Welcome to Order of Service CD before the service Welcome & notices Birthdays Breathing Prayer, leading into: Confession leading into: Songs: I’m forgiven (Amazing Love) There is a Redeemer When the Spirit of the Lord Reading Talk including activity Testimony Song: The Splendour of the King Prayers, ending with the Lord’s Prayer Final Song: Breathe on me breath of God (INCL OFFERTORY) Dismissal CD after the service Pip &Jim’s Church Ilfracombe Called to love God and love all people 24th May 2015 10.30 am Pentecost 4All Officiant Talk Reading Alison Jackie Acts 2:1-12 Prayers Diane 6.00 pm Holy Communion (said) IT IS TIME TO SEEK THE LORD IT IS TIME TO SEEK THE LORD Welcome Welcome to you if this is your first time with us, or if you are on holiday. Please make yourself known to the welcomers on the door. We pray that God will speak to you through this service. Coffee is served after this service, for which we do not charge. Diary Dates – May Monday Bank Holiday – no Morning Prayer Tuesday 26th Final Midweek Fellowship of the season. Celebration Communion with Michael. Wednesday 27th 8.30 am Morning Prayer Saturday 30th Men’s Walk & Ladies’ Walk – see articles. 6.00 pm Bring and Share celebration in the Centre Sunday 31st Morning Service with Baptism Diary Dates – June and beyond Wednesday 3rd June 7.00 pm Whole Church Prayer. Monday 8th 8.00 pm Fabric Committee at the Vicarage Tuesday 9th 2.30 pm Afternoon Tea in the Centre with Vella Passmore speaking. Saturday 13th PCC and Leadership half day at the Vicarage Sunday 14th 5.45 for 6.30 pm Lee Abbey Local Churches Evening 8.00 pm Beer & Hymns Monday 15th 7.30 pm PCC at the Vicarage Tuesday 23rd 7.15 pm Communications group at the Vicarage. IT IS TIME TO SEEK THE LORD melanoma diagnosis in 2002 and was now going to pay out enough for us to be mortgage-free in our intended new home. With both these pieces of good news, evidences of God’s goodness, my mind confronts me with the question, “If these, why not Ben also?” But my heart quietly mediates, not with an answer, but a response, “Remember what God said, ‘Behold I am making all things new’…there is the Day coming when it’ll all be alright, when it’ll all become clear”. It all serves to remind me that Father weaves the golden threads with the dark ones as He works all things together for good and that God who in Christ suffered for us on the cross, and who took the sting out of death for those who love and trust Him, walks with us in all things. ' Your favourite worship song? Tearfund asked people their favourite worship songs. Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number 1: In Christ Alone Stuart Townend - way ahead. 2: 10,000 reasons (Bless the Lord) Matt Redman 3: Blessed be your name Matt Redman 4: How great thou art C G Boburg 5: Oceans (Where feet may fail) Hillsong 6: Amazing Grace John Newton 7: How deep the Father’s love for us Townend 8: Great is thy faithfulness Runyan/Chisolm 9: Be thou my vision translated Mary Byrne 10: Thine Be the glory Budry/Handel The poll was launched to promote the release of the 3 CD set The World's Favourite Worship Songs, which contains several of the above songs and many more besides. A donation is given to Tearfund for every copy of the CD sold. But how about yours? What do you love? It would be great to know. IT IS TIME TO SEEK THE LORD CVM are a great organisation – find out more at cvm.org.uk Do you tweet? Campbell is considering setting up a Twitter feed for Pip and Jim’s, but there is no point if he is the only person using it! If you do, and you would find this useful, please let him know after the service or phone 269041, or c_orr@hotmail.com Questionnaires There is a printed copy of our questionnaire responses at the back of the church. Please read it so you can hold the Communication group to account if we don’t do it! Church history leaflet Our updated history leaflet is now available at the back of church for 50p in the donations box. ‘Behold I am making all things new For those who don’t know, Jeremy Clark was Michael’s predecessor and this is an excerpt from his latest blog: 'Just two days after Ben’s burial, and the day we said goodbye to my parents as they returned to NZ, Catherine and I visited my oncologist to be told that the tumour on my lung