Thee and Me Plainfield Friends Meeting Newsletter 105 S East Street Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 839-6490 June 2015 Finding Your Way Back to God want to find God. It’s about making the biggest "Finding Your Way Back to God" is the theme wager of your life: “God, if you are real, then for this Summer. The Bible is a book of stories make yourself real to me” – and seeing if God about people wandering toward God and away from God. People like Abraham, David, Isaiah, Peter, John and Paul sometimes seek God and sometimes run away from God. And we walk (and run) in their footsteps. Rufus Jones summed up the Good News this way: "The reason we can hope to find God is that [God] is here, engaged all the time in finding us." responds. Each of us spends our lives on a journey Sunday mornings @ 10:30 toward God. Yet often our most deeply felt longings—for meaning, for love, for significance—end up leading us away from, Bill ________________________________________ Highlights of the May instead of toward, our Creator and what we Monthly Meeting were made to be. Finding Your Way Back to God shows you how to understand and listen to your longings in a • whole new way. It’s about waking up to who you really are, and daring to believe that God wants you to be found even more than you Minutes of 4th month were approved, with corrections. • A letter to all pastors and clerks was received from West Middleton Friends, stating that they will be remaining with • WYM. on May 29 for themselves and the Cub Pastor Bill Clendineng reported that it Scouts on May 30. was a good Easter and that the Pancake • putting a banner on the west end of Della Stanley-Green met with teachers building announcing we are a Friends The Meeting focus during June and July children's program begins on the second will have cards at Farmers' Markets to will be based on the theme, "Finding Sunday of June and runs until August. hand out to people. We are supplying Tom Newlin reports that we have been the venue for the market as part of our • Bill Heald reported that a request for a denied tax exempt status from Duke community involvement. vacation for Pastor Bill was approved Energy. He recommends that we apply from June 17-23. Approved. for our own 501(c)3 status, instead of Ann Long on Saturday, August 15th at Ministry and Counsel recommended that being under the WYM "umbrella." The the Inter Urban Depot for their 50th there will be no Monthly Meeting in cost will be $850. Approved. wedding anniversary. • WYM. • with day went well and the memorial tree for • Friends Apartments will be having a sale guests from the The task group has decided to plan an extended Sunday school and child program along with breakfast beginning Della selling used books at the Yard Sale. The 50 4th and August 1st. We are not Stanley-Green reported that PME will be about on June 6th, then another one on July planted. The Yard Sale is on May 30. There will be a party for Roger and Mary _______________________________ Fellowship Meal & Monthly Meeting June 21st community. The next breakfast will be Dean and Carolyn Turner has been meeting our expenses. Wayne Carter tells us that the May 2 Pancake Breakfast was very successful Morey Gladden reports that the work and income went down. • Interim Christian Education Director of Mennonite church. Tom Newlin states that both expenses Congratulations to Andrew Heald on his graduation from Purdue and becoming Ministry and Counsel recommended that membership as they have joined a • recommends Meeting and are an active church. We the Furnish family be removed from • Counsel The Summer Approved. • and and Kathy Clendineng. July, as it will conflict with WYM. • Ministry Breakfast on May 2nd went very well. Your Way Back to God." Approved. • • • on June 14th. • We will be inviting Young Adults. Will try to have them meet around the fire pit as well as adults. Make plans to stay for the fellowship meal and Monthly Meeting, following worship on Sunday, June 21st. ________________________________ Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 2 1 3 Friday Saturday 4 5 10 am - Worship at Friends Apt Homes Junior High Camp 7 Sandy Hardin John Hutchens 8 8:30 - Quiet Worship 9:30 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship 2:30 - Worship at Plainfield Health Care Center Senior High Camp Amy Carpenter 9 12 pm - Missions Meal 14 15 Cliff Frost 16 21 28 1 pm - USFW 10 am - Worship at Friends Apt Homes 4 - 7 pm Farmers' Market Edna Pedigo Judith Richardson 6 pm - MOPS Committee Ashley Gibbons Sandy Hohlweg 17 18 Nancy Newlin Barbara Sisson 12 19 13 Faye Mosier 20 4 - 7 pm Farmers' Market 22 Bill Clendineng 11 10 am - Worship at Friends Apt Homes 23 8:30 - Quiet Worship Adventure Camp 9:30 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship Fellowship Meal & Meeting for Business LaRia Rumball 10 9 am - Neighborhood Pancake Breakfast Beginners Camp 8:30 - Quiet Worship 9:30 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship 2 pm - Worship at Sugar Grove 7 pm - Ministry & Senior Living Counsel Tom Newlin Father's Day 4 - 7 pm Farmers' Market Philip Johnson 6 Mabel Derbyshire 24 Clark Hoage 25 Martha Bryant 26 27 7:30 am - Quaker Men 10 am - Worship at Friends Apt Homes 4 - 7 pm Farmers' Market 29 30 8:30 - Quiet Worship 9:30 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship Everett Stanley Rachel Furnish Plainfield Friends Meeting David Bryant Gladys Mongan Steven Thompson 105 S East Street Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 839-6490 June 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Plainfield Friends Meeting 105 S East Street Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 839-6490 Friday Saturday 3 3 10 am - Worship at Friends Apt Homes 5 Thursday 6 7 4 - 7 pm Farmers' Market 7 pm Athenaeum Pops Orchestra 8 8:30 - Quiet Worship 9:30 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship Ruth Hadley Julie Nobumori Independence Day 4 9-11 Neighborhood Pancake Breakfast 9 10 Carl Walton 11 10 am - Worship at Friends Apt Homes 4 - 7 pm Farmers' Market 12 8:30 - Quiet Worship 9:30 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship 2:00 - Worship at Sugar Grove Senior Living 5:30 - Movie Night 13 Morey Gladden 14 Deanna Everhart 15 Virginia Vapor 17 Jaymie Cowell 18 Yearly Meeting Sessions 16-19 7 pm - Ministry & Counsel 19 20 James Carpenter Chad Hardin Mark Newlin 4 - 7 pm Farmers' Market 21 22 Deborah Roberts 23 Laura LaPorte Shawn Peterson 24 26 Teddy Means 27 Nancy Copeland 28 4 - 7 pm Farmers' Market Jim Wilson Ron Copeland 29 Debra Clark Joanne Clark Denise JaeckelCopeland 7:30 am - Quaker Men 10 am - Worship at Friends Apt Homes 9:30 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship 8:30 - Quiet Worship 9:30 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship 2:30 - Worship at Plainfield Health Care Center 16 30 Andrew Heald 31 Bill Heald LuAnne Turner 10 am - Worship at Friends Apt Homes 4 - 7 pm Farmers' Market Clark Hadley July 2015 25
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