The Messenger Pittsfield United Methodist Church Newsletter The Reverend Tom Wilber, Pastor (217) 285-9613 Fax: (217)285-5183 Serving our Lord since 1839 May 2015 Dear Friends, We are moving forward in our project with Chaddock School to provide telehealth and educational support services to residents in several counties in west central Illinois. The project is funded by a $194,223 USDA Telehealth/Distance Learning grant that Chaddock has received. Eight sites will be participating as sites for Chaddock's conferencing programs: Camp Point United Methodist Church, Beardstown United Methodist Church, First United Methodist Church of Rushville, First United Methodist Church of Carthage, Living Faith United Methodist Church in Bowen, Pittsfield United Methodist Church, Brown County Elementary/Junior High School in Mt Sterling and Brown County High School in Mt. Sterling. Social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists in the Quincy area (and from around the country) will provide live telecommunication feedback both audio and visual to patients at one of the sites. The equipment includes a TV screen, HD camera, audio equipment and special software. The software is secure and HIPAA compliant. The individual counseling session will be secure and confidential. Someone from our church staff or a volunteer will welcome the families and help them connect with Chaddock and when they are finished turn everything off and secure it. This person will not be in the room while the consultation is occurring. Grace and Peace, Tom Wilber adapted from:, 1/24/2014 retrieved 4/20/2015. Your Golden Cross Ministries Share God’s Love and Healing Illinois Great Rivers Conference of The United Methodist Church God works through your prayers and support in acts of mercy to bless the lives of individuals of all ages and at all stages of life. More than 30,000 individuals are served each year 19,000 hours are given by more than 2,000 volunteers More than $10,000,000 of benevolent care is given by these ministries Older Adult Ministries Evenglow Lodge - Pontiac Sunset Home - Quincy The United Methodist Village - Lawrenceville Wesley Village - Macomb Hospital Pastoral Care Alton Memorial Hospital - Alton Pastoral Care Methodist Medical Center - Peoria Children & Family Ministries Chaddock - Quincy Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House - E. St. Louis The Baby Fold - Normal United Methodist Children ’ s Home - Mt. Vernon With your gifts God works through these agencies to give hope and provide compassionate care that is “exceedingly, abundantly, beyond all that we can imagine or think.” Ephesians 3:20 GOLDEN CROSS OFFERING —- MAY 17, 2015 Do you do online shopping? Did you know that you can shop online and give to the church at the same time? All you have to do is r egister with UMCMar ket, designate our church “Pittsfield” as your organization. There are several “Pittsfields” so make sure the address matches ours. The site will guide you through the simple registration process. You then, have two options: 1. Download the Browser App and you will be able to shop directly from the store’s site without having to go to UMCMarket first. 2. Or, from UMCMarket click on the store you want to shop at and you will be taken to that store’s website. You log in like you normally would, make your purchase, and checkout. A percentage of what you spend will be donated to our church. If you leave the store’s site before making your purchase be sure and go back in through UMCMarket. The church will receive your donation anonymously. A check will be mailed to the church when total donations reach $100 or more. Think how much our members spend on line. Imagine how much could be donated to our church! If you have question feel free to ask me. HVAC Replacement Update Receipts & Expenses to Date: April 20, 2015 Ed House Trust Advance $25,000.00 Melvina House Trust $66,055.90 Congregation 2014 