24 May - Ripon Cathedral

Services and Notices
Sunday 24th May 2015
A very warm welcome to all our visitors today.
Please feel free to introduce yourself to one of the clergy after the service.
Please let us know if you are new and would like to join our regular congregations or
would like to know more about how we can support you in your faith.
Induction Loop System
We apologise for the fact that the induction loop system
is currently not accessible as it is away for repair
Please, take this Pew Slip away with you so that you can refer to the notices
contained in it. Please, also use it to prompt prayers for this Cathedral and all
that we seek to do in God s service.
Large print versions of the Order of Service and this notice sheet are available.
Please ask a member of Select Vestry or a Verger if you would like one.
Dean: The Very Revd John Dobson
In Residence: Canon Paul Greenwell
Cathedral Office: 01765 603462
Website: www.riponcathedral.org.uk
A Note from the Dean
Welcome to the Cathedral. A special welcome if you are joining us for the first time.
Please, complete a Welcome Card if you would like to give us your contact details.
A Day of Celebrations
Today is a wonderful day of celebrations. This morning the Cathedral Community
celebrates the great feast of Pentecost. We then join with the City community for the
installation of the Mayor. This afternoon we join with Bishop Nick, Bishop James and
the people of the parishes in a Songs of Praise to thank God for the life of his Church
in this Ripon Episcopal Area.
T’day is ’‘e ’f the great feasts ’f the Church s year. St. Luke te––s us that the rise‘
Christ ascended to heaven forty days after his resurrection and then, ten days later, at
Pentecost, he sent the Holy Spirit on his followers. Today is the Feast of Pentecost
when we thank God for the gift of his Holy Spirit. According to St. John, on the
evening before he was crucified, Jesus promised his disciples that they would not be
left as orphans when he had departed from them; he would send them the comforter,
the Spirit of truth to lead them into all truth. Today we thank God that he kept his
promise and that we are amongst the beneficiaries. We go out from this place
dedicating ourselves to live in a way that shows this to be true.
The Installation of the Mayor
It is a privilege for us to be hosting the civic service today in which the new Mayor of
Ripon, Councillor Pau–i‘e McHardy, is i‘sta––ed. The fact that the city s May’r has a
stall in this ancient house of prayer reminds the Church that Christ came to turn the
w’r–d i‘t’ G’d s ki‘gd’—: we sh’u–d be i‘terested i‘, and serving, the wider
community. It also reminds the Mayor and all those who hold public office that there
is a greater authority to whom we are all subject to and to whom we shall all answer.
The L’rd s Prayer c’‘sta‘t–y re—i‘ds us that it is G’d s reig‘ ’‘ earth that we seek.
Tea and Songs of Praise
We have invited the churches of this Episcopal Area to join us for tea from 4pm and
for the Songs of Praise Service at 5.30pm. Many thanks to those of you who are
helping in any way with this. I would like to encourage everyone to come and help us
offer warm hospitality; even if this simply means drinking tea, eating cake and being
the smiling face of the Cathedral. During the Songs of Parise we shall celebrate the
work of the Spirit in the parishes. The service gives Bishop Nick an opportunity to
commission Bishop James for his new role as Area Bishop of Ripon. Please, do join us.
Nepal Prayer Station
This is in the Chapel of St. Wilfrid, in the North Transept. Please, do offer a prayer for
those who are suffering and the people who are seeking to help them.
The Cathedral Chapter
At its meeting on Thursday, the Cathedral Chapter adopted a new Pastoral Care
Policy, prepared by Canon Wendy in consultation with me, Canon Elizabeth, Canon
Paul and others. It did so with great enthusiasm. Canon Wendy, in presenting the
policy, explained that there is much pastoral care that goes on in unseen ways, but
that we need a more adequate provision to meet the needs of the Cathedral
community today. This was a clear message from our recent Consultation.
Needless to say, there is much work that now needs to be done to turn this into
reality. When Canon Ruth arrives as Canon Evangelist, a major part of her role will be
to oversee our ministry of pastoral care. My hope is that we will have our new
structures and systems in place by September.
The Chapter also received a brief report on the Cathedral Strategy Process. There are
four groups working hard on this, covering the four areas of our mission identified in
the report Gr’wi‘g G’d s Ki‘gd’— . There will also be a fifth group, under the
chairmanship of Canon Philip Arundel, the Canon Treasurer, to explore how we
provide the necessary resources for our mission. I am delighted by the energy and
enthusiasm that we are seeing in the groups. The Chapter has planned to have an
extra day-long meeting in September to consider the ongoing work of the groups.
