Notices 14 June 15 - Portsmouth Cathedral

Sunday 14 June
2nd Sunday after Trinity
Holy Communion (BCP said)
Eucharist in the Nave (Cathedral Choir)
Preacher: The Revd Canon Nick Ralph
Readings: Ezekiel 17.22-end; Mark 4.26-34
Choral Evensong (Cathedral Choir)
Preacher: Kitty Price, Reader
Readings: Jeremiah 7.1-16; Romans 9.14-26
Hymns: 476, 464, 436
Psalm 39
Weekdays 0745
Wednesday 1200
Saturday 1215
Services This Week
Morning Liturgy
Choral Evensong Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Holy Communion attended by the Mothers’ Union
Cathedral Baby and Toddler Group
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Diocesan Synod Eucharist
Evening Prayer
Sunday 21 June
3rd Sunday after Trinity
Holy Communion (BCP said)
Eucharist to mark the start of the Portsmouth Festivities
in the Quire, with incense (Cathedral Choir, The Portsmouth Grammar School
Chamber Choir and Portsmouth High School Choir with the Becket Players)
Preacher: The Revd Canon Michael Tristram
Readings: 2 Corinthians 6.1-13; Mark 4.35-end
Choral Evensong (Cathedral Choir)
Preacher: The Revd Canon Nick Ralph
Readings: Jeremiah 10.1-16; Romans 11.25-end
Encountering God through transformative worship, challenging discipleship,
generous hospitality & prayerful engagement.
For our partner diocese in Sunyani, Ghana holding its Diocesan Synod,
and ordination retreat this week.
All those preparing and sitting major exams at this time
All those in need including: Jenny, Kelvin, Jeanette, Harold, Stephen,
Justin, Jackie, Henry and Simon.
and those who have died including Christopher Brewer, Fay Devonport,
David Jameson (priest), John Jones, Robert Cole and Richard Green RIP
Canon Peter is at St Mary’s, Fratton and Canon Anthony is at Meonstoke
this morning and The Revd Dawn Banting is with the Army Training
Regiment in Winchester.
The List with timings of events and service details is available on the
website and in the Welcome Area.
Fabric Works The tenders for the works to the Tower and the external
Eastern wall of St Thomas’s Chapel have been received and considered by
Chapter. It is anticipated that contracts will be signed shortly and for the
work, which is funded by the First World War Centenary Cathedrals
Repair Fund, to start as soon as possible.
Landscape Chapter has applied to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a
regional grant to take forward the landscape project including
archaeological investigations, further consultation and design work. A
decision on the award is expected in September.
Older Persons Advocate Project As part of the Inner City Cluster of
churches within Portsmouth Deanery we are supporting this project by
acting as employer for Jill Phipps. Her role is to work alongside volunteers
and look at how the churches engage with older people and ways in which
we might do this more effectively. Jill is based at All Saints’ Church in the
city centre but you will see her from time to time at the Cathedral. Email, phone number 07710 394351.
Worshipful Company of Fuellers On Thursday Canon Peter and
Churchwarden Mike were delighted to welcome the Master, Neville
Chamberlain CBE, his Lady and a local member of the Company as part of
this year’s pilgrimage to all Cathedrals. A commemorative plaque is on
display in the Welcome Area.
Sunyani Partnership The June Newsletter is on the website or copies can
be obtained from the Link Officer, Canon Marion Syms.
Chapter has agreed that the 6pm Holy Communion service on
Wednesdays will be replaced by Evening Prayer from the beginning of July.
Please speak to Canon Michael for details.
Educational Visit On Friday St Mark’s Primary School, Basingstoke are
bringing 90 Year 2 children to tour and learn about the history of the building
and the Black Canons who built it (including dressing up as a Black Canon!).
Rowans Hospice Moonlit Memories Walk: Once again the Cathedral
will be supporting this event by staying open for walkers to visit. Whilst here
they can take a comfort break, collect water and light a candle in memory
of a loved one. It is an extremely important aspect of the Cathedral’s
ministry in the City and to the Hospice. If you would like to volunteer to
help overnight 20/21 June please contact Canon Peter or Liz in the offices.