Congregation 2015 $63,440.00 $3,685.00 Total Receipts To Date $158,180.90 Peters Carpenters Floor Repair Material (carpenter) $184,900.00 $4,992.50 $1,148.50 $1,159.13 Total Expenses to Date $192,200.13 We have paid our final bill from Peters Heating & Air Conditioning for installation of our new heating and cooling system. We need to raise $34,019 plus the cost of the partitions around the furnaces in the lower level, ceiling and wall repair, and incidentals. We do not have an estimate of these remaining cost. We had to draw on our line of credit to pay Peter’s final bill. Thank you for your generous contributions to this project. If you would like to make a contribution to the Heating and Cooling System, mark your check “HVAC.” Tom Wilber Chaddock Three Year Pledge to new school project: $15,000 Paid in 2014 $5,391 Paid in 2015 1,284 (4/20) 5th Sunday Mission Offering —- May 31 (will go towards our pledge to ) Mark Your Check “Chaddock School” (Chaddock will be breaking ground on their new school May 3) May 31, 2015 Rev. Doug Rorex, our District Superintendent, will be visiting us on Sunday, May 31. Rev. Rorex will be preaching on Luke 24:13-35, “The Walk to Emmaus.” He will be using a first person retelling of the Emmaus story. Explore our summer camps! All the camps also include opportunities to grow closer to God, Check out the brochure for all of our camping opportunities. Our Church Camps change lives! Our church will pay a portion of the cost of attending one of our camps. SAVE THE DATES November 3, 4, 5, 2015 FOR A NEW PICTORIAL DIRECTORY We will have Life Touch Photography (not who we had last time) photograph a new directory for us on Tues Nov 3, Wed Nov 4 and Thurs Nov 5, 2015. There is no cost to be photographed and you get an 8x10 photo free. You have the option to purchase pictures for yourself and others. We will have the pictures back before Christmas. I will take pictures of anyone who can not be here those dates so we can include you in the directory. The directory is used often and we have had many changes since our last directory. Please consider having your picture taken. There is no obligation to buy. Sign up will begin in October. Edwina Mission Trip The mission team and youth group are planning a mission trip this summer, August 3rd, 4th and 5th. We will be working with the youth at Lessie Bates Community Center in East St. Louis and staying at St. Matthews UMC in Belleville. Let Molly or Sue Grigsby know if you are interested in participating. The mission team is in the beginning stages of planning to provide a free meal to low income Pike County citizens on the third Saturday of each month. If you would be interested in being a part of this ministry, contact Sue Grigsby. During May and June, the mission team will be collecting bras for a women's health project in Peru. If you have new or "gently-used" bras you would like to donate, you may bring them to the church. Thank you for supporting our projects! No Fuss Book Club The No Fuss Book Club met Monday, April 20, 2015. A review of the book “Finding God in a Bag of Groceries” by Laura Lapins Willis was given by Rita Burbridge. It is a book about parallel journeys-of feeding the poor and the author’s exploring her own yearning for God-that frame the words of this book. In feeding the hungry Laura saw that poverty can be an absence of economic prosperity but also a spiritual emptiness. She saw her own poverty: a poverty of faith, poverty of compassion, poverty of openness. She found God in unexpected moments and in the most unlikely places, even in a bag of groceries. It is an insightful book about that same poverty that is found in all too many of us and all to many communities in our nation. The May meeting of the No Fuss Book Club will be held on Monday, May 18th at 1:30p.m. Please join us. May Birthdays and Anniversaries 01-Phil Niebur, Kelli DeSpain, Robin Riley, Melanie Riess Jesse & Madelyn