The beautiful mums and lilies in our sanctuary have been provided by the following individuals… OUR PURPOSE STATEMENT We, the people of Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church, will actively seek and serve Christ in all people. ANNOUNCEMENT FOLDER In Memory of: Donald and Ruth Williams by Kathy Williams Cornell and Miriam Wallwork by Kathy Williams Donald R. “Bob” Williams by Kathy Williams Our Parents by Pearl Reimer and Ernie Lohman My Father and Father-In-Law, Bill Super and Ron Statham by Cheryl Statham Samuel Callie by Jean Callie David Janosa by Jean Janosa and Family Divona and Bob Jennings by The Jennings Family Melissa Coppola by The Jennings Family In lieu of plants a monetary contribution has been given by the following individuals... In Memory of: Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bush by Larry and Saundra Smith and family Saturday, April 4, 2015 - Healing Service Sunday, April 5, 2015 - Resurrection of Our Lord: Easter Day Holy Communion - Setting 3 Notes on Sunday’s services This year may be the one in which John's resurrection account is likely to be chosen over Mark's, perhaps because Mark's gospel ends so abruptly, with astonishment and fear rather than joyful proclamation. Yet Mark may speak to our experience more directly than the other gospels. Corinthians and Acts fill out the story by telling of appearances of the risen Christ. Peter says we "ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead." And so do we, in a foretaste of the mountaintop feast where death will be no more. Welcome! All are welcome here. Visitors, please sign our guest book before you depart. All baptized Christians who have received their First Communion are welcome to receive communion today. Gluten Free wafers are available, just ask. Children and others who do not receive are invited to come forward for a blessing. If this is your first time, we hope that it will not be the last time. We look forward to seeing you again soon! PRINCE OF PEACE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 2445 Lake Minsi Drive, Bangor, PA 18013 610-588-2355 Pastor: The Rev. Michael J. Scholtes (home: 610-588-2314; email: Music Coordinator: Carol Koslo: 610-392-3048 Youth, Young Adult, & Family Ministry Coordinator: Judy Trigg: 908-910-8250 Parish Secretary: Annette Buss email: Office Hours: 9 am -Noon (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fr.) Thursday: 1 - 4 p.m. Custodian: Candy Rissmiller: 610-588-4669 Treasurer: Joyce Weishaupt: or 908-362-7992 12 1 Altar Guild for March and April: Cheryl Statham and Sherry Hock Property Contact Person for April: Joe Daley Sunday, April 5, 2015 9:45 a.m. Saturday, April 4, 2015 Crucifer Book Bearer Torch Bearers Assisting Minister: Lay Reader Greeter Power Point: Assisting Minister: Acolytes: Larry Rissmiller Marlene Stana Mary O’Meally Mary Lee Dry Communion Assts: Power Point: Lay Reader: Ushers: Greeters: Sunday, April 5, 2015 6 a.m. Assisting Minister: Bread Baker Acolytes: Communion Assts: Power Point: Lay Reader: Ushers: Greeters: Tina Johns Cheryl Statham Lauren Flyte Hannah Flyte Brenda Stauffer Bob Schuette Cathy Mullen Kale Baker Larry Rissmiller Cheryl Statham Brenda Stauffer Tara Flyte, Tyler Flyte, Ashley Flyte, Charmine Collins Petrina and Neil Billger Emily Brands Ben Manicke Lauren Harrison Marissa Hill Evan Powell Owen Jennings C.J. Kozer Jim Jennings, Emily Brands Autumn Williams Brooks Baker Hughes Family Sherry Hock, Joan Miller Offering Counter for: April 5: Jackie Horn 2 The beautiful mums and lilies in our sanctuary have been provided by the following individuals... In Honor of: My Mother and Mother-In-Law, Bertha Super and Barbara Statham by Cheryl Statham Liz Kappler by The Jennings Family In Memory of: Ed Eichlin by Miriam Eichlin Our Loving Husband and Dad: Kenneth Lane by Helen and Kathy Albert Farleigh by Wife and Children Luther and Florence Kichlin by The Family Leroy and Pauline and Leroy Pearson by Neil and Janet Pearson and Family Alonzo, Jennie and Alonzo Widenor by Neil and Janet Pearson and Family Loved Ones by Charmaine Collins Departed Loved Ones by Kathryn Fair Laura B. and Nate Collins by Cathy and Dennis Mullen Laura M. and Nathan Collins by Cathy and Dennis Mullen Joseph Comunale by The Hughes Family Emily and Bill Van Emburgh by Joan and Bern Deichmann 11 COMING UP AT PRINCE OF PEACE Sunday, April 5 Resurrection Sunday 6 a.m. Great Vigil of Easter Easter Breakfast (No Sunday School) 9:45 a.m. Worship and Holy Communion Monday, April 6 4:30 p.m. Cub Scouts: Webelos 6 p.m. Tigers, Wolves, Bears Tuesday, April 7 Last Day to Submit Announcement Folder Items for 4/12 9 a.m. Happy Quilters 9:30 a.m. GFWC - Craft 6 p.m. Social Ministries 6:30 p.m. Dwelling in the Word 7 p.m. Christian Ed and Stewardship Wednesday, April 8 7 p.m. Boy Scouts Thursday, April 9 3 p.m. Organ Fund Committee 6 p.m. Daisy Scouts 6:30 p.m. Historical Task Force 6:30 p.m. Mental Wellness Friday, April 10 9:30 a.m. GEMS: Bulletins Sunday, April 12 Special Needs Sunday 8:30 a.m. Sunday School, Adult Forum, and High School Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship and Holy Communion 11 a.m. Congregational Meeting 11 a.m. Youth Gathering Meeting 5 p.m. Youth Group - Younger (Just a reminder -- All items for the May Newsletter need to be submitted to Wanda McCammon by Tuesday, April 14th!) Plants may be picked up after the 9:45 a.m. service. 10 Be sure to check out the Google calendar on our website: for event contact information and the latest updates and changes to our schedule. 3 PRINCE OF PEACE PRAYER LIST as of April 2, 2015 Ill and Injured Lisa Jack Jennifer Tyler Scott Paul Sherma Robert Adam Jamey Halfpenny Charmaine Collins plete the entire Bible by April 5 of next year. If you sign up to be part of this, I will send you a weekly email that lists the readings for the upcoming week. (We'll actually be "bouncing" around the Bible as we read, to avoid getting bogged down in some of the more...well, boring...sections. But we will read the whole thing by the end.) If you sign up for this, I will be glad to discuss the readings with you over email or in person...but I won't be checking up on you. It's up to you! If you sign up for this, I also want to provide some opportunities for you to discuss the readings with others. If you're interested in joining a small discussion group that will get together regularly, let me know, and I'll try to get some groups together. Or, if online discussion is your thing, I have created a Facebook group where you can join with me and others to have online discussions about what we’re reading. The Facebook group can be found at Just go there and request to join. Grieving Family & Friends of Todd Strohe Gephardt Family You are invited to include these people in your own prayers throughout the week. To add someone to the prayer list (or to extend for another four weeks), please contact Pastor Scholtes at 610-588-2355 or Unless you have explicit permission from the person to be prayed for, only the first name will be used. All names will be listed on the prayer list for four weeks, unless specifically requested otherwise. Our Card Ministry sends cards out to those on our prayer list. If you would like a card sent, please make sure you provide an address to the pastor. 4 If this interests you, please sign up on the counter in the narthex, or reply to this email. Please let me know if you want to be part of either a small group or the Facebook group. To clarify: You are very welcome to sign up for the reading challenge without signing up for the small group or Facebook group. Also, for those of you who sign up for the "small groups," I don't plan on hosting them. Instead, I will assign six or seven people to each small group, and share contact information with all of them. It will then be up to those of you in that group how, when, and where you would like to meet. 9 pice volunteers are sent from heaven. They work alongside hospice professionals, giving of their time, talents and most importantly, their presence. Liberty Hospice is asking you to consider using your spiritual gifts as a hospice volunteer. Hospice volunteers are trained and supervised in order to provide respite and support for families. During an eight -hour training program, you will learn about: The hospice philosophy, your duties and responsibilities, and the roles of other team members. Liberty Hospice, a service of Liberty Lutheran, is seeking caring, compassionate individuals who will find meaning and purpose in supporting terminally ill individuals. Currently we are seeking volunteers for patients in the Ambler, Montgomery County area and in Northeast Philadelphia. If you are interested in learning more, please call Nicole Strauss, RN, BSN, Hospice Director at 844-651-5111. Our facilitation team is working hard with Pastor Machamer to help our congregation find our purpose here at POP. Your facilitation team members are: Scott Schipps, Judy Trigg, Georgia Suranofsky, Chip Harrison, Larry Rissmiller, Brenda Stauffer, Cathy Mullen, Jackie Horn, and Pastor Scholtes. Make sure you take the time to ask them about the process we are involved with and also ask them about our next retreat that EVERYONE is invited will be on Saturday, May 9. Please mark your calendars, because we hope to see you all there! THANK YOU: I'd like to thank everyone for their cards, calls, and most of all, their prayers during my recent recuperation. They were greatly appreciated. --Kathy Williams NOTES from Pastor: Do you wish you knew the Bible better? Do you wish you could say you've read the whole thing? If so, this is an opportunity for you. Over the past few months, several people have expressed some sadness to me that they don't know scripture as well as they wanted, and I've heard some interest in reading through the Bible in a one-year period. I have put together a plan for how we can do that, and we're ready to go! We will begin reading on Monday, April 6. If you join in, you will com8 RECENT OFFERING AND ATTENDANCE Offering for Sunday, 3-29-15: Offering for 3-9-15: General Fund: Cur- rent: $3,158.52 Designated Fund: Capital Improvements: $176.00, World Hunger: $20.00, Youth: $249.00, St. Vincent’s Mission: $122.00, POP Garden: $50.00 Online Giving: Manage your offerings online, it's easy! Just think, you will no longer need to write out checks and prepare envelopes every week. Even when you travel, or circumstances prevent you from attending services, your electronic contributions will continue to be received . Visit our church website ( to get started. If you have any questions please see Mary "O". PEW ENVELOPES: If you have forgotten your envelope or you do not have an envelope, please use a pew envelope. Please complete the information on the envelope. Attendance: Sunday, March 29, 2015 202 A Stewardship Thought: Don't miss out, step up and allow God to touch others' lives through you. Announcements A special thank you to our cherub/youth choir and our adult choir for sharing their musical talents with us at the 9:45 a.m. service! Attention Youth Choir: There will be NO Tuesday Evening Youth Choir practice until after Easter. Practice will resume in April on a date TBD. Please join us TODAY, April 5, Easter Sunday for breakfast. Breakfast will be from 7-9:30 am. Thank you to all those who have donated yummy goodies to be enjoyed by all. All monetary donations for breakfast will be going to support the Youth Gathering trip in July. Question? 5 Talk to Laraine or Colleen SPONSOR CHARTS are now available for both the Altar Flowers and Announcement Folders/Newsletters for 2015 on the bulletin board by the church offices. Choose your dates today! . Announcement Folder Deadline: Items to be printed in the next announcement folder must be submitted to the church office by Tuesday, April 7, 2015. MISSING: There was a large greenish water bottle out on the narthex counter, which is now missing. If you have moved it or know where it is, please see Cheryl Statham. Thank you! The Social Ministry Committee Do you do your shopping at Mr. Z/Weis Markets? Do you give gift cards as gifts? We have gift cards for purchase, $25 and $50, with the purchase of gift cards, Weis will donate 5% to POP! ($1.25 for each $25 gift card and $2.50 for each $50 gift card). Gift cards can be used for your regular shopping trip and Prince of Peace benefits! This is an ongoing program. See Jackie Horn, Jim Jennings or Charmaine to make your gift card purchase. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who brought their Weis receipts in. Since last September, Weis has donated almost $1,000.00 to Prince of Peace as a benefit of turning in receipts! Remember to keep bringing in your entire receipts from the Weis Market at 1309 Blue Valley Dr., Pen Argyl, PA only. Please note: in order to receive credit for the receipt, the receipt must be the entire receipt, please do not trim them. Thank you from the Social Ministry Committee for all of your generous donations of nonperishable food items for our Easter PUMP food drive!! We can practice being green by returning the food item suggestion paper eggs by placing them in the basket on the counter. 6 The Social Ministry Committee would like to thank the following people for volunteering their time on Palm Sunday: Jean Janosa; Carolyn Leidy; Cathy Mullin; Sherry Hock; Jen Nelson; Larry & Brenda Stauffer and Mary O'Meally. The East Bangor United Methodist Community Church provides monthly meals in their community. We crossed congregational lines to help them with this much needed ministry. The fellowship was great, as was the food, and we made new friends. We are in full communion partners with EBUMC Church, and our hope is to continue to help each month. SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: A Special Congregational Meeting will be held immediately after worship on Sunday, April 12. The purpose of this meeting is to consider two motions from council: To accept the proposal from Crossan-Savage for necessary repairs to our pipe organ, not to exceed $27,000; and to approve a capital campaign to pay for the organ repairs. More info is available on the counter in the narthex. Questions? Speak to the pastor or any other member of council. Lawn Care Teams Are Forming… April showers may bring May flowers, but, March’s melting snow and warmer temperatures brings sprouting grass! Sign-up in the Narthex. Thank you for your help in keeping our grounds beautiful, your efforts do not go unnoticed! JOIN US FOR SOME FUN… at the NEPS Bike for World Hunger, Saturday, May 16; 9am-1pm. This event will be held rain or shine at the Bob Rodale Cycling and Fitness Park, Routes 100 and 222, Trexlertown, PA. You can walk, ride bike or rollerblade. It is a great opportunity to join with other people of faith for a day to do something to care for the 1.4 billion people in our world who are hungry. 100% of your donations will go to feed hungry people! Instruction sheet, registration form and sponsor sheet are in the narthex on the counter. Take a packet of papers and please sign your name and t-shirt size on the sign-up sheet by Sunday, April 19. If you have any questions, please speak to Brenda Stauffer. Use your Spiritual Gifts as a Hospice Volunteer Some might say hos7
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