7:00 PM Al-Anon 7:00 PM Choir Prac
Comm. Room 9:30 AM Contemplative Prayer Group
3:30 PM Play Group - Nursery
6:30 PM Sunlight AA - Comm Room
8:00 AM Montessori School Fell Hall
5:00 PM Chinese Lang. School 5 classrooms & Fell Hall
9:30 AM New Life Fellowship
Church - Sanctuary, Fell Hall &
all classrooms
5:00 PM Deacons' Dinner - Fell
Comm. Room 9:30 AM Contemplative Prayer Group
5:00 PM Chinese Lang. School ctice
12:00 PM UCC Clergy Board mtg. - Hills- 5 classrooms
3:30 PM Play Group - Nursery
6:30 PM Sunlight AA - Comm Room
7:30 PM PFLAG - Fellowship Hall
9:30 AM New Life Fellowship
Church - Sanctuary & all classrooms
6:30 PM Sock Hop - Fell Hall
ook Group -
9:30 AM Contemplative Prayer Group
3:30 PM Play Group - Nursery
Comm. Room 6:30 PM Sunlight AA - Comm Room
5:00 PM Inside Out - Fell Hall
9:30 AM New Life Fellowship
Church - Sanctuary & all classrooms
Comm. Room 9:30 AM Contemplative Prayer Group
3:30 PM Play Group - Nursery
6:30 PM Sunlight AA - Comm Room
CPE - Dowdy Room
5:30 PM Common Ground /
ARC, Fellowship Hall
9:30 AM New Life Fellowship
Church - Sanctuary & all classrooms
10:00 AM Memorial Planning Fell Hall
Comm. Room 9:30 AM Contemplative Prayer Group
3:30 PM Play Group - Nursery
6:30 PM Sunlight AA - Comm Room
9:30 AM New Life Fellowship
Church - Sanctuary & all classrooms
Comm. Room 9:30 AM Contemplative Prayer Group
8:30 AM Montessori School ctice
10:30 AM Montessori School - Fell Hall
Fell Hall
12:00 PM UCC Clergy Board mtg. - Hillsborough
3:30 PM Play Group - Nursery
6:30 PM Sunlight AA - Comm Room
7:30 PM PFLAG - Fellowship Hall
9:30 AM New Life Fellowship
Church - Sanctuary, Fell Hall &
all classrooms
5:00 PM Triangle Gay Men's
Chorus - Sanctuary
Church Council Minutes, April 27
Church Council is very happy with the work that Bill Dolbow and his committee members are doing
to make visitors feel welcome and to let the community know that our church welcomes everyone.
Council gave this committee its affirmation and wants them to know that Council is delighted with
their energy and creativity.
Auxiliary will continue the celebration of their anniversary with their final meeting of the year in May,
when Bev Ford will be speaking.
The Board of Christian Education is continuing its planning for camping and fun activities, and for
Lunch Bunch. The Killenberg Scholarship Fund is getting under way.
Deacons are holding a retreat to discuss the book Practicing Right Relationships, and their next
meeting will do some visioning. The music committee continues to work on finding a church musician.
Pastor Ginger thought Jim Harward’s memorial service was amazing, and appreciates the way people pulled together to plan it. A celebration is ahead as Pilgrim anticipates Mandy’s ordination in
early June.
Our budget is on track for this time of the year for both income and expenditures.
The Board of Christian Service is making plans for spending the earnings from their last fundraiser.
The Trustees are happy to report that both furnaces for Fellowship Hall are now installed and working. They are looking into problems with heat for the sanctuary. They have repaired the damage
from a flood downstairs caused by a leaky pipe in the women’s restroom, and reduced the rent to the
daycare by $500 to compensate for the damage.
Council will vote on the sabbatical policy at its next meeting on May 18.
Susan Barco, Council secretary
During May Rev. Ginger
will be focusing her prayers
on Karen Landis, Brian
Lane and Gloria SanchezLane, Ag Langston, Elzie
and Irene Laube, Ruth Lewis, Jennifer and
John Marhoul, Diane Marian, Robin May,
Sinead Mayo, Leigh and Susan McNair, Barbara & Barry Merrill, Deanne Morgan, Betty
Morton and Deborah Pasteur, Alice and DeWitt
Myers, Millie Myers, Mindy Neale, Phyllis Noell,
and Bob and Dottie Osborn.