Pattison 02-Bob Hoos, Monty Martin, Walker Filbert Bonnie Janes 03-James Geiselman, Emily Hoover, Hannah Hayden 04-Mary Ruth Kendall, Darwin & Lisa Feenstra Jim & Jocelyn Denison 05Karl & Nancy Geisendorfer 06- Tom Smith, Stephanie Reinhardt, Bob Ideus 07– Lisa Rush 08-Susan Dodd, Chris Schlieper 10- Sophie Gresham 11-Lori Clarkson, Nevin & Jessica Grigsby 12Peter & Anita Wright 13– Tara Bradshaw 14-Steve Dean, Matthew Greger Wayne & Emily Forgy 15-Edwina Wilber, Don Scranton 16-Mary Lea Prentice, Jonas Rumple Greg & Lila Kattelman, Steve & Gina Rylander 17-Roger Baughman 18Chuck & Carol Seybold 19– Jess Hayden, Rita Burbridge, Zoe Wright 20- Kate Lagemann, 22- Darwin Feenstra, Tyler DeSpain, Kennedy Geiselman, Nathan & Kyndle Christianer 23-Nolan Paxton 24-Jeff Baughman, Mary Baker Jamie & Brandi Pennock 26-Tom Edwards 28-Emily Lerch, Darlene Harter, Mike Dehart, Greg & Rachel Smith 29-Eric Edmonds, Ian Paxton 30-Linda Carnes, Lynn Ator, Nancy Jane Smith, Emily Kvorka, Ellen Geiselman, Anna Geiselman, Josh Smith Gary & Debby Wilder 31-Cory Martin, Kristen Constable United Methodist Women U.M.W. trip to Jensen Woods Tuesday, May 5. We will leave from the church parking lot at 9:00 a.m. We will eat at DOT Foods Restaurant in Mt. Sterling. Sunday, May 10 U.M.W. Sunday / Mother’s Day Monday, May 18 1:30p—No Fuss Book Club in the Media Center on the lower level. Tuesday, May 19 9:00 a.m.—U.M.W. Board Meeting in the Hillerbranner Room. Tuesday, May 26 9:00 a.m.—Madonna Fellowship in Orr Hall. May 3 COMMUNION DELIVERY Rich & Elaine Smith Carol McCartney and Pam Wood June 7 Bob & Patty Capps Les & Connie Allen Thank you! Memorial Committee Monday, May 11 at 5:30p.m. in the Hillerbranner Room. Mission Committee Tuesday, May 12 at 5:30p.m. in the Hillerbranner Room. Board of Trustees Tuesday, May 26 7:00 p.m. Hillerbranner Room. Administrative Council Monday, June 1 at 7:00p.m. in the Hillerbranner Room. Graduate Recognition Sunday May 31 Do you have a graduate this year? We are interested in grade level of 8th grade, high school and college. Please let us know school, degree, and what they will be doing. Please bring a baby picture and a current picture of your graduate to the church office by MAY 22 to be used in the Power Point presentation. Digital prints may also be given to us or sent to our email address. You will receive your pictures back! We need your help to make our Graduate Recognition Sunday very “Special”!!! April 5 Total Worship Attendance 235 Sunday School 18 Current Expense Fund $ 5,316.10 Building Fund $ 379.00 HVAC $ 300.00 April 12 Total Worship Attendance 152 Sunday School 23 Current Expense Fund $ 4,664.25 Building Fund $ 137.00 HVAC $ 620.00 April 19 Total Worship Attendance 108 Sunday School 16 Current Expense Fund $ 3,416.29 Building Fund $ 72.00 HVAC $ 120.00 April 26 Total Worship Attendance 131 Sunday School 34 Current Expense Fund $ 2,705.10 Building Fund $ 37.00 HVAC $ 200.00 ATTENTION: Newsletter Articles The deadline for articles for the June newsletter will be May 20th. Please mail or stop by the church office with your articles or e-mail them to us at: Thank you Notes Thank you Methodist Church Youth Group, for the pretty sun catcher you made and sent to me. The sun catcher made my day a little brighter. Thank you for thinking of me. Agnes Peile Dear Molly, Amy and Youth Group, Thank you so much for the amazing Sun—Catcher ! We were having a bad day and it really brightened our spirits. It was so kind of you to think of us. Thanks for being such super young people. Love, Steve and Gina To the individual or group who sent me the sun catcher -- thank you. As I look at the colorful cross hanging in my window I think my Grandson Ty is saying, "I'm O.K. in Heaven, Grandma." Mary Lea Prentice United Methodist Church, Thank you so much for the use of Orr Hall and the kitchen for the 1st Annual Ty Rylander Redneck Run. We appreciate your kindness and generosity. Ty loved and was proud of his Methodist heritage. Thanks again, Steve, Gina and Family Thank you to everyone who brought items for our White Elephant Sale on April 11. We had a wonderful assortment of donated items. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way; all week, the day of the sale, and clean up. Thank you to everyone who purchased items. We had a very successful sale, we made $2,371.50 towards the support of our radio ministry. Many thanks to all the terrific volunteers who helped, as well as Debbie Renoud. Keep in mind our sale next year — and start collecting as you do your spring cleaning. Dear UMC Youth Group: Thank you for your concern and thoughtfulness. I am enjoying the Sun Catcher. Thanks again! Bob Adams Mark Your Calendar Vacation Bible School Sun., July 12— Thurs., July 16 We need volunteers to help with Vacation Bible school from 5:30-8pm. For more information call Molly Caughlan 217-883-2270. Chancel Choir Chancel Choir will practice Wednesday evenings on May 13 and May 27 at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. They also practice at 8:30 each Sunday morning. The choir will sing May 3, 17 and 31 during the 9a.m. Worship Service. They welcome new members so if you have a desire to sing please come join in. Bike & Build Once again, we will be hosting the Bike and Build on their ride across country to promote affordable housing. This year they will be spending the night of Thursday, July 9th. Check your calendars to see if you would be interesting in being a host. It is a wonderful evening visiting with these young people, hearing their stories and they do truly appreciate sleeping in a bed. The Witness Team PRAYER CONCERNS Anne, Barbara Gay, Bob Adams, Carrie Prentice, Carol, Carroll Cox, Chad, Cindy Prentice, David Vortman, Don Hass, Don & Jayson, Donna, Dorothy Dierker, Doug, Dustin Howes, Eloise Claus, Geneva Wendler, Glenna Ferguson, Harry Wright, Jeremy Tate, Jim, John W., Jolson, Katie, Kenny, Michelle, Nancy Geisendorfer, Olive Fisher, Pat Edmonds, Patty, Penny, Rachel, Rebekah, Roger & Moira, Sami, Shana Anderson, Terry Robertson, Tom Barger, Toyia Zumwalt, Ty Sharify, and Wayne Dierker, FOR ALL THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY. SYMPATHIES Sympathies are extended to the family of Martha Graves, Joyce Miller-Boren, Wayne Riley, Wendy Craven Hartlieb, and John McDaniel. Do You Need Prayer For Yourself or a loved one? LAY LEADER SCHEDULE 9:00 O’clock Worship Service May 3 Acolytes: Noah & Emma Gay Greeter: Joan Baughman Lay Reader: Gregg Carnes Ushers: Roger Baughman and Jack Fry May 10 Acolytes: Jacob Bradshaw and Nicholas Niebur Greeter: Barb Reinhardt Lay Reader: Noue Filbert Ushers: Susan Cox, Debbie Wood, Mary Lea Prentice and Janet Boren May 17 Acolytes: Payton & Madison Frieden Greeter: Hallie Fry Lay Reader: Tara Bradshaw Ushers: Joe Dierker and Jack Fry May 24 Acolytes: Alexis & Alyvia Groom Greeter: Patty Capps Lay Reader: Jacob Bradshaw Ushers: Bob Capps and Phil Rhoades May 31 Acolytes: Jayce & Jayden Stendback Greeter: Monica Geiselman Lay Reader: Alicia Dierker Ushers: Norris Richards and Jack Fry 11:00 O’clock Worship Service May 3 Acolytes: Alexis Ator and Sophie Gresham Greeter: Anissa Miller Lay Reader: Walker Filbert May 10 Acolytes: Sherry Brennecke Greeter: Sandy Henry Lay Reader: Jamie Kelley Call or e-mail Prayer request to the church so they may be added to the prayer list. Men’s Prayer Group Wednesday mornings at 7:00 in Orr Hall. May 17 Acolytes: Greeter: Karen Reese Lay Reader: Cindy Prentice May 24 Acolytes: Greeter: Marjorie Lazenby Lay Reader: Joey Feenstra May 31 Acolytes: Brock Miller Greeter: Mary Ruth Kendall Lay Reader: Martin Filbert United Methodist Church 222 N. Monroe Street Pittsfield, IL 62363 Return Service Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit # 44 Pittsfield, IL 62363
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