THE THE CONGRESSIONAL THE CONGRESSIONAL THE CONGRESSIONAL THE CONGRESSIONAL CONGRESSIONAL PRAYER PRAYER PRAYER CAUCUS PRAYER CAUCUS PRAYER CAUCUS CAUCUS FOUNDATION, CAUCUS FOUNDATION, FOUNDATION, FOUNDATION, FOUNDATION, INC. INC.INC. INC. INC. AACALL ACALL ACALL ACALL CALL TO TO TO PRAYER TO PRAYER TO PRAYER PRAYER PRAYER FOR FOR FOR FOR AmERICA FOR AmERICA AmERICA AmERICA AmERICA T T T T T hroughout hroughout hroughout the hroughout the history hroughout history the of history the the of the history the uhistory of nited u the nited ofsu the tates of nited sthe tates u,nited its sutates ,nited citizens its states citizens , its states ,citizens and its,and citizens inhabitants its citizens inhabitants and and inhabitants and have inhabitants have inhabitants drawn have drawn strength have drawn strength have drawn strength drawn , hope strength , hope , strength , ,hope , hope , , hope , , andand guidance guidance and and guidance from and guidance from prayer guidance from prayer . from fprayer rom . from from prayer the . fprayer the rom very . fvery rom the first . from very first the continental the very first continental very first continental first ccontinental ongress ccontinental ongress c,ongress through c, through ongress c,ongress through every , through every ,form through every form of every form adversity of every adversity form of form adversity of adversity of adversity andand and and and blessing blessing blessing , a mericans , blessing a mericans blessing , a mericans ,have a mericans ,have afallen mericans have fallen to have fallen their to have fallen their to knees fallen their knees toand their to knees and their implored knees implored and knees and implored g od and implored ga od implored lmighty g aod lmighty g aod lmighty to ga od protect to lmighty aprotect lmighty to protect their to their protect to families protect their families their families and their and families families and andand to heal to heal to their heal their toland heal to their land .heal their land . their land . land . . thetfreedom he freedom the t freedom upon het upon freedom he which freedom upon which a upon which merica a upon merica which ais which merica founded a is merica founded aismerica founded affords is affords founded is founded affords the the right affords right affords the toright the any tothe right any individual toright individual any to individual any toto any individual decline to individual decline to to decline to pray to decline to pray if to decline he pray ifto or hepray to if orhe pray if or heif or he or she she she she she so desires so desires so .h desires so owever . hdesires so owever . desires h, owever that .h , that owever . same h, owever that same freedom , that same freedom , that same freedom allows same allows freedom freedom those allows those allows who those allows who believe those who believe those in who believe the in who believe the power in believe power the in ofpower the prayer in ofthe power prayer ofpower to prayer of utilize toprayer of utilize to prayer that utilize to that great utilize tothat great utilize that great that great great opportunity opportunity opportunity opportunity to ask opportunity to ask gto od g ask to od to bless g ask to to od bless ask g to and od g bless and to od sustain bless to sustain and bless and our sustain and our nation sustain nation sustain our. nation our . our nation . nation . . that that freedom tfreedom hattfreedom hat is t not hat is freedom not diminished freedom is diminished not is diminished not ismerely not diminished merely diminished because merely because merely because one merely one is because elected is because one elected is one to elected one ispublic to elected ispublic elected tooffice public to office .public to Qoffice uite .public Quite office the . Qoffice uite the contrary . Qcontrary uite the . Quite contrary the , the the contrary , the cloak contrary , cloak the, cloak the , the cloak cloak of authority of authority of authority of placed authority of placed authority upon placed upon placed theupon placed the shoulders upon shoulders the upon shoulders the of the shoulders aof public shoulders a of public aservant of public servant aof public aservant should public should servant servant be should an beshould inspiration anbe should inspiration anbeinspiration an befor inspiration anfor those inspiration those for who those for who believe for those who believe those in who believe the in who believe the in believe the in the in the power power ofpower prayer of power prayer of ;power to prayer of ; use to prayer of use that ; to prayer that use ; great to;that use great to power use that great power that great to power great ask topower ask gto od power g ask to od to