The prayer shawl ministry at Pilgrim provides
shawls made and blessed by the congregation
to be given when there is a need for a tangible
sign our love and care during difficult times and
transitions. This ministry can always use additional shawls so if you knit, crochet or do other
fiber arts consider making a shawl or lap blanket. Use a machine wash and dryable fiber and
any pattern of your choice or find one on the
web site
instructions.html. For more information contact
Ann Richards.
If you have specific prayer requests please
email Rev. Ginger at or leave
a note in her box in the office.
Summer Camp Out
Attention nature lovers; current, former, and wannabe
Scouts; and s'mores seekers: You're invited to a
camp out at Jordan Lake on Saturday, June 20th!
Come for the day or spend the night. Hot dogs,
drinks, and s'mores supplies provided. For more information, contact Gloria Sanchez-Lane at
One Great Hour of Sharing
We will collect this offering this year on
May 24th at the O'Kelly Chapel Service. Wherever there is a natural disaster
whether it is in the United States or the
other side of the world, money from the
OGHS offering makes it possible for relief
to get to the affected area. Some examples where relief was assisted by this offering are southern Asia after the Tsunami
in 2004 and the Gulf Coast after
Katrina. We are a congregation that gives
generously to many things and hopefully
this year we can give extra generously to
the OGHS offering to assist in the huge
relief effort that is needed to help Nepal
begin to recover from the devastating
Jordan Lake
Pilgrim Book Club
Bilingual Exchange meets every Tuesday evening
from 7:30 to 9:00 PM in the Leopards classroom to
help immigrants learn English. The format is very informal. It is best if you know some Spanish, although
you do not have to be fluent. We like to have enough
'teachers' to work one-on-one or one teacher with
two students. The focus is on learning to speak English and the teachers certainly have the opportunity to
practice and improve their Spanish. We provide the
materials for you and the students. Every once in
awhile we are able to work with someone to take
their citizenship exam or to get their driver's license.
The work is quite rewarding! You do not have to
come every week. Please contact Mary Anna Hovey
if you are interested at 919 225 5987 or
will meet
to discuss two books on May 13 in the
Dowdy Room at 2:00 pm. "The Invention of Wings" by Sue Monk Kidd is a historical novel with parallel and contrasting
experiences of a rich white girl and a
slave girl as they grow up and each seek
independence and meaning in their
lives. "The Boston Girl" by Anita Diamant is another historical novel depicting
"family ties and values, friendship and
feminism told through the eyes of a
young Jewish woman growing up in Boston in the early twentieth century." We
invite you to join us for the discussion
with or without having read these two delightful books.
3011 Academy Road
Durham, NC 27707
Worship Service - 10:30 am
Church Office Hours
Mon.—Thur. 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Office and Staff Information:
(919) 489-1381
The Rev. Dr. Ginger Brasher-Cunningham,
our Senior Pastor, has a schedule of being in
the office and out for visitation, meetings, etc.
Sunday - Thursday her schedule is flexible, often meeting with people in the evenings. Her
general office hours Monday, 2-4 pm, and
Wednesday, 4-6 pm. She can be reached at
the office or at For pastoral
emergencies in late hours or Friday or Saturday please call 919-408-6947.
Pilgrim Birthdays!
Ms. Mandy Mizelle, Minister of Christian Education, is in the office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sunday mornings.
Mandy can be reached at the office or
The Rev. Betty Morton, Pilgrim’s Spiritual
Growth Coach (fee-based), can be reached at or 489-7960.
Mr. Marty Powell staffs the Pilgrim office. He
can be contacted at the Pilgrim office phone and
Mr. Roman Testroet, our Music Director, is at
Pilgrim on Sundays. He also comes in on
Wednesday evenings except for summer when
the choir is off. He can be contacted at
Members-in-discernment Ms. Nancy Chew
and Ms. Marselline Musiko are seeking ordination / commissioning in the UCC.
All staff have mailboxes in the office (Marty’s is
his desk!) or can be reached at 919-489-1381.
Elena Bradley
Zoe Dolbow
Sandy Smalley
Ginger Brasher-Cunningham
Jim Hogge
Dorothy Harward
Levi Haygood
Matthew Chaves
Kaela Magee
Marilyn Partin
Logan Myers
Christopher Chaves
John Martin
Kell Sayre
Alice Sy Dolbow
Wynolia Apple
Wake me when
they cut the cake!