St. Francis of Assisi Parish 290 Childs Road, Mill Park 3082 phone: 9407 6700 PARISH BULLETIN Parish Priest: Pastoral Associate: Pastoral Associate: School Principal: web: park email: The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 1/2 November 2014 Fr Anthony Girolami Ruth Lees - 9407 6704 Sr Ignacia Coching SJBP - 9407 6707 Dane Mallone - 9407 3100 Assistant Priest: Parish Secretary: Youth Minister: Fr Varghese Kattikattu Bernice Quinn - 9407 6700 Theresa Chamoun - 9407 6705 SATURDAY VIGIL: 5.00PM; SUNDAY: 9:00 AM, 10.30 AM & 5:00 PM Monday – Saturday 9.15 am. Rosary recited after Mass. Wednesday 7.30 pm - Our Lady of Perpetual Help RECONCILIATION: Wednesday evening after Mass and Novena Saturday 9.45 am ADORATION: Saturday 9.45 am – 11 am concluding with Benediction Wednesday 7.30 am – 7.30 pm MARRIAGES: By appointment with a Priest. Contact Parish Office. BAPTISMS: Every Sunday except 2nd Sunday of the month at midday and by appointment. BAPTISM PREPARATION MEETING: 1st Thursday of the month (6th November) in the church foyer at 7.30 pm. There will be no Baptism Preparation Meeting in the month of January. FUNDRAISER RAFFLE Christmas Dinner at ‘Francois Restaurant’ Thank you to all who have contributed towards our wonderful Church renovations. We are continuing to fundraise and you are invited to help again by supporting our CHRISTMAS DINNER RAFFLE! You have the chance to win a catered Christmas Dinner for 6 people at 'Francois Restaurant’! - The 4-Course Dinner will be held at the Presbytery - The Head Waiter will be Fr Anthony, assisted by Fr Varghese. - It will be a celebration meal with a Christmas Dinner menu, catered by a professional Chef (all dietary requirements will be met). - The winner can invite family & friends up to the number of 6 people. Total value - $500 WEEKEND MASS TIMES: WEEKDAY MASS TIMES: VIGIL MASS: 1st Friday of the month 7 pm to 1 am. Next Mass: 7th November FILIPINO MASS: 2nd Sunday of the month at 12 noon. Next Mass: 9th November ITALIAN MASS: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 11.30 am. Rosary 11 am. Next Mass: 11th November MALTESE MASS: 3rd Saturday of the month at 4 pm. Confession 3:30. Rosary 3:40. Next Mass: 15th November (Chapel) MALAYALAM MASS: 1st Tuesday of the month at 7.00 pm. Next Mass: 4th November NOVENA TO ST ANTHONY (MALAYALAM): Every Tuesday at 7pm. CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Sundays 10.30 am Mass during school terms. Enquiries: LEGION OF MARY: Every Tuesday at 7.30 pm in the parish nook. WORD OF LIFE PRAYER GROUP: Thursdays in the Chapel at 7.30 pm followed by fellowship. Contact Franca 0439 670 219. PASSIONIST FAMILY GROUP: Contact Alfons and Helen Glatzel 9404 2050. LIFETEEN: Every Sunday after 5 pm Mass, meet in the Church foyer. Contact Theresa 0447 690 501. PLEASE PRAY FOR: Recently Deceased: . Death Anniversaries: Dino Buriani, Orazio Mania, Andree` Aernouts, Daniel Frezza, Guglielmo Marchetti. Those who are ill: Joan Mackey, Grazia Sollecieto, James Mlinarevic, Gerry Panteria, Marko Ciantar, Lyn Simmons, Umberto & Angela Selva, Jimmy McGuire, Terry McManus, Francio Nguyen Han, Malcolm Caddies, Rita Carusi, Domenic Prattico, Teresa Logan, Sara DeSantis. Reading Roster Sat. 5.00 pm: Sun. 9.00 am: Sun. 10.30 am: Counting Roster: 1/2 November (week 1) Gaby & Caroline Callegari Savio Fernandes & Anagi Perera Taryn Goh & Helen Javier November 2 - Team 7 C Ponchard, B D’Avoine, T Kowal. 8/9 November (week 2) Sanja Ovens & Cliff DaCosta Carmen Saliba & Sue Spiteri Regina Di Pasquale & Marcelle Henderson November 9 - Team 8 M Dempsey, C & D Stocco, M Lin Yap. Last week’s donations: Thanksgiving: $3083.70 Presbytery: $459.15 Loose: $2397.85 Next Week’s Readings: Ezek 47:1-2, 8-9, 12. Ps 45:2-3, 5-6, 8-9. R. v. 5. 1 Cor 3:9-11, 16-17. Jn 2:13-22. PARISH NEWS! ROSARY WITH CHILDREN: At the Chapel every Saturday at 11 am under adult supervision. All children are invited and encouraged to learn how to say the Rosary. MUSICIAN NEEDED: A pianist is needed for the Youth Choir at the 5 pm Mass. If you are a young person who sings or plays an instrument, please contact Allyson on 0438 400 564. READER'S NEEDED: More readers are needed for the Sunday 5pm Mass. Contact the parish office if you are able to help. PARISH PILGRIMAGE: There will be a parish pilgrimage to Petra, the Holy Land, Rome and Assisi in October 2015. Information night on November 28th, 7:30 pm. ALTAR SERVERS TRAINING: There will be NO Altar Servers Training this Saturday November 8th. Training will continue Saturday 15th November from 2 pm to 3 pm. LIFETEEN: Life Teen invites all youth aged 12-19 to a night on ‘Praying with Music’ on Sunday Nov 2. Join us in the foyer at 5pm Mass. CELLS OF EVANGELISATION: There will be NO Cells All Leaders Meeting this Tuesday, 4th November (Cup Day Holiday). You can find our parish facebook page at: CHURCH TILES Adopt A Tile! There is still time to ‘adopt’ a Tile in the Church. CHURCH TILES and FOYER TILES are available. Tiles may be ordered by contacting Ruth on 9407 6704 (leave a message). Raffle drawn on Sunday, 23rd November - Feast of Christ the King. The meal will be held on Saturday, 6th December. Tickets will be available after weekend Masses @ $5 each. PARISH PILGRIMAGE Would you like to walk in the footsteps of the Lord? There will be an information night on Friday 28th of November at 7:30 pm about the pilgrimage to celebrate the 30th year of our parish. Guest speaker Stephen Green from Olive Tree Travel will present the itinerary. This meeting is open to all parishioners. It is obligation free. You are invited to our Parish Camp! LifeTeen invites all youth aged 12-19 to a night on 'The Dignity of the Unborn’ on Sunday Nov 9. When does dignity begin? How can we help girls & women facing a crisis pregnancy? Join us in the foyer after 5pm Mass. Family Fair 2015 When: Friday 9th – Sunday 11th January Where: Burnside Camp, Anglesea Cost: Adult (18+) $75; Secondary school child (under 18) $40; Pre & Primary school $35. Children under 3 free. Our Family Fair will be held on the 22nd March 2015 and we are now collecting donations for our Trash ’n’ Treasure, Toys and Books Stalls. Please drop off any items at either the School or Parish Offices on Tuesdays 9.00 am – 11.00 am. Contact: 9407 6704 Come with your family and friends and enjoy a weekend at the beach in the school holidays. Flyers available next weekend. Bookings: Contact Ruth 9407 6704 Diamond Valley Deanery YOUTH MASS Sunday, November 16th 2014 10:30 am You are invited! Wednesday 31st December 2014 7 pm – 1 am in St Francis Hall To be hosted by ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE PARISH 251 Diamond Creek Road Greensborough North 3088 * Door Prize * DJ * Raffle * Followed by refreshments In the Hall “We are expected to be industrious as we await the advent of the reign of God. We have all been entrusted with talents that really belong to God, and we must use these talents to the best of our ability in the interim between the Lord’s departure and his final return.” Reflection By Dianne Bergant CSS Thursday 13th November In the Chapel, 7.30pm Praise and Worship Followed by celebration in the Nook Please come and celebrate with us! RCIA has now begun. We meet this Thursday November 6th at 7:30 pm in the Community Room. If you know anybody who is interested in embracing our faith please encourage them to come along and please feel welcome to accompany them. Tickets: Adult: $40 Child (12 & under): $20 Form a Table of Family & Friends! Contact: Parish Office 9434 7373 or WORD OF LIFE CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP 10TH BIRTHDAY Carvery Meal & Dessert (Vegetarian Meals on Request) Tea & Coffee Provided. BYO Drinks. Dinner will be served at 8 pm. EXPLORING IRAQ TODAY: IMPLICATIONS FOR CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS IN AUSTRALIA St Vincent de Paul wish to advise that 2015 Columban Calendars are now available in the piety stall for $7.50 each and Divine Mercy Calendars are also available for $9 each. Wednesday 19 November, 7.30pm-9pm The Knox Lecture Theatre, Cardinal Knox Centre, 383 Albert St, East Melbourne (enter via Lansdowne St carpark) Do you want to know more about the current situation in Iraq, the Christian and Muslim communities of Iraq, the rise and nature of the ‘Islamic State’ and appropriate relationships between Christians and Muslims today? This free event is a timely opportunity aimed at providing information and answering your questions. The speakers are Very Rev Denis Staley, Episcopal Vicar for Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations and Prof Nasir Butrous, member of the Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission. If anyone is interested in purchasing Kairos or AD2000 magazines please speak to Fr Anthony. Catholic Theological College Open Day Wednesday 5 November Study options, Building tour, Refreshments Two programs: 4.00pm–6.00pm or 6.00pm–8.00pm Bookings essential. RSVP to Jenny Delahunt by Friday 31 October 2014 Phone: 9412 3314 Email: 278 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002
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