bless g ask to to od bless ask g to and od g bless and to od sustain bless to sustain and bless and sustain theand the nation sustain nation sustain the they nation thethey the nation love they nation love and they love and serve they love serve and . love and serve . and serve . serve . . thetbhe ible b tible he records t brecords ible hetbhe records ible inb2ible in records c2hronicles records c inhronicles 2c inhronicles 2in 7:14 c2hronicles 7:14 cthat hronicles 7:14 that god 7:14 that gtold od 7:14 that g told od k that ing g told kod ing sgolomon told od ksing olomon told ksing :olomon king s : olomon s:olomon : : “I“I “I fm f“I m y people f“I ym people f ym who people fm who yare people ywho are called people called who arebywho called are m byare called m yby called ym ame by ym ame by will yame will humble ame willame themselves humble willthemselves will humble themselves humble and themselves and pray themselves and pray and prayand praypray N N Nm Ny humble N andand seekand seek mand m seek y face and yseek m face and seek ym face and turn m y face and turn yfrom face and turn from their and turn from their wicked turn from their wicked from their ways, wicked their ways, wicked then ways, wicked then Iways, then will Iways, will hear then I hear then will I fromhear will I from heaven, will hear from heaven, hear from heaven, from heaven, heaven, will will forgive forgive willtheir forgive willtheir will sin forgive their and sin forgive and their will sin their will and heal sin heal and sin will their and heal their will land will heal their land . ”heal their land . ” their land . ” land .” .” in early in early i2005, n early 2005, in aearly ismall 2005, n aearly small 2005, a group 2005, small group a small of a group members small of group members of group members of ofthe of members ofthe u.s. members of u.s. the h of ouse u.s. the h of ouse the of u.s. hr ouse of u.s. epresentatives hrouse epresentatives of house representatives of r of epresentatives rbegan epresentatives began meeting began meeting began meeting inbegan rin oom meeting room meeting in 219 room 219 in rin oom 219 room 219219 of the of the u.s. of u.s. the cof apitol u.s. c the of apitol the u.s. cto apitol u.s. pray to c apitol pray cto for apitol pray for our to pray our to for nation pray nation our for.for t our nation he .t our nation location he. nation location the. t location he was . tlocation he was not location not was important important was notwas not important , nor not important , nor were important , were nor the , nor were the names , nor were names the were of names the those ofthe names those of names who those of who those ofwho those whowho gathered gathered gathered there gathered there gathered tothere pray to there pray . to tthere he .pray t to gravity he.pray to gravity the pray .t gravity ofhe . their t of gravity hetheir gravity of meeting their meeting of their of meeting was their was meeting derived meeting derived was from was derived from was derived the derived from the humble from humble the from sincerity humble thesincerity the humble sincerity humble of sincerity their of sincerity their of belief their belief of that their of belief that their belief that belief that that g odgcould od g could odheal gcould od heal ga could od merica heal a could merica heal a. merica heal .a merica a. merica . . soon soon thereafter soon thereafter soon thereafter s,oon these thereafter , these thereafter m , these embers m,embers these m ,formed these embers m formed embers mthe formed embers the cformed ongressional cthe formed ongressional c the ongressional the congressional p crayer ongressional p rayer c paucus rayer cpaucus rayer c pto rayer aucus vigilantly to caucus vigilantly cto aucus vigilantly towatch vigilantly towatch vigilantly and watch and to watch to and watch and to and to to protect protect protect the the protect right protect right the ofright the individuals ofthe right individuals ofright individuals of to individuals of pray to individuals pray to in a pray in to merica apray to merica in a pray . in merica t heir .ain tmerica heir a vision . merica t heir vision . tfor heir vision . tfor the heir vision the for cvision aucus c the for aucus for c the inspired aucus the inspired c aucus cinspired them aucus them inspired toinspired them form to form them to the them form the to form to the form the the congressional congressional congressional congressional p crayer ongressional p rayer c paucus rayer cpaucus rayer c pfrayer oundation aucus fcoundation aucus cfaucus oundation ,fioundation nc ,f.ioundation nc which ., which incis ,. iwhich nc a is ,non .inc a which non -is . partisan which a-non partisan is a is -non partisan ,anon non -,partisan non -profit -partisan ,-non profit ,organization -non profit ,organization non -profit organization -profit organization designed organization designed designed designed designed to support to support to support the to the call support to call support the of a call the of merica a the call of merica call aback of merica a back of merica to aback prayer merica to prayer back to . back prayer to . prayer to. prayer . . th th th th on o the n the 7othn 7day the o nday of 7o the nm of day the 7arch mof 7day arch ,m 2015, day of arch , 2015, m of members arch ,m 2015, members arch , 2015, members of , 2015, cof members ongress cmembers ongress of cof ongress and cof and ongress state congress state and legislators and state legislators and state legislators state from legislators from legislators allfrom all across from across allfrom a across all merica aall across merica a across merica america america gathered gathered gathered for gathered for the gathered the purpose for purpose the for for purpose of thecalling of the purpose calling purpose of calling the of the nation calling of nation calling the back nation theback the nation to back nation prayer to prayer back to. back they prayer to . they prayer to realized . they prayer realized . they realized the . they the realized need realized need the forneed the for a merica the need a for merica need a for to merica for turn a tomerica turn ato merica back turn back to turn to back turn back back to g to od gto and od g and to prayer od g to prayer and od g , not and prayer od, not and for prayer , for not prayer a single , anot for single , not a for day single for day aor single aa or day single single a or day single a day month or single month a orsingle ,abut month single , but to month ,pray to month butpray , to but “ without , pray but “to without pray to “ without ceasing pray “ without ceasing “ without .” ceasing a.”ccordingly ceasing accordingly ceasing .” accordingly .” a,.”ccordingly this a, ccordingly this, this , this , this dayday we respectfully we dayrespectfully we dayrespectfully day we respectfully we and respectfully and humbly humbly and issue and humbly issue and humbly this issue humbly this “cissue all this “cissue all to this “cpto all this rayer “c p rayer to all “cfor pall to rayer for apto merica rayer a for pmerica rayer a for and for merica invite a” merica invite and you invite you and invite join to you invite join us to you in us join you to this injoin us to this call in join us this call by in usthis call by in this call by call by by ” merica ”aand ” and ”to adding adding your adding your adding name your adding name , and your name , and your further name , further and name , and further join , and join further us by further us join praying byjoin us praying by join us praying for by us for g praying by od g praying for ’sod continued ’g s for od continued for ’g s od continued g’sblessing od continued ’sblessing continued blessing on this on blessing this blessing country on this country on this on country . this .country country . . . t hank t hank you t hank you for t hank for you your t hank your for you faithfulness you your for faithfulness for your faithfulness your faithfulness and faithfulness and for for and standing standing and forand standing for with for standing with us standing .with us i t .iswith i tus our is .with iour us tsincere is . us isincere our t .isi tbelief our sincere is belief our sincere that sincere belief that gbelief od that gbelief will odthat g will od hear that gwill hear od gwill od hear will hear hear the the prayers prayers the prayers of theh of the prayers is h people prayers of is people hof isand people h of is and heal hpeople isand heal people this and heal this land and heal this land . heal mthis land ay . mthis g ay land .od m gland bless ay od .m g bless ay .od you mg ay bless you od and gbless od and you may bless you and may h eyou and h continue may e and continue may h e may continue hto e h continue bless to e continue bless to and bless and to sustain bless to and sustain bless and sustain and sustain sustain the the u nited u the nited su the tates nited sthe u tates nited of sutates a nited of merica sa tates of merica s tates a . of merica .aofmerica a. merica . . W W W W W th th th th th it ness it ness the it ness the following it ness following the it ness following thesignatures the following signatures following signatures as signatures of as signatures the ofasthe 7of as 7day the of asday of 7the of m of the day 7arch mof 7day arch in m day of arch the in m ofthe arch year m in arch year the in of year the our in of the our year lof ord year our lof ord 2015. our lof2015. ord our l ord 2015. l ord 2015. 2015.
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