The plan is still to launch our comprehensive vision and strategy during the Cathedral
Festival Weekend the first weekend of May 2016. Please, do put that weekend in
your diary and also pray for all who are involved in the Cathedral Strategy
development and in planning the Cathedral Festival Weekend.
Installation of the Revd Ruth Hind as Canon Evangelist
Please, know that you are warmly invited by me and the other members of the
Cathedral Chapter to attend the Collation and Installation of the Revd Ruth Hind on
Sunday, 28 June at 3.30pm followed by a reception. Please, do join us in extending to
Ruth a warm and enthusiastic welcome.
Christians Against Poverty
You may be interested to know that the Archbishop of Canterbury has become the
first patron of Christians Against Poverty. The charity runs debt services, helping
people to escape from debt. Around 60 of its 280 centres are based in Church of
England churches.
With my very best wishes
Dean John
Today s Services
8.00 am
Holy Eucharist (1662 Book of Common Prayer)
President & Preacher: Canon Paul Greenwell
8.30 am
9.30 am
Children s Church
Psalm 145
takes place during the 9.30am Eucharist. All welcome
Activity Bags are also available for younger children
9.30 am
please ask if you would like one.
Festal Eucharist sung by the Cathedral Consort
President: Canon Paul Greenwell
Hymns: 142 (tune 265), 139,
137, 140
Preacher: Canon Wendy Wilby
Setting: Missa sobre las voces Morales
Anthem: Loquebantur variis linguis Tallis
Psalm: 104 [24-end]
Voluntary: Fantasia super Komm, heiliger Geist BWV 651 Johann
Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Lessons read by Edward Scott
11.15 am
Intercessions led by Jessica Dobson
Installation of the Mayor sung by the Cathedral Consort
Preacher: The Dean
Hymns: 431, 137, 488, National
Te Deum in C Perrin
Come, Holy Ghost, the maker Thorpe Davie
12.30 pm
Holy Eucharist (1662 Book of Common Prayer)
President: Canon Simon Hoare and Canon Kenneth Mason
4.30 pm
Evening Prayer Psalm 139
5.30 pm
Pentecost Praise Right Reverend Nicholas Baines and
Right Reverend James Bell
Daily Worship This Week
Morning Prayer:
Evening Prayer:
Mon 25th May
Tue 26th May
Wed 27th May
Thurs 28th May
29th May
30th May
Monday to Saturday at 8.30am
Monday - Friday 6.00pm; Saturday 5.30pm
9 am
9 am
9 am
9 am
9 am
9 am
Reverend Peter Dodson
Prebendary Jacqueline Fox
Reverend David Murfet
Canon Wendy Wilby
Canon Wendy Wilby
Reverend Trevor Vaughan
Reverend Christopher Cornwell
Reverend Jason Clarke CF
For more details of the services during this week, please take a Music and Services
Diary available from the Welcome Desk or visit the website or call the Chapter House
01765 602072
Events This Week
TODAY 5.30pm Pentecost Praise and Blessing for the Bishop of Ripon with Bishop
Nicholas and Bishop James. The service will tell the story of mission and ministry in
the Episcopal Area over the last year with popular hymns accompanied by a quintet of
brass. Tea and cake served from 4.00pm when we will be welcoming people from
across the Ripon Episcopal area.
Bank Holiday Monday NO MEETING The Magdalen Fellowship at St Mary Magdalen
Chapel. For further information, contact Patricia Whaling 606570 or John Whelan
Thursday 7.30pm PEGS The Parish Discussion Group meet in Thorpe Prebend.
He was —ade k‘’w‘ i‘ the breaki‘g ’f the bread . Details are on the PCC notice
board where you can also pick up a card with the revised dates and topics. All
welcome to a group which aims to offer discussion and learning.
Learning more about the Christian Faith with the Dean
& Confirmation Preparation 2015
Thursday 28th May NO MEETING
Thursday 4 June 7.30pm Service in the Cathedral for the Thanksgiving for Holy
Wednesday 10 June 7pm Rehearsal in the Cathedral, 8pm Group meets in Minster
Worship Next Sunday: 31st May - Trinity Sunday
8.00 am
9.30 am
10.30 am
12.30 pm
5.30 pm
Eucharist (1662)
Festal Eucharist
Eucharist (1662)
The Dean
President: Canon Wendy Wilby Preacher; The Dean
Reverend David Murfet
Reverend Canon Rosemarie Hayes, Priest in Charge
of Kippax with Allerton Bywater and Swillington
Forthcoming Events
Thursday 4th June 1.15pm Lunchtime Concert. Mandakhtuya Dorj, piano. Admission
FREE, refreshments from 1.00pm.