has shrunk by one third, and other smaller lesions present in other places in my body remain unchanged. We couldn’t quite grasp it. That news came a day after an unexpected phone call from our insurer saying that my illness policy was being backdated twelve years to the time of my original (and apparently, back then, less serious) IT IS TIME TO SEEK THE LORD Saturday 4th July Petrovian Orchestra Concert in Pip and Jim’s. Look for the posters – they’ll be coming out soon. Church News Who is who on the PCC/Leadership Team? The new members of the PCC elected at the APCM, Jane Vickery, Jean Thomas and Stephanie Holden, were welcomed at the beginning of their 3 year terms. The terms of office of others were fixed, with Paul Fraser serving 2 years, filling the space left by the resignation of Mike O’Malley, and Diane Fraser serving one year, filling the space left by the resignation of Kevin Constant (continuing with ChurchWorks – the staging and loo etc). Nigel Vince had been elected Treasurer at a short meeting after the APCM, and Alison Rogers had been elected as Secretary at the same time. Nigel was elected Vice-Chair last week Diane Fraser is our Gift Aid Officer, Andy Downie will continue as Safeguarding Officer and Peter Martin is our Health & Safety officer. Peter is also a Deanery Synod rep and as such is ex officio on the PCC. We still have a space for another rep, so please let Michael know if you would like to be considered. The rest of the PCC: Barbara Penman and Jackie O’Malley the churchwardens, Linda Mather, Dave Gammon, The Leadership team consists of Vicar, churchwardens, Linda Kevin , Nigel, Eileen Scarse and Alan Mason. Once minutes of the meeting have been checked, they will be put up on a notice board at the back of church. IT IS TIME TO SEEK THE LORD For your prayers As we celebrate Pentecost, pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in this fellowship and the others in this town. “I will pour water on the thirsty land and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendants, so that they will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams” (Isaiah 44:3-4). This Pentecost, are you expecting a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit? By Johann Christoph Blumhardt (Plough Publishing) All in hospital; those who have received bad news and all who care for them. Those in our Care homes in the town. Pray that staff may have integrity and look after those in their care with love and patience. Families with children and young people on half term. Pray for those under stress. Sam Burge – our Youth Officer – and the support group who back her up. Church Weekend Away Booking forms and instalment forms are available from Jackie O’Malley. We have already paid £1000 to Lee Abbey, so we will accept your money whenever you like! We are hoping to get most of our fellowship away for the weekend. Pew Cushion Sponsorship As our new pew cushions are likely to arrive very soon, we are offering the opportunity to sponsor them. Sponsorship IT IS TIME TO SEEK THE LORD will be £20.00 per seat (not cushion) and we have 145 seats. Jackie has produced a book to register the sponsors and certificates for each sponsor to keep. The number of seats sponsored by any individual will not be noted in the book; it will only be on their private certificate. Ladies’ Walk The first Ladies’ walk will take place on Saturday May 30th. Meet at 10 am in our church car park. If you would like a lift, please sign the list at the back of church. The cars will drive to Mortehoe, where people will then walk to the Lighthouse and back. If you cannot walk but wish to join them for lunch in the Chichester Arms, speak to Margaret or Jane. (Don’t worry – neither of the pictures is us!) Men’s Walk Christian Vision for Men (CVM) are trying to organise a walk on part of the SW coast path on Saturday 30th May with a group from Ilfracombe churches leaving from Ilfracombe to Saunton. The idea is to leave at 8am from Wetherspoons after meeting for breakfast at 7.30am. Please bear in mind that you do not have to do the whole distance! If anyone is interested in going please could they contact Campbell on 01271 269041 or c_orr@hotmail.com. IT IS TIME TO SEEK THE LORD
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