Christian Aid Coffee Morning and Lunch in the Lounge at
Homeheights, Clarence Parade, Southsea 10.30am-2.00pm Monday 22
June. Coffee, tea, ploughman's lunch, raffle. Enquiries to Sue Ward and
Margaret Townson, 023 92877 239, email
Canon Michael Canon Michael’s final service as Residentiary Canon will
be 10.30am Sunday 5 July. The service will be followed by reception in the
Nave – all welcome. Donations towards a leaving present can be sent to
the Cathedral Offices in clearly marked envelopes please.
Bells The peal on Saturday will be rung by members of The Royal Society
of Cumberland Youths (est. 1747) and along with its rival, The Ancient
Society of College Youths, one of the oldest ringing societies still in
existence. The principle to be rung is called Stedman Cinques, rung on
eleven working bells with the tenor (heaviest) bell ringing at the end of each
change creating a rhythmical effect. When rung well Stedman can be very
rewarding to ring and listen to, although it requires a high level of
Ordinations Saturday 4 July. The Revd Jane Isaac, who was an ordinand
in training and long-standing member of the Cathedral Community, is
amongst those being ordained Priest at 6.00pm. Her first Eucharist is 1830
on Sunday 5th. The Ordination of Deacons takes place at 11.00am.
Lunchtime Live 1.10pm this Thursday. Oliver Hancock and Samuel
Hancock, voice and piano. Tickets £3, (concs £2.50.) Refreshments from
Discipleship Courses Everyone is welcome to attend the following
relaxed, informative sessions. Details from the cards in the Welcome Area,
on the website or from Canon Peter.
Pilgrim Course Module 3 ‘The Commandments’ on Tuesday
afternoons 2.00-3.30pm until 7 July in the Bishop Kenneth Room
An Acceptable Prophet looking at Old Testament Prophets and what
they might have to say to us today in light of the recent General Election.
Thursdays 7.00–8.30pm until 9 July in the Bishop Kenneth Room.
Portsmouth Festivities 19-28 June. Details of concerts and events
including those at the Cathedral: The London Mozart Players 7.30pm Friday
19, The Swingle Singers 7.45pm Saturday 20, Eucharist to mark the start of
the Portsmouth Festivities 10.30am Sunday 21, Southern Counter Tenors
9pm Tuesday 23, The David Rees-Williams Jazz Trio 9pm Wednesday 24,
Portsmouth Festival Choir ‘Dido and Aeneas’ 7.30pm Thursday 25 June
Choral Evensong and Lunchtime Live recitals are in the brochures in the
Cathedral. Tickets from the Kings Theatre 023 9282 8282.
Seafood on the Green 12.00-2.00pm. Saturday 20 June. Mussels, chips,
smoked salmon, prawns. Live music, bar, seafood tastings etc. Pre-order
from the Cathedral Shop or through the Cathedral Offices or come on the
day. Proceeds in aid of the Fishermen’s Mission and the Portsmouth
Cathedral Choirs Association.
Cathedral Club 2.45pm Thursday 25 June in Becket Hall. Our Head
Verger, Jessica-Louise Hallion ‘On being a verger’. Donations towards tea
and coffee, all welcome.
Saying Goodbye Service 3pm Saturday 27 June. One of a series of
services taking place at Cathedrals and Minsters. The services are for
people of any faith or no faith, and for anyone who has lost a baby, a
child at any stage of pregnancy, at birth or in infancy, whether last week
or 80-years ago.
Job Vacancy The Parish of St Mary, Portsea requires a Verger. Core
hours 17.5 p/w @ £7.85 p/h, 9am-12 noon weekdays. Extra hours average
out at approx 3 hrs per week, but with considerable variation, and a need
for flexibility. Weekends and evenings are sometimes involved. For further
details please contact:
Portsmouth Cathedral, High Street, Old Portsmouth, PO1 2HH
023 9282 3300