Thursday 4th June 7.30pm Corpus Christi Procession and Sung Eucharist with our
Eucharistic ministers and priests who celebrate here. President and Preacher: Rt Revd
Tony Robinson, Bishop of Wakefield. All welcome. A drinks reception follows.
Friday 5th June 8-9pm Taizé Praise Evening in the Cathedral. A short, simple service
with well known and loved Taizé chants and prayers to end the day in this holy space.
The Cathedral Music Group sings. All welcome.
Saturday 6th June 12 noon Cathedral Parish Lunch All welcome.
Sunday 7th June
3.00pm Friends of Ripon Cathedral Lecture i‘ the Cathedra–. Lewis Carr’–– s A–ice
at 150 by Dr Se–wy‘ G’’dacre.
Afternoon Tea in Thorpe Prebend £7 each booking essential. Tel: 01765 604778.
5.30pm Evensong Celebrating Volunteers Preacher: Canon Myra Shackley
Thursday 11th June 7.30pm A differe‘t s’rt ’f St Wi–frid Lecture. Duri‘g D’es the
Tea— thi‘k the Dea‘ wi–– chair a discussi’‘ betwee‘ a pa‘e– ’f i‘vited guests a‘d the
audience. The panellists, include Bishop James, an MP, a journalist, ex-MEP and
Chairman of the Commons Select Committee on the Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs and others from the rural communities of North Yorkshire. We invite everyone
with an interest in the Dales, food, the environment and countryside to come along
Questions for the panel can be sent in advance to judithbustard@riponcathedral.org.uk
Saturday 13th June 7.00pm Tickle your Taste buds and Take them on a Tour of the
world. Try some Tremendous, Terrific, Tantalizing wines in the Cathedral Hall.
Come and enjoy some food, wine and make some new friends. (Guaranteed no
headaches nor hangovers). Cost £10 in Aid of Youth Work within the Diocese.
Tickets available from the Cathedral Office Tel; 01765 603462 or Michael Waiting
Tel: 01765 690367.
Thursday 25th June 7.30pm PEGS The Parish Discussion Group meet in Thorpe
Prebe‘d. If y’u hear —y v’ice, a‘d ’pe‘ the d’’r . Details are on the PCC notice
board where you can also pick up a card with revised dates and topics. All welcome
to a group which aims to offer discussion and learning.
Sunday 28th June 3.30pm Installation of Revd Ruth Hind as Residentiary Canon with
responsibility for Church Growth and Pastoral Care to be known as Canon Evangelist
followed by a reception. All welcome.
Saturday 11th July 7.30pm Leeds Festival Chorus Concert: Fauré Requiem in aid
Ripon Cathedral Music Trust. Tickets from Cathedral Gift Shop and Hays Travel.
17th-19th July Diocesan Retreat at Wydale Hall, nr Scarborough. Leader: Canon
Michael Glanville-Smith. Details and booking form by PCC Notice Board.
Cathedral Prayer Pyramid Contact Mary Waiting 01765 690367 for emergency and
urgent Prayer Support.
Cloth for Ripon Community Link Ripon Community Link (RCL) is collecting remnants
of cloth that are either orange or black, for a creative activity in their celebration
service on 8th July 2pm Ripon Cathedral. Both colours are needed. Please do pass any
c–’th re—‘a‘ts, e.g. that ca‘ —ake strips appr’x. 1 x 9 , t’ Li‘dsay Ta‘‘er, ’r t’ RCL
at Community House, Sharow View, 75 Allhallowgate, Ripon HG4 1LE. Tel: 01765
607461. Thank you for your support. Also, please do join us on that day to celebrate
our 25th anniversary.
Giving by Gift Aid
Our financial supp’rt ’f the Cathedra– s —issi’‘ is an expression of our gratitude to
God for all that we receive from him. It does strengthen the mission, however, if the
Cathedral can reclaim any tax that has been paid on our offerings. If you are a UK
taxpayer, please consider Gift-Aiding your donation. For every £1 you give, we will
receive £1.25. Gift Aid envelopes are available in the pews or from the Sidespeople.
Please use the envelope and sign it there is no extra cost to you.
If you would prefer to give by electronic banking the details are as follows:
Account Name: Ripon Cathedral PCC Fund
Account number:
Sort Code: 05 07 17
If you are a regular worshipper at the Cathedral and would like to know more about
our planned giving scheme, please contact the PCC Treasurer via the Cathedral Office
(Tel: 01765 603462) or have a word with one of the clergy.
We are very grateful for your financial support. Without it the worship and ministry of
this Cathedral Church simply